#they’ll prob be a lot of blood tho. warning u just in case maybe..
pekodayz · 10 months
osoaini angel killer au synopsis kinda (an idea that’s prob finished i just typed smth up)
beta ver. To kinda understand. babys first🤫
Okay so we know how all of the matsus r in disguise as priests at ze chapel. So aini is kinda the same but she is well aware of oso being a demon like ewwwww his vibe ..disgusting creature (we r the same). She’s demon in this but more like a fallen Angel, she didn’t choose this life but she’s learned to live with it sadly. She wishes she can be “pure” again but that life is behind her now. So she spends her time being a priest as well and holding extreme resentment to oso bc it was kinda his fault she’s fallen. Like she hearts her big powers but hates the fact that he’s stripped aini of any access to her world ever again. She misses her life. She wants oso’s head, for everything that he has done, this is all his fault…though she has some faults too. But she dresses in pure white robes to cope, being the “kind soul” to ppl she looks at directly but she isn’t like that at all 💔. She knows this isn’t her, she’s in pain and sorrow every day bc of him.
emotional ver. u can tell i had mental pains
ok so like a long time ago (knowing how mythic beings age way differently than humans) aini and oso knew each other and oso was a demon in disguise (a shame ik) but he was an angel like aini. The were teens at the time, but were very close. Aini saw him as an equal, someone she could trust…that was a big mistake though. Aini was more way more purehearted back then and had let her guard down too much. She told one too many secrets to oso and since he was a demon in disguise, he used that to his advantage (though he felt extreme guilt, but it was his duty as a demon to get rid of all angels) He pulled a stunt that resulted in the death of an angel…and put the blame on aini. She was so confused and betrayed, she trusted him! How could he just go and turn on her back like that?! He’s an angel…wait..no…angels don’t kill other angels. She stared at him, her innocence wilting away as she saw his tail and horns. She felt her heart sank as she stood amongst the council who decided her fate. As unusual as these circumstances were, they believed that she was keeping osomatsu’s true self a secret and were to be banished with him. Aini cried and begged for mercy, but no avail. A punishment this harsh warranted no eyes to see, she was immediately shunned and sent to the depths of the underworld. With him. She never felt this sort of pain before…she looked at her wings…they were bloody and burning. Damnation? Her halo still stood as a reminder of what she once was, but it was blackened. Aini bit her tounge hard enough to draw blood and immediately started looking for osomatsu. This was his fault. All his fault. Where did he go???? This is hell, figuratively and literally. Aini would spend many, many, many years searching for him. Those years took her deity status away and replaced it with the demon one she resented…but must embrace of course. At least I’m strong…she would tell herself with tears. I’m so alone… She ends up becoming a priest, a pure one…to feel what she once felt those hundreds of years ago. Then one day, she sees a priest who looked eerily similar to her old friend. Aini has heard stories of a demon named Lucifer and always wanted to fight him head on, but she had no idea it was osomatsu until she saw him once more. This will finally be her chance to get revenge, but she sees the remorse in his eyes…he knows that’s aini, the one who was the closest to him. Oh how his heart pained every time he was near her. This was your fault y’know. Maybe they’ll rekindle, but not after a well deserved confrontation.
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