#thing is he barelt answers me at all :(
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#ngl i saw my 'boss' 's gf and thought wow she's cute#but also “im cuter”💀#WHYYYYY#cuz like they are dating for 5 years#i am not going to ruin that#ever#and also he's not really my vibe#in terms of looks and how he dresses etc#but idkw we have a flirty vibe and I JUST WANT THAT WITH SOMEONE#WHERE IS MY CRUSH THAT I CAN HAVE A CRUSH ON AT#she's very cute actually#i don't want to ruin their relationship i swear#i just want that little 'omg he looked at me' vibe#it might seem like i'm trying to be a bitch but i'm not i just feel lonely i even installed tinder#didn't work i uninstalled but i matched with this cute guy#thing is he barelt answers me at all :(#like of he did i'd have a new 'obsession'
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no fr, kinda rant off of urs
and like no hate to soda, but when people ask her about how Xcharacter and Zcharcater would interact and she doesn't really give an answer or says 'its just a roblox game' or something along those lines it can be really annoying.
these are characters they've been developing for some time now that the community wants to know more about and they don't give us much at all.
i also remember when there were a few Halloween related asks, like just about what the phighters would dress up as, and she just said 'they celebrate Halloween differently' and didnt give like any actual answer
i watched a steam of hers that happened today and she like dodges SO many questions it’s not even funny literally all of it is “no comment”.. like woman why are you edging us
there are some genuinely interesting questions like one someone asked about illumina’s personality and she like didn’t even answer??? all she said was that he’s intelligent and tahts like IT
while i love soda and all she and the devs genuinely need to cave to their fan base a bit more because i’ve like been scraping the bottom of the barrel for shit and it’s just so fucking retarded as to why there is literally BARELT ANYTHING i’m not even lying u can go on the official wiki and wam bam yes ma’am NOTHING. just some info on their heights, pronouns, ages, and maybe a sentence or two about their personality or job and that’s… it…..
it drives me nuts i am not kidding when i’m saying i’ve never seen devs that gatekeep as hard as phighting devs do it’s actually fucking diabolical
woman if someone’s asking u about what a phighter would wear for holloween and they celebrate differently, at the very LEAST explain what they celebrate and maybe a few things they do just… talk…. PLEASE man
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The only inconsistency that I know of is how White Lily Cookie becomes Dark Enchantress Cookie despite Dark Enchantress Cookie stated to been born on the night of the witches and being “born” evil from the start
i see ur other message and this is one major example, im not sure why ur askign me specifically but jsut so u know anon this is gonna take me a while to answer the other one if u want specific examples but in general sense the ones that come to the top of my head r
1 who are the dragons, red is ment to be pitaya but in the comics there was another dragon character who fire spirit knew and in crk the red dragon was shown only as a dragon, also in the comics and puzzleworld theres a green dragon that knight fights not pitaya and its implied their are a bunch of them but in ovenbreak there is distinctly 5 who are seen as ledgandary so whats up with that, the plushie does look like pitaya and theres a statue but in the early stages of crk the gang run into a dragon corpse and seem to treat it like a dragon is jsut a dumb beast of ledgand not actual ppl and mango seems to have no ties to dragons on crk for now so wtf is up with there lore
2 yes what IS up with white lily and dark enchantress?? why do they show up in the same scenes if their the same person, even ifthatwhite lily us jsut a fragment of the real deal then why did she fight against herself and no one noticed a difference?? how tf does this ultimate dough even work is that how all ledgandaries were made because off the top of my head at least 4 other ledgandaries have backstories that say they made themselves/were made by somethign eles and werent made by the witch so is it jsut de?? i fond it frankly a stupid idea that white lily is a fragment of de from the start like i get why the devs did it to pull off the big reveal but she shouldn't have been shown interacting with de like on the final battle if she was only in flashbacks like pure vanilla was the reval would have been easier to understand
3 sugar swan hello were is she??? devs remember that important part of wind archers lore where the swan created him?? whipped creams backstory connecting him to this ledgandary being?? DEVS WHERE IS THE SUGAR SWAN IN THE MAIN GAME???? WHY IS SHE IN CRK AND WE'RE SUPPOSED TO FORGET HOW DEVS IGNORED HER LORE IN OVENBREAK??? sorry jsut wtf was even that they jsut slapped her in like oh yeah hers god herself have fun like no?? explain the lore millennial tree has only been mentioned in cutscenes swan is the one ppl seem to worship in crkbutif thats true why is she barelt mentioned then u foght her *corrupted version* then she dips like no can we back up here how is she here how did dark enchantress curropt the swan thats like de corrupting millennial tree??? she cant do that?? how powerful is kingdoms dark enchantress jesus she cant beat a gang of children but godherslf is no problem?? pure vould fight her off but not SUGAR SWAN???
4 world building, god the WORLD BUILDING, the devs have given brave a different backstory every game, the witch is such a nonentity that shes just mentioned in passing a few times and is a shadow in gatcha thats it we have so very little witch lore that we dont understand basic things, why is yhere a cookie society why are cookies just out here living their best lives if the witch baked them to eat and brave was the one who had the big idea to leave the oven, it was reconned a bit so that he had the idea to lead only his friends out but if thats thecase why is he still so famous?? also crk has agroup of witches what the fuck i thoguht there was only one is this why there r so many cookies but if there are multiple why does everyone in ovenbreak say The Witch it implies they all have the same creator, if de killed all the witches us this with like the only survivor devs did she jsutnot show up to the party?? what is even going on with the time period they jsuthave modern ancient and futuristic technology and devs dont care to elaborate how or why the witch knows about any of this if shes seemingly a midevil witch, this isnt anput pastry in crk this has been an issue in all games since the beginning and while the devs releasing cookeis based off fun ideas is agood thingthey can at least make their world make a bit more sense with why theirs such a stark contrast with the way some cookies work in the setting their given
those r jsut 4 gripes i have about game inconsistency pff the top of my head more of a ramble since i just woke up lmk if u want me to do the essay on ur other ask trust me this is the abridged version
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New York Life
Tagging: The Westons
Location: NYC
Time frame: August
Notes: Honestly, we’re not even really sure what this is about we’ve been at it so long.
Brody: It had been three days since Brody had left New York to travel to Boston for a week run of the show as a test phase before they returned to the city to tighten things up before opening night. He had been reluctant to leave his daughter and pregnant wife but he hadn't had much of a choice so they were making the most of it. Still, he couldn't help but worry so after slipping away to his hotel room for a quick nap he found himself lying in bed, dialing his wife's number on facetime.
Rachel: Things were crazy. Between Brody working, Rachel doing her own work and overall getting Kayla settled on the pregnancy and trying to help her be happy with it. It never felt like she was going to get a break. Brody was off in Boston for the week and Rachel had just finished with a vocal lesson and had picked up Kayla. "Hey you!" Rachel said with a smile as she answered the video call. She had just got home and was in the kitchen wrestling with what she wanted to fix for dinner.
Brody: While Brody's face lightened a bit at seeing his wife, he was sure that the exhaustion was evident. After all, he'd only gotten a few hours sleep each night, spending all day going over choreography again and again before spending the evening watching the show with a critical eye for things that needed to be fixed either because it wasn't right in the first place or because it seemed to lose the audience in one way or another. Repeat that again and again and he was both sore and fatigued. "Hey beautiful." He declared. "Just wanted to check in and make sure that all 4 of you are okay back there."
Rachel: "We're doing great. We just got home and I endured the longest story known to man from our sweet daughter. She still hasn't finished it and I have no idea what it's about. Really hoping to figure it out at some point before I die." She said with a laugh. "Now I'm trying to figure out dinner but I'm tired so it may just be something simple." Rachel continued with a shrug as she sat down. "How are you?"
Brody: Rachel looked good, if a little tired herself, and Brody just let his eyes take in the pleasant sight of her while attempting to listen to what she had to say. "I'm good." He assured her not wanting her to worry when she had enough on her plate taking care of herself, their rambunctious daughter, and their two unborn babies. "I'd give for something that's not take out honestly myself." He admitted. Besides the decent breakfast provided by the hotel, he really didn't have much time to eat and the food provided at the theater was never enough for everyone so he hadn't gotten much of it in the past few days.
Rachel: "I'll make you whatever you want when you get home." She promised him. "You look tired." Rachel said with a sad smile. "You look nice though. I'm really proud of you." She said honestly. "You're doing your job being the assistant choreographer. Making your way to the top." She said proudly.
Brody: "I'm definitely going to take you up on that." Brody declared, unable to stop a yawn from escaping as she mentioned him looking tired. "Ready for Boston to be done though so that we can come home." Really he was just ready for the show to be open so that his 16 hour days would finally end. "So everything is good with Kayla, everything good with the babies too?"
Rachel: Rachel nodded as she yawned and moved around the kitchen to find something to cook. "We're really excited to have you home. Especially Michaela." She said before extending her arm so that he could see her little belly. "The babies are good, having me miserable all the time still but I have a little more energy today." Rachel said happy that while she had terrible nausea constantly that she could still function.
Brody: It was clear that Rachel was moving around as she talked and explained that they were all ready for him to come home, especially their daughter. Seconds later his gaze was on her growing bump and he smiled a bit completely enamored with the sight. "Good." He breathed, another yawn escaping at the same time. "Is our daughter around for me to say a quick hello to before I have to go back?" Looking at the clock he sighed realizing he had pretty much used up all of his nap time but he had needed this more.
Rachel: "She's in her room." Rachel nodded as she moved out of the kitchen and into Michaela's room. "Princess, dad wants to talk to you." She said as she handed her the phone and grinned as their daughter smiled as she looked at her dad through the phone. Leaning in the doorway she watched as she began to tell him the story she had been telling her for over a hour now and shook her head. "Daddy has to go soon, babe."
Brody: With Rachel moving to track down their daughter, Brody closed his eyes for a half second before their five-year-old was on the screen smiling at him. She babbled a greeting before quickly launching into a story. Evidently, it was the one she had started with Rachel because his wife declared that he would have to go soon so she probably shouldn't get into it. "How are you princess?" He asked, shifting a bit in the bed while trying not to visibly wince from the aches in his muscles.
Rachel: Michaela thankfully moved on. "Good." She answered her dad as she moved to lay on her bed. "Mommy and I went shopping for the babies and she let me pick out stuff for them." She continued, which was something Rachel was hoping would help her like the idea of getting two siblings a little bit more. It hadn't really helped but there was still time. "Miss you."
Brody: Brody certainly felt homesick as he watched his daughter climb into her bed as she talked to him, mentioning how they had gone shopping for the babies and that Rachel had let her pick out things for them. "What'd you get?" He questioned with a tired smile, hoping that she was getting slightly more used to the idea of their little family expanding. "I miss you too bug. I can't wait until we get to come home."
Rachel: Rachel laughed as Kayla shrugged at her dad's question like she had already forgot. "Oh!" She finally said. "Blankeys. They were soooo soft!" She said. "When will you be?" She asked. "When will you be home because I really really want to go to see a movie and mommy said that you have to take me because the dumb babies make her tired all the time and she'll fall asleep during it."
Brody: Kayla shrugged and then seemed to remember that they were blankets. "I'll be home in 4 more days." He assured her, chuckling softly when she said that she wanted to go see a movie but that Rachel had told her that he would have to take her. "Well why don't you call Sophia and see if she wants to see it too, maybe her mom will take you both..." He suggested, wanting to take the pressure off of Rachel while still making their daughter happy. It would also be good for her to socialize a bit with one of her friends other than Beth for a change.
Rachel: Moving to the bed, Rachel tugged her daughter to lay with her so that they could both talk to Brody. Michaela looked at her at Brody's suggestion and she nodded. "We'll call them in the morning." She murmured knowing that it would be a good idea. "We can't wait to see you." Rachel said with a smile to her husband. "Like really can't wait." She winked with a laugh as she rubbed Kayla's arm.
Brody: After another moment, Rachel's face was back in the screen as well and he heard her mention that they would call in the morning. "I can't wait to see you either, and to sleep in our bed again." He almost said sleep period but he didn't want her to worry. When the alarm on his phone went off seconds later he sighed. "I have to get back to the theater to prep for the show."
Rachel: They both nodded. "We'll talk to you later. Love you!" Rachel said with a smile as Kayla repeated her words. "Take care babe, see you soon." She said happy that he was happy and doing what he loved. She missed him but she knew that he was doing the right thing for them and she couldn't be more prouder.
Brody: The call ended and Brody sighed, lifting himself off of the hotel bed with a sigh before he moved to wash his face and change clothes before heading back to the theater. This week was certainly going to be the death of him. Four more days and he would be able to go home to his family. Thankfully they were getting a few days off before they went back to rehearsals to fix everything that needed changed from tryouts.
Rachel: Four days went faster than Rachel expected it to. Thankfully she was feeling good and decided to prepare Brody's favorite meal so that he could have something home cooked as he settled back home. Kayla was ecstatic for him to come home, mostly just tired of Rachel having to take it easy from the twins and Rachel smiled as she worked on putting cookies on a sheet as they waited for Brody.
Brody: Overall, Boston had gone well, but Brody was completely and utterly drained as they took a train back to New York. He certainly hadn't eaten as much as he should have, nor had he slept more than a few hours a day. As ready as he was to see his family, he was also ready to just crawl into bed and not move for a day or so. Usually he would just take the subway back home but today he didn't even have the energy for that so instead he hailed a cab from grand central and just closed his eyes until the car pulled to a stop signaling that he was home.
Rachel: When Brody came through the doors Michaela was the first to run and hug him. Walking over she hugged him next and kissed him. "We missed you." She murmured as she kissed him again. "We've made you some food, your favorite comfort food and cookies for dessert, which need to go into the oven."
Brody: He had barelt stepped through the doors when Kayla was wrapping her arms around him. Rachel wasn't far behind, whispering that she missed him as her lips met his. Though the food she mentioned sounded good, Brody honestly felt like he might pass out first. "Can I get a twenty minute nap or so first? Not sure food would settle well with me at this exact moment."
Rachel: "Um, sure." Rachel said. "It's not done yet anyways." She shrugged before grabbing his bag and taking it to the bedroom for him. "We'll eat when you wake up." She said knowing that Kayla was going to be disappointed that he was going straight to bed. "Let's go finish those cookies for dad, babygirl." Rachel said as she picked her up and kissed her cheek before carrying her back to the kitchen and setting her at her spot on the counter.
Brody: Brody knew that his daughter and wife would both be disappointed with him but he wasn't sure that he could honestly stay up much longer. He was completely drained and after moving to change into a pair of sweats, forgoing the shirt, Brody flopped onto the bed before closing his eyes. While only food and a proper night's sleep would actually relieve his fatigue, maybe a few minutes would keep him going for a few more hours.
Rachel: Rachel and Michaela finished dinner and waited a full forty five minutes before Brody emerged from the bedroom. Quickly getting up, Rachel got the food out where she had been keep it warm and set the table as Kayla bounced up and down excited to finally be eating dinner and to see her dad. "I made you cookies!" Michaela said.
Brody: While Brody set an alarm for 20 minutes it was clear that his body had slept through it and when he woke up it was later than he had intended. Throwing on a shirt as he moved out to the living room he winced a bit from the volume that came with his daughter's exclamation. "Thanks princess." He declared, leaning down to kiss her before moving over to Rachel to kiss her and caress her bump as well.
Rachel: She smiled into the kiss and kept him there for a second longer. "Sit, let's eat." Rachel said looking forward to a nice family meal. "You look better." She commented knowing that the sleep was much needed for him. "We have no plans for tomorrow so you can sleep for as long as you like. Kayla and I will occupy ourselves so you can rest.
Brody: Rachel kept her mouth pressed against his for a moment longer than he had anticipated but Brody certainly wasn't going to complain about that. She mentioned that he looked better and that they had no plans for the next day so that he could just rest. "That sounds like heaven." He declared knowing that after the past week that was what he needed more than anything.
Rachel: Rachel nodded before motioning him to sit so they could eat. Kayla was already itching to dig in as Rachel gave her the go ahead. "Don't get choked or make yourself sick." She warned knowing that she was good with stuffing herself with food and then having a stomachache for the rest of the night.
Brody: Moving over to the table, Brody sat down and immediately reached for the glass of water Rachel had poured him, needing to down the whole thing. He was sure that he was probably a little dehydrated and the last thing he needed was to get sicker than he already felt after a week away. His wife and daughter and two little ones were counting on him and the last thing he wanted was to bring any more stress to their lives.
Rachel: Rachel smiled at her husband as she dug into her food. She was really happy that he was home, not that she needed him around to help out but because she really needed the break. Between Kayla being her little diva self and growing twins that weren't far enough along to have her feeling well, she was in need of a bit of a break.
Brody: Though dinner tasted good, Brody really wasn't in the mood to eat all that much of it. It was almost to the point where he had to ease his stomach back into actually having real food and nutrition. Finishing off half of his plate, he pushed the rest around for a moment before getting up to clean both his plate as well as some of the dishes that Rachel had cooked in. The sooner it was all done, the sooner they could all rest.
Rachel: "Thanks babe." Rachel said as Brody worked to clean up. It was something she truly appreciated and once she was done she handed him her plate as well before putting the leftovers away as Kayla finished up. "Do story time with her tonight." She whispered to him. "I know you're tired, but she'll appreciate it so much."
Brody: Rachel thanked him as he cleaned and handed over her plate when she was done. Then she got up to take care of leftovers before whispering to him to do story time with their daughter that night because she would appreciate it even though Rachel knew he was exhausted. He certainly wasn't going to promise anything long when it came to story time but he would either do a short book or a chapter of whatever they had been reading before if she wanted. That was really all he thought he could handle though because his body was already starting to ache and get dizzy.
Rachel: "Please." Rachel said softly. "She's been looking forward to your homecoming since you left, please don't disappoint her by going straight to bed." She continued needing to press the issue for him to understand the severity of it. Their little girl needed the attention from him, she had been feeling left out since the day he had left having not understood why he had to leave for work.
Brody: Rachel pleaded with him and Brody sighed trying to not snap from exhaustion. "I won't do anything long but if it's a short story I will." He whispered back just wanting Rachel to drop the issue. He knew that their daughter had missed him, he had missed both of them as well, but the past week had been more work than he had done in years and his body was now paying the price. He couldn't even imagine how the actors felt right now but he was sure it was probably the same.
Rachel: "Thank you." Rachel said before kissing him quickly and then going off to help Kayla get cleaned up from her dinner. "You made a mess, princess." She murmured as she wiped at her face making her whine at her before the little girl got up to hug her dad. "Thank you for coming home, she's driving me crazy!" Kayla whined. "Hey!" Rachel laughed.
Brody: Rachel moved to clean their daughter up and by the time he had finished in the kitchen, Kayla's arms were wrapped around his waist as she thanked him for coming home because Rachel had been driving her crazy. "Mommy drives me a little crazy too sometimes but we love her because of it." He reminded their daughter as he strained slightly picking her up. "Daddy will read to you tonight but we need to go to bed a little early because daddy is exhausted too."
Rachel: Rachel laughed but sent him a glare anyways. "Why don't you go have your bath, Mic." She murmured figuring some time alone with her husband would be good. Walking up to them she kissed her daughter and then put her head on her husband's shoulder. "We're super glad daddy's home, huh. Hate that he was away for even a second."
Brody: Rachel suggested to their daughter that she go and get her bath and then she moved across the room to them, kissing Michaela before resting her head on his shoulder. "Hate that I was away too but now I shouldn't have to go anywhere for quite awhile." With the test run done they just needed to tweak things before they made their Broadway debut.
Rachel: Pulling away, Rachel yawned and went to the living to sit knowing that Kayla was going to go take a bath. "Babe, come here." She murmured as she rubbed her bump. For as far along she was compared to how big, she was going to be huge once she was actually getting up there in the weeks and then months. "Look how cute my bump is tonight."
Brody: After a moment, Rachel walked to the living room and their daughter left to take her bath. When Rachel called to him, Brody moved to her side and heard her comment on how cute her bump was. "Gorgeous." He declared kissing her lips before sliding down so that he was kneeling in front of her, level to her bump. He hadn't gotten to really say hello to his babies yet and he couldn't help but press his lips to her stomach as his left hand moved up to cradle and caress it softly.
Rachel: "I can't wait to feel them kick." She murmured. "It's going to feel so weird, having two of them moving. I can't wait." Rachel grinned knowing that since this was her second pregnancy she was likely to be able to feel it much sooner, plus having two she was hoping to double her chances as well.
Brody: "I can't either." Brody admitted. Yes, Rachel was definitely showing, but Brody knew that it would feel all the more real when he was actually able to feel the babies. Soon they should be able to find out the genders as well and that was something that would also make it all the more real. "How are you feeling?" He murmured hoping that she was hanging in there and that the morning sickness was starting to ebb a bit.
Rachel: Rachel smiled and ran her fingers through his hair. "I'm okay." She said honestly. "I think I'm in more pain than I am nauseous anymore." Shrugging she smiled. "I know that in a could weeks I'll feel better and have a couple more of feeling normal before the rest sets in. I'm lucky to have done this before and know what to suspect." If this was her first pregnancy and she was expecting twins she'd be ten times as miserable.
Brody: She assured him that she was okay, sore but not really nauseous. "We're both lucky we've done this before." After having Michaela and the stress that came along with that pregnancy, this one was going to be a breeze even if technically it shouldn't be because of the twin factor. With one more kiss to her belly, Brody moved up onto the couch and groaned softly as he shut his eyes for just a minute. He was sore everywhere and really did need a proper night's rest.
Rachel: "I'd be in complete panic if not." Rachel said honestly. "Not that this is easy, it's not at all and I'm still in a bit of a panic if I really think about it but the process, knowing how I'm going to feel and all that. It's easier." She felt more relaxed this time around, for more than that one reason but it was all good. "I'm happy."
Brody: "I'm happy too. We're bringing two babies into this world that are going to be so very loved." He assured her, pressing a kiss to the top of her head. Figuring that Kayla would be wrapping up soon he turned his head towards the bathroom before speaking. "Why don't you go start getting ready for bed, once Kayla is done I'll read to her and then we can hit the hay for the night."
Rachel: She nodded and kissed him before getting off the couch and heading into their bedroom. Getting changed she settled on the bed and raised her shirt as she rubbed her little bump and just closed her eyes, finding the motion to be the most relaxing. When Brody came in she opened them and smiled. "She enjoy her story?"
Brody: With his wife going to settle in, Brody locked the house up and then found their daughter as she was changing into her pajamas. After reading her a short story, he tucked her into bed and then headed to climb back into his for the first real sleep since he left. There he found Rachel rubbing at her bumb and her eyes fluttered open upon hearing his footsteps. "She did." He nodded, quickly shedding his shirt and sweats to leave him in just his boxers as he moved to cuddle.
Rachel: "That's good." She smiled as she moved to cuddle with him. "I really did miss you." Rachel whispered. "Though just as much as I missed you, I'm so proud of all the hard work you're doing with the choreographer. He must be really proud of you too." She added as she rubbed his side and kissed him. "Though we have tons to do now that you're home so you do need to get rested up."
Brody: Having Rachel against his side was something that Brody had missed all week long. She declared that though she had missed him. she was proud of him too and Brody could only kiss her back before groaning when she mentioned everything that they needed to do. He really didn't need that reminder. "Give me a day or two to recover from not sleeping or eating for a week and then we'll talk."
Rachel: "you really need to take care of yourself." She whispered. It was like he hadn't learned anything from her own eating disorder, while the two were completely unrelated and hers was completely mental while he just hadn't had time. She still didn't want to see him in the same position. "I worry about you so much already, please don't make me worry more."
Brody: "I was busy." Brody declared shrugging. "You don't need to worry about me. You know I like food too much to let anything other than lack of time stop me." He reminded her as he yawned and shifted a bit in bed. It had just been hard with everything else going on. Really he felt like the lack of sleep was impacting him more than the food.
Rachel: "You know that I'm always going to worry about you." Rachel said with a small smile. "There is no if and buts about it. It's just going to always happen just like you always worry about me. It's the married life and the parent life, it comes with the territory." Kissing him she sighed. "I'm just happy you are home and safe with me and our girl and these two babies."
Brody: "I know you are, but you shouldn't." He repeated, though any will he would normally have to argue about it wasn't there. "I'm glad I'm home too and not spending 16 hours at a theater." Honestly, he probably had spent more than that everyday there if he really timed it all. A day or two break would certainly be good for him even if they had ultrasounds and moving to do in the next week or so as well.
Rachel: "I'm going to though." She smiled because she liked worrying, she liked that they still loved each other enough that they worried and wanted to make sure the other was constantly okay. It meant that they were doing okay as a couple and now more than anything it was super important. "Well now you can spend time with us, it'll be great."
Brody: "I don't know about great. Not if Kayla is her exhausting self first thing." Brody mused. He really needed to just let his body catch back up after everything and while he loved his daughter she could be absolutely draining when it came to things like that. Especially because he knew that she missed him. His nap had certainly helped so he hoped a solid night's sleep would be all he needed.
Rachel: "Please don't be so negative." Rachel pleaded. "I can't take that, not right now." She had so much to deal with and all she needed was any sort of positivity form him to help her out. Sighing she kissed him and turned to get comfortable. "Night, we won't wake you in the morning." She promised as she reached to turn out the light.
Brody: The only chance Brody had to be more positive was in the morning and so he just kept his mouth shut as Rachel rolled over and promised that they would let him sleep in. "Thanks." He murmured, turning the light off on his side of the bed before closing his eyes and trying to will himself to fall asleep beause while his body needed it, his mind was spinning and not exactly cooperating.
Rachel: Brody thankfully still asleep when Rachel got up for the day. Getting a shower she went through her weekly routine before starting breakfast as Kayla woke up and padded to the kitchen. "Pancakes this morning, bug?" She asked as Michaela nodded sleepily and sat down at the table her eyes still half closed.
Brody: Before Brody actually fell asleep, he entered a half-lucid state where his body wouldn't move but his brain was far too active for his liking. He recalled looking at the clock reading 2am before everything went black. Honestly, he wasn't even sure what time it was when he finally woke up, but the apartment was quiet and that was something that he hadn't been expecting.
Rachel: The girls had their breakfast, Rachel setting some aside for Brody to warm if he wanted when he got up. Once they were done, they settled on the couch and started a movie which Rachel was grateful for. Feeling achy and tired she just held her baby girl for as long as she would let her, it wouldn't be long until she had three babies to hold.
Brody: Brody felt a bit better when he woke up even if the entire week's worth of soreness hit him all at once. Popping one if his heavier meds, he moved to get another shower, even if he'd just had one the night before. He needed to loosen up a bit before doing anything else and there was nothing better than hot water pounding on your back to ease some of the tension. Maybe he and Rachel could trade off massages later.
Rachel: She heard Brody go into the shower and shifted slightly on the couch so that he could sit with them when he got out. "Hey, babe." She smiled when he came in the room. "There is breakfast in the toaster oven for you to warm if you want it." Rachel smiled as she rubbed Kayla's back who was snoozing on her as they watched the movie.
Brody: After the water started to cool, Brody stepped out and slipped into a pair of sweats and a loose shirt before moving out to the living room. Rachel mentioned breakfast waiting for him and he nodded in thanks even though he wasn't all that hungry. Instead, he grabbed a banana and a few of the berries they had in the fridge as well as some protein powder and ice to make himself a quick smoothie. It would go down easy and hopefully it would help his body regain some much needed energy. Looking over to his girls he saw Kayla sleeping on Rachel's lap as they watched a movie. "How is she still tired?" He mumbled completely baffled at how she was sleeping this soon after waking up.
Rachel: "She's just being lazy." Rachel commented as she poked their daughter's side making her squirm before swatting it away. "Stop." Kayla mumbled as she opened her eyes. "See, lazy." She teased as she moved the five year old slightly so that her dad could sit down with them. "Good shower?" She asked hoping he was feeling better.
Brody: Once his smoothie was blended, Brody moved back to the couch and Rachel declared that their daughter was just being lazy. Kayla squirmed upon being poked and then was shifted to make room for him. "It wasn't bad. Still feel like I've been hit by a truck." He murmured just sipping slowly at the drink. Today was a day to do very little and hopefully it would be enough for him to be back to normal tomorrow.
Rachel: "Hopefully you'll start feeling better." Rachel murmured as she looked over at him with a smile. "I have to go to my lesson today but there isn't anything you need to do, I'll go to the grocery market while I'm out and take care of everything." She promised as she rubbed Michaela's back absentmindedly.
Brody: Rachel assured him that there was nothing he needed to do today. She mentioned having her lesson and stopping at the store but that she would take care of everything. "Sounds good to me." Brody murmured knowing that he would need to make it up to her once he was feeling better because he was sure that she was just as exhausted with the babies and everything she had needed to keep up with at home.
Rachel: She just nodded and focused on the movie for a few more minutes before urging Kayla to get up. Once she was, Rachel went and got ready for the day. Sitting down on the bed she sighed and rubbed her back and closed her eyes before standing up and forcing herself to be productive. Heading into the kitchen once she was ready she cleaned up the breakfast he hadn't ate and tossed it before rinsing off the dishes and loading them up, making sure he didn't have to do a thing. "I'll be back later." Rachel said once she was done.
Brody: When Rachel got up, Kayla shifted to rest against him and Brody flipped channels on the tv, not really having any desire to watch what they had had on. After a few minutes Rachel moved to the kitchen and he could hear her cleaning up from breakfast before she grabbed her things to leave. "Be safe. Love you." Brody murmured motioning her over so that he could kiss her lips and then her bump. "Don't push yourself." He added as a reminder not wanting anything to happen to her or the babies.
Rachel: "I'll be fine." Rachel said as she kissed him back quickly. "Have fun doing nothing." She added. "Love you too." Kissing Michaela's head she smiled slightly before heading to the door. "I'll only be a couple of hours, don't make your dad do anything, Kayla." She called back knowing that Brody probably didn't want to watch Kayla when she could be rambunctious. Closing the door behind her she sighed and started out to meet her student and run her errands.
Brody: He knew that she would be fine but he still worried about her, especially now. Rachel called over her shoulder to their daughter to not make him do anything and Brody smiled in appreciation because he just wasn't in the mood to move. Thankfully, the pain meds were starting to kick in and help ease some of his discomfort but he was still not feeling very well and he knew his body needed to just take it easy and do nothing but watch tv and take a nap in a few hours.
Rachel: Rachel went straight for her lesson and worked with her first student for a good hour before calling it a day and her second for another before she was finished with her lessons. She was currently working with four different students and was really enjoying teaching and strengthening their voices. It was amazing to see them hit notes that they couldn't hit even a week ago. Once she was done she ran the few errands she had before heading to the store. Carrying twins, though she was still early in her pregnancy was exhausting and getting around was already taking twice as long as her body adjusted to carrying two babies. Yawning as she entered the apartment building after buying everything the needed, she groaned when the elevator was once again out of order and began the long trek up to the door. Putting the bags down she opened the door before picking them back up and heading inside to the kitchen.
Brody: It wasn't too long before Brody's eyes refused to stay open from the meds and so gingerly he got up and urged Kayla to come lay in bed with him. The moment his head hit the pillow he was out again and he didn't stir until he felt Rachel's fingers pushing hair away from his face. "Lay down with us?" He requested almost inaudibly as his hand moved from under the blankets to wrap around her waist, tugging gently.
Rachel: She put some stuff away before going to check in on her family. "I have stuff to put away." Rachel whispered before leaning down and kissed his forehead. "Go back to sleep." She insisted before pulling back and heading out of the room so that he could do just that. Kayla wasn't all the way asleep but she could tell she was content for a few minutes before she knew she'd get up wanting to move around with Rachel.
Brody: He wasn't thrilled that Rachel wouldn't stay but it also didn't take long for the medicine to knock him out again. There was a reason they still had these pills, they certainly didn't take them often because it completely incapicitated you for most of the day. Even unconscious, Brody made a note to himself to do something nice for his wife because she certainly deserved it.
Rachel: It didn't take too long for her daughter to get up and she began to help Rachel with the things she had bought before settling in her room with her video game. Rachel put dinner in a crockpot before giving the apartment a good cleaning. Yawning when she was done with everything but vacuuming she sat down to go through bills and set her schedule for the next week.
Brody: Brody woke up completely parched and after throwing off the covers he stumbled to the kitchen to get a glass of water. One was quickly downed and refilled, as was half of the seconds before Brody felt slightly steadier and rubbed at his face while groaning. On the bright side he wasn't nearly as sore as he had been before he crawled into bed, he took that as a slight amount of progress in becoming himself again.
Rachel: She watched from her spot at their desk in the living room as he went into the kitchen, happy that he was awake. "Eat something." She murmured as she searched the internet for things for twins. There was so much to consider, especially with their impending move. The thought made her groan as she looked around at everything that needed to be packed.
Brody: His wife called out that he needed to eat something and Brody groaned totally not in the mood for anything. He knew she was right though and so he reached into a cabinet just grabbing can of chicken noodle soup, pouring it into a pot and putting it on medium on the stovetop. Even if he just managed the broth it would be something and he would do his best to eat the noodles as well to get something a little more solid in his stomach.
Rachel: "Thank you." She called out when she heard him fixing something. Sighing she got up and grabbed a box and began to stack books into it, if they didn't get anything started they'd never be ready to move. Brody being gone for a week had came at the absolute wrong time and his recovery was going to stall them more. "The elevator is out again." She mentioned as she stretched her back and sat on the couch to organize.
Brody: Rachel commented on how the elevator was out again as she moved to the couch with a box to put some books into. "That's not good." He declared knowing that it would be really inconvient to try and move without it. He had been debating on finding movers to do most of the work for them and it was his next paycheck that would decide whether they could afford it. He certainly hoped that they could considering he had nearly killed himself working so hard. They were bound to get some massive overtime pay because of the intensity of the test run.
Rachel: "I already sent a message, it should be fixed in the morning." She commented. "Didn't make lugging all the bags up very fun but that's what you get for living in an apartment building." Most of the books in her pile had never been opened and she sighed and sat them aside to figure out if they really needed them or not.
Brody: Of course his wife had already contacted the landlord about it, he really shouldn't have expected anything less. "It is." He murmured though she really should have texted or called him to come help her. Hearing her sigh he stirred the soup before moving to sit next to her. "If this next paycheck is good we're going to hire movers. I don't want you stressing over all of it."
Rachel: She shrugged. "As long as all of our belongings get into boxes, I won't stress over it. That's the biggest part, the moving will be fine if we have enough people to help, if not movers will be a good idea." Though she wasn't too keen on the trustworthiness of them, but she guessed it would be okay if they could afford it.
Brody: "Babe that's part of a good moving company's job. They box everything up and move it." It would take a lot of stress off of her even if she was probably somewhat hesitant of trusting strangers with their belongings. Though it certainly wasn't like he was just going to hire some random guys off the street. He was sure there were plenty of trustworthy companies in the city, after all it was New York and people moved here all the time.
Rachel: Rachel sent him a look not sure if he was serious or not. "I am not going to let anyone touch our stuff except for the two of us." She stated seriously. "Absolutely not, there is no way we're doing that. They can move our boxes and furniture from here to our new place but no matter what they are not going to be touching my things."
Brody: "Rachel...." Brody stated, groaning softly at her stubbornness. "The last thing you need to be doing is straining yourself and we both know we won't get moved in time if it's up to me unless I spent no time with you or Kayla in the next two weeks." He was sure that she wouldn't want that either so they really needed to find a compromise here.
Rachel: "Don't Rachel me, I'm not allowing it." Shaking her head she motioned to the box and the several around. "I've been packing for a week. I can finish it, on my own if I have to. You don't have to do anything, at all. That's what you wanted anyways." She stated as she continued to add books to the box. "I can put stuff in boxes, I'm not letting anyone else do so."
Brody: Brody was too tired to fight with Rachel. He didn't know how to make her see that with everything she was doing she was putting strain on her body and therefore their babies. He would never forgive her or himself if something happened but it was clear that she just wasn't getting that. "You putting stuff in boxes means that you're lifting boxes which is something that you're not supposed to do and you know that."
Rachel: "I never said anything about lifting." Rachel clarified. "The boxes will stay on the ground unless light enough to lift. I'm not stupid, Brody, and I am well aware of my limitations." Rolling her eyes she got up to continue what she was doing. "Now, you can continue to patronize me, you can leave me alone to do this, or you can help, but I am not allowing strangers to pack my things. End of discussion."
Brody: He could only imagine the minefield that their apartment would be with Rachel filling boxes and leaving them sit. That seemed totally safe. Sensing that his soup would burn if he didn't return to it, Brody shook his head as he got up and moved to pour the warm liquid into a bowl. He certainly couldn't wait for this move to be over and he was half tempted to have everything moved without Rachel having any say in it. Neither of them needed the stress and it was only her stubborn demeanor that was preventing her from being able to relax and not worry about it.
Rachel: She rolled her eyes as he walked away. "I swear, Brody." She mumbled under her breathe tired of him never listening to her. Getting another box she moved around the living room just wanting to get things done. She was exhausted and had been on the run since she woke up but she was going to get things done, no matter what.
Brody: Not in the mood to deal with Rachel and her moodiness, Brody took his bowl out to the fire escape, enjoying a little bit of sunshine, something he hadn't really seen in the past week. It was definitely hot out and he knew that he should drink some more water so he made a mental note to fill a bottle when he headed back in. Rachel had literally told him he wouldn't have to do anything and now she wanted his help packing boxes because she had some twisted idea that they had to do it all themselves.
Rachel: She finished her book box and another of odds and ends before sitting down. Her back was throbbing but she knew not to ask Brody for anything, he was super tired after all and she didn't want to put her problems on his sore muscles. Laying down on the couch she turned on the tv and grabbed the pad of paper and started making lists to do for the next couple weeks.
Brody: Though he could only finish half the bowl, Brody figured it was better than nothing and once the heat started to get to him he headed back inside and rinsed the bowl before putting it in the dishwasher and getting some water. Rachel was now laying down with a pad of paper and he moved to kiss her head before going to check on their daughter. Maybe she wouldn't drive him nearly as crazy as her mother was for a few minutes.
Rachel: She could only lay for a few minutes before having to get up and check on their dinner. Adding the rest of the ingredients to the crock pot she sighed really needing her back rubbed. Debating over it for a few minutes she finally went to Kayla's room. "I hate to have you do something." She began knowing she was being passive aggressive but she really didn't care. "But my back is killing me and if you don't' mind.."
Brody: Thankfully, Kayla just wanted him to sit with her for a few minutes and Brody closed his eyes as he leaned against her wall while she played. After a few minutes, Rachel walked into the room and he had to bite his tongue not to say anything about her tone. She asked him to rub her back and he sighed before motioning for her to come over. He certainly didn't feel like getting up so if she wanted a back rub, she would have to come sit next to him.
Rachel: His sigh made her narrow her eyes at him but she still moved and sat on the bed with him. "Thanks." She murmured as she ran her fingers through her hair and then looked over at Kayla who had her nose stuck in her video game still. "Have you beat that thing yet?" She asked only to get a silent head shake.
Brody: Gently, Brody worked his fingers against Rachel's back as she talked to their daughter. The last thing he wanted was for her to be hurting but at the same time he knew that she had brought it on herself by insisting that she pack. It was hard to have complete sympathy for her, though he felt slightly bad that it was the babies that were causing her discomfort. She really needed to take it easy even if he knew she never would.
Rachel: "I've made a list of things that need to be done." Rachel mumbled. "Not packing, but everything else. Moving our utilities to the new apartment is proving to be a pain and I don't want to talk to any of the companies anymore so it's now your job." She continued just wanted there to be electric when they moved. "Everything else is fairly simple."
Brody: Rachel mentioned the list of other things that they needed to do before the move like moving utilities. "I mailed in requests for change of address with the last bills starting when we get the keys to the new place." Honestly, that was the easiest way to do it. It wasn't like utilities were really ever turned off in the city, it was just a matter of switching the name that was on the bills for each location.
Rachel: "Our internet and tv aren't being easy either." She murmured. "And the electric company called today needing more information so you need to call them." She added. Account numbers needed transferred and addresses and it was more complicated than what he thought. At least that was what she was finding in her calls she was making to make sure everything was going smoothly.
Brody: "Internet and tv will be fine. Stop worrying." Brody declared shaking his head as he rubbed her back. "You probably confused the electric company, we're not sticking with them, the new apartment is serviced by someone else and the quotes I was given are cheaper than what we're currently paying." All they had to do was hand this electric back over to the landlord and that was the end of it all.
Rachel: She just nodded not sure what to say. If he said it would be fine then she believed him. After a minute she moved away from him and leaned over to kiss Michaela's head. Sighing she kissed her husband and then went to the bathroom to freshen up. "Dinner will be ready in a hour or so." She murmured to her husband once she was done as she leaned in the door frame. "I'm going to do some more picking up, I think."
Brody: When she had had enough she moved away from him and declared that dinner would be ready an in hour or so and that she was going to do some more picking up. Poking their daughter once she had left the room he suggested that she go help her mom. He really didn't want Rachel doing any more today but he also didn't want to fight with her so maybe that was a compromise between the two.
Rachel: Michaela came out saying her dad wanted her to help and Rachel shook her head. She wasn't having a five year old do something that wasn't her job. She knew her husband wasn't going to do a thing though and sighed. "Go into your room and put all the books you aren't reading right now in this box and then when you're done we'll do the same with your toys."
Brody: Before he could leave the room, Kayla had come back with a box and started picking through her books to put them in the box. While that wasn't entirely what he'd had in mind, it worked and he sighed before moving out to the living room. For her saying that he wouldn't have to do anything today to recoop from the trip, she sure seemed to be implying that he wasn't doing enough and that frustrated him.
Rachel: Brody came into the room and she looked up from her place on the couch where she had stacked some news paper to wrap valuables. "I'll have everything packed within a couple days. Then you can call your movers." She stated as she wrapped up a vase and carefully placed it in the box with some padding in it. "Our glassware will take the longest."
Brody: "I'm going for a walk." Brody stated as he moved to get his shoes. He didn't know why his wife was in such a mood today but she was and he was done dealing with it for the moment. She didn't know how to let things go or accept help and so he was done trying to get her to see reason. He needed some air and a stiff drink, but the former would have to do for now.
Rachel: "You can't go for a walk." Rachel said. "You're dying of exhaustion and must sleep for days and not do anything." She snipped. She wasn't too happy with her mood with him but being pregnant and not feeling any appreciation from him at all since he came home had hit her hard without warning. She knew he was tired but so was she, she didn't get the chance to sleep all day though. That wasn't her role as a mother as it was his as a father.
Brody: Rachel getting snippy with him was the last thing that Brody wanted to deal with and so he finished putting his shoes on, grabbed his phone and keys and walked out the door. He knew Rachel had a lot going on but it wouldn't do them any good to be in the same apartment right now. Yes she had stayed home and taken care of their daughter as well as growing two babies and everything else all week but he had barely ate or slept working his ass off to be able to come home to them and provide for them. They wouldn't be able to move to a larger apartment if it wasn't for his job.
Rachel: He left and she sighed before laying on the couch with a huff. She was annoyed and it just drove her that much more crazy. She wasn't going to let it bother her too much though, instead she got up and moved around doing this and that before deciding she was done for the day and heading into Kayla's room. "That's good for today, bug." Rachel murmured as she sat on her bed. "Let's do some writing practice."
Brody: Not having the energy to actually run, Brody settled for walking around the city, taking in a few shops and grabbing a beer from a local pub. Rachel probably wouldn't be thrilled if she could smell the alcohol on his breath so after finishing his single drink he headed to a few more places before returning home knowing it was late and both Rachel and Michaela would be settling into bed.
Rachel: Rachel and Kayla practiced writing before the little girl was ready for bed. She was sad that her dad wasn't there to tuck her in and Rachel sighed and just kissed her head and read and sang to her knowing that it only made her madder at Brody and the fact that Kayla was disappointed was the worst of all. "I hate daddy's job." The little one whispered in a hurt tone thinking he had went back to work. "Love you, bug." She whispered as he kissed her head. Rachel laid in bed with her as she fell asleep before closing her eyes herself just trying to comfort her.
Brody: When he got home, Brody quietly entered and locked up before moving to the bedroom to change and lay down. Even though he had slept fairly well the night before and part of today he was still absolutely exhausted and was ready for today to be over. He hated fighting with Rachel but he also hated that when she made him always seem like the bad guy when he was just doing his best and being stretched far too thin.
Rachel: Rachel didn't wake up until Kayla was nudging her in the morning needing to move. "Sorry bug." She mumbled as she worked to sit up on the small twin size bed so that her daughter could go to the bathroom. Rubbing her face she felt so sick and sighed as she worked through the nausea and overall gross feeling that had enveloped her.
Brody: The bed was empty and Brody figured that Rachel was in with their daughter. So he climbed in alone and after tossing and turning for a bit fell asleep before waking up with the sun and moving to go make breakfast and pack up things in the kitchen that they weren't likely to need in the coming week. He was still exhausted but he felt a little bit better and had enough energy to at least do a little even if he would rather leave it to the professionals.
Rachel: Rachel moved from the bed as Kayla climbed back in and she kissed her head before padding out of the room and into the kitchen. "Hey." She said softly to her husband as she placed a hand on her back and started the coffee maker. She was allowed one cup a day and she made sure she had it. "These babies are being hard on mommy first thing."
Brody: He'd done a box and a half and the muffins were almost ready to come out of the oven when he felt Rachel's hand on his back. She mentioned the babies were being rough and he moved to rest a hand on her bump. "Settle down now in there, it's too early to be rowdy." He murmured hoping that she would feel better soon as she got herself a cup of coffee. "Breakfast is almost ready as long as you're okay with muffins."
Rachel: "I don't think I could hold down anything else." She said honestly as she sat down with a groan hoping the nausea passed instead of sending her to the bathroom. "Michaela went back to bed, but she may get up for breakfast if you want her to." They didn't really have anything planned so if the little girl wanted to sleep she didn't see too big of a problem with it. "Thanks for packing some." She added as she looked around, not really feeling as mad or passive aggressive anymore. She just needed sleep she guessed.
Brody: Thankfully Rachel seemed to be okay with the simple breakfast and sat down in a chair with her mug. She declared that their daughter had gone back to bed but that she might get up if he wanted her to. He wasn't in a rush to have her energy or deal with her grumpiness from not sleeping enough so he shrugged, figuring they would wake her up soon. "Yeah...hopefully we don't need anything I packed." He mentioned back, trying to judge where her mood was this morning.
Rachel: She looked around before shrugging. "Should be okay." Yawning she groaned as she forced herself to wake up and feel better. "I've never been so happy to not have lessons today. Some of my students are just exhausting when it comes to teaching and then actually grasping what they are supposed to be practicing."
Brody: "You know you should take it easy whenever you need to." Brody reminded her not wanting her to think that he expected her to do nothing but just to make sure she took care of herself and the babies above everything. He knew what it was like to be a teacher so he completely understood, it was sometimes a challenge even if it was something he still enjoyed doing on occasion.
Rachel: "I know, but these people are counting on me to help them reach their goals vocally and I really don't want to disappoint them. Plus it's not like it really takes a lot out of me to sing runs." Rachel explained. "Plus I love it, I do, it makes me feel useful and not just a stay at home mom popping out babies."
Brody: "I'm not in any way trying to restrict you babe, but if you need a day at any point take it, reschedule, one day every once and awhile is not going to hurt your students." He assured her. He knew she loved it, he just wanted to make sure that she didn't stretch herself too thin with everything else going on.
Rachel: She nodded. "I know baby, I know, and I will. Right now though, I'm going to push through until I can't do it anymore. It gives us a pretty good increase of income and with twins on the way I like being as active as I can be." Rachel said with a small smile. "Its really good to have you home, to talk to and just see." She said softly.
Brody: While he did appreciate the extra money and they did kind of need it, he didn't want her making herself sick or hurting herself or the babies. She commented on how it was good to have him home and he smiled softly as he pulled the muffins out of the oven. It was good to be home, for the most part, though next week was probably going to be just as bad as Boston had been with the extra weight of his family on top of that.
Rachel: She hummed at the smell of the muffins and moved to grab one once he had them out of the pan. It was hot but she broke it apart anyways and took a small bite. "Really good." She complimented before going to check on their daughter only to find her sleeping away. "Lazy bones." She chuckled as she went back to the kitchen.
Brody: He had barely gotten the muffins out of the pan before Rachel had snatched one and started to eat it. She commented on how it was good and moved out of the room before coming back a moment later. "Everything okay?" He questioned as he made himself up a protein shake to try and get his energy back to where he needed it to be before life hit him in the face again.
Rachel: "Yeah." She nodded. "She's asleep, hope she's not getting sick. I think she's just wanting to rest and relax though." Rachel added with a shrug as she sat back down. "If you don't have anything planned today, maybe you two can go do something? I think that may get her energy back up, she's really missed you."
Brody: Rachel just explained that their daughter was still asleep and that she hoped she wasn't getting sick. She suggested that he take the little girl to do something today because she had really missed him. He wasn't sure what they really could do and then he glanced over at the calendar and it hit him that they could go start some preparations on the apartment today even if they couldn't get keys full time just yet. Maybe he could take her to pick out a paint color for her room and they could start on that for a little while.
Rachel: He didn't say anything and she just focused on her breakfast and keeping it all down. Rubbin her bump she hummed loving how it felt beneath her hand. It was small but so perfect already knowing that their children were growing, even if they made her miserable a good portion of the time. Getting up, Rachel kissed her husband's cheek before getting a little more coffee.
Brody: Brody leaned against the counter for a moment just watching Rachel and he couldn't help but smile seeing her humming as she rubbed her bump. Their babies were going to be here before they knew it and Brody was going to savor every moment of Rachel's pregnancy that he could. "God I love your bump." He mused smirking softly at the feelings it brought up in him, he just couldn't help it.
Rachel: "I love it today." Rachel said with a laugh. "I feel huge and I'm barely far enough along to feel so huge." She mumbled knowing that carrying twins came with the feeling but it was something she was getting used to. "I feel good though, i don't feel really achy like I could be. Just waiting for nausea to past and I'll be happy."
Brody: "You aren't huge. You're just as big as you need to be to allow our babies to grow." Brody assured her. It was good that she wasn't feeling achey or anything though he wished that she would get past the morning sickness already because they had to be getting close to that marker. "You're all bump and it's adorable." It was certainly clear that she was just expecting and not that she was gaining weight for another reason which he hoped helped her confidence.
Rachel: "I know, I know." Rachel murmured. "I still feel that way though and that's just something we have to deal with, comes with the hormones." She said with a small laugh. "I'm really excited for my next appointment, to see how much they've grown and how they are doing in there. To justify how I'm feeling and make it that much better."
Brody: "I can't wait to go see these little dudes or princesses or one of each." He declared kind of ready to know what they were having because he almost needed it to really feel prepared mentally. "I'm also ready to have this move over with so that we can stop thinking about it and just focus on Michaela and the babies and not everything else."
Rachel: "I keep imagining all the scenarios we could be happening and each and every one bring me to the same anxiety that I don't know how to handle two babies." Rachel said honestly. "Though dressing two girls or two boys alike would be super adorable so I'm kind of leaning towards wanting the same sex instead of opposite."
Brody: "There are two of us, we can handle two babies." He reminded her. That was one each and while it would be a lot, it was going to be something that they could manage together, especially after everything else they'd encountered. "I just want two healthy babies." He declared moving to press a hand to her bump. "Though I may lose it if they're both girls. I'm not sure I could handle four of you."
Rachel: "I know there is two of us, there is a lot that the mom has to do though that you cannot." She mentioned with a small shrug knowing that she could do it. Women wouldn't be able to have multiples if they couldn't handle it. "I'm not sure what I want, though four of me would be a little extreme. Two of me is already hard." She teased.
Brody: Brody really didn't think that there was all that much that Rachel would have to do by herself once the babies were born. He still wasn't sold on 100% breastfeeding but he wasn't going to argue with her over it so they would just have to wait and see how things went. "Two of you is hard." He agreed, shuddering a little at having four of them around with her intensity. They needed these babies to have at least a little bit of his personality or they might go insane.
Rachel: "I know I'm so lucky for that little girl but man is she hard to deal with." She laughed. "She's a little devil and drives me insane but she's adorable so she's okay." She laughed again. "I'm ready for these babies though, to add to our family. The more I think about it the more I know that we're in the right time in our lives for two more children. Even if two are complicated and you don't agree with me on how to care for them."
Brody: Rachel wasn't lying when she stated the difficulty of their daughter. "We are at the right place to have our little ones." He agreed. Once they got their family where they wanted it they would have all the more motivation to be successful in their careers. Family would always come first because without them there wasn't a reason to take risks or to dream big.
Rachel: She hummed and looked at her little bump. "I can't believe I have such a bump, I wasn't even showing at this point with Kayla still. Now look at me, I have twins and it's so surreal." Rachel murmured knowing that she wasn't going to get used to it any time soon but she was always going to love it.
Brody: "I love your bump. I love you." He declared setting his cup down before moving to kiss her lips gently. Her bump was where their children were growing and he just couldn't get over that. This time they were happy to be pregnant, this time it was wanted more than anything and that was such a refreshing thing. "I'm going to take Kayla over to the new place and we're going to go pick out paint for her room."
Rachel: "and I love you." Rachel smiled as she kissed him back. Nodding at his plans she kissed him again. "That's a great idea. I think I might go back to bed and just make today an off day and get back to my usual stuff tomorrow." She deserved a day where she didn't do a thing and she was going to take it. Whether or not she made it without making herself crazy was an antire other thing.
Brody: "You should do that." While their daughter was exhausting he could handle her for a few hours and it would let Rachel rest with the babies for a bit. He really did want that for her because he knew that she was probably doing more than she should be already. Still, unless a doctor told her to lighten up he really didn't see that happening so he was going to encourage her to take a day when she wanted to.
Rachel: She nodded and kissed him. "So if you could bring home dinner that would be great." Rachel suggested not really wanting to cook if she didn't have to. She and Kayla had done really good and only ate out once or twice the entire week he was gone so their budget for take out was way under what it usually was.
Brody: Rachel requested that he bring home dinner and he nodded sure that either they could hit up a restaurant or a store to find something that would be quick to prepare. If she didn't want to cook, he certainly wasn't about to imply that she should. He could handle himself in the kitchen and it would allow her to relax and just take it easy today.
Rachel: "I'm going to go rouse the kid from bed." Rachel said as she got up and went into the bedroom and sat on Kayla's bed and rubbed her back. "You need to get up, princess. Dad mad muffins and he's going to take you out or a bit while mom rest." She murmured smiling when Michaela turned over and slowly sat up to hug and cuddle her as she woke up the rest of the way. "Get dressed and go brush your teeth."
Brody: While his wife went to go rouse their daughter, Brody moved to go get dressed and cleaned up a little himself after downing the rest of his smoothie. He definitely needed the energy if he was going to keep up with their daughter today. It had been more than a week since he'd had alone time with her and it would be good even if he would need a nap himself after.
Rachel: Rachel helped her daughter change before making sure she brushed her teeth good and fixed her hair. "Okay, you are ready with your day with daddy." She said as she kissed her head and sent her to the living room to put her shoes on. "She's ready." Rachel murmured as she found Brody in the bedroom and then kissed him. "Have fun today.'
Brody: Just as he was finishing up, Rachel came in and declared that their daughter was ready to go. Kissing her back gently, Brody then leaned in toward her belly to press a few kisses there as well. "You two tell momma to take it easy today okay." He declared before pressing one more kiss to his wife's lips before returning to the living room to make sure that Kayla was really ready to go out to check out her new room.
Rachel: Rachel was so excited for Kayla to finally see her new room. They had somehow managed an apartment with three bedrooms and another room that could serve as an office for Rachel and Brody. Kayla's room was going to be bigger than her current one and they were allowed to paint everything, which was Rachel's number one thing she wanted since Brody wouldn't give on a house. Once the two had left she sighed and went straight for the bedroom feeling exhausted, the week of Brody being gone catching up on her.
Brody: Grabbing his and his daughter's subway passes, Brody guided his daughter underground before hopping on the train that would get them over to the new apartment. It was clear she was excited by the way she was babbling to herself the entire time. Stopping in the office of the new building, Brody requested the keys for a few hours and then they headed upstairs. The apartment was nice, far larger than what they had currently and he knew that they were going to be settled here for quite awhile. Especially because he couldn't see Rachel moving again, until it was a house.
Rachel: It took ten minutes to get comfortable before Rachel was able to fall asleep. While her back was killing her, sleep overcame her and brought her bliss she didn't know that she needed. She overworked herself, it was how she had been her entire life and being pregnant with twins wasn't going to stop her. She just couldn't help it.
Brody: Kayla seemed completely in awe as Brody showed her her new room. They made a mental game plan of where she wanted everything to go and once she had gotten her fill of it and the rest of the apartment, she insisted that they go get the paint supplies then and there. Laughing to himself, Brody found the nearest paint store and the two headed back out into the city, Brody hoping that Rachel had been able to get some sleep.
Rachel: She slept for hours before waking up to Michaela running through the house yelling for her. "Michaela Avigail, what have I told you about running and yelling?" She hissed as she sat up in the bed as her daughter jumped on it going on and on about painting and showing off the color that she had gotten everywhere on her. "It's pretty princess, just like you."
Brody: After picking out paint, they spent a few hours getting one coat of paint on the walls before heading home. With Brody laden down with shopping bags for dinner, Kayla ran ahead and before he could stop her she was running back to the bedroom yelling. Sighing softly he moved to put things down before washing up a bit to start dinner. His girls were in the bedroom and he moved to kiss Rachel before murmuring softly in her ear. "Sorry...she was off before I could stop her with my hands full with things for dinner."
Rachel: "It's okay." Rachel said with a smile. "Something to work on though." She had a bad habit at yelling, she was only a child afterall, but once the twins were here she knew that they couldn't have that anymore. "I'm happy you had a good time." Rachel commented as she tugged off her paint stained shirt before any residue got on her clean bedding. "Go change, I'll be up in a minute."
Brody: Rachel assured him that it was fine but something they needed to work on. While he changed clothes, not that his were too bad, Rachel tugged off their daughter's far messier one and then instructed her to go change. Nodding, their daughter left the room and Brody took a moment to change back into sweats. "So I got the things for some homemade mac and cheese. Sound good?" He hoped it did because he didn't really have a back up plan.
Rachel: She thought about mac and cheese for a second trying to take a guess at what her stomach's reaction was going to be. Her favorite foods and smells were pretty hit and miss these days, Brody's cologne had been the biggest trigger. "It sounds good." Rachel finally said hoping her favorite meal would be in her favor in the long run.
Brody: Thankfully she approved and Brody kissed her softly before heading to get some water boiling for pasta as well as all of the ingredients to start a rue for the cheese sauce. This dish was first boiled and then baked and it was the latter part along with some breadcrumbs that made it so good. Kayla had clearly found something in her room to interest her because she hadn't appeared and he just hoped that she wasn't tearing things apart like she was known to do.
Rachel: Brody left the room and Rachel laid back down so that she could wake up properly. After a few minutes she finally got up and moved to the kitchen to watch Brody cook. "Did she really like the place?" She asked having been nervous about it. It was a completely different area and she was going to have to adjust to her surroundings and new people.
Brody: As he cooked Rachel finally made her way to the kitchen. She asked about Kayla's thoughts on the new place and Brody shrugged. "She seemed in awe over how much bigger it was. She absolutely loved her room and already has plans on where all of her things are going to go." He added just glad that the afternoon had gone so well. "We got one coat of paint on the walls. Speaking of, you need to help me pick out what is going in our room so that I can get that done before we move in."
Rachel: It was a relief that she actually seemed to like it. Humming at his request she sighed having no idea. "A light grey? or is that for the livingroom..." She said unsure of what she wanted. "I'll have to go and look at the colors to decide." She wanted everything to be perfect but it was hard to do that when there was a million things that she wanted.
Brody: "Light Grey was what we were going to do in the bathroom I think." Brody hummed as he added the pasta into the water before continuing to stir the rue. "It's a little blah for our bedroom, maybe a pale blue or light brown, something warm and relaxing?" They were waiting to find out what they were having before deciding on a nursery color, even if in the end they went neutral it just wasn't something they were discussing yet.
Rachel: "I don't really like blue." Rachel said as she shook her head. "A light brown or a tan would be okay. I could decorate with that." She continued feeling okay with that choice of color. "I'd like a bold color for the kitchen, I think." She knew she had to get on the ball with things, but she had been so busy she hadn't really thought of it. "I'll go onto a home improvement site and look through colors and design ideas."
Brody: The latter of his suggestions had been his preference but he wasn't going to let Rachel know that. He could live with whatever paint colors she chose. "Bold is fine with me as long as it's not orange." That was the one color he wasn't a huge fan of. She mentioned going online for ideas and he nodded open to letting her get some ideas before they discussed it all again.
Rachel: "Not orange." Rachel said with a nod before yawning. "I'm not sure if I slept too much or not not enough." She murmured feeling off. "More than ready for that food though." It was going to be a little while but she knew something in her stomach would at least give her some more energy, at least she hoped that it would.
Brody: With orange out as a color, Rachel yawned and Brody frowned a bit seeing how weird she felt. "It'll be ready soon..." He murmured knowing that soon was a relative term in the case. Moving the rue off the burner for now, Brody pulled her into a hug, kissing her temple. "You push yourself too hard." He whispered hating that she was probably burnt out. That was the opposite of what he wanted.
Rachel: "I know." Rachel said as she hugged him in return. "I'm okay though, I'll know when I've hit my limit." She murmured before kissed his cheek. "Thank you for worrying about me but I really am fine. I'm just doing things one day at a time and trying not to move from normality too much. I don't want to hinder myself if I don't have too."
Brody: "Love you and just don't want anything to happen to you." He declared as he pulled back from her a bit to drain the pasta before dumping it into the casserole dish. Quickly he added the sauce and breadcrumbs before popping it into the oven and grabbing a bottle of water from the fridge. He handed the first to Rachel before taking a second for himself. They both needed to hydrate because he was sure that they hadn't gotten enough water lately.
Rachel: "Nothing is going to happen, I promise." She knew she was okay, a little tired but she knew she was okay. There was no sense in taking caution unless she knew that she had to. Taking the water she opened it and took a drink before setting it on the table and heading to the living room to get her tabler. Sitting back at the table she started searching for design ideas.
Brody: She insisted that she would be fine and took a drink of the water before moving to get her tablet from the living room. With dinner cooking, Brody moved to sit down for a bit, his shoulders sore from the strain of painting. He couldn't wait until they were done moving and they could just settle in and prepare for these babies to arrive.
Rachel: She scrolled through design samples. "What about a navy in the living room? Or using it as an accent wall." She suggested. "We can do a light color on the other walls and then our main wall can be the navy, or another color." Rachel continued showing him the picture she found. Just wanting everything to look nice and perfect for them.
Brody: "Navy is fine by me, though let's go with it as an accent wall because all navy would be very dark." He looked at the pictures she was showing him before nodding. He didn't mind really any colors other than orange, pink, and purple for main living spaces. She could pick the paint and he would put it on the walls, she just needed to do it soon because once he got back into work, time was going to be a rare commodity until they actually opened.
Rachel: Rachel nodded and saved the color swatches so that they wouldn't have to guess at a store. Going to the kitchen she wasn't sure what color that she wanted. "You can pick the kitchen." She stated. "I have no idea, maybe green?" The decorations would be easy, but the main color had her stumped. There was too many choices.
Brody: After watching her look around the kitchen, Rachel declared that he could pick the colors. "Why don't we just leave it for now?" He questioned softly. It would be one less room they would have to splurge on paint for since she didn't really have any ideas yet. Plus it would save him the time of having to paint it before they moved.
Rachel: "Or girls." Rachel grinned. "Or boy and girl." She added. "Or people, who can be whomever they want." Rachel concluded with a smile. "But in reality the answer is, just a little bit longer two little humans who are going to drive mommy and daddy crazy regardless and make mommy very very tired." She laughed and kissed him.
Brody: Brody could only roll his eyes at his wife. "I was using the term guys as slang, not actually claiming what gender they were...." He stated kissing her back before turning to flip the oven to broil so that the top of the mac and cheese got crisp and crunchy, giving it the perfect texture. Sometimes Rachel was so literal that it absolutely drove him crazy.
Rachel: "Okay." Rachel said with a nod. Tapping her foot she watched as he finished up the food before calling for Kayla to wash up for dinner before standing up and washing her own hands as she looked out the window. "I'm going to miss this view when we move." She murmured. It wasn't a grand view but it was pretty and she knew it would take some getting used to.
Brody: Brody kept an eye on the oven for a few minutes before pulling their dinner out to cool and cutting up a few vegetables to go with it. Rachel told their daughter to wash up before doing the same herself and commenting on the view. "The view in our new place is similar, actually the one from our bedroom is even better." There was a small park a building or two away and they were up high enough that they actually had a bit of greenery visible from their window.
Rachel: "It's not the same though." Rachel stated. "Our new place won't have the old couple who walk down to the cafe every morning no matter the weather, or the couple across the street who are always throwing things into the road." she mentioned with a small shrug. "You're right the view will be better, but I'll still miss this one."
Brody: "It won't be the same no. But I'm sure we'll find quirks about our new place to love." He insisted. There was no way they would all fit in this apartment so they really didn't have much of a choice but to move. Finding dinner cool enough, Brody carried the veggie tray to the table, along with some plates and silverwear before taking the tray of mac and cheese over as well. "Alright my little humans, mommy can feed you now."
Rachel: Rachel smiled at him and nodded, he was right, she just got moving jitters now and again. She sat down as their daughter did while Brody brought food over. "Looks great." She commented as Michaela babbled over how hungry she was and how painting was exhausting and she needed some food. "I wish painting had actually made you tired." Rachel teased her daughter.
Brody: It was clear that everyone was hungry and Brody almost wondered if the tray contained enough food. That was a foolish thought but it crossed his mind all the same. "Eat up." He declared as he pulled his own chair out after getting everything else settled. He was starving too and the food smelled amazing. "Make sure you take a few veggies as well." He told Michaela wanting her to eat as much of a balanced meal as possible.
Rachel: Michaela rolled her eyes and picked up a carrot just to show she was eating something. "Watch the sass, little girl." Rachel warned knowing that it was coming, she could just tell when their daughter was about to get mouthy with them. She was sure it was because she was nothing but her mother's daughter but she chalked it up as intuition as well.
Brody: Kayla rolled her eyes at him and Brody moved to speak, though Rachel beat him to it. Digging into his dinner, Brody sighed happily, it had turned out pretty good considering and he hoped that it was something Rachel could keep down. Her morning sickness had to ebb here sooner or later but he couldn't wait for it to be gone for good so that they could move on to the other aspects of pregnancy.
Rachel: "Dinner is great, babe." Rachel said as she ate. So far she felt good so she hoped things would stay that way. Still though she ate slowly just to pace herself some. "I think I may take a bath after this, go to bed early. I need to kick this feeling so that I'm not going the rest of the week feeling like crap for no reason."
Brody: He was glad that Rachel seemed to be enjoying it and he nodded when she mentioned taking a bath before going to bed early. "I think we all need to go to bed early. It's going to be a busy week." He had one more day off before he had to get back to the grind at the theater and they were moving at the same time so he was sure that he wasn't going to get a lot of sleep until it was all over and done.
Rachel: "Maybe, once she's in bed, we can take a bath together." Rachel suggested. They needed some one on one time together to connect and enjoy each others presence. It was probably needed more than sleep and she hoped he was up for it. Kayla was busy stuffing her face and Rachel smiled at how perfect she was, how lucky they were.
Brody: Brody smiled when Rachel suggested including him in her bath. He was never going to turn down spending some alone time with her because it did not come nearly as often as he would like lately. "That sounds nice." He agreed, reaching under the table to squeeze gently at her thigh. He was certain Kayla would pass out early and it would allow them some much needed husband and wife bonding.
Rachel: "Okay." Rachel said with a smile really happy that they were going to get some time together. It was so important to her and it would really help them connect better. They needed that more than anything. "I can't wait for that. Plus it won't be long until I can't even fit in a tub so I want to take advantage." She laughed.
Brody: "I think we have a way to go before we have to worry about that." He declared. Especially because the tub in the new apartment was a good size bigger than the one they'd had here. Getting in and out might be a problem for her soon but that was certainly something he would be willing to help with whenever she needed it. Finishing up his plate of dinner as well as some vegetables from that plate, Brody got up and moved to take care of some of the dishes as well as she small amount of leftovers there appeared to be.
Rachel: "I hope so." she murmured because she felt like she was getting bigger and bigger each day and that soon she wouldn't be able to see her feet let alone take a bath. "I think physics will be against me soon enough." Rachel continued with a small laugh before shaking her head as she finished her food and Kayla did as well.
Brody: "That's what husbands are for isn't it?" Brody questioned as he leaned over to press a quick kiss to her lips. He knew that she was going to be increasingly self-conscious with this pregnancy but he was never for a second going to see her as anything but absolutely gorgeous.
Rachel: "That and foot rubs." She giggled as she stood up and stretched her back before picking up the rest of the table and handing it all to her husband before heading into the living room and relaxing a bit. There was never anything on tv, not that she watched it to begin with. Most of the time it was on whatever Kayla had turned it to but she still like to flip to see just what she could find.
Brody: "Don't push it..." Brody replied teasingly as he took the dishes Rachel was handing him to clean up. When he was finished in the kitchen he moved to the living room where Rachel was sitting, sliding himself behind her gently. His hands moved to rub softly at her lower back sure that she was hurting there a bit before one slid around to rest on her bump. "How are the little ones doing?" He murmured, completely in love with the way her skin was pressing forward to allow their babies to grow.
Rachel: She hummed in delight as he cuddled up to her. "I feel like they're making sure they have plenty of room in there." Rachel answered. "Everything is shifting and it's the most unpleasant feeling there is." She continued knowing that her organs were moving to accommodate the pregnancy more and she could definitely tell. "I feel okay though, a little dizzy throughout today but laying here with you always makes me feel better."
Brody: Her response was that the babies were making sure that they had more than enough room to move and grow. Chuckling to himself, Brody rubbed her bump before kissing her head a few times. He knew she was going through a lot and really all he could do was be here to support her with whatever she needed. Her being dizzy was a little worrying to him but he just murmured that he loved her, especially for carrying their babies and continued to gently rub his hands over her skin.
Rachel: She relaxed against him so happy to be in his arms and that he was home with them. She got testy and mad at times but she loved him so much and it was the little things like laying on the couch that made it all that much better. "All the boxes stress me out." She mumbled as she looked around. "If the idea of other people touching my things didn't freak me out so much I'd probably say screw it and let you hire packers."
Brody: Feeling Rachel relax back into him made Brody smile because he loved the moments like this where she was just calm and his. After a few minutes, she murmured about the boxes stressing her out and that if she wasn't as freaked by other people touching her things, she would let him hire packers. "The option is always there." He reminded her softly. "And hey, not too much longer." After all, he was the one that was going to do the majority of the work with the move over the next week or so and it was a daunting task to think about, especially with work and everything else.
Rachel: She hummed knowing it was an option but not sure if she wanted to or not. "I'll think about it tonight but I'd rather pack and then unpack. We don't have a lot left that really it won't really take long. Especially since I did the big stuff that had to be wrapped." She continued with a small shrug just wanting the move over with so that she could focus on the pregnancy.
Brody: There was still hope that Brody would be able to convince Rachel to accept the hired help because it would take stress off of both of them. Not saying another word about that topic, he instead asked to be reminded of her next doctor's appointment even though he knew it was in his phone so that there was no way he'd be able to forget.
Rachel: "Tuesday at 11." Rachel reminded feeling excited for the appointment and hoping that they'd get to see the babies again. So far her pregnancy was going excellently especially for having twins and she was over the moon by it. Besides the normal pregnancy systems she wasn't having any issues and that made for less stress on her.
Brody: He could tell that she was excited for the appointment and so was he. He thought they were due for an ultrasound and that she would be far enough along that they could find out what the babies were if they wanted to. "So...I can't remember if we've decided this or not but if we can find out the sex, are we going to? For some reason I'm thinking we agreed to but with everything lately I just don't remember."
Rachel: She thought about his question for a minute before nodding. "Before we knew it was twins I liked the idea of not knowing and having a surprise but with twins and not knowing if we need double of the same colors, I think it would be easier." Rachel answered knowing that if they waited while it wouldn't be too bad but she wanted to put individuality in what they bought. "Though.." She said with a smile as she turned slightly. "Can we do a big reveal? Maybe have the doctor put what we're having in an envelope and then go from there?" She asked thinking it could be fun and really she just wanted to celebrate this pregnancy as much as she could.
Brody: Rachel agreed to find out, though she requested that they have a bigger reveal and then do something special. "If that's what you want I guess we can work with that, though you know that will mean waiting longer because we won't have time to really throw anything until we get settled into the new place and the show debuts." He wasn't sure that his wife had enough patience to wait a few extra weeks as much as she may like the idea.
Rachel: "It doesn't have to be a grand party." Rachel said knowing that was impossible. "It doesn't even have to have that many people besides those that matter to us in the city and our parents if they can come." She continued. "I just want it to be special." Sometimes she hated how happy and special she wanted the pregnancy to be when she wasn't that way with Kayla and she knew it was because she felt guilty with how unhappy and how much she didn't want the pregnancy back then.
Brody: She assured him that it didn't have to be anything too large and he nodded sure that they could figure something out. He wasn't sure their parents would be able to come out but they could always skype them if need be. "If you want it to be special then we'll make it special." He declared kissing her head, almost willing to do anything for her as long as it would make her happy.
Rachel: "I just think it'll be fun. Maybe it's because I see a lot of viral videos but don't you think cutting open a cake, opening a box of balloons, or really anything would be cool? I think we deserve it, to have a special moment like that." Rachel murmured hoping that he was okay with the idea and didn't think she was being silly for even suggesting it.
Brody: "Babe if that's what you want then I have no problem with it." He assured her kissing her head before reaching to steal a sip of her water. He was sure that even finding out in the doctor's office would be special but if she wanted something fun then they could do that, he certainly wouldn't say no. The last thing they needed was cake though so he was going to veto that idea.
Rachel: She just nodded because that was what she wanted. It would befun for them and michaela was going to love it. Well she hoped so since the five year old still couod care less about having twin siblings on the way. Rachel hoped that making it fun would also instil some sort of excitement into the little girl instead of dread and annoyness. "I don't want to wait forever for the party though so we'll have to see if Shelby or Noah can plan it."
Brody: "I'm sure if you asked Claire she would have no problem throwing something together." Sure she was attempting to plan a wedding but he really didn't think that she and Puck had much determined when it came to that. It wasn't like this would be something huge either so he was sure she wouldn't mind if Rachel just asked her. If not he was sure Shelby would do it, after all she was going to be a grandma again and he was sure she was fairly excited about it all even if she usually kept her emotions well guarded.
Rachel: "I'll talk to her." Rachel said with a smile knowing her best friend would be on board with it all. She was already excited about the prospect of new babies in their lives that she knew it would be a great project for them. "Just have to get through these next few days until my appointment. I see a lot of sleeping in my future."
Brody: Rachel agreed to talk to Claire and then declared that they just had to make it a few days until her appointment. "I think you sleeping is a good idea." He agreed sure that her body needed the rest with everything it was going through. Plus if she was sleeping she wasn't overdoing it and that was his biggest concern with the pregnancy.
Rachel: "I knew you were going to say that." She said with a light laugh. "I think you worry a bit too much about me, but I promise you that I'm fine. Nothing that's going on with me didn't happen with Michaela, now it's just slightly escalated by two. It's nothing I can't handle. I am indeed supermom, I'll always be okay."
Brody: "I'm your husband, I'm afraid it's my job to worry about you." He admitted honestly. There was nothing that was ever going to change that. Plus her carrying twins only meant that he was worried about two more human beings so she was just going to have to get used to it. "You may be supermom but that doesn't change the worries I have."
Rachel: "Just like I'll always worry about you." She murmured knowing there was no getting around it. It was good though, they needed each other to worry for one another. That was what marriage was about and they were doing really well in that department. Well for the most part that was. "Supermom is excited to have more babies." Rachel smiled as she ran a hand over her stomach. "I can't wait to feel them."
Brody: "Daddy is excited to have more babies too. I'm certainly going to be jealous when you can feel them and I can't." He stated just looking forward to being able to hold his children in his arms. He loved Michaela more than anything but at the same time this was going to be very different. These were children that were going to look like him and take after him because of genetics and not just environment.
Rachel: "It won't be long until you can. I wonder if with twins we'll be able to feel sooner." She pondered. "Since they're limited on room in there." She continued not really sure and made a mental note to ask her doctor about it. She was such a tiny person that she was worried about having twins to begin with, but it was exciting to think that maybe she and Brody could both feel them sooner because of it.
Brody: Though he knew it wouldn't be long he also knew that Rachel was bound to feel them first. It may only be by a week or so but he was longing for the connection with his babies that she already had. "So what do you think, boys or girls?" They'd speculated before and were going to find out soon but he was just curious as to what her instincts were telling her about their twins.
Rachel: "I'm not sure." Rachel said honestly. "A part of me thinks one of each, I don't know yet though. It's hard to really feel it. Especially with two babies." She really just felt uncomfortable all the time that her connection with the babies was limited to her talked to them and telling them to move from her back that she hadn't really settled into a feeling yet.
Brody: "One of each would be fine with me, at least I wouldn't be completely outnumbered." He teased pressing a quick kiss to her temple. Their babies were growing by the day, making themselves more noticeable but Brody knew that he wouldn't really feel connected to them until they were here. Time was moving both far too fast but also too slow and it left him feeling somewhat torn about his own feelings.
Rachel: "We already know that they are identical from my scans, I'm not sure what the statistics are of having different genders are." She murmured having not done a lot of research mostly because she's end up in the dark posts and she was doing her best to avoid that. All the things that could go wrong with carrying her twins freaked her out enough just from the doctor telling her. She didn't need real life scenerios. "It's possible though. We should ask."
Brody: "I feel like the odds are slim but what do I know..." Brody shrugged. Really they just needed to focus on getting moved and settled and finding out the genders when it was time. On top of that he had the show opening and that was sucking far more of his energy than he would have liked. He'd honestly never imagined that it would be this hard to balance work and family
Rachel: "You asked what I thought." She murmured with her own shrug. Yawning she rubbed her temple and sat up a bit. "I'm going to get some tea. Do you want anything?" Rachel asked needing something soothing at the end of the day. It helped her relax her muscles knowing that sleeping was getting difficult and uncomfortable at night.
Brody: "No, I'm good right now." Brody assured her. He really should drink another glass of water but he would do that at some point before they went to bed. While she got up to make tea, he moved to check on their daughter, finding her passed out in her bed with Stella curled up at her side. "Looks like someone tuckered themselves out." He mused to himself before moving to at least tuck her in a little better.
Rachel: Rachel brewed her tea looking around at the kitchen that she had grown so used to since they moved. The one in their new apartment was smaller because of the extra space they needed but she was excited to have a new and more updated space to work in. It was the perfect apartment for them to grow their family in until they could get the house she so desperately wanted. Getting her mug she stepped into Kaylas room and smiled at her asleep. "She had a long day."
Brody: Just as he was finishing and pulling back to smile at his daughter Rachel's voice met his ears and he nodded. "Good to know that painting tuckers her out." He declared, pressing one more kiss to her head before pulling back. "So, should we start that bath we were talking about?" He questioned sure that Michaela was going to be out until morning at this point.
Rachel: Rachel nodded. "That sounds amazing, especially right now." She murmured. "I'll go get the water started and go change." Kissing his cheek she went to the bathroom and started the water before adding some bath salts to make it a bit more relaxing on them, especially knowing that it was Brody's favorite kind that helped him after a long day. While the tub was filling she stripped out of her clothes and put them in the hamper before standing in front of the mirror examining her expanding body.
Brody: While Rachel started the bath, Brody moved to make sure that things were wrapped up for the night. With the door locked and the security system armed, he headed to the bathroom, stripping his clothes off as he went. Once there he found Rachel standing before the mirror, just looking at herself. It was moments like this where her bump was on full display that he just found her overwhelmingly sexy. Moving behind her, he pressed a palm to her expanding stomach before dropping his mouth to her neck with soft kisses. "So fucking gorgeous..." He mumbled, just amazed by everything in their lives right now.
Rachel: "I feel pretty gross." She murmured back with a small smile. "This is just the beginning too, so not looking forward to a few months down the road when I'll really be gross." It was exciting though and she was really happy. There was just nothing about the pregnancy process that made her feel sexy. As long as Brody saw her as such though, that was okay. Turning around she kissed him. "Love you handsome." She grinned before moving over to the tub and waiting for him before sliding in to the warm water. "When was the last time we took a bath together? It feels like such a long time ago." Rachel asked honestly not sure because things had been so hectic.
Brody: He hated that Rachel was having body confidence issues because of the pregnancy but really all he could do was keep reminding her how much he loved her and how gorgeous she was. When she turned to kiss him, Brody responded softly, nipping at her bottom lip as they broke the kiss. Once he was in the water of the tub, Rachel slid in with him and his arms wrapped around her as he moved his mouth back to her neck. "It's been awhile I'm sure." Their lives had been utterly crazy lately so it was nice to finally get to spend some real time together with her.
Rachel: "I would say that we should try and make this a more regular thing, but I know that would get broken as soon as I said it." Rachel laughed as she ran her fingers up and down his thighs absentmindedly. "We do the best we can though, I do believe that. We don't have any real us time for about 18 years so this is good. This will do." Even if they did go crazy in between time together at least at the end of the day it was each other they were falling in bed with.
Brody: Brody knew that once they were both more established in their careers, that while things may get crazier, they would also be in a position to take more time for themselves and their family without having to stress as much. Feeling her fingers brushing over his thighs drove him slightly crazy and he moaned unconsciously in her ear before nodding. "We're always going to have each other, no matter what..." He assured her. Even if the time was limited, they were always going to do their best to make the most of it.
Rachel: "Can we take a baby moon?" She asked after a moment of silence. "Nothing extravagant, I'd be happy with a night in a hotel in the city. Just a little getaway before the twins come." It's help them relax and say goodbye to responsibility for at least 24 hours. Kayla had people who she could stay with and it'd be nice. "Of course if you can get off work for a night that is and I understand if not. I just think it could be benenfical to us, plus it would be fun. Like our first trip here was, before I got that terrible case of the flu."
Brody: Just sitting in silence with Rachel was relaxing and Brody hummed as she started to speak asking if they could take a babymoon before the twins arrived. "I'll see what I can do." He murmured sure that they could probably manage that. After all, the show would be dark one night a week once they got going so he would have at least a night that they could go out and do something nice together.
Rachel: She nodded happy that it was something they could possibly do. Sighing she closed her eyes and just relaxed against him. "I can feel them moving." Rachel whispered as she moved a hand to her bump. It was much more distinct this time around now that she knew what it was and how it felt. "I've never felt it before now. They must like me relaxing for once." She grinned always loving the feeling even if she knew that the little flutters would turn to big kicks sooner rather than later.
Brody: Nothing but pure awe appeared on Brody's face as Rachel mentioned being able to feel the babies moving inside of her. Completely speechless, he rubbed his hands over her bump, looking forward to the day when the movements would be strong enough for him to feel as well. It was pretty incredible to think about and he wanted nothing more than for the babies to keep developing so that he could hold them in his arms and feel their heartbeat against his skin.
Rachel: It made it all so real being able to feel the babies move. She could actually tell that there was two little people inside her. Being able to see them had been one thing but that had been nothing more than a picture, this was much more prominent. Sighing in happiness she kissed Brody's cheek before just enjoying the movement and laying against her husband.
Brody: "I love you." Brody eventually whispered, though his voice was completely choked up. "I love all three of you." It was becoming more and more real everyday that they were going to have two babies to raise and love in a matter of months. With their lives as crazy as they were it was all going to pass far too soon for his liking.
Rachel: "I love you." She responded happily though she knew she was always going to be scared of the idea of having twins her love for him only grew. This was all that they had wanted for so long, to add on to the family and have children that was both of theirs. "I love you." She repeated.
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