ellwuzh3re · 18 days
i HATE when my family members start getting to comfortable talking about stupid ass fucking shit to me. like no i dont wanna hear about that time you bled through your pants?? tf?????? question mark question mark?? like no I dont wanna hear that same longgg talk about "ur becoming older and boys are starting to look at you" like do i care???? the answer is NO. I do NOT. ive been knowing this bro, you telling me is not gonna drastically change my pov. do you expect me to be like "oh!! tehehe!1!!!1! im totally not uncomfortable at all!!!" like obviously people are gonna be looking at me i got all dressed up to go to TARGET. fucking TARGET. overall it just makes me like rlly uncomfy and people dont respect my wishes when I ask them to like not talk about those things. anyways this is rlly stupid but irdgaf, had to yap somewhere.
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