#they’re manipulating her bc they want the circulum for whatever reason
mabaris · 2 years
one thing that i’m INCREDIBLY intrigued by is the fact that the Crimson Knights are working against the Venatori.
i don’t even know if it would be accurate to say the red templars were their own faction in inquisition; they were, for the most part, just a tool of the Venatori. the fact that they’re now working against each other could have a few possible explanations:
obviously there would be chaos among the Venatori after the Inquisition eliminated Corypheus and several other high-ranking members. but they’ve been around long before Corypheus returned (as evidenced by Hira’s flashback) and it stands to reason they wouldn’t disappear just because Corypheus was defeated. it is possible that it splintered into factions because of a general lack of leadership, and one of these factions, made up primarily or exclusively by red templars, became the Crimson Knights. they might even be seeking retribution against the Venatori for making them become this way, and rallied around Meredith because she’s the original red templar, free from Venatori influence
the Crimson Knights are made up primarily of templars from Kirkwall. exposure to Meredith’s statue in the Gallows for several years was probably enough to corrupt some people, if not physically then at least to the point of fanaticism. red lyrium trade is suddenly flourishing in certain Carta circles, so it would be easy enough for them to get their hands on some and complete the physical transformation. connection to the Venatori is a little more tenuous here, unless they were also joined by discontents like the above who want revenge for their treatment by the Venatori (or we’re just supposed to believe it’s “ough Tevinter bad” again)
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