#they’re up against Touya and Yukito now so god help them ;;;
yaminerua · 2 years
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After the suspense of yesterday’s poll I woke up today to find my boys had pulled off a victory;;;;;
Thank you very much @wifegolemfactory for this drawing idea and for hosting this absolutely wild CLAMP ships voting tournament;;
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animebw · 1 year
The Anime Binge-Watcher’s Queer Anime Ship Tournament: Round 2 Results!
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My god, I thought last round was intense. I can’t even describe how brutal the results were this time. So many nail-biting moments, so many shocking reversals, and we even had an outright tie in there! Not to mention the agony of my number one pick biting the dust in one of the most heartbreaking close shaves ever, but it’s fine, I’m fine. Here’s to another kickass round, and have fun checking out the highlights below the Keep Reading link as I set up round 3!
Most Voted Poll: There was a surprising uptick in voters in a lot of these matchups from the first round; Kawoshin vs Kumirei and SuleMio vs KuroMaya both racked up over 800 votes in their brutal contests. But far and away, with a staggering 1905 votes, the most popular poll was Hibimiku vs Victuuri. And folks, this one just about broke my heart. It’s one thing to lose in a blowout to an obvious favorite, but to run such a close race with such a tidal wave of support, vote after vote pouring in from all corners of the internet as two fandoms smash into each other full-force like the battle of Gondor, only to come just the tiniest bit short of snatching victory? Listen, this is y’all’s poll, and I’mma let you finish, but HIbiki and Miku had the single greatest romance of all time, you hear me? Of all time.
Least Voted Poll: But just as a lot of smaller polls suddenly shot up the voter counts, a lot of the more popular winners from last time took a heavy backseat this time. Madohomu and ToukoYuu’s high first round vote counts both slumped into the 200s range, and YukiTouya vs KobaTohru hit dead last with a measly 185 votes. The Dragon Maid girls went into the 400s range last time in their victory over NanoFate, but for whatever reason, very few of those fans returned to help them survive against the Cardcaptor Boys. I wonder why?
Biggest Blowout: Once again, UtenAnthy put out an incredibly dominant performance, trouncing RekiLanga 81% to 19%. But this time, it was actually Madohomu that took the biggest lead, destroying Adashima 85% to 15%. No surprises in either case, as they’re both huge legacy ships going up against far more recent and less popular offerings. Something tells me neither of them are done wreaking a trail of death and destruction just yet...
Closest Nail-Biter: My heart wants to put Hibimiku’s narrow loss against Victuuri here, as going 47.1% to 52.9% against the history makers themselves is an accomplishment to be proud of. But this time, we have the literal closest a race can possibly be: KaseYamada and AshEiji fully tying at 50% each! A genuinely impressive showing from both fandoms. Both ships will now advance to round 3 where they’ll face off in a three-way showdown with Madohomu. Pray for their souls, it’s going to be a bloodbath...
As for me, I once again ended up split 50/50 for wins and losses, with 4 of my picks advancing (including that one tie) and 4 falling short. But man, the loss of Hibimiku makes it seem so much more brutal. Oh well, more misery to come in round 3!
Full Results:
2-A: Adachi x Shimamura (15%) vs Madoka x Homura (85%), 294 votes
2-B: Kase x Yamada (50%) vs Ash x Eiji (50%), 316 votes
2-C: Suletta x Miorine (72.7%) vs Claudine x Maya (27.3%) 864 votes
2-D: Yukito x Touya (64.9%) vs Kobayashi x Tohru (35.1%), 185 votes
2-E: Shinji x Kaworu (69.2%) vs Kumiko x Reina (30.8%) 818 votes
2-F: Hibiki x Miku (47.1%) vs Victor x Yuuri (52.9%), 1905 votes
2-G: Touko x Yuu (74.1%) vs Cocona x Papika (25.9%) 223 votes
2-H: Reki x Langa (19%) vs Utena x Anthy (81%) 432 votes
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