aquapurc-blog · 7 years
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“Um, excuse me!” Her hands juggled the newly acquired wooden sword, tossing it one between the other in time with the pauses in breath with a shaky hum: conversation had no place on the battlefield, the one place where she felt she belonged, thus the muscle was never stretched. But by the sound of it, that was the one thing that would get her what she wanted and maybe even the freedom of home. “I was wondering if you’ve, ah, heard of anyone named Selena. Or- or Mega! Or anything of the kingdom of Sama. I do not know where this is.. And they haven’t the heart to spare me my sword.”
{ @thiefxgame }
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tw-ink-ling-blog · 7 years
    Sector 002 is definitely the worst sector Mitama has been in so far.
     Dark smog lingers in the air, and a horrible stench seems to cling to every nook and crevice of this horrid place. Not only that, very suspicious liquids litter the streets.
     Mitama was so distracted by her surroundings that she failed to notice that she was walking straight into a person.
✰ “Unseen accidents / I did not see you in front / I’m very sorry”
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despondentist-blog · 7 years
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          “How is it that humans differenciate between the things that give them pleasure and what they are proposed to do? It seems like quite an unclear blurr.”     // @thiefxgame  ❤’d for a starter
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arnath · 8 years
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“ Alright, which one has it?! Spill it! “ In the unfortunate, ensuing chaos that was this robot brawl across the city, one of the metallic annoyances ended up jacking Arnath’s sword. She could see them in the crowd considering it was sticking out of her shoulder, but ripping into these things with her bare hands was a bit more difficult than necessary, and having them crowd her only slowed her down further. 
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akagehime · 8 years
( @thiefxgame )
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   “Don’t you think you have more than enough to spare?” 
  Yona had seen the guy walk past the frail man without even a passing glance just a minute ago, though was a little rude in his refusal. Many turn to dangerous acts in order to retrieve money. He was far too old to resort to that though. She would occasionally give out food, yet the lack of a job prevented her from doing anything more than that.
  “He was asking politely. I’m sure even just a coin or two might have helped him today.”
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omegalegacie-blog · 8 years
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He tosses the spare pokeball he found lying around towards the one behind him. “A pokemon is just as strong and wise as its trainer. Just like the trainer depends on its pokemon, the pokemon depends on its trainer. Between both parties there should be silent mutual trust and faith, if it’s not there then you can’t expect to get anywhere. Many believe that from the start it’s all one-sided, that the trainer and the one that has the pokeball chooses the pokemon, but I don’t believe it to be that way.” Brendan continues, turning around completely and crossing his arms. “The pokemon also chooses who it wants to be with. Let it proven through the strength that was shown to them through a battle or kindness or just plain out being impressed. A relationship between a trainer and its pokemon has to be a sanctioned pillar of understanding.” He finishes with a breath he expels and lets out. Sharing what he knows and believes about all of this..it’s been a while. 
“If you want a pokemon I’m willing to help you out but I need you to understand these fundamentals first.” Coming from the Hoenn champion, who’s to expect less. There’s a face he has to keep even when away from the region. “If there’s a certain type describe it for me or if you have a set name for one then give it to me and we’ll get searching.”
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candykraken · 8 years
[text] hey zelnite long time no see!!
[text] you doing ok?? do you wanna come to epsilon with me and look for pokemon?? its gotta be warmer down there and i think its just full of books?
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j-xckpot-blog · 8 years
❞—Oi, buddy. Think you can point to... This place?❞ He pointed to the paper he scribbled his new “living arrangements.”. Honestly. This whole ordeal wouldn’t blow so hard if not for the extra tidbit. Eating any sort of pizza would be a death sentence. Honestly, even the most scumbag of demons aren’t this needlessly cruel. Out the frying pain and into another hot mess. Judging from his surroundings. Nothing of this “city” struck him as familiar nor did it feel like any other place. Perhaps he can point him a place where he place where he can grab a strawberry sundae and bail.
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🐾 “For the last time, Plagg,” Adrien hissed as inconspicuously to the inside of his shirt as he could. “I am not stealing Camembert for you!” For the most part he loved his Kwami - and yes, he would even admit it. Plagg was his first real friend after being sheltered for so long. Plagg was the one who gave him his freedom.
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Even if he was obsessed with a stinky, horrible food that made him smell like old feet every day of his life. Just his luck. He was so absorbed in scolding the tiny, magical creature that he didn’t really take note of where he was going - or who he was about to run into.
His mouth ran dry as he realized he knocked shoulders harshly with a stranger, and that the stranger probably heard him talking to himself. Scrambling to look casual, he struck an awkward pose. “Sorry,” he (tried to) smile. “Um...nice weather we’re having!”
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“Oi!” Tadashi yelled as he whipped around, the sudden disappearance of his already barren wallet having drawn him to ‘freak out’, if it could even be called that. “Give that back right now assface!” His voice was deep and loud and some of the people walking by even made a point of crossing the street to escape from the potentially dangerous scene.
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“I swear if you don’t give it back right now I’ll kill ya!”
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blitztiger-blog1 · 8 years
slides in my url k thanks
Send me a url and I’ll record my voice saying the url along with what I think of them.
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candykraken · 8 years
[text] did you manage to find baal?
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