#theyre sundaes sibling
mushroomjuice · 2 years
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Taffybaffys ily
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berryscaryskies · 7 months
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(more on Jupiter Gen here)
the left two I've already sorta gone over with other Jupiter Gen posts, but ya know. Surprise werewolf baby and the two connecting the dots and realizing theres a very real chance that none of their kids will be human (they adopted two human kids and Sundae is dormant on both sides so they did technically wind up with three human kids after all!)
-Funny sibling dynamics: Galileo and Juno despite getting along really well for a majority of their childhoods wind up butting heads a LOT by the time they get to middle school. Juno especially has a tendency to prod her brother, but he can get pretty grumpy and moody in his own right. They still love each other and make jokes and get along at times, they just have a rocky couple years. Once theyre older they do bicker a bit on occasion but they'll always be family and will always be there if the other really needs them. 
-In a family of big personalities and supernatural abilities, Sundae is quiet and trends to just listen and watch, this has wound up making her the favorite of all of her siblings really. I don't think she herself is fully aware of this, but each of her siblings tend to gravitate towards her the most. Galileo and Juno are both pretty protective of her, but whereas Gali is a soft shoulder to rest on, Juno is the one that likes to push her out of her comfort zone and make sure she's having fun. Likewise Callisto and Arche both think Sundae is really funny and adore how willing she is to go along with their own goofiness. This is sorta Saturn Gen stuff though so I hold off on going further into it
-Galileo being the oldest is actually a young adult and married with a kid!! It's funny, cuz he's always been pretty smitten and serious with Kayla, but he was a total heart throb in high school. Several girls asked him out, though he rejected all of them cuz he was literally already in a relationship. This is also sort of frustrated Juno a bit, because she did not have the same luck with romance as her brother, but ya know dating in high school doesn't work out for everyone. 
in age order here's: Galileo, Kayla(Galileo's wife), Juno, Sundae, Callisto, and Arche
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camiibee · 4 years
i havent gotten this off my mind since it entered (and my friends can attest to this), but i am now full of baby (when i say baby i mean young child) seiji katayama headcanons that my friend helped me with so i cant even be mad:
- i Cannot stop visualizing him sounding like catbug. its ingrained in my mind he does. it just makes so much sense to me ?? idek
- dmytro (along with helping train him since he was a child) also became his babysitter/nanny! went with him and stayed with him in paris, but even before that they were together very often. (when theyre not training, dmytro is a lot less strict and professional, more like a doting parent or older sibling).
- he was a momma's boy!! though also incredibly in love and starstruck by his dad when he was around, seiji loves his momma a lot. they danced and baked together in the kitchen whenever they had free time (along with some lemonade and/or ice cream sundae's).
- he was a shy baby (which the comics sorta refer to), constantly hiding behind legs, and pretty quiet. he did the little kid hand on pant leg thing a lot. however around his momma (and dmytro sometimes) he was a very big chatterbox, and loves to share his thoughts with people hes close to.
- i said to my friend, and i quote: "imagine tol dmytro holding onto littol seiji's hand and help him cross the street after practice going to the parking lot to go home" so yeah theres that
- he was a pretty clumsy baby!! used to trip over his own feet running to hand things to others when he was too excited. used to trip over his jammy bottoms on his was to have cookies before bed. whenever he falls, though, he just lets out a soft little "oof" and pops back up!
- whenever hed go to the zoo/aquarium, his favorite animals to see would be the sloths, manatees, sharks, and penguins. soon enough, they become integrated into their everyday chatter: his momma going "lets eat our veggies like a manatees" and she and him "snuggling together like penguins" and he hangs from his dad's arm bc "im a sloth daddy!" and him doing sneak attacks on dmytro like a shark complete with the "rrrRr RAWR CHOMP" noises. after practice seiji will look up to dmytro sometimes and ask if theyre gonna buy more manatee food, and dmytro dies a little inside (hes eating his veggies!!)
- another direct quote: "TOL DMYTRO HOLDING LITTOL SEIJI'S HAND AS THEY WALK AROUND THE GROCERY GETTING GUMMIES AND JUICE AND MANATEE FOOD" along with "DMYTRO GIVING SEIJI PIGGYBACK RIDES 🥺🥺" with an add on to that message from my friend (thank u babs) "And after one of his matches dmytro gives him a piggyback ride but little seiji is too tired so he falls asleep"
- seiji looks up to dmytro a lot, nd brags about how hes the coolest to anyone he works up the courage to talk to. he loves tellin his momma about what he and "mr. 'mytro" did that day.
i just ... really love baby seiji a lot i guess ??? wow
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trickkombowerskru · 6 years
Being The Bowers Gang’s Little Brothers
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Request: Anonymous: Hey :) could you write an headcannons about being the little brother of the bowers gang, eahc for one boy? Aorry if it’s not very understandle 😅 me and my shitty English 😅
A/N:I am so so sorry this took so damn long to post anon at first I was ffocusing on my Christmas even and then I took a birthday break, but I am back now and it is finally here so I hope you enjoy it. Also like I said in the ask I already made a post like this for Henry and for that reason he won’t be in these, but that post can be found here :)
I mean obviously you can’t be too much younger
You don’t wanna have a repeat of  Avery
Then again if you are closer to Patrick in age, the Avery siuation won’t happen for a few more years
You’re two years younger than your brother
You don’t have the best relationship 
He kind of just ignored you
And when he didn’t he was the typical asshat an older brother usually is to a little brother..well with a slight sadistic Patrick-like twist obviously
Dear God some of the pranks he played on your were so awful
Of course being the town psycho’s brother doesn’t exactly get you friends easy
Sure Patrick let’s you hang out with the gang from time to time
But even if you look up to your older brother, you can tell the guys feel like he’s babysitting whenever you’re around
Well that is until IT shows up and you just so happen to be there in the sewers with Patrick 
See the guys just told you to follow him when looking for Ben -which you really didn’t wanna do since he was in your English class, and actually pretty nice, just kinda quiet if anything
But he did help you a few times when you needed it.
Thankully you didn’t see the carving because youwere kinda far, but when they went to search Patrick called out to you to get your ass over there
You’re both terrified at first running to get the fuck out 
When it seems the bars won’t budge you think your fates are sealead
Until Patrick gets one of them loose, the creepy clown was inching further and further towards you,as Patrick tries to break more bars
It seems he is coming for your brother before you, teeth bared, about to  bite his arm, when a wave a confidence flashes through you 
You pick up the bar Patrick through down
“Stay the fuck away from my brother!”
You yell this as you bash the back of the clown’s head with the bar causing it to  turn and look at you, you repeat the action and itruns the other way
“Holy Fuck,” Patrick breathes out
In a rare moment of having a kind of normal family reationship you hug him 
He gets the bars loose and you two run like hell back to the guys
Somehow a bit later you run into the lsoers patching Ben up 
And despite you being Patrick’s brother they patch you up as well, since you never really bothered them like he did 
You join the group 
Which of course paints a target on your back for the boys
Well a bit 
Since you kinda saved his life Patrick decided you were actually real and you could co-rule with him
Which of course means your relationsip imporved a lot
So he gets the guys to lay off you when they go afte the Losers
Overall being Patick’s brother is a mindfuck that you’ll never be able to make sense of
No matter how much you try
You are 4 years younger than your brother
Your relationship is pretty normal
You don’t get to hang out with the guys often 
But if they aren’t doing anything semi-illegal or dangerous Vic will let you hang out
So usually just when they’re chilling at your house talking 
He’ll tease you from time to time
But hey that’s what brothers do 
But he does does good things too 
Like helping oyu out at scchool
Or giving you advice if you like someone
So he’s a pretty decent older brother
You are a lot younger than your brother
7 years younger to be exact
Your mother was shocked when she got pregnant again
And was honestly a little worried
Since she already had to work so much to support her and Reggie as is
But your brother stepped up when the time came that he could around last year
Got a job down at the shop to help with money
And he babysits you alot
You two have a really great relationship
Your big brother is kinda liike your hero
He does so much for you along with your mom
And you think he’s so tough and cool
Plus sometimes when he babysits you, he’ll drive you down to the ice cream shop for sundae
Encourages you in whatever you wanna do 
100% drives you to and from school
And will scare any bullies away, simply with his height alone when they see him coming over to them before he can even say anything
Plays catch with you a lot
Looks out for you
Meaning 9/10 keeping you tf away from the guys 
He doesn’t need them corrupting his 8 year old baby brother
Well Patrick at least
Sometimes he can get Vic and even Henry to play catch with you too or just throwing a football around
The guys tease the shit out of him for playing with action figures or anyhting else that isn’t catch with you though
Overall you adore your older brother and you two have the best realtionship out of any of the guys and their siblings
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cultofthepigeon · 6 years
mako and jake see each other in person for the first time in years. theyre stoic faced, squared shouldered. acting the part of diplomats
and then they break out into giggles and proceed to do their Super Secret Sibling Handshake that involves at least one (1) reference to anime and three sound effects. they hug each other and jake lifts mako off the ground and then mako lifts jake off the ground because theyre both jaeger pilots and both like to show off to each other
they make a date to get sundaes and catch up to each other
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