#theyre fiercely protective of their ecosystem and i think thats beautiful
titsliker · 3 months
i used to have a crazy snake hyperfixation back when i was like 10. the snake(🐍) assignment
BRO SAME !!!!!!!
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i think ur an eyelash viper!!! they got some real crazy hemotoxic venom that can cause rapid necrosis around the bite and one time i read a book about some ruins in mosquitia honduras (these guys r native to there) and these guys are the reason that people who live in the area dont go into the forest bc theyre everywhere and you wont have any luck getting back to civilization before the venom corrodes the flesh from your bones and kills u. and i feel like ur that for our little community of freaks over here :D (i mean this so positively this is the highest honor i could possibly give u i fucking love the forests of mosquitia and eyelash vipers are like my top three favorite snakes)
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