toumakibangs · 6 years
°*TouMaki - Advent Calendar 2018*° DAY 14 - “WREATH” (“Character A loses a bet and has to wear a different ugly Christmas sweater every day till Christmas. Character B works at a clothes store.”) by @theyaoibandits Mod’s Note: When I published the Supporting Prompts List(s), you ALL (wanted this one (which was absolutely impossible to predict I mean Makishima and ugly sweaters who would have ever guessed it was going to be popular), but Nana was the quickest of the lot to turn in the request and, ultimately, the one that got it - and oh my, did she do it justice! Grab your popcorn and enjoy our favourite idiot pup Jinpachi as he enters the magical world of Ugly Christmas Fashion, courtesy of Arakita, and stumbles on a very peculiar clerk...
Title: All I’m Asking For
Author’s Note: “This was based on supporting prompt: “Character A loses a bet and has to wear a different ugly Christmas sweater every day till Christmas. Character B works at a clothes store.” It just screamed ‘Toumaki’ to me. Had a blast writing this, hope you enjoy.”
Toudou stood at the counter of the little shop he had entered moments ago hesitantly. Bouncing from one foot to the next, he looked left then right, checking his surroundings as if he wouldn’t want to be caught shopping there.
“What, did you lose a bet or something?”
Toudou gasped pulling the offensive piece of cloth in his hands close to his chest.
“H-how on earth did you guess that?” he demanded. The cashier shrugged apathetically.
“That stance, that grimace. You look like someone’s holding a gun to your head to buy the thing. Which means you’re going to an awkward holiday office party, or you lost a bet. You don’t look old enough to have a cubicle, so I went with bet. Lucky guess.”
“Well, aren’t you perceptive,” Toudou replied tersely. “You always so cheerful?”
“I’m stuck in a store filled with Christmas sweaters. I don’t know what you expected, sho.”
“I expect better customer service!”
“Wasn’t aware you were actually going to buy anything.” The cashier eyed the balled-up sweater on the counter.
“I’m not here by choice!”
And he really wasn’t. It was all Arakita’s fault. It had been a normal night, he hadn’t thought anything of it. He was just in his university dorm room, giving Shinkai his usual weekly lecture on unhealthy snacking habits when he had been interrupted.
“I always make sure to snack with the right balance of vegetables and vitamins. That’s why my skin glows so radiantly.”
“Can you even go 24 hours without talking about yourself, you narcissistic asshole!” Toudou wasn’t going to take the bait, but between Shinkai’s curious gaze and Manami’s ‘I dare you’ smirk, he folded.
“Of course, I can!” he announced to his roommate “Name the time!”
Needless to say, he lost spectacularly. Arakita and Shinkai went back and forth throwing out ideas for the punishment for half an hour before his fate had been sealed.
“No headbands for a month.”
“Nah, stupid. Let’s make him eat all junk food for a week.”
“No phone?”
“Make him denounce his stupid fan club.”
“You wouldn’t dare!”
“Why don’t we just make him look ugly.” Manami gave his two cents before turning back over to continue his nap.
“That’s it!”  Arakita exclaimed, nearly spilling his can of cola over. “Ugly Christmas sweaters.”
“Ugly what?” Toudou forwned, not liking the taste of the word.
“You gotta wear an ugly sweater every day until Christmas.” Shinkai shook his head.
“That’s like three weeks. Even I think that’s a little cruel.”
“Thank you, Shinkai.”
“Starting Thursday.” The three boys stopped to face their youngest companion again.
“Why the fuck on Thursday?”
“Then it’ll be the twelve days of Christmas.” He was snoring by the time Arakita had processed the idea.
“Oh, that’s fucking brilliant. You gotta be in an ugly tacky Christmas sweater for twelve days straight starting Thursday.”
“No way.”
“If you fail, you have to denounce your fan club.” Toudou screeched in response.
“I-I’ll have you know that absolutely none of my sweaters are ugly!” Arakita only laughed.
“Guess you better go buy one then.”
And so Toudou had. He’d hit the shopping district on Wednesday after class. Unfortunately, he was clueless as to where one would buy an “ugly Christmas sweater.” He had been into four of his favorite boutiques, but none of them carried anything that would appease Arakita. He had been about to give up, getting a warm tea from a café when he spotted the odd store. He hadn’t remembered such a shop being on that strip, but he also couldn’t place what had been there before. It must have been new, he concluded, because there was no way he could have missed it otherwise. The door frame was outlined in tacky silver tinsel, and the door itself held the most hideous wreath Toudou had ever laid eyes on. He stared at it for a moment, wondering who on earth would choose such an awful combination of colors before finally entering.
“A place with such horrendous decorations has to sell something tacky,” he mumbled, hoping for the best. If this place didn’t work out, he would have been stuck asking for Arakita’s help, and he knew his roommate would put him in something truly despicable. Shortly after entering, it was clear luck was finally on his side. Half of the store was stocked with classic winter attire—coats, gloves and hats—and the other half was filed with rows of racks of multi-colored holiday sweaters. He sighed in relief. He didn’t see anyone, so he began to wander around, sifting through the sweaters for something he could work with.
“Hello.” He was startled by the sudden strange greeting and stood up straight looking for the source of the voice. His eyes finally fell on someone behind the checkout counter, but he found himself double taking. Was that bright green hair?
“Um, hi.” Toudou replied. An awkward silence fell between them.
“Can I�� help you with something?” The attendant grimaced and Toudou flinched.
“Uh, yeah. I-I just need an ugly Christmas sweater, so uh…” he trailed off. The other scoffed.
“What are you talking about, none of these are ugly.” Toudou deadpans before gesturing to a black and neon pink sweater with a large cat-head that spelled ‘Meowy Christmas’ in curly letters.
“I beg to differ.” The man didn’t budge, and he and Toudou stared each other down for a few seconds before the latter huffed and turned away. “Fine!” He fingers through the nearest rack and pulls the first one in his size. “I’ll take this one!” He stormed over to the register and threw it down dramatically as the cashier followed behind with a grimace. He glanced down at his chosen sweater as he waited. It was a simple red and white one with some kind of ornament pattern across it. Not too awful. He must have gotten lost in thought looking at the garment if the attendant had been able to read him so easily. Which of course had led to their current argument.
“Well if you aren’t here to buy—"
“No!” Toudou cried. “I’ll take it, just- just here!” He shoved his credit card at the man and didn’t stick around long enough to hear the guy’s ‘have a nice day’ once the transaction was processed and his shopping bag in hand. 
And that was that. He wore the sweater to class the next day and suffered through Arakita’s torment and ‘mandatory’ pictures. His pride was more hurt than anything, but then Arakita casually mentioned that he couldn’t wait for tomorrow. So, after all of that awkward conversation he had made, he was back staring at that hideous wreath, willing himself to go inside. He shook his head trying to dispel his nerves. Not like he had a choice. He had to be wearing an ugly sweater tomorrow and, as tacky as it all was, he’d rather die than be caught wearing the same thing twice in the same week. If he were lucky, it’d be some other guy.
“Welc—oh it’s you.” No such luck. Toudou felt his fist tighten as he tried his best not to snap at the same sarcastic green-haired cashier. He took a deep breath before quickly walking to the side of the store he needed. He browsed through a couple of racks by the door, rolling his eyes at a brown one that was designed to make the wearer look like a gingerbread man.
“Just need another ugly sweater, if you would be so kind.” He grabbed the one he had been looking at and brought it to the counter with a frustrated sigh. The cashier frowned.
“They still aren’t ugly.”
“Highly debatable.”
“I’m just saying each of these sweaters are classically unique, designed with—”
“And I’m not taking fashion advice from a guy that unironically dyes his hair red and green.” Another staring match settled between them, and this time it was the worker folded He grumbled and looked away awkwardly.
“Cash or card?”
The third time Toudou stood outside of the little shop, he inwardly cursed himself for not just buying multiple sweaters the last time. Bad enough he had to deal with the rude cashier, but he was sure he looked weird as hell for coming back three days in a row. He glared at the brightly colored wreath as if it were mocking him, the bells on it announcing his arrival.  His shoulders sagged in relief once he discovered he wasn’t the only customer this time. Two ladies were chatting and giggling near the coat section, and two— no three kids it looked like— were running amuck through the sweaters, knocking this and that down as they went. Toudou spotted the cashier who was looking conflictedly between the adults and children, and he quickly dove behind one of the sweater racks before he could be spotted. He wasn’t sure why he was hiding, but he stayed crouched, moving further into the sweater selection. He could hear the attendant trying to get the other customer’s attention.
“Um, ma’am. Can you— I mean, please keep your kids with you while you shop please.” Toudou winced at his awkward phrasing, but the ladies had gotten the message. With a quick shout from one of the women, the three kids we corralled, scolded, and reprimanded with no ice cream. Toudou couldn’t help but snicker, but his entertainment was cut short by the sound of approaching footsteps. His eyes widened as he saw a lanky arm reach down and pick up a sweater near him, most definitely from the rowdy kids’ antics, the sigh audible across the short distance. He scrambled for an excuse for being so inconspicuous, straightening himself to make it look like he was just leaning down browsing. He moved one rack away, then another to better position himself before stepping out. And right onto one of the fallen sweaters.
He completely lost his balance, sliding a few inches sideways, his arms swinging in an ungraceful flail. He braced himself for contact with the hard, unforgiving tiled floor of the shop, but it never came. Instead, he collided with a warm body, solid and bony, but softer then the ground would have been. His surprised was short lived as he fell to the floor after all, a messy heap of hair and limbs.
“You okay, sho?” The question reached Toudou through his annoyance as he realized the guy had been trying to catch him. It was such a nice gesture considering how hostile they’d been with each other, even if they both ended up falling anyway.
“Uh, yeah. Thanks.” Their eyes met, and Toudou saw a flash of recognition in the other’s before the cashier turned away curtly. Toudou frowned, but when he got to his feet, he extended his hand down towards the green-haired guy still on the floor.
“Thanks, I guess.” Toudou almost missed the mumble, but he replied on reflex.
“No problem.” An awkward silence fell between them again, and Toudou had to ask himself how many more times he could use awkward to describe the two of them. If it wasn’t the clunky stretches of quiet, it was the stupid word choices or weird motions.  Luckily, the cashier ended the stalemate.
“So, you need another one? Are you…” He trailed off as his face contorted into an ugly expression before continuing. “Are you collecting them or something?” He gestured stiffly to the racks around them, and Toudou couldn’t help the laughter that tumbled from his lips. The other flinched, but the student paid it no mind.
“No, no it’s still that bet, ha. I have to wear an ugly sweater every day until the Christmas Eve. Something dumb about the twelve days of Christmas or something, uh—” He fumbled for his words that usually came naturally, l feeling weird carrying an actual conversation with the guy. “And I don’t own any, or well, I didn’t. So here I am, uh, again.”
���Ah, well…” Toudou looked at the other expectantly waiting for him to finish his sentence. “Which one are you…” The student chuckled understanding what the other was asking. He leaned down and scooped up the knit piece that caused his fall.
“I guess fate chose the one for today,” he offered, the crumbled white and blue sweater in hand. He had taken a few steps towards the register when he realized the cashier wasn’t following. He turned back casually.
“Shall we?” That got the other moving, and they both made their way over to the counter, the soft chatter of the two women still in the store filling the background.
“Here’s your purchase.” The green-haired cashier held the bag out, and Toudou took it gratefully.
“Thanks again. For the sweater and the catch,” he pressed, a smile playing at his lips. The grin widened when he heard a mumbled ‘don’t mention it’ in response. “See you next time,” he shot a quick glance to the guy’s name tag. “Maki—”
“Wah!” Both boys turned to see one of the kids from before had started wailing. The mom began yelling again, and Toudou gave the cashier an apologetic expression before taking the situation as his cue to get out of there. He shuffled through the door and back into the chilly air.
 Toudou felt far less stressed than he ever had before outside of the shop the following day.  He didn’t even pause as he entered.
“Welcome—oh, uh hey.”
“Good evening!” Toudou chirped in reply. His eyes swept the store, and he realized they were alone this time as he began browsing the sweaters again as usual. When it looked like the cashier wasn’t going to say anything else, he took it upon himself to break the silence.
“Um, I’m not very good at picking out this kind of sweater.” A nod of acknowledgement was enough for him to keep going. “So, could you maybe, recommend one for me?” A few stiff moments passed between them before the cashier began to cross the floor.
“Sure…” Toudou couldn’t keep the grin off his face. The other moved between a couple of racks before selecting one and mumbling an awkward “this way.” Toudou bounded happily behind, excited that he had managed to bridge the gap between the two of them. At the counter, Toudou got a quick look at the sweater—a fairly tasteful silver and gold piece. But, before he could think of anything else to say, he had been checked out, receipt in hand. He lingered at the counter as he stuffed the paper in his pocket, watching the cashier switch his weight between his feet for a moment. He cursed inwardly, mad at himself for not getting the guy’s full name the day before. Before that kid had distracted them. And of course, the cashier wasn’t wearing his name tag today. He shrugged it off, and in true Toudou fashion, he improvised fabulously.
“Thanks, Maki-chan!”
Nervous about the other’s reaction, he grabbed his bag and bolted out the door.
The next day, as they both browsed the racks casually, Toudou explained the details of the bet. He sugar-coated it of course. He didn’t want Maki-chan to think he was vain. Somehow, the cashier got the idea anyway.
“What do you have against sweaters anyway?”
“For one, I’m more of a headband and scarf kind of guy. But it’s not the sweater part, Maki-chan, it’s the—”
“Don’t call them ugly again.” Toudou fumbled.
“Yeah well, they aren’t my style. They better get me that book I wanted for Christmas after all of this. I swear all my friends are jerks.”
“Sounds like a fitting punishment to me, sho”
“Hey!” He threw a soft punch that connected with the other’s shoulder as he pouted. “You’re a jerk too.” The cashier snorted.
“Well then,” he shifted to a different rack and pulled a piece off. “Here’s the perfect sweater for a guy like you.” Toudou frowned, but he took it anyway, rolling his eyes.
“Fine, I’ll take it.”
The next day, Toudou learned that Maki-chan’s full name was Makishima Yuusuke. He learned that his older brother, Ren, had opened the holiday pop-up shop for the season, and that Ren had designed most of the pieces in it. He learned that the cashier was studying fashion as well, following in his footsteps. He learned that he studied abroad in England for three years in middle school, but he wasn’t particularly keen on going back any time soon. How he had dyed his hair green back in high school on a dare but liked the results enough to keep it.
Toudou felt overwhelmed taking in all the new information and could only think to give the same back in return. He told the cashier how he was going to different, but still local university. About how annoyed he was with the campus dorms, but how excited he was for all the PT classes he was taking the next semester. He told him how he loved his parents and the traditional inn they ran up in Hakone but was glad he had come to Tokyo for school. He told him about his modest collection of headbands, and how accessories were the most important elements of any outfit. He was so caught up in the conversation, he almost forgot he needed to buy a sweater. He let Makishima pick one and bring it back to the counter.
“You know you could have just bought twelve of these on the first day, right?” Toudou groaned dramatically.
“I know, I know, Maki-chan, but I didn’t think about it then!” He ignored his new friend’s chortled laughter as he took his latest red and green monstrosity and left the shop.
On the seventh day, Makishima asked if Toudou had a favorite from his current collection. A family of four had left just minutes prior leaving the two boys on their own again.
“Nah, they’re all pretty much the same kind of ugly,” he shrugged, turning his attention back to the rack.
 That comment sent Makishima on a mission to find at least one sweater in the store that Toudou didn’t hate. They spent the better part of the hour combing through the product. Makishima would lift a sweater up and Toudou would shoot it down, citing some excuse to name it hideous.
“The design’s too blocky.”
“Nothing with animals will ever not be tacky.”
“The sleeves on that are different colored!”
“That won’t go with my skin tone.”
Finally, they stumbled upon a crisp white sweater that featured a simple golden bow.
“Still ugly,” Toudou supplied, the corner of his mouth twitching up in a half smile as he brought it to the front. “But it’ll do as the least horrible.” Makishima scoffed but rang it up without a fuss.
And if Toudou had “accidentally” twisted the garment as he passed it over the counter so their fingertips could touch for a little longer, well, no one had to know.
“Okay, you had your fun yesterday, but now it’s my turn.” Toudou stood in the middle of the sea of sweaters as Makishima watched from his position by the register. “I don’t care if each of these things has some design history. You knooow some of these are atrocious, Maki-chan. So today,” he pointed a haughty finger towards the cashier. “We will find the ugliest ugly Christmas sweaters in this store—don’t give me that look! You know you have a least favorite.” Makishima simply rolled his eyes.
“You have ten minutes Maki-chan. Ready?” He paused for a moment to give Makishima time to sigh and make his way over. “Go!”
They scrambled through the sweaters, the time limit upping the ante on their search. Toudou had quite a few contenders pretty quickly but stopped short when he found one nestled at the back of a row. It used an extremely odd color combination, and for a moment, he considered selecting it, until he realized why it felt so familiar. The design used the same colored as that horrid wreath on the door of the shop. A week ago, he’d have called the sweater trash, now it held almost a sentimental value. He smiled to himself at the thought.
His phone chirped, indicating time was up, and he quickly chose one of his other options; a dark green one covered in tacky tinsel and thick Christmas lights that make a “tree shape” when you put your hands above your head. When he saw Makishima’s, one that make it look like a creepy Santa Claus was embracing the wearer, he conceded, and promised to bring a picture of him in it next time.
The next day, Toudou leaned over the checkout counter complaining about how he was running out of proper accessories for all of his new sweaters.
“Nothing I own matches all this nonsense. The headbands are easy, I have a thousand of them, but scarves, gloves?” He threw his arms up in frustration. “It’s near impossible.”
“They’re just sweaters. Wear them on their own.” Toudou gasped, scandalized.
“How dare you, Maki-chan! I told you before that accessories are the most important part of an outfit.”
Before Makishima could really get into replying, a group of eight or so students walked in. Coupled with the other handful of customers already in the store, it had gotten quite crowded quite quickly. Toudou placed his sweater on the counter—the “ugliest” one he had picked out the day prior— and pushed it toward the cashier.
“I should probably get out of your way and let you do your job. It’s uncharacteristically crowded this evening.” Makishima simply nodded, and Toudou could sense his uncomfortableness. He took his bag, shooting his companion a sympathetic smile. “Good luck, Maki-chan.” Then he was out the door.
“So, my friends actually thought I was buying these sweaters second hand all this time. Me. Thrift shopping! Can you imagine?”
“No, not really.” Toudou threw a punch at Makishima’s shoulder.
“You don’t have to be so blunt about it.” The attendant rubbed at his arm with a frown.
“You were the one who brought it up, declaring you wouldn’t be caught dead in someone else’s old clothing, sho.” Toudou opened his mouth only to close it again when he couldn’t come up with a good retort.
“Fair enough. But I’m not mocking it or anything, I just—”
“You know you’re a diva, right?”  Toudou struck a dramatic pose, hands clasped over his heart.
“Oh, Maki-chan,” the sarcasm was clear in his voice. “You wound me.” The other simply shrugged, earning him another punch. “Asshole.” Toudou couldn’t remember who came up with it, but before he knew it, they were looking for the most pompous sweater design in the store. Of course, he had been the one to find it.
On the eleventh day, Toudou was startled by the voice that greeted him. For the first time since he had begun shopping there, the green-haired attendant was nowhere to be found. Instead, Toudou was staring at a lean red-head, behind Makishima’s usual counter. He was confused for a long moment; Maki-chan did say he’d be working the 4 to close shift until Christmas. But when he saw the mole under the new person’s eye, the connection was obvious.
“What can we do for you today?” the man that must have been Maki-chan’s brother asked.
“Um, I need a sweater,” Toudou answered lamely. The man only chuckled—and was that a smirk?
“Sure, we have plenty. Feel free to browse. Just let me know if you have any questions.”
Toudou nodded and slipped over to the half of the small shop he had grown accustomed to over the last couple of weeks. He skimmed through the familiar choices, picking a maroon one without much thought before bringing it over to the counter.
“Is that all for today?” Toudou nodded.
“Yes, that’ll be…“ He trailed off glancing back towards the sweaters.
“Just a sec.” Toudou briskly walked over to a particular rack and sighed in relief when he managed to find the oddly colored sweater from the other day. He threw it on the counter with his other selection. “This too please.”
“Of course.” He was sure it was a smirk this time, but he didn’t question it as he grabbed his bag and made his way out of the store.
“Missed you yesterday, Maki-chan.”
Toudou wasn’t sure if the comment was too intimate, but it was the truth nonetheless. He also wasn’t sure if that was a blush on the others cheeks or not, but he didn’t ask.
“Uh, yeah. I had to run an errand. Took longer than expected, so Ren said he’d work.”
“I figured it was your brother. You guys look alike.” Makishima nodded in agreement, and the two of them just stood there, opposite sides of the counter, a stiff atmosphere floating between them. Toudou was surprised when the cashier broke the silence.
“So tomorrow…” It wasn’t much, but Toudou had caught on immediately.
“Is the last day of the bet, yeah.” Toudou laughed, but it sounded a little hollow even to his ears. No good, he had to fix that. “It’ll be nice to get Arakita off my back, he’s been teasing relentlessly this last week. Made me pose for pictures and everything. Rude.”
“I’m sure you can’t wait to get back to wearing your diva wardrobe twenty-four seven.” This time the laugh was genuine.
“You have no idea. If I ever buy another ugly Christmas sweater again, it’ll be too soon.” He giggled when Makishima frowned at the word ugly. “Alright allll of them weren’t totally hideous.” The other scoffed, and Toudou gave him a knowing look. “Don’t give me that look. I was traumatized in some of those!”
“Well it was supposed to be a punishment. Be weird if you enjoyed it, sho.”  Makishima fiddled with his hands beneath the counter, avoiding eye contact. When he looked back up, Toudou was waiting with a sweet smile.
“I might have been dressed as a fashion reject for the last week and a half, but some good things definitely came out of this bet.” Toudou swore he saw the corner of the cashier’s mouth twitch upwards, the closest he’d get to a real smile from his socially awkward companion.  He took a deep breath, pushing off from the counter.
“Alright Maki-chan,” he spread his arms wide. “Can you pick me out one last sweater?” Makishima walked over to the appropriate side of the store, and Toudou tried not to let himself dream that there was reluctance in the cashier’s steps. After a couple of moments, he lifted one hanger and shook it in the air for Toudou to see. It was a modest design but had fiberoptics in the fabric making it literally glow. They laughed together as Makishima returned to the counter.
“You said my choice…” he prompted and Toudou waived his hand back and forth to cut him off.
“I love it, Maki-chan. I’ll take it.” They lingered at the counter a little longer than amicably appropriate before the cashier finally handed over the bag.
“I—” he stammered, and Toudou paused, expression hopeful. “I hope you get everything you wanted for Christmas.” Toudou deflated, but put on his best smile, nonetheless.
“You too, Maki-chan.” As he exited the store that evening, he couldn’t help but think that the only thing he wanted for Christmas, was the man he had left behind the counter.
Makishima strummed his fingers against the marble surface in front of him, his cheek cradled in his other hand as he leaned over the register bored. He had been cursing himself all night about not having the courage to give the customer he had grown familiar with his gift. He had never really been in a relationship and knew his flirting skills were absolute shit, but still he thought there was maybe a spark there? One that might have been worth pursuing. But of course, he had chickened out, so he sat on the tall stool all shift, wallowing in self-pity. He lowered his gaze, eyes falling of the neat white gift box sitting on the shelf under the counter with disdain. He could hear Ren’s obnoxious teasing about “that one special customer” playing back in his head again. He had special ordered it for the man, and now felt foolish for it. He had done it to go with a particularly special sweater—the only one his brother let him design—only to find out that the piece in question had already been sold sometime that week.
He sighed for what felt like the hundredth time that day, willing his Christmas Eve shift to end faster. He had twenty more minutes, then the pop-up shop would fold, and he could get back to his regular schedule—and hopefully forget about the regret sitting in his chest. His thoughts were interrupted with the chiming of the bells from the door. He straightened up, bracing himself for an interaction he was not at all in the mood for.
“Welcome to—” His greeting was cut short as he felt as though the breath had been knocked out of him. Standing before him, was none other than the man that had been occupying his thoughts all day. His cheeks and nose were red from the cold, and he saw him dust what must have been snowflakes off his coat. Before he could take in anything else about him or the weather, Toudou was looking at him with a brilliant smile.
“Hi Maki-chan.” Makishima still couldn’t believe the other was there and stared on, only speaking up when he saw Toudou’s smile start to falter.
“I—” is voiced croaked, but he pushed on. “I thought the bet was over.”
“It is.”
“But y-you’re here.” The smile was back.
“Yep!” Toudou took a few steps closer to the counter, hands behind his back as he leaned forward. “I wanted to come back. To ask a question—”
“When did you get that?” Makishima spoke pointing awkwardly at the other’s chest. He felt bad cutting him off, but he couldn’t help but stare in surprise at Toudou’s attire—well his sweater to be exact. He was wearing his sweater, the one he hadn’t realized had sold.
“Oh uh, I bought it before—that day you weren’t here. It, well, it reminded me of you actually, so…” he stammered, turning away quickly. Makishima couldn’t hold back the loud guffaw that escaped his throat.
“Well, that’s good I guess, sho. Since it’s mine.”
“Huh?”  Makishima realized that probably sounded weird and clarified.
“I designed that one, the sweater. Ren said I could do one, and that’s,” he swallowed thickly. “That’s mine, my design.” Both blushed, the weight of the statement sitting between them. When Makishima couldn’t take the silence anymore, he spoke.
“Uh, didn’t you have a question?”
“Oh, yes! Um,” Toudou began to fidget, his previous confident tone a bit shaken as he paused mid-sentence for a moment. “When do you get off?” he blurted out quickly, blush even more prominent than before.
“Hah?” Makishima couldn’t quite believe what he had heard.
“I mean it’s Christmas Eve, and if you aren’t busy—obviously you might already have plans, but I figured it was worth a shot, and oh my god, of course you already have plans— it’s literally Christmas, I’m sorry for bothering you, I can just—”
“I—” Makishima took a deep breath and continued, determined to speak clearly. “I get off at six. We close early today, sho.” Toudou smiled again, and Makishima felt warm despite the weather outside.
“Well then,” Toudou recovered as if he hadn’t been over analyzing everything a moment prior. “That’s great. Great, would you like to get dinner with me?” Makishima could feel the heat in his cheeks again.
“Uh, yeah. I’d like that.”
Makishima quickly began sweeping up the shop, and Toudou sat, prattling on about his roommate and classes as usual to fill in the silence. With a final wipe of the counter, after shoving Toudou’s butt off of it, he was shrugging on his coat, keys in hand. He locked and stored the cash box beneath the counter when his eyes fell to the gift box again. He grabbed it, tucking it under his arm as he flipped off the light. He couldn’t wait to see Toudou’s face when he opened it—a scarf tailor-made to perfectly coordinate with the very sweater he was wearing. 
“Ready,” he mumbled.
“Then let’s go!” They filed out of shop and into the chilly evening air. “You’re gonna love this place Maki-chan, they make the best…” Makishima nodded, locking the door and shoving the key in his pocket. Toudou slipped his arm around his and leaned into him as he continued chatting, shivering as a strong gust blew past. The bells on the door’s wreath jingled with the breeze and the two paused simultaneously to look back at the familiar sound. They shared a laugh, then a smile, before turning back and walking hand in hand down the path.
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magical-mistral · 7 years
theyaoibandits hat auf deinen Eintrag geantwortet “[[MOR] i mean, out of self-preservation i have blocked everything...”
Aw, your work is fantastic. You love it, and you’re always practicing, posting new things. So this zine wasn’t for you. Doesn’t mean you have to give up on them. Keep doing what you love and you’ll fine yourself in one soon, I’m sure!! ����
thank you so much...! <3 it’s encouragement from you guys that keeps me going! i wouldn’t have minded the experience of a zine, but i don’t see any use in applying anymore - the only thing they do is pull me down. I’ve got enough to deal with in real life at the moment, don’t need that additional stress :) also it means that I am a free hamster and can do as I please and i can draw whenever I like or don’t draw, no deadlines etc. That’s not a bad thing! :)
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Just found your blog, and I didn't know I needed this until now. These headcanons are life. Thanks lol
You’re welcome! Thanks for stopping by!
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neonombreidiot · 7 years
YOI asks: Victor, Phichit, Makkachin
(List 5 things you love or 5 things from your life) Light/pastel aesthetics, glittery things, stuffed animals, house plants and easy, relaxing games! (these are both things I love and things in my life!)
(Selfie? Or what’s your all-time favourite movie?) No selfies today, I look like a swollen frog right now due to fever and other nice things. So my all-time favourite movie is Mamma Mia! I’ve watched it like 10 times, no lie.
(Do you have any pets?) Yes! Two baby kittens I love to pieces! (By kittens I mean they are fat and about seven years old)
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fleurite-archive · 3 years
went through the replies on that last post to block as many pedo/incest apologists as i could find. rather than post screenshots of the blocked accounts, i'm going to list the usernames under the cut on this post so it's more accessible
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because-cur-non · 7 years
Rules: Tag 9 people you want to get to know better. Then bold the statements that are true.
I was tagged by @theyaoibandits​
I am 5’7 or taller, I wear glasses, I have at least one tattoo, I have at least one piercing, I have blonde hair, I have brown eyes, I have short hair, My abs are at least somewhat defined, I have or have had braces.
I love meeting new people, People tell me that I’m funny, Helping others with their problems is a big priority for me, I enjoy physical challenges, I enjoy mental challenges, I’m playfully rude with people I know well, I started saying something ironically and now I can’t stop saying it.
I can sing well, I can play an instrument, I can do over 30 push-ups without stopping, I’m a fast runner, I can draw well, I have a good memory, I’m good at doing math in my head, I can hold my breath underwater for over a minute, I have beaten at least 2 people in arm wrestling, I know how to cook at least 3 meals from scratch, I know how to throw a proper punch.
I enjoy playing sports, I’m on a sports team at my school or somewhere else,I’m in an orchestra or choir at my school or somewhere else, I have learned a new song in the past week, I work out at least once a week, I’ve gone for runs at least once a week in the warmer months, I have drawn something in the past month, I enjoy writing, I do or have done martial arts.
I have had my first kiss, I have had alcohol, I have scored the winning goal in a sports game, I have watched an entire season of a TV show in one sitting, I have been at an overnight event, I have been in a taxi or Uber, I have been in the hospital or ER in the past year, I have beaten a video game in one day, I have visited another country, I have been to one of my favourite band’s concerts.
I have at least one person I consider a best friend, I live close to my school, My parents are still together, I have at least one sibling, I live in the United States, There is snow right now where I live, I have hung out with a friend in the past month, I have a smartphone, I have at least 15 CDs, I share my room with someone.
I have break-danced, I have had a teacher with a last name that’s hard to pronounce, I have dyed my hair, I’m listening to one song on repeat right now, I have punched someone in the past week, I know someone who has gone to jail, I have eaten a waffle today, I know what I want to do with my life, I speak at least 2 languages, I have made a new friend in the past year.
@ literally whoever wants to do this I am tired and don’t know who to tag
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toumakibangs · 6 years
[TouMaki Advent Calendar 2018] - Recap Post -
“First things first: °*MERRY CHRISTMAS*°, everyone!
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Now, moving to more serious things: in this last month, for the second time this year and for the second year in a row, we were able to bring new TouMaki content into our small corner of fandom for 24 uninterrupted days! Yay! I don’t know if you realize what a terrific result this is and what it means not only to me personally, but for the TouMaki fandom in general: scrolling the tag and seeing a new fic and/or fanart every day is... amazing, comforting and (as a creator myself) really, really motivating. Unfortunately, in the end I wasn’t able to give my own contribution this year, but my hands freakin’ itch to write right now, which is a feeling I was sorely missing and which is back only thanks to you guys.
Therefore, let me express my biggest THANKS to all the talented and enthusiastic creators who chose to be part of the team this year and literally brought this Advent Calendar to life: I owe you guys SO MUCH, you’re a joy to work with and if I could reach through the screen and hug every single one of you, I’d do it in a heartbeat.  I’m deeply sorry if I sometimes came out a bit harsh in our conversations: I’m a curt, practical person who sometimes forgets how to English politely - my apologies on that department, it was nothing personal, I was just busy and probably frustrated by my job.
Now, on to something more technical: I have created a new Collection on AO3 called “TouMaki_FandomEvents” where I will gather, through dedicated Sub-Collections, all the TouMaki events I have moderated so far and, therefore, all the entries created for those events that are currently available on AO3. If you would like your work to be featured on that platform, please publish your fic/art on AO3 and put the event it was made for in the tags (i.e.: “toumaki advent calendar 2018″, “toumaki month 2018″, and so on): I will find it and add it to the appointed Collection. If you don’t have an AO3 account but would like one, drop me a line: I have invitations to spare. 
Last thing and then I’ll leave you to the Advent Calendar recap: in January I will start focusing on the TouMaki Month for 2019, which as far as I’m concerned will be held (please refer to this post) - details will go up in due time, but in the meantime if you have proposals and/or ideas to submit and/or would like to be part of the team again, my chatbox is always open! 
Thanks again for having made all of this possible: I might be the one who puts together these things, but I wouldn’t go anywhere if you guys weren’t so eager to participate and support these initiatives! Contributors and readers are fandom’s lifeblood - I’m merely an instrument here!
And now, a quick recap of the entries: make sure to show these amazing people the appreciation they deserve!
°*TouMaki - Advent Calendar 2018*°
DAY 01 - “Snowglobe” by @chicchaiseme DAY 02 - “Reunion” by @matsinko DAY 03 - “Ornaments” by @positivepotato DAY 04 - “North Star” by @somecallmemichelle DAY 05 - “Scarf” by @zzpopzz DAY 06 - “Lights” by @grimelius DAY 07 - “Pie” by @lordonisyr DAY 08 - “Gift” by @sawumura DAY 09 - “Decorations” by @meganeushi DAY 10 - “Shopping” by @midotaka-is-destiny DAY 11 - “Angel” + “Elf” by @yan-ni DAY 12 - “Sleigh” by @somecallmemichelle DAY 13 - “Eggnog” by @zzpopzz DAY 14 - “Wreath” by @theyaoibandits DAY 15 - “Trains” by @glacialfirefly DAY 16 - “Rooftop” by @fantasysorceress DAY 17 - “Stockings”  by @meganeushi DAY 18 - “Baking” by @evvazi DAY 19 - “Mittens” by @redlilyart DAY 20 - “Yule Log” by @somecallmemichelle DAY 21 - “Green” by @twinkmastertoudou DAY 22 (Part One) - “Winter” by @Jaela DAY 22 (Part Two) - “Winter” by @grimelius DAY 23 - “Mistletoe” by @zzpopzz DAY 24 - “Fir” by @suzuka-nitta (English version here) BONUS - “Christmas Day” by @chicchaiseme
‘til the next event! Jules
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moonlightsdreaming · 11 years
theyaoibandits said: From what I heard, Tite Kubo refuses to let the series become a love story. Sooooo I don’t think anyone’s feeling are going to get returned. It’s gonna be one of those “look to the future” endings. At least that’s what it looks like.
I have definitely often thought that Bleach may very well end with no pairings being canon, which was strengthened by how NOTHING CHANGED after the time skip, which would have been a perfect time for shit to finally get moving.  And IF we get anything, it'll be something pretty understated or a flash forward to the future (which I'd be fine with, honestly), showing if any characters got married or whatever. I am a little surprised at the idea that KT would seemingly dislike the idea of Bleach becoming a love story because, wow, he has put A WHOLE LOT OF ROMANTIC FEELINGS into the writing, especially that time Orihime confessed to the unconscious Ichigo with her "five lifetimes" speech.  Like, that is super romantic/practically a love story.  XD Though, I can definitely see him not wanting it to take over the story, since there's other plot shit happening.  XD
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brilieveinme-blog · 11 years
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alwayslively05 · 11 years
Been tagged again~ This time by ladystar19
Rule 1: Always post the rules
Rule 2: Answer questions that are given to you and write 11 new ones.
Rule 3: Tag 11 people.
Rule 4: Let them know you tagged them
1-What is the last book you have read?
- The Complete Sherlock Holmes (not finished yet though)
2-What is your favourite film?
- Any of the Harry Potter movies
3- What town would you most like to visit?why?
- Osaka (or Kyoto)~ Cuz it's Kanjani-town. xD
4- Who’s your favourite actor?
- Rupert Grint, Liam Neeson, Johnny Depp, Robert Downey Jr. Ryo Nishikido
5- You do any sports? If not, which sport would you like to do?
- I like basketball and tennis. :3
6- What’s your favourite song?
- Currently, Bansou by Kanjani8. xD
7 What music are you listened right now?
- J-pop/J-rock
8 What’s the last movie that make you cry?
- Can't remember
9 What’s your favourite food?
- fried chicken :p
10 do you have any pets?
- No, but I've always wanted a dog or two.
11 Which is the last concert you  went?
- Does my sister's orchestra concert count?
Ok, now 11 questions from me~
What's your favorite type of music?
Do you play an instrument? If not, what would you like to play?
What was your favorite subject in school?
What's your favorite hobby?
What language(s) can you speak?
What's your favorite animal?
Are you a night owl or an early bird??
Mountains or the beach?
Sun or moon?
Carnivore or herbivore?
J-pop or K-pop?
Introverted or extraverted?
Have at it, you guys~ I accidently did 12 questions instead of 11. Whatever though. -.-
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toumakibangs · 7 years
TouMaki Secret Santa 2017 - REVEALS
We reached the end for real, today.
I would like to personally say THANK YOU very much to everyone who decided to sign up for this exchange, and to everyone who went through with it; to everyone that contributed, being it by writing/drawing and fulfilling a prompt, or by supporting me behind the scenes. Thank you to @saisaigirl for the dedication, for the last-minute work and perpetual availability and for listening to my rants and nervous breakdowns. Thank you to @chicchaiseme for the generosity, the drive and for the constant support. Thanks to all the participants who bombarded me with questions: I hope they were answered; you were awesome and I loved seeing how much you cared. Thanks to all the readers that stuck to us, following this blog or checking AO3 regularly: you are the reason we do this, let your voice be heard, we’d love to know you^^
I’ll end this saying that it was my first time moderating an event of this nature. It took a lot of effort, but now I can say I’m quite proud of how it turned out, and that I feel like it was worth it. In fact, it was worth enough to make me consider doing it again: “TouMaki Easter Eggs” is kind of a catchy title... and there’s the good ol’ TouMaki Month to dust off, if we want to...
But there will be time: now we rest, and re-charge our batteries.
Merry Christmas, guys, and happy holidays.
@chicchaiseme drew ‘Gift in England’ for ombù
@ombù wrote ‘I have no complaints’ for @theyaoibandits
@yuurei-sho pinch-hitted ‘keep him close’ for @zzpopzz
@kinchan drew ‘in full color’ for @enigmaticqueer
@TheSkyIsMyHome wrote ‘Lift My Heart’ for @lordonisyr
@evietan wrote ‘See you again’ for @kinchan
@rapinii wrote and illustrated ‘A present fit for a King’ for @kingjulianisnotalemur
@youcanbrilieveinme wrote ‘One of a Kind’ for @empty-chameleon
@fomalhaut48 wrote ‘Spiders, Snowflakes and Stars’ for @evietan
@empty-chameleon drew ‘kumo ni piasu’ for @Jaela
@julesdrenages wrote ‘Leap’ for @grimelius
@lordonisyr wrote ‘Truths Among Friends’ for @meganeushi
@enigmaticqueer drew ‘Reunion’ for @youcanbrilieveinme
@yuurei-sho wrote ‘we were young’ for @ewagan
@Jaela wrote ‘Hanging on the Line’ for @HapaxLegomenon
@zzpopzz drew ‘Christmas Disneyland’ for @chicchaiseme
@kingjulianisnotalemur wrote ‘What once was’ for @rapinii
@theyaoibandits wrote ‘No Place To Go’ for @julesdrenages
@meganeushi drew ‘Without even knowing’ for @TheSkyIsMyHome
@HapaxLegomenon wrote ‘In the Spirit of Giving’ for @fomalhaut48
@grimelius wrote ‘Dressed for Stress’ for @chambrayislington
@julesdrenages wrote ‘Imprint’ for @saisaigirl
@julesdrenages pinch-hitted ‘It’s a kind of magic’ for @yuurei-sho
In the spirit of giving, I would recommend for everyone to go thank their Secret Santa!
Participants: you should by now have received an email from me with the instructions to download your doujinshi and, for two lucky ones, the notification of their win in the giveaway!
Last thing: I am considering making a pdf out of all the entries of the event; if you might be interested, feel free to message me.
Again, THANK YOU for writing, THANK YOU for drawing, THANK YOU for reading. 
Merry Christmas!!!
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smileinthedark · 12 years
 theyaoibandits answered your question: Does anyone have any really obscure yaoi manga recs?
I promise, you haven’t read it all. After reading nearly 500 yaoi, I assure you. Maybe chech out Manga Updates forums for some new material?
Well, I mean...of course I haven't read it all, but I've probably read something like 500, too. (I've been devouring yaoi manga for the past four or so years. Erk!) But! I shall try that.
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magical-mistral · 7 years
YOI ask: Victor, Guang Hong, and JJ
Victor Nikiforov: List 5 things you love (or) 5 things about your life.Five things i love: my cat, our precious skater boys, Jack Frost, snow and the first bite of a meal you’ve been looking forward to the whole day :DGuang Hong Ji:  List a few things you find adorable.Again my cat (she is super adorable, okay), how obsessed Phichit is with hamsters, baby Groot, my own personal Minami ( ;) ), Toothless, red pandas, petticoat dresses...and i could go on and on!JJ Leroy: Is there something you really love about yourself?Not really. I really try to be kind and generous though. I’m not always succeeding, but that only means there’s room for improvement!
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magical-mistral · 7 years
theyaoibandits hat auf deinen Eintrag geantwortet “today is a stupid day[[MOR] i can’t even say exactly why. i’ve been...”
Awwww. We all have days like that. Tomorrow will be better, I'm sure!! <3
thank you...tomorrow will be better as in “I won’t have to deal with stupid arrogant men who think that just because i happen to be female i don’t have a clue about technology” - yeah, definitely better in that regard. i wanted to work on some pictures to share but had to restart my laptop every five minutes. Fun days ahead...
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magical-mistral · 7 years
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theyaoibandits hat auf deinen Eintrag geantwortet: finally home!! <3
Welcome back!
thank you!! :D now i've eaten, so i can work on the last request that's still open!
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