#thfl keiran
sinfulforrest · 5 months
mwehehehe having more yandere thoughts tonight, this time about a vengeful ghost man of mine, Keiran!
lil warning for mentions of self starving/disordered eating from anxiety, noncon and noncon possession!
♡ Keiran hates the living. He envies them so, so much he can't begin to put it into words. He hates them, hates their warmth, their life, their presence on the world. How is it fair that others get to live whilst his life was cut short? Worse still, how was it fair that he had taken to stalking you after you had explored the crypts that he had made his home!? You seemed so excited and happy to be there, disturbing his 'rest'...it was the best excuse he had when he followed you to your home. It was only fair that he got to explore your home too, no?
♡ He found you pathetic honestly, watching you bumble around your home as you searched for objects that he had moved to mess with you, watching you shake in fear every time he forced your surroundings to make unnatural noises. You were so cute when you were scared, but that was amplified when you became brave and determined. He wanted to break you. He couldn't decide where he got his greatest pleasure from; it was either when he would tug on your clothes, causing you to yelp in surprise, or when he would lightly tap onto your shoulder, watching your head whip around at lightning speed.
♡ One night whilst you sleep he floats over, lying down to face you, pressing a finger on your forehead. Immediately your face scrunches up and you tremble. He smiled, watching you whimper and shake from the nightmare he'd just given you. You began beading up with sweat, tossing and turning with twitching limbs before waking up with a cry, clutching your chest as you hyperventilated. What went from a fond appreciation for you turned into envy when he realised that he couldn't feel the searing heat of your skin after these nightmares, and with that, he decides to amp them up for you.
♡ More weeks pass, and the nightmares only worsen for you. In your dreams you're stalked endlessly by a pale figure, hair billowing around its form, whispering incomprehensible words that pierce through your eardrums and lodge themselves right into your skull, clawing at your flesh with ice-like nails, making your skin instantly frostbitten. In your waking hours, you swear you can now see the figure from your nightmares down the corridors of your home. Eyes sunken in, chains adorning the bone-thin wrists of the figure. Tattered rags for clothes and a hole in its abdomen, complete with ghostly innards gently swaying like its hair. You feel so cold now.
♡ Keiran likes how close to death you look. Tired, sunken eyes. Jumpy skittishness. You'd even stopped eating due to how nervous you'd gotten. He loved it. He loved how malleable you were for him. He wanted to touch this new you, wanted to really feel your body. He decides that night to give it a go whether you like it or not. He lays over your curled up form and lowers himself down, and down, until your skin and bones house his spirit.
♡ You wake up against your will, coughing and spluttering. Something wasn't right. You felt disoriented, not quite connected to your body. You try to move and sit up to ease your laboured breaths, but to your dismay you find that you can't even make a finger twitch. Was this sleep paralysis? That theory is thrown out of the window when your arm starts moving on its own.
♡ You can't shout. You can't scream. You can't even whimper as you hand slowly travels down in between your legs, resting right by your sex. You find yourself speaking in a tone of voice that isn't yours.
"It feels so good to finally be able to feel your warmth..." you croon. You're terrified. You chuckle, before your other arm snaps and bends unnaturally, sending searing pain coursing through your body. Eventually the wet crunching stops, and your other hand is clumsily fondling your nipples.
♡ Keiran couldn't get enough of the warmth he had coveted for so long. He could hear your weak spirit screaming at him from within you to stop and to get the hell out, but he merely shoved it down further. He'd soon get you out, get this vessel for himself. That's what he kept saying, anyways.
♡ Your lower hand begins playing with your sex now, and you can't stop the tears that flow from your grinning face. It hurts. Your face, nipples, groin, body. It hurts so much. And it won't stop. You desperately try to move and fight back against whatever force is making you do this, but all that does is just make you feel even heavier and powerless. You lay and take it, giving up, letting your body cum against its will.
♡ Keiran exits your body after that, feeling the buzzing coursing through your shared body fade as more of him left. He couldn't believe that had actually worked. You stare at the pale figure before you, bewildered and dazed, your tears making it look wobbly and distorted. Keiran stares back at you with an unreadable face.
♡ Filled with a surge of confidence he dives back into your weak vessel again, not ready to give it up. This was his body now, he decided. You and him would be one, whether you liked it or not. Not that you'd have a say really; you wouldn't want him to take your life away and to tear your soul out from within your body, would you?
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sinfulforrest · 5 months
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just a quick scribbly ref of Keiran..
I wrote a lil snippet of the sort of abilites he has here :3
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