#theyre sousoed to loke like tree brnaces but keep chagkng ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ
ceoofmetagala ยท 2 years
Ayo i wanna hear about your heroes of yore ๐Ÿ˜ณ๐Ÿ˜ณ pls ramble about them
Okay my heros of yore... They are all besties (omg no way!!( And here's all of them with foods i can find of them because i don't have my tablet on me to have a full colored price of all 4 ๐Ÿ’”๐Ÿ’”
First flora!
I draw flora the most because I'm isnane for them ..here's a few of em. (Fetruinh everyone else )
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I made a while ramble thread abt what happened to them post Galcta sealing -
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Tldr-Baislcly, after All 3 of their friends eieter die or get bainshed it's so sad it decides to fuck off into it's own dimesnion in which it stills sleeps and it's been sleeping tehre for so long it believed this dream to be real and the dream they're in eveyones alive and it's very caryon like, pink and flowers. Very fun๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘
Before that flora is very much with Galcta the extroverts and they intrect with people slot, flora slot more being doctor healmore and being a healer ( a very good one at that!) They've focoud so much on helsing slot of common traits for "fecto" doeiced to have are very weak such as demisonal travel.
They're very good frineds with everyone and very attached to all of them so you can imagine their intial sadness at Galcta being sealed. But like everyone else was convinced galacta committed down horirble crime (he didn't !!! All he did was be good at his job๐Ÿ’”) and felt better abt it saying i can't believe galacta would do such horirble crimes...
Then steallr and bami argure and then bami died one way or another as he's just a waddledee ๐Ÿ’” (vine boom) flora sad again . And BAM stellar and them have to separate because magic anceints are banned including it because it is magical lol.... And flora decides best course of action is to fuck off to hide in it's dreams but not before saying bye to steallr. Form tehre that previsuoly mentioned thing happens!!!
Now onto bami and stellar ! First bami who has more impact in the game stuffz
Here he is firstly - ( outdated ish refrence I'm just grabbing these quick from my art tag on twitter(
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Huh I wonder what's that next to him....WIST IS THAT THE WANNING MOON MASK- (which one did dedede wear in kirby fighters 2 again??)
But yeah the reason those masks in fighters 2 are haunted..... Well..guess who!! Bami restless and battle hungry soul since he died in battle WNATS blood. So he does the mask in hopes of getting more body's in his body count.
The other make is only haunted by his wife. No decided deisgn for her though. I just know he has a wife.
Somehow he posses both masks and his wife is fine but he's poessing both. Masks making them both cursed!
Bami before ALL if that
Bami is the hammer lord of course. Or as i say ,
I know wham bam jewel is a thing but idc ๐Ÿ™„
So yeah. You can imagine . He's incredibly buff ..
Bami was very... attention seeking...yeah that's the word i think maybe?? Wanting more attention and recognition for his stregnth then he was already getting becusde he's very full of himself because (points at his name he slash says when going in battle , yes he does indeed proudly yell LORD WHAM BAM BAMI!)
Bamis reaction to galacta imprisonment was (vine boom) holy shit!! ANWYSS less comepettion to be the greatest warrior! ( Don't tell him he's not considerd the greatest warrior and it is tsill galacta knight)
Now stellar!
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He's the og i always had him in my intrial drafts for heros of yore so he's always been tehte!
His perosnitly changed quite a bit too ! At first he was intended as old man who cared (poorely may i add!) for gala , then i made him younger and a hero of yore. But evil .
Then he's still evil but like silly at the same time..you know????
Enough concept drafting process with ocs! ( I'm not dumping how much i think abt making ocs as good enough for me as posisble)
Stellar is the beam mage ! As such he does magic !
He's very talented in magic as you exocet! He can even stop time(only if he slams balls of magic into you enough though...) ! (Also his outfits based off the celestial beam mage gear, my personal favriote gear which, fun fact! Also inspired my marxolor fankid, choas future degsin ! Lolz.)
Yeah he's evil silly ๐Ÿ‘ he does evil sillys on accidient
Reaction to gala being sealed - damn this mf really blew up planets ? Relay? Didn't we all do that then why only him!!??
Yeah!!! Galacta hero do yore fun as well :)
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Ignore my outdated desgin z. I don't have anything else on this crusty phone !! And can't even take photos since it's almost 11 and i need take tests tomorrow but idc! I'm very imprntly acting normal abt heros of yore right now!!)
My hc is gala is trans so at the time of anceints everyone sees him as a female.! Only his besties know he's not in fcat a girl but a boy! ( Bami is prbly is the HER PROUNOUNS ARE HE/HIM !! kinda guy /hj )
He was defs closest with flora! The 2 just liked talking shit together and being extroverts tiegther so get on well!
Bami he respected and views as someone he wants to challenge to battle everyday !
Stellar he thought was a lil strange and wacky but warmed up to him!
But wait there's more! Welcome to galactas love life where I - (bonked on head)
I think this is long enough as is so i might talk Abt galctas intertsing love life outside of meta knight because he can pull more than meta knight if he wants to ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘
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