#they're a bit shady. larry hates it.
squidyyy23 Β· 1 year
Non-transferable! You are so right!
Here's an idea, just go with me here...
What if, instead of getting out for overcrowding, Mickey really gets out of jail (juvie) because of Ralph.
The possibilities of this idea is making me look at shit differently
oh auds, i am going with you.
the thought of baby mickey having this guardian angel bail bondsman? ACGGGH is sooo right!
this dude's family has been bailing out milkoviches for generations. he's given up on the lot of them but something about mickey is different. he doesn't deserve to get dragged into the mess he was born in to. he deserves a shot at getting out. so he secretly bails mickey out whenever he can (wouldn't want the others to know and come looking for favors).
he lost track of mickey when he fucked off to mexico. always wondered what happened to the kid. disappointed he wasn't able to make more a difference. and was so happy when he finally came back, all happy and settled down. was honored to be invited to the wedding and cheered the loudest. ian's all "who the fuck is that guy" and mickey's just like "meh, just an old family friend" but makes sure to stop by table for a big ole hug.
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