#thg names
thesweetnessofspring · 10 months
The Hunger Games characters have some unique names based on many cultures we've lived in today.
What's your favourite character names from THG world? What's their names meaning?
Bonus questions :
If you're a fanfic writer writing about characters who lives in Panem, what's their name gonna be?
If you're a reader, what's a name you read in a THG fanfic that stuck with you?
Thank you, @curiousnonny
@wistfulweaverwoman has an AMAZING breakdown of Peeta's first and last name and the symbolism behind it. Please go read that post. I'm kind of obsessed with it.
Suzanne pays attention to where names come from, so for THG and her other series, The Underland Chronicles, fanfic authors have guidance in where to get names. For THG, Capitol gets their names from Latin/Roman influence. The Districts largely get theirs from their industry (Wiress, Thresh, Cashmere, Bobbin, Tanner, Reaper, etc.). District 2 seems to follow the Capitol with Latin/Roman influences (Cato, Sejanus, Marcus, etc.). The Covey get theirs from a name in a ballad and a color (which is explained in TBOSAS).
For District 12, quite a few Seam characters get their name from nature (Katniss, Gale, Primrose, Posy, Hazelle, Lil short for Lily, Spruce), while it's been my headcanon that the merchants get theirs from derivatives of Biblical names. I always associate Peeta with Peter before pita bread, Delly=Delilah, Madge=Margaret, Maysilee/Mayfair=Mary and though they're Seam, Sae=Sarah/Sariah, Thom=Thomas.
Long, long, long time ago before Peeta's brothers had the fanon names Rye and (some other bread-related name) I used the names Jam and Jonah to make them...Peter, James, and John. This was before Mockingjay released and I'd been hoping his brothers would live and they'd have a role in the rebellion, making the trio comparison apt. I'm still attached to these names though, even if his brothers didn't really do anything. Also in the now-deleted fic I wrote of Mr. and Mrs. Everdeen getting together, I named Mrs. Everdeen Ruth, after the Ruth in the Bible that left her family and people to live and care for her mother-in-law after her husband died. The story reminded me of Mrs. Everdeen leaving her family to marry Mr. Everdeen. I don't think anyone else has this more Biblically-oriented view of the townies of D12's names. And it could just be that a lot of English names are derived from Biblical names as it is and I'm stretching. But merchants do have a distinct lack of nature names in comparison to those from the Seam so I think there's something making their names distinct. A way of showing another divide between the two cultures in D12.
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dandelionlovesyou · 1 year
The Hunger Games characters have some unique names based on many cultures we've lived in today.
What's your favourite character names from THG world? What's their names meaning?
Bonus questions :
If you're a fanfic writer writing about characters who lives in Panem, what's their name gonna be?
If you're a reader, what's a name you read in a THG fanfic that stuck with you?
Thank you, @curiousnonny
Hello there @curiousnonny ,
It took me a while to answer this as I looked through my culture for anything related to THG names but lo and behold, I come up with nothing. I'm from southeast Asia and I suppose SC didn't quite pluck out names from this region. I might also be very wrong 😁
My favourite THG name is Haymitch. Katniss and Peeta are a given because I love their characters, of course. Haymitch is very unique sounding to me.
I looked it up a bit and saw that it was close to 'Hamish' which in Arabic means edge or corner. This was a nice discovery because looking for the edge or end of the arena was Haymitch's strategy on the 2nd QQ. He was also in a cliff/ edge where the axe bounced back from a force field, killing his last opponent. Interesting, huh? 😊
As for the names when I write, I use Free and Julian for my toastbabies. I haven't actually posted my story with those names yet. They are still in my WIP folder, but I hold those names dearly.
Free means to love, dear, or beloved. Being the daughter of two victors and born in a peaceful Panem, Free is free to love whoever or to choose whatever she wants to be. She, being the first child, is also dearly loved.
Julian means youthful, young, or downy-bearded. He is the wild son of Katniss and Peeta. Also, a free spirit. Climbing book cabinets and eating soil 😁 He also loves art like his Papa.
As a reader, I have always liked nature names. Or two names like Katniss May, or Beatrice June. Bread names are cool, and Rye, Wheaton, Graham, and Bran are often Mellark names. Katniss' mom is named Lavender or Lily in a few fics.
I suppose that's it. This is such an interesting question and thank you for asking it!
Take care, @curiousnonny 😉
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katnissmellarkkk · 1 month
suzanne collins : “so in the epilogue of mockingjay, katniss only refers to her children as the girl and the boy-”
suzanne collins probably : “because i couldn’t decide on two names i liked.”
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kald-dal-art · 1 year
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Part a movie adaptation was never gonna do justice was how unhinged/out there Katniss' inner monologue was at times.
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itsajollyjester · 6 months
"I give you- the tributes of District Twelve!"
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I can't even begin to imagine what Haymitch must have been feeling when they won.
Realizing he gets to bring not one but both kids home this time. Watching Katniss make the same mistake he made. Knowing what happens after.
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leclercstarrs · 6 months
academy coriolanus and sejanus using their fingers on you at the same time ; mdni
you’re sitting on your bed, leaning against sejanus, your back pressed up to his chest. his friend, coriolanus, is sitting next to you. they both reach one of their arms around you and down your stomach, making their way into your panties. sejanus works on rubbing at your clit, the pads of his fingers slowly making circular motions. as you get more wet with every movement, coriolanus pushes two fingers into your tight cunt with ease, curling his fingers inside of you.
a soft moan escapes your lips and you turn your head to the side, sejanus shifting his body so he can pull you in for a kiss. your tongues swirl around together and the kiss is interrupted occasionally when you let out moans, the two of them continuing to work on getting you off with just their fingers. “you’re so pretty.” sejanus pulls away from you, admiring the sight of you as your eyes roll back, your teeth sinking into your bottom lip. “isn’t she pretty, coryo?” he uses his free hand to gently grab your jaw and move your head so you can look at the blonde boy on the other side of you.
“so fucking beautiful.” he smirks, pumping his fingers in and out of your cunt at a faster pace. “you like that, hm?” coriolanus whispers. you’re unable to answer with both of them abusing your cunt, simply letting out a small whine, your eyebrows knitting together in pleasure.
“answer him if you want me to continue, baby.” sejanus mocks you, slowing down his fingers on your clit, waiting for a proper response from you.
your nod your head. “please, i like it.”
“good girl. i know.” coriolanus coos.
you move your hips back and forth, gaining more friction as the two of them relentlessly tease your cunt. “faster, sej. i did what you asked, i answered.” you’re barely able to speak, your voice shaky as your chest is quick to rise and fall.
“say please, doll.” sejanus shakes his head.
he listens to your begging and continues to rub your clit even faster, switching between circular and figure eight motions on the swollen nub. coriolanus does the same and quickens the pace of his fingers, mercilessly hitting that spongy spot in your pussy. your eyes shut and you can feel your cunt slowly starting to clench around the blonde’s fingers, the sounds of your slick being pumped in and out of you getting louder every second.
moments later and your cunt is completely clenching around the fingers of coriolanus, your clit getting overly sensitive as you orgasm, cumming all over their fingers and soaking your panties.
coriolanus takes his fingers out you, bringing his hand out of your panties and towards your mouth, “open wide.” you do as he says, watching him with half shut eyes as he sticks two fingers into your mouth. “suck them.” he demands and, once again, you listen to the blonde, bobbing your mouth up and down his fingers, tasting yourself on them.
“you did so good.” sejanus opts to be kinder, kissing your cheek as the other boy takes his fingers out of your mouth and you swallow your juices. “let me clean you up.”
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no you guys don’t get it; it’s so bad on tiktok. everyone on there is so insistent that foxface purposefully killed herself with the berries solely based off the two second clip in the movie (which wasn’t even identifying edible plants it was literally just matching).
like…… the whole point with foxface from the beginning was not to overestimate your competitors. when she talks about cato and foxface in the same passage she explicitly states that it’s just as dangerous to overestimate who you’re facing. in that she was thinking about how she might be overestimating cato’s intelligence, but then foxface goes and does the same with peeta. katniss constantly talked about how smart she was. she had made it to the final four solely off of taking from others just to keep herself alive. she had been doing it the entire games, but she trusted that peeta knew the berries he was grabbing. she probably didn’t even check to see what they looked like, because let’s be real. district five’s industry was ELECTRICITY. do you really think someone from the power district knows anything about edible plants? she saw the berries with the cheese and took some to fuel herself. because she assumed katniss and peeta were literally about to eat them. why on earth would she kill herself when she was three people away from winning? and if she knew they were poisonous and assumed katniss and peeta were about to eat them, she would’ve been final two. she could’ve waited for them to eat the berries, take katniss’s bow and arrows, and she would’ve had at least a fighting chance against cato. not to mention all the other districts HATE THE CAREERS. if she knew they were poisonous, decided to kill herself, and assumed katniss and peeta were going to eat them, that would’ve left cato as victor. there was no one else. she did not know they were poisonous. she overestimated peeta’s intelligence. it’s saying being stupid is dangerous for everyone.
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buggiebite · 3 months
Let’s Get Married
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It took a couple years, but Katniss wanted a change to her somewhat monotonous life. She loved Peeta. So much that she rolled over one night and asked him to marry her.
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Thanks for the inspo, @katnissmellarkkk !
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sunfloowerlatte-art · 6 months
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doodling everlark for my 10 year old self
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Suzanne, Suzanne look at me. Look at me.
I'm being so serious right now...
I am on my KNEES begging you for the Mellark/Everdeen side drama. Even just like a slight mention. WITH first names. I am BEGGING you.
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trobeds · 1 year
i know the hunger games isnt about romance i know it isnt a love story but. theres just something so beautiful in the way peeta is the personification of what it means to heal and he /is/ the dandelion and the bread and the hope that things can be better even if they wont be fixed. even if the nightmares dont stop he will still hold her. wake her up and tell her shes alive. shes safe. and when its over and done and theres no more saving or protecting or trying their absolute hardest to die if it means keeping the other alive, the horrors dont stop. but katniss will still find that comfort in peetas arms.
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loonarmuunar · 2 months
The idea of Peeta and Katniss slowly becoming more socially disconnected with the people they had to pretend to be before and during the war.
A new generation of kids are born, and maybe they’re taught something of what happened before their time, but maybe they’re too young to have learned about it in school. Or maybe, they just didn’t care too much to remember, maybe they’ve just never seen pictures of The Mockingjay. Or maybe Katniss has outgrown the image of that scared 17-year-old girl.
Whichever way it is, the kids don’t know, and don’t really care. When people come in from across the country, asking where they could meet “The Mockingjay”, the adults ignore them.
When they ask a kid, they just blink. “Who?”
“Katniss Everdeen.” They might try.
These kids have never heard of a Katniss Everdeen. And besides, their parents told them never to talk to weird strangers!! They run away, and go to tell Mrs. Mellark about the weird person they met.
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tellmelater · 5 months
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in another life
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I love the way that Suzanne uses names in THG series, both in the meaning the names give the characters and as a sense of world building. But there's one name that floors me and I have no idea how it fits into the pattern of her world.
Just....how, Suzanne?? How does this name even exist? Where did it come from? What does it mean??
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purriteen · 5 months
Ad victor spolia, chapter three
content warnings: incest, manipulation, eventual Stockholm Syndrome, toxic & dark!Coriolanus Snow (as if that isn't his default), named!reader, ANGST, eventual smut, non-con, age gap (5-6 years)
author's note: this is where it gets really toxic, so be prepared please this is so OOC I’m ashamed
word count: 2,678
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Perhaps it was about image after all. Your brother had invited guests to what you had assumed was a private dinner, just the two of you. You recognized Strabo Plinth and his wife sitting at his right, but he’d saved you a seat next to him. Deep down you had hoped that their spending time together was just some phoney traumabond, after all Coryo’s classmate and fellow peacekeeper - their son - had been executed for treason when they were both serving together out in twelve, and the boy didn’t seem to have a lot of friends, at all. You knew why, of course. He was district. You still remembered the gossip surrounding him when you had first started middle school. He was in the same class as your brother, and the year after that they both went on to the Academy. Even kids your age were talking bad about him behind his back.
You gritted your teeth as you walked over to him, feigning a smile when he pulled out your chair and gestured for you to sit. You obliged. Only now did you get a good look at the people sitting around the table. You only recognized a handful, as some of the other high-up politicians working alongside your brother and an old classmate of his. Mrs Plinth gave you a warm smile, pointing towards a couple steaks neatly arranged on a platter not far from where you were sitting and saying something you couldn’t quite make out. You smiled and nodded, leaning over to grab the smallest piece you could find. 
You could feel his eyes on you, watching your every move. It felt like he was testing you - first he neglected to tell you about whatever this was, and now he wanted to see how you’d react. If you’d finally learned to think quickly on your feet. If your presence could actually be useful in these events. Even the gown felt like a test - presumably to figure out if you’d look good on his arm. Like he was trying you on, rather than having you try the dress on.
All that dining etiquette Coriolanus had forced you to learn when you were barely ten years old still stuck with you. That was the first time you got a good glimpse of your father in him. His impatience, the complete lack of compassion, the way he smacked your wrists for getting something wrong. At that point Tigris had intervened, but Grandma’am had simply shrugged it off and told some anecdote starting with ‘back in my day’.
You refused to even acknowledge his presence. You hadn’t been prepared for this, you knew you were still too vulnerable. Maybe that’s why he did it; if you broke down or embarrassed him in front of other people again, he’d have all the more reason to isolate you and keep building off of the story of his mentally distraught little sister. You wouldn’t give him the satisfaction of that.
You gloated in the fact that his guests seemed to take more of an interest in you than Coriolanus for a brief moment. An older woman you faintly recognised remarked on how much you’d grown since she last saw you. Another jokingly pointed out how you’d been the one to inherit your mother’s good looks. A pleasant laughter erupted from right next to you at this, but you could sense the tension in your brother’s voice. 
Your heart was pounding in your chest when you replied, “Oh, but Coriolanus inherited one thing I didn’t, our father’s talent for scheming.” You meant it as a half-joke, but you could tell by the subtle tightening in his jaw that Coriolanus wasn’t pleased. Meanwhile it took the other guests a second to determine that it was okay to laugh. 
It was laughable how shallow they all were, how they so loyally danced around on the minefield that was their president’s ego, all for just a glimpse of power. 
By the time dessert was served you were deep in conversation with the man sitting on your left, feigning interest in his latest endeavours within finance as he tried to work his charms on you. You were surprised at first, but you supposed it made sense that an up and coming young weasel businessman would try and use you and your brother’s position to better his own standing. 
You figured you could always use the excuse of common courtesy if Coriolanus decided to confront you about it afterwards. You’d never admit it, but you relished in the knowledge that you were getting on his nerves, and that you still managed to be subtle enough for him to not intervene. You reckoned that you were playing your cards well.
Until the guests started to leave one by one. Eventually you had to say goodbye to the young man who you’d learned was named Salus Bellthorn - judging by his last name he wasn’t anyone important, likely the son of one of your brother’s colleagues or similar - and one of your brother’s old classmates, who was surprisingly well-rounded.
Finally, it was just you, Coriolanus and the Plinths. You tried to remain polite, despite the distaste you felt for them for splitting up your family and humiliating Grandma’am. All you could think about was how she had died thinking her grandson had ditched her for a couple of greedy district folk. Soon enough he took notice of your suddenly uptight demeanour, making up some half-assed excuse about fatigue.
You didn’t like the thought of potentially allowing your reputation to become collateral damage, but you were pleased at the thought of forcing Coryo to clean up after you. He was always excellent at damage control. So it wasn’t surprising when he escorted the two of them to the front door to say goodbye, leaving you behind in the dining room with the remaining servants.
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By the time he returned, all of that charm and pleasantry had melted right off of him. He marched right over to you, gripping your arm hard enough to bruise. You winced in pain, and he seemed to realise the two of you were still not alone in the room. He glared down at you as he tugged on your wrist, forcing you to stand up. He visibly cooled down, taking on his usual stoic expression, but you knew better than to think he was calm. “Helvius, clear the table and tell the kitchen staff they’re done for tonight.”
He didn’t even give his chief of staff the chance to reply before practically dragging you back towards the grand staircase, causing you to nearly trip on the fabric of your own dress as he rushed upstairs. Neither of you uttered a single word the entire way back to your room.
When you finally got there, he let go of his calm facade again, showing you the Coriolanus you’d grown to hate. He slammed the door behind you, each of your wrists in one of his pale hands as he held you in place. His eyes frantically searched your face for any sign of weakness, but you refused to allow him the pleasure of seeing you break again. 
“Did you enjoy your dinner party, Coriolanus?” You finally inquired, after what felt like hours of glaring at each other in silence. Your voice was dripping with venom as you spoke, taunting him. You watched as anger flashed in his eyes, before he took a deep breath. You liked knowing that he needed to put effort into keeping his cool because of you, despite the fear you felt in this situation. It took you until now to realise how hard your heart was pounding, but you figured you had nothing left to lose.
Just when you thought he’d calmed down, he shoved you down onto the floor, catching you off guard. You grimaced as you crawled back and away from him, all the way until your back hit the side of your bed. He followed, crouching down in front of you and once again trapping you beneath him. He leaned closer, as close as possible with your knees protectively curled up to your chest.
“You find it funny, don’t you?” He spat as he grabbed your chin, pressed between his pointer and his thumb. “Do you enjoy ruining your own future, my darling sister?” He raised an eyebrow, his tone deceptively gentle. “Every time you try to cause a scene in front of me my patience wears thinner, Hersilia. Right now? It is holding on by a thread.” You swallowed hard, struggling to keep up the stone cold, unbothered look on your face.
“Is this the future you want for yourself? You’re here for your own good, but don’t forget. I don’t need a reason to punish you.” He sounded harsher this time. Less filtered. “Even the districts think you’re sick, isn’t that amusing? No matter how much they despise me for simply keeping them in check, they’re no better than your friends. Happy to turn on you on account of gossip and hearsay alone.” He dryly chuckled, running his thumb over your bottom lip. 
“Do you understand the gravity of your predicament yet?” You shiver, the back of his knuckle gently tracing down the exposed skin of your neck, until he gets to the point where it meets your shoulder. His hand slowly, delicately coils around your neck. Your heart nearly stops, and you look up at him. His eyes immediately meet yours, relishing in the fear he can sense in your gaze. Eyeing you like a predator inspecting its next meal.
“Why don’t you just poison me, Coryo? You think I’m a threat, or at best a burden. So why do you not just make me go away? We both know you have the means to!” You whisper, but it comes out more as a hiss, and even then he can still hear the resentment in your voice. You stay like that for a couple of minutes, eyes boring into each other, quiet enough to hear a needle drop. His hands stay right where they are, holding you in place and only threatening to choke, enough to keep you on edge. Your cheeks are burning up, betraying your attempts to show him no weakness.
He finally sighs and gets back up on his feet. He doesn’t move though, gesturing for you to get up as well. “I do not hate you. I do not wish to see you dead. You on the other hand,” He pauses, taking a deep breath. “You don’t seem to feel the same way. You keep pushing me away, after everything I’ve done for you.” He reaches out his hand, and you reluctantly place your own in his and allow him to pull you back up.
“Tell me, dove. Do you even realise how much I’ve sacrificed for you?” He waits for a second as if expecting an answer to his clearly rhetorical question, before continuing. “When you were little, Grandma’am couldn’t even look at you. Not after what happened to our father, she didn’t want to get attached. And Tigris, she tried, but when you got sick, she started to act like you were already dead. I stole food for you, slept next to you by the fireplace for a week until you started to get better. I couldn’t stand the thought of losing you.” He continued, a vulnerability, gentleness, in his voice that you couldn’t remember hearing from him ever before. It sickened you as much as it tugged on your heartstrings.
“Everything I’ve done I’ve done to protect you. You’re a direct target for my opponents, and likely even common men. I can’t stand the thought of losing you, dove,” He caresses your cheek, your head nearly spinning as you try and process all of this. “Ever since I returned almost five years ago now, you’ve been so distant, so cold. I was too busy trying to secure our finances to see that you were slipping away from me.” You could hear the trembling in his voice, see the bottled up desperation in his eyes.
“I just want to keep you safe, Silia. It’s all I’ve ever wanted.” Now he’s whispering directly into your ear, the hand previously wrapped around your neck now gently caressing your shoulder. “I won’t lose you like I did mom and dad, like I did Grandma’am. I regret so much that I didn’t try harder to be there for you, even when Tigris shut me out,” He shakily exhales, his words making you finally snap out of it. 
Your hands press against his chest, firmly pushing him away. You’re awestruck by the dishevelled, vulnerable look on his face at first. “What, what do you mean, Tigris shut you out?” He runs a hand through his hair, taking a deep, shaky breath. “Don’t you remember how cold she was after I returned? She didn’t even want me to be alone with you, you know. I figured she would’ve told you something, perhaps warned you to stay away from me. God, she was always envious, Silia, envious because she’ll never experience what we have, envious because she’s an only child. Can’t you see that?”
Your brows furrow, sitting down on the bed as you try to take a moment to think this through. But he immediately descends upon you again, crouching down once more and holding your bare, shaking hands in his as he attempts to make eye contact. “Don’t be like that, Hersilia. Don’t shut me out again. You know I’m the only one around here who truly cares about you. Why else would Tigris have abandoned you? Why else would your friends be so easy to bribe into leaving you? Why else,” 
He pauses, gently grabbing your chin and tilting it to make you look him in the eye, “Would I keep you here, as close to me as possible, when I could’ve sent you off to a mental institution, tried to do away with you? You mean so much to me, Silia. I just want to keep you safe. You won’t ever have to worry about going hungry again, about being kicked out on the street, about being found out as a fraud and humiliated by your peers. You have to understand, I was so afraid that you would break, that I’d lose you too. I truly believed that the only way to keep you safe was this.” He just keeps going, overwhelming you with all these new revelations. 
“Please. Coryo,” You meekly whisper out, tears rolling down your cheeks. “I need time to think, you’re, you’re confusing me so much and I don’t know what to feel,” You babble on, tears turning into sobs that wrack through your small frame. “You scare me, Coryo, your mood swings, this constant game of push and pull, it scares me,” You hiccup, and before you know it he’s got his arms wrapped around you, pressing your face into his chest as he strokes your hair, hushing you. 
“It’s okay, you’ll be okay, you’re gonna be just fine. Won’t let anything bad happen to you.” He kisses the top of your head, and you have no choice but to accept his shallow attempts at comforting you. You realise that he thinks that he’s got you now, that you believe him. You’re not sure if you do or if you’re still strong enough to resist him, but in this moment all you can do is fall apart over and over again in his arms, allowing yourself to forget for a moment why you only have him left to turn to in the first place.
Meanwhile, Coriolanus is overcome by a sick sense of satisfaction as you unravel right in front of him. He’s far past the point of feeling guilty now, no. He’s certain he can shape you into exactly what he wants in time, but he hasn’t forgotten how you tried to embarrass him tonight.
He’ll make sure you won’t forget it, too.
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taglist: @caffeine-addict-slug, @phoward89, @catesbaroquecasahouse
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