#they're like catnip to me your honor
hidefdoritos · 4 months
not folding my laundry not refilling my pill sorter not cooking dinner. lying down and thinking about longhaired boys.
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artekai · 1 year
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"Average Sobeck lives 431 years" factoid actually statistical error. Average Sobeck lives 53 years. Immortality Georg and Cryogenics Georgina, who survived the apocalypse and went on to live 998 years each, are outliers and should not have been counted
(Lindsey is @meep-m33p's OC! ^^)
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wishful-seeker · 3 months
Tw talking about pet death
I think of my passed kitties pretty much every single day. I miss them like i would miss a person. I loved them like I'd love a person. To me they are the same level as people. Ever since i started my ketamine treatment its made me think a lot about them and death in general. Im so glad i knew them all and was changed by them. They were legit my children. I miss them more than my dead family members. I loved them too, but there is a difference when you loose grandma you loved but didn't know well, and you loose a being you have dedicated your entire life to. I would die for them, a million times over. All i want is their happiness and saftey. They are what matters to me most. They matter more than my recovery, if never getting better meant they were safe forever I'd take that deal in a heartbeat. To love something that much and lose them is the worst pain, but its worth knowing them for it. And now i honor them best i can, i make art of them and give them offerings of catnip from my garden, occasionally i feel their overwhelming presence and i cry. I'm glad i can honor them. I had a tarot reading done of them and the reader said they feel the same as me, when im happy they're happy. It's good to love so many beings with my whole heart, so many kitties I've fostered and then just couldn't give up, so i kept them. I made their lives as long and as happy as possible, and I'd do it all again.
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tiredassmage · 5 months
I am now over here reading all of Dash and Leo’s fics 😭
RATTLES THE BARS OF MY LITTLE ABODE! Leo is CATNIP to me in!!!! I think a slightly different flavor or variety than some of my other blorbos, but breaking down his behavior is just!!!! OOUUU I've been in my feelings about it all day.
And I think... part of the catnip of Dash & Leo is... is I Think... there was a level to them where they both identified the Other as Better and man I just. Bowl of soup, I want to drink it directly from the bowl. I'm probably incoherent right now because it is bedtime but OUUU. YOUR HONOR.
Funnily enough what started all this was chatting with another friend on Discord [so like whole bonus ramble I guess for this] about blorbos and that sent me on a Leo spiral that had me, in short, pondering the what if, or if he does, actually, end up twisting around his whole deal of getting into smuggling from... well, a predicament he got into and doesn't have a clear out of to... something he might be able to favorably manipulate if only so he finally has some room to pay back caring for the few people he is close to and I think... with Dash in his life and Liv still genuinely usually across the galaxy from him, he's... just trying to make a version of this bad scenario in which he might be a bit more genuinely able to look after himself so he's not worrying them all the damn time and I cannot emphasize enough how much I want to shake him like an ill-advised move against a vending machine about it. [He still thinks Dash deserves better but he is so, so, so Dash's sad little wet stray feral cat about it, he will Not Leave unless he is booted back on the street. Might still shake about it in the meantime though.]
I do also still have the handful of kiss prompts I got sitting in my inbox, one for the boys among them, I have kept them. This semester has been... That's a whole 'nother post in and of itself, but it's been a Time, so I haven't been rotating them to actually write much of them yet but they're in there. My little dragon horde of blorbo thought kickstarters when I need a pickup. And ofc the BG3 takeover happened, too. >.> [Inhales] But ouuuu Dash and Leo cuddles... I could return to those thoughts... They're so good. So Good.
Man who is giving me SO MANY MORE COMPLEXES IN THOUGHTS doing that to him too OUUU why I do that to me, right?
So I unfortunately don't have more words to offer yet. Spare camp edition Leo for the road instead perhaps?
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smth smth baby you're my angel you're my darling annngeeellll--
Anyway blows a kiss to the sky. For Dash, our beloved. <3
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breelandwalker · 3 years
Flower asks: candytufts, catnip, cock's comb (hahahahaaaa I love that name), and lupine?
Candytufts: When do you feel most loved?
It's honestly a tossup between when I get reviews and thank-you's from my readers and listeners, and when my husband or my girlfriend randomly does something extra sweet. It's two different kinds of feeling loved, but they both ring that happy bell.
Catnip: Have you ever slept with a nightlight?
Whaddya mean "ever?" I still keep a light on at night. It's less about being afraid of the dark now and more about needing to be able to see my surroundings if I wake up and have to stumble to the bathroom at fuck-thirty in the morning.
Cock's comb (hahahahaaaa I love that name): Favorite font?
(LOL ME TOO) Times New Roman is my default for most documents, so I guess that's my favorite standard font. My two favorite specialty fonts are Black Chancery (which I use for the page titles in my books) and Beltane (which I use for most of the Hex Positive word-art merch).
Lupine: What does your name mean? Why is that your name?
To preface - I don't like my given name. I've never liked it. My favorite game to play as a child was giving myself a new name just about every other week because I HATED the one I'd been saddled with. I still don't like it. I think it sounds childish on me and there's just no way in my mind to make it sound grown-up or professional because every time I hear it, I can only picture a five-year-old girl with pigtails. It's fine for other people, but I wish I could change it.
My mom picked it because someone else in the family (who wasn't even married or pregnant at the time) pitched a fit at Mom's baby shower because my parents had decided the name that SHE wanted to use for her eventual child. Huge family argument and my mother, wanting to avoid future conflict, picked a name from a baby food ad that she thought sounded cute. It doesn't even mean anything nice. It's a diminutive form of another name and means "substitute" or "supplanter."
So naturally, when I found out I could pick my own witch name, I jumped. "Bree" is the Anglicized form of Bríghe, one of the diminutive forms of Brighid or Bridget, and depending on context, it means either "virtuous" or "strong and powerful." Brighid was my first patron, so I wanted to take a form of her name to honor that bond.
My working surname is taken from my LARP character of many years, Bree Landwalker. For copyright reasons, I couldn't use "Landwalker" as my nom de plume, so I searched for a Gaelic term than meant something close to the spirit of the word. In-game, Landwalkers are basically lorax druids - they keep the balance and speak on behalf of the land. They're also closely connected to their patron tree spirits and most take the name of the mage order as their surname, so they're all kind of honorary cousins.
To this end, I chose NicGarran for my author name, which means, unsurprisingly to anyone who's read my books, "the grove's daughter."
So...depending on how you look at it, it's either "the strong and virtuous daughter of the grove," or "the grove's daughter who honors Brighid."
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subskz · 2 years
I think I'm gonna name the pitbull Bin or Binnie cause I feel like Changbin would be a pitbull if he was a dog. For the other two, I like aspen, that's pretty. I'll figure our the other once I know their personality more.
I think they do know how much i love them. You should see Lamia and Jin's enclosures, istg they're almost as big as me (I'm 6'5). And Yongbok and Snail have those like cat jungle gym things that you mount on your wall so they can climb everywhere, and they get a lot of soft cat food, cat treats, and catnip. Not too much tjo cause that's bad for them, but still a lot.
My tattoo artist looked at me weird when I got the portrait of Jin on my chest like sir, let me love my spider in peace please.
Yongbok is a red tabby, Snail is an American Bobtail, Jin is a cobalt blue tarantula, and you know what Lamia is but she is an albino.
ohh yes binnie would be such a cute name!! in honor of both changbin and bin-bin rice crackers 😸 i’m glad u like aspen too!
these pets are living the LIFE omg i’ve always wanted to have a setup like that for my kitties too! someday🙏 and ur 6’5…it seems like we also need to start a tall dom club for you and 🐍
i just searched up what cobalt blue tarantulas look like and they’re so pretty 🫢 never thought i’d say that abt a spider hehe now i’m sure your tattoo of him looks so cool!
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