#they’re the future links between earth and cybertron
gayemeralds · 5 months
creates my own iteration of a franchise and becomes so so so attached. latoya my love im so sorry you’re not real. you are in my head tho and im going to lie here thinking about you.
#the core themes are sentience and the difference between man and machine#is there a difference? what is the difference? what is sentience?#is the difference between machine and man only in flesh and metal?#anyway latoya is isolated from her human peers and seeks to become an astronaut to find a world she belongs in#she seeks to find a people to connect to#& bumblebee who’s spent more time on earth than he has on cybertron feels the same way#he’s isolated from his fellow transformers as someone who doesn’t remember what cybertron was like before the war#and as someone who enjoys earth culture more than cybertronian culture#he doesn’t fit in with the rest no matter how hard he tries#just like how latoya can’t fit in despite how hard she tries. she tries to mimick the popular girls in school she joins a bunch of sports#teams she strives for a perfect 4.0 but she just can’t make friends and she just can’t connect#they’re both alienated from their own world and find the connection they seek in each other#they’re the future links between earth and cybertron#(which end up becoming one planet by the end of this series)#they constantly question the theme of the difference between machine and man and striving to be the other#latoya feels like a machine alienated from the human experience#and bumblebee feels too human to be a transformer#and i have to sit here pondering them knowing no one else gets it#do not get me started on hot rod and alice either. ohghhhhhhhh.#tf rollback
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verdigrisprowl · 6 years
Refugee Magnets
Unfortunately, if there's any hope of sending the swarm of Magnemite home, Prowl is morally and legally obligated to pursue it. They are both an invasive species and unconsenting visitors. So, half-heartedly (but not half-assedly), Prowl does his duty.
The day after they're captured, Prowl meets with STAR Services to try to figure out how they got here and how to send them back. To his silent satisfaction, it appears that it's going to be impossible to send them back the way they got here. A bridge miscalculation is what got them here, but when they arrived, they completely wiped the most recent calculations run on the the bridge computers. The miscalculation can't be replicated now. They've got experts—Prowl's not sure what kind of experts, computer experts—digging through the damaged computers to see if any trace of the lost data can be retrieved; but it isn't looking likely.
The data that Swerve sent is being examined, too—links to a datanet from an Internet from an Earth from a universe from which these creatures might have come. But humans, although their data can leak out into the multiverse, are by and large not very well acquainted with the multiverse themselves, and so can't exactly be commed up and asked for their universal space bridge coordinates.
The datanet info is handed over to a couple of scarily brilliant Decepticons who, during the war, specialized in trawling through a planet's entire cultural output of media and data in advance of beginning the infiltration protocol. ("Phase Zeroers," they call themselves, and Prowl's not sure if it's a joke, a boast, or their actual job title.) In very short order they are able to announce that, on this version of Earth, any alien contact at all is merely speculated and unproven—specifically, they suspect some of their fellow earthlings of being aliens. None of the suspected aliens match the profile of facsimile constructs, so the Phase Zeroers are able to say with extremely high confidence that Cybertronians have not made contact with this Earth yet—which means they can't be commed up and asked for coordinates, either.
And it's very hastily agreed that nobody wants to make first contact with an Earth just to return a dozen lost wild animals. Especially with an Earth where humans rigorously train every wild animal they come across to be as destructively powerful as possible. The Phase Zeroers report, in tones of hushed urgency, that the humans in joint cooperation with their animal warriors have developed a combat technique which 1) is so seismically destructive that it is simply referred to as "earthquake," and 2) is—and they quote—"four times as effective against steel/electric types" and they are convinced this combat technique and all the others in its class were designed specifically to help them neutralize and slaughter or enslave any robotic lifeforms the human race might come across. First contact is out of the question.
Even if it wasn't—Prowl isn’t sure they can return the Magnemite to the universe that this datanet link came from. After all, they have no proof that the Magnemite are from, specifically, this universe, rather than simply a similar neighboring one. And if Prowl's experience with the multiverse has taught him anything, it’s that the difference between a "similar neighboring universe" and the right universe is like the difference between 1/.000001 and 1/0. So small, and yet so full of catastrophically huge consequences. Dumping them in a universe like but not their own, especially with no way for them to comm Cybertron for help, could result in anything from mild culture shock to death. They can’t risk it.
So, unless the computer experts find something, or a bridge opens and a human pops through inquiring about a dozen missing Magnemite, it seems like they're staying on Cybertron for the foreseeable future.
Prowl gleefully fills out twelve copies of refugee paperwork.
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officerofcybertron · 2 years
Newly Arrived
Kristina Teagan Lewis. A young human femme who was the victim of horrendous experimentation. Now only Cybertron is safe for her, if Cybertron is safe for anyone. With Ultra Magnus as her legal guardian, Kris’ future on Cybertron is just beginning.
((Posts by @a-mothers-wings in block quotes. Additional Entries will be added as they are posted))
          “Ultra Magnus, sir,” Databank’s voice over the communication’s line broke through his concentration. “They’re ready to open the space bridge. At your command.”
          Lifting his optics from the extensive paperwork hosted on his desk, all pertaining to the situation he was being summoned for, Ultra Magnus took a moment to reorder his thoughts.
          “Understood. I will be there shortly.” Setting down the data pad he organized them so his desk was presentable before standing from his chair. They were expecting a new arrival, today. An individual whose make-up was questionable, and circumstances were tragic. They would need guidance, and protection, but all of this was placed under the guise of diplomatic intent.
          It was not an optimum situation, but it was one that Ultra Magnus could not refuse. Not when the situation was such that, if the individual remained on Earth, it was all too likely they would be slowly dissected. Most likely by any remnants of a subset of the human government, or by the remains of MECH.
          Optics narrowed and the claw-attachment that served him as a hand closed. It was a reasonable choice. To send them here under false pretenses to keep them safe from those who would do them harm. Still…
          With measured steps Ultra Magnus exited his office. Databank was at his desk and immediately stood up when Magnus exited the door.
          “No,” Ultra Magnus held up his hand, “I will go to the space bridge alone. At this time I feel it would not be prudent for too many mechs to greet our new guest… we do not wish to overwhelm them.”
          “… of course, sir,” Databank agreed after a moment’s thought. Ultra Magnus liked that about the mech. It was not blind obedience to military structure that made Databank agree, but rather honest agreement. He had considered Ultra Magnus’ words.
          He would have followed orders regardless, but only after offering a respectful opinion. Wheeljack could learn a lot from a mech like Databank… of course, to change Wheeljack in such a manner would destroy the mech he fought alongside deep in the cave system on Earth against Predaking.
          With a nod, Ultra Magnus left and comm’d ahead to the Space Bridge crew to request that they leave. There was no questioning his reason why. Just as with Databank, he worded his order so they would understand his reasonings. Just because one was a leader did not mean he need not explain. Often if his orders were better understood the team was more capable of carrying them out.
          The roar and howl of the bridge was intense comparatively to the ground bridge technology the Autobots had utilized on Earth. The blinding light and howl was intimidating, even to a Cybertronian.
          Ultra Magnus stood at parade rest in front of the swirling vortex, the rest of the room empty of any personnel. He had contemplated for a worrying moment that the human delegation that had contacted him would insist on coming through. They had not, as of yet, been able to properly seal the room and pressurize it to contain the necessary atmosphere the humans required. He had been reassured: only their guest would be stepping through the bridge.
          Which made things easier for him. Some of the government delegates were still obsessed with obtaining Cybertronian weapons technology. They would take the opportunity to pelt him with questions in regards to when they would begin sharing their technology. Completely ignoring the already substantial contributions they had made in the medical field.
          “This is Ultra Magnus,” he said into the comm. link between Cybertron and Earth. “The space bridge is stable. Energy readings nominal. You may proceed.”
Had she have known. If only she saw the signs that what she had been volunteering to was not as virtuous as it displayed itself. Luckily, special Agent Fowler’s branch has caught wind of what had transpired and she was quickly moved out of the situation. The damage had been done. Wings and tail, claws, talons, and a beating spark.
It had taken her weeks in Fowler’s care, along with the medics, to get her shaking under control. A little longer for her to manage walking on changed legs. Kris couldn’t look at herself in the mirror. What even was she?! All those other volunteers… they didn’t survive. Why did she?!
She began ignoring the looks and whispers, the way her species would think they were being quiet enough but her hearing, she could hear every word. It didn’t matter anymore, she blotted it out. Still, even when she seemed to shut down, someone got through to her. Agent Fowler, she remembered him from years ago, back in that canyon….
He did not treat her as an unpredictable, dangerous abomination. He sat in front of her, held her hands in his, and told her of some friends he knew…
— — —
She stood alone on the platform, feeling her ‘heart’ swell in fear as the sounds were just so loud. She held her helmet in her arm and gripped the strap of the bag that hung over her back. Kris looked to Agent Fowler, who gave her a thumbs up, after she heard ‘Ultra Magnus’ Comm from the other side.
The femme faced forward, knowing that it was not safe where she was anymore. Her new home was on the other side of this massive portal. Slowly she walked forward and through the bridge, the sounds near deafening as they swirled around her. Soon it got colder and the suit she wore activated, warming up her frame just as her talons touched metal on the other side.
At first she felt dizzy, nauseous, which she had been warned about, but after giving herself a few moments, she looked up to the only one there. Wings started to fold tightly to her back and she clenched the strap of her bag tighter. She was afraid and a little shaken because now? Now the reality hit her she was galaxies away from the planet she once called home.
“Ultra Magnus?”
          With a final roar of defiance, the Space Bridge closed. Leaving the tiny femme standing, alone, on an alien world with an alien towering before her.
          The files had explained the situation. The experimentation. To see it with his own optics? While there was no outward change in expression or posture, Ultra Magnus felt disgust. Not towards his guest, but towards the humans who had committed such crimes against her. He had read the files on the group called MECH and the notations that Optimus had left. ‘Decepticons in human skins’ indeed.
          Experiments had been an all too common occurrence late in the war. Twisted limbs and mutated forms. Conjoined bodies and shapes unrecognizable as the soldiers he had once commanded. How many had died at Decepticon hands? How many would have preferred to be deactivated?
          Slowly, so as not to frighten her, Ultra Magnus lowered himself onto one knee. If he crouched down any further it was likely his shoulder plating would touch the ground, but he did wish to appear less titanic. For such a small being, looking up at a Cybertronian would eventually become painful.
          Overall, Ultra Magnus believed the femme to be aesthetically pleasing. Though she was not all one whole, she was whole. The colors blended nicely into one another, and she did not have the disjointed mis-matched limbs that one might expect from a splicing between two completely different alien genetic structures. CNA and DNA. The pain the procedure must have caused. For Ultra Magnus it may have been a tragedy that the other ‘volunteers’ had perished, but it was not unexpected. The probability of another successful subject was neigh on impossible. It was a one-in-one million chance.
          “Kris,” he kept his voice low, trying to adopt a welcoming tone, “welcome to Cybertron.”
          “I am Ultra Magnus,” and because it was a more formal occasion, and he did not wish to cause confusion, he utilized his proper titles, “Supreme Commander of the Autobot forces, and City Leader of Iacon.”
          That he was leader of Cybertron, even if only by de-facto as the leader of the winning faction, wasn’t necessary to state at this time. It went unsaid among the Autobots and Ultra Magnus preferred it to stay that way…. Though it was highly likely Fowler had already informed the little femme of that fact.
          There was a small change to his demeanor, but it was unlikely Kris would be able to see it as so many of his expressions were micro expressions. There was the subtlest of frowns at the corner of his lip plates, and his optics were not quite so hard as they usually were.
          “Here, on Cybertron, I am to be your guardian,” it was a little formal, but Ultra Magnus often had difficulties dropping formalities. While it would have been, perhaps, better for another member of Team Prime to take on the little femme, Ultra Magnus suspected they would not be ready to ‘replace’ their human partners so soon.
          “Your safety is my primary directive,” he continued and winced internally. Team Prime was starting to help soften his edges, make him more aware of how sharp he sometimes sounded. The children on Earth had seemed to take to his demeanor well enough, but they were also of a more flexible mind and not already damaged by the harshness of others. With that thought in mind he did what he could to soften his tone again, lowering his hand down towards the femme and sitting it flat on the floor.
          “I think, maybe, we would be more comfortable talking in my office. I have energon waiting for us both.”
Kris turned her head around as soon as the sounds of the bridge ceased. She fought the tears that threatened to fall from her eyes, the reality sinking in deeper. Earth had no place for her. She heard her name and turned back to the lowering titan of a mech. A hand was offered to her and a welcoming to her new home planet.
Tentatively she stepped forward and up into the palm of Magnus’ servo. “….” she didn’t have much to say nor did she know what to say. All she did was sit down to keep herself from being too wobbly in her guardians hold. Even though she just met him and he seemed…. she couldn’t even place a feeling to the leader yet, but at least it wasn’t bad.
They were alone right now, which did in fact help her stress levels, but how long were they going to stay alone? An office meant a place of work and that meant there were others and an accessibility about it. If Ultra Magnus is a leader, people would be coming to him, frequently. All of cybertron would get a chance to gawk at the little freak who couldn’t remain on her home planet. The only thing that caught her from that spiral was Energon.
It had taken some trial and error until Fowler’s team helped her figure out what she needed for sustenance. Her first taste of energon was a bizarre one, as she was running low on energy at the point she tried it. Everything in her body seemed to buzz expectantly when she held the glass to her lips. The near immediate effect of downing the fuel was shocking to say the least. She had felt so weak and then suddenly she felt energized and balanced.
“Energon… sounds nice…. thanks…”
          There had been trauma. Mental and physical. Ultra Magnus was aware of this, it had been mentioned in the debrief Agent Fowler had sent to him. Yet simple words had never been quite capable of describing the implications behind such damage. Not in Ultra Magnus’ reports during the war, and certainly not now.
          So light, and frail by Cybertronian standards, the femme hardly registered as she came to sit in his hand. He curled his fingers and thumb up in order to help provide something for her to hold onto if she required, and moved slowly as he stood back up. Keeping a careful optic in order to prevent her from falling. He had to be careful. The clawed servo that served him as a right hand would not be able to catch her, or if it did it would damage her.
          To her words he simply nodded, knowing there was nothing he could say at this time to put her at ease. She did not know him, nor did he know her outside of the background information provided him, but history was only one part that made up an individual’s personality. There were preferences and dislikes to take into consideration, as well as quirks and other anomalies that came hand-in-hand with living, sapient, beings. Instead of commenting on anything, Ultra Magnus simply turned and, with a steady, smooth, stride, exited the Space Bridge deck.
          In the hall they met no one. Ultra Magnus had already put out the order to clear the halls leading to his offices. Simply stating that he was escorting a new arrival and wished not to be disturbed. No one questioned him. There had already been one or two new, jumpy, arrivals who had not done well in crowds. Still… it might be distressing for her to walk through the seemingly endless halls with nothing to distract her from her thoughts.
          “I have had quarters arranged for you,” Ultra Magnus stated, looking down at her momentarily with what he hoped was a softer expression than his usual one. Though, if truth be told, there was hardly any difference. He had grown so controlled over his facial expressions during his time in the war that they were often hard to distinguish unless he was feeling truly perplexed or angered. “And I have insured that they are to scale.” It was important that she be comfortable.
          The problem was, there was not much Ultra Magnus could discuss while they were outside the confines, and carefully secluded, area of his office. Of all of Iacon Ultra Magnus’ office was the most secure. The Autobots were, admittedly, a little paranoid about losing their new leader so soon after Optimus Prime had sacrificed himself to bring life back to Cybertron. There were also other objects to be considered. Eventually they would have to be spread to the far corners of Cybertron, making them harder to find, and perhaps sent deep into space once more, but for the time being they remained in Ultra Magnus’ care.
          Despite intending to help put the femme at ease, Ultra Magnus could not quite help but to lapse into silence again. He was not used to comforting others. Thankfully, despite what it might have seemed to the femme, they arrived back at his office suite quite quickly. Of course, having someone as large as Ultra Magnus taxi one there was likely the reasoning behind this.
          Entering the room found them now with only one other mech for company; Databank. He was a smaller mech, who’s frame was primarily silver with cerulean biolights that matched his optics. The smile that slid across his face was wholly welcoming and instead of rushing up to Ultra Magnus, and thus invading Kris’ space, he waited at his desk patiently until Ultra Magnus halted there.
          “Kris,” Ultra Magnus said, beginning introductions, “this is Databank. My personal assistant. He will be here to help you if ever I am unavailable.”
          “Databank,” Ultra Magnus continued, looking up at the mech, “this is Kris. As you are already privy to her files, I would prefer that we continue the façade that she is here as a diplomatic envoy from Earth. While the position is not entirely safe, it is preferable to the probable outcome of her real reason for being here on Cybertron.”
          “Yes sir, Ultra Magnus,” Databank answered immediately, looking momentarily far more serious than he had been when they’d walked in, but when he looked back down at Kris his entire demeanor changed and he offered a single hand out, and gently curled his fingers and thumb closer so that he only offered his index finger, face up, to Kris. He had seen in some Earth videos gentlemen doing so for ladies, but if she were to place her hand on his digit, he would bow oh-so-slightly.
          “It is a singular pleasure to meet you Kris,” Databank said, his voice soft and friendly, “As Ultra Magnus said I am aware of why you are here, and I hope I might earn your trust. If you need anything, you’ll have my personal comm. channel. I’m always available if you have any questions?”
          It was an offer, not an order, and Ultra Magnus appreciated that Databank was far better with people than he was. At least in this manner of speaking. He would wait for a moment, there was no rush. It was important that Kris be given this opportunity.
Kris let go of the bag strap and held onto Ultra Magnus’ thumb as the digits came close to her. It was silently appreciated as he rose back to his full height gradually. Ooooooh man. Oh man this was *really* high. The small femme couldn’t help but look down and around as they moved from the bridge room area and off to the leaders office.
“That sounds…. nice… I only brought some things I could carry from h- from earth. Special Agent Fowler said my childhood home would be maintained. There are too many treasures there to lose, but I’m unable to take.” Kris rested her cheek against the side of his thumb and watched his face. He wasn’t an extremely emotive mech and now she was putting descriptions to what she saw. Still, she could sense he was trying, that was appreciated.
They entered the room Databank was in and she stared quietly at him, making no motion to move from her comfortable position. That was, until he *smiled* to her. Then she recognized the gesture of his hand moving towards her and she immediately perked. Her cheeks darkened a little and she smiled back to him, reaching out and placing her hand faintly a top his digit. “Why, good sir, I am quite charmed to make your acquaintance” she replied, giving a brief nod of her head to his bow.
She liked Databank already, he had to have studied earth customs or seen movies! It just tickled her spark. “Thank you for the familiar and warm greeting.” It was breaking away her fears that there would be nothing familiar or normal for her here. Databank just proved her pleasantly wrong.
          Ultra Magnus was quietly making notes to make a supply run to Earth in order to collect some items for the femme. She may not have been able to carry them, but a Cybertronian most certainly could. He was considering whether it would be prudent to go himself with a trailer, or if it would suffice to bring one of the calmer new-sparks with a truck-type alt mode instead.
          “You’re welcome,” Databank was saying, allowing Ultra Magnus a moment to decide that he would first speak with the femme about what items she would like to bring to her new ‘home’ before deciding on the necessary transport. The smile on Databank’s face was an honest one, and his optics were gentle. There was no gawping, or staring, just consideration and attention. “You’ll find that a lot of the ‘bots around here are actually very curious about Earth. To be honest Earth music ‘is all the rage’ with the young bots.”
          That the music they chose was driving Ultra Magnus to surges because of the number of complaints went unsaid. He appreciated it, but Ultra Magnus thought he caught a sly glimmer in Databank’s optic. It went unsaid on purpose, but it was also a way for Databank to tease Ultra Magnus too. These little jabs, Magnus believed, were delivered to remind him to ‘loosen up’.
          “Team Prime spent many years on Earth,” he contributed, “Arcee, Bulkhead, Bumblebee, and Smokescreen.” He would have to introduce them to her later once she had settled. “Our medical professional, Ratchet, also spent a great deal of time on Earth, but you will find that it is not a subject he will go on at length about.”
          “And then there’s me,” Databank cut in, pulling Ultra Magnus up from a slight downward spiral. “I’m still doing what I can to learn about your planet,” and then he gave her a very interesting look. Ultra Magnus found it intriguing. It was both serious, and kind. Gentle, yet firm.
          “I hope, maybe, with time you’ll find that Cybertron isn’t so bad. You’ll probably learn about this a little later – it’ll be hard for you to be under Ultra Magnus’ protection without a little information to better ready yourself for things you may encounter – but Cybertron and Earth are very much like sibling planets.”
          “We can go back and visit any time you’re feeling homesick. I’ll escort you myself if Ultra Magnus can spare me and is busy. We’ll have to go somewhere without humans probably, unless I stay in alt mode and keep my windows tinted dark, but I want you to know the option is available.” He looked up at Ultra Magnus, who nodded his agreement to Kris. He intended to cover that with her as they went over his paperwork, but he found himself grateful that Databank had mentioned it now. It would be easier for Kris to relax if she knew this was not a prison. It was a safe place for her to be.
          “Databank,” Magnus said, sounding a touch more official now, “I wish not to be disturbed for the next hour, hour and a half, unless it’s an emergency.”
          “Yes sir,” Databank said, standing up straight again and locking optics with his commanding office. “I’ve got Kris slotted in for just over two hours in case she has any questions. After that you’re scheduled to meet with Sixten of the Eradicon. Evidently there’s been a little trouble between two of the crews. Nothing major, but he’d like to get your input on it.”
          “Understood,” Ultra Magnus said with a nod, “in which case I may have you show Kris to her hab-suite. It should be warm enough for her once we’ve finished.”
          Databank nodded and returned his optics back to Kris.
          “We’ll get some time to talk while Magnus is in his meetings, I’m hoping you can tell me a little bit more about where you’re from, and in turn I’ll answer every question you have about Cybertron, deal?”
Kris had no idea the thoughts that may be going through Ultra Magnus’s mind. If she did, there would be a deep appreciation for the fact that he thought of doing this for her. Although Databank had her entire focus for the time being. Listen, can one truly be blamed for being shown some customs and told their culture was intriguing to many and getting a little excited for it?
“Really? I’m really going to have a good chance of just hearing a song I know, playing here? Incredible… forgive me… I just, I really expected to be in such a different society and culture that I doubted I would get comfortable, or feel… like I was still an oddity” Kris rubbed the back of her neck, feeling a little shame growing for holding so much doubt and internal fear. “If… any of the young bots want to know something… I’d be open to sharing… maybe in a few days?”
“Wheeljack, you forgot a member. Special Agent Fowler told me of each member, active and … inactive.” Kris shifted a little awkwardly in the large mechs hand. She had held some pride in remembering names but as soon as she remembered that CliffJumper and Optimus Prime were deceased, guilt doused the fire that had slowly been growing in her. They had lost loved ones too. It actually hurt a little to hear about Optimus, he had seemed compassionate and hurt for her back on earth, the day her family had just picked the wrong time and canyon to camp at. Her path crossing that of Cybertronians had been brief and insignificant. It was a casualty of a war that they hadn’t known existed.
Not only did Databank pull Magnus out of a spiral, but he had pulled the small femme out of one as well. “Well, I’m willing to learn… I doubt I will be an effective asset to all of you, but I’ll try to be of some benefit.” She didn’t know that her planet was a sibling to theirs, but that was perhaps for another time.
Wait. They could go back?!
She looked at Databank wide eyed, then to Magnus, and back to the other mech. “Really?! We can visit? I can see earth again?! “ Kris put a hand to her chest as she tried to blink back the tears in her eyes. She hadn’t seen earth for the last time!  “Sorry… sorry… just got a lil emotional… I… that’s so welcoming to hear.” She was glad she could take a minute to calm herself, relaxing tense limbs she didn’t realize were so tense. When addressed once more she smiled. “Deal. Although I need to ask: if you give me a ride, what seat am I supposed to sit in? I don’t want to make some awkward situation I wouldn’t have known about.”
          It wasn’t so much that Ultra Magnus had forgot a member, rather he did not necessarily wish for the femme to spend much time with Wheeljack. Who’d shown poor judgement in allowing Miko, Bulkhead’s human partner, to come with them on a Wrecker mission. That she had exceeded expectations on that mission, though Magnus had not had any expectations for her, did not mean Wheeljack’s decision to bring a civilian into a battle wasn’t a bad one. If he could have, he would have preferred to keep Kris away from Wheeljack until the Wrecker understood that organics, or even partial organics, were not to be treated as regular soldiers. No matter how willing.
          As to Optimus and Cliffjumper; those were subjects for another time. Optimus’ sacrifice was widely known, but Cliffjumper’s execution was a sore note among Team Prime that Ultra Magnus usually avoided prodding.
          “Generally,” Ultra Magnus answered her question; Databank had never carried a passenger with him before, “for vehicles with a driver’s and passenger’s seat it was more comfortable for the children to be seated in the passenger as the Autobot is technically the ‘driver’.” Raf would often sit in the back seat, where it was safer for the much smaller human, but Kris was of adult age, meaning she had the weight necessary to be safe in the front passenger.
          “As to visits back to Earth,” he continued, “Cybertron is not a prison for you, Kris. Merely it is safer for you to be here, under our protection, than it is for you to be on your home planet. Furthermore, your human medical professionals are not capable of caring for Cybertronian components.”
          Ultra Magnus did not tell her that, already, individuals had been sniffing around the program on Earth and that, if she were to visit Earth, the reason she was going with Databank or himself was that they were more capable of keeping her hidden than the younger mechs were. Databank could make it as though the pair were not there. Being able to actively scrub any record of their time on Earth would help keep interested individuals at bay, and no one wished to take on Ultra Magnus. Not when it would stir up an entire city of hulking titians.
          “Ultra Magnus, you better go ahead and start getting Kris situated with all the paperwork and such that you’ve got,” Databank said, checking his internal chronometer. “As much as I enjoy her company, and would love to keep talking, you know how on-point Sixten can be about meetings.”
          “And I’ll see you once you’re done in your meeting with Ultra Magnus, Kris, we’ll go to your hab suite and get it set up for you,” Databank promised in farewell.
          Ultra Magnus waited just long enough to allow the femme to say a few last words, before turning and entering his surprisingly large office. The room was monotone gray, with very little ornamentation. Originally Team Prime had wanted there to be an Autobot insignia on the floor, or on the wall behind Ultra Magnus, but he had declined the idea. In this room he would be meeting with Autobots, Decepticons, and those in-between and disillusioned with the war after it’d cost them their planet. Ultra Magnus would primarily be addressing them as City Leader when they met with him, not as an Autobot, but they would all know where his loyalties lie. Thus, there was no point in reminding them.
          There were other reasons, but they were best not thought of.
          As they approached his desk, Ultra Magnus slowly lowered his hand so that Kris would be able to slide off. A small, human-sized, chair sat on his desk in front of his own larger one, with space in-between with a few data pads sized to Ultra Magnus, and a smaller one. So small there was no way that Magnus would be able to use it. It rested on a cloth just off to the left-hand side of his work area.
          Stepping around the edge, Ultra Magnus took a seat in his chair and reached into a drawer on the side of his desk, lifting first one drinking-cube of energon for himself, and another, smaller one, for Kris. He kept it carefully pinched between thumb and forefinger, offering it to her.
          “Once we’re done here, and you’ve seen your hab suite, I will have Databank take you down to medical,” he said, “I realize that on your first day you may not wish to see, or speak, to too many of us, but it is necessary that we get a few scans. We need more information on your frame, its energy consumption, and requirements, so we can properly allocate rations for you, and schedule regular evaluations.”
          “But for now, I have some paperwork I need you to read over, and a few documents, human and Cybertronian, to sign.”
Kris turned her head to look back at Ultra Magnus when he answered her question. No drivers seat. That didn’t seem too hard to remember anyway. At least it would avoid becoming a faux pax. Cybertron was like visiting another country with its own history and culture. It just happened to be a whole new planet that was much larger than her own.
“I can understand that logic…. although I wonder how treatments or repairs will go as I am quite tiny. Unless there are other cybertronians who are closer to my size?” Oh, the answer could wait. They didn’t have limiteless time it would seem and Kris did not want to hold up anyone’s schedule.
“I’ll see you later Databank! Thank you for being so welcoming!” She waved as they headed into Magnus’ office which seemed almost…. bland? Some of the design looked nice and the sheer size, compared to her, was impressive, but the lack of colors seemed to make the room… sterile? Stiff?
“Light blue with some soft yellows and greens would really brighten up this area. It wouldn’t be overwhelming or distracting— and that was unsolicited. I’m sorry. I hope if didn’t offend you…” Kris blushed a little as she stepped onto the desk and moved to sit in the chair provided. Of COURSE she would open her mouth before filtering her thoughts and discerning the necessity of sharing them.
“Thank you.” Kris had been transitioned from earth food to energon for weeks. It was weird in the beginning, but there was a smooth, buzzy taste and sensation to drinking it. She took the energon offered to her and sipped at it. The mentioning of medical exams made her frown. It was necessary but damn did she hate the feeling of being studied like a test subject. “I understand. I’ll do my best to behave.”
For now, as he said, it was time for paperwork and document signing. Super. Duper. Fun. “I can’t read Cybertronian yet… so I Hope translations are available.”
          “As Cybertronians vary in size and shape,” he explained, there was no reason not to answer her question about the medical capabilities at their disposal, “our medics are outfitted as such that they are capable of working on individuals as small as yourself, or as large as a Fortress-type mech.” Admittedly the last was usually tackled by a team of medics, if one was available, otherwise the repairs would take too long. “But at the moment they simply require some scans, readings, and an energon sample in order to begin studying your frame and learning all they can about it in case there is ever need for repairs to be done. Aside from the energon sample, all the other procedures will be strictly non-invasive.”
          He did not mention that they needed to understand the extent of the spliced DNA/CNA, that there was the question of what had happened to her organs. Did they still exist? If they did would they interfere with her new systems? Was her spark healthy? Was she capable of transformation and was in possession of a t-cog that would work properly? Was transformation a possibility for an organic-based individual such as herself? If it was, how would her ‘skin’ play into it as a factor? Was she still at risk for human diseases? Would she be at risk from Cybertronian diseases? There were a myriad of questions that the human doctors would not have been capable of discovering; their medical technology was not advanced enough and they did not have the knowledge Cybertronian medics possessed.
          “There is no need to apologize, you did not offend,” Ultra Magnus waved away her apology, not out of contempt, but simply because his words were true. He was a military mech. He did not have any interests in colors or in ‘decorating’ his office. It was austere for a reason. Eventually he knew he would lose the fight to keep his office where it was. As leader of Cybertron, even if it was de-facto from his faction winning the war, his position would necessitate that Ultra Magnus meet with dignitaries and liaisons from other worlds. First impressions at that point would be paramount, but for now he was happy with the office he possessed. It suited his needs, allowed him to do his work in quiet and with the necessary security, and that was all it required.
          Ultra Magnus opened one of the drawers on his desk and removed from it a small case. From it he removed a diminutive, human-sized, datapad. Balancing it on the tip of one of his digits he offered it out to Kris, keeping still so as not to knock it to the desktop.
          “I have copies in both English, and in Cybertronian for you,” he explained, “and unfortunately I will need you to sign all versions. The English copies are for you and the government officials on Earth. In short: once you sign these documents, I will become your legal guardian on Earth as well as here on Cybertron. You will fall under my purview and protection on both worlds.”
          What this meant for Kris, though he did not wish to upset her with the thought at this time, was that should any individual, or Earth group, MECH or otherwise, attempt to kidnap her it would give Ultra Magnus full authority to pursue and search for her. Bringing the full weight of his experience and all the resources available to him, to bare on whatever group had taken her. The human government could assist, but it could not interfere with his search.
          His reasoning for this prerequisite to accepting guardianship over her was; that at any point in time a Decepticon or another Cybertronian, could quite possibly be the one to kidnap her. Logic dictated they would likely retreat to Earth where it would be easier to care for their captive. In which case it made sense for Ultra Magnus to lead the rescue, but he had worked it so that it covered all threats to Kris’ person, because he had assets the people of Earth did not. She was safest this way, though it had been a difficult debate. Many in the government on Earth still did not wholly trust them. Xenophobia was a tricky problem to circumvent.
          “You may wait to sign those forms until you have had time to read through the agreement,” Ultra Magnus continued, “but I do have a petition for you to sign for temporary protection.” This time, he pulled out his own datapad, which was much larger, and settled it on the desktop facing Kris. “There is a translation on your datapad, but this petition is far simpler and merely states that you seek asylum on Cybertron while we discuss the terms of your citizenship. For this one you need only sign your name at the bottom, there is a small stylus within the frame of your datapad, after which I will sign, and send a copy to Agent Fowler.”
          “On Earth your life here will be strictly confidential,” Ultra Magnus was drawing to a close, watching the little femme. She had been through a great deal. Once they were done here, and the medical examiners had their scans, he would do as he said and have Databank bring her to her hab suite so she could have some quiet and time to herself. “But here on Cybertron there will be no need for confidentiality. You need not feel as though you are required to hide who and what you are. You are free to be who you wish to be here.” He would make that so. The war would not be for nothing. The sacrifices they made. He could start here, in Iacon, with a few small steps. Protecting the rights of the individuals who lived here.
          Hopefully he was strong enough to bare that burden. He had to be. Or Kris would be crushed beneath the weight of it all should Ultra Magnus fail. The others might survive, but she would not.
          He would be strong. He would keep them all safe.
Kris glanced away, brows furrowing at the idea of energon being drawn from her, but it went without saying how uncomfortable it was. An EMF has started to develop in the last week for her, not that the humans realized it. It wasn’t strong yet, she would need to be close enough for a cybertronian to register it, and even then it was only readable during extreme emotional periods. Perhaps in the future she would develop a stronger EMF and even be able to control it willfully. It was still too soon, Kris’ body was still adapting to the more dominate CNA.
Eyes turned back to the massive mech as the topic had changed. She felt a wariness if signing anything, last time it made her into this, so she was already reading through the lengthy documents once she had taken her datapad. Ooo, fancy. Humans have NOTHING on Cybertronians when it came to these! What was that? Legal Guardian?
Kris stared up at Ultra Magnus, her focus drifting in and out as the more emotional aspects of her started raising their voices. He.. wasn’t rushing her to sign those. His wordless gesture was respecting her time to process things. However, the petition was more urgent. She pulled out the stylus and glanced over the large datapad, looking for the keywords, and nodded. “The last thing I would want is for you to have to deal with the drama of Earths politics hounding you just for taking care of me.”
‘Kristina Teagan Lewis’
It felt weird seeing her signature on such advanced technology, but a warm feeling pulsed in her chest. This felt right. “You know… after what I endured… it’s hard to trust, and yet I am so desperate to want to trust…” she trailed off and finished her energon ration. “…that I find myself in agreement with you practically ‘adopting’ me. When I look at you in your eyes, I don’t feel fear, and I’ve only known you for however long time has passed on this planet.”
As for living out in the open on Cybertron, it was a whole new feeling. “Won’t I cause a stir? Certainly not everyone holds warm, fuzzy feelings towards organics, much less… this” she gestured to herself, unsure how to even regard what she was. Her less than kind side merely whispered ‘abomination’. “Although… I would be lying if I said I wasn’t even a little eager to explore and stretch my legs.”
Maybe there could be a chance of her making friends aside from practically gluing herself to Magnus or Databank. She had to be hopeful. If she let her ghosts take root, it could make everything a lot harder for her adaption into a new society.
             He watched her. Studying her without appearing to do so. There were some advantages to having controlled his facial expressions for millions of years and adopting a stoic expression under any circumstance. Ultra Magnus’ gaze was a mixture of self-discipline and patience. There was no sense of urgency in how he held her gaze, no intent to rush her decisions. There was a reason he had allotted so much time for the small femme. She would have questions. He would answer all he could and look into those he could not.
             She signed her name on the petition easily enough. Ultra Magnus turned the data pad and signed it himself before immediately sending a copy to Agent Fowler as he’d promised. That done Magnus set the data pad to the side so as to give Kris his utmost attention.
             The little femme’s countenance was changing. Human facial expressions were so much more exaggerated than Cybertronians. With the ability to change in color, along with various ‘leakages’ that had nothing to do with actively cooling their systems down (though he understood ‘tears’ were a means by which to ‘drain’ the chemicals that caused emotions from the brain), and their habit of combining multiple reactions into one emotional state.
             That was why, when Kris looked up at him, Ultra Magnus struggled to place the emotion she was showing him. Disbelief, as her words suggested? Relief? Happiness? Some combination of the three? His optics readjusted themselves, focusing further on the femme’s face as she looked up at him. Magnus could understand quite clearly what she was saying, perhaps more than she realized. He had met many individuals, after the war had started, who’d been turned on by friends and colleagues. Peers who had subjected them to the kind of hate, or indifference, it took to turn another living being over to the Decepticons. There were many Autobot soldiers who had never been heard from again after capture; and the Decepticons were not known to care for their prisoners.
             So, he waited until she had finished, and then he carefully threaded his fingers through each other and settled his hands in front of himself as he considered how to respond.
             “Do not feel rushed to sign those documents, though I will do all I can to earn your trust,” he began, keeping his voice calm and even. “Now: for all intent and purpose I am ‘adopting’ you. Legally I will be responsible for your health and wellbeing, and you will be…” he had to pause for a moment to look up the proper terminology in English, “a ‘ward’ of Cybertron. Specifically, my ward as I am the leader of Cybertron,” and as close to a court system as Cybertron would have for the foreseeable future. Kris did not need to know that particular detail at this time, but he would explain it to her later should it come up.
             “I understand that among your people you are of legal age,” he continued so as to avoid any objections, “however, your situation makes it necessary for you to live here on Cybertron and our laws are not modeled, as yet, to consider organic beings as legal citizens.” Truthfully it should not matter. Ultra Magnus was, for good or ill, the ‘ruler’ of Cybertron. As leader of the Autobot forces, the winning faction of the war, if he chose to acknowledge Kris as a legal citizen of their planet there was nothing anyone could do. While this would give Kris the ability to make more decisions without Ultra Magnus being involved, it would also place her at a disadvantage.
             “With this arrangement you will immediately be allotted certain ‘rights’ on Cybertron, but more importantly my involvement in protecting you could not be viewed as favoritism. The Autobots, of course, expect me to protect you and see to your wellbeing, but to any returning Decepticons who believe Cybertron should be my first, and last, concern at this time, it would be seen as a conflict of interests; were it not for your status as my ward.”
             Ultra Magnus was in a difficult position. Kris required the Autobots for future medical care, but Ultra Magnus had to remain as impartial as possible.
             “I won’t deny that your presence here will, at first, be a matter of some contention for the reasons I stated previously,” there were members of Cybertron that were quite xenophobic. A remnant of the propaganda the Council enjoyed spreading amongst the citizenry. “There will be individuals who’s curiosity might lead them to blunder and act rudely towards you, and then there are others who may simply ignore you altogether, and much like your own kind there will be certain members of our population that are only ever content when the people around them are as miserable as they are.”
             Gears came to mind on that note. Ultra Magnus did not know what had happened to the minibot, but there was not a single individual who had not experienced Gears particular need to put down any sapient being around him. Hopefully Kris would have time to acclimate and become more comfortable, and confident, in her surroundings before meeting such an individual. Though Magnus could also name a handful of new sparks who would fit the bill Gears had left behind.
             “But if you experience any action, or word, that is harmful to you, you are to report it to me, or to Databank, immediately, am I understood?” It was not a request, but an order. Ultra Magnus would not tolerate any misbehavior around Kris. She was far too small, far too fragile. One slip-up, one mistake, and she could be gone.
Kris watched massive servos as they moved the datapad, set it down, intertwined their fingers, and rested atop the desk. “So there will be ‘bullies’, that doesn’t seem abnormal, humans have those too.” She did nod in understanding to Magnus’ order to report ill intent shown to her. “Maybe I should have a ‘button’ I carry around for emergencies.”
It was a joke. The femme was fondly noting some alert devices commercialized on TV. She just hadn’t realized the mech before her was not one for jokes. “I hope it won’t be too much—“
Kris frowned as she felt the familiar tightening in her chest. She clenched her jaws as she fought back the flood of emotions. “Open.” She was strained in her tone as she moved for Magnus’ servos, trying to climb atop and if they opened, she would tuck under them and curl up. “Patience. Shelter.” She forced out as she let the episode overtake her.
She had never experienced anxiety attacks until her family perished years ago. These episodes only amplified from the experimentations on her. So Kris handled it the best she could by hiding in a small place and weathering through the emotions. Tears flowed freely, hands clutched her arms, wings trembled from the silent sobs she forced to keep quiet.
This too shall pass.
            A joke, perhaps, but for a moment Ultra Magnus looked down at Kris in serious contemplation. The femme was quite small, it would not be outside of imagination for her to find herself in a situation in which she could not swiftly contact them. An emergency beacon would not be wholly inappropriate. Something simple and non-obtrusive could be developed. A simple pendant perhaps?
            Then again, perhaps not. He could not smother her in protective layers. Kris was his responsibility; it was his job to keep her safe. Something Ultra Magnus took seriously, but the femme had to be allowed a certain degree of freedom as well. While the pendant could have also been installed with a transponder, allowing the Autobots to more readily keep track of her location and insure she did not come to be under foot, she had a distinct enough energy signature to indicate her location. The likelihood of anyone mis-stepping was minimal.
            About to repeat himself that Kris needed to call on him, or on Databank, should any individual cause her undue stress, he stopped. The femme had grown ridged. Her voice tight. Ultra Magnus felt alarm stir in his spark chamber as she moved stiffly towards his hands.
            He had read about this in her files. After witnessing the death of her family, following the experimentation at the hands of rogue agents, Kris suffered from severe anxiety attacks. The files stated that she would often search out small, secluded, areas and shelter there. By opening his remaining hand, Ultra Magnus allowed Kris to crawl underneath. The soft edges of her feathers brushing against his digits was an alien sensation, but he dutifully ignored it. Very carefully he curled his hand over her, allowing his thumb to wrap down around in front. It was not a perfect shelter, but he did not trust his clawed attachment to maintain the proper grip. In all likelihood he would harm her with it if he tried.
            What should he do? His first instinct was to take her to the medics immediately, but in this state, it would be unable to lift her and keep her sheltered at the same time. He could call the medics into his office, but they would arrive with fanfare.
            Ultra Magnus, moving slowly, picked up another datapad; the one containing Kris’ information, and with some effort pulled up her medical file. All indications were that her ‘attack’ would pass with time. He read further, searching out anything that might be of assistance, but found that the best thing, the only thing, he could do was wait. It was not something that could be interrupted or stopped.
               He was familiar with anxiety and panic. A seasoned military officer saw both in their time, and Ultra Magnus was the eldest remaining military officer on Cybertron. He had patience in abundance. If all he could do was wait, then wait he would.
            Carefully, quietly, he settled the datapad aside and picked up another and began to read through the schedule he had set up for the day. He had quite a bit more time with Kris. He intended to show her around a little, introduce her to the medics and have them begin some initial non-invasive scans, and an energon draw. Then he would take her to her hab suite and insure it was to her liking.
            No one, ever, wanted to be witnessed when they were at their weakest and most vulnerable. So Ultra Magnus turned his optics away, but kept his hand carefully curled around the diminutive frame. He was calm, and in control at all times. He would weather the storm with her, waiting until everything calmed. He would ask if she wished to speak with a medic, but otherwise he would choose not to comment on what had just happened. She did not need the added humiliation.
It was always so terrible to undergo these episodes and so taxing. It ultimately boiled down to feeling a sense of a lack of control over ones own self. The racing thoughts that crashed into the shoreline of her mind like storm-swollen waves. The sharp wind of her emotions cutting deep and adding to the chaos. When it all began to flood her head, tears continued to trickle from her shut eyes.
Kris typically would keep her eyes open and her sounds muffled, but deep down she felt safe to let it out. It started with hesitant whimpers and grew into growling sobs. One hand clutched her chest, feeling the material of her suit, while the other steadied herself by gripping onto the thumb before her.
Just feel. Let yourself feel. Get it all out.
Kris wasn’t always very patient with herself and that’s why her sobs held a growl. She was frustrated and tired and angry and scared all while knowing she didn’t need to feel this panic right now. Logically it made no sense and yet here she was subjecting Magnus to witnessing this embarrassment! How stupid! How weak! What a waste of time!
Stop. Look at him. He cares. He will wait for you.
Slowly those eyes opened and the growling washed away from her quieting sobs. She looked up, just a little, to see that he wasn’t staring at her or looked annoyed. He was being all he could for her in this moment and her spark began to soothe. She was still shaking, but now she was leaning into the large servo.
She never knew how long it took as each episode varied. Time felt so different during this situation. Kris slowed her breathing as the hurricane inside her died out, counting seconds with inhale, hold, and exhale steps. Then started the sniffling process and the hand over her chest wiped at her face.
“Back… I… I’m back…” she spoke shyly, looking away from the autobot’s face. The tiny femme just hugged his thumb, pressing her cheek against the warm metal. “Thank you. M’sorry about the interruption, where… where did we leave off? Oh yeah…”
It took Kris a few more moments and she cleared her throat. “You have so much on your plate and you are still taking me in. I may not have known you long nor could it matter so much…. but I care about you too. I don’t want to add more stress because well… even the most ‘perfect’ person has their limits and I’d never forgive myself if you suffered for me…”
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evilsciencebros · 7 years
RP Wishlist
[[Since I’m slowly becoming more active on this blog again, and desperately want more mutuals to interact with, I decided that instead of just posting a series of starter calls, I’d actually write down some potential plots I have wanted to explore for some time now, and would like to find the right person to explore these themes with.
None of these ideas are set in stone, there is plenty of room for growth and re-working, they’re just key themes I’ve always wanted to explore but never could work them into an ongoing plot.
I’m also interested in hearing about your ideas. Roleplaying is a two way street and I’m not asking for someone to dedicate their time effort into my muse’s character arc without helping developing yours in turn. If you have an idea that you think would link together seamlessly with any of these, then do not hesitate in contacting me and telling me about it. Even if it doesn’t quite quite mesh, I may still be interested in it and want to develop a new thread around your idea.]]
[Both/Either Muses]
Elite Squad - Team Chaar and it’s members (Strika, Blackout, Cyclonus, Spittor, Mindswipe, Blot, and Sky-byte.)
This verse would only be open to actual members of Team Chaar. I’m not against the idea of your muse having an au where they are a member of Team Chaar and it’s rotating roster, but I mainly want to see my muses interact with those in their actual canon. To build upon the established dynamic in their single scene and craft some amazing relationships and new headcanons. How was each member introduced, how do they bounce off each other, do they even like each other? Why does Oil Slick find Spittor so disgusting, and how did Scalpel feel about having to repair Mindswipe?
Note: Romance is not necessary for this verse. Actually, I haven’t really considered it since one of the major things that makes a group dynamic so enjoyable to watch is the lack of romance and the empathises on platonic comradery.
Space Bridge 687-030 - Team Athenia and it’s members (Rodimus Prime, Red Alert, Hotshot, Ironhide and Brawn)
Again, another verse that would only be open to muses listed above. Every character needs a good rivalry and I loved seeing Team Athenia step up and take on one of Megatron’s most feared Generals and her personal strike force. I would especially be interested in exploring a possible rivalry with Rodimus Prime, considering the Oil Slick put him out of commission for so long. I bet Rodimus would want some well deserved payback for that cheap stunt.
Note: Can be canon divergent. Relationships are not really necessary for this verse to work, but unlike Elite Squad, I am more open to the idea because I’m a sucker for cross-faction ships (especially if its Red Alert).
[Oil Slick Only]
The Wreckers [au] - Oil Slick searching for Grinder’s murderer.
Grinder was partnered up with Oil Slick during the height of the Great War, before he was killed by the Wreckers under unknown circumstances. Oil Slick, showing actual compassion for someone other than himself, is determined to find the Autobot responsible for his partner’s death and make them pay, slowly.
I am willing to blend elements of the IDW Comic interpretation of the Wreckers into this AU and even help build the foundations for a new Wrecker Team in the TFA universe. Please keep in mind that your muse doesn’t necessarily have to be the one who offlined Grinder, just as long as you identify as a Wrecker, you have Oil Slick’s attention.
If however you did want to take credit for Grinder’s termination, then that would have to be something we discuss in great detail, because Oil Slick is going to be blinded by his emotions and not thinking straight. Your muse would be Oil Slick’s enemy through and through. Someone he doesn’t just want dead, but begging for death.
I would especially love the idea of plotting a thread where Oil Slick develops some kind of relationship with your muse, not knowing what they’ve done, and is eventually confronted by the truth further down the line.
Note: Open to muses (canon or non-canon) who are, or have ever been, part of the Wreckers lineup.
Toxic Deluxe [au] - Based on the Toxic Oil Slick action figure that was never produced
An au where Oil Slick has undergone some horrific modifications (either by his own hand or some freak accident), that has left him unable to take off his outer-armour and glass helmet without infecting any Cybertronian he comes into contact with. This makes him a powerful weapon on the battlefield, but it leaves Oil Slick unable to have any physical contact with another bot. The experience isolates him from everyone, partially because he can never touch anyone again, and also because everyone is afraid to be in the same room as him.
Note: Open to anyone. Possible gore and nsfw material. Romance is not necessary, but possible if there is chemistry between muses.
Human [au] - Exactly what it says on the tin. A human AU
To avoid any confusion I will elaborate right now, I’m not interested in a standard, normal human au that is exactly identical to our own, boring every day existence. If I am going to plot a human au, then there needs to be a niche to it. I love putting humans in different settings and turning that world into a sandbox. Whether it is a sci-fi adventure in space, high fantasy with dragons and witchcraft, post-apocalyptic cyberpunk, or even Victorian era steampunk with vampires! I will write anything that is not the generic, anime slice of life high school setting (although that would be hilarious XD).
Note: I will however plot a modern day earth au if Oil Slick is using his holo avatar
[Scalpel Only]
Tyran Scalpel [au] - Set in the same continuity as the live action Bay movies.
A slight divergent within the main story line where Scalpel is mysteriously absent after his initial introduction in ROTF. Taking bits from the tie-in comics, Scalpel is still alive, acting as medibot for the surviving Decepticons and taking full advantage of his small stature to sneak into military facilities and download any sensitive materials or free captured Decepticons (Seriously, he teams up with Bludgeon helped free all the prisoners. That’s kinda badass)
Note: Open to Tyran muses only
Behind the mask [au] - Scalpel was a normal transformer? Waaa?
Due to the lack of any miniformers in the TFA continuity, I want to explore the idea that Scalpel was not always so tiny. We know he is sentient, has an altmode, and I’m assuming, a spark, but what if he was a regular Autobot before the war? What if something happened to him that ultimately lead to him becoming the irritable mantis-bot he is today?
This au would have to be set with a muse who knew Scalpel before, or during, the Great War on Cybertron. I have a quite a few headcanons as to what Scalpel would be like during this time, how he looked, and even his work at the Ministry of Science with Perceptor and the other scientists, but I want to keep this vague as possible so I can discuss the possible relationship your muse would have with Scalpel, assuming there is one.
Note: This thread in particular would have to be very political, due to the time-frame it is set in, and because TFA is so vague about how Cybertron was run before the revolt. We can move the thread into a future timeline where Scalpel has undergone his change in appearance and reunites with your muse in his new body, but I would like to establish a backstory first before going down that route.
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