#they're trying to find a sense of victory over a classic hero vs villain story of their own making
liliallowed · 10 months
Can we share headcanons cause I wanna know your opinions on mine!
I have a headcanon that just to annoy Dust the Player would probably just make fun of him. Joke about how kills people or attacks. Calls him short and flirts in derogatory ways. Pokes fun at his past loved ones and when he kills the player they claim jokingly he's a husband/wife/non-binary spouse beater. They are just the silliest little killer you've ever seen how could you ever be mad at them!
Just a smug bastard!
oh definitely.
I see them having a whole bunch of different sides.
a cruel apathetic side that LOVES the chase. they'll casually wait around on purpose to let him get more LV just to pin him down and give themselves more of a challenge. or sabotage his attempts by warning other monster or scarring them away. they mock him just to grin at his sweet sweet pretty HATEFUL GLARE.
a playful careless and reckless side that LOVES the attention and mind games he plays with them. they love getting stabbed in the back or feeling the surprise if having the rug pulled from beneath their feet when they thought they had a steady grip on their blade. they love his expressions, his reactions. SPECIALLY when he's angry. they try messing with him just to rile him up.
it was effective at first but then dust learns quickly and becomes unresponsive to their taunts or flirting.
they try to mask their weaknesses with these cruel jokes. to tell themselves and remind themselves it's just a silly little game they shouldn't take too seriously. casually joking about killing his family or... him being bad at exp farming... or...
it used to be fun... but now it just feels like they're pushing against a lie. a big lie that they don't care about this world.
they do. not the world that came before. they're attached to this hellscape purgatory of their own making. this desolate wasteland filled with monster dust feels like home.
and the third side they desperately pretend that doesn't exist...
tw: angst warning (self sabotage)
tw: potential triggers maybe
a saddened and broken sympathetic side they hide away because it'll only make things worse. sympathy is just an insult added to injury that they refuse to throw at sans. because they already know his response. of course they would. it's only natural. they would hate themselves too... they... do hate themselves! it's why it feels SO good when HE'S the one winning. they can feel a sense of relief. a sense of triumphant victory over the big bad evil human who they can project their own problems on. they wished they had his courage. his dedication. his sheer WILLPOWER to face their demons too. but no. they can't just GIVE him the win can they? no he has to struggle. he has to TAKE it from them. like the disgusting trash they are!
they don't have the RIGHT to be sorry. no they chose this and they'll STICK TO IT TILL THE END. they WANT this. right? they've always wanted this. but they feel empty. so empty. so pointless. and it always ends up in a way that the world just... forgets? if it means SCARRING the world to MAKE it remember them? so be it.
if it means they'll be a villain? SO BE IT! so much being a savior of monster kind did for them anyway.
it doesn't mean they don't care. it doesn't mean they sadistically enjoy seeing dust suffer. it gives them a sense of catharsis. they don't LIKE hurting him. but they also enjoy seeing it happen so that he can PAY IT BACK TENFOLD. they feel powerful when he takes them down. wishing that maybe their problems would just... vanish.
seeing his pained expression breaks their heart but also... makes them feel more understood somehow. makes them happy. it makes the sad. it's so bittersweet. so ironically HIM. it excites them. it makes them want to cry.
it makes their numb heart FEEL something. and they're addicted to it.
they're not a monster. just a person trapped in their obsession. someone who never had their closure and was stuck in the past. someone who would not let things go even if it meant they were also the one hurting.
but they're also quite silly and goofy. making jokes and doing the randomest unpredictable bullshit possible to throw dust off.
all in all I think they're ALL of the above to some extent. the do feel guilt and shame. they do get rage baited and extremely pissed at an unfair kill. they would scream at the screen with an angry face, and would laugh their ass off if dust gives them an unexpected reaction.
they're still them. despite everything.
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