#they're generally unsettling to everyone because they don't act normal. they cannot sleep. they cannot die. they almost cried when they
Chapter 12 posted!
Chapter Summary and Work Summary below the cut!
Chapter Summary
In this chapter a bunch of the weird details that happen when dozens of people who are all trapped in one body try to design one normal apartment to live in are discovered by Spamton, who doesn't know what you, the reader character is (eldritch hivemind). All the furniture looks brand new, the kitchen is almost empty of food. All the sketch books and art supplies are untouched. The stylistic choices being made seem to flip and change every two feet. Those kitchen counters are weirdly tall.
Work Summary
A typical bringing Spamton home and taking care of him, but with a twist! In a dizzyingly bad mockery of a group project, a non-specific number of fans have been dropped into one body with many powers yet the teamwork skills of a twitch chat attempting to backseat game a dnd session. And the anxiety levels of a chihuahua that's been accidentally stepped on a few too many times. How will you and the others fare in charming Spamton into moving into the flat you made just for him? How familiar does a stranger really act? Will you ever fully agree on anything else?
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