#they’re my favorites but I would cram my body into an oven before going near one underwater
rexbalistidae · 5 months
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Nurse Shark
Sometimes I get way to excited drawing them and I have to calm myself down what the fuck
Hey girl why are you literally shaking and giggling and scurrying around ITS JUST A DRAWING.
Leslie is actually not scared of sharks at all… Candide just thinks she is….
@lesbiansupavillain @autistic-haven do I even need to say “your fault.” I think you already know it.
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First Kiss Headcanons (Juza, Tzusuru, Kazunari)
@playwright-tsuzuru:  Hi! I'm back with another request if that's ok. Can I ask for first kiss hcs for Juza, Tsuzu, and Kazu again please. (sorry, but they're my favorites) ❤
Hey, that’s totally fine! I remember I used to only request for my favs too. Also, I’m sorry if I didn’t focus on the kissing itself too much (not sure how it works when I haven’t kissed anyone myself looool). Hope you enjoy!
Juza Hyodo:
Juza and his crush were going to a bakery to try their latest chocolate-chip cupcakes with Hershey chocolate frosting.  It had been out for a while now, but Juza had been caught up with his acting duties (so he couldn’t get one). Now that he had time, he could finally get one for himself.
When the two go inside, they see that the cupcake has sold out. However, the shop owner tells them that the store will be having free baking lessons in the next hour (where they reveal the recipe for the cupcake), so they should stick around. Juza is hesitant, but his crush agrees (after all, they get to make free cupcakes!).
At the beginning of the class, things are looking pretty good. They’ve got the perfect amount of eggs, flour, sugar, and butter. Juza takes on all the mixing while his crush adds in all the ingredients. Before they know it, the base of their cupcake is ready to go into the oven!
However, creating the frosting is a different story. Juza might have accidentally set the electric mixer to the highest power while vigorously the electric mixer himself, spraying their goopy concoction everywhere. Including his crush’s face.
Although he’s embarrassed, they simply laugh it off and wipe their face with a towel. However, Juza notices that there’s still a smudge of chocolate beneath their lips. Not wanting to embarrass them (or himself anymore), he wordlessly grows closer towards them. He takes his thumb and brushes against their lip.
Although his thumb has left their face, his hand still rests under their chin. The smell of chocolate frosting lingers on his crush’s face. There were probably traces of chocolate still on their lips. Would it hurt just to get a small taste? He locks eyes with his partner, watching for any signals of discomfort or resistance.
Once he’s sure, Juza will place his lips against the lips of his lover’s. It’s soft and sweet, just like the frosting. He’ll use his tongue to get the last bit of chocolate off their lips, blushing furiously as he does so. His hands cup their face as he strokes the side of their face, clinging for seconds.
The couple breaks apart when an irritated student beside them clears their throat in Juza’s direction. Juza lets go of his lover, flustered, and resumes making the cupcakes. But his mind no longer on the cupcakes; he’s finally got a taste of something sweeter.
Tsuzuru Minagi
Tsuzuru and his crush were studying for an upcoming exam. It was finals week and the poor screenwriter had been tasked with extra hours at his part-time job. Luckily, he had prepared for the exams ahead of time. He knew that he’d have some bad luck during the week, so it was better to be safe than sorry. 
His crush, on the other hand, was not doing as well. Let’s just say that they’d spent the entire semester binging Netflix and were now praying for a miraculous pass. Now they were trying to cram an entire semester's worth of calculus in one day. 
Tsuzuru watches as his crush tugged on their hair, swearing endlessly at their textbook. Just watching them makes him feel anxious (and he already solved every problem in the book). 
“You’re not going to get anywhere just yelling at your textbook. Here, let me show you.” And so Tsuzuru takes the textbook from them and uses the next three hours of his studying time to help them learn the basics of calculus. Did it bother him? Not really, since it was review for him as well. 
After three hours, they’ve accomplished the impossible. His crush looks at him with absolute glee, realizing that they actually have a chance at passing the class. They place their hand on top of Tsuzuru’s, thanking him endlessly. He blushes, scratching the back of his neck and claiming that it was nothing.
But it’s not enough. His crush leans in a little closer and goes straight for the lips! Tsuzuru is taken aback by their boldness, but he reciprocates. He’s not sure if he’s doing this right, but it’s not very long (allowing his self-consciousness to dissipate). Even if it was a shorter peck, his entire body still turned into a puddle of warmth.
When they pull apart, Tsuzuru can’t help but pull them back in for seconds. This time, he’s trusting the process and letting his lips do all the thinking. It’s longer and slightly more passionate, with his hands running up his crush’s shoulder. 
However, he’s well-aware that he’s in a library, so he leaves it at that. He pulls back, resting his forehead on his crush’s forehead. There’s a soft smile on both of their faces, ensuring that this study date was a success.
Kazunari Miyoshi
Kazunari had been planning this occasion for months. He read every shoujo manga, watched every romance movie, and asked everyone for advice . He wanted to do something extravagant that would blow Instagram/Tik-Tok promposals out of the park.
After some researching, Kazunari realized that lots of girls were into kissing under the night sky. That was too plain, so he had to do some more research to spruce it up. And viola! He found the thing that would set him apart: fireworks. He bought large fireworks that shot into the sky and get them to spell out his crush’s name. 
The summer troupe decides to help him out. Since they needed a mature adult to handle the fireworks, the director got in on it too. The fireworks would be launched near an open field near Kazunari’s college. The troupe + director set off the fireworks at the outskirts of the university. Kazunari and his crush would see the fireworks from the field, giving them full access to the sky.
And so the day finally arrives. Kazunari asked his crush to go to a mixer together in their classmate’s dorm. After they have their fun in the mixer, he offers to take them home. But before he does, Kazunari takes them to the empty field. It’s only them and the stars.
Kazunari strikes up a small conversation, where he texts the gang to light up the fireworks. They respond, saying that it should take a few minutes. So he takes advantage of the moment to confesses his feelings to his crush. All that’s left is the kiss. 
But it’s been more than a few minutes and the fireworks haven’t gone up. He’s getting a little anxious and texts the troupe about the delay. Turns out, they got caught by the campus police (who said that they couldn’t light fireworks in a 10 mile radius from the campus). All his plans had been crushed, ruining his whole first kiss.
That won’t stop Kazunari from securing that first kiss. Even if there were no fireworks, the night sky was enough, right? And with that in mind, Kazunari pulls them close, takes their hand, and kisses every finger.
Then, he goes for the lips. His lips are soft and his breath is minty (he made sure to eat a bunch of mints beforehand). He runs his fingers through their hair, trailing down to their back. The kiss itself is playful, leaving both of them with stupid grins on their faces.
It may have not been the perfect kiss that he planned, but it beat any other kiss that he’d ever heard about. 
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