#they're sickenly OBSESSED
dontyoulistentome · 3 months
Can we talk about how Harrow spends her entire life obsessing over the girl in the tomb and Gideon spends her entire death intensely jealous someone else got to Harrow's heart first.
And then at the end of the second book we find out that in finding a place to keep Gideon safe from herself, Harrow has made Gideon her girl in the tomb.
Gideon is Harrow's girl in the tomb and her heart.
Farewell world, I'm walking into fucking the ocean.
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animeyanderelover · 2 years
Anonymous asked: Any JoJo characters you want with a darling who is terrified of them and genuinely believes they're out to hurt them because they know them for having a bad reputation or they saw them following them around.
Tw: Yandere themes, unhealthy mindset, unhealthy relationship, possessive behavior, obsession, delusion, stalking, threats, manipulation, control, abduction
Darling is terrified of them
Dio Brando
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🩸​Everyone else seems to be utterly charmed by his charisma yet you are one of the few that stray away from the young man. You've heard the stories from Jonathan and Erina and know that both of them would never lie so you do your best to avoid Dio. You're loyal to your friends which is something Dio takes notice of and as admirable as your loyalty might be, he wants to make the Joestar's life a living hell so he wants to steal you away as well, one of the very few people who still stand up for him. Initially he just goes on about it as usual with his charm and his charisma yet you reject him, flee from him since you're scared of the man. He's more amused initially, sees it as a small and fun challenge you provide him with. Your fear of him is adorable since he loves being in the domineering position yet he wants to change that attitude of yours into one of adoration. You suddenly receive much attention from him as he seemingly pops up wherever you are and it freaks you out.
🩸​He's beloved in the town so he uses all of his supporters to get closer to you, your friends are soon after his admirers as well as he infiltrates your circle of friends. They end up dragging you along when he hangs out with his admirers though his attention stays most of the time on you. They adore him which results in you breaking contact with them since they're unable to understand your fear yet running to the Joestar will be futile, Dio makes sure. You're alone and defenseless, perfect for him since there's no one who could interfere now. He still portrays himself as charming as ever, offers you to walk you home on late nights which never requires your consent since he does it anyways. Sometimes he's especially extravagant, gifts you red roses or other fine presents which you reject and throw away. Dio is terrible as he even starts seeking out your parents who end up urging you to get to know this fine gentleman better and it's then that you're convinced that he wants to ruin your life as well.
🩸​As amusing as this game is where you play the frightened and adorable mouse, at one point Dio grows a bit frustrated with your constant rejection and fear since he is rather arrogant and his ego takes a few scratched because you don't fall for his charms. He grows obsessed with the thought of having your affection for himself, your love for himself. He's suddenly more possessive, grows spiteful if you ever mention Jojo in front of him, ends up mocking the Joestar and boasts that he's better, that he's taken away everything from him. Forceful and hungry kisses from his sides as he starts following you everywhere. Sugar-coated threats to stay with him and spend more time with him or otherwise he will end up humiliating that precious friend Jojo of yours even more. Imidiate abduction the moment he's turned into a vampire who fawns in a sickenly sweet way over your clear fear of him. Dio is stronger now though, has an army of underlings and is sure that he can manipulate you into adoring him.
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☀️​You're screwed in every sense the moment you catch the interest of this Pillar Man here. Kars is an individual shown to have absolutely no remorse to fulfill his goals and is more than willing to ruthlessly cheat and use all means necessary to obtain what he wants. Precisely why his darling is finished when he grows so obsessed with them since he sees himself as superior, won't take their own feelings into consideration and just kidnaps them. He's awfully possessive, wants to own you for himself. Whilst he knows what your first reaction will be after being kidnapped, he somehow expects you to understand your position quickly and obey him. You're only a human after all whilst he is incredibly close to being the perfect being, a god. You should consider yourself honored that he has decided to keep you by his side to watch how he conquers the world for himself. Kars is more sadistic so he probably enjoys your fear if it means that you don't go against his word.
☀️​He doesn't mind a little bit of fear, in fact he might even prefer it that way. Only plain fear isn't his ultimate goal either since similar to Dio, he also wants that his darling at least adores him a bit. He is less charming about it though, you already know what he is after all and he is more forceful anyways. He teaches you very much like a owner teaches his pet. Whilst he does look down on you for being a mere human and gives you due to that the clear impression that he looks down on you and doesn't respect you, if he discovers over time something he admires about you he might tend to see you a bit better than the average human though you're still under him. Initially you just get this terrifying grin of his when he notices your fear, is definitely not above mocking you for your weakness and expresses the difference in power on multiple times by literally forcing his touches on you.
☀️​You have no chance to escape him anyways, not when he has Esidesi and Wamuu by his side, though Kars alone is a force to be reckoned with. The Pillar Man struggles when he realizes that he might desire more than just your obedience, he might get somewhat snappy for a while, especially when with you, when he catches himself growing softer when you're actually genuinely nice and don't only look at him in fear. He despises the soft spot he develops and how he actually feels sometimes guilty for installing so much fear into you to the point where you genuinely believe he is going to kill you. He grows to care a bit more and start viewing you as something more potential than just a little pet. He attempts to be a bit more nicer by giving you presents and being more friendly around you yet there is this annoyed scoff on his face when you hurry away from him out of fear. He'll somehow make you love him though, no matter through what methods.
Kujo Jotaro
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🌌Jotaro has a certain reputation for being a violent delinquent, he's even been arrested once before. So even despite his good looks and most girls in school swooning for him, you can't help but feel intimidated by him. You just can't read him besides the few times where he snaps at someone if they bother him, decide it's best to just avoid him. So when you start to realize that his eyes constantly seem to follow you around whenever you enter his field of vision, you start to break out in cold sweat. Even if he isn't talking with you, the sheer intensity of his stare alone has you already shivering whilst you try to think about something you might have done to potentially annoy him somehow yet you can't think of anything. So you try to avoid him even more, flee to the toilet or outside as soon as you spot him in the crowd. You try to somehow ignore him and the few times you dare to turn around, you shrink as soon as you two meet eyes. Those unreadable and hard eyes which seem to drill through you.
🌌​Jotaro is a perceptive guy, one who appears to be somewhat conflicted about his growing obsession. He keeps his distance due to that, mainly observes you from a bit further away. He's most likely aware of his cold and intimidating exterior, knows he has a bit of a bad reputation yet when he notices how you quickly turn around and run away as soon as you see him, he can't help but feel a bit let down. The man has troubles expressing himself, tries especially hard to not let anyone notice his obsession over you which is why he often comes over as rude and cold as he is yet he doesn't wish that you feel scared of him. He always feels a bit hurt when you hurry away as soon as he tries to approach you, how you can't even muster the strength to look him into his eyes and how your voice is quiet when you do talk to him for a bit only to cut the conversation as short as you can. He's more patient yet the growing frustration gnaws his patience slowly away.
🌌​He really does attempt to show you that he doesn't plan to yell at you or hurt you, he's quite hurt when he hears from others what you think of him. He tries to help you with school stuff, offers you to carry something when you struggle to do so alone. But all of his approaches are shut down quickly, no matter what he attempts to do. He bottles all of his frustration up even if he comes over as even more rude if someone gets on his nerves due to his supressed frustration. Jotaro at the very least tries to not snap and be rude when you're somewhere around though so he doesn't worsen your image you have about him even more. Eventually his patience runs dry though and he decides to be a bit more forceful. He drags you somewhere where the two of you are alone, makes sure to trap you so you don't run away and forces you like this into a conversation. He admits that your irrational fear of him hurts him and that he wants to get to know you better.
Yamagishi Yukako
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💇‍♀️​Her mere presence around others, normally very aloof and unwelcoming, is probably enough to make you a bit scared around Yukako already. She just appears as such a tough and cold woman yet you freak out even more when she suddenly starts following you anywhere. Her cold exterior seemingly disappears around you as she becomes sweet and coddling around you in an excessive way which freaks you out even more. Lunchboxes are prepared for you which she feeds you herself, any struggles in school she ends up helping you in frighteningly scary and strict ways and worst of all is her prone side to lashing out when something doesn't go her own way. Yukako seemingly lives in her own world where she expects you to do as she says, reciprocate her feelings and let her coddle you as she does. But instead she becomes a living nightmare for you since you are terrified of another violent outburst from her side even if she snaps out of it for a moment upon realizing that she slipped up and returns to her sweet and shy act.
💇‍♀️​You should know though that trying to avoid Yamagishi Yukako will end in terrible results. You anger her immensely by avoiding her like you do and she is a short-tempered woman so you increase the danger of her next violent outburst only tenfold. She is a girl who seeks out what she desires though so she quite literally hunts you down. When she sees you hanging out with someone else, she becomes crazily jealous and isn't shy to use her Stand Love Deluxe against anyone she thinks stands in her way of capturing you. Whilst she might try to keep up her sweet act for a while in an attempt to guilt-trip you, she's quick to abandon it and reveal her true nature if you were to ever tell her that you're absolutely terrified of her and fear that she might end up hurting you due to her ugly temper. Her left eye twitches in irritation before she loses it, blames you for seeing her in such a terrible light when she only tries to love you. She can't see the fault in herself, instead blames you and everyone around you.
💇‍♀️​She kidnaps you after you reveal how you truly feel about her, is determined to teach you better than that. You shouldn't talk to your lover like that after all, seems like she has to educate you a bit more. That is just basically brainwashing you into returning her affection and she is insanely strict with it. Your meals, your drinks and whether you have access to the toilet or not depends on how good she deems you to treat her. If you end up continuing to express your scared attitude around her, she tends to lose her patience and lash out loudly at you again though at one point she notices that she only scares you further with this and attempts to revert back to her nicer act. You're trapped inside her house as long as she doesn't think that you deserve to go outside so as long as you are immensely scared of her, you continue being a prisoner who is forcefully trained inside her house. Yukako ends up forcing all her affection onto you too since she sees it as the only way to get you used to it so you stop to feel scared.
Narancia Ghirga
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🧡​He falls so incredibly hard for his darling, is a lovesick puppy yet Narancia's upbringing has caused him to develop a certain behavior that ends up terrifying you. As endearing as he might be at first, his emotions are a mess and his darling notices that quickly. He's overly aggressive, prone to attack someone and you've heard the rumors about him threatening and even hurting people you might have met somewhere before. He's literally a timebomb and you are his trigger. Stay with him and pay attention to only him and he's merely a clingy and affection-starved mess, leave him and spend time with someone else instead and you have him already growing violent. You notice with horror how he ends up stalking you messily, follows you around everywhere and seems to cling onto a kind gesture you did for him once as some sort of confession from your side. He's emotional, cries and begs for you to stay and manipulates and guilt-trips you to only spend time with him.
🧡​Narancia is in despair when he realizes that you are terrified of him, the look you give him shatters his heart and he most likely bursts out in tears sooner or later. He despises the fear in your eyes since it hurts him terribly. He might grow frantic, run to you and try to explain frantically that he'd never hurt you. He adores you way too much! Unable to understand that his behavior might creep you out since he's oblivious to his obsession, he turns his ire for a while to everyone around you. Surely they must have told you bad things about him which results in even more aggressive behavior from his side. It isn't until you yell at him one day when you catch him following you again that he creeps you out and that you are horrified due to his violent outbreaks and terrifying clinginess, that you want to be left alone from him since he's insane. He's frozen in his tracks as you hurry away from him, starts crying frantically soon after and you don't dare to turn around when you hear him shrieking your name.
🧡​Congratulations, you've done it! Narancia has abandonment issues, is absolutely terrified that his darling might leave him so he's bound to break at one point. He can't handle you fearing him and avoiding him, his heart is already a bloody mess so he can't take anymore. He's especially frantic due to him being aware that he's your biggest fear. Somehow he manages to convince himself that by kidnapping you and keeping you to himself, he can clear up the misunderstanding you two have going on. Somehow he will find a way to fix this broken relationship and your perception of him yet he can't help his cries when you express your fear against him especially strong. He's paranoid, ties you up so you can't run away and constantly clings onto you to show you that he won't hurt you. Occasionally he might suffer from another small meltdown though where he cries and shouts at you that you don't even give him a chance.
Narciso Anasui
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💓​You've been warned by fellow inmates about Anasui, you've been informed about his weird tick to disable everything and how he murdered his girlfriend and the man she was cheating with. Even as another prisoner, you can't help but fear him a bit as well and even if you two might be separated due to s/o being female and him being normally very quiet and aloof around others, you can't help but get slight shivers. Unfortunately for you it only takes a small thing for Anasui to gain interest in you. Don't think that distance will save you since he finds a way to stalk you and steal your things. Even if you have no proof that it's him, you still know that the sudden disappearance of your things and even the loss of a few strands of your hair is his doing. You just have a gut feeling whenever you two meet eyes and he gives you this besotted smile of his, whenever you hear him calling your name as if you're his everything. What he perceives as utterly romantic, you perceive as utterly obsessive.
💓​Anasui may try to play the noble and romantic guy as much as he wants, you are not blind to the stares he gives anyone who gets too close to you, a scary glimmer in those pink eyes of his. You know well that he's at fault whenever an inmate you got along especially well with or someone that attempts to flirt with you suddenly disappears and at the very best a few scattered limbs of them are found. You fear that his mere obsession might lead to him committing the same crime against you he committed before against his previous lover. Taking his fascination with disabling things into consideration, you think that you have a valued reason behind your growing anxiety. You try to avoid him as good as you can, spend most of your time gladly in your cell if it means that you don't have to face him. You only hear the stories from others of how Anasui seems more irritated and more aggressive which only increases your fear. The male grows more violent the more he doesn't see you which increases his longing.
💓​Sadly he is not one to give up, instead he starts planning how he can lure you out of your cell to see you again, uses Diver Down mercilessly to his advantage. Once you two cross paths, he's quick to use his Stand to prevent you from running away from him, catches you as you are about to trip and fall down. You poor thing are shaking in his arms, terrified of the man who is tightly holding onto you and whispers sweet words of love and promises of a future together in your ear and how he's terribly missed you. His touches and his closeness is highly inappropriate yet he doesn't see the wrong in it. You might express your fear as much as you want, it completely flies over his head and instead he only seems to dote on you even more. In the worst case he shuts you up with a kiss which he will enjoy whilst you might want to burst out into tears. When you two are forced apart, he tells you that he'll always watch over you which only adds to your growing paranoia as you realize that you're not even in your cell safe.
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streaminn · 1 year
Hmm.. Have you guys ever heard of the word bitching in an omegaverse context?
I was thinking of my scent blind au where enid so desperately wished she could've been an alpha so she would be right for wednesday during heaven and back
Content warning for straight up Addams obsession, delusional thoughts and Wednesday lowkey going to the deep end to make sure her and Enid get together even if it meant biologically changing herself
Bc yknow how Addams don't do things in halves, right? It's a whole fanon thing and I'm pretty sure there's signs of it in the show.
It starts like this, Enid is an alpha and Wednesday is a beta.
Simple facts, so very chill. They're still roommates, theyre older now and everything is OK
Except ever since Enid presented, having been a late bloomer like the show, she's been.. Different.
Wednesday isn't stupid, sure she may not have the safe rabid instincts as an omega or an alpha but she can smell well for a beta and she can see the way Enid's face will soften at any distressed omega nearby
It's irritatingly sweet, the way Enid would try to calm them down with her own scent. Except, since she's so new, she forgets how easily safety could equal something else
After the third time Enid has gotten accosted in the way to the dorm room, Wednesday quite frankly was irritated. She would love to stab those pesky students and go on her day but that meant showing that she was bothered
And Wednesday Addams wasn't bothered by anything, why should she? So what, her roommate is simply popular, it happens
Except, there's a part of her that feels wrong whenever she sees yoko drape herself over Divina. She eyes the way the omega would purr and how Divina would roll her eyes yet nose at her hair.
It's sickenly sweet
It's what her parents have it's what she wants with Enid
Being a beta in this au meant three things. One, you don't have an intoxicating scent and thus getting a mate is a tons more harder. Two, you're not built to take an alpha, it's a biological thing and three, the chances of getting a kid is all the more lower
Which is what most alphas would want
It's what Enid would want
So practically everything is against Wednesday. She can't entice Enid like most can do, she is literally not built for her and she knows of how Enid wishes for a family
Wednesday quite frankly isn't the type to wish for a family, quite aware of how troublesome it is but she's willing to change that for Enid
Anything for Enid, for the woman with nothing yet still tried to give her everything
Anything for her.
So, once again, it starts with the internet
Wednesday is ashamed, how far has she fallen to seek for reassurance that beta and alpha relationships could happen? Pretty badly, because when she scrolls and ignores the sobbing cries of beta's feeling inadequate in random blogs, she finds a reply to a rather sad post
It was a question of "pls guys, my alpha keeps looking at others instead of me. I know that I cant entice him like they can but surely there's smth I can do!?"
There were assurances in the replies, others saying that it's not the OP's fault that their alpha couldn't keep their nose to themself until one catches her eyes
It was a reply from a deleted user.
"have you ever thought of being bitched? You wouldn't fully be an omega but you'll pass as one to him and isn't that what matters in the end?"
The thoughts of other users below that were outraged. Whatever this bitching is, it's clearly taboo.
But those words.. "pass as one"
It's not the answer she wanted, but it's close enough.
It's enough to make Wednesday stay up and scour the internet all the more. She delved deeper into chat rooms, posing as an alpha with a kink because the more she went, the more she noted that whatever this is isn't normal at all. She couldn't come in regularly, else she risk losing actual good information
Bitching, from what she's seen, is the process of changing ones second status to an omega. Usually done against someone's will because who would want to willingly bitch themselves? Who would dare degrade themself into smth they weren't born too?
Me, Wednesday thinks as she notes it down. I would.
This is all she did for the next few days, staring at the pc and noting down as much as she could.
She got dragged out once or twice by a concerned Enid because ofcourse she did. The alpha has always been so caring, making sure to knock before cracking it open to ask if they'd like to eat together at the diner that just opened up
Wednesday agrees, she always does and so Wenclair set out. It's times like these where everything else fades away to nothing, status doesn't matter and it's imply just the two of them
Until the waiter comes in, all sly smiles and neck bared. Enid sniffs and Wednesday stops herself from stabbing her fork into the omega's throat when she sees those gorgeous blue eyes of enid's dilate
Don't look at anyone else, Wednesday wants to scream. You don't need them, I'm right here- But she can't do that, so she digs her nails into her palms as she slips into her thoughts
What happens in the diner is enough of a reminder that she needs to do this.
In the end of the weekend, Wednesday has finally concluded her research. The deleted user was right, she wouldn't be an omega but she sure will pass as one.
Her fertility will be the same but she can start producing the same addicting aroma and slick that entices all alpha's once she's done with the process
It sounds all well and dandy except it takes months to a whole year or two of constant dedication to get these results. It irates Wednesday but luckily, if the beta is reciprocating, the outcome is said to be all the more simpler, effective and overall efficient.
Wednesday couldn't stop a smile from growing as she eyes the last few words of her research.
if the beta in question was being bitched to the scent of one alpha in particular, then once the bitching was complete, both parties would become biologically attracted to one another’s scents and be driven to mate.
That was the confirmation wednesday needed, she would literally be made for Enid and Enid would have no choice but to realize it too once it was all over.
And finally, the best part:
all of the required steps could actually be accomplished without the alpha's participation or awareness
Anyways, degenerate Wednesday..? Love that, she can be such a creep and id like to build on it. If you wanna see more do send an ask! Aight thanks peace
Here's the continuation to this post where Wednesday gets what she wants
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08.28.2020 1358H
journal#6: change of heart
I have become so obsessed about wanting to catch feelings and crave for affection, and feel the rush for someone's existence, even when I was so young-- like, I knew I had to, or else I will be empty.
The society did not prove me wrong on that note. As I look from left to right, from strangers to people I care about, they're somehow stuck in a maze looking for someone-- for the one, and in some way losing themselves along the fragile road to true love. That's when I started to yearn to bathe on brokenness, because maybe then I could write and mean it.
Last month, my being was in the state of not having a middle ground, like I know that I wasn't a mess, yet I kept pushing myself to fix the intricate parts of me-- from my political views to finding ways to earn money. I'm frustrated right now. I pity myself, until I realized I've got to convince myself that being in love isn't going to happen anytime soon-- so I did, I stepped away from hoping-i- was-sickenly-in-love thoughts and made myself busy and occupied by organizations and council works.
I've been exhausting myself on other things so that my personal and social wellness would be at back of my head. It's not healthy-- but it's the only way to not seek validation from wrong people.
I am noting this for myself: Please, never sacrifice your heart, just so you could run away and hide from reality.
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