#theyre just paper and tape and glue and coffee grounds
shadowflamekitty · 3 months
So in accordance to my recent entry to the Harry Potter fandom, I discoved a fictional character known as Mathheo Riddle. Created by someone named yasmineamaro, Mattheo is the son of Voldemort and Bellatrix Lestrange. He is good, skiled in Occlumency, and a Parselmouth.
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One day I was doing stuff and it occured to me that I have a similar jacket to his. And a white dress shirt. AND a black necktie(ok ok so i borrowed it from my younger brother and had my dad tie it, thanks dad). Also I Arts-and-Crafted some fake cigarettes because
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And then this...
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thanks keegan for taking the first picture
im really proud of my creativity and that this turned out well. :)
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