#they're acting like this was the movie that started said downfall
shivieroy · 7 months
i haven't watched the marvels yet but these dudebros using the movie to show the "mcu downfall" are pathetic af
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void-ink-studios · 9 months
An Unhinged Animal Crossing ramble
I haven't played my Animal Crossing file in over a year, but damn did it help me through college.
I don't know about any of y'all, but I made backstories for the villagers on my Island, and they all had connections and families. I made lore for these adorable little bundle of pixels.
Some of these backstories are ridiculous and silly. And I'm okay with that. This post is for me, I am this post's target audience. If you like my nonsense, that's on you.
Mac and Cherry are siblings, Mac being the overly enthusiastic younger brother while Cherry's the cool and aloof big sister. Cherry left home to start her music career, and she's doing pretty alright as an indie solo act. Mac wants to be a wrestler, but misses his big sis, so he kinda set out to follow her. Cherry used to find him super annoying and was really pissed that he followed her, but their relationship is getting better. She's learned to appreciate she always has him in her corner, and has started to return the favor for Mac's training. Mac was the first to move to the island, as a great private spot for training, and talked Cherry into moving in when she was done with her current tour.
Clyde is literally just vibes. He's a country boy, but his rural neighborhood is getting encroached on by suburbs. So, he became a backpacker, looking for somewhere not very busy or high pressure to settle down. He has a passion for woodworking and bug collecting and has formed an unlikely friendship with his neighbor Julia. Tiny brain with a massive heart. Doesn't know what a politic is, doesn't wanna know what a politic is. Would think a huge cheese wheel is an appropriate gift for a first date.
Julia wanted a fresh start, with her new name and identity (because you cannot look at her and tell me she isn't trans). With a dream to be a fashion designer, she transitioned very publicly and said so long to everyone who knew the old her. She is a high demand city girl, but got tired of the grind and questions and judgement. So, she retreated to the island to collect her thoughts, get inspiration, and just vibe in a place where no one knew who she was. She has expensive tastes, but has found an unlikely friendship in the kind but simple farm boy next door.
(Yes, I do think there is a Halmark Christmas Movie ass romance story waiting to happen here, don't judge me)
Gruff and Vladimir know each other. They know each other far too well. Two bosses of different families, families with some less than savory business practices. Vladimir moved into town from the old country, and muscled in on Gruff's turf. The two hated each other at first, constantly plotting the other's downfall, until they discovered a mutual desire to protect their family. Gruff has his niece Chevre, while Vladimir has his granddaughter Meagan. They saw eye to eye, at least enough to not try and kill the other. It more became a game to them, and soon they covered for each other from the cops. Gruff came to the island first, mostly as a way to finally get out of the city, but wasn't alone for long. Before she moved away, Meagan tipped Vladimir that Gruff was at the island, and he soon followed. Now they take pot shots at each other in the form of old man banter, sometimes with graphic murder plots, and no one can really tell if they're joking or not.
(This is the part you're gonna have to go with me on this)
Marina and Cephalebot are an unlikely duo. She claims that he's her younger brother, but everyone can see there's something off about him. He's adopted, but from where, no one knows. Except the family (There's so few octopi villagers I just like to think they're all a family, okay?). Marina found him in a crater in a corn field, with no memory or understanding of where he was. So, she decided that was brother material enough. In reality, Cephalebot is an alien probe. He was sent to Earth to study the local life and report back (kinda like Eve from Wall-E), but crash landed. He felt welcomed and loved by the family that helped him, so he decided to stick around. So, he lives as a resident of the planet he was meant to study, constantly learning how to vibe as an Earthling. He comes across as weird and a little invasive, but he means well. Marina, however is all that she seems on the outside. She is sweet, she loves pink, and she's the big sister everyone would want. She's also surprisingly handy with a screwdriver (because she's learned how to repair Ceph if needed). Marina came to the island as a perfect beach house spot, noticed all the bugs and fish in the area, and called Ceph to join her because of how much he likes studying the wildlife.
Drago is the heir to a powerful family (either business or actual royalty I can't decide), but does not have a cutthroat bone in his body. He's gentle where his parents are ruthless. He gets called an idiot and soft all the time, and no amount of "training" ever makes him a cruel person. He had enough one day, and bailed. He took some money, some snacks, and left. He found the island as the perfect escape from his family, and set up shop pretty quickly. He gets a little nervous around some of the stronger personalities, but quickly warms up when he realizes none of them are as vicious as the ones he left behind. He hangs out with Clyde at snack time, helps Shino with her performances, and even likes listening to Vlad and Gruff's old man ramblings.
Shino is not of this realm originally. She was a demon, summoned by a jealous actress to sabotage her rival. She took on the mortal form she now inhabits as a way to get closer to her target, but something else captured her interest. She fell in love with the stage, with the attention she received for her own skills. So, she ditched her contract and set to travel the world as an actress in her own right. She writes plays and poems, and performs them for whatever audience she can find. She moved to the island for similar reasons as to Julia, to refresh and get some new inspiration. She found that she liked it there, and has made an unlikely friendship with Drago, an always willing audience member.
If quite literally any of that was interesting to any of you, feel free to reblog or add your own thoughts. It was nice to finally just dump all of those ideas out there.
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that-little-zebunny · 3 years
The Cursed Beauty: Chapter one
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Pairing: Beast/Prince!James Bucky Barnes x Beauty!Reader (Beauty and the Beast AU)
Warning: this is an 18+ fic!, attempted rape, injury, assault.
Word count: 1,241
Summary: Beauty's curse. :’(( lets keep it that way. Pilot chap 💕
Note: this is something that came up on my rewatching the beauty and the beast 2017 movie on my sad brain day 😅 hope you'll enjoy this. Feedback and comments are so so appreciated 💜 thank you for reading!
Seb Stan & Characters’ Taglist: @nano--raptor @marvelgirl7 ​ @godofplumsandthunder ​ @jobean12-blog ​ @hawksmagnolia ​ @jewels2876 ​ @bugsbucky ​ @tyranneosaurus ​ @hailmary-yramliah ​ @buckosawrus ​ @cherryblossomskye ​ @curleyred2020 @sipsteacasually @harrysthiccthighss ​ @lookalivefrosty ​ 
Series Taglist open <3
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You just bid your Father goodbye as he head off to an inventors fair out of town. You prayed for his safe journey and went on with your day. Cleaning the house, feeding the animals, tending your little vegetable garden and your favorite time of the day to finish reading the latest book you’ve burrowed. It was such a lovely story. A lady went on an adventure to find herself and find love. It was almost on the exiting part when you heard continues knocking on your door.
You sighed and got up to see who it is knocking annoyed for having the need to stop reading.
“Who is it?” You asked, removing the lock on your wooden door.
“Y/N, lovely evening. It’s just me Romlow.” Said the person outside. Knowing who it is made you more annoyed. Brock Romlow the town chief and also the most self-centered brute you ever met.
You opened the door wide enough to peak but not wide for him to get in.
“How can I help you?” You asked him trying to hide your annoyance. It wasn’t a secret that he fancies you but you really don’t find him attractive unlike the other girls. He would walk in front of them and they’ll melt. So silly.
“We’ll I saw your father left earlier. I just want to check if you’re doing well on your own tonight.” He said his eyes roam up and down your form. Luckily you haven’t change to your night dress. The way his eyes run up and down your body makes you want to puke your dinner.
“I am perfectly fine, Chief Romlow. Thank you for going out of your way to check.” You said smiling politely at him. He looked at you in a long nerve racking minute before nodding to himself and left.
Your heart was beating badly when you finally closed the door. You really don’t understand the way he acts around you. Unlike the other ladies you don’t bother with how you look. You crave adventure and to be out in the world. You don’t plan on staying here forever, you thought as you walked back to continue reading your book before heading to bed.
  Something crashing from downstairs woke you up. One of the chicken must have slip in while you're closing up but you remembered checking if they're in their coop. Surely you'll notice? Lighting up your candelabra you went down frowning as another crashing sound came up.
As you reached the final step you saw a tall figure near your back door. The kitchen window is now unhinged from its place. You hurriedly covered you mouth as a gasp came up.
Intruder! You thought. Silently you blew the light from your candles and walked slowly to get back to your room to lock yourself inside. Half way up the stairs someone grabbed your ankle making you loose your footing. You covered your head in hopes to not hit the steps but you still felt a sting on the side of your left eye.
You got dizzy for a quick second as your attacker made you turn on your back. You tried to push him off you but he's too big he didn't even move a little with all the force you put.
"Stop! Please!" You begged and you heard a familiar annoying laugh.
"Now you're begging." Chief Brock said. "Been dreaming of having you begging for me." He laughed again making your stomach turn. He ripped your night gown exposing your chest.
No, this cannot happen. You thought. He cannot have you so while he's busy kissing your now exposed breast. You want to throw up but the need to make him stop in your main focus.
Trying to push his face away with your left arm you tried to find your candelabra with your free hand smashing it in his head as soon as you got hold of it.
"Goddamn it woman!" He said angrily. His hold to you loosen and you slipped away from his hold. Getting back to your room will not be an option anymore now that you know who your attacker is. He can just make up some story and get away with it.
So you dashed towards the kitchen area and used the open window he went in with wincing as you foot landed on some rocks. Fighting over the pain you felt all over you run. Running towards the dark forest hoping he wont be stupid enough to follow you there.
You run and run not caring where your feet are taking you. You don't know how far you've run when you saw a hay cart in a small cabin. There are light inside so hiding there wont be an option so with your shaking legs you got up the hay cart.
You made sure you're covered enough in case you're being followed. You're supposed to just wait until before the sun rise so you can continue walking in the forest but somehow exhaustion won over and you fell asleep.
You woke up gasping for air as the event last night came back. You looked around and saw that you're in a dusty but beautiful room. Sitting up the blanket covering your body fell down exposing your nakedness. You heart went wild.
Did he got to you? Were he able to...to...oh god! Tears started flowing down your eyes like a dam with the idea that The Chief was able to take your innocence. The big doors opened and you hurriedly tried to cover you body with the blanket.
A lady came in carrying some elegant looking tea set in a tray.
"Oh my, darling don't cry." She said. Her voice is so sweet and soothing that your loud sobs died down. Putting down the tea on the side table next to you she sat down and held your hand. "Our master found your sleeping outside his cabin in the forest. You're so injured and very much full of dirt that's why I had to clean you up. You're safe." She said and your tears bust out again this time from relief.
"I-I...thank you so much." You said not knowing what else to say. She smiled sweetly and offered a cup of tea. You slowly calmed down as you too a sip oblivious to the man standing outside your slightly ajar door.
His sharp eyes watching your every move.
"She's very lucky you found her Master James." Said his right hand man Sam. "Maybe she's the one that will help us break the curse?" He continued.
James just grunted knowing it wont be that easy as he drunk your beauty in. One look in his face and you'll quickly lose your sanity and will throw yourself at him like any other women outside his household does. It's hopeless. No women will genuinely love him. The Enchantress made sure of that.
Soon his people will sleep and wont wake up again. It was what she said. In his thirtieth birthday if no woman loved him in return everyone he cares will turn into stone in their sleep. That's why he always stays in his cabin at night. He couldn't sleep knowing all the people that truly cared for him will soon be gone because of his selfishness. He’s trying to teach himself how to live on his own. 
Because everything is his fault. His beastly behavior became everyone’s downfall.
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padawanlost · 3 years
Is this idea that the Jedi are "found family" actually true to Lucas vision or is it fanon? I believe Anakin actually outright says they're not his family a couple of times, but that might be in Legends.
It’s fanon (at least for the pt-era jedi)
The Jedi had a age rule and removed infants from their families at the earliest age to avoid attachments. It would make no sense for them to immediately go be a family. They were a community that care for each other. But they weren’t a ‘family’, not the classical family (with emotional attachments).  You don’t forbid Anakin to have any contact with his mother than go be a mother to Anakin.
‘… and Master, [Anakin]’s mother is dead.’ Yoda nodded, short and sharp. 'Yes. But mothers die, Obi-Wan.’ - KAREN MILLER [THE CLONE WARS: WILD SPACE]
Same goes for everyone else. Obi-wan, Ahsoka, and all the other had biological families. They weren’t found by the Jedi so they could a be a family. they were taken to be trained because the jedi believed force-sensitive with attachments could be a potential danger. Plus, found family is about people choosing to come together.  
After the Jedi Masters decided that it was too dangerous to train anyone familiar with fear, anger, and any other emotion that might lead to the dark side, it was agreed that Force-sensitive juveniles, adolescents, and adults would no longer be eligible for enlistment or conscription. Instead, they sought out and adopted Force-sensitive infants who would be raised and trained at the Jedi Temple on Coruscant; to prevent any emotional attachments that might cloud judgment, most recruits would never have any subsequent contact with their families. - RYDER’S WINDHAM’S JEDI VS. SITH: THE ESSENTIAL GUIDE TO THE FORCE
Infants have no agency, they didn’t choose anything.
When Jonava recovered and learned of her daughter’s kidnapping, she used her meager funds to travel to Coruscant and formally petition the Jedi Council to return her child. The Council refused, citing Ludi’s beginning of Jedi training as far too late to return the girl, who was now named Aris-Del Wari. “They said it was dangerous,” she said, choking back tears. “I’ll never understand, in a million years, how my daughter can be a danger. They’re guardians of peace and justice. Well, how is letting me see her again a threat to peace and justice? Who is the monster? Is it me? Is it her? I don’t think so.” [x]
And they certainty weren’t allowed be all loving attached:
“And Ahsoka …” [Anakin] felt his heart thud. “Tell Rex—tell all of them—that anything less than a full recovery is unacceptable. Tell Rex I—” He had to stop. Obi-Wan was in earshot, and they were not supposed to care so much. But Ahsoka cared too much, too. She didn’t need to hear the words. “I will. Don’t worry.” Karen Miller’s Clone Wars Gambit: Stealth
Who wept their tears on the inside, where they would not be seen. To weep for a fallen comrade was to display unseemly attachment. A Jedi did not become attached to people, to things, to places, to any world or its inhabitants. A Jedi’s strength was fed by serenity. By distance. By loving impersonally. [Karen Miller. Wild Space]
As previously noted, Jedi of the Old Republic were generally forbidden to engage in romantic relationships. Although they did not dismiss love, they were cautious of emotional attachments, and knew that various possessive aspects of love could lead to the dark side of the Force. [Ryder’s Windham’s Jedi vs. Sith: The Essential Guide to the Force]
Nobody asked the obvious—whether clone troopers were everyone else or not. Joc looked from Ahsoka to Rex and back again. “What’s wrong with attachment?” he asked. “Why can’t you have attachments? You mean love, right?” Ahsoka looked at the clones wide-eyed but in slight defocus, as if she was trying to recall something. “Love is acceptable,” she said at last. “But not attachment.” “What’s love if it isn’t attachment?” “Attachment is … putting personal relationships first, caring about the people you love so that it influences how you act.” Ahsoka seemed to be picking her words carefully. Coric stared back at her. “You know, it affects your judgment.” [ No prisoners by Karen Traviss]
How can you be a ‘found family’ when you can be a family? When you can form personal bonds with the people you’re living with?
But if you still don’t believe me, you can always believe this guy:
[…]Qui-Gon hasn’t given up on the fact that Jedi are supposed to care and love and that that’s not a bad thing. The rest of the Jedi are so detached and they’ve become so political that they’ve really lost their way and Yoda starts to see that in the second film. - Dave Filoni
“Not that Luminara is indifferent, but that Luminara is detached. It’s not that she doesn’t care, but she’s not attached to her emotionally. And at the end of the day, one of the questions that I guess I pose is, is that really a good thing? Is Anakin’s way of being so compassionate wrong? Because on a certain level, you have to accept that the Jedi lose the Clone War. So there is something that they’re doing that’s wrong.” Dave Filoni
“I’ve always felt that one of Anakin’s downfalls, like it’s never that Anakin was innately going to be evil, but the people around him, the Jedi, in their lack of compassion, in being so selfless that they almost forgot to care.”— Dave Filoni
“So as far back as Anakin, there is a seed of an idea of love and compassion, which admittedly in Attack of the Clones, the Jedi say they’re lacking because they’ve become arrogant and very sure of themselves. As Ahsoka gets older, her first big challenge comes when she’s abducted by Trandoshans and put an island [to be hunted for sport]. Anakin is put in a position where he can’t help her, and he obsesses over trying to find her, and there’s nothing he can do. But she survives anyway, and at the end of that she says, “I was only able to do this because of your teachings. Because the other Padawans I was with, boy, they were completely messed up. They were cracking.” So again we see this comparison of where Ahsoka is at because of Anakin, and where these other Padawans, which represent the other Jedi, are at.” Dave Filoni
I think it’s an important thing because a lot of people, when they watch the movie, they go, “Well how can he turn his back on these people? They’re like a family to him.” But when you give the greater context of this series, you see, “Well, it might be a family, but the family doesn’t trust him. The family doesn’t believe in him fully. The family often isn’t as much a family as Palpatine is a grandfather.” Dave Filoni
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Review #76: Record of Youth (Ep 11-12)
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I have felt two main things while watching the past few episodes.
The first is a somewhat positive feeling towards some of the new conflicts that have been taking place. I wasn't sure what it was that made those conflicts feel so real and deep, and then I realised that it was Park Bogum's acting. I don't think he was this good back in Love in the Moonlight. Or more like, the story didn't allow for such subtle facial acting. His prince character in that drama wasn't as deep or multi-dimensional as Hyejun is. All the prince character did was be obsessively in love and get angry and look good and smart. Almost every time he was provoked by that annoying counsellor for the king, he was somehow able to keep calm and always fight back with sarcasm.
Hyejun, on the other hand, feels more real. He deals with real emotions and shows each and every small emotional change to the audience. It's really amazing how subtle those changes are but how clearly they show on his face.
I've really liked the conflict he's been having with Jeongha lately. It's real and raw and the drama doesn't make it into mere comedy. I think there are a few scenes that stood out to me (well, provided almost all of their scenes together being conflict scenes now). The first one is when they brush against a serious conflict for the very first time. Before this moment, they never address anything seriously, and both of them kind of brush it off. Usually Jeongha brushes it off as though she's never hurt and she always understands. I used to think she was mature for doing that. I used to think, that's what adult dating is about. But now I'm not so sure.
Jeongha does the same thing this time round, but you can tell there's discomfort and unsaid words hanging in the air. It's the scene where Jeongha jokingly tells Hyejun that she's had inconveniences from his sudden fame too, then when Hyejun's all ears about it, she brushes it off again and makes the atmosphere light by lying and saying that she's a busy woman too with her own personal studio.
This scene kind of pained me. Not just this scene, but with every Hyejun-Jeongha scene we get now, it's just tension and unsaid words all round. They never have a frank discussion about how they're feeling and where their relationship is headed and it really pains me. Like I said, I used to think it was the adult thing to do - to swallow petty feelings and understand the other person, talk and act in a way that doesn't make them feel bad, pretend to be positive. But seeing Jeongha, my thoughts are changing. Is this the downfall of being too independent and self-sufficient in life? We all know that Jeongha doesn't like getting help from people. We also know that she doesn't like sharing her troubles with others either. She said it once, something like, love means not sharing your heavy burden. Something like that. I agreed with it back then and nodded my head, but I'm really getting second thoughts seeing how her relationship with Hyejun is turning out.
If you can't be honest with your partner... it's not good. Jeongha is just pretending 24/7 that she's okay and that she's not the type to get sad and angry over the "trivial" things. That she's not petty. But it's all an act. She is sad and angry. And that above scene was pretty powerful because Hyejun's face just falls at the possibility that he might've hurt Jeongha. Hyejun as a character is so expressive and honest with his feelings, I think that may be another reason why Jeongha hesitates from being completely honest. If I had a partner who reacted to each and every emotional change I was going through, I might be like Jeongha too.
But still, it needs to be shared. Sigh, dating is hard. You just can't avoid conflict. Yeah, there's the dreamy side to it and that's what you get when you first start off usually but conflict hits you pretty quickly too. And then it's just conflict all throughout and having to deal with that and talk through every itsy bitsy feeling and thought. Tiring. Very tiring.
Anyways, going back to Hyejun and Jeongha. The actual serious conflict they have though is when that article about Jia goes through. Hyejun goes to see Jeongha and you can just tell she's not happy. She doesn't even smile - or even force a smile - as Hyejun comes through the door. What really bothers me and something I just don't understand is why there's no physical affection every time they meet up. If I hadn't seen my dear boyfriend for a long time and he came over, I would be hugging him at least! But these two never greet or farewell each other with a hug or a kiss. I don't get it. They've done even more than that already and they don't feel the desire to be physically close to each other every time they meet?
Or maybe that's just a sign of them becoming even more distant with each other as time goes by - which makes me even more sad. Not seeing them bond, both emotionally and physically, is just sad for someone who used to ship them. There's just too much tension and discomfort in the air - but let's face it, it's necessary and natural with their current situation.
Even rewatching that scene where they fight (somewhat calmly) for the first time brings back the tense feeling I got back then. They both start off trying to ease the atmosphere by smiling a bit, and then Jeongha gets (very calmly) angry for the first time - how come you never discuss these things with me beforehand? Why do you make me go through a million thoughts by myself? And Hyejun is right, she's super calm but that makes it even scarier. Hyejun at this point is still trying to keep it light. They're both similar in that sense. They're both calm and they both try and avoid conflict. Then Jeongha bursts out for the first time (albeit still calmly) and you can see the changes in Hyejun's expression. Jeongha's annoyed face and Hyejun's surprised and hurt face are both faces we've never really seen from them in Hyejun-Jeongha scenes and that's what makes it very special. I guess this is the moment in a relationship where you realise that your partner can be just as unlovely as some of the other people around you. It's reality though. Even Hyejun gets a little heated as he lets out his own honest feelings about the matter. The atmosphere gets tense and uncomfortable.
BUT. It's at this moment where Hyejun extends his hand to Jeongha. I think this is a key moment. Hyejun decides to bridge the gap and change that tense atmosphere. Jeongha puts her hand in his and then Hyejun says, I love you much more than you think.
Then, as the episode continues, I'm sitting there thinking - really? Because the more I watch, the less I'm starting to believe that. And if I'm like this, how little of it would Jeongha be believing?
I started seeing more of their relationship deteriorate when Hyejun couldn't get Jeongha's call and called her later in the hotel in Singapore. By that time, Jeongha was already at home from being picked up by Hyehyo. Damn, what a move. I guess this scene shows just how tired Jeongha has become, to resort to calling her boyfriend's friend, someone she knows might have feelings for her. She would have never done that in the past. But she's tired now and she really needs someone to care about her. She shouldn't have done that though. Seeing her invite Hyehyo into her house and avoid talking to Hyejun on the phone for long made me feel icky as heck. She didn't even tell Hyejun that Hyehyo was over - just to not make him worry. That honestly feels wrong. And seeing Hyejun's face drop when Jeongha lightly rejects his request of talking on the phone for long, that was painful too. You can just tell that at that moment their relationship is clearly declining.
But then again - does Hyejun really love Jeongha? If he did, he would have at least checked his phone on the plane. There's wifi and everything on the plane now, we all know that. He could have, but all he did was watch a movie. If he really loved Jeongha, he would have thought about her at least once. That's the downfall of this so-called "mature" relationship between these two. They're both so independent and so used to doing everything by themselves, they don't feel the need to reach out to their partner, to be perfectly honest with them about their feelings, and depend on them. Dating is hard. That is the conclusion.
I really need to stop writing and continue the drama, but I just have to mention that I loved the conflict scene between Hyejun and Hyehyo too. That was some raw emotion and I liked how the boys didn't fight physically. It's more interesting when they fight with words and it contains much more complex emotions. One day I really gotta sit down and ask myself why I'm so obsessed with conflict scenes and why I like them so much. Probably because I like seeing characters show their emotions so freely and become raw and honest with the people they care about. Maybe I find it cathartic because I myself suck at doing that and avoid it at all costs.
ONE more thing to mention before I leave. I absolutely hate the reporter. I know the actress from heart signal, but I feel like I've never hated a character so much. She's just downright fucking evil. She has no other character trait than being a bitch. At least Lee Taesu has a backstory and has some hardships of his own and has a brat like Doha giving him hell. That journalist has absolutely no other character trait than being a selfish money-hungry biatch. Whenever I see her, I swear I lose a little bit of faith in humanity. I've actually started understanding Hyejun's dad little by little and I've really liked seeing the feelings and changes he is going through, along with the difficulties in his heart as Hyejun rises to stardom, but this journalist? Just no. When she's at the police station trying to get a scoop and repeating, "strong denial means it's true" I honestly wanted to slap her hard on the face. There are quite a few people in this drama that are a bit too angering and that's one of the few negatives of the show.
I'm pretty sure I had one more thing to discuss here but I can't fully remember now. Oh yes - I remembered. Just about the entertainment industry in general. It's been crazy seeing how obsessed people are with celebrities and it's been disgusting seeing how obsessed some people are with seeing them fail. It's actually made me not want to read any news of them from now on. It feels pointless. There are so many rumours going around daily about all sorts of celebrities. We will probably never know the full truth about them. I think I'd rather just not look into them in the first place.
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