#theyre just so softtttttt aaaaaaaa
sphylor ยท 1 year
sphyyyyyy what about even more mountain and kitty dew cuddles??? but maybe with mountain being puppy... pretty please
aaaa yess kitty and ouppy cuddles coming right up!! (@divine-misfortune came up with the idea for this one hfbhd, also on AO3)
Dew huffed as he flipped upside down on the sofa for what felt like the millionth time that afternoon. He had woken up with a fuzziness on the edges of his brain that had only increased throughout the day. Normally days like this were spent cuddled up to Rain and he had been so excited to do just that until Rain reminded him that he was meant to be out all day with Papa. And so now he was in a grump. All the other ghouls were equally as busy and no one had much time to give him the attention he clearly deserved. He had Aether watching over him for the time being but even the quintessence ghoul was preoccupied with the ministry's taxes, sat at the kitchen table surrounded by mountains of files and paperwork.
The fire ghoul huffed again, louder this time, making his boredom clearly known. And when that failed to catch Aether's attention he wailed loudly, kicking his feet against the back of the sofa. After his show of irritation, Dew lifted himself up enough to peer over the sofa to where Aether was sitting.
"I know, kitty, I know. Just a few more hours and Mousey will be back to play with you." Aether didn't even look up from the document he was reading as he said this. His reading glasses had begun to slide down his nose and his usually well kept hair was mussed from the many times he had run his hands through it.
Dew just pouted and flopped back down, resorting to idly batting at the blue mouse toy that dangled from his mouth by its tail. He had run out of things to do to catch people's attention. He had already trailed mud through the entrance hall of the abbey that Phantom was trying to clean, and knocked down all the items off of the shelves in the practice room Swiss was trying to tidy, and bashed at the keys of Cirrus' keyboard as she tried to organise her room. And so now here he was, in a funk.
An idea popped into his head, suddenly. "Meownty?" he asked as he peaked back over the sofa again.
"Mounty's busy in the greenhouse, felis. You know you can't go see him right now."
Dew hissed and turned around to face the fireplace. Right now it was covered by a mesh to prevent a certain regressed ghoul from getting in there and taking a soot-covered nap. Typical. Normally in situations like this he would just curl up and take a nap to pass the time but he was feeling way too restless to do that right now.
The door to the ghoul den creaked open and Dew turned his head to see Mountain trot happily through the doors, an old and tattered rabbit plushie in his mouth and his tail wagging happily behind him. Dew almost sprang from his seat, launching himself at the earth ghoul and tackling him with a hug. But he remembered he was supposed to be in a mood and so just ignored him.
"Aww, hey pup. You okay?" he heard Aether ask and there came a series of chips and trills from Mountain in response and a slightly damp thud as he dropped the rabbit at Aether's feet. "Kitty, Mounty's here to play now."
The fire ghoul pouted and folded his arms, sliding down lower on the sofa. There was the unmistakable sound of an earth ghoul bounding his way towards him. When Mountain entered his field of view with a big smile on his face, Dew shuffled so that he couldn't see him. Mountain whined at the ghoul and Dew gave a grouchy meow in return.
He heard Aether shuffle his papers around. "Oh just ignore the grumpy kitty, puppy. Come sit by me."
Dew looked up at Mountain, almost hopefully despite him still wanting to be in a grump. The earth ghoul tilted his head, his tail swishing uncertainly behind him. There was a moment of silence where the two ghouls just stared at each other hesitatingly before Mountain's face broke back into a ginormous smile and he flopped down right on top of Dew. The smaller ghoul shrieked and hissed as he got squashed by the weight of the wriggling earth ghoul on top of him but his cries for help went ignored. His face was getting alternatively licked and kissed by the overexcited puppy trying to curl up on his lap.
Mountain wrapped his arms around Dew and shuffled around until he decided he was comfortable enough. It was like having a weighted blanket on top of him and, although he was still feigning annoyance, he couldn't help the purr that had started rumbling through his chest at the comforting weight. Eventually, his own arms began to snake around Mountain's middle and he pulled him in closer, smelling the soothing scent of juniper and sandalwood as he buried his face into the crook of his neck.
Dew chirped softly and began to feel his eyes drift shut as Mountain's own breathing steadied out. Maybe he wasn't in a grump after all
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