#think I'm still running off the high of ffxivwrite
bagroft · 10 months
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oops naked moody with a sky background salad portrait numBER THREE but with some new shiny scars I guess :D
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graha-stan-account · 1 year
Once Bitten, Twice Shy: Day 11
Once bitten, twice shy: idiomatic. A person who has failed or been hurt when trying to do something is careful or fearful about doing it again. 
Present; Napha and Dajhir are on a sibling date in La Noscea. Once they get past bickering, Dajhir finally opens up a bit about his recent past.
FFXIVWrite 2023 Masterlist
The moon was high over Camp Bronze Lake, the odd raindrop plunking down into the mineralized waters of the hot springs as the distant crickets of late summer renewed their song. 
"I know you think I'm a fool." K'dajhir turned away from the moon, facing his sister. "A harlot." He tilted his head. "As someone so straight-laced, it must be embarrassing for you." 
"I can't tell if you're putting yourself down, or putting me down." J'napha propelled herself along the floor of the spring toward him. 
"Neither. I survived a Calamity. What care should I have for the opinions of others?" He shrugged. "Don't you wonder why I changed my name?" 
"I do. And when I asked you told me to 'nevermind about that.'" 
"Because it's a long story. One that's apt to get my words all tangled and," he sighed heavily, "it's a lot." 
"So is this you telling me now, or," she gestured behind her with a thumb, "shall I towel off?" 
"Full glad am I of your interest." He narrowed his eyes at her. "'Tis a better tale than the one of why you changed your name, though I'm sure Mother would love to hear it." 
Napha rolled her eyes. "Those traditions used to mean something to some of us, Dajhir. Doesn't mean I'm above putting necessity before pride." 
"Oh, yes," he said with a sneer. "A matter of survival, most definitely. Ph." 
"You don't remember what it was like."
"I do," he said, his words heavy as an anchor. "You haven't been back though... have you?" 
Napha looked away, lips tightly pursed, silent. 
"Mm." K'dajhir nodded, having obtained the answer he expected. "Little Napha, slayer of primals, liberator of nations, Warrior of the newly-found Big Mouth, can't bear to show her face at home." 
"You left first."
"I had to. There was no future for me there, and no reason to go back." 
"You said the same of me." 
"I did, but they'd be proud of you." He looked down, adding a flippant slight: "Well, perhaps if you hadn't changed your name, Ja'napha." 
"What of you? Ran off to join a stronger tribe? Ashamed after proclaiming you'd toss it all away? After you swore up and down you'd be a city boy, an adventurer or what have you, only to run back to what's familiar?"
"I did not go back to tribe life. I was serious when I said I didn't want that. I'm just..." he seemed uncomfortable. "Sentimental. I knew you wouldn't understand." 
"Wouldn't understand? How can I even try if you don't explain?" 
K'dajhir sighed heavily. 
Napha insisted with a flare of her eyebrows. 
"His name was Mjrn." K'dajhir bit his lip and turned back to face the moon's soft glow. "I met him in Coerthas, a time after the Calamity. He was a hired guide for a band of adventurers I happened to cross paths with. They were making their way south toward the Rhotano Sea." He peeked at her, placing a hand on his chest. "Me, in the frigid wastes?" He let loose a nervous little laugh "Mjrn knew before I did I was half frost-bitten."
"l'm still not seeing..." 
"His mountain name, as he called it, was Kallvjnd." A smile split his face. "By the time we reached the coast, we chose to be bonded together. Nothing fancy. I adapted his surname to my name, because... I wanted everyone to know he was mine." He paused for a moment, staring into the dark water. "He wanted to do the same. Tribal Viera change their names when they settle somewhere new, did you know? He wanted to use my given name for his surname."
Napha stifled a laugh, unsure if it was appropriate. 
"Oh, trust that I explained that to him." A chuckle escaped. "The fool used it anyway." 
"That's the thing with you adventurers. You're so damn good at leaving an impression, but you don't stick around long, do you? You take too many risks - and trust me I love you for it, I do - but," his ears bent back and his look of determination wavered, "loss either hardens you or softens you. I haven't decided which I am yet." 
"I'm sorry." 
K'dajhir smiled, his eyes sparkling with a glassy sheen. "Do not be. Out of it, there's things I've learned. Life is short, for instance. So have that drink... kiss that boy." He moved forward, grasping her by the shoulders, giving her a little shake. "Oh Napha, can't you see? I'm still looking for romance! I'm just not looking for love. That path, I've walked it – it's lovely –but it hurts too much to go bounding down again. Instead, I live for the day now. So I don't let them break my heart when they go. And I don't think Mjrn would begrudge me for that. I still wear his name, after all." 
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