#they're meant to be gently placed (but then I goofed on the side-shot)
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mewkwota · 2 years ago
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These two sets of doodles are not directly related other than the fact that they feature Simon and Richter, and the latter is being dangerously adorable. He really admires his ancestor (like a lot).
The dialogue from the first bit is from Grimoire of Souls, and Richter has a reply but I can't help but imagine him absolutely Beaming before continuing with how happy he is to meet Simon in-person.
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colorfulbard · 4 years ago
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Summary: Housewives in a small town truly have nothing else better to do.
Pairing: Lifeguard!Eren x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Small themes of NSFW
Words: 1.6K
A/N: I saw an ask that I think was from @sleepysnk blog and I couldn't help myself. This one-shot was based on this video. Sorry in advance to her for not asking permission, but I really wanted to write this. I hope you like it!
Summer was a time for new beginnings in a young kid's life. School was out which meant three whole months full of time to make self-improvements. Or to just goof off with friends. During this time of experiencing the blazing sun, the first thing to come to any kid's mind is to be the first to hit the pool.
Not that it mattered who came first. In the small town of Shiganshina, eventually, the community pool would be full of family's trying to cool off from the summer heat. Whether some of the families were there by choice didn't fully matter. Mothers from all over town were dragged by their children regardless of what errands needed to be done.
In the past five summers, that's how it was. Mothers had no reason to come to the pool by choice ever since their eye-candy had left to college out of state. This summer, however, the housewives in-town were less reluctant to the idea of a day at the pool. As kids ran around the pool, ignoring the lifeguard's whistle, and whacked each other with pool noodles. Housewives found other ways to enjoy their time under the hot sun.
Amongst the loud splashing and laughter, a familiar ringtone chimed. This particular ringtone, however, was only familiar to every housewife that had been to the pool since the beginning of summer. The phone the ring was coming from lit up, an alarm displayed on the screen labeled as 'showtime'.
Practically every woman who had been to the pool since summer began had a Pavlovian response when that alarm rang. They all immediately sat up in their chairs, grabbed mirrors to fix their makeup or hair, and relaxed back into whatever sexy stance they could think of.
Out of all the women who waited for the show to start. None of them were nearly as excited as Debbie, whose phone alarm was still ringing. There wasn't much a housewife in Shiganshina had to look forward to. Especially during the summer.
Debbie truly detested summer with a passion as fiery as the sun. School was no more which meant her alone time was over. Three kids were now constantly on her ass with her husband either at work or napping.
She almost bristled at the mere thought of having to deal with them later in the afternoon but maintained her composure. She couldn't afford a single hair out of place. It'd taken her two hours to perfect the look she was going for. The amount of effort couldn't go to waste. Not when she had to compete with seven other housewives for his attention.
"Look alive, ladies," proclaimed Debbie as she readjusted her boobs and put down her sunglasses. "The show is about to begin." She smirked as the current lifeguard began to step down from her tower to switch.
Debbie felt time slow down at the sight of a door opening at the other end of a pool. She was sure the other housewives were feeling it too as they all began to tense in anticipation. If any of their kids were drowning at the moment, none of them would notice. It's not like it mattered considering Mikasa was still watching anyway.
Even if one of them did drown, it wouldn't hurt to watch them being saved by the notorious Eren Yeager. He was the one that currently had every housewife on the edge of their seat. The man was an Adonis in the eyes of every housewife in Shiganshina. The absolute perfect man of their dreams.
When that door fully opened, they all felt the air leave their lungs. His silky brown hair was tied back into a bun with the right amount of fringe framing his face. Abs chiseled to perfection glistened in the sunlight. To top it all of, with a flick of a wrist, he took off his sunglasses to reveal the most gorgeous eyes that suck any woman in.
Debbie could go on and on about Eren. She even bit her lip at the thought of them, together. Having invited him over for dinner as thank you for saving one of her kids from drowning. They would be all alone after she forced the kids into bed early. Her husband would be working late, so, who knows? Anything could happen.
None of the housewives' eyes left him for even a second as he walked to relieve Mikasa of her shift. Some could barely manage to remain composed as he offered a nod and greeted them with a "ladies".
Debbie put on her best sexy pout the moment his eyes were on her. She waited for the inevitable nod and compliment on her new sunglasses only to receive a nod. No compliment.
Her eyes widened and she cast a glance at the other wives. It seems they were suffering from the same thing. It was like that ever since he came back from college out of state.
Debbie's perplexed expression turned to a sneer when she remembered why. Turns out after coming back home to visit his mother, a college education wasn't the only thing he came back home with.
Speak of the devil and they shall appear. Debbie scoffed under her breath at the sight. You weren't much of a looker in her opinion. Everything about you screamed basic in Debbie's eyes. From your hair to your outfit. But that didn't stop Eren's eyes from lighting up whenever he saw you.
You had to be honest, at first, summer in the small town of Shiganshina was boring. The only reason why you were even here was due to Eren's insistent begging. That boredom lasted until he mentioned he had gotten a side job as a lifeguard. The same job he had the summer before he left college. He had mentioned it to you before in passing, but you'd never forget the stories Armin told you of all those housewives who drooled at the sight of him.
The moment the job began you gave him time to settle before you came to ruin it all. The time you spent waiting was worth it. Every housewives' eyes were on you as you confidently strode up to Eren on his lifeguard chair and asked for a kiss. Their faces were to die for, you wished you'd taken a picture. Especially Debbie's.
You knew for a fact she hated your guts. It wasn't like she tried to hide it anyway. She glared at you every chance she got. Which is why you were at the pool visiting Eren again today. You giggled as you glanced back at her while leaning against Eren's lifeguard chair.
"What are you laughing at?"
You looked up to the object of your affections and shook your head. "Nothing," you said innocently while rubbing his knee.
Eren rose a brow, not believing your tone for a second, and followed your previous line of sight. He rolled his eyes when he spotted Debbie waving at him just moments after she finished glaring at you. "Do you have to cause trouble with every housewife you meet?" He teased, shoving your hand away.
You placed a hand on your chest and gasped in mock disbelief. "Me? Cause trouble?" You asked rhetorically, "I would never." You crossed your arms and frowned.
Eren leaned back in his chair, "yeah, okay," he said sarcastically with a scoff.
You scoffed back at him and smacked his thigh, "okay, come on. You have to admit it's pretty funny." You barely held in a laugh at the sight of a whole row of housewives glaring daggers at you.
"Not gonna be funny when they finally poison you," Eren joked while stroking his abused thigh.
You gave him an incredulous look. "Yeah, because I'm dying to eat Debbie's casserole," you said sarcastically. Those housewives had been sending casserole after casserole to Carla's house ever since he came home. You hadn't bothered to eat a single bite of any of them. Neither had Carla.
Eren gave a small wave to Debbie, who was still watching the two of you. "What's with you and Mrs. Carter anyway?" He asked with a raised brow.
"More like what's with Debbie," you corrected, "she's hated me since she figured out I'm your girlfriend."
Eren smirked and leaned back in his chair with his arms behind his head. "Can't blame her, I am a catch." He winked down at you.
You rolled your eyes, "whatever you say, Casanova." You stepped away from the chair. "I'm gonna get going, don't wanna keep distracting you considering they're not gonna save their kids anyway." You gestured to the housewives who had their eyes glued on Eren.
He rose a brow but soon nodded after glancing at the housewives. "You have a point, get outta here." He leaned down to swat your ass.
You punched his leg in response. "Oi, watch your hands, Yeager!" You scolded.
"You know I can't control myself." He smirked and tried to rest his hands on your waist.
You hummed and laughed to yourself. Eren rose a brow at your laugh but said nothing as you stood on your tiptoes to grab him by his whistle. He was frozen as he waited for your next move and spellbound the same way those housewives were with him.
The tips of his ears were hot, you could feel it on your lips as they gently grazed his ear. "Let's hope you'll be able to control yourself until after your shift." You gave his ear a small kiss before pulling away and quickly walking away before he could recover.
You gave him one last look over your shoulder and giggled at the sight of his flushed cheeks. You also gave Debbie a passing glance and waved at her. "Hot day isn't it, Mrs. Carter?" You asked.
You didn't miss the way she attempted to murder you with one look. "Immensely," she said through gritted teeth.
Yeah, summer was a fun time.
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fandom-imagines-for-days · 5 years ago
hiii! do you think you could write something where tom and the reader are best friends, and theyve already admitted that they had feelings for each other, but wanted to take things slow and see where things went, so they decided to not put a label on it, but people (maybe the readers parents???) have suspicions that they're a thing??
Hello! Firstly thank you so much for this ask, you're the first and I'm so very excited to keep working on any more that come through!
I started working on this as soon as I saw it, so here it is, I hope it is to your liking, please let me know!
Pairing: Tom Holland x Reader
Warnings: Slight angst and that's about it, some fuffles
Summary / Request: Tom and the reader are best friends and recently admitted their feelings but want to take things slow, but someone (the readers mum) is suspicious that they're a couple. Tom is cute.
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Your hands tightened around the steering wheel, causing your knuckles to go white with effort. You breathed steadily, trying to stop your heart from pumping out of your chest, sweat beading on your forhead. Tom had asked you to meet him in the park outside where he lived, you had no problem with that but since you had just left and had mildly overprotective parents, your mum messaged you. You knew it was her from the little chiming noise your phone made.
"Not now mum." You mutter under your breath as you stop at a robot, checking your mirrors and the road around you. About two weeks ago Tom had admitted his feelings for you, and you to him. Being new to this whole thing and slightly scared of entering a relationship with your best friend, you guys had agreed to take it slow, and let things fall where they may, that meant that you guys kissed and spent time together but didn't say you were properly dating to anyone.
You did not think that meant somewhat sneaking around from your family and a few friends to keep things on the down low. Harrison obviously knew since Tom had told him he liked You forever ago. You sigh and pull off, turning left and watching the road as fourteen million thoughts rushed through your brain. You liked Tom a lot, really really liked him.
When you guys were ten you met in middle school, something intantly clicked and since then you guys had been thick as thieves. You did practically everything together, along with Harrison occasionally. Now at twenty one, on your side and twenty two on his, you had developed feelings for one another somewhere along the crazy ride of life. You didn't want to fully admit that they were pretty deep but you were utterly delighted that you guys were giving it a shot. Your heart fluttered at the thought.
When Tom had admitted his feelings for you, it was a Sunday, rainy and gloomy outside. Your plans for the day were to stay in and watch Netflix in your pajamas until you inevitably went to bed to go to work the next day. You were comfortably clothed in some fuzzy grey pajamas and had practically just woken up when your doorbell went. Rubbing your eyes and without a second thought you answered it and were surpised when it was Tom, hair flattened due to the rain and clothes getting soaked the longer he stood outside, he had a somewhat controlled but scarily calm look on his face.
"What the hell are you doing you big goof, get in here." You insist, still slightly shocked, pulling him into your apartment and shutting the door behind him. You immediately got a towel from the cupboard and hand it to him. He looked almost as shocked to be here as you were. He started drying his shirt with the towel and patted his hair dry.  "What is it Tom? Are You okay?" You question, leading him to the kitchen to boil the kettle so you guys could talk over a nice cup of tea.
"I'm. I'm fine I guess, I just. I need to tell you something." Tom muttered shakily. He barely stuttered, this was starting to freak you out, but you kept yourself calm, several bad events passed through your head. What happened?
"Uh yeah of course Tom, you know you can tell me anything." You tell him in a calming voice. Under his breath he muttered the phrase: "Yeah but maybe not quite this." You didn't pay that any mind, the words still shaking you to your core.
Clearing your throat you get two mugs from the cupboard above your kettle and set them down, getting the tea bags and placing them in. There was silence as the kettle boiled. Tom was trying to keep himself psyched up to actually say anything. And eventually, as you started to pour the water in he just blerted it out without thinking.
"Y/N I like you." You stopped pouring the water into the mugs and adopted this confused smile, turning to look at him. "Well yeah I'd hope so. I like you too." You tell him, still confused as to why he looked so desperate.
"No Y/N. This is different." He persists, taking a step forward, motivated to be closer to you. "I mean I have feelings for you. And I just. I can't ignore them anymore. I'm terrified this is going to ruin our Fri-" you cut him off by engulfing him in a hug and saying: "I feel the same." It felt like a weight had been lifted from your shoulders, God you wanted to admit it too, but couldn't. Tom visibly faltered as you pulled away from the hug. "Wha- you, you do?" He asked, shocked, searching for confirmation. You nod your head firmly.
You were pulled back to reality as you slammed on the breaks at a stop sign. Your heart pounded faster than ever. You flash your hazards to apologize to the person being you. At that point you realize that you had missed the turn and had driven past. You sigh heavily and pull off again, turning and finding your way to the park.
As soon as the trees came into sight your heart seemed to slow. You were confused, this whole time you had been a massive ball of nerves and now suddenly you were all calm? Weird.
You stopped the car, got your bag and entered the park. You soon spotted Tom and grinned. He stood from the bench he was seated at and smiled to you, radiating warmth. "Hey." You breathe, going to captute him in a hug. He held you close to his chest and placed a hand on the back of your neck to fiddle with your hair. You breathed in his scent for a good about of time before you pulled away and shared a slow, tender kiss.
"You look lovely." He comments, taking your hand and leading you to the bench. You suddenly remember your mum. "Give me a sec, I need to check my phone." You tell him. Taking it from your pocket you unlock it and check. "Yep it's my mum." You open the chat.
Where are you?
At the park with Tom.
You type back quickly, slightly worried at what she may have planned. Not even a moment later she answered
You laugh at that and show Tom, he smiled.
Mum, we've been best friends for over a decade, why are you all touchy now?
Are you guys together?
She follows up without any warning. You glance to Tom.
Well technically, you reason with yourself not since you guys had agreed on no labels until you were ready for them. The ideas of labels kind of stressed you to no end and you were both still figuring things out. All You knew was that you wanted to be together without all the chaos that came with being 'boyfriend and girlfriend'
"What should I say?" You mutter to him, seeking his approval to say anything. Tom glances over and reads the message swiftly. He placed a hand on your thigh.
"Uh, maybe we can just say it's a start but we're not together together?" He offered. You shrug. "I suppose it's as good an answer as any." With that you type out the message and send it to your mum.
Alright, love you.
You give Tom a confused look. "What went better than expected." he deadpans, surprised. You change your look to one of knowing, a brows raised. "She's going to ask me so many questions when I go home." You explain with a sigh, placed your head in your hands. Tom gently lifts your face to his with his thumb and index finger. "Okay. I'll come with, that way you don't have to answer them alone." You give him a soft look.
"You don't have to Tom," you tell him, his fingers still on your chin.
"I know, but I want to." With that he placed a chast kiss on your lips.
"Lets get some lunch and then we can answer whatever your mum asks." You smile and kiss him again. "You sure." You ask between kisses. "Course darling."
Thank you so so much for the ask, I hope I did it justice!
Requests are open!
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