#they’re all so soft and fluffyy
aandunique · 10 months
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“A perfect day with SKZ”
2 0 2 4 S E A S O N’ S G R E E T I N G S
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fatbottombucky · 5 years
Clingy Hearts *Bucky Barnes x Reader*
Summary: [Trope] Person A over hears Person B complaining about A’s clingyness.
Pairings: Bucky Barnes x [F]Reader
Rating: [+18] Mature Content
Warnings: Slight angst, S U P E R FLUFFYY!! Implied sexy times at the end, like a bit of foreplay happens but yeah
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“I don’t know how you put up with it, man,” Bucky looks up from his phone, an eyebrow raise towards his friends, “Y/N? She hasn’t stopped texting you and it’s only 11 am,” Sam remarks and nudges Steve to agree.
Bucky snaps his eyes to his bestest friend, only Steve holds his hands up in defence and quickly shovels the cereal into his mouth. His attention returns to Sam, normally he’d brush off comments made by the man- after all, it’s their friendship to hate each other. Yet, this comment Bucky couldn’t just let slide because it involves you.
“I mean she just misses me,” Bucky mutters and glances down at the text conversation, an adorable picture of you and his support dog, Charu, laying on the shared bed, plus a few back and forth texts that accumulated through the morning.
Sam let out a wheeze, “Dude, it’s been what? An hour? Plus she works here too, she’ll be walking through these halls in twenty minutes, what’s there to miss?” A low hum of agreement comes from Steve, who only shovels more cereal into his mouth. “She’s just…”
Bucky sits up straight, “What?”
“Clingy,” Sam sighs and Bucky frowns, “she’s just always around, always in your personal bubble and constantly touching you,” he explains with sincerity, “it’s cute, I guess, but the girl is kinda full on. In your lap, constantly texting you when apart. If she was my girl I’d be itching for some time apart,” an airy chuckle leaves the man.
Clingy. From how Sam said it, it seems like a bad word. Something no one should be. It makes Bucky frown for a moment, lost in thought over this conversation. In actual fact, he’s the clingy one with the constant touching and wanting you nearby, he likes the limited space because he feels wanted then. He subtly initiates hand-holding, lap sitting and any form of touching, he just likes holding you.
As for the texting that’s Bucky’s fault too because he loves being able to talk to you when you aren’t around. They didn’t have this back in his time, texting and FaceTime, it’s all new to Bucky and he’s loving it. He’ll text you randomly, FaceTime you when working out and call you when away.
Bucky is the clingy one.
“Does it annoy you?” Steve asked whilst leaning against the kitchen counter, now done with his second breakfast.
“Should it?” His voice rising with the question because is it really that bad?
Both men nod, “Yeah, it’s kinda ridiculous how clingy she is. She’s like glued to you,” Steve finally voices his opinion, “but if you like it then… forget Sam said anything.”
“I imagine she sleeps close to you also,” Sam chuckled and Bucky nods, “do you ever get time for yourself? Bucky, the only time I see you without her is on a mission, she’s like an extra limb or something, doesn’t that bother you at all?”
And Bucky was backed into a corner like a frightened dog. His friends listing ways to subtly lower the contact, to help discuss the ‘situation’ with you and develop some ‘healthy boundaries’. He silently listened to them, nodding softly along to their words and chewing his bottom lip, this isn’t something he wants but too awkward to admit he’s the clingy one- considering they’re berating you for it.
“I’ll talk to her, I guess,” Bucky mutters and sips his now cold coffee, hoping that’ll end the conversation and it does.
What he thought was over, it was far from it. You had heard almost every word of the conversation, arriving early to work and just happening to pass the kitchen, their loud voices enticed you but their conversation made you hang back. A longing for Bucky to stick up for you, to admit he liked your ‘clingyness’.
You didn’t even realise you were clingy, it wasn’t a word you’d use to describe yourself or your relationship with Bucky. You just liked spending time with him and being close to him, he always made you feel safe and loved.
After hearing this though, you feel naive and a little stupid. If you knew Bucky disliked all of this then you wouldn’t have done it, if he needed boundaries then he should’ve said from the beginning, heck, you even created boundaries- why hadn’t he? You decided that you’d give Bucky the distant he wanted by going straight to work and switching your phone on silent.
Odd and strange are words Bucky would use to describe his day. He hadn’t seen you, which was odd, and you ignored his texts which was strange. He hated it. Bucky hated the lack of communication on your end, so he decided to hunt you down.
“Hey, doll,” Bucky smiles when seeing you sat at your desk, he rests his arms on the smooth surface and dazzlingly smiles at you, “I text you but you didn’t reply,” he tilts his head when looking at you.
You glance up from your computer screen, “I didn’t want to bother you,” he frowns a little, “plus working, not exactly appropriate to be texting you,” that never bothered you before, did Tony say something? “Did you need something?” You asked with a smile.
“Uh-no, see you later?” He asked a little unsure and you nodded, a smile that didn’t really light up your features like it usually does.
He leans over the desk and plants a chaste kiss to your cheek, very odd indeed. His mind reeled with thoughts and feelings has he done something to upset you? Were you having a bad day and just needed some space? Was he just overthinking things?
The day was long and hard, mostly stressful on his end. He couldn’t focus, always glancing at his phone and even waiting for you at lunch- the only text he received was one saying you were going out with friends instead.
He’s done something wrong. He’s upset you. You dislike him right now.
“Guys,” Bucky walks into the gym, “Y/N hasn’t text me all day and she went out for lunch,” he exasperated.
His two friends cheered, high fiving one another. Thinking this was a celebration, that Bucky had spoken his thoughts and laid down the law to you.
“You seem upset,” Steve observes as Bucky stares at his phone screen.
It only takes a look, one simple fearful look from Bucky for Rogers to know what’s up. To understand what’s happening, to realise that Bucky craves you- he’s the clingy one, and you just fuel it because you’re just as clingy.
“They’re both clingy,” it’s a statement to Wilson, Bucky looks back and forth between the men, “I think she might’ve overheard us, buddy. Nat talked about how she arrived early and was… off,” he shrugged sympathetically to his oldest friend, “sorry, we’ll go explain everything-“
“No,” Bucky cuts off Steve with a shake of his head, “I didn’t exactly navigate that conversation well, in fact, I agreed with you; I shouldn’t have, fuck sake, Barnes,” he reprimands himself.
Sam crosses his arms, “why did you agree? You could’ve just said to us that you’re overbearing, I would have agreed with that too.” Bucky frowns at Sam, “dude, you’re overbearing, she can look out for herself,” and Bucky only sighs. “Listen, imma say this once and never again, she’s good for you. Sorry I stuck my nose in, you just seem like the type who wants detachment but clearly she’s a blanket of comfort.”
Bucky smiles at Sam, an effortless smile and a loving one. They have their moments, Sam thinks he’s a know it all when it comes to this stuff, and sometimes he does have good advice- advice he takes but never tells Sam.
“Go,” Sam shoos him away, “fix things with your girl. She’s probably missing you stupid face,” Steve chuckles at Bucky flipping the bird to Sam as he exits and goes home.
The apartment is silent, except for the low volume of the television. You’re sat on the sofa, legs up on the coffee table and Charu cuddled up to your side. His dog sits up at the quiet sounds of entry, jumping off the sofa and running over to her companion, a soft howl of greeting.
“Hey, girl,” he pets her head softly, her thick fur instantly brining easiness to him, a comforting feeling of home and safety. He walks around the sofa with her, watching you with intensity as he sits down a little beside you- leaving an inch of space something he isn’t used to with you. “Y/N?” He asked gently, prying your eyes from the screen, “are you mad at me?”
The question is simple. So is the answer, he already knows it but he asks anyway.
He stutters a bit, a nervous edge to him, “I know you heard the conversation this morning.”
Your shoulders tense, you look away guilty for being caught earwigging. You bite your bottom lip, a nervous habit, you sneak a glance at your boyfriend.
“You aren’t clingy,” Bucky affirms, “well you are but so am I,” you frown slightly and he sighs, “I love you. I love us. We’re clingy, we crave each other’s touch in a crowded room, we text when only being apart for a few hours. I love it. I - just- I don’t know, I felt insecure and Sam made it seem like a bad thing. I’m sorry,” his speech is rushed and clogy, but it makes you smile.
“Not talking to you all day has been so hard,” you admit with a giggle, the sound raises Bucky to Earth. “Being away from you, I really hate it. Hearing you agree with them… Don’t make me feel like that again, okay?”
Bucky can only nod, the hurt in your voice makes Bucky mad at himself for doing that. He gently caresses your face with his hands, moving hair from your face as he leans down. His lips are soft, a little chapped, but gentle on your own. The kiss breathes an unspoken promise to never hurt you again, to never let you feel like he doesn’t love all of you.
Without breaking the kiss he pulls you to him, straddling his lap and he swiftly stands up, hands gripping your bottom tightly as he strides towards the bedroom. You smile into the kiss, deepening it with a bite of his bottom lip and fighting for dominance that Bucky wins easily.
A gentleness that only comes from Bucky when with you, he lays down on the bed softly, pulling his lips away and just staring at you longingly. A look of disbelief and love runs through his grey eyes.
The look has you becoming shy, you feel the blood rush to your face as he just stares at you softly. You caress his jaw and that brings him back, a simple touch has him remembering this is real. You’re real. He begins to undress you, kissing your heated skin when it’s revealed to him.
His large hands are everywhere all over your body and pinching gently. His touch isn’t rough or hard- like most times- this time it’s feather light, almost fleeting. He holds you to him, bearing no space between your bodies as his skilled fingers dance down your body. The touch creating goosebumps in their awake, slinking to the apex of your thighs. He leaves wet kisses on your neck as you whine softly.
Once bringing you to a blissful sedation, for a second time, he wraps his arms around you tightly as he enters but drops his head down to leave a kiss right where your heart is. The moment is so intimate and sweet, far from anything you’ve shared with him before, you gasp softly and card your fingers through his hair.
The evening is filled with soft kisses, gentle touches and whisperings of “I love you’s” to one another.
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