#they're friends now !!
professoraurabolt · 2 years
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Something something Weezer refrence.
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coldasyou · 2 years
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2017 // 2022
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sukinapan · 10 months
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i had felt of other colors to practice, so i made @plastiboo 's cat too ^^
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a-small-tragedy · 1 year
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Emotional picture without context
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ithinkthiswasabadidea · 7 months
*upon entering the sewers with Astarion and Gale for the first time*
Astarion: I gave my return to Baldur's Gate a lot of thought. I never pictured this, though.
Gale: What did you have in mind? A quiet party, toasting your return with a few good friends?
Astarion: Less 'quiet party with friends', more 'days of hedonistic debauchery'. But otherwise, yes.
Gale: Sounds like a recipe for disaster. But you know what? I'm learning to enjoy the taste of chaos. Count me in.
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sadlynotthevoid · 2 months
I think we need at least one more bnha x dc crossover in a fusion AU way with bad parent Bruce just so we can have Trained Assassin Teen Jason go to UA in a rehab way (because I doubt bnha proheroes are really against killing in certain cases and Jason would flip that shitty distopia from inside out if given the chance, which he should have) and Stain go after Bruce's ass.
Outside Jason's interrogatory room:
Random diplomat: —and so we decided to consult with yourself, since this is... an exceptional case.
Nedzu: I knew there would be trouble to decide a punishment for the Red Hood, but I wonder what makes everyone so uncomfortable.
Random diplomat, who I'm going to call Jeff: Well, that's— why don't you take a look at him for yourself? *Activates one way mirror function*
Jason, a literal teen: *bored out of his mind, spinning in a swivel chair*
Nedzu, not a human but also in charge of a whole full school of teens: Ah. He's younger than I expected. Though that explains a lot of things.
Jeff: It does?
Nedzu: The decision of making Batman face the Joker to force him to kill him, despite his well known irrational protest against killing in all cases, instead of killing him himself makes more sense coming from a traumatized teenager in seek of safety and certainty.
Jeff: I see. Anyways, his age is one of the three reasons why it's nearly impossible for us to come to a conclusion.
Nedzu: Having in count his young age, I assume his life circumstances is other?
Jeff: Yes. The kid was interrogated by an agent with a range truth-type quirk before and— He was murdered. And resurrected, violently. Then spent a year or so under tha care of assassins.
Nedzu, smiling wide: Oho. So that's the reason.
Jeff: For his last antic, yes. Knowing this, it's hard to judge him because no one has gone under similar events before. Specially because his previous life wasn't exactly a normal one either.
Nedzu: By the way, what is the other reason?
Jeff: ...his fans would burn us alive if they discover we put him, a traumatized teen who almost got killed by his father, in prison for killing people who— under any working system— should end in life sentence or penal death.
["Sir, the crowd outside doubled its size."
"Again Ramírez? This is the third time already!"
"There's nothing I can do bout it. They aren't doing anything illegal."
"Anf onef ovf them gahve me a muffin."
"Johansson! Not eating during guard duty."
"He didn't have breakfast, sir."]
Nedzu: So that's the real reason.
Nedzu, already taking the legal papers: If we agree in a few things, then I'm willing to have him in UA to rehabilitate him.
Jeff: Of course.
Aizawa: *enters to Nedzu's office*
Tsukauchi, Jason and Nedzu already there: *turns heads to him at the same time*
Aizawa, a single father of twenty children: Oh no. What did they do now?
Tsukauchi: As far as I know, nothing yet this time.
Nedzu: Aizawa, take a seat. This is Jason, he's going to be part of your class starting today.
Aizawa: Isn't him a bit old?
Jason who has never been normal for a single day in his life: Apparently, I'm seventeen...ish. You should have seen me a week ago. I looked like 19 years old.
Tsukauchi: The doctor said it could be good for him if he could look at himself and see his real age, so recovery girl made a call.
Jason: It was a therapist. I've never had one of those before. And oh boy, wasn't she right? I only jumpscared myself twice this week.
Aizawa, already resigned to parent this kid: Hahhhhh.
Todoroki, going downstairs after a nightmare: *stops*
Jason, in the middle of a stress-baking session: *looks at him dead in the eyes while whisking cream*
Tokoyami, sitting in the dark for no reason: Revelry in the dark.
Jason, finishing yet another cake: More like a feast. Black forest, you two?
Todoroki: Sure.
Dark Shadow: Me three.
Aizawa: Class, due to recent events, you will have a new classmate joining you.
Jason: Sup.
Aizawa: This is Jason. He is—
Todoroki: An excellent chef. Thanks for the cake.
Aizawa, too used to their bs: —technically a criminal. But there were extreme circumstances and the global government agreed to let him free and give him a hero license if he graduates from Nedzu's hellish rehab program. Good luck.
Jason: Meh. Can't be worse than digging myself out.
The whole class: Hiiiih—
Aizawa: I was talking to them. They have a terrible low terror resistance and you can traumatize anyone who talks with you for more than ten minutes.
By the way, in this AU Jason has a healing quirk. Because he deserves it and I like it how it goes with his name. Plus, the angst of baby Jay trying to heal his mom even after she had already died and it's only her corpse.
I was thinking it seemed like a normal healing quirk, but after he dies, resurrect and is thrown into the pit it evolves. As time pass, Jason finds more and more phoenix resembling features in his quirk.
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lunearobservatory · 1 year
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greg is doing normal and sane with 50 cats, thanks for asking
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ink-kazoo · 7 months
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beetlehoven · 3 months
The FNAF 1 Sparky the dog "hoax" was actually REAL and sparky and Susie were actually BEST FUCKING FRIENDS!!!!!!! Source: she likes dogs!!!!!
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jello-bbq · 2 years
(Platonic! Tsu'tey x Avatar! Reader) (Platonic! Jake x Avatar! Reader)
<Unlikely friendships, unlikely opportunities, unlikely accidents.>
(2.6 k)
Injuries and near death experiences. Timeskip because I cannot write slowburn. Angst coming up next I think.
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They had no idea what to do. What could they do?
Jake and Neytiri were having lessons somewhere in the tree. The only two people they could safely interact with. Technically, a third, awkward option presented itself.
After the healer's tent, he followed them out. And continued following them as they walked around to pass the time. Which they thought completely unnecessary. But still, they could understand the need to hover. To make sure they wouldn't cause trouble around the people.
People still steered their children away when they came close, so they tried their best to keep off the main pathways.
They looked back and surely, there he was, walking a few feet away.
They pressed the cloth to their nose again, finding that the blood had lessened considerably. They would have to thank Zeyko the next time they saw her, which would definitely be soon.
After a few minutes, Tsu'tey caught up with them, silently holding out a yellow fruit.
The two ate as they walked to no place in particular. At least to them. Tsu'tey began to steer them somewhere. They didn't question it, though a part of their mind rang alarm bells and yelled 'now he's gonna kill you!'
Having been wrong three times, they could give him the benefit of the doubt.
Neither spoke as they veered off the paths. The branches looked visibly less managed than the pathways, with tall ferns getting thicker and thicker as they went.
They had to admit, it would have been a good place to die.
He took the lead when the branches became too narrow for them to walk side by side. Every now and then he would glance back as if to confirm they were still there.
His glances were hardly noticed. The ferns kept their attention.
They kept looking around, marveling at the multi-colored plants and wondering how everything looked at night. They would find out soon, realizing that eclipse had begun.
They stopped, mesmerized, forgetting that Tsu'tey seemed to be leading them somewhere. He stopped, realizing they were no longer following.
They didn't even realize he had come back and sat down beside their legs until he spoke.
"It is beautiful."
Their brows furrowed. One unusual display of care after another. Nevertheless, they took a seat on the branch, a safe distance away.
"It is."
The two sat at the edge, feet dangling, watching the sky together. Blue gave way to orange. Orange caressed pink. The sun sank over the moon's horizon and the forest lit up, replacing one beauty for another.
Tommy would've loved this, they thought. He hadn't quite left their mind since morning.
A few minutes after dark Tsu'tey led them to dinner.
"What's with the bandages?" Jake sat next to them, keen on making small talk after spending the day apart.
They, who had been dissecting the Tsu'tey thing, thinking about Tommy, and whose brain had been on Na'vi mode the whole day, did not understand his question.
He pointed to their fingers. "That. You hurt yourself?"
"On the bow, yeah." They answered. "Ripped my skin open." They stretched their fingers, letting Jake take their hand and examine it.
"Gotta be more careful with that, kid. Don't wanna be making too many trips to the healers."
"Says the guy who has bruises all over. I'm surprised you aren't wrapped in a giant band-aid."
"Nah, the healer said it'd cover my handsome face. Would hurt all the ladies." He didn't let go of their fingers, fiddling with the ends of the bandages.
"Oh please, white boy. She did not say that." They leaned against him, starting to feel the effects of the bow training and blood loss. "I'm sure Zeyko would have smacked you for having so many bruises."
"You know the healer's name?"
They shrugged. "She told me."
Jake chuckled, noting their sudden lethargy. "Look at you making friends so quickly."
"Haven't you noticed Tsu'tey and me? We're practically besties." They murmured, lacking that usual bite.
He didn't need to ask what was wrong. They hadn't held back on telling him much after they landed on Pandora. But he asked anyway. "You missing him?"
"Yeah, just-" They motioned vaguely.
"I know, kid." Jake sighed. "He would've loved it here."
"Would have had to drag him out of the forest by his tail."
The two laughed quietly.
Neytiri and Tsu'tey seemed to notice the sudden drop in mood and their empty bowls. Some people began to retire for the night, and they made to do the same.
They followed, talking with Jake in whispers. He immediately took the empty hammock beside Neytiri again, bidding them goodnight as they moved farther away to their usual spot and laid down.
To their surprise, someone moved into the hammock beside them. With the dim light of the moss, they could barely make out the person's features.
"Sleeping alone is not good for your health."
"You have much to live for. I can feel it. Eywa wills it."
They laughed bitterly. "I'm surprised I'm not dead yet."
They waited for something else, something to clarify her words. But only light snoring came.
They resisted the urge to sigh. Eywa wills it. Had she willed for Tommy to die?
They laid back and closed their eyes, opening them again to be faced with the pod's gel-like inside. The lid opened. Grace greeted them with a smile and an unspoken question.
"I had bow training today." They lifted their hand to show the bandages, only to remember that they couldn't. They shook their head. "Ripped my fingers open."
"Geez, keep the bloodshed to a minimum. You're already bleeding too much as it is." She knelt down to pull the tampon from their nose.
"That was very uncomfortable." They scrunched and unscrunched their nose. "But better than choking on my own blood."
Grace laughed. "Dinner and then bed, kiddo."
"Yes mum," they joked quietly, standing up and making their way to the canteen.
Switching bodies always felt weird. Two bodies. Two wildly different environments. One consciousness. At least both bodies had the same amount of limbs, excluding the tail.
As they walked the halls they could almost feel it swishing behind them except of course it wasn't. The scientists had come up with a name for it. Phantom Tail Syndrome.
Only one person sat in the canteen, a tray opposite him.
They smiled. "Thought you would have talked to Neytiri for a while."
Jake smiled back at them, straightening up at their voice. "Thought you'd be earlier." He motioned to the tray. "Food's getting cold."
They took a spoon. "I'm taking your yogurt."
"I'm taking your jerky."
The days faded into weeks. Weeks passed into months.
Their days had a set routine now. Wake up, eat breakfast, get in the pod. Eat breakfast again. Go early hunting with Tsu'tey.
Archery lessons. Lunch. Direhorse riding. Practice for the upcoming possible iknimaya. Get back to hometree in time to watch the eclipse with Tsu'tey. Dinner. Sleep.
Wake up in the link pod, eat dinner again. Go to bed.
Jake had much of the same schedule. Though his early mornings held Na'vi lessons instead of hunting.
The people had slowly become less high-strung around them. A kid named Li'yek had begun looking for them before they slept, asking them questions about earth.
Zeyko still slept on the hammock beside them, never elaborating on her words but instead commenting on whatever new injury they'd acquired that day.
On one particular day, they thought it would follow the same routine.
"What's for breakfast today?" They caught the yellow fruit thrown their way. "Oh."
"Oh?" Tsu'tey mocked, going back to sharpening his arrows for the morning hunt.
"You have no originality." They referred to his mocking and to the yellow fruit which, while tasty they had been having for breakfast for weeks now.
He shook his head slightly, ever too refined to just roll his eyes. They took a seat beside him and bit into the fruit.
"There is some dried meat in my pouch." He nodded over to the leather satchel hanging from a branch.
They grinned, finishing off the last of the yellow fruit and getting up to fish the meat out of the pouch. "What are we hunting today?"
"We are not hunting today."
"What?" They offered him the net of dried meat. He took a piece and bit on it before going back to sharpening again. "Someone else is? When's the last time you weren't on morning hunting duty?"
"A while."
They ate half the meat before tucking it back into the pouch. "Can I go back to sleep then?"
"No, ready the direhorses."
"But," they paused, "I thought we weren't hunting today?"
"We are not." He held up an arrow, watching it glint in the light. They realized it had different markings than his usual arrows. "You are."
"But- huh?" That would mean taking a clean kill. And a clean kill meant the start of iknimaya. "Jake isn't getting a clean kill yet."
"Mo'at has decided it will be you who goes first." He looked at them and smiled softly. "You are ready. Now go get the direhorses."
They were ready. That's what they kept telling themselves as they walked through the branches without noise. A herd of hexapedes below them.
Tsu'tey stood beside them, holding his spear. Before the two reached the forest, they had asked him why he needed it.
"To protect you should something try to kill you. Or to kill you out of mercy should you manage to get the neurotoxin into your blood."
They had rolled their eyes at that, shoving him as he laughed.
He couldn't laugh now. He looked completely serious, letting them do it completely on their own.
They pulled the string all the way back, breathing evenly. Out of the corner of their eyes, they saw him nod, approving of their stance. They took a breath, reminding themselves not to close one eye.
The hexapedes grazed, unknowing. Their gaze fell upon all of them, choosing the biggest one to feed the people. Another breath. They let go.
The arrow flew and hit true. The hexapedes scattered, leaving behind the dead.
They jumped down, whispering prayers as they pulled out the arrow.
They had done it.
A hand touched their shoulder. "You are truly ready."
They carried the hexapede with his help, strapping it onto their direhorse.
"Do you think you can climb the mountains? If you fall I will not catch you," he joked, getting onto his direhorse.
As they went to reply, they felt it more than heard it or saw it. Instinct, if you will.
The leaves moved. They hit the direhorses, causing them to run off quickly. A palulukan pounced, aiming for where Tsu'tey had been mere milliseconds ago.
They reached for their bow only to have a chilling realization. It was on their horse.
The palulukan grunted, turning to growl at them as if accusing them of costing it its meal. And then it pounced again.
The force hit them like a truck. They were pinned between the palulukan and the ground. Stones dug into their back.
If they cried out, they wouldn't know. The pain coursed through them blindingly. They could almost hear bones snapping. For a second they thought they passed out.
The palulukan moved above them. When they looked up, its teeth were right above. It's jaw on their chest.
There was no time to think. They wrapped their arms and legs around its mouth, holding it shut. It did not like that, bucking and shaking, almost succeeding in throwing them off. Their face got dangerously close to the opening of its jaw and they leaned back, head hitting the ground.
A glint in the grass caught their eye. Their arms hurt. Their legs were conceding to the sheer power of the palulukan's jaw.
They reached out blindly, skin scraping on stones. Tears clouded their eyes. Warm breath pushed against their skin. Saliva dribbled down and loosened their hold.
Their hand hit more rocks. The palulukan jumped around wildly, realizing as well that their death was imminent.
They kept readjusting, trying not to fall. The saliva made it hard to get a grip. The breath made them want to barf.
This was it, they would die.
And then their hand hit solid wood, grasping for it blindly. The familiar carving had them crying even more.
They let their other hand slip, relying on their legs to keep its mouth closed. And then they drove the arrow into the middle of its jaw.
It cried out and faltered. Their grip slipped and they hit the forest floor with a force that drove the air from their lungs.
The pain had gone numb, at least. Another product of their experimentation.
The palulukan struggled, crying out. They watched as its movements became sluggish, whining in pain. They stood easily. As if they didn't have any injuries at all.
They took another arrow, trying to even their breathing as they approached it. "I'm sorry." The arrow plunged into its head and it went still.
A small spray of blood reached them, splattering across their front.
A prayer for its life floated into the air, uttered with the barest amount of shock.
When it fell they cried, body shaking, and the urge to lay down and wait for help grew strong. Something felt off to them, knowing that the experiments robbed them of feeling anything in the midst of such situations.
This didn't seem to be the case with them kneeling on the grass, shaking uncontrollably and throwing up fruit and meat until they heard a cry that wasn't their own.
Their body froze, every emotion finally slinking away as it had been trained to do.
They picked the remaining arrows off of the ground and ran.
The cry rang out again and they almost tripped upon the realization that it was Tsu'tey.
They saw a blur of black through the trees and their blood ran cold. Another palulukan. Why?
It jumped at a tree, and they could just barely make out Tsu'tey stabbing at it with his spear.
They ran forward to help.
The palulukan jumped higher, nearly grazing Tsu'tey, and when he stepped back nothing could support his weight but leaves.
They ran faster when he fell and it turned to pounce on him. They pounced first. Jumping onto its back, bunching all of the arrows together, and bringing them down.
Blood splattered on them again. Coating them almost wholly this time. But they had no time to care or cry. They stumbled over to Tsu'tey, muttering another prayer.
They examined him. He wasn't hurt, but he wasn't awake. His head had hit a log.
They cried out for the horses, only one appeared.
His weight didn't hurt. Even though they could hear their bones straining, it didn't hurt. It couldn't hurt. They hauled him up onto the direhorse, easily ignoring how their arms shook.
They followed behind him, climbing onto the horse and urging it forward. They could feel the horse's worry through the bond, no doubt heightened by whatever pain their body currently ignored.
The forest at that time of morning could be easily navigated and they would have thanked Eywa for it if they still had control over their thoughts.
Their brain started to shut down. The numbness intensified. Somehow, they spotted a guard in the trees and called out. Or at least they think they did.
The guard turned, and they had time to register the panic in his eyes before the world tilted.
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hoperays-song · 1 year
Gay Rights
*The Moon Theatre Trio just hanging out*
Meena: Do you support gay rights?
Johnny, confused: I am gay?
Ash: He's dodging the question!
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the-golden-ghost · 3 months
Spider the size of Texas just ran across my floor and is currently hiding on my Jevil plush
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marosii · 6 months
Tfw you want to sketch a tortoise with a little pipe and top hat but also you've been bingeing shogun, so you just
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ambivalentatmosphere · 8 months
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"Oh, yeah, I also poisoned Roy a few times."
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"He did."
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"You did also give me a concussion."
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"I did."
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citree · 5 months
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I just want to start a flame in your heart~ 🔥🧡🔥
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chipper-smol · 12 days
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star abducted :3
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