#they're just both so badass and bloody amazing and I LOVE THEM MA'AM
daisylincs · 4 years
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“Daisy, for the last time, this is not the Great British Bake-Off,” Bobbi groaned, burying her face in her hands and narrowly managing to avoid getting icing in her hair.  
*happy sighs* I’m just one of those people who really, really adores Daisy and Bobbi together, you know? Be it romantically, or platonically, or chaotically-and-cutely (which, let’s face it, falls into both the other categories 😝), I just think they’re the BEST. And I’m lucky enough to have an absolutely incredible friend who shares this view - @agentsofcomedyandchaos, that’s right, I’m talking about you, Julia, love. You’ve probably LONG forgotten by now, and I really can’t blame you, but you won a Treat in my Trick or Treat challenge however-many months ago it was - and now today, finally, I’m here to make it up to you. Yes, I know it’s not quite the Philindaisy tickle fic, but, hey, once we get all the Trick or Treats checked off, that’s the very next in the line!! And in the meantime, really... who’s going to complain about a bit of Morsecode? Certainly not me - and hopefully you not either, love. 😍💜 Hope you liked this tiny tease of what’s to come! 
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