#think back to the slime villain incident... yeah...
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epickiya722 · 10 months ago
I'm sorry, but through this episode any time Katsuki didn't talk and his collar covered his mouth during those times, I thought back to the Sports Festival.
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Even crazier, this episode another "loud, blond" kid who has some connection with Izuku gets muzzled.
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freehideoutpuppy · 1 year ago
On my topic of finding Bakugo shitty! I have more problems with his! Let's start with his "take a swan dive off the roof and pray for a quirk in your next life" speech, shall we? So, first off, with the way Japanese schools are scheduled, Bakugo would've been 15 years old when canon was started. And as far as I'm aware, it's pretty universally known that most kids by 15 know right from wrong, yes? So that excuse that so many give of Bakugo being a child and not meaning it? Yeah, that's bullshit. Not a single thing about his behavior after that signifies he didn't mean it. He routinely tries to assault Midoriya on several occasions after his speech. And while some might argue that he wasn't trying to kill him during the quirk assessment test or the battle trials, I don't really think whether or not he was attempting murder makes a difference. Heck, in the MHA verse, a villain is someone who uses their quirk illegally to do almost anything. The very act of using a quirk when you don't have a license to do so is illegal. It's excused in Bakugo's case during the slime villain incident because he was the victim, but every other case? If Midoriya was even slightly less forgiving, Bakugo probably would've been imprisoned due to his volatile nature and his quirk use. And yet, all he ever gets is a slap on the wrist.
Even if we excuse his past behavior as part of his upbringing and treatment at his past schools, it doesn't excuse his actions. He's a menace to society at best. And let's not forget the worst ever punishments he received were failing the provisional licensing exam, which Horikoshi cushioned by having Todoroki fail as well. Which was another bullshit decision Horikoshi made that I'm still salty about FYI. And the aftermath of Deku vs. Kacchan part 2, where Bakugo got four days of in dorm suspension while Midoriya got three. Which was also bullshit! Midoriya didn't start that fight he didn't want to be there and yet he's still punished harshly because Bakugo is a piece of shit human being who can't handle his emotions like a normal person and has to be violent instead.
I've already touched on the bs apology, so I won't talk about that at this time, but ugh, I just feel like Bakugo has had everyone kiss his ass both in canon and irl and it grinds my gears. He's awful, and he hasn't really grown at all since every time he does get some good development, he immediately back slides, and all the development is gone. Could he have been a good character? Yes. Is he a good character in canon? Absolutely not.
Anyway, that's all I've got for now. Thanks for reading my rant!
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mesozoic-system · 4 years ago
Bakugou Katsuki is not as bad as he seems.
Okay, fine. That's a lie. Bakugou is a loud and obnoxious asshole with little to no character development and will snap at anyone who breathes on him the wrong way.
Now that that's out of the way, let's move on to why he's like that.
You all know what PTSD is, yeah? If not, it stands for "Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder". It's something that causes panic attacks, unnecessary aggression, trust issues, nightmares, anxiety, depression, and more. People will develop it after a traumatic experience. It takes years of therapy to recover... actually, most people never recover from it.
Fun fact: Katsuki canonically has PTSD. It's confirmed, and you know what? After everything he's been through, it's not much of a surprise. He's been through one tragedy after another and never seems to get a break.
When we first met Bakugou Mitsuki (Katsuki's mother) in chapter #96, we instantly realized how aggressive she was. I mean come on! She talked smack right in front of him and his teachers- in front of All Might who she knew her son was very fond of. Katsuki may be irritable, but to have your own mother backhand you in front of your own role model is a little much.
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Later on in chapter #165 during the Provisual License Exams, we get a little more information that only points towards more abuse- and this time it's not so verbal.
Most people paid no real attention nor gave it a second thought in these panels, but remember when Katsuki suggested to use violence against the kids? Of course, you'd look at it and wave it off as "normal Bakugou behavior", but what he says next took me by surprise:
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That's right. He was raised that way.
Which means either Mitsuki or Masaru (or both) had struck him in some way multiple times as he was growing up, and I doubt it was Masaru.
"Spoiled" my ass. He might have a strong quirk, but people don't turn into little monsters just by being praised. It'll definely boost his confidence, but not dramatically. This could also explain his aggression toward Midoriya. He realized how helpless he was and had power over someone else for once. But that's just a theory.
Okay, let's fast forward a bit. He's finishing up his third year of Middle School and is preparing for the UA entrance exams. He's pushed away his childhood friend to follow his own dreams and tells him to jump off the roof.
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And then he walks out the door only to regret it much, much, muuuch later in the series- y'know. The "character development" I was talking about.
Next time we see him though, he gets what he deserves.
One panel he's tramping through an alley with his friends, and the next, he's being swallowed alive by the most perverted-looking slime monster I've ever laid my eyes on.
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While Izuku's dreams are being crushed by his own hero, Katsuki is fighting for his life in the middle of town. He's struggling, but all he could do was look back at all the dozens of fearful eyes...
Right there. Right now. Look at him:
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He's terrified. He's humiliated and afraid and hurt and despite all of the heroes that were there, none of them had even attempted to save him.
And this is where it really starts. This is where it all begins. Next thing we know, Izuku's running straight for him... The boy Katsuki's bullied almost all of his life is risking his own in order to save him.
You know the story from there; All Might trains Izuku to withhold his power, they get accepted into UA, and then comes the Sports Festival.
Katsuki's already made up his mind: he's gonna win. He's willing to give everything he has to show the country what he's made of, and this may be his only chance to make up for the mishap several months ago. And Monoma, being a professional at making things worse by opening his mouth, rubs salt in the wound.
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It was pretty easy to predict Katsuki's reaction: pissed off and more than ready to prove him wrong. He does, but it cost him his "first place" during the Calvary Battle. But that's okay 'cuz it's not over yet!
Welcome to the next and last stage of the festival: The Battle Tournament, where all the kids get to beat the shit out of each other until only one remains.
Turns out, Katsuki does win. It was a foolproof plan: get Todoroki to go all out on him so he can make a final impression before the end of the day. But it was obvious that Shouto was still unsure of himself, so Katsuki did what he did best:
He had to piss him off.
But instead of getting angry and bursting into flames like he had planned, Shouto threw away the battle at the last second, and everything Katsuki had worked for with it.
No shit he's gonna be upset! He worked his ass off to get where he was, and the whole point was to leave himself a footprint! His entire life had been dedicated to that moment, and it faded away right in front of him.
Midnight put him to sleep and he woke up and threw a temper tantrum.
Now this is was UA did wrong:
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Why would you do that?! They were all aware of what happened to him only a few months ago, he obviously hasn't properly recovered from it, and they restrain him in front of thousands of people. They cover his mouth and gag him, lock his hands in a tiny metal box and expect him not to go insane. Helloooo?! Wake up! He's just a kid!
Several months go by and now it's time for camp. Katsuki is tired. They all are. It's been a long day of training and training and training, and suddenly villains come out of nowhere, and nobody is prepared. And who shows up? The League of Villains, and they're after certain students...
Tokoyami escapes safely, but Katsuki isn't so lucky.
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Just think about that for a second. When we see Shigaraki holding a picture of him, it's the one where UA tied him up. He knows what this child has gone through and he pities him. To be honest, I think the LoV treated him much better than anyone ever has (except maybe Kirishima). They're hesitant, but they treat him with kindness. They didn't just want him for his quirk. They saw what the heroes did to him and wanted to help him get the revenge he deserved.
But when All Might showed up (more like "burst through the wall like the Cool Aid man"), Katsuki is instantly teleported in the strangest way possible... and the most traumatizing.
He chokes out this weird slime-like substance that devours him within seconds. Thankfully it only last that long, but then again, the Sludge Incident, remember?
Yeah, bet that brings back some memories.
But what must have hurt him the most was All Might's downfall and early retirement. He said it himself:
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After several chapters, he finally burst. He's been holding all the pain inside of him until it bubbled over and he couldn't take it anymore. So he went to the only person he could- the person he hated and yet trusted the most.
Maybe the Class 1A concert helped him in a way. It seemed like it brought him down and maybe even relaxed him a little. And something incredible happens. Something we haven't seen from him at all until now...
(From here, I'll try to keep it short to avoid as many manga spoilers as I can. That and I'm tired...)
He began to change; started to support Izuku... in his own twisted way, of course. As chapters went by, he started to open up little by little. He admitted what he had done to Izuku in middle school to All Might, which had brought him some peace of mind. It wasn't quite the apology we had hoped for, but I guess it'll do.
And during the war, he made the greatest sacrifice, finally unlocking his quirk's full potential. Despite being unable to move, he used his quirk to throw himself in front of Izuku without thinking, taking a blow to his stomach. To his stomach.
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He was impaled.
Holy shit.
Last time someone had been impaled was Nighteye, and he died from his wounds.
But Katsuki somehow managed to survive... And woke up ready to beat Izuku's ass if he didn't wake up.
Anyway, that's all I have to say (so far). However, I'm excited for Season 5 of the anime series! Can't wait to see our new story animated! I mean, I've been watching the episodes as they come out, but still.
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lofitowns · 4 years ago
changing seasons
pairing. izuku midoriya x gn! reader
wc. 3.7k
summary. in which you’ve loved him since you were twelve and he’s always felt the same way (fluffvember 3/15)
an. in the quote, it talks about him giving reader his hoodie. i changed it so he buys the reader one just like his as a way to be more inclusive to all body types :)
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i had loved him since the age of 12. even at 12, i saw the stars in his eyes. even at 12, i knew that it was more than just a crush.
    Ever since you had known Midoriya, he was always talking about heroes. How they worked, what their goals were, how useful their quirks could be. Living powerless in a world of powerful people must be hard, especially when he wanted so desperately to be a hero.
    You felt bad for him, but that didn’t stop you from offering encouragement. He was so passionate that you couldn’t bring yourself to try and stop him.
    You met him on your first day at Aldera Junior High. You bumped into each other on your way to class, and you ended up asking him for directions. This led you to discover you had the same homeroom. What were the odds?
    He had stars in his eyes. They shined brighter than anything you had ever seen before, and you never wanted to see them go out. Whenever he was sad, you were the first person there to bring him back up. He tried so hard to be nice to everyone that you felt it was your duty to support him.
    You were attached at the hip. Never one without the other.
    Describing the feelings in your stomach when you saw him was difficult. It felt like you were going to be sick, but not in a bad way. Your chest always felt warm, and your hands sometimes grew clammy.
    When you expressed these symptoms to your mother, she simply laughed and told you it was “puppy love”.
    Maybe she was right.
at the age of 13, he kissed me for the first time. and it was beautiful. awkward, shy, not perfect, but beautiful.
    After a year of being friends, you and Midoriya knew each other considerably well. You trusted him, and he trusted you. You could tell each other anything and everything.
    But the topic of dating and relationships never came up. Maybe it was because you still felt like kids or simply because you were too shy. But it felt like everyone else was talking about it.
    Your other friends began to tell you about what their first kiss was like, whether it was good or bad, if they wanted to do it again.
    This caused you to become curious. What did kissing feel like? Sure, you’d kissed people in your family before, but that wasn’t the same. And there was only one person you could think of that you wanted to kiss.
    “Hey, Midoriya?” You were sitting on opposite sides of his bed, just hanging out after finishing your homework. This was a common occurrence. You would walk to his apartment after school to do your work, and you almost always stayed for dinner. His mom was one of the sweetest ladies you knew and always welcomed you to stay.
    He turned his head towards you, “Yeah?”
    “Have you kissed anyone?”
    Your question seemed to shock him. His back straightened, and his eyes went wide. “W-Why do you ask?” His face turned a tomato shade of red, causing you to laugh.
    “Well, I feel like everyone’s been talking about their first kisses. I still haven’t had mine yet, so I was just... Wondering.”
    The boy cleared his throat, shifting in his seat nervously. “I haven’t had mine either.”
    “Why don’t we just do it?”
    A squeak pushed past his lips, “D-Do it? Together?”
    You laughed again, “Come on, it’s not that big of a deal. We can say we’ve had our first kiss!”
    He seemed hesitant, green pupils flicking back and forth but never settling on you. He clenched and unclenched his fists before slowly nodding.
    “Yeah, okay. Why not?”
    You grinned at him, moving closer to his side of the bed. It did feel a little like you were being watched with all his All Might figurines and posters hung around you.
    Your cheeks began to feel warm, and you felt that sick feeling in your stomach once again. You heard someone refer to them as butterflies, so now that’s what you saw them as.
    They flapped their wings, tickling your sides. Sometimes they hammered, trying to break their way out of your ribs. You never felt them around anyone but Midoriya.
    He sat still as a statue, waiting on you to make the first move. You leaned in, placing your hands on the bed next to either side of his legs. All your movements were hesitant; the last thing you wanted was to scare the flustered boy.
    When your lips met his for the first time, you felt light. It was nothing like you had ever felt before. Your lips crashed together with noses bumping and foreheads knocking. It would have hurt if not for the euphoric feeling in your chest.
    You pulled away, letting out a small breath. Your eyes gazed back into his, and at that moment, you knew something changed.
    Before your lips could meet again, his mom knocked on the door.
    “Dinners ready you two!”
    The sudden commotion broke the pair of you apart. You fell back, knocking your papers to the ground.
    “Oh! (y/n)! Are you okay? I’m sorry,” Midoriya exclaimed, reaching forward to help you sit up. You shook your head with a smile on your face, “I’m fine. I promise.”
    He gave you a shaky laugh, rubbing the back of his neck. It seemed like he didn’t know what else to say.
    You took his outstretched hand in yours and pulled him off the bed. “Come on. It’s time for dinner.”
at the age of 14, he asked me out. he didn’t love me yet, but he liked me, and we were a team.
    You didn’t talk about that night again, but things were different.
    You sat closer together, and hugs began to last longer. He had become increasingly flustered around you and vise versa. It was never brought up though; it seemed easier that way. Neither of you wanted to confront these new emotions and lose your best friend.
    It wasn’t until you had to pick what high schools you were applying for that you felt a tug to tell him. You both applied to UA High School but weren’t optimistic about the prospects. Not with Bakugo claiming that he would be the only student from this school to go there and become the number one hero.
    You knew it was farfetched for Midoriya to be accepted. He didn’t have a quirk, but maybe, just maybe, he could get in through some other circumstances.
    As entrance exams grew nearer, you noticed something different about your friend. He had begun working out for one. And he had been spending more time by himself. You knew it could be one of two things.
    It could have been because of the incident with the slime villain. After that day, something had changed within him. Bakugo had even been taking it easier on him, which you thought was strange.
    Or maybe he was trying to train for the entrance exam. Even if it was that, you had said you would train together. He was supposed to help you gain better control over your quirk since he seemed to know more about it than you. He had notebooks filled with information on it.
    He seemed tired and strained, and you knew he had to be working himself too hard. But whenever you tried to mention it, he would get flustered and backtrack. It was getting a little bit annoying.
    On the day of the UA entrance exam, you hadn’t even walked together. He said he was getting in a bit of last-minute training and couldn’t walk you. That made your heart sink more than it likely should have. You did see him before it started but weren’t able to talk to him before Present Mic interrupted.
    It wasn’t until after that you finally saw him. Well, more like you heard about him. Since he wasn’t in your group, you ended up staying behind to look for him. What you weren’t expecting to hear was how “some green-haired guy busted his body up with his quirk”.
    There was no way that was Midoriya, right? He didn’t even have a quirk. There had to be plenty of other green haired boys at the exam. But there was a nagging in your gut that told you something was wrong.
    Then, you saw him limping. It wasn’t that noticeable, but after knowing him for so long, you could tell something was off. You walked him home, but the whole time neither of you spoke. You didn’t know how to bring up what you had heard, and he just looked... Sad.
    He invited you inside, and you agreed because you knew that the two of you needed some time to talk.
    You sat across from each other at his dining room table. You were chewing at your bottom lip as you tried to figure out what to say to him.
    “So, do you want to talk about it?”
    Midoriya’s eyes stared into yours, and you could practically see the gears turning in his head.
    “I’m sorry for not telling you. I have a quirk now, which is great, but I didn’t defeat any of the robots in the exam, so I don’t think I got any points. And I’ve been ignoring you when I shouldn’t have. I’m so sor-” You cut his rambling off by placing your hand on top of his.
    “It’s okay, just calm down.”
    He took a deep breath before speaking again, “I missed you.”
    You sent him a gentle smile, “I missed you too.”
    This time when he tried to explain things, he was more level headed. Even though he tried to get you to think he was telling you everything, you could see he was hiding something. But you didn’t want to push him, so you didn’t mention it.
    And just like that, things were back to normal. He was still sulky, but you were talking again, and you were happy.
    The week it took to get your letter from school went faster than you thought it would. When your mom handed you the letter with your name on it, you felt your stomach churn with unease.
    It seemed like that was all for nothing because when the holograph of All Might popped up, he excitedly shouted that you had made it in. Your first instinct was to call Midoriya, but right as you picked up the phone, there was a knock at your front door.
    Right when you pulled it open, the green-haired boy burst in and tackled you in a hug. He was panting and sticky with sweat, but you wrapped your arms around him just as tightly.
    “I made it in,” He whispered against your shoulder. You nearly gasped in disbelief as you told him the same.
    When he pulled back, you could see tears swimming in his eyes. He looked so, so happy. An overpowering feeling of emotion filled your body when you surged forward and pressed your lips against his. Just like you had done the year prior while sitting in his bedroom.
    His cheeks went red, but he responded instantly, resting a hand on your cheek. Again, the kiss was short, but it took your breath away.
    The two of you looked at each other for a few moments before bursting out in a fit of laughter. He wrapped his arms around you tighter and brought you close.
    “Would you want to go out this weekend?” He asked, voice coming out in stutters. You could feel the palms of his hands moisten, and you knew he was nervous. After a year of not mentioning these subtle changes, now seemed as good a time as any to do something about it.
at the age of 15, he gave me his favorite sweatshirt. and then i knew that boy loved me because he practically lived in that sweatshirt. i wore it almost every day.
    Everyone knew about Midoriya’s fascination with All Might. His whole dorm was filled to the brim with merchandise. Not to mention the pages upon pages he had written about him in his journal.
    Which is why it surprised you when he showed up at your door one day clutching a hoodie. It looked like his favorite, the one he had gotten through a special fan club event. You stared at the boy in confusion.
    “Hi! Um, hi!” His voice sounded a little shaky.
    You sent him a patient smile, “Do you want to come in?”
    He nodded after a few seconds of thought and stepped into your dorm. You watched him, confused as to why he had suddenly gotten so shy. You didn’t want to make him uncomfortable, so you waited for him to speak.
    “I was, um... I was talking to Uraraka, and she said that... She said that couples get matching clothes. So I was just wondering if you would want to wear this? I have the same one, and it’s my favorite, so I wanted to see you in it. I got it a little big, so you can feel like you’re wearing mine or something! Only if you want to though!” He was mumbling again.
    A small smile graced your lips. You moved closer to him, setting a hand on his shoulder. His words stopped abruptly, mouth hanging open as your eyes met. The look on his face immediately softened, closing his mouth and returning your smile.
    You took the sweatshirt out of his hands and pulled it over your head. It was warm, and it smelled like him. Had he put it on before bringing it over? The thought made the back of your neck heat up, and your heart flutter.
    Turning your gaze to him, you raised your arms before saying, “So, how do I look?”
    You could see his face becoming gradually redder, he even reached up to cover it. A nervous chuckle left his lips as he looked you up and down.
    The heat from your neck spread to your cheeks. You looked down while shaking your head and laughing, “Thanks, Izu.”
    The boy wrapped his arms around you tightly, nuzzling his nose into your neck. A breathy chuckle left his lips as you reached a hand up to pet his hair.
    “Come on, let’s watch that new show you wanted to check out!”
at the age of 16, he told me he loved me. he didn’t make a big deal out of it, just told me he loved me. i told him i loved him back.
    You dropped onto your bed on your stomach, groaning into your pillow. You heard chuckling behind you as Midoriya sat next to you. He began to run a hand up and down your back. His fingertips lightly tapped your skin, beginning to trace patterns.
    “There’s always the next one.”
    You had just gotten your most recent exam results back. You didn’t completely fail, but you thought you would have gotten a better score. All the time you had spent studying felt wasted. Maybe you were being overdramatic, but it was still frustrating.
    “Yeah, yeah, whatever.” You sighed before flipping over on to your back. Your eyes met his, and he smiled at you. God, his smile.
    When you had first met the boy, he had been chronically insecure. He was timid and was scared to speak up for himself. But he had grown a lot since then. You felt lucky that you had been around to witness it.
    You reached your arms out, and he instinctively fell into you. A content smile made it’s way to your lips as you ruffled his hair with your nose.
    You loved moments like this. Time where it was just the two of you with no homework to stress over or training to rush to. No villains threatening your lives. You could just lay in each other’s arms.
    Midoriya slowly began to tangle his legs with yours to pull you closer to him. His breath fanned over your neck, pressing a soft kiss to your skin. You threaded your fingers through his hair, rubbing gentle circles on his scalp.
    “(y/n)...” He whispered your name in an attempt to get your attention. You hummed in response.
    “I love you.”
    His words were simple, nonchalant. He kept his arms wrapped around you and his face in your neck. But you thought you could feel his cheeks getting hotter.
    Your heart was beating erratically against your chest, but you tried to play it off. Your breath had been knocked out of you, and heat began to creep onto your cheeks. You didn’t know he was freaking out as well, if not more than you.
    “I love you too.”
    at age 17, he gave me a ring. not a wedding ring, but a promise ring. with that ring, he told me that he promised to love me forever.
    Birthdays with class 1-A were always celebrated to the fullest. Even for the people that didn’t like excessive attention, the day always ended with them feeling special.
    On the day of your 17th birthday, you already knew what to expect. You’d wake up to Kaminari and Ashido pounding on your door, yelling celebrations. Breakfast would be your favorite, and you’d get a mass of happy birthdays. The rest of the day would be mostly normal up until everyone was back in the dorms. Then, you would be handed present after present from each of your classmates. Even the most reluctant ones (Bakugo) would get you something small. The three years you had all been together made you close.
    The night began to wind down after a while, but it was always fun to hang out with your friends. Everyone in class was so unique and meshed so well together. It made you so happy that you were able to be apart of a class like this.
    Ashido and Kaminari seemed to notice something off though. Throughout the whole night, they hadn’t seen your boyfriend give you a gift. Now that couldn’t happen! Not under their watch. They approached you when you were finally left alone on one of the couches.
    “Why hasn’t he given you anything?” The girl questioned as the pair slid into the seats on either side of you. Her eyebrows were furrowed, and her cheeks were puffed out.
    “Oh, well, I told him he didn’t need to get me anything,” You responded, looking between the two.
    Kaminari narrowed his eyebrows, “But he’s your boyfriend. He should still get you something. And it’s Midoriya we’re talking about.”
    You shrugged, “It’s okay. It doesn’t bother me.”
    And that seemed to be the end of it.
    That was until you made it back to your room that night. You had changed out of your day clothes and into your pajamas and began to get ready for bed.
    The knock on your door surprised you. When you went to answer it, your green-haired boyfriend stood in front of you with his hands behind his back.
    “Hey! You wanna come in?”
    He nodded, but his body language told you he was nervous. He was chewing his bottom lip, and it almost looked like he was shaking.
    The boy managed to make it to your bed, sitting down with his hands now in his lap. You stood in front of him, giving him a patient smile.
    “What’s wrong, baby?”
    Midoriya took a deep breath, looking between your eyes and his lap. Finally, he raised his hands. Resting in them was a small plastic pouch.
    You furrowed your eyebrows as you looked between the boy and the small item. You had no idea what it was or why he was so nervous to give it to you.
    He pulled the two ends apart and took your hand in his. He flipped it so your palm was facing upwards and emptied the contents there.
    There sat a green ring pop.
    Your eyes widened, and your heart jumped to your throat. No words came to mind; none of them sounded right.
    “I know we can’t get married yet... But you’ve been apart of my life for so long, and I couldn’t imagine it without you. This is just a placeholder,” His words hit your heart in a way that caused your eyes to tear up.
    He must have taken your lack of words as a rejection because he started sputtering out apologies. His hand reached out to take the ring back.
    “Oh! I’m sorry, was this a bad idea? You said you didn’t want me spending any money, but I wanted to get you something. I wanted to get you a real promise ring, but I couldn’t afford one... I’m sorry, you don’t have to take it-“
    You cut him off by leaning down and smashing your lips against his. You cupped his face with one hand, rubbing your thumb along his cheekbone. When you parted, you slipped the ring onto your finger, looking down at it and laughing.
    His eyes were still closed, as if he thought when he opened them, you’d reject him. But how could you do that after three years of dating him?
    “Izu, open your eyes.”
    You made your voice as soft as possible, this time cupping his face with both hands. His wide green eyes met yours, and in moments they became glassy.
    “I love you so, so much (y/n),” He told you, nuzzling his nose into your palm.
    “I love you so, so much Izuku.”
    Your lips locked once more, his tears mixing in and giving you a taste of salt. He pulled you down onto your bed so you didn’t have to continue standing.
    The pair of you laid on your backs, just staring up at the ceiling. You lifted your left hand in the air and stared at the green candy. Another laugh fell from your lips as you looked over at him. Now that his nerves had passed, he began laughing too.
    “Was it a stupid idea?” He questioned, rubbing the back of his neck. You quickly shook your head, “No, of course not. It was the sweetest thing anyone has ever done for me.”
    You looked at each other for a few moments before he grinned brightly at you. And there they were again, those butterflies you had felt so many years ago. And now you knew just how much you loved him.
    now we’re 18, and i have no idea what will happen next, but i know that we have plenty of life left and i’m looking forward to it.
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     thank you for reading :) have a good day!
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softer-ua · 4 years ago
mitsuki's behaviour is purposefully both a gag and low key abusive. let me tell you that there are plenty of gifted kids who don't grow up with overinflated egos and that depends largely on the parents. if horikoshi wanted katsuki to be a loud piece of shit of his own volition he would've given him normal supportive parents that can communicate. instead he gave us mitsuki, basically an older copy of katsuki without the insecurity. the family dynamic may not be abusive to todo and shimura levels, but it's most certainly unhealthy. all might acknowledges this within the series. and it isn't really the hitting that worries me, it's the fact that mitsuki doesn't seem to understand katsuki on an emotional level beyond 'he was good at everything and got praised a lot' and knowingly or not feeds his insecurities.
people justify that "you got kidnapped because you were weak" as Mitsuki being in a high stress situation but well... where? they're at home. it's been several days. they're on the couch with slippers talking to aizawa. what part of that is stressful?? like no matter how you see it, it's weird as shit.
tbh my headcannon is that with the bakugous beeing seemingly rich and all, judging by the size of their house, they travelled a lot and weren't rlly there for Katsuki as a kid. maybe they tried to make up for it by putting him in extra classes. this would explain why he's so independent, good at household chores + cooking and went to drum lessons. then as he grew up and his ego got more and more out of control, it was too late for masaru and mitsuki to parent properly and they had no idea how to deal with this volatile ass kid, so then starts the hitting and emotional abuse.
and idk why people are so averse to admitting mitsuki and masaru are not good parents and partly responsible for why katsuki is the way he is considering you could make a similar point for even inko midoriya (she helped hammer into izuku that heroism depends on quirks, and seemingly did nothing while her child was getting bullied for years)
not all parents have to be enji level deranged to be considered bad. katsuki and izuku's stories and backstories are firmly rooted in reality and their parents being real imperfect parents fits within that.
(it's kinda sad though that katsuki has barely any adult who hasn't fucked up when interacting with him in some way.
Heroes at slime villain incident- were prepared to let him die then immediately asked him to work for them after 0 medical check-ups or a single "are you ok?"
AM - completely oblivious to his very obvious misplaced guilt
UA faculty - sports festival ceremony
Present Mic - started siding with the crowd in Uraraka vs Kacchan and let the ceremony happen
Aizawa - sports festival ceremony + sitting back while his mom blames him for getting kidnapped
Mitsuki and Masaru - self-explanatory
Best Jeanist - says he wants to fix him with dumb shit like a forced hairstyle change + restrains him to a chair.
Endeavor - didn't even want to train him and Izuku until he found out they'd be going to some type of war soon.
has anyone ever checked on his wellbeing after the myriad of traumatic events that have happened to him like fuck man got kidnapped and no one was ever like, dude how you holding up? 😭 no wonder he's emotionally constipated)
Hitting it out of the park Anon
I think a part of the problem is that across cultures a lot people are taught to not criticize parents until it reaches Endeavor levels
Until then it’s “well no one’s perfect” and “they tried their best” like yeah absolutely but no ones above criticism either and criticism doesn’t mean you hate someone
Bad and good aren’t math problems that cancel each other out, life isn’t that clean cut
It’d do us all a lot of good to start getting comfortable talking about bad things, ideas like not talking politics at the dinner table and keeping things within the family is how things get as bad as they do
It’s how resentments build and situations spiral out of control
Imagine if Katsuki had 1 single time told Deku he feels like he looks down on him at any point in there lives ???
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yukichilovesbakugo · 5 years ago
Within Reach
Bakugo Katsuki x Reader
Chapter One
Warnings: Cursing
Master list
You sat in the back of the classroom, giving off little presences. You knew the kid next to you wished he could be just as invisible as you. His name was Midoriyo, or something like that, better known as Deku. Out of all your classmates, he's the only one that ever slightly caught your attention. He's quirkless and gets bullied a lot. However, despite that and his weak personality, he doesn't give up. It didn't really matter one way or another, it was just hard for you to understand. After yawning quietly, you heard the teacher walk in.
"Okay class, as middle school seniors, its time you started thinking of your desired career paths." He started to straighten out the stack of papers in his hands. "That being said, most of you probably want to become heroes, huh?" The teacher sighed. The whole class was happy to reply with a yesss~. You knew what was coming next. In front of you sat the kid with the BIGGEST ego you have ever seen. And, he also had a big mouth.
"Sensei, don't lump me together with these losers. With my quirk, I'm in a whole other ball game." He smirked, kicking his chair back. This, of course, started some small fights with other classmates. Well, until someone pointed out that he was aiming for U.A. Academy, the top hero school in the country. Then he just had to brag some more. Talking about how he aced the mock exam and how he's going to be number one. Man, he sure got annoying.
"Oh, speaking of which, there were two others applying to U.A., right? It was Midoriya and-" Before he could even finish, the class looked at the shrinking boy next to you. In unison, they all bursted out laughing. The poor boy tried to defend himself, but it was to no avail. As he was saying that just because he's quirkless, doesn't mean he is automatically disqualified, the ego boy used his quirk to send the boy backwards.
"EAT SHIT, DEKU!" He started approaching the weak boy. "You don't even have a quirk, so what gives you the right to compete on the same level as me!?"
"W-w-well." He was shaking in his boots. "Y-you don't know 't-til you try, r-right?" He had a point. Thinking you know the outcome without even doing anything is stupid. Mr. Ego was still approaching him with his quirk going off. You let out a deep sigh then raised your hand.
"Sensei. Isn't it again school rules to use quirks while class is in session?" You asked in a monotone voice, face expressionless.
"Ah, w-well," the teacher was a bit scared of the kid, no doubt. The boy turned his attention away from the Deku kid and onto you.
"Huh?" He looked at you to see the back of your head. You kept your face forward. "You gotta problem, shorty?" He went to launch an explosion near your face. Unfortunately for him, you used your own quirk. In the blink of an eye you ended up behind him, in front of the helpless kid, facing the doorway.
"Not really. I just think that someone wanting to be a hero should use his quirk more wisely. Instead of using it to scare a quirkless wannabe." You started walking towards the door with your hands in your pockets. "After all, if you're so great, you shouldn't have to worry about him, right?" You could practically hear this guy sizzle with anger. It was kind of fun to tease him.
"Oh yeah," the weak teacher spoke, "you're applying aswell, right L/n?" You paused at the doorway. After a moment of silence, you spoke.
"That's right. I'LL be number one." The door slid close behind you. "And I'll get my revenge." You muttered to yourself.
The school day was over. Well, you had already left early after that incident, but by now everyone else was out. You were walking around town looking for something to cure your boredom when you heard loud explosions. On instinct, you teleported near the source. It was a boy being attacked by some sort of sludge thing. And not just any boy, it was Mr. Ego. He was helplessly trying to free himself. All the pros nearby were unable to do anything in fear of hurting him, or their quirks weren't suited. You let out a long sigh, then got prepared to go help him. However, before you could even move, you saw the mouse. The little deku boy was sprinting towards him while throwing his things. You couldn't help but smile ever so slightly. 'That idiot, he's gonna get himself killed.' That was when the number one hero showed up. Hatred instantly filled you. You tried to reason with it, but the emotions was so deeply rooted. He defeated the slime villain and freed the boys. While everything was being cleaned up, you couldn't help but linger by. You had something you just needed to say. You watched as the boy yelled at the mouse.
"I never asked to be saved, least of all by you." Oh boy, he was pouting and throwing a fit. "You think I owe you some kind of favor? Don't you dare fucking look down on me!" Can't he just say thank you and be done with it? You just chuckled slightly. The angry boy stomped away. After he rounded the corner, you teleported around the next corner he would pass. When he got close you spoke.
"You know," he ended up getting startled and threw an explosion at you. You just teleported in front of him, facing away. "You should take a page from his book. Despite being quirkless, he still had the guts to try and save you."
"The fuck it matter to you, shorty? And what are you doing here?" He grumbled as he walked past you, hands in his pocket.
"I'm here to warn you. If you become a hero JUST for the glory, people will get hurt." He stopped in his tracks. "You have to want to save people without hesitation, or you'll never be a so called Hero." There was a long pause.
"And why are you telling ME this?" His angry voice raised a valid question. You chuckled softly.
"Because you aren't completely hopeless." He whipped his head around only to see you had disappeared. Of course, you were still close by. He grumbled under his breath before he yelled.
"FUCK YOU, SHORTY! I'LL BEAT YOU! YOU HEAR ME!? I, BAKUGO KATSUKI, WILL BE NUMBER ONE!!" He huffed after his outburst, then stomped away. You chuckled as you shook your head. 'Why am I getting involved with him?'
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zukuthehero · 5 years ago
Counseling, Revelations, and Babies
First Chapter || Previous Chapter || Next Chapter (coming soon) || AO3
##  Izuku POV  ##
I nervously walked with Aizawa-sensei to my quirk counseling.
Since Aizawa-sensei was going to be my counselor they were meeting in his office for now.
I clutched the notebook in my hands, filled with all the notes and theories as to how my quirk could work… leaving out the One for All aspects of course.
All Might would not be happy if I screwed up and told another person about One for All… even if Kacchan didn’t believe me about it.
I shook my head and realized we’d made it to Aizawa-sensei’s office.
“Alright, Problem Child, let’s get to it,” he held the door open for me.
I walked in and sat in the chair Aizawa-sensei motioned too.
“Now, did you finish your report on your quirk?”
“Yeah, uh, here-“ I scrambled to put the notebook on his desk, just one of the normal ones I bought the other week, “I wrote it all here.”
Aizawa-sensei flipped through the notebook, his gaze rapidly flitting across the pages.
“I’ll go through this after our session today. Today I just need you to tell me about your quirk, how you got it, that sort of thing.”
I nodded nervously, “Okay, um, where… where should I start?”
“Well, I know your quirk evolved a little bit before the entrance exam, what was the trigger? Do you know exactly when it evolved?”
Okay, I guess… I’ll just have to wing it? Starting with the slime villain, I can say that was a trigger, but that… my body couldn’t really access the quirk until my training reached a certain point?
“So, about… a year ago? I was going home from school and uh, I was going under and underpass, then- then a slime villain attacked me. It… it was scary…”
I looked down at my hands, that had been a very scary time.
“BUT! But then A-uh, All Might showed up and he- and he defeated the slime villain. Then he uh-“
Wait how to explain this part?
“He brought me to a roof to calm down away from other people… Um, he ran out of time so we sat there for a few minutes and uh, then we headed off… but then we heard an explosion so Uh- All Might went ahead to see what happened.”
Okay so nailed that…
Aizawa-sensei leaned forward, “It’s fine for you to call him Uncle here, I already know that he’s your uncle. But was the attack by the slime villain what unlocked your quirk?”
I chewed my lip, right I forgot about that. Call him… Uncle Might? Uncle Yagi? Uncle Yagi I guess…
“Right well, it was maybe that time? Or it was what happened next…”
“And what happened next?”
“I was heading home again, but I ended up walking past where the explosion was… Uh- well, It was Kacchan… The slime villain slipped away earlier, and well… It caught Kacchan…”
Aizawa-sensei handed me a bottle of water, “Take your time.”
I sipped the water, reorganizing my thoughts. I need to explain the next part carefully.
“I was moving before I could really think, running at the slime villain. I… I threw my bag at the slime villain, my book was at the top and attheangleIthrewthebagatitcameoutandhittheslimevillainintheeyeand-“
“Slow down a little Problem child, I can’t quite catch that.”
“Right I uh, I threw my back, and my book came out of it, then it, it uh, it hit the villain in the eye, then I kinda… clawed at the villain? I tried to get Kacchan out…”
I looked down at my hands, “It didn’t really work and the slime villain was about to attack again.”
I swallowed, then shook my head, “But uh, Uncle Yagi attacked it and beat it! So, we were fine. Then… something felt different? I don’t know how to describe it, it was like…”
What did it feel like when I first used the power…
“Like there was energy just sitting there needing to be released? My brain was moving so fast… I felt like I needed to do something…”
Aizawa-sensei nodded, he seemed to be noting that down.
“A- Uncle Yagi noticed something off… He said he might have an idea what was happening. So, he spent the next few months training me to be able to handle the energy? I guess? It uh… it was tiring but, but it helped a lot I think.”
Aizawa nodded, “Then you said you didn’t get to test the quirk at all before the entrance exam?”
I nodded, “Un-Uncle Yagi said that he thought I’d be able to handle the strain then… He thinks my quirk is similar to his….”
Aizawa nodded, “Then why the damage?”
I straightened, I actually had thought a lot about this, “The energy basically strengthens my hits, it goes out in huge blasts, pure power. My body can’t handle the backlash from that power. I’m unsure if when I attacked the Nomu it was because the Nomu’s shock absorption absorbed the attack in full, negating the backlash, or that it was because I subconsciously lowered the amount. Regardless the strain of the backlash does a lot of damage. It doesn’t do any damage to just hold my quirk in my arms, but it can ache after a bit…”
Aizawa scribbled down everything I said.
“Alright then, so how do you feel your quirk works? How does it feel to activate it? Looks? How have you been practicing it?”
“Uh, well, it feels… invigorating… it’s like, I’m suddenly overflowing with energy that’s just trying to force it’s way out, like an egg about to explode in the microwave.”
Aizawa-sensei jerked, a look of worry on his face, “What?”
I hesitated, “Well, that’s… that’s how I’ve been imagining it…”
His eyes narrowed, “I see, continue.”
I pulled out one of my pens again…
“Um, I guess it looks like red lines and green light? Sometimes it’s sparks when I lower the amount of power I’m using. But I don’t know how to keep it at the sparks level consistently.”
He made some more notes, “Alright, we can work on that, don’t worry.”
I nodded, “I’ve just been practicing calling it up and doing normal things with the power in my arms. It makes me ache a bit but otherwise doesn’t hurt.”
He nodded, “Alright, any other notes you can think of for a base on your quirk work?”
I hesitated, well, the quirk stockpiles energy but it never seems to run out so I’m still wondering what the source of the energy might be… It doesn’t seem to draw from me. I twisted the pen apart. It doesn’t make me tired to use it. I’ll have to pay attention, it has to be drawing power from somewhere, and it can’t just be the previous holders. That would be a very finite energy supply.
“I don’t think so, I’m just unsure where my quirk draws energy from.”
He hummed, “Well, we’ll try to figure that out as we go. How’s that sound?”
I nodded, twisting the pen back together.
“Now then, lets go over what you’ve told me. Your quirk likely evolved as a result of the slime villain incident, it felt like a lot of energy in you needing to be released, seemed to speed up your thinking so has likely been doing so passively for a while, puts strain on your body when you call up the energy, glows when used fully, and has an unknown area where it draws power.”
I started taking the pen apart again but nodded.
“Alright, we’ll start next session, but for now I’ll explain what we’ll do.”
He pulled out a piece of paper.
“First, we’ll see you use your quirk, not to attack anything but just calling it up and letting it go. We’ll have you do basic exercises like that. We’ll try to see how long you can hold the quirk before it starts causing you to ache, and then we’ll see if that time can be raised depending on how often you use the quirk.”
I smiled, that sounded like something I could do.
“Once we’re confident you won’t break all your bones throwing a punch we’ll have you start trying drills just in the air, without an opponent. We don’t want to accidentally hurt anyone. Maybe we’ll have you try running and see if it affects your speed, do some obstacle courses and the like too.”
I started rearranging the pieces of the pen. “Okay.”
“During all of this we’ll see if we can’t figure out where the energy is coming from, it will be good to know to see if you can purposefully gather more energy, or if you just gain energy passively.”
I nodded.
“Any questions?”
I thought for a long moment, slowly beginning to piece the pieces of the pen back together, “No I don’t think so…”
Aizawa-sensei nodded, offering me a faint smile, “Alright then. We’ll start tomorrow. You have Pre-Calc next I believe, so you’d best be off.”
I smiled, “Thank you Aizawa-sensei!” I bowed quickly then grabbed my bag and hurried off, closing the door gently behind me.
##  Aizawa POV  ##
I walked into All Might’s office with a groan.
“Your nephew is going to need a lot of help in quirk counseling.”
I saw All Might hang up the phone.
“Did it not go well?”
“No, it went fine, but I just read through his notebook.”
I sat down, not like his mom was here for me to tell all this too. All Might would do I suppose.
“He can’t use the quirk for anything without harming himself, he’s been practicing just holding it.”
“Yes, he told me that, it seems like a good strategy.”
“Yes well, it’s going to take time for him to learn to use it. And I have the bad feeling he’s going to want to use it in the Sports Festival regardless of how good he is at using it.”
“That’s a great time to make his mark! I’m sure he’ll do excellent.” All Might seemed very happy at the thought.
“All Might he can’t use the quirk without breaking bones right now, three weeks will not be enough to get him fully functional with the quirk. The energy output is too high. His body can’t handle that kind of energy. It’s probably had years to build up with almost no outlet.”
“Well, a few broken bones on the road to greatness is to be expected?”
I stared at him, has he ever dealt with children before? He’s Midoriya’s uncle!
“All Might,” I started slowly, “If he breaks his bones too many times they may heal wrong, and if the breaks are bad enough he may have scars from it. He should not have scars from it. He is a child and encouraging him to do things that would hurt him is not how we work.”
All Might blinked, “Oh.”
I sighed, “Pick up a teaching book at some point All Might. Geeze.”
I shook my head as I stood, “Regardless, make sure you don’t encourage the problem child to do something dumb, he needs to take care of himself.”
“Er, yes Aizawa-san.”
##  Nedzu POV  ##
I hummed, thinking back on my lesson with Midoriya Izuku.
That boy was truly something.
He was very clever, clearly well learned. He was very good at languages, I would have to give him placement tests for the languages he mentioned to see just how good.
His grades from school don’t reflect his knowledge, and his comment on being quirkless… I was not happy about that.
The boy had so much potential, he was clearly extremely smart, and his analysis skills were nothing short of genius.
His father clearly agreed if he was encouraging Midoriya so much. The languages were good ones for business and travel. They would be excellent for dealing with tourists as a hero too. I would have to encourage his skills with languages, French was a hard one, Russian was a little easier. I’d find some resources for Midoriya.
I should also get him working on sign language, that would be a good one to add to his skill list.
But back on his quirkless comment, I’d have to look into his school.
If he was afraid of people’s reactions to his knowledge, it was likely for a reason.
If the school would allow one child to be harmed, it’s likely they’re allowing others to be harmed as well.
If there’s one thing I can’t stand it was harming a child.
It was despicable.
I’ll be sure to deal with it quickly. Perhaps I’ll let Midoriya help me with it.
I smiled at the thought, moving to prepare some tea. Yes, Midoriya could use it as an exercise in undermining threats through the media.
That was an excellent idea.
I would also be sure to check on Midoriya, to make sure he was putting the work in here.
He’s already getting advanced education on Pre-Calc.
I believe he should be there now, hopefully he’s enjoying the class.
His father encouraged math a lot as well.
His father encouraged him a lot it seems, he didn’t make comments about his mother encouraging him.
I wonder about that.
But some of his comments about his dad interested me.
Apparently, his father was skilled at quirk analysis, enough so to encourage Midoriya to do so, and for Midoriya to say that his dad helped teach him to do it.
Midoriya was also clearly lying about his father being overseas, but I believe I know why.
After all, Analysis experts are high level targets for villains, and highly sought after for heroes.
It would definitely explain his vague file for him to be an analysis expert, the government was more than willing to hide details about them to keep them safe.
I’m unsure which Analyst he might be, but I’m sure I’ll be able to figure it out in time.
His father seemed to be more than willing to encourage him to be what he wanted, that’s the sort of thing a good parent does. Regardless of who his father is I’m sure he’s fine. I’ll look into it regardless, but I doubt I’ll find anything I’m not expecting.
Midoriya wants to be a hero that helps everyone. He has a lot to learn to reach that point.
I couldn’t help but grin at the thought, I have so much to teach him.
He’ll learn all about coding, that’s a necessity, and of course hacking, how to deal with the media, practice putting large scale strategies into effect, learning how to account for all the factors that could occur, how to take down buildings with just a few strikes, how to ruin people with a few well placed words, and of course, how to use his brain to destroy his opponents.
He wants to help everyone, he’s going to need to understand the underworld for that. I would also need to teach him how to gain allies, informants, how to work a network.
All Might certainly picked an interesting successor, I think I’m going to have a lot of fun teaching him to terrorize the others.
I laughed as I took a sip of my tea, ignoring the yelp from Present Mic outside my office and the scrambling feet.
Yes, Midoriya Izuku would make an excellent successor, I can’t wait to get started.
##  Mei POV  ##
“I need to make some adjustments to my suit.”
My head snapped up, hearing the soft voice speaking to Power Loader-sensei.
I wasn’t technically supposed to be here during lunch, but I had to work on my babies. This seemed like the perfect opportunity to show off though!
“What’s that!?” I hurried over, “You want to adjust your suit?”
I grinned, “Hi I’m Mei, I’m just the person you’re going to want to do that!”
I grinned at the kid with green hair, I hope he has interesting requests.
He chewed his lip, looking at Power Loader-sensei.
Sensei just sighed though.
“Alright Mei, Midoriya-san, Mei will be helping you figure out your new hero costume. Let me know if you need anything that she can’t figure out.”
I pouted at the thought, of course I’d be able to figure it out!
“Come on green bean!” I chirped, yanking him over to my area, carefully moving my babies out of the way, “let’s get to work on some babies!”
I ignored his confused face as I snatched the blueprints for his suit from his hands.
“Now then, what do you need?”
I have a few babies that might help him, but I wanted to try and preserve them for the Sports Festival, I’ve got to show off my babies after all!
“Um, well- I uh, I figured out something new about my quirk and… I need to adjust a few things?”
I grinned, “Okay! What did you need adjusted?”
I studied the notes made, looks like he hasn’t even used it yet.
“I was wondering if I could get braces added for my arms and legs? And maybe something to reinforce my feet? My quirk puts a lot of strain on my body. I was hoping I could keep it- that I could keep it fairly streamlined still though… And uh…”
He paused, seemingly thinking of something, “Could I make it fire proof? And maybe have a few more pockets? Maybe some reinforcement over all as well? I just don’t want it to impede my movement… Also, I was hoping to keep the same rough outline for it.”
I nodded rapidly, taking notes quickly.
The things I could do with this! I really want to figure out something to brace his arms that would be truly streamlined, that would be brilliant! I would definitely get attention for it.
And if his quirk puts a lot of strain on his body… He could use it for the Sports Festival! He’d need something to keep himself from being injured from his quirk and if I could make streamlined braces that could handle it and he used it I could advertise! Prove my babies work even under duress!
I’m gonna do it. I’m determined to now.
“Absolutely! I’ll make you something to brace your arms and legs in no time! Something streamlined you said? Don’t worry, you’ll have it in time for the Sports Festival! I’ll make sure it’s separate from your hero costume so you can keep it with you too!”
His eyes widened, “Wait really? I thought the hero course wasn’t allowed Support Gear? Since it would be considered unfair.”
I grinned, “You just have to fill out a form, if your quirk puts strain on your body than having something to minimize that strain would be fine as long as it does nothing else! Don’t worry, the final versions will have extra stuff added. My babies won’t be boring!”
He stared, “Oh! So, your babies are your inventions? That’s cool! Do you really think you can make something by the Sports Festival?”
“Of course I can! I’m Mei Hatsume! You have no need to fear! I’ll have it done for you no problem.”
He grinned, “That’s amazing, you must be a really good inventor! What about the other things for my suit?”
“Don’t worry about those, most of them are basic things, the companies will be able to do it no problem. Do you want any extra bits? Do you want the mask to have better filters? They seem pretty basic from what I see. Or do you want a better hood?”
“Ah, my mom made the original so I kinda want to keep it the same?”
“Sentimental, got it! Well, I’ll make sure it stays as close as possible! Don’t you worry your pretty little head!”
He grinned at me again, “Thanks!”
“Can I see your quirk? See how it affects you and all?”
“Oh yeah, let me…” He held out his arms.
My eyes widened as the energy built up, red flowing over his arms in almost vein like patterns, I made note of where they were. They started sparking green almost immediately after the red veins, then it settled to a glow that steadily got brighter.
I could practically feel the power in his arms.
Oh yeah, that’s gonna be a strain on his body.
“Hmm, that’s definitely a strain on the body. I’ll have to be careful about the materials I use… Welp! Thanks for showing me! I’ll have it ready soon, come by tomorrow so I can get proper measurements and stuff, I have stuff to do now.”
I grinned at him as he beamed at me, his quirk slowly fading from his arms.
That quirk was gonna be great for me, I can already tell.
This is definitely the start of a great partnership.
“Don’t forget to come to me, Mei Hatsume! Any time you need anything! I make most everything!”
He nodded, “You’ll be my go to.”
I beamed, “Now get out! I have work to do.”
He laughed, waving as he headed out.
What was his name again? I dunno know, I’ll just call him Green Bean, seems simpler.
Now to get to work.
##  AFO POV  ##
I took a small sip of the tea I’d made, and almost choked when Tomura yelled through the camera.
I paused for a long moment.
“I was looking through any videos that I could find that mentioned any of them! I found the dumb blondie blow up boy involved in a villain attack about a year ago, and Otouto ended up trying to save him from it!
I took a slow breath.
Katsuki Bakugo, I despise that brat. The way he treats my son is unacceptable.
The fact that my son risked his life to try and help the kid isn’t surprising, but it does anger me. The boy deserves to die for how he’s treated my son.
I’ve left him alone because Izuku cares so very much, but perhaps I’ll encourage Tomura to punish him just a little more.
“Excuse me?”
“Otouto almost died because of that brat! And Sensei that attack was about a year ago! It probably terrified poor Otouto. Fear has been known to cause quirks to appear or evolve.”
I hummed, slowly sipping my tea.
“That is likely when his quirk evolved into the form he has now.”
I’m glad that Izuku got a quirk like he’s always wanted, but the fact that it came at the risk of his life was not encouraging.
If he’d truly wanted one I would’ve been happy to pick one for him, any quirk would do really. As long as he was happy, and safe.
But this quirk was harming him apparently, and if it is partially a mutation on his mind for the mental enhancement it might damage him for me to take it away. I wasn’t happy about that.
He was also being a hero, and that was going to put him in a lot of danger.
This villain attack was the reason my son was in danger.
“Who is this villain?”
“A slime villain, no name released. Though it’s probably not hard to find out who they are, not many quirks like that.”
I nodded, “Find this villain and bring them to me.”
I paused, “Alive.”
“Yes Sensei.”
I could hear the blood thirsty promise in Tomura’s voice, he would insure that the villain would be brought to me alive. Though not necessarily unharmed.
My mind flashed to my little brother, who wanted to help people so badly but despised my way of doing it.
My brother who wanted to be a hero, who was so sickly, and I just wanted to protect him.
My brother who left me the moment he had a quirk of his own.
I would not let the heroes take my son from me like they took my brother.
I still mourn him, I refuse to mourn my son.
His safety comes first, even before his happiness. If need be I would take him away from the heroes and keep him here, safe and sound.
It would devastate him, and I would hate to hurt him like that. To take away his dream.
But I refuse to lose him. I refuse to let anything happen to him.
If he shows that he’ll be able to keep himself safe even as a hero, perhaps I’ll allow him to continue on.
For all that I want him safe, I want him happy too.
My brother left the moment he got the chance, he chose to be happy over being safe, he chose to be happy over me.
Locking Izuku up would be a last resort, I don’t want him to hate me after all.
I will insure his safety though, nothing was more important than that.
##  Reporter POV  ##
The reporter couldn’t believe his luck.
Where every other reporter had failed to get a statement from All Might, not only had he gotten a statement, but he’d also gained a little bit of information right before the call hung up.
He couldn’t wait to get this out there, it would be the biggest news since All Might’s debut!
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harley-style · 6 years ago
villain deku
but the theme is to the tune of ‘love the way you lie’ by Skylar Grey
On the first page of our story The future seemed so bright Then this thing turned out so evil I don't know why I'm still surprised
basically deku’s whole ‘i wanna be a hero’ childhood but he’s constantly shut down
then he realizes the corruption in hero society
our boy tries, he really does, but there’s only so many excuses he can make for his heroes before they start getting stale
Even angels have their wicked schemes And you take that to new extremes But you'll always be my hero Even though you've lost your mind
so yah, corruption in the industry
then he sees bakugo and thinks ‘oh no, HE’S gonna be the next generation
but deku’s still wanting to believe in kacchan.
Just gonna stand there and watch me burn Well that's alright because I like the way it hurts Just gonna stand there and hear me cry Well that's alright because I love the way you lie I love the way you lie I love the way you lie
canon throwback to the first episode, but this time deku’s bitter as fuck
also the slime incident, i guess
then transition to ‘well if the heroes need to change, maybe i can be the reason for this change.
and then...y’know. future stuff. izuku is now a wanted criminal. he’s being hunted by like, a lot of heroes and notorious for being a dangerous threat against japan...also being largely speculated to be an accomplice of all for one
but yeah, no, he’s not, he still believes in heroes. he’s just largely disillusioned (THANKS A LOT STAIN)
Now there's gravel in our voices Glasses shattered from the fight In this tug of war you always win Even when I'm right
okay so bakugo finds out about izuku and confronts him
you can see this doesn’t go over well
bc largely the reason izuku manages to stay anonymous is bc katsuki has NEVER put himself directly in izuku’s way
and izuku, no matter how advanced his shit it, is no match for kacchan’s sheer stubborness
and only gets out bc he throws kacchan off guard with a casual but really deep remark that hits bakugo RIGHT IN THE FEELS
‘Cause you feel me fables from your head With violent words and empty threats And it's sick that all these battles Are what keeps me satisfied
cue bakugo remembering all the shit he said to deku before...this
the bullying, the taunting, the toxic relationship he had with izuku
izuku smiles creepily as well in the future as they fight
like he’s really fucking glad but like, what the fuck???
Just gonna stand there and watch me burn Well that's alright because I like the way it hurts Just gonna stand there and hear me cry Well that's alright because I love the way you lie I love the way you lie I love the way you lie
some cutscenes of inko crying over katsuki bc, well, surprise, izuku apparently faked his death.
katsuki is torn whether to tell inko izuku’s alive bc she hasn’t seen the news yet
but like
too late, she knows already and is begging katsuki to bring her son back, poor woman
cut back to izuku throwing a fit in his room or smth, like he really does lose it and shit gets thrown around, izu bby, are you alright?
So maybe I'm a masochist I try to run but I don't wanna ever leave Till the walls are going up In smoke with all our memories
izuku doesn’t want to stop his...uh, ‘job’ now that he’s so far into it
so he decides to make one last grand finale
that he wants the ENTIRE heroic industry, even just the japan one, to feel.
Just gonna stand there and watch me burn Well that's alright because I like the way it hurts Just gonna stand there and hear me cry Well that's alright because I love the way you lie I love the way you lie I love the way you lie I love the way you lie
ofc katsuki wins
but like
the war is won by izuku
bc he takes out a LARGE number of...well, both villain lords and possibly a few hero agencies that have shady ties
then makes a grand speech an’ all
also did i mention izuku orchestrating his suicide?
 he inserted a poison onto himself that activated a full day after ingestion? yah, our boy got smart.
he’s also broadcasting this live
turns out he’s been feeding underground heroes their information. all of them were true but it leaves a sour feeling in pro-heroes’ mouths, which was the entire point. 
izuku wants the public to SEE the flaws in the industry. the whole glorification of heroes is like, really bad now. maybe actually HOLD preliminary evaluations ANNUALLY???
like, do you really want a repeat of Endeavour?
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sweetcloverheart · 8 years ago
Alrighty I’m gonna ramble about a DekuBaku roleswap because I have ideas and I almost never hear about OFA!Bakugo unless it’s a Villian!Deku AU so lets go (Probably ooc for a lot of characters and things so apologies) -
So yeah in this AU Katsuki is the one who’s quirkless
Which means a lot of bullying
Especially from kids who had at that point been practically worshiping the ground he walked on and are now basically treating him like an untouchable kids are mean
Which also means a very angry and pissed off kid Katsuki dealing with all this the only way how - being pissed at everyone and lots of yelling
But he’ll be damned if it let’s being quirkless get in the way of him becoming the number one hero
Basically, If Izuku’s desire to be a hero is fueled by pure, plain determination, Katsuki’s is fueled by pure, unadulterated spite
“Why are you trying so hard to be a hero?” “Cause fuck’em, that’s why.”
Beside’s if All Might can never lose to villains, than why should Katsuki lose to his quirklessness? Heroes never lose and neither does Bakugou.
Speaking of Izuku, his quirk takes a pretty long time to actually manifest (A whole year after his entire class developed their own), so he relatively stays in the same boat as Bakugou until a certain point
Even after Katsuki’s quirkless status was revealed, Izuku has not only stuck with him but actively stood up for him (I refuse to believe Izuku would EVER pull the stuff Katsuki did in canon if their roles were swapped. He would stick by him no matter what and he would defend his right to be a hero even if he got a punch in the face (from Bakugou) for it), 
But aside from that the initial relationship remained like it did in canon (with Izuku constantly following after Katsuki and Katsuki constantly being seemingly “better” than Izuku at everything). There’s still some tension though because the only thing squarely keeping Izuku under Katsuki and still his friend socially is this and the fact his quirk hasn’t manifested yet, and he knows it.
This is not helped by Izuku obsession with quirks either
The forrest scene is precisely where the Bakudeku friendship overturns as it’s at the moment Katsuki falls off the log that Izuku’s quirk manifests (I like to think if Izuku ever had a quirk, he’d inherit Inko’s), with him accidentally using it to try and save him
This sets Bakugou off, not just because Izuku saved him, with a quirk, but because despite now having a quirk, Izuku’s behavior hasn’t change. He’s still trying to help him; and Bakugo can’t understand why.
Especially since the other kids who were supposedly Bakugou’s “friends” up and left the moment Bakugou wasn’t worth something for them to follow anymore. 
Which leads Bakugou (with a year’s worth of bullying, societal conditioning, and questioning Izuku’s sincerity) coming to the (incorrect) conclusion that now that his quirk has manifested, he will eventually leave, joining the “winners” while Bakugou is left behind. Izuku is capable of standing above him now and has no reason to stay with a “loser”
And it particularly stings because Izuku is his friend supposed to be a “loser” too - the kid who can’t use “big kid” kanjis, who tries to skip stones but they just sink in the water, who can’t bounce balls as high he can, and constantly trails after Bakugou talking about how cool and amazing he is. Someone like that developing the power you’re told you’re never going to develop ever would maybe sting a little for a little kid.  
For the first time since hearing he was quirkless, Bakugou feels like he has “lost”. And we all know how Pre-character development Bakugou feels about losing. 
It ends as you expect - Bakugou ends his friendship with Izuku and takes every opportunity to fight him and prove himself better and has warped it around his desire to be a hero as well. He is determined to “beat” Izuku no matter what.
Meanwhile, Izuku’s best friend hates him now and he can’t understand what he did wrong. He does try to fix things, and he still tries to help out Katsuki when the bullying gets worse
Which weirdly eggs Bakugou on more for whatever reason.
Years pass. Enter: the slime incident
I imagine while he now lacks the status necessary for the teachers/adults in his life (outside of his parents) to enable the behavior that gave us Chapter1!Bakugou, all the bullying/passive agressive comments give Bakugou a lot of anger issues that he doesn’t deal with in a healthy manner. At all. He’s basically a ball of anger and hurt with none of the school staff really knowing how to deal with him. Izuku, on the the other hand, now with a quirk and no years of being bullied/abused by Bakugou has become more social/open, even if he’s still shy. He manages to just stay under the radar and fade back since he’s just really quiet and considered a “nerd” that doesn’t really need his class’s attention. Like, the only thing that gets him any semi-focus is his interactions with Katsuki
Izuku still meets All Might first, he just doesn’t get to see his real form.
Katsuki takes learning the truth about All Might weirdly...well. I mean, naturally he’d be upset and confused at first but, after letting the info settle, he gets why he did it, and then kind of admires him for it because even with a freaking hole in his stomach All Might never stopped being a hero and continued winning his fights and still helped people and - Katsuki’s just blown away by how dedicated this man is to being the number one hero for everyone.
Now you’re probably (rightfully) asking yourselves - “Why would All Might give Bakugou of all people One For All?”
Because for whatever reason, Toshinari sees an actual genuine desire to become a hero under all that cursing and undirected rage and a potential to make it real, and dammit he’s going to make it real!
He also sees a frustrated and angry kid society just left on the wayside because he can’t make his hands explode sorry Kacchan you’re getting Dadded whether you like it or not
A lot of the training also includes attempted anger management talks between them since Katsuki is an angry little shit and the last thing Toshi needs to hear is that his student punch down a building because someone bumped him
The enterance exam is pretty normal minus Bakugou freaking everyone out with his mangled arm (that barely stops him from continuing the test and only stops when forcibly removed to get medical treatment).
Katsuki manages to get a pretty high hero score, he probably waits until he finds the high point robots gathered and then SMASH!
Izuku somehow accidentally gets the highest rescue points by helping other students avoid getting crushed by debris and everyone else’s attacks
Izuku is pretty interested in how Katsuki managed to suddenly develop a Quirk but he’s also very happy and proud that his childhood friend can attend classes with him and finally achieve his dream (which Katsuki hates)
The ranking test is so wild! Bakugou spends the entire time trying to one-up everyone and Izuku is barely scraping by but trying his best and Aizawa is just exhausted with everyone let the man rest please
Katsuki barely (And I mean BARELY) manages to keep himself from simply being expelled on virtue of his being a little shit due to showing that yes - he is capable of being serious about his becoming a hero and number one hero at that, but does tells him to get his head out of his ass if he wants to succeed
The hero/villain practice battle goes...badly
teamups are as in canon, only instead Izuku and Uraraka go after Iida immediately as they deem him a higher priority target. They’re winning at first, then Katsuki shows up.
and he is primed and ready to unleash about 10 years worth of pent up feelings on Izuku and anyone who gets in his way.
The entire thing is a mess - walls are crashing, fists are flying, someone is definitely crying. It’s a back and forth of Katsuki trying to kill Izuku and Izuku trying very very hard not to die
Things don’t really seems too bad (even with everything) until Katsuki actually knocks away (and out) Iida for trying to stop him cause friend pal you’re being a little extra there it’s just a test friend.
All Might almost stops the test until Izuku barely manages to grab a win by the skin of his teeth (mainly by taking advantage of the fact of Katsuki not paying any attention to the damage he’s doing to their surroundings and Ochako sacrificing reaching the objective to help Izuku), though officially his team still loses for not “stopping the bomb”
Everyone is both thoroughly impressed and greatly terrified (Of who though - no one knows)
Katsuki’s self hatred doubles because not only did he lose (a win by technicality is no win in his book), but he brought the loss on himself by letting his anger override everything.
Izuku, to his surprise, does not hold it against him. He’s always thought Katsuki is strong and the fight proved it with how well he’s done with a quirk he’s obviously not 100% used to and how hard he’s pushing to get ahead of everyone he’s however still terrified of how close he was to possibly dying though. In actuality the fight made him realize that he’s been kind of relying too much on the fact his quirk is “weak” and has encouraged him to work harder to get on the same level as everyone
and Katsuki, in all his Katsuki-ness, is both livid and frustrated cause dammit Deku how dare you say something that...nice!? And Katsuki has renewed his goal of being number one Hero and leaving Izuku in the dust and he’s going to do it properly so he better watch out
Dadmight is, of course, proud of this self-reflection, but still has to be Dad first (”I’m not mad Bakugou my boy, just disappointed”)
And that’s all I have goodnight folks thanks for reading and ask questions if you want!
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