death in the evening
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PRIVATE MULTI-MUSE "I could take you back but people don't ever change"
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At work and slowly dying lol. No wonder I was all weepy and emotional last night
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Brighthouse sucks . My net is our and I can only remember the email to this stupid blog and can't do squat bc lol life
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i dont want to publicize too much but I followed some people so if you see me its me.
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I feel so drained. 6 and a half hours to go. Knowing me. I'll get home and be w I d e awake which is insane
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@killerqueenpetrova option 2
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Find light in the beautiful sea I choose to be happy you and I, you and I, we’re like diamonds in the sky.
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@killerqueenpetrova option 1
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I want him to hold me while I trace spontaneous patterns on his body. I want to cuddle with him and go on eaten with him. I want to tell him, ‘I love you’. But as faith has it, this is not the time. Maybe we will never have a time for that. Maybe we will never have a chance. But damn, don’t I want that chance
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please don’t steal/claim as your own!
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She sighed and put the phone down on the counter. “Yeah, we’re miserable.” She agreed. They hadn’t been able to reach a compromise. She had been so tired of giving up everything that she wanted for this life. “Brian, I love you. I will always love you. I just hate what you do for-- a living if you want to call it that.”
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He let out a breath, just nodding at her.  “Right.  Everything goes back to the way it was, right?  You’re here, I’m there, and we’re both miserable.  No matter what, we’re miserable.”  He sighed, shaking his head a little.  “I get it, you hate this life.  And you don’t like me much either.  But I will worry about you, Elisa.  I loved you.  Hell, I still do.  The worry is never going to go away.”
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“And you realize that I am the guy with the dead parents, the dead uncles and aunts, dead siblings, dead friends, dead everything.” He replied, his eyes searching hers for a moment. He’d been a different person before everything had happened. “I’ve fought so damn hard just to survive in this world. We all did and it wasn’t enough. I know that you aren’t your family. I know what I said hurt you. I get that I broke your heart. But, mine’s been broken this entire time, and no one’s taken any responsibility for that. So I can’t take any for yours.”
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“You realize that I’m the same person, right?”  She knew where he was coming from, but deep down, she was the same person.  She wasn’t sure she could change from that, even if she wanted to.  “I’m still the girl that needed her family, after a thousand years without them.  And I’m still the same girl, that cares for you.  I’m the same girl, that would do anything, to keep you safe.”  She stopped, blinking back tears before looking back at him.  “I know you hate my family, and I don’t blame you in the least.  And I know that you said things in anger, but it.. you broke my heart, Ezra.  I trusted you with it, and you broke it..”
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Mun vs Tony
Mun: Your fucking drafts will be the end of me
Tony: So?
Mun: ~Blinks~ You do realize that, if I die, you get nothing, right?
Tony: I get Elisa.
Mun: ~Pinches the bridge of her nose~ You. Don't. Get. Elisa.
Tony: Yes I do.
Mun: You get nothing, because if I'm dead, there is no one to write your damn drafts. Which means, you get NOTHING.
Tony: Pretty sure I get Elisa either way.
Mun: I'm going to have an aneurysm.
Tony: Technically, you can't HAVE an aneurysm. You just die from one.
Mun: Technically, you are a figment of my imagination, and I will forget you existed if you dare speak again before tomorrow.
Tony: It is tomorrow.
Mun: I'm going to kill you.
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“He’ll be here in fifteen.” She replied, stopping for a moment to look at him. “You shouldn’t. I’m fine. I’ll be fine. Everything is going to turn out alright except for Deckard Shaw.” And then things would be over and he would leave, again. “And once he’s dead, no one else will come for you all, and you can do whatever you want.”
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He let out a breath, sighing a little.  He knew that if he fought with her anymore, she would probably tie him to the chair or something.  “Fine.”  He watched her, shaking his head a little at her.  “I still do, you know.  Together or not, I still worry.”
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He knew when he had said it that he would have to pay for it. It had been said in anger because they were her family. They were the people closest to her and they had taken the one thing that he’d had left of his own family. “Because, Freya, I’m an idiot and I say stupid shit. My twin sister is dead. I feel like I can’t breathe, I can’t function, and your brother killed her. And I don’t want you. I don’t want the you that is connected to them.” He explained, sighing heavily. “I want the you that I had before all of this.”
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She took in a breath, watching him.  She knew he had to be hurting, but that didn’t excuse his words earlier.  The anger in him.  The doubt he had.  She just let out a deep sigh, shaking her head at him.  “Why are you not okay with that?  You don’t want me, right?”  She was using his words against him, but he had hurt her.  And she hated that he said it in the first place, even if it was in anger.  She cared about him, and it felt like her heart was ripped out.
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“Well, we’re going to make time. Not going to be any good to this entire thing if you collapse on the ground.”  She pointed out. He worried far too  much about her. She had always taken care of herself and she always would. “I know someone. Won’t take long. They won’t talk.” She insisted, shooting a text off, before turning back to him. “You worry too much about me. You always did.” She pressed a quick kiss to his cheek. 
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He didn’t even bother to fight her, since he knew it was a bad idea to do so.  He flinched as she poked at him though, and pulled away a little.  So, he probably should have gone to the doctor, but he didn’t have time to do that.  “Sleep is overrated.”  He had had the same discussion with Mia, as he was leaving to come here, but he didn’t listen to her either.  He never did.  “I honestly didn’t have time.  I wanted to get here, before anyone else contacted you.”
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“I get that. I really get that. It’s just that this has been going on for too long.” He sighed, as he looked away from her. He knew that he had hurt her when he’d had his outburst earlier. He hadn’t meant to do that. Not really. But, he was simply tired of losing everyone, and everything that meant anything to him. “I’m sorry.’  A breath. “I’m not okay with that.”
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She hated that he even doubted her in this whole thing.  While this was her family, she hated what they did.  She hated that innocent people were caught in a war of their own making, simply because her brother couldn’t keep his temper in check.  “It’s all I’m trying to do, Ezra.  There is a lot to flip away from my family.  It’s not an overnight thing.”  She let out a breath, sighing a little at him.  “I don’t want to die either, but if that is what has to happen, to keep you safe, then I’m okay with that.”
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“Han’s still going to be dead in an hour, Brian.” She replied, before grabbing a chair from the kitchen table. She pulled it over to where they were and promptly sat him in it without an argument. He was in no condition to fight with her. A moment later, she removed his shirt, and began to check him over. “You’ve definitely got a broken rib or two.” Her fingers gently inspected the area for a moment.  “And the coloring of these bruises isn’t fantastic.” She paused. “You haven’t slept have you? You could have a concussion.”
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“I’m okay.”  But as he reached for the pills she offered, he flinched, a gasp slipping from him.  He wasn’t fine, but he was trying not to let it show.  “El..”  He let out a breath, shaking his head a little.  “We don’t really have time.”  He knew he would lose this fight, but he had to hold off a little before giving in.
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He would be lying if he said that it didn’t bother him that her family had done this. They had been responsible for so much chaos over the years. “I want to know that I can trust to protect us human folk from the monsters that go bump in the night. It’s what your kind are supposed to. You’re supposed to keep the balance. Not twist it towards their favor.” He sighed, a hand going through his hair which had grown longer than normal in the past month or so. “I don’t want you to die, Freya.”
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She took in a breath, listening to him.  And there is was.  The underlying problem he was having.  This was her family that had done this.  “You want to know which side I would choose?”  She moved to lean against the table, watching him.  Her hands resting on either side of her, taking in a breath.  “I spent a thousand years, searching for my family.  I had heard the stories of the things they did.  I have watched, as they destroyed people.  And families.  And an entire city.  I love my family, Ezra.  But I can’t sit here, and watch them destroy anymore people.  It hurts me, to know the things they are all capable of.  It kills me that your sister, was caught in the middle of it.”  She finally stopped, a sigh slipping from her.  “When I do this, I will do everything to protect you and your sister.  Even if it costs me my life.”
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