#they're twisty
wanderingcas · 8 months
it's the day after posting the last chapter of where there is darkness and my brain literally exploded ideas with for my cult cas fic. you guys. YOU. GUYS. i cannot wait to share this version of dean and cas with you.
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peachesofteal · 11 months
was rereading the Drabble where Simon is praising Darling for making them a baby while Johnny goes down on her, and just LOVE that note about how much they love her depending on them more, and wondering if that would feed into some of the darker versions of the AU, where theyre so possessive over her and want to be depended on that if she pulls away in any form they’re paranoid that they’re found out, that she’s gonna leave and take their baby away
Sorry if that doesn’t make sense, I’m rambling!!
Referencing this. And honestly, just… yes. I chose not to 'write' for this, but to talk instead. 🖤
So this is a common theme of the story. Even throughout all the AUs. Where they guys are really taken by Darling because she's... the way she is, and they love that. They love that she just requires a little bit of extra love and care and they crave that, because they really feel drawn to how sweet and sensitive she is. It's mentioned in the canon story but I can't find it right now, but Simon talks about how she fills a need they didn't even know they had and how he wasn't sure it was even possible and how he loves taking care of her and adores how she looks to them, etc etc. Johnny as well, craves this bond with Darling and is always obsessing over making sure she's alright and spending as much time with her as possible because he just wants to soak her in. They're both, but especially Simon, incredibly in tune with her needs and emotions, like... they take it very seriously. Darling is Simon's job when he's at home.
In the darker AUs, this is still true. They still love Darling with everything they have, it's that love that becomes all consuming that drives them to make decisions like stealth baby trapping and such, because they can't bear to ever be without her. So, if she started to shift, pull away, become despondent, it would a huge deal. They would be very paranoid, and upset, and probably make awful decisions as a result.
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creativewhizkid · 7 months
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i like the headcanon that sketchbook is friends with the lil orange from episode 1
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neurotypical-karen · 2 years
It’s always “you’ve succumbed to the spiral haunting our town and become a horrifying part of it” and never “how was the spiral snake sex? the spiral snake sex looked fun.”
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lemonxlimee · 4 months
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My gay idiot children
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l393ndjean · 1 year
y'all I have someone to introduce
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Her name's Batilthaba.
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elkian · 4 months
A couple of years ago, I remember wandering around the house while my dad was watching some cop show (actually might have been a psychologist protag but for the purposes: cop show). And I didn't know the series and didn't see the whole episode, but I caught myself predicting twists as they happened.
And just from watching some 40-ish minutes while doing other stuff, I came to realize that the episode didn't make any damn sense, because the motivations of the characters had been dropped in order to facilitate the next twist. The ultimate villain had little to no motivation for what they did while the first implicated person did. And yes, it's possible to write a twisty-turny episode with an unexpected villain... but it takes more effort than that. The entire episode was shock value with commercial breaks.
Anyways I think it was something of an important lesson on making sure motivational throughlines exist in writing. It's okay for people to be able to predict the outcome if the story is written coherently! And it's also okay for it to be unpredictable as long as that's done in a way that actually works! That makes for great rewatch/read/play value, where you can see the foreshadowing! But this episode would be absolutely incomprehensible on rewatch because there's no reason for the villain to be the villain except the need to shock the audience. Maybe that could work in a comedy, but not in something that took itself so seriously.
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slashingdisneypasta · 4 months
Chicken Vs Cheese twisties??
Neither. Wrong. No.
It's Zig Zags.
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bluemoonrabbit · 6 months
Today was full of so many good interactions.
1. I went to an estate sale where the owners, a young couple, had bought the house with everything in it, so they were practically giving stuff away. They were letting their very young nephew take any toy or trinket he could find, so I offered him a little toy I'd noticed. Watching his face go from shy "why is this strange adult talking to me" to delighted "wait someone's giving me a free toy!" was so adorable. Later I asked him if he'd found anything else, and he held up the toy I'd given him and went "I just found this!" 😂 Did you, bud?
2. I took a Lyft from the sale to an FB Marketplace pickup, and the lady was so fun and chatty. After being dropped off I called another Lyft to get home, and watched as the same lady drove back around the corner to pick me up. We had a blast just chatting up a storm all the way home.
3. My hands were totally full as I approached my building, and a little boy out front noticed and opened the door for me. No one asked or pushed him to do it, he did it all of his own accord. He must have been like 7-9, peak age to be oblivious and self-centered, but instead he saw a stranger and his first thought was to help them out. Amazing.
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thepals · 5 months
People can try to convince me god has a gender and I will simply say "nuh uh"
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17angelsprings · 1 year
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old squidshark sketch from a while back
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once-was-muses · 2 years
@the-arkham-librarian | send me ‘👀’ for something my muse has said about yours to someone else / when they’re not around.
👀 (dealers choice)
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"That librarian sure is something, hmm? Oh, besides her looks; I mean the fact she's still here. Anyone that's had deal with all of us crazies for longer than five minutes at a time would be lucky if they lasted a month! And she only jumped a little the first time she found me under one of the shelves!"
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creativewhizkid · 7 months
cannot BELIEVE i share a personality type with gangle, pear butter, bingo heeler, wall-e AND yellow guy
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apocalypsefunhouse · 7 months
Haven't posted in a while from lack of confidence, but here's Twisty and Plinko!
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yoshistory · 9 months
i had a dream that i'd come across some straight-angled driftwood as a lucky find and woke up with the impression i had some and literally .. forgot until like 20hrs later that it was part of a dream ... -___-
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aerithisms · 1 year
ff7 rebirth apparently ending at the forgotten city.... diabolical
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