#theyre both just EQUALLY NERVOUS its adorable
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hertwood · 6 months ago
dynamic i HOPE is coming across in fic is that on one hand colton cares SO SO much abt this being a good positive first experience and wants to take it as slow as kyle needs it BUT ON THE OTHER HAND he has this beautiful needy lil guy in his bed and the urge to just fuck him so so so stupid immediately is STRONG
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cryptidmullet · 4 years ago
renga + their families headcanons
- reki Was bad at cooking but then when he starts sharing food from his bento with langa he wants to start learning to make it so him and his mom cook together
- he’s better at cooking than baking bc baking is so precise and he prefers to just go at it rather than follow a strict recipe
- langa loves his food :)
- langa only knows how to make like. Tacos spaghetti omurice grilled cheese pancakes etc things like that until he’s in his like third year reki ropes him into helping make food and he finds that its kinda fun
- (but he mostly likes to see reki cook bc somehow he makes even That seem lively and fun and natural almost like he dances around the kitchen instead of awkwardly fumbling through the chaos like langa himself does)
- so after that langa starts joining reki and masae when they cook :)
- he reki and masae all take turns looking after the twins when the other two are cooking so if masae thinks the two of them are all good she’ll leave them to it but other times she’ll be walking langa through a recipe and reki will be sitting at the table drawing with chihiro and nanaka and other times when its masae and reki langa will stand in the doorway with chihiro on his hip and nanaka sitting on the counter messing with his hair
- reki absolutely loves seeing langa with his sisters bc he’s cute and awkward but he tries so hard because he adores the three of them and they all equally adore him (and yeah he gets better at interacting with them over time, they kinda come to feel like his own siblings at some point)
- anytime reki comes home alone the twins are like :C wheres langa-kun 
- koyomi likes to tell langa about the drama and gossip at school and he always nods along and listens carefully even tho he definitely does not remember “that girl hina who stuck gum in ichikas hair in elementary school”
- he actually does pick up on some of the names and stories and stuff tho and koyomi will be talking to reki about something that happened at school and langas like oh is that the same girl who spilled juice on that guy she liked and rekis like wtf
- i just like to think langa actually puts in a lotta effort to have good relationships with all of rekis family partially bc he knows how much family means to reki and also bc he only has his mom and its nice to have sibling dynamics and talk to rekis mom about baby reki stories
- even tho langa could give a rats ass about american football somehow the topic is brought up and he ends up teaching (with his limited knowledge) and playing it with reki and his sisters one day out in their front yard
- and really theyre just running around a lot and doing underhand tosses with a random wiffle ball they found and letting the twins “score” and acting upset that they lost to “those two great athletes” just to make them giggle
- masae gets a video of them all playing together and sends it to reki who saves it and watches it at night to replay the moment langa scoops up chihiro and runs across the yard with her held up in the air and setting her down all grandiose like for a touchdown
- rekis constantly having to yell at koyomi not to just barge into his room
- she comes in one day her finger already pointed accusingly at reki as he sighs in exasperation and peels away from where he was cuddled into langas side and shes like “you took the last blue popsicle.” and rekis like “whaaaat no that was langa” and koyomi rolls her eyes and says “langa doesnt even like the blue ones you jerk” and then jumps on his bed and lays all spread out so reki fusses and pushes her off with his foot and they end up squabbling for a while all while langa sits there watching fondly amused
- reki always closes the door when him and langa are in his room but every time his mom comes in for anything she hovers in the doorway for a second longer and then leaves it open Just a crack which makes reki sigh dramatically as he gets up to toe it shut again
- after they make up in e10 they both get more touchy and clingy and just generally are less worried about their affection being rejected so it kinda becomes normal for them to cuddle
- like they would before but it was always under the guise of falling asleep in bed together and then oh wow we woke up literally glued together what a coincidence? How does this keep happening?
- but now its a little more intentional and even tho neither of them really bring it up reki will lay down on his bed all sprawled out and be like? You gonna lay down man? And then pull him into his side and press his face into langas shoulder
- or when they’re sitting against the wall on the bed reki will sling a leg over langas and rest his head on his shoulder and wrap an arm around his back 
- and langas still not very good at initiating that kind of physical affection but he always reciprocates it and longs for it
- i think theres this moment one day when langas helping his mom cook dinner and he’s chopping onions and she’s stirring something over the stove and he stops for a second and says “hey mom” and she looks at him a little bit hopeful and a little bit nervous like she always does in situations like these and he asks “could i… could i have a hug?”
- and its the first time theyve hugged since oliver’s funeral (aside from a couple side hugs like on the day they moved into their apartment in japan) and nanako tears up a little bit and tries not to get snot all over him and they stay there embracing for a good long while until whatever she’s cooking on the stove starts to boil a little too loudly and they finally pull away and get back to what theyre doing
- and i like to think that was kinda a turning point for them and langa starts to lean on her a little more and she gets less nervous every time he takes a longer than normal breath 
- on the rare occasion reki will curl up on the couch while his mom is watching some rerun of an old show and he’ll lean up against her and she’ll run her fingers through his hair 
- and on even rarer nights she’ll make just the two of them tea or hot chocolate and they’ll sit together talking and catching up while the television runs in the background and its on one of those nights he tells her just how much langa means to him
- and masae tears up just the tiniest bit bc there’s something so beautiful about seeing that kind of unadulterated fondness and love for someone and she’s so happy her son has langa in his life and they end the night cleaning out their mugs together and hugging
- (masae’s hugs are warm, maybe even warmer than joe and reki’s combined) 
- and the next time langa stays the night masae kisses them both on the head to say goodnight and smiles at the way reki laughs and teases langa about turning red because “he’s officially been accepted as part of the family now!” once she’s left the room and closed the door
- and every once in a while she’ll come in on a weekend morning to inform them breakfasts ready but see them curled up together, rekis hand fisted in the front of langas shirt, face buried in his chest, and langas leg and arm thrown haphazardly across reki’s body and their faces both so relaxed and content and she’ll leave them be to sleep a little while longer
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maddiefriendlovesbilly · 5 years ago
Spencer x Ghost?
Spencer x Ghost
(AAAAA- it has been months since you sent this to me, and all i can say is im so sorry) Side note I have my friend @lethalbreadkills helping me with this one!
For reference: Maddie (maddiefriendlovesbilly) is green, Jimmy (lethalbreadkills) is red (((its 4:30 at the time i have joined this so im dead braincell wise sorry yall))) and Orange is stuff we decided together :3
Also this is so very chaotic im so sorry for this anon but this has been in my fuckin drafts for SO LONG and this is the only way its getting finished (its now 5 am uwu) im so sorry for all the shitposting i do its a mess. I shouldnt have been allowed here. (we finished at about 5:30 am its hell <3)
Sphost? Ghencer?? Sphoster??? I adore and despise them all equally.
We have decided that it should be BeanieGhost
Anyway I think this ship is really cute
They’re both so neurotic I can only imagine the chaos that would ensue
One of them starts a rant on some topic and the other joins the hell in
And Ghost would let this dream come true???
I would die for both of them and if Spencer told me I had to die I wouldn’t even complain, no questions I’d just be like “Aight.” I trust him that much.
(Not sure I trust Ghost’s judgment enough to do that unquestioningly; sorry Ghost)
Back on topic
I can’t imagine these guys on anything that comes close to society’s definition of a date
It’d be more like “hey you wanna come on this hunt with us?” “maybe, depends if there’ll be snacks” or like chilling in Spence’s room binging the entire star trek: original series in one sitting or “oops sorry about that level 11 entity that attached to my soul and is now wreaking havoc in your house, wanna make out later to make up for it?” “Fine but you also have to play three rounds of Call of Duty with me afterward”
They wouldn’t be romantic often but like highkey? I can see them throwing themselves into the line of fire for each other with a recklessness only they could survive
We can’t forget that Spencer is a more than 60,000-year-old overpowered demon/god/entity/thing, which, yes, could throw a slight wrench in this ship for multiple reasons, but I choose to make angst out of it instead.
Side note: Ghost is a chronic conspiracy theorist (and you can’t tell me otherwise) and every once in awhile Spencer will offhandedly say something like “Y’know I helped the Egyptians build the pyramids” and Ghost just goes fucking feral.
Look, I’m not saying Spencer IS touch-starved and most likely has issues creating and developing relationships and therefore avoids interpersonal connection, especially offline, but I AM saying he is prime material for it. (thats a lie thats exactly what shes saying don’t believe it) (I’m projecting okay dont judge me) (loser imagine projecting)
Imagine with me for a second: Why does Spencer willingly stay with a family who locks him in their basement with only minor complaining? He’s a near all-powerful entity just released into the world for Spence’s-sake - If he wanted to, there’s no telling what havoc he could wreak! So why doesn’t he? Why would someone so powerful, so terrifying, so dangerous that a group of people decided to seal him away forever stay with the first family he finds in sub-par conditions for years - especially someone who’s seen to be as high-maintenance as Spencer? Let me hit you with a theory: He’s chasing the feelings of validation, safety, and love - no matter how rarely it’s shown - that a family can provide. Being socially isolated for even a few years can do a number to a person’s psyche (I should know, I’m projecting onto this character right now), let alone thousands.
Now maybe Ghost can’t match thousands of years in isolation, but damn if he doesn’t have a few years of crippling loneliness on his record too.
I can see the two of them learning how to be vulnerable around others together, emotionally and physically; learning how to open up and how to talk through issues; and some third point, because points are better in threes.
(May I suggest that these losers are both trans but thats just me adding in my own projection lmao)
(You absolutely may)
Imagine the conversation thats just “so i have a murderer in my head thats an ass” “rip to u ig sounds like a you problem :///”
imo spence has trouble expressing emotions other than like,,, annoyance and haughtiness, its like sort of his go-to defence, so showing Ghost his emotions is a big step for him
I hear you, and i say yes good. (found this one headcanon that i kinda live by where he was uh, either autistic or adhd i dont remember but theres that too) OH yeah that would be at thing huh. Spencer: *is emotionally vulnerable @ ghost* ghost: oh shit im trusted??? Oh fuck uh.
Yeah so like…. Ghost and spence showing emotion at eachother is kind of :flushed: ghost be like: whats an emotion. Imagine having emotions fuciiing loser hhaha,,,, *laughs nervously*
Ghost is also very emotionally distant with most people so it would probably be like “what??? The fuck?? Emotions?????? You have those???”
Ghost and Spencer be like *gay*
So another idea is that maybe Spencer realizes Ghost doesnt play any games [like the uncultured SWINE he is] and decides he must [remedy] this and so he introduces him to like, nintendo first. (some bitches thought that said nintendo fortnite. Im bitches) and theyre playing like, mario kart or smash or smth and Ghost gets really [fuckin into it]
Ghost and spencer: *literally in eachothers laps playing fucking wii tennis*
Spooker: what are the- *TOAST FUCKING SLAPS A HAND ACROSS HIS MOUTH* shut up you dont wanna know what happens when its mentsonssbfdjfsd (sorry i had a stroke uwuwuwuw)
(Theyre in denial we don’t judge in this house)
They will not hesitate to play dirty either, they will straight up push each other over and vaguely flirt
Ghost is losing and straight up fucking goes “ur hot” and spencer actually dies and boom ghost is the winner. sparkle emoji Magic sparkle emoji
“I am Not a HomoSexual:™:” “Yeah, sure you aren’t” “Screw off”
Pet-names-ish: Asshole, Gaymer-Boy, casual insults, Mr. Spirit Bitch, Mistake, Loves Ghosts More Than His Boyfriend What A Fucking Loser aka Gay-ass
They both open up a lot most likely. Gain someone to trust since they’ve sort of been through the same things (though on much different scales)
I can see soft hours of hanging in each other’s bedrooms
Spencer is a tsundere you cant tell me otherwise youre just a coward if you disagree
So is Ghost so this can only go well
Every time Ghost has to solve a case at the Acachallas Spence is just peaking out from his basement like “the fuck is this?? Hot Man??????”
Enemies to lovers 500k (Gets Hot and Steamy :flushed: NOT CLICKBAIT!!!!11!!!!! 18+!!!!!!! GAY LOVE StORY!!!!!!) Lemonz!!! Made from teh Sexiest of Wattpaders UWUWUWU YAOI Boys Love don’t like don’t read!! (this is so fucking stupid jkfnd) I hate this with a passion Q^Q. All my years of being a basic watpad fanboy have helped me to the moment i bring maddie to tears
The steam is just like,,,,, holding hands and being angy all the fuckin time the steam is literal because their anger translates into actual steam
Their angst has nowhere to go and it just sits between them like two raccoons at a dumpster-style mexican standoff
They really start off hating each other huh. Like, I know this can still lead to healthy relationships but neither of them are very good at healthy relationships with people he hasn’t known for his Whole Life so that’s an Oh No.
They totally feed off of each other’s stupidity (but this could be seen as a pro too so take that as you will) as well as anger - im talking one-upping each other kinda shit
Its ridiculous honestly how intense it gets, like they straight up need intervention sometimes because they dont realize they can just STOP
I think this would be a relationship that would that a lot of time and hard work to make work, but i think in the end it would be really super cute!! Like it would make no fuckin sense to anyone else but somehow they’d understand each other and help each other through their similar issues. Also theyre both big nerds in different ways and i think they’d have just ranting sessions back and forth over and over and it would be soft!!!!! So yeah, i think it would work, at least, i want it to :D
So. Maybe?? I feel like it could, but they’d need to work pretty hard to make it healthy and not constant fighting. Could be stupid amounts of cute and wholesome but also could be stupid amounts of oh no and pain, depending on how the two act. If they learned how to get along with each other and work past their differences it could be super cute and soft. Just a very, er, bumpy beginning. And middle. And end. (this makes me very nervous,,,,why did you mention an end) (wouldnt you like to know weather boy) (TvT) UFDUNS bumpy but soft . Agreeing with the loser gay, want this to work it’d be interesting :3
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crownjevvel · 5 years ago
romeo bio copy-pasted from the server ;0
Name: Ezekial / Zeke 
Codename: Romeo
Age: 19
Powers/E.P/Skills: If he makes physical contact with someone, they will fall completely in love with him and be totally under his control. These love zombies' strength is increased tenfold, and are very useful for when brute force is needed. However, he has a limit, and once he's overwhelmed the zombies go into a violent frenzy for 3 minutes before snapping out of their trance. They're near impossible to tame in this state. He can get overwhelmed very easily. He cannot control too many people at once, and he cannot control someone much more powerful than himself. Using this power en masse also gives him terrible migraines, and wearing himself out can cause him to faint and his headache to immobilize him for a day or two.
Trivia/Fun Facts:
trans rights baby! hes post op :)
loves to cook! probably part of the chef crew.
ironically, he loves and is comforted by physical affection, and he likes to hold onto/lean against friends when he feels comfortable. he can do this by wearing a vengestone earring to suppress his powers outside of battle. however, it mysteriously vanished one day.
hes a big fan of the ninja. he first saw them during the talent show to get the fangblade in season 1. safe to say cole was his favorite and kai was his idol.
when hes stressed, he likes to dance.
the therapist friend. ready to help at the drop of a hat. despite this, he's very reserved and is usually by himself either training, cooking, or just sitting and thinking.
hes a bit vain, and tends to overestimate himself sometimes, so he makes a lot of half ironic, ego-centric jokes and really plays it up for laughs. but deep down he doesnt believe in himself very much and doesnt take failures well. because of this he trains hard and constantly.
hes a bit of a flirt, but gets flustered very easily. he loves to give (and secretly receive) compliments.
other personality traits include: wistful, perceptive, wise, neurotic, analytical, detail-oriented, emotional, ditzy, and persistent. sometimes described as pushy or a control freak when he's particularly anxious about something.
lavalamp (romeo x cole x kai x jinx) is a thing theyre all in love with each other. said fuck it, poly time.
Ezekial grew up under ninjago city, son of the head of a literal underground crime ring. He never knew his mother, and when he asked his father all he'd be told was that she was a powerful elemental master, and along with his "impeccable DNA" he create a child with even more raw capabilities. The only thing left of her was a vengestone earring she made for his father so they could be together, and Zeke kept it hidden away for years.
Zeke was used as a weapon the minute his powers surfaced, taking control of anybody who opposed his father and subjecting them to immeasurable amounts of pain. Safe to say he's pretty traumatized and regrets a lot of things, but his father would always say "my roof, my rules," and would be violent if he didn't comply. His father took pride in Zeke's powers, probably because they were once his own. He never tried to control his father because his strength far exceeded his own, and he knew his father would kill him if he lost control. They both knew that, and it was constantly rubbed in Zeke's face. It would be betrayal, it would break his father's trust, and he wouldn't hesitate to punish his son in any way he saw fit.
His father wants to be adored and admired, and dreams of a life surrounded by equally shallow friends indulging themselves in all the worlds temptations, looking down on those who don't wish it for themselves. He wants more, and more, and more. But Zeke isn't like that, not entirely. He never liked using his powers like he was forced to, to the point where he despises his abilities. At 15, he found a way to sneak out to the surface, and was astounded by what he found. The lights, the sounds, the people, all friendly and going about their business. People helped each other, they had fun with each other, and they were expected to. It was unlike anything he'd ever seen. Every now and then when the time was right, he'd sneak off and walk around the city. He'd talk to one new person each time, even though he was nervous. He learned so much about people, about friendship and family, the history of his home and its current protectors. He loved it all, and he wanted desperately to see more, to learn more, to feel more, to help more.
He was 17. One night while sneaking away, his father caught him leaving. Knowing what his father would do to him if he was caught, he ran away as fast as he could. Lackies were sent after him, and he used his powers to escape, controlling them for a brief moment before his panic set in and they went rampaging through his father's base. He ran and ran until he hid in a tea shop, run by a spunky and mysterious old lady. "You look frazzled, young man," she said, "take a seat next to that other young person over there, and I'll get you some nice, rejuvenating tea." He looked over and saw someone with deep black hair and a golden-yellow sweatshirt. They waved, and he reluctantly waved back and sat with them, putting in his father's earring on the way. The stranger commented on it, noticing the vengestone. After some playful banter and a cup of tea (and maybe a wink somewhere in there there, earning Zeke the nickname of "Romeo"), the stranger says their name is Jinxx, but down with their crew theyre called "Èyùn", and they always have room for one more on the team.
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mistymark · 6 years ago
the one with no curtains [2] [fluff ver.] // m.k.l
mark lee x reader // university!au // 4.0k // masterlist
summary; in which mark lives opposite y/n and doesn’t seem to own curtains
requested; sorta
warnings; it gets a little saucy? *not smutty*
notes; unedited I literally just wrote this in a few hours so I hope y'all like it :)) part one is here, and this is a separate story to the angst ver. like theyre happening simultaneously not one after the other. though, if you read the angst ver you might be familiar with a few of these scenes :))))
You continued on with your day, relying on your coffee date with Mark to get you through the day. The excitement building in your stomach as you finished your last class of the day almost hit a breaking point as you rushed from the room, eager to find your friend.
She was waiting for you outside the library, books in hand as she looked down at her phone. You called to her, grinning and waving from the top of the staircase that led to the grand building. “Y/n!” She smiled at you, attempting to give you a hug as she wrestled with the many textbooks in her hand. “Sorry, I just grabbed my new textbooks from the office and they’re so heavy. Come here.” She held her arm out to you. You opened your mouth to offer her some help with the stack of books but someone beat you to it.
“I’ll grab those,” a hand swooped underneath her arm to grab the textbooks from her hands, and you looked up to see a rather tall guy smiling widely at your friend. “Hi.”
The look of surprise that flickered across her face dropped as she returned his smile, “Hi, what are you doing here? Our date isn’t for another, like, hour.”
“I know, I just wanted to come see you,” he shrugged, cradling her new textbooks in his arms, his laptop bag slung across his body. “Plus, you should be glad I’m here; these are heavy.”
“I could have managed.”
The boy tore his glance from her and looked at you, “Oh, hi. I don’t think we’ve met; I’m Johnny.” He attempted to hold out a hand to you, but thought better of it when he almost dropped all of the books in his hands. He gave you an apologetic grin and you chuckled.
“I figured,” you laughed. “It’s nice to meet you, Johnny. I’m Y/n.”
You watched his eyes widen slightly, before the easy smile made its way back onto his face. He nodded, turning to his girlfriend, “Are we heading back to your place?”
She nodded and, rolling her eyes, grabbed two textbooks from the pile in his hands, “Yeah, but tell me if they’re too heavy, okay? We can switch.”
Your friend’s relationship with Johnny was so adorable, you loved hanging out with them. They agreed to walk back to your apartment building – so he could help her with her books – then split off to get ready for their date. You heard Johnny groan jokingly at the weight of her books, but veer away from your friend’s attempt to grab another from the pile to lighten the load. As you walked beside them, you couldn’t help but wish for the same thing; a fun, adorable relationship. With Mark, a part of your brain thought.
You pushed the thought away, instead opting to tease your friend about a funny story she was telling. Part of you was nervous for your coffee date with Mark, which was bizarre as you frequently went out for coffee at this time.
After mentioning the restaurant Johnny was taking her, you found yourself thinking back to Mark again, and shook your head.
“What about you, Y/n? Any plans for tonight?” Johnny looked sideways at you, an eyebrow raised in question.
“Oh, yeah, sort of. One of my friends and I are going out for coffee later, but other than that I’ll probably just study,” you smiled at him.
You watched his smile grow wider and his eyes lit up, “Oh, cool. Bit late for coffee, don’t you think?”
“It’s a tradition, I guess,” you shrugged, hoping that your blush wouldn’t give away how much you were looking forward to tonight.
“It’ll help her get through the hours of study we all do at 1am,” your friend added, bumping her shoulder into Johnny’s, his much taller frame barely moving as you walked. She shot him a pointed look at him.
He opened his mouth in faux shock, “What? I’m a superior being whose brain works at its optimum in the early hours of the morning.”
You laughed, “Amen to that.”
“So things with Johnny seem to be going pretty well, huh?” You quirked an eyebrow at your friend once you were safely in her room. Johnny had divided the remaining textbooks equally between you two in the elevator, opting to get off at the floor below yours with a quick kiss to her cheek.
“Yeah,” you watched her smooth out her dress with a subtle smile on her face from her bed. “Y/n, oh my God, he’s amazing. I really think he’s the one for me.”
You groaned and threw a pillow at her, “Ughhhhhhh! Mom! Gross!”
She laughed and sat down beside you on her bed, wrestling another pillow from your grasp, “I’m not your mom, child.” She looked at her hands, fiddling with the small ring on her middle finger, “I’m serious, though. I really love him. I kind of want to-“
You sat up quickly with wide eyes, “You want to marry him?”
She searched your face and looked down at her hand again before meeting your eyes again, a smile on her face. “Yeah, I really do.”
You hugged her, “I hope you do marry him.”
She sighed and looked at you, “What about you? How are things with Mark?”
“Good, we’re going out for coffee in a bit,” you avoided her gaze, shy about your feelings for the boy with no curtains.
She excitedly grabbed your hand, “Oh my God, what are you wearing?”
You shrugged, “I don’t know yet.”
Your friend leapt up and moved to her door, “Come on, I’ve got time before Johnny comes back.”
“You look perfect,” she assured you, gripping your arm comfortingly. “I can’t believe you never wear this coat; it’s gorgeous.”
You glanced down at the red material, hugging it tighter around your body. You tapped your shoe against the ground. “Are heels too fancy?”
She assured you no, then checked the time on her phone, “I should probably get going.” She pouted and hugged you, before closing the door behind her.
You busied yourself with cleaning up your apartment a little, pulling the curtains back to let in some natural light. You felt yourself inhale sharply as you were surprised with Mark standing in his window, too. You made eye contact and smiled, waving.
His eyes were wide, and he held up a finger, signalling for you to wait one moment. He disappeared into the darker part of his apartment, returning with a piece of notebook paper and a sharpie. He scrawled a message on the paper then flipped it over for you to see. Wow.
You blushed, a small grin making its way onto your face. He smiled back at you and you could feel your heart hammering in your chest. Did he have to be so gorgeous? He held up his pointer finger towards the sky, twirling it in a circle.
You laughed at his awestruck expression and twirled childishly, putting your hands on your hips when you were done. You held your hands out, palms up. Well?
He flipped the piece of paper around in his hand wrote something else. WOW.
You giggled nervously and hid your face with your hands in embarrassment.
A new piece of paper was placed in view; ready to go?
You raised your eyebrows and grabbed a pen to write a message back; I thought we were leaving at 7?
He nodded to himself as he leant against the window to write on the back of his sheet. When he stepped back, he flipped it over, a smirk tugging at the left side of his mouth. I don’t wanna wait.
You nodded, grabbing your purse and heading towards your door. When you looked out your window as you shut the door, only the sight of a setting sun met your eyes.
“Ready?” He was sitting in one of the few misshapen chairs in the lobby and you wondered how he beat you to the ground floor. Must’ve taken the stairs, you thought.
“Someone’s eager,” you commented, a small smile tugging at your lips as you reached out your hand for him to grab. When he slid his hand in yours, you pulled him up from the chair and started heading for the door.
“How was your day?” He asked, his voice quiet. Shy.
For some reason, the question flustered you. Suddenly you couldn’t remember anything that happened that day. “Uh, it was alright,” you said, staring at the brightly coloured clouds in front of you. “Oh, I met Johnny today. You know, my friend’s boyfriend?”
He glanced at you, “That’s nice. How’re they going?”
“Hopelessly in love,” you sighed with a giggle. You shook your head, “They’re really happy.”
“I know the feeling,” Mark mumbled.
“Hmm?” You said, turning slightly as you walked so you faced him. You had used him to turn mid-step and it was at this point that you realised you hadn’t stopped holding hands. Your mouth suddenly went dry as you stopped walking, you gaze fixated on his hand in yours.
“What?” He looked at you, an amused smile on his face. He stopped beside you and followed your eyes to what you were looking at. “You only just noticed I’ve been holding your hand this whole time?”
You nodded, your lips quirking up at his more confident demeanour.
When you didn’t say anything, he suddenly became nervous, “Do- do you want me to let go?”
“Oh! No, no, no,” you looked away from him, attempting to hide the impending blush on your face. “I like it.”
You didn’t have to look at his face to know he was smiling. You could hear it in his voice. “Okay, good.”
When you got to the café, you both simultaneously sighed, “Oh, God. Denise is working, again” before looking at each other with a shocked expression and then laughing far too loud for the staff’s liking.
Since you had sat down – in the same booth as your very first time visiting the café with him – he hadn’t let go of your hand, instead opting to hold it on top of the table. While he was reading the menu, his thumb had been softly rubbing circles on the back of your hand, and when we wanted your attention to point out something new on the menu (despite the fact that you ordered the same thing every time you went in), he squeezed it.
Both of you had rosy cheeks, but you blamed it on the cold weather. Your ordered your usuals.
“Mark,” you stated back, eyes still scanning the menu, despite having ordered already.
“Y/n,” he squeezed your hand in his and you looked up at him, shutting your menu. “I want to talk to you about something.”
You tried to hide the panic on your face with a forced smile, “Oh, God, you’re not breaking up with me are you?”
He laughed half-heartedly, “Well, actually…”
He trailed off and you gasped in mock surprise, and you both giggled.
“What I was going to say,” he shot you a pointed look for interrupting him, “was that, uh, I really like-”
“Bagel and sandwich?” Denise arrived with a black tray, setting a bagel and coffee down in front of you and a sandwich and tea in front of Mark. You thanked her but she stood there expectantly as you made awkward eye contact with Mark, trying to give a hint that she could leave you alone now.
“Enjoy your meals, kids!” She chirped happily, spinning on her heel to go harass another table.
You and Mark stared wide-eyed at each other before bursting out into fits of giggles at her erratic behaviour.
“Go on,” you said, picking up your spoon and waving it at him before stirring your coffee mindlessly.
He cleared his throat. Nothing came out. You stared at him expectantly, until; “I really like bagels,” he said, staring at your plate.
You quirked an eyebrow at him. This is what he wanted to talk about?
“And I’m thinking about ordering bagels, and I know how I feel about the bagels,” he flicked his eyes up to meet yours, “but I don’t know how bagels feel about me.”
Your mouth popped open to form a small ‘o’ but you quickly gathered yourself. This was not about bagels. “Well,” you glanced down at the bagel on your plate, trying to hide the smile on your face. “I think bagels would like you, too. I think you should just go over to the cabinet over there-” You pointed at the cabinet by the register, where the remaining sandwiches and bagels were held – “and tell the bagels how you feel.”
His held your gaze for a moment, his smile stretching wider on his face. He suddenly stood up and you watched in confusion as he walked to the sandwich cabinet in the café, turning around to nod at you briefly before he faced the display, “Bagels, I really like you. Like, really like you. I hope you like me. And, Y/n,” he turned away from the two remaining bagels sitting in the glass cabinet, “I really hope you like me, too.”
The other students in the café furrowed their brows at him, before looking back at their phones, laptops or papers. You stood up, the red on your face getting deeper as you grabbed his arm and dragged him back to your table, “You’re so annoying, oh my God.”
He stopped in his tracks, planting his feet so you couldn’t drag him, “I meant it. I do like you. A lot.”
You looked over your shoulder at him, smiling at him, “I know.”
“Well? Aren’t you going to tell me whether you like me back?” He spluttered, his large doe eyes searching your face for pity or embarrassment at his declaration of his love for bagels.
“I like you, too. A lot.” You shyly pushed your hair back from your face.
His face lit up and he let you drag him back to your booth. Somewhere in your peripheral vision, you could see Denise checking her watch, and the other waiter staring at you with pride.
You ate in near silence, frequently smiling shyly at each other from opposite sides of the table. When you were done, he paid, despite you offering. You left the small café hand in hand to walk back to your dorm.
“You know, I’m really glad I let her write that message to you at the beginning of the semester,” you stated happily, glancing up at the dark sky. “The one on the window.” The stars littered the sky above you, and the dim lighting that the streetlights provided made his features seem softer and, yet, sharper. You were transfixed by him.
He stopped walking, “Are you saying I should be on a date with your friend and not you right now?”
“Maybe,” you smirked at him. He pushed your shoulder and you stumbled sideways before making your way back to his side, his hand instantly finding yours again.
“I’m glad I was shirtless when she happened to be looking out the window,” he glanced at you, gaging your reaction.
“You spent that whole week shirtless,” you rolled your eyes, before tugging his hand so he’d look back at you. “Speaking of, where has that gone? It’s lame seeing you with a shirt on.”
He laughed, “It’s winter.” You were only a minute’s walk away from your building and you really hoped that this wouldn’t be the end of your... first date?
“Lame.” You yelped as he laughed and pushed your shoulder again, but this time he kept his hand in yours so he could pull you back when you stumbled away from him.
When he tugged you back towards him, he pulled you so that you ended up standing in front of him, your faces merely centimetres apart. You felt your smile drop as you stared at him with wide eyes. Kissmekissmekissmekissme.
Slowly, he leant forwards, his head tilting up slightly to connect your lips together softly. You melted into his touch, leaning into him more as he gripped your hand. He pulled away all too soon for your liking, but he leant his forehead down to rest against yours.
His breath fanned your face as he sighed, “You have no idea how long I’ve wanted to do that.”
You hummed in response, your brain unable to form a coherent response, enjoying the close proximity. If anything, he looked better than ever. His large doe eyes stared into yours, and you could hear how quick he was breathing.
You felt yourself step back, “Come on, it’s getting cold.”
“How can you be cold, you’re wearing a massive coat,” he exaggeratedly looked you up and down. Despite the large coat, you felt exposed under his gaze. “And, by the way, red is definitely your colour.”
“Shut up,” you laughed as you walked through the lobby doors of your building. He pressed the elevator button and stared at the reflection in the metal doors.
“We look really good together, don’t you think?”
“I could’ve told you that months ago.”
The familiar chime of the elevator caught your attention and you stepped inside. Mark walked to the back and leant against the handrail, tugging you by the hand to stand between his legs. You raised an eyebrow at him.
“Can I kiss you again?”
You didn’t say anything this time, instead choosing to crash your lips onto his, hoping no one else would need to use the elevator at this time. The doors slid shut slowly, and you felt him smile against your lips.
A garbled voice announced the floor number, and you stepped away from Mark, catching your breath as you waited for the doors to slide open once more. He seemed to be struggling to catch his breath, too.
“What are you smiling about?” You tease, grabbing his hand and pulling him out of the elevator, only now realising that while you had been making out, he had pushed the button for his floor.
You heard him laugh behind you as he fished for his keys in his jeans pocket, unlocking the door and holding his arm out for you to enter first. Sliding your coat from your arms, you dropped it on the floor with your bag as you always did when you came over, and stood in the middle of his bedroom awkwardly. Every other time you’d hung out in his dorm, you’d immediately gone to sit down on his bed or desk chair, or even the floor, but this time was different.
If you sat down on the bed, it might seem too sexual. If you sat down on the desk chair, he couldn’t sit next to you. If you sat down on the floor…well, that’s just a little bit weird because, why would you choose the floor over actual seats?
After closing the door and hanging up his jacket on the hook beside it, he turned around to walk towards you. Seeing you in the middle of his bedroom, standing there in your dress and heels, lips slightly pink and puffy from kissing him earlier, made him smile at you, stars forming in his eyes.
He walked over to you, grabbing your waist and pulling you into him to kiss you again. The taste of you was too exciting, too high-inducing that he never wanted to stop. You wrapped your arms around his neck, and leant back slightly to say something.
“Wanna watch a movie?” Just like old times.
He grinned at you, “Yeah.”
The last time you saw Mark Lee on campus, he was shirtless.
It was almost a year after you’d started dating him, and you had decided to move out from your dorm in search of your own place.
You were busy packing moving boxes with items you didn’t even know you had when you glanced out the window, trying to get a peek of your boyfriend and his friends having a water fight on the quad to celebrate the end of another year.
He ran around them, apparently targeting Johnny as he threw handfuls of water balloons at the boys. Some of their girlfriends and partners sat on the side-lines, talking amongst themselves and watching the fight unravel. It’s just for the boys, Mark had told you. We do it every year.
Eventually, though, they all flopped down onto the lush grass, exhausted. You watched as one by one the boys stood back up, grabbing their things and walking into your building, and you caught Mark’s eye as he looked up at you, grinning and whooping. As if you could win a water fight.
A few minutes later, he was knocking on your door, already peeling his soaked shirt off his body as he entered. He wolf-whistled as he looked around your dorm, “Wow, you’ve made progress.”
He wrapped an arm around your waist and kissed you on the cheek as he passed you, making his way towards the half empty boxes you had been packing just moments before.
“Unlike you,” you teased, tossing him the masking tape so he could secure a box you’d finished filling. “I can see from here, you’ve barely even started.”
He looked up at you. “You been watching me, voyeur?” He smirked at you, raising an eyebrow as he stretched the tape out loudly. It wouldn’t have been so attractive if he wasn’t shirtless. You cursed him silently.
“Maybe you should get some curtains,” you shrugged, purposely looking away from his body and turning around to tape up a box sitting beside you.
“I think some people enjoy the view.” The same thing he had said when he’d first responded to your friend’s message on the window.
You rolled your eyes, turning around to respond, but you were instead met with your boyfriend’s chest only inches from your face. You were startled, but you tried your hardest not to show it. “I, uh, I-”
“Definitely enjoy the view,” he grinned, bending down to kiss you briefly on the lips. He pulled away and clapped his hands together, “Alright, let’s get you finished and then we can start on my room-” You opened your mouth to say something but he held up a finger so he could continue without interruption, “-and I know I said I had started, but, the truth is, I haven’t.”
“I KNEW IT!” You shrieked with glee, running to the window to point vaguely in the direction of his room.
He rolled his eyes and held up a roll of bubble wrap, “Okay, okay, come on. We’ve got a lot to do.”
“You’ve got a lot to do,” you corrected.
“Hey, it’s ‘we’ now,” he said softly, pouting at you from across the room.
You could feel your heart beat faster in your chest at his words but you ignored it, “Right, it’s ‘we’ when you need help packing up your apartment but it’s ‘you’ when-“
“Oh mY GOD, stop bringing that up! That was forever ago!” He threw a bag of packing peanuts at you in an attempt to get you to shut up.
You laughed at him and continue boxing up your things.
“And lastly, welcome home,” your landlord said to you, bowing slightly as he handed you the keys to your new apartment and bidding you two goodbye. You held a small box in your arms with a few items in it and made to step into your apartment, but Mark’s hand on your arm stopped you.
“No, we gotta do this right,” he placed the box in his hands down on the floor of the corridor. You shot him a confused look as he bent down slightly, then squealed as he picked you up bridal style, carrying you into what will be the living room of your shared apartment.
You laughed and covered your face with one hand, the other gripping tightly onto his shoulders, “Mark, this is for marriage. Not just, you know, moving into a new place.”
His smile faltered slightly as he let you down, but kept one arm around you. He didn’t meet your eyes, staring around the large apartment with pride, “Well, I guess that’s next then.”
so there you have it folks :))) the last part to TOWNC series :))) some of you seem excited by johnny and the friend’s storyline which is cute, so maybe as a spinoff I could write their story but who knows ???? anyways I hope you liked it and enjoyed the emotional rollercoaster
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morinokunikara · 5 years ago
👀☁️💕👑🌗📚💎🔪🏡🏞️🥀🌼💐🦋🍂☕🍼🕊️❤️🔥❄️🌙☀️🌟 (for Kokoro
 swputting this one under a readmore
🌟 When your OC loses all hope, who do they turn to first? What helps make them feel better? What calms them down and reassures them? Why?
yuuki. she trusts him more than anyone else. usually doing exercise will help her mood, she just loves the feeling of a good workout so much and it provides a good distraction. also sometimes just seeing yuuki smile. she loves him and she knows hes been through so much and honestly his happiness means more to her than her own.
☀️ What makes your OC genuinely happy? A person, an item, their hobby? Where is the place they’re happiest, or most at home? What is the happiest they’ve ever been?
yuuki makes her more happy than anything else, although her clubs and friends in them do as well. winning games or a really good performance in a play will always bring a big huge smile to her face. she feels more at home in her clubs than at home, because most the time she cant get in a word with yuuki bc her parents are hogging her. 
happiest she ever was was when her family went to destinyland and they let her and yuuki walk alone together. they got some real bonding time, riding rides and getting dinner together, and then watching one of the fireworks shows. its the most time she ever got to spend with him without their parents getting in the way and she treasures it forever. 
🌙 If your OC could have one wish come true what would it be and why? Would there be consequences to this wish or would they regret it once they get what they want? What would they give in return for this wish to come true?
for her parents to pay attention to yuuki more, or just really. him being more loved in general. theres pretty much nothing that would make her regret it, and nothing she wouldn’t pay. she cares about him so so much and would give everything if it meant he was happy
❄️ What makes your OC sad, so sad that they can’t help but cry all day? How do they cheer themself up? Does their sadness upset any of their loved ones too?
any kind of failure, feeling like shes hated, hell sometimes just her parents praising her too much because she just gets so overwhelmed, and it makes her think too much about how ignored her brother is all the time. she usually goes out and practices her soccer or whatever show shes doing for theatre. she hides her sadness pretty well, but any of her family would be upset by knowing she’s sad (hence why she hides it)
🔥 If your OC known for having temper tantrums? If not, what gets them really angry? What makes their blood BOIL? Is there anyway to calm them down or are they unstoppable? What are they like when they’re angry? Do they take it out on their loved ones?
not at all. shes very patient and can put up with a LOT, but she will snap if someone is too mean to yuuki. i feel like she would eventually snap at her parents but she really tries as hard as she can not to bc she worries itll make things worse. bc shes so patient, when shes angry she gets so angry it can take awhile to calm her down
❤️ What would your OC’s ideal lover be like? Appearnce, personality, voice? Would their family approve or would it be civil war?
her one requirement is “respect me and my family.” shes not picky, but she does like athletic/buff types a bit more. 
🕊️ Would your OC ever get married or are they already wed? If they’re married, describe what their wedding was like! If not, describe their ideal wedding (or do this if you feel like it anyway!)
she has this big fancy idea of a dream wedding at destinyland, with a theme centered around classic romantic plays. 
🍼 Does your OC have any children or want children? What names would they pick? Are they good with kids or a complete disaster?
she does want kids, and she plans to name them all after extended family. with her strong value towards family and disappointment in her own parents, one of her biggest dreams is to raise a family with someone
☕ Give us one (or more if you feel like it) of your OCs deep dark secrets! Why do they keep it hidden? Spill the tea!
shes actually kind of miserable emotionally. she  it all up until she’s on her own, and then she just completely breaks down in her room. she’s had to lock herself in the restroom in public a few times bc one small thing will happen and it’ll just be the straw the breaks the camel’s back
🍂 What are their opinions on the different seasons? Which one do they hate and which one do they love and why?
she HATES summer but loves spring. its too hot in the summer to work out as much as she’d like. she doesn’t like winter much for the opposite reason of it being too cold, and is kind of neutral on fall. she thinks spring is prettier.
🦋 If your OC could change everything (or just something) about their life would they? What would they change? What do they think would happen if they did? What would their loved ones think?
oh yeah she’d def change a lot. give herself better parents that pay attention to their children equally, make herself less talented, anything that’ll get her less attention and yuuki more attention
💐 Does your OC like flowers? What are their favourites? Do they keep a garden of some sort? What flowers would they use in a flower crown? (and if you like, research the meanings behind those flowers!)
she loves flowers!!! her and yuuki have a garden together in their backyard... her crown would be azaleas (patience), hydrangeas (pride),  and spider lilies (sweet)
🌼 Write a short drabble from your OCs POV meeting their LI (or if they don’t have a love interest, their best friend. If you don’t want to do a drabble, describe their first meeting instead!)
(dont have the brain power for a drabble rn but) im 90% sure itd start with her accidentally kicking a soccer ball in someone’s face and then being like “oh fuck theyre cute”
🥀 Has your OC ever been hurt by someone they love? Ever been betrayed? Abused? Attacked? Give me the angst! (if you’d like, write a short drabble about it!)
not physically, but she got really hurt by yuuki once because of a misunderstanding. she talked about wanting to play volleyball at shujin and yuuki panicked because oh god know i cant let him get to her i have to protect her and she took him objecting to it as him being jealous and they got in a huge argument over it. she was so upset that, in her mind, yuuki was so bitter and jealous he wouldnt let her follow her dreams
🏞️ If your OC could travel to anywhere in their world where would they go? Why? If they could live there would they?
brazil!!! she’s heard a lot about amazing brazilian soccer players and wants to see it for herself. she would never want to live there though, or really anywhere outside of tokyo 
🏡 Describe your OCs ideal house! Give us a tour around! What’s their garden like? Their bedroom? Kitchen? Where is it and how many people live there?
a moderately-sized house for a small family of four, like the one she lives in. it’s decorated with the achievements of her family (trophies, art, etc). a kitchen big enough for the family to cook together, and a fancy dining room. lots of family photos on the walls and any available surface, and a family garden in the backyard. 
🔪 Has your OC ever killed someone? Ever had to defend themselves against violence? How did this make them feel? Or, alternatively, has your OC ever attacked someone? Seen someone die?
shes never been through any of that fortunately 
💎 Does your OC collect anything? Is there a reason? When did they start and is it beginning to turn into a little bit of a hoarding issue? What do they do with their collection?
she collects playbills and a few different sports trading cards!! the playbills started when she saw her first play at 5, and the trading cards at 8. she has several large folders for her cards and a big huge box for her playbills
📚 If your OC was given some kind of forbiddon knowledge, what would they do with it? Would they tell anyone? Use it for evil or good? How would it change their outlook on life, if at all?
shed keep it super super super secret... would do everything in her power not to use it at all, but if she did she’d use it for good. 
🌗 Early mornings or late nights? What do they spend their time doing during these hours?
early mornings!!! she goes for a short jog every morning before school, and then helps her dad with breakfast and sometimes drags yuuki out of bed if he oversleeps 
👑 If your OC was made royal (or is royal) how would they use their power? Are they a good leader or bad? Do their subjects like them or is it ‘off with their head’? Do they enjoy being royal?
shed be a very kind ruler, and try to listen to and solve all the problems she possibly could. so ofc shes very very loved. she doesnt like it though. she doesnt like having that much power, she feels its unfair. 
💕 How is your OC like with physical affection? What are their boundries? Do they enjoy being touched or is that a no-go? Is there any reason behind this?
she loves to cuddle with people, physical affection is one of her main love languages. she hugs yuuki every time he walks through the door. she doesnt want much beyond that though, at least at her age 
☁️ What’s something your OC wishes they could forget? Why is this? Or, what is something that your OC has forgotten? (or do both!)
she wants to forget her biggest screw up in her mind- when she was so nervous for a play (her biggest role at that point), when she got onstage she panicked and totally forgot her lines and just. completely froze. 
👀 Describe your OC through the eyes of another person! (bonus + specify who)
ofc i gotta do yuuki 
she’s an adorable and caring little sister he loves so much. he’s a bit jealous of her, but he doesnt blame her for anything. he just wishes he could be as good and loved as she is. 
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mooksmookin · 8 years ago
ok, ,, so u see,,, I love my oihina children,, and I need more hc and u have a++++++ hc and hi
when they first start dating its something that everyone sees coming. they’ve been pining after each other for months, both afraid of rejection, when finally one confesses to the other in a soft voice and the next thing they know theyre both giggling and laughing and crying and kissing because god are they in love
at first its difficult and oikawa’s fangirls are dangerous and sneaking around them is tiresome. they try to pick on hinata a lot when oikawa isnt around, and hinata really tries not to let it affect him, but oikawa can see as the days go on. so he finally catches them in the act and tells them off and from then on theyre open and mushy gushy and dont care about any wandering eyes
hinata’s family adores oikawa. his mom is enamoured with him (”so polite and kind and handsome,” she coos) and natsu is too. when oikawa sees the picture of hinata’s dad on the mantle of the fireplace, he doesnt ask, but hinata takes a hold of oikawa’s hand and whispers to him that his dad wouldve liked him too
oikawa’s family is rambunctious, and staying over at oikawa’s house together always brings on some new adventure. oikawa and his sister pick on each other a lot, and his sister loves doting on hinata and playing with his hair and all that. takeru looks up to hinata because whoa, you went to nationals! and it makes hinata beam with pride. oikawa’s mom also loves hinata and is always commenting on how cute he is much to hinata’s displeasure. it doesnt help that oikawa joins in on it too.
its a couple of years before they finally move in together, renting a small one bedroom apartment with just enough space for the both of them. its dainty, the bathroom door needs to be oiled because it squeaks, and theres a draft coming in from somewhere that they can never place, but they love it because its theirs
they get 2 dogs and a cat - a shiba and a corgi, but they have no idea what kind of cat. they love her nonetheless, though. the shiba prefers hinata over oikawa and is always begging hinata for attention. oikawa gets upset because he wants attention from both of them too. the corgi love everyone equally, even the cat. the cat usually keeps to herself and sits on the windowsill, but will ever now and then plop herself in oikawa’s lap. this time its hinata’s time to get jealous
oikawa proposes on a rainy spring day. “rainbow weather,” he calls it as he points up to the orange, yet cloudy sky. theres a rainbow forming to the east of them, clear and crisp. and its while hinata is staring at it in awe that oikawa gets down on one knee, takes his hand, and produces a shiny ring. hinata cries when he says yes
their wedding is a comfortable middle between small and private and big and rambunctious. oikawa is nervous as all hell, literally trembling the entire ceremony. iwaizumi, his best man, scolds him to calm him down, but he cant help the jitters. though when he sees hinata coming down the aisle with a veil framing his perfect, freckle-spotted face, the jitters stop and he’s reminded again just how in love he is. when they say their vows, they’re both crying and blubbering out the words to each other because theyre both so happy they cant keep the tears at bay. their kiss tastes of tears, but they wouldnt have it any other way
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