#they're all being so generous with content today 😌
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kindahoping4forever · 2 years ago
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chucklepea-hotpot · 1 year ago
Hey! Came upon your blog cause you liked my Andrew VdK posts (thank u btw!!)! You seem to be a german speaker and i'm trying to practice my german. would you have any good german language tv show reccs that i could watch (with subtitles)? Also not to sound needy cause beggars can't be choosers or whatever but i tend to watch more lighthearted/teen drama type stuff than really heavy serious adult dramas but this is not a hard rule!! please ignore this if it's annoying! have a super nice day!!
Thank you for posting the Andrew content, I'm so happy to see him, my poor littlw meow meow <3
If you like lighthearted German (teen) dramas, then, oh boy!, I have just the thing for you:
"Türkisch für Anfänger" (teen soap about a German-Turkish patchwork family, it's silly and hilarious and soooo dramatic)
"Schloss Einstein" (still running today show about kids at a German boarding school, literally has the best intro in the world)
"Die Pfefferkörner" (has also been running for generations, it's about a gang of children detectives investigating im Hamburg, also has the best intro in the whole world)
"Doctor's Diary" (Grey's Anatomy but far worse. It's a trainwreck, if you liked desperate housewives you’re gonna love this one)
"Berlin Berlin" (never watched that one personally, but it's about a young woman living in Berlin in her 20s trying to figure out her life)
"Die Wilden Hühner" movies (my personal faves growing up though i prefrr the books; about a group of teen girls who have an old trailer as a group headquarter and chicken in the garden, literally what more do you want 😌)
"Französisch für Anfänger" (i remember so little from this movie but that it's about a boy who cant speak a whim French going on a France exchange to get with a girl. very stupid, very funny, hell of a music track)
"Die Vampirschwestern" movies (literally what it says on the tin, half-vampire sisters trying to figure out teen life, find friends and occasionally fight evil forces. normal stuff, you know)
"Hanni & Nanni" movies (a set of twin girls who get send to boarding school and being very pissed about it until... well, they're not anymore :) there is also an anime, as far as I know it's on youtube, it's so sweet!)
"Heidi" (show out of all shows, isao takahata and hayao miyasaki we're both part in creating it, fuck yeah. story about an orphaned girl who is brought to the alps to live with her grandfather and i dont know how to describe it any further? it's a beautiful heartwearming story with gorgeously animated landscapes. also baby goats.)
I hope some of these work for you and feel free to ask for other shows. I actually don't know if all of them are accessible outside of Germany, but I'm just hoping for the best 🥲
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unofficialadamtaurus · 3 years ago
Bruh the rwby subreddits are giant shitholes 💀 there were a bunch of people on rwbycritics crying about how white people cant do anything and all that white victimhood nonsense and now that “I’m an atheist in todays political climate” on the main??? Nuh uh fuck those subs
listen generally the main subreddit is like 65% inoffensive fanart, 25% horny fanart, 5% actually decent discussion, and 5% complete nonsense. It's just that the complete nonsense is very complete and it tends to draw the weirdos out of the woodwork--like someone who read the White Fang arc and thought "Yes. This is a well-written allegory for atheists in a Christian world 😌"
meanwhile the critics sub is like 60% posts from the same one to three guys, most of which is fanfic, and then 20% low effort "what do you think of [insert pairing, vague concept from the show, character, etc]" posts, and 10% actual discussion. The discussion has a 25% chance of going straight into "what the fuck" territory.
So they're not complete shitholes in the same way that the rwby and rwde tags on this hellsite aren't complete shitholes. I'm just there for the one in a million odds of there being decent Adam content tbh.
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after-nine-at-the-oasis · 2 years ago
Promo time!!!
Oooh winds
Reminds me of the The Rookie episode lol
Ooh dog :D but also hand D:
OOP lady xdd
Ohhh dang yeah, winds means fires 😬 ://
Oooh/ahhh there's Eddie doing the cross, the clip from the season trailer!!! Inch-resting 👀👀👀
Hmm so presumably someone we are least vaguely know? Or maybe just the person they were looking for, or a kid. . . Or maybe just because there's a victim ┐⁠(⁠ ⁠∵⁠ ⁠)⁠┌ idk. I feel like it's not likely to be someone we know though.
So yeah!! That's the last of my last thoughts :). Now it's time for the. . .
I loved this episode! I'm still mad at myself for missing half of it, but whatever, it was fun trying to connect stuff lol xD. And it wasn't TOO confusing, so that's nice xD. I do need to look up who that guy Darius is though, lol. . . Anyway! The calls were interesting, people were being icons left and right, and it was generally just fun with a big focus on love (I know it was technically fantasies but yk :) )! Loved it, good episode :D. Now onto the individual characters and calls :)).
Okay episode 9 airs in just over half an hour so let's do this! The rest was written day of I believe but nonetheless lol. Anyway! I watched the rest, and I liveblogged it, and I looked up who Darius was today xD.
Eddie and Chris (plus Buck because we got Uncle Buck this ep in all the ways)! THAT WAS ADORABLE 😭😭😭. Just- your honor I love them s o m u c h. Also, Carla being a queen as always 😌😌😌. That scene after they first talked to Chris was hilarious lol. Also just, CHRIS IS GROWING UP AHHHH 😭😭😭❤️🥰🥰❤️. Help, I'm too emotional about this lol. Like that ending scene with the three of them??? Amazing. Top tier content, thank you so much xDD. He's growing up and I love him <333. Also I love how Buck was like as invested if not more than Eddie lol, amazing xD.
And Buck with Jee!!! Literally amazing 😭😭😭. And a mood too xD. Like the vibes in general, but also I am not good at taking care of children. I think Buck is, Jee's just a toddler and that's always hard, but still lol. Adorable 🥰🥰❤️❤️ <33.
Speaking of, Maddie and Chimney are getting a house!!! Or looking, anyway :DD. AHH I love them so much :))). I hope they do eventually find something, it sounds like a great storyline :). Plus I just want them too lol.
Anyway, May! She SLAYED this ep :D. I'm glad Darius is back! Yes I forgot who he was, shh, we haven't seen him since season 3 - I would know, I looked him up like, two hours ago xD. But phew, I'm glad he's okay :). That other dude was crazy, but May did great talking to him and with everything :)) <333. Just- her, your honor ❤️❤️.
Also Bobby and Athena at Darius being back but his parents being mad at him like: 😅. But they're eyeing each other lol.
Oh and that poor boy Hen kissed XDD. That scene was hilarious, lol. Plus it had all of them being like: . . . ?? -.-??? about the noise on the roof lol xD. Amazing, if second hand embarrassment inducing right afterwards.
And speaking of that (speaking of, again lol), the calls this ep we're great! Very interesting and unique, as always lol, but I would say especially this episode! Like, the one with the couple, for example, they were on their way to a different call when they ended up right in the middle of that one lol. But yeah, really cool!
Also poor Athena having to deal with that guy who fantasized about killing his boss xD. She was trying her hardest with him LOL, but he was not helping whatsoever xD. Amazing.
Overall, I really loved this episode. I thought the theme was great, there were so many hilarious scenes, and I just really liked all the storylines :). So much found family this ep :D. And just family in general! Anyway, the next episode looks veeery interesting, especially off of what I saw on the description when I glanced at it while trying to jog my memory for these two reviews lol. Apparently something about Denny wanting to know about his biological parents? I don't think that was in the promo, but it sounds super interesting 👀.
So yeah! I loved the episode, I thought it was great. And I'm interested to see what happens in the next one! This has been my review of. . .
9-1-1, Season 6, Episode 8: What's Your Fantasy?
I really enjoyed the episode! And I'm super excited for the next one, it looks like it'll be really good. I'll be back next week for my review of. . .
9-1-1, Season 6, Episode 9: Red Flag
See you then!
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