#they wouldn't judge me for how i dress or be mad if i stay out late as long as i warn them
anaalnathrakhs · 4 months
uh oh i feel like i have a deeply maladaptative response to people knowing Literally Anything about me it's fine it's fine i'm handling it very well
#constantly daydreaming about throwing my phone in the river n leaving a nice note for my parents and fucking LEAVING#but like#if i just stop talking to my friends#then what's the point#do i make new friends? will i do the same shit to my new friends?#it feels like kind of a dick move to do that to people i like#and i DO like them#i like hanging out w them and just. i don't know. i feel like this freedom i dream of is something i could have in this life yknow.#i feel if i had balls i could just start living the life i want#it's not even like my parents are dicks or something they trust me and they've very understanding and loving#they wouldn't judge me for how i dress or be mad if i stay out late as long as i warn them#but i dont know. i dont know why i'm a massive fucking weirdo about it okay.#but i've caused them so much trouble already. i feel like i'm betraying them if i grow up.#i feel like i'm causing them too much worry no matter if i stray away from the nest or stay.#and i feel like a fucking monster for not loving them enough but i can't stand being near them anymore#it's too painful#i've never managed to completely hate them even when i was deep in depression and they handled it poorly#i'd get into a screaming match with my dad and an hour later we'd sing songs together in the car#but it's been so dull lately. it feels like im in a video game. picking prewritten dialogue and being fed prewritten answers.#and WHY does this happen. why can't i just have a normal relationship with people#why do i turn into an alien on his first day on earth whenever i start caring abt someone#why are we so fucking abnormal as a family that we never goddamn hang out#why am i such an empty husk of a person that i cannot for the life of me figure out something we could do together#i keep believing in this fantasm of one day changing everything in one fell swoop instead of growing up like a normal guy#because i know i'm a coward. i'm scared of other people seeing me fail.#i dont want to hurt my parents ever again and i dont want to settle for halfway freedom#so i repress hardcore things i want so that nobody not even me can decipher what it is#smth smth the enormity of my desire disgusts me#and of course it fails because im weakshit and cannot restrict anything ever#and i hurt them anyway
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ijustwant2write · 1 year
Reunion Of Sorts-Anthony Bridgerton x Basset!Reader
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(GIF credit to @mrsbridgerton)
Requested by anonymous: ‘Hi! If your requests are open I'd love to request an Anthony Bridgerton x Basset!Reader where the reader's Simon's sister. Prompts 14 and 15 please? Thank you so much, your works are amazing!’
14) 'It's only good news depending on how you look at it.'
15) 'I just wouldn't have expected this!'
Characters: Anthony Bridgerton x Basset!Reader, Simon Basset x Basset!Reader (siblings), Daphne Bridgerton x Reader (platonic), mentions of Bridgerton family
Meanings: (Y/N)=Your name
Warnings: Just extreme fluff!
"Are you quite alright, (Y/N)?" Simon asked his sister as they journeyed in their carriage.
(Y/N) had started fanning herself a little faster."I don't know why I'm so nervous. I just hope to make a good impression."
"Of course you will. I'm sorry you haven't met them sooner."
"I could have at least met your wife at the wedding, if I had been invited."
"We have been through this, (Y/N)."
"Yes, and I'm not trying to argue with you, Simon. I know you married in haste, and I know why, but you must admit, you've left this far too long. You have a son now!"
"You have been cooped up in that house with your matron as father intended. I think she would have had my head if I tried to get you out of there."
They laughed together.
"I am very excited to meet your wife and my nephew."
As usual, the Bridgerton house was abuzz with excitement and chaos. Eloise didn't understand why she had to dress up so much for this visit, Gregory and Hyacinth were bombarding everyone with questions about Simon's sister, Colin and Benedict tried but failed to escape the madness, Anthony watched everything unfold and Daphne nervously bounced her baby boy on her knee.
"Daphne, do not fret. His sister will love you." Anthony tried to reassure his sister.
"What if she's like their father? What if she heard all the rumours about us and judges me for it? Simon has never spoken of her, I have no idea what to expect."
"I met Simon's sister many, many years ago. She was nothing like the things you are dreading. (Y/N) was a lovely, respectable young lady, I'm sure she hasn't changed."
Daphne let a small smile grace her face, trying to convince herself that everything was fine. Simon had kept his family such a secret, she just wanted to ensure that his sister would want to stay and be part of theirs.
Simon playfully rolled his eyes as (Y/N) asked how she looked, not in vain, but in anxiety. Her dress was beautiful, her hair perfectly in place, her jewels glistened but they weren't ghastly, nothing was wrong. Her nerves were getting the better of her. Just as she was about to ask again, the carriage stopped. Simon chuckled at her panicked look, already stepping outside.
He held out his hand for her."You'll be absolutely fine. Just be you."
(Y/N) took a deep breath before taking her brother's hand, being extra cautious to not fall on her face, especially since the entire Bridgerton family were stood on their front steps.
As head of the household, Anthony was ready to start introductions, until (Y/N) lifted her head, showing her dazzling features. He had only admitted to himself that he had a fancy for her when he was younger, though who wouldn't? She was beautiful, smart and didn't try hard to impress anyone; she was just joyful to be around. (Y/N) had never pined for Anthony or tried to grab his attention at every moment, or any man for that matter. He definitely considered her a friend, he was somewhat angry at himself he hadn't written to her over the years. But seeing her now, it was a mystery as to why she hadn't been married yet? That was quickly solved when he remembered Simon was her brother.
Simon stuck beside his sister until Daphne stepped forward. They shared a short but loving kiss, before Simon took their son into his arms, cooing and laughing as the baby gurgled. (Y/N)'s heart melted at the sight.
"Oh, how we've missed you." Violet beamed, greeting her son-in-law.
"I apologise for the delay, the weather was not suitable for travelling. Nevertheless, everyone, this is my sister, (Y/N) Basset."
(Y/N) curtsied as all eyes were on her."Thank you for welcoming me into your beautiful home. I have been so excited to meet you all."
"Well, why don't we go inside? We can have proper introductions in the warm." Daphne hid her nerves, presenting herself well.
Everyone agreed, leading (Y/N) inside. The family lined up like soldiers, with Anthony stepping forward to introduce everyone.
"I hope I don't have to reintroduce myself." he teased.
"Of course not, how could I forget you, Anthony? After all the trouble you and Simon got into?"
He chuckled, but cast a worried look towards his mother. He quickly continued.
"My mother, Violet, sisters Daphne, Eloise and Hyacinth, and my brothers, Benedict, Colin and Gregory."
"And your nephew." Simon added.
(Y/N) reached out a finger for the baby to hold."Yes, he's bigger than I thought he would be."
"Children do grow so fast." Violet said.
"But you're here now to see him grow." Daphne quickly added. "And we're all very happy that you're finally here."
Everyone knew that it was Simon who had kept (Y/N) away. He loved his sister with all his heart, which is why he never saw her; she was living a happy life, he didn't want to dampen that.
"The chefs have prepared a marvelous lunch. The table is all set if you are hungry now?" Voilet asked.
"Oh, yes, as long as everyone else is."
As soon as (Y/N) agreed, Colin, Eloise and the two youngest were off. They were starving, even though they had eaten only a few hours ago. (Y/N) giggled to the relief of the others. They slowly followed behind, but Simon was hesitant. (Y/N) gently nudged him forward.
"Go, see your family. I have all the time in the world to get to know Daphne."
Simon thanked her, still carrying his son as his other arm wrapped around his wife. Another arm appeared in front of (Y/N), ready for her to take it.
"May I escort you to the table?" Anthony said.
"Thank you, I much appreciate it."
They both knew they were being dramatic, though it was sweet of Anthony to make the gesture.
"How many years has it been?"
"Too many."
"I'm sorry your brother hasn't involved you. If the...situation between him and Daphne had been different, I know you would have been here straight away."
"I know. And I understand how stressful that all was. But as said before, I'm here now. I must say Anthony, I have missed you."
"Really? Even after all those times Simon and I riled you?"
"Yes. Although annoying, you both had your tender moments. I remember one evening, you and Simon were returning from your club, and you both had found yourselves in a quarrel with some other members. They followed you home, and I was waiting by the back gate to sneak you back inside. They were closer than expected, and do you remember some of the horrible things they said to me?"
"Unfortunately I do. And I unfortunately remember what happened next."
"It was very chivalrous for you to defend me, though you needn't have fought. Your nose wouldn't stop bleeding!"
"But you were right by my side, holding a handkerchief for me."
"Yes, because if you got blood on the carpets, you would have something worse than a bruised nose."
The pair were laughing to themselves as they walked into the dining room. Most were already seated. Anthony guided (Y/N) to her chair, next to Simon, who stood to tuck it in, but Anthony beat him to it. Simon watched his friend's moves very closely, knowing deep down that Anthony was just being polite; however, he wasn't too fond that they were sat opposite each other, able to gaze into each others eyes.
Simon tapped his glass with a knife once everyone was sat, standing with said glass in his hand."Before we begin eating, I would like to propose a toast."
Everyone immediately grabbed their own glasses, except Eloise, taking her time as she huffed; couldn't they at least toast after the meal?
"To my sister, (Y/N). I am so happy that you're here with me, with us. I'm sorry I haven't been a better brother but that will change now. And I can't wait for you to get to know this loving family, who made me one of their own, as I know they will you."
"To family." Benedict finished.
"To family." Everyone cheered.
"Now the food. Please." Eloise needed a plate in front of her.
All through lunch, Simon kept a close eye on his sister and Anthony. He was awful at keeping up with conversations, slow at eating, he just had a weird feeling when he glanced at them both. Simon constantly apologised to Daphne, blaming the long journey for his daydreaming.
However, Anthony and (Y/N) might as well have been dining at their own table. They were in full conversation, of course others chimed in to join, but they couldn't stop reflecting on the past and laughing. It was impossible to not notice how well they were getting along, and Violet had a glint in her eye as she saw how much Anthony was smiling. He never smiled this much, and the way he was looking at (Y/N) reminded her of how her husband used to look at her.
After dinner, they retired to the drawing room, sipping on fresh lemonade as Hyacinth showed off her new skill on the piano. Simon sat with his child in his lap, Daphne by his side, and although he was thoroughly enjoying the time with his family, he couldn't stop gazing over at his sister.
Unsurprisingly, (Y/N) and Anthony were cosied up, still smiling ear to ear as they continued talking. How could they have so much to talk about?
"Let's put him to bed Simon, for a nap. He's getting fussy." Daphne interrupted his thoughts.
Simon didn't want to cause a scene, agreeing to put their son down together. Even as they left the room, Simon's eyes lingered, and he immediately became tense once they were out of sight.
"Has my brother dazzled you?"
Simon was quiet as he laid down his son."Hm?"
"Well you haven't stopped staring at him all night."
He sighed."Was I that obvious?"
"You were indeed. Would it be so bad?"
"Would it be so bad if my brother loved your sister?"
"Has he been disrespectful? Has he done her wrong? Has he done anything that we did?"
He was stumped. Although his brotherly instincts were kicking in, wanting to protect (Y/N), realistically he knew Anthony would never hurt her. Anthony was trustworthy, he knew him inside out and just from tonight, there was something there.
Simon didn't reply, but Daphne knew he wasn't ignoring her. She could see him thinking it all over as he walked to the window.
"It's only good news depending on how you look at it."
"I know, but it will be fine-"
"No, look!"
Daphne quickly joined her husband at the window, trying to see what he was looking at. Down in the gardens was Anthony and (Y/N) taking a stroll. The pair were lit by the setting sun which was casting a beautiful orange and pink glow across the garden. Although they had not stopped talking through the afternoon, now they were silent, both silently worrying that the other had no more to say.
The spoke at the same time, pausing for a moment before laughing. Anthony said nothing, being a gentleman and letting (Y/N) speak.
"I was just going to say how much I have enjoyed our time together. It feels as if no time has passed since the last time I saw you."
"How long will you stay?"
"Well, are you staying for a short visit? Or perhaps an extended time?"
"Simon and I have not discussed that as of yet. I am to be staying with a friend of mine who lives in the Ton, so I shall be here for a little while."
Anthony couldn't help but smile."Good, that is good news."
They were quiet again as they continued walking, only taking small steps as they wee nearing the end of the garden. They were standing close to one another, and although they had linked arms before and been sat on the plush sofas, this held more tension. Perhaps it was the way neither of them wanted to startle the other, despite their desperate want for affection. As their minds drifted off to where this was leading, their hands ever so delicately brushed. Both were startled, halting their steps and looking at each other.
"My apologies-"
"Anthony, it's fine. I...I just wouldn't have expected this."
Anthony thought for a moment, glancing down at their hands that were no longer close. He didn't like it. He wanted to be bold and take the next step, even if it was just holding one another's hand. But this was Simon Basset's sister. And it was (Y/N), who he had the upmost respect for.
"Miss Basset?"
"Anthony, why are you calling me that?"
"May I enquire into the address of your new lodgings?"
"Yes? Why?"
"So that I may call on you in the morning?"
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vampirenigh · 11 months
i hope this isnt weird or too specific--- (ignore this if u dont wanna do it!!)
i was hoping you could write about ciel and alois (blck btlr) with a very dreamy s/o? like, dreamy in so many aspects. like they look like they jumped out of a painting in a museum, or they could look identical to some figures they've seen in paintings. and their voice would be very calming too, quiet but clear iygwim.... like s/o is basically angelic and all that and their presence feels surreal to the boys
gn! reader if that's fine:DD
You are my everything
Hey. No problem at all. It's totally fine and thank you for your ask. I like when people send me specific asks because it helps me understand better and not mess up. At first I didn't understand what you meant by dreamy but because of your explication I think I got it. I will try to do gn but I never tried so if something is not right don't hesitate to tell me. And if you have any more ideas don't hesitate to send an ask.😁
Summary: Ciel and Alois whit a dreamy reader.
Characters: Ciel Phantomhive, Alois Trancy.
Warnings: gn!reader, some posesiveness in Alois?
Ciel Phantomhive
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He first saw you in town. He was with Sebastian to take some things and investigate a new case given by the queen. But the care was totally forgotten when he saw you. You were the most beautiful person he has ever seen. He knew that you are from an aristocratic family from your clothes and your maid but didn't know which one.
So he puts Sebastian to do some research on you and he learns that you were Elisabeth's cousin. He couldn't believe it. Even more when he first talked to you at Elisabeth's birthday party. You were just so calm and welcoming that he felt safe in your presence. Your quiet but clear voice made him feel like he could tell you everything and you wouldn't judge him.
And because of that he broke the engagement with Lizzy and started to court you. Elizabeth's mother was a bit mad but couldn't stop Ciel because he loves him as her own son and he deserves to have happy memories.
So you two start to date after some time whit a new engagement made between Ciel's family and your's. He started to call you often at his mansion and talk to you. He could've sworn that you were an angel from heaven when you first comforted him after he had a nightmare and you stayed at his mansion overnight. You were so gentle with him like he was made of glass and would break at the slightest touch. It was such a different feeling that he felt he doesn't deserve it.
All this time he thought that the only thing that counts is to revenge his family and to reestablish his family name but now he starts to doubt it. The only thing that he can think of is that he doesn't want to lose you ever like he lost everyone else. He will protect you whit his life and will make sure that you are always comfortable.
God forgive anyone that hurts or embarrasses you because Sebastian will take care of him.
Ciel would often come to you to talk about what is bothering him and would be grateful for who you are that he sends you different dresses and jewelry that he knows will look good on you.
In conclusion he will love and cherish you till the day he dies and will always be grateful for your presence even in the darkest times.
Alois Trancy
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He saw you in a museum in the art section. He couldn't believe how much you looked alike whit a portrait of a very beautiful women that lived over 200 years ago. He couldn't take his eyes of you so he made a move. He came to you and introduced himself in the hope that you will see him as fascinating as he sees you. And you did. You introduced yourself and engaged in a conversation whit Alois.
Your voice and your looks made him not want to leave you alone at all. He feelt like he is talking to an angel who came to safe him. He learned that you are the grand grand granddaughter of the woman in the painting and that she was one of the most beautiful women that lived in that time and that you are happy that you could resemble her.
He started to court you and made the engagement whit your parents. He asks Hannah some things that you would like and if you don't he will punish her severely.
He will eventually tell you everything about his past and about Claude. He feels so safe with you that he couldn't bring himself to hide it. And the moment when you just tell him that it doesn't matter, it doesn't define him he swore he could die right then and there as a happy boy.
He would tell Claude to protect you and to kill anyone who comes too close to you whit bad intentions.
He would be very clingy. He doesn't like being away from you. He feels like you are his lifeline and can't leave you.
Do you remember the time when Alois was on his knees in front of Claude to prevent him of leaving? He would do that when you wanted to go have some tea time whit another girl. (What can I say he has abandonament issues.)
He feels that he is the luckiest boy on the planet because he can have such a beautiful and calm lover who sees him for who he is and not for his money.
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My impression/expectations of the Madrigals based on the first trailer vs what I think of them now
- didn't really pay attention to her tbh
-seemed a little dull compared to the others
-viewed her as a narrative device than an actual character
-Anna and Hiccup fused into Mirabel
-her sarcasm is immaculate
-most relatable character out of everyone
-fantastic dancer
-prolly very into arts and crafts
-very cute face
-hnngh pretty flower lady
-disney princess vibes
-probably gonna be my fav
-I feel like she sings to birds in the morning
-prolly gives food to the homeless or smth
-went for Cady Heron got Regina George
-I judged this book by its cover so hard
-she's?? so?? hot? help???
-serving femme domme realness
-golden child syndrome sucks
-wouldn't be opposed to her taking over the world actually
-supervillain au when?
-thinks she deserves everything and she's absolutely right
-hnngh big hot lady
-seems like a no-nonsense type character
-another candidate for favorite
-man crusher
-notice me senpai
-a lot sillier than I imagined and I love it
-Scorpia kinnie
-emotional baby
-daddy's girl
-I could strangle disney for not giving her a colorful dress like the others
-gives the best hugs
-didn't appear much in the trailer so
-didn't really have an opinion
-she's!! so!! cute!!!
-town's biggest gossip
-her squeaks give me life
-better rapper than Eminem
-can't keep a secret
-very unflappable like nothing surprises her
-tells her mother everything
-can destroy you in five words or less
-I feel like she likes fluffy things
-won't start a fight but will finish one
-10/10 quality girl I want to kiss her nose
-thought his shapeshifting power was pretty cool
-immediately pegged him as the comic relief
-very pretty boy
-everyone's favorite cousin
-mama's boy
-doesn't care what anyone thinks
-his smirk sustains me
-also tells his mother everything
-master prankster
-adorable baby boy
-want to give lots of snacks and snuggles
-deserves love
-and pretty much yeah
-I had no idea this man existed lmao
-didn't see him in the trailer
-someone get this man some depression meds
-really needs a hug
-probably listens to Simple Plan
-terrible decision-making skills
-mans really decided to hide in the walls for a decade rather than talk to his mom
-i mean same tbh
-could y’all stop infantilizing this 50 year old neurodivergent man thanks
-is LOVED by his family and anyone that says otherwise is wrong
-I liked her hair
-also didn't appear much in the trailer so no opinion
-didn't watch We don't talk about Bruno before seeing the movie so I didn't have the same stigma against her that most do
-introducing the actual fav character
-someone get this woman some anxiety meds
-second biggest gossip in town
-another fantastic dancer
-probably enjoys peppermint tea
-needs to stay away from coffee
-is a loving mother and wife
-couple goals
-literally just see the way she looks at her husband and kids
-very dramatic
-would def be a broadway star
-definitely either the youngest or the oldest
-LOVES her brother
-stop saying she hates Bruno
-seemed like a very good mother
-very sweet
-I like her eyes idk why
-she has the most mom power ever lmao
-an EXCELLENT mother
-stop saying Bruno should adopt Mirabel when she has Julieta
-so kind so caring I need her in my life
-should have gotten more singing lines
-prolly very sassy when she wants to be
-mom friend
-doesn't get mad easily but fear her when she does
-probably the oldest
Felix + Agustin
-ALSO didn't appear much in the trailer
-thought Felix was a side character tbh
-disney is ill for setting the bar this high
-how do the Madrigals keep picking up quality men
-what is the secret
-Felix has Gomez vibes
-probably bond over how much they love their wives
-fantastic fathers
-"I was protecting my daughter"
-Julieta and Pepa are winning
-seemed like a sweet old lady
-kind of reminded me of my grandmother
-needs a therapist asap
-if ya'll don't leave this poor ptsd ridden old lady alone
-did what she thought was best for her family
-LOVES all of her kids and grandkids but has a hard time expressing it
-was a single mother to three and the impromptu leader of an entire town of people in her twenties
-she handled what needed to be handled
-probably sings the best lullabies
-acknowledged that she was wrong and went to fix it
-all that being said I did very nearly throw hands with her for a second
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angelasscribbles · 2 years
Star Crossed Chapter 1: Encounter
Series: Star Crossed
Fandom: The Royal Romance
Pairings: Who are these people? I'm sure you can guess....
Rating: R         
Warnings: Mature themes
Word Count: 1,137
A/N: Ok. I know, I know. I said I was not going to start anything new until I wrap up some of the other stuff. But here we are, because my brain doesn't understand the term wait. This idea presented itself to me and it wouldn't leave me alone.
My other stuff: Master List.
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She’d been nursing the same drink for over an hour. She gazed listlessly across the room as she sighed to herself in frustration. She was sick to death of the same old scene, the same old bullshit. All these formal functions and events that served no real purpose. She cursed her luck, for the four millionth time, for having been born into the goddamned aristocracy. She hated it. No, she loathed it.
She’d rather be anywhere else, doing anything else. She knew most people would kill to have her life. She had money, power, prestige, blah blah fucking blah. It was meaningless, all of it. No one gave a fuck what she really thought, how she really felt. If she had interests or aspirations of her own. She was arm candy. That’s all she had been raised to be. And she hated it to very depths of her soul.
She often wondered what she could have been, if she’d ever been given any choices in life. She suddenly felt claustrophobic, she needed air. Rising from the barstool, she hurried across the room. Tears blurred in her eyes as she ran. She didn’t see the waitress until she crashed right into her, spilling an entire tray of red wine all over her glimmering white Prada original. “Fucking bloody hell!”
“Oh my God!” The waitresses face had gone as white as her dress had been before the collision. “I am soooo sorry! Please, let me help! I…I can’t believe I did that! Please don’t fire me, I need this job!”
She paused her cursing to glance at the clearly terrified younger woman and all the anger whooshed out of her, “It’s ok dear, it wasn’t even your fault, I ran into you! I’m not mad at you. I’m just mad at….life.”
The younger woman looked relieved but still nervous as she tried to clean up the mess.
An idea startled her as she watched the other woman work. She reached out and grabbed her wrist, “Stop. Do you really want to help me?”
“Y…Yes, of course!”
“Come along then.” She led her out of the ballroom and down the hallway.
Fifteen minutes later she emerged from a spare bedroom wearing the waitress’s uniform. The waitress had been sent on her way in her street clothes, with a stained, but worn only once Prada dress as compensation. She had scrubbed her face clean from the expertly applied makeup and unwound her elaborate updo, letting her long, auburn locks fall down her back.
She finally, mercifully stepped onto the balcony outside the glitzy ballroom. The event would survive without her. She leaned over the railing contemplating the drop.
“I hope you’re not planning to jump. I’m really not in the mood to play hero tonight.”
She jumped at the unfamiliar voice. Spinning around she answered, “That’s not what I was doing.”
“I know waiting on a bunch of stuffy, stuck-up rich people sucks, but surely there’s a better solution than throwing yourself over the side of a balcony.”
She froze, momentarily confused. Then she remembered the uniform. He thought she was a waitress. She stayed near the railing, in the relative shadows as her heartrate returned to normal. He wasn’t a paparazzi or a security guard or even an aristocrat judging from the disdainful tone of voice he used when speaking about them. As her fear of being busted subsided, she felt a spark of annoyance. “Why don’t you just mind your own business? No one asked for your help.”
He gave her a smirk as he moved in closer. She took a step back. He looked at her in amusement as he leaned on the railing, “Relax. I’m not going to touch you. I’m just making sure you don’t jump.”
“I told you I wasn’t going to jump!”
“What were you doing leaning that far over the railing then?”
“You wouldn’t understand.” She said in frustration before blowing a strand of hair out of her eye.
“Try me.”
She sighed. He wasn’t going away. “Fine. I was looking to see if there was a way to climb down.”
He blinked, clearly taken aback, “Why? You know they have stairs and even this new-fangled thing called an elevator right in there.” He gestured back toward the set of French doors she’d come through.
“I can’t go through there.”
“Why not?”
“Has anyone ever told you your fucking nosy as hell?”
Far from deterring him, her anger seemed to amuse him. “Actually no, you’d be the first.”
“Well, you are.”
“If you say so. Why are you trying to climb down the side of a building?”
“None of your fucking business.” She muttered, crossing her arms over her chest.
His smile vanished as a thought occurred to him, “Are you in some kind of trouble? Is someone harassing you? You can tell me, I can help.”
She barked out a surprised laugh, “You can’t, trust me.”
He stared straight into her eyes, without blinking, without dropping her gaze, “I’m serious. I can help you.”
She shook her head, “Listen. I’m sure you’re a good guy and all that, but really, what I’m running from is bigger than you.”
That pulled a smile out of him, “Probably. But I know people that could help.”
She knew that to be a lie. If he was anyone, she’d already know who he was. It was just like a man to lie to try and impress her. They were all idiots.
“I doubt that.”
He took a step closer, and her blood pressure spiked, not out of fear this time. He stepped from the shadows into a beam of light that was pouring from the ballroom, and he was drop dead gorgeous. Her eyes greedily took in the soft chestnut colored hair that fell almost to his shoulders, the muscular arms crossed over a broad chest and the strong jaw that was dotted with a scruffy five o’clock shadow. Sweet mother of God, he was beautiful with those copper-colored eyes boring into her. She swallowed as she forced her face to retain its scowl.
He held his hand out to her, “Do you trust me?”
“What? No! Why on earth would I trust you? I just met you!”
He laughed and it was low and rumbly and set off streams of electricity coursing through her body.
“Ok.” He put his hands up in the air as he stepped back, “But I know a way off this balcony that doesn’t require going back inside.”
“How?” She asked suspiciously.
He shook his head, “You’re just going to have to trust me on this. Like I said, if you want off this balcony, I can make it happen.”
A trickle of hope thrilled through her, “Really?”
“Really.” He held his hand out again and this time, she took it.
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helloalycia · 3 years
my patient’s neighbour [three] // wanda maximoff
summary: your relationship with Wanda gets a little bumpy when her work life crosses over with your personal life.
warning/s: implied kidnapping, mentions of anxiety
author's note: so the ‘i love you’ confession was actually inspired by an incorrect quote on @aquamarinescarlet’s page! i thought it would be cute aha
part one | part two | part four | part five | part six | part seven | masterlist | wattpad
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It was two months into our relationship when I knew I'd fallen in love with Wanda. I can't remember the exact moment when it hit me – I guess it had happened gradually over time – but I remember the embarrassing moment when I told her.
She'd brought me as her date to an Avengers party thrown by Tony Stark. I'd been to one of them before, about a month into dating her, as she'd wanted me to meet her friends from work AKA the freakin' Avengers. They were actually really great and (somewhat) humble people. I didn't expect to become 'friends' with any of them, more just be friendly whenever I saw them through Wanda. To my surprise, I became quite good friends with Natasha Romanoff.
We had the same dark sense of humour, both had an unexplainable obsession with horror films and she was genuinely just really easy to talk to. I wasn't expecting it, but it was nice to gain a new friend in addition to a new girlfriend.
So, I was at my second Avengers party with Wanda by my side, but the party had ended about half an hour ago and I may or may not have been drunk.
We were sat on the couch, conversing with the other Avengers, and I was sat between Wanda and Natasha. The others were involved in their own conversations and I was too dazed to realise what I was doing until it happened.
"Wanda has no idea I'm in love with her," I said (not-so) quietly, leaning over to my left, into Wanda's ear unknowingly.
Wanda, who was playing with my fingers in her hand, paused and glanced to me with bright eyes, a surprised expression on her face.
"You're in love with me?" she asked, lips twitching into a smile.
I blinked, her words settling in, before I licked my lips. "Oh, sorry." Turning to my right, I moved to Natasha's ear, whispering loudly, "Wanda has no idea I'm in love with her."
Natasha glanced to me with a quirked brow, amused smile on her lips. "She doesn't? You sure about that?"
"You're in love with me?" Wanda repeated, sitting forward and earning my attention.
I gasped, wondering how she knew, before slapping Natasha's arm and looking to her with a frown. "You told her?! I trusted you!"
Natasha ignored me, instead looking to Wanda with an encouraging look. "I'll leave this one to you. Good luck."
She stood up, heading over to Thor and Bruce Banner on the other couch, and I booed her as she left.
"Yeah, run away, you secret-give-away'er!" I called after her with a pout, before crossing my arms.
"I think it's time I take you home," Wanda said decidedly, trying not to laugh as she pulled me up off the couch.
"I don't like Natasha anymore," I mumbled, allowing Wanda to take me away.
She bid her goodbyes to her teammates before leading me to the lift. I don't really remember what else happened until we were suddenly at my house – well, my parents house, but they had given it to me as they travelled the world with their retirement money. She was leading me inside and to my bedroom, getting me dressed like the sweet girlfriend she was, before tucking me into bed.
Of course, being the clingy drunk I was, I pulled her on top of me and didn't let go as I wrapped my arms around her.
"Stay," I mumbled into her shoulder, closing my eyes.
She chuckled, trying to pull away. "Y/N, you need to sleep, c'mon."
"I will," I whined, not letting her leave. "If you stay with me."
She paused, before giving in with a sigh. "Fine."
Tiredly, I smiled. "Yesssss." I patted the spot next to me. "Right here, please."
In the light of my bedside lamp, I saw her roll her eyes playfully, before turning off the lamp and jumping under the covers with me. I sighed with relief, cuddling into her side without hesitating.
"I love you," I mumbled, barely thinking about it.
She tightened her embrace and I felt her kiss the top of my head. "You're probably gonna forget you said that in the morning. But I'll remind you. And if you still think it, then I'll reply."
Her words went into one ear and out the other. I hummed in response, not knowing what I was answering to, and let myself get lost in her scent as I drifted into a peaceful slumber.
When I woke up the next morning, I quite liked the idea of sharing bed with Wanda and waking up to her dishevelled hair and our intertwined legs, even though I didn't remember inviting her to stay. Of course, I also had a banging headache and felt like someone had hit me with a train, so I didn't get chance to appreciate it much.
"Fuck," I mumbled, pulling the duvet over my head to block out the sun streaming through the slit in my curtain.
Wanda, who was shuffling beside me, yawned and stretched her arms. Suddenly, I heard quiet laughter, before she spooned me, wrapping her arms around my stomach and pulling me closer. Her leg raised and clung to my waist, and as much as I appreciated the way she fit perfectly against me, I was still in pain.
"Why did you let me drink that much?" I groaned, squeezing my eyes shut.
"I believe that was your own conscience decision, dorogoy (darling)," she said in that know-it-all voice of hers, and it was hard for me to be annoyed at her because she had a raspy, morning voice and her accent was especially thick with fatigue and damn, Wanda Maximoff was pretty sexy in the morning.
"Whatever," was all I said, but I placed my hand on hers and joint our fingers together.
"You know," she started, tucking her head comfortably into my neck, "I quite like waking up to you like this. You're very cute, even if you're cranky."
Despite aforementioned crankiness, I cracked a smile. "I like this, too."
It was very domestic, something I didn't get the privilege of experiencing with Wanda because she worked a lot, and it felt good.
After hanging around in bed for a little while longer, I got up and showered whilst Wanda offered to make me some breakfast – "Pancakes are a hangover's cure! Or at least according to Tony". After getting ready, I came downstairs to find a stack of pancakes and maple syrup waiting for me.
"You are a Godsend," I told her, pressing a haste kiss to her lips before sitting at the table with the pancakes. "Thank you."
She chuckled, grabbing her own pancakes and sitting opposite me. "Anything for you."
After I dug in, complimenting her on how delicious they tasted, a comfortable silence fell between us. Well, until Wanda spoke up cautiously.
"So, does anything from last night ring a bell?" she asked, making me look up to see her staring eagerly.
My content expression fell. "Shoot, did I do something embarrassing?" I facepalmed. "God, what was it? Did I fall asleep on somebody?"
She smiled with adoration, eyes twinkling in the morning sun. "No, nothing like that."
I could tell there was something though, judging from her hesitant expression. I scrunched my face with regret.
"What did I do?" I asked, unprepared to hear it. "Did I say something to you?"
She played with her fork, twisting it around in her plate nervously, which was very unlike her. "Yeah, actually, you did."
I waited, feeling like the silence was deafening the longer she stayed quiet.
"You said you were in love with me," she said, voice so soft and quiet that I barely heard it.
I felt my heart drop to my stomach. "I what?"
"I mean, technically you said I had no idea you were in love with me, but I think you were supposed to tell Nat that," she continued, eyes avoiding mine. "Then you told Nat and you got mad at her because you thought she told me."
I facepalmed for the second time that morning. "Oh, God..."
"Then you invited me to stay the night and told me you loved me before you fell asleep," she finished rambling. "I just, er, wanted to check if you meant that..."
I raised my eyebrows with disbelief. "Are you kidding?" I reached over the table to grab her hand. "Wanda, of course I meant that! But I hoped to tell you at a better time than by accident whilst I was drunk."
Blue eyes flickered to mine, excitement creeping onto her face. "You meant it."
I breathed out, realising what exactly I'd just said. "I– yeah. I meant it. I'm in love with you, Wanda."
Her smile widened. "I'm in love with you, too."
My heart fluttered in my chest as I relaxed my shoulders. "You love me."
She giggled, squeezing my hand. "We just did this."
"Right! We did," I said, shaking my head, grin forming on my lips. "Sorry. I'm just so happy right now."
"Me, too," she said in agreement, thumb stroking the top of my hand.
I didn't think things could go wrong from here. I was on top of the world! But of course, the world had a funny way of ruining things.
Dating a superhero had its pros and cons, I suppose, but neither really showed themselves to me often as it was as if Wanda's superhero life was separate to the one we shared. When she and I were together, it was just us. And she would leave for work and I wouldn't think about it. Then she would return and it would be us again.
If I took a moment out of my day to stop and really think about where she was, what she could be doing, the danger she could be in... I just couldn't do it. Even when she would show up to our next date with a fresh bruise from training, or a broken bone from a mission gone too far, I'd worry about it for the time being then try to let it go. Those weren't superhero perks, those were reasons to be concerned. And I couldn't handle imagining the time when she'd come back to me in a worse state, or to not even come back at all.
So, her superhero life rarely overlapped with our shared one. And I was happier that way. Until it did.
I was running errands one day, little things that required me to run around the city – dry cleaning, grocery shopping, picking up some DIY stuff for my house. It was a pretty relaxing, fun day. I'd treated myself to lunch, was soaking in the sunshine and planning to unwind with some Netflix on the couch.
"Hold on, I need to unlock the front door," I mumbled into the phone. I was talking to Wanda, catching her up with my day as I returned home.
"Try not to drop your phone this time," she teased from the other end, and I could just imagine the smirk on her face.
"So funny," I said with an eye roll. "Real comedian."
She laughed as I placed my phone in my pocket, not quite hanging up. Pulling my keys from my shopping bag, I fiddled with them, attempting to find the key for my front door.
Suddenly, something metal and cold pressed to my back and I jumped, dropping my keys with surprise.
"Don't draw attention," the person said, and I went rigid, looking up to see a reflection of someone unrecognisable in the glass of my front door. "You're going to leave your things here and come with me."
"Who are you?" I asked, trying to turn around, but the object pressed harder into my back, making me wince.
"Leave your fucking things here and give me your hand," the man ordered, ignoring my question. "Phone included. And don't even think about making a call."
I swallowed hard, panic settling in as I listened to the threatening stranger. Pulling my phone from my pocket, I realised that the stranger had no idea I was already on a call. With an Avenger nonetheless.
"I'll put it down," I narrated my actions, soon coming to realise that the object behind my back was in fact the barrel of a gun.
Hoping Wanda was still listening in and could hear the exchange, I put my phone on the ground and placed my shaking hand in the man's outstretched one. He tucked his gun back into the waistband of his jeans before tugging me down the steps and to a black van parked opposite my house.
Too paralysed with fear at the sight of two more strange men getting out the van, I felt my throat go dry and words get stuck at the bottom. Looking around, I hoped to find a neighbour's eyes or dog-walker's lost gaze, but nobody was here. Whoever these men were had timed their entrance perfectly.
When we reached the van, the back doors were opened and the man spun me around roughly before placing a bag on my head and shoving me inside. Hot tears ran down my face as I squeezed my eyes shut, wondering what the hell was happening and who these people were. But mostly, I hoped Wanda was already on her way.
The whole incident was over soon. That's what we were calling it now. The 'incident'. Of course, it could have been called other things... the kidnapping, the abduction, the capture. But we settled with the 'incident'. It was less explicit, as if minimising how utterly terrifying the whole experience was.
I never did find out who those men were. Wanda offered to tell me, feeling a need to explain herself and blame herself and drag herself down in the dirt to make me feel better, to bring me out of my silence and give me something to feel good about. I recalled her mentioning they were after her, getting to her through me – her girlfriend.
She rescued me quite quickly. Being tied up and locked away and left to cry like a child, wondering if I was going to die any minute at the hands of captors whom I had never met nor done anything to in my life, wasn't fun. People always wonder what they would do in those situations; maybe they would square up and put up a fight; maybe they would scream and shout and get everyone's attention; maybe they'd even retort with sarky remarks and go out with a blaze of glory.
I never imagined what that would be like, but I discovered I could do neither of those things. I just let them take me, let them threaten me and point their guns at me and tie me up and lock me away and–
I let myself cry and feel terrified and shake and lose my words and imagine the worst. Some would call that giving in, but this wasn't something you could prepare for. Surely my response was justified? I wasn't sure. I just knew that when Wanda burst onto the scene, taking out the men with ease and taking me out of there, taking me home, I was momentarily safe.
But then as she began to ramble off her explanations and apologies and regrets, I found myself turning in on myself, unable to hear her out. I didn't blame her one bit, but I also couldn't listen to one more second. So, I tuned her out.
I sat on the couch, staring at the way the thread was coming loose on one of my cushions. I thought about how quickly the whole 'incident' had happened. How one minute I was sat in a cell and now I was sat on my couch. How I was then shaking with fear and now I felt nothing.
"...you listening? Hey, are you okay?"
I only tuned back in when she sat on the cushion I was looking at. Her fingers rested on my cheek, guiding my head upwards so I was looking her in the eyes, glassy and red and swollen from crying. I probably looked the same, though I was all out of tears.
"I promise you nobody will be back here," she said with certainty, thumb stroking my cheek. "There's S.H.I.E.L.D. agents posted all along the street. And I'm happy to stay here if you need me to. You're safe now."
I knew I was. And despite my calm exterior, my heart was still racing in my chest, adrenaline still pumping through my body as if expecting to make a sudden break for it.
"What are you thinking?" she muttered, eyes flicking between mine curiously. "Talk to me. Please."
I shook my head, looking away. "I'm okay."
"It's okay not to be," she said quietly, squeezing my hand.
"I know."
So, we kept that bit up for a few more days, maybe a week. Me pretending I was okay, though still distant from Wanda as if she'd caught the plague, and her pretending she knew I was telling the truth.
But I knew she sensed the nightmares I had, waking me up in cold sweats. I knew she saw the way I tensed when a shadow cast along the wall from a moving object. Or the way I never faced the front door when unlocking it to get inside.
I guess she couldn't take it anymore at some point, possibly a week or two later, as when I was mixing my soup in a bowl after heating it up in the microwave, she sighed loudly.
"You okay?" I asked, glancing up at her. She was stood by the counter, seeming tired.
She'd been staying with me since the incident happened, obviously, and it was nice having her around so much, despite the circumstances. But I knew she was worried and had been keeping it in. I just didn't have the energy to acknowledge it.
"I'm fine," she said quickly, though her fingers still drummed on the countertop.
I let it go, shrugging, before paying attention to my soup. Her impatience was obnoxiously loud, filling the house with a discomfort she was dying to express. Eventually, she did.
"I'm not fine," she decided, and I stopped stirring my soup as I looked to her tugging on her sleeves distractedly. "I'm not fine because you're not fine."
"I've told you I am," I said monotonously, eyes boring into hers.
"I know you're not," she said, crossing her arms and hugging herself. "I've noticed you and..."
I quirked a brow. "And?"
She frowned, eyes softening with empathy. "Don't make me say it, Y/N."
I pressed my tongue to the back of my teeth as I looked down to my steaming soup.
"Talk to me," she pleaded, rounding the counter and leaning beside me, searching for my eyes. "I just want to help."
I swallowed hard. "I have nothing to say, Wanda."
"A really scary thing happened," she began hesitantly. "The fact that you don't have anything to say– that you've not said anything, isn't right."
"Well, I guess there's something wrong with me," I said dismissively, before grabbing the pepper grinder before me and using it.
"No, there's not," she reassured, not giving up. "You just need to talk.”
I set the grinder down, turning to face her abruptly. She straightened up with surprise, taking a small step back.
"What do you want me to say?" I asked, voice calm but full of unintentional malice. "Huh? What do you want me to tell you? That I'm terrified somebody is watching my house, waiting for a quiet moment to break in? That I have to follow you into every room you go in because I don't want to be left alone? That I can't fucking sleep because I'm scared that when I close my eyes, I'll be locked in a nightmare I can't escape? Is that what you want me to tell you? Does that make you feel better, Wanda? Because it doesn't make me feel any better. It just reminds me how fucking terrified I am."
I pocketed my shaking hands, blinked away the tears that threatened to fall, swallowed down the lump rising in my throat. She watched me, unsure what to say at first and I didn't blame her. It was an outburst waiting to happen.
"Don't say you're sorry," I snapped, before flinching at my tone. "I know you're sorry. And I don't blame you for what happened. I just– I don't know what to do anymore."
Her eyes were studying me like green lasers burning holes into my skin and I hated that I couldn't meet them. I hated even more that I couldn't leave the kitchen out of anger or frustration because I was too scared to be left alone without her by my side.
So, I leaned against the counter, turning away from her, and let out a shaky breath, eyes burning and heart thumping in my ears. Her arms suddenly wrapped around me without question, and I let her take me into her chest, squeezing me so tight so I knew she was there.
Closing my eyes, I felt tears rolling down my cheeks, but no sound came out. I struggled to breathe, unable to take in air through my nose as I stuffed my head so hard into her shirt that I couldn't see a thing except darkness. I knew I'd eventually be okay, that I'd eventually get back to some sense of normalcy. But for now, having her here with me was okay. And I found it much better to just be with her then have to go over and talk it out.
She was warm and strong and smelt like home and God, I loved her. I was lucky to have her.
It took about a month and a half to get over the incident. And after that, we never brought it up again. It was just easier that way. We continued on like usual, falling back into our old routine of having a separate us and her separate superhero life.
At some point, I thought it would be nice for her to meet my parents. They were back in town for the week, wanting to check in and see how I was. It was nice having them around and I was excited for them to meet Wanda, who I'd mentioned in some of our Skype calls.
"We don't have to make it a thing," I said as I proposed the idea. We were cleaning around Anna's apartment as she napped in her bedroom. "It's not like an 'oh, meet the parents' thing. They just happen to be in town and we're having a dinner, so I thought you might want to come. If you don't, it's not a big deal. I haven't told them to expect you. Not unless you say yes. Which you don't have to."
She chuckled, eyes gleaming with amusement. "Dorogoy (darling), calm down. Breathe."
I neatened the cushions on the couch with a bit too much force. "Am I not breathing? I'm pretty sure I'm breathing."
Her hands slipped into mine as she spun me around to face her. An amused smile on her lips, she said, "You need to relax. If you're like this now, then who knows what you'll be like on the night of the dinner?"
It took me a second to realise what she'd said and when I did, my eyes widened. "Wait, the night of the– does that mean you're going?"
She laughed, tugging me closer to her. "Yes, I'm going. I'd love to meet your parents!"
My shoulders relaxed as her fingers played with mine mindlessly. A smile appeared on my lips as I said, "Thank you. I– it'll be fun. No pressure. Just a dinner."
"Just a dinner," she confirmed, before kissing my forehead gently. "Can't wait."
And so on the day before my parents left for Scotland, yet another trip on their never ending retirement travels, I waited for Wanda to pick me up so we could go to a restaurant to meet my parents, who were already there after spending the day shopping in town.
She arrived at the door with a beautiful smile and bright eyes, looking me up and down.
"Just on time," I teased, tilting my head to the side, before being serious. "You look amazing tonight, Wanda."
"As do you, moya lyubov' (my love)," she said sweetly, leaning forward to kiss my cheek, before stepping inside. "Also, these are for you."
She removed her hand from behind her back as I closed the door, revealing a gorgeous, colourful bouquet of flowers.
"I saw them and thought of you," she began to explain without even realising how cute she was; a smile crept on my lips as she continued, "but then I realised I've never gotten you flowers before which is very dumb of me because a pretty girl deserves pretty flowers, right?"
There was no doubt that my face was heating up from the attention, flustered yet honoured at her words.
"Wanda, I love them," I said, accepting the flowers and meeting her gaze. "And to be fair, nobody has ever gotten me flowers before."
"You're kidding," she said with disbelief, stepping forward and wrapping her arms loosely around my waist. Reading my serious expression, she added, "Not even for your birthday? Or a celebration?"
I shook my head. "Nope."
She gave me a knowing look. "Well, that's very unfortunate. But I'm glad I could be the first."
I held her gaze, amusement dancing in her smile. Mirroring her expression, I leaned forward and pressed a kiss to her nose, making her scrunch it up delightfully.
"Me, too," I said, and I meant it.
"Come on, we should get going," she said, squeezing my waist before letting go. "Don't want to be late, do we?"
"We do not," I agreed, before putting the flowers in a vase of water and leaving them by the door.
"You ready?" she asked, holding open the front door.
I intertwined our hands and met her smile with my own. "I'm ready."
Taking the girlfriend to meet the parents. What could go wrong?
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ryosmne · 3 years
Tattoo Artist! Sukuna x reader (part 3)
Hey there again, I had a few ideas of where i wanted to take the third part, I'm very happy with what I came up with, it's very very fluffy, I hope you have a good time reading 💜.
Series masterlist here
Here's a playlist for fluffy Sukuna
Warnings: Language, suggestive tones, alcohol consumption (everyone is of age here, around 21/22), nudity? Not really described, that's about it.
Saturday was slow for Sukuna, he doesn't really like working away his weekends, but here he is, finishing up a chest piece that looked good if he had to say so himself. Everything was luckluster to him compared to the project he was still drafting for y/n.
Speaking of her she hadn't texted him all day, neither did Sukuna. He told himself he wasn't clingy like that, she texted him before she would do it again surely. Y/n didn't pay much mind to him not making contact, perhaps he was busy. She wasn't wrong, she also had initiated most of their text conversations, she didn't want to seem desperate. Sukuna was going to contact her when he was free.
On the other hand Sukuna was stressed, passing in the hallway between the reception and his work booth, checking his phone every once in a while, he was a bit snappier than usual, not letting Gojo's or Megumi's remarks go, he would answer back, his voice almost dripping with venom, he was very much pissed and it showed.
When closing time finally came he was ready to blow up, Gojo teasing him, only made him more agitated. Gojo knew something was bothering him and he wasn't planning on dropping the subject.
"Hey 'kuna, tell the truth, you took her out and she left because she couldn't stand you, that's why you're so mad."
The white haired man joked, you could see the smoke coming out Sukuna's ears.
"Don't call me that. For your information, me and y/n had a great time, quit being an bumbass I'm not mad." Y/n did enjoy herself right? It sure looked like it. Was Sukuna getting insecure? Yes. Could everyone tell he was lying about not being mad? Also Yes.
"Oh so it's 'you and y/n' now? You were right Geto, he's got it real bad, he's not even calling her 'some girl' or something."
Gojo continued to laugh, he was enjoying every single second of torment he was putting Sukuna through.
He had enough though, he grabbed his jacket and his keys, but just before he left the rest of his crew and Yuuji, who came to eat with Megumi to close, he called to the most rational person inside. "Geto, come on I'll drive you home." Sukuna needed someone to talk to, he needed to know he was in the right and not going totally insane. Nanami was really close to him but relationships wasn't a topic he would really touch on. Gojo was out of the question, the man was a womaniser, not that it was a bad thing but he wouldn't even take Sukuna seriously, he only wanted to annoy him for the time being. Megumi was also a no. He would spill the beans to Yuuji, he already had Gojo on his ass he didn't need two more idiots making fun of him, one was barely tolerable. That only left Geto, who has at least had a few solid relationships and he was trustworthy enough not to give him too much shit.
Geto grabbed the chance not to have to clean for one night, but he was very curious about Sukuna's sudden move to give him a ride home, he has never offered that before. Yuuji had tipped him off, he knew his brother wanted to get all of the attention, if y/n didn't make a move, his brother would go insane. He was surprisingly right, so Yuuji told Geto to try and get his brother riled up. Now Geto didn't exactly agree, but he wanted to give Sukuna a friendly nudge to the right direction.
Sukuna had already been driving for a little while, he couldn't find the courage to open his mouth and talk. Has he gone mad? Its not like he's clueless about girls, he's had many. Why was it different this time?
"So how come you wanna drive me around at night?" The raven haired man asked, eyebrow raised, ready to hear what his friend was so on edge for all day, even though he had an idea. Sukuna wasn't one to share feelings, he never did, he couldn't really tell anyone the reason why not a single word from y/n all day irked him so damn much. "Look, so let's say there's this girl right? You take her out, you have fun, everything is cruising perfectly, but then she doesn't really talk to you the next day." He said with a small pause "hypothetically speaking" He added, just to avoid further questions.
Geto looked at him with a blank face, although he couldn't really believe in his ears, Yuuji was right, he knew his friend was falling face first, it still surprised him. He saw the day that Sukuna was stressed for a girl, if someone told him even two weeks ago that this was going to happen happen, Geto most definitely would've laughed straight in their face.
"Well it depends really, for example did you text her and she didn't answer? Then yeah, she's not interested, but maybe she's busy, or she started texting first and she wants you to initiate." Sukuna blinked "You're right she's busy, she has a test too, maybe she has been studying, she'll come around." He said, the words came fast out of his mouth. Geto looked at him again more serious this time. "Look man, I know for a fact, you haven't texted first, you seem to really like her, don't be a pussy and send her one text." His tone was equally serious. "I'm just fond of her, that's all she's good company." Sukuna tried to brush him off, Geto wouldn't budge. "Call it what you want, I know you like the feisty ones, so do many people and you know how college kids are, one party is all it takes to lead to who knows what. Man up, when you do you can bring her around the shop too, you know we all would love to meet her." By the time Geto finished his sentence, Sukuna had already parked outside of his apartment to drop him off, they shared their good nights.
For the rest of his lonely drive home Sukuna couldn't help but think of that party his brother mentioned a couple nights ago, was y/n going to be there? And Geto's words kept replaying in his head.
Geto was smiling to himself walking inside his apartment knowing he did the right thing giving his friend a slight push.
With her hair just the way she liked it, her make-up done and an outfit that extenuated her best features, y/n was making her way down the street to meet up with Mai outside of Todo's place. The walk wasn't too long and y/n caught a glimpse of her short haired friend, who was also dressed to impress, standing right out of Todo's door.
"You didn't wait long did you?" Y/n asked, Mai smilled and shook her head, she was the late one most of the time, she did make it just a second before y/n arrived.
"Let's go, my sister and Nobara are waiting" she informed y/n, who nodded. "Really, I haven't seen Maki in a while, Nobara rarely shows up in class too." She said full of excitement, the girls were friends for a long while, even before college. Mai and y/n ended up forming closer friendship.
"Yeah they're about to remind us of how single we are." Mai loved her sister with all her heart, she was very competitive though and when Maki got with Nobara before Mai could strike up a boyfriend in college, she took it a bit personally. Then she focused her attention on finding someone for y/n, but that never went well. Hopping right up the stairs both girls were talking about what they would see tonight, more accurately who. "So Yuuji is probably going to be here, I asked Todo" Mai said her eyes hopefull, y/n rolled her's and her companion didn't let it go unnoticed. "I really don't get you, he's cute, you even said so." There she goes again, but y/n wouldn't let it slide this time. "You seem way more giddy to see him, than I do." She said, knocking on Todo's door who was waiting right behind it, answering in seconds. Mai was still dumbfounded, she hardly acknowledged Todo at the door and made her way inside with y/n.
Thankfully the sofa on Todo's living room they usually sat on was only occupied by Maki and Nobara. "Wow sis you made it on time for once without someone dragging you out the house." Maki hugged her sister tightly, "I didn't really have a choice, y/n said she would go home if I was late again." Mai, said with a bit of a whine. Nobara went for y/n. "She's giving you hell huh?" Her comment made the girl laugh. "Nah she's fine, she can be a bit of a baby." That line made Mai slap her arm playfully, even when they made digs at each other, it was all in good fun.
Y/n could see Mai out the corner of her eye scanning the room, it wasn't unusual for her to do that, but it was the fourth time the past 30 minutes they've been here. Something was definitely up with her, and when she raised her hand having finally spotted the one she was looking for, y/n was a hundred percent sure of what was going on.
"Yuuji, over here" Mai called hand in the air, a very friendly smile on her face. Yuuji eagerly walked over offering his greetings, his attention was on y/n "Hey, has my brother texted you at all?" That was an out of the blue question. Mai gave her a look "His brother?" She questioned, then looked back at Yuuji "You've got a brother?" Why did he have to say that infront of Mai, she wouldn't leave her alone until she told her everything about the guy, she was at least thankful he didn't mention a date, Sukuna probably hadn't mentioned anything to him. "Oh yeah, he's the one I went to last week and no Yuuji he hasn't, did something happen?" Mai stayed silent, so did the other girls, they planned on interrogating her later, judging by the looks they exchanged. "Oh it's nothing" Yuuji let out a breathy laugh, knowing he plotted with Geto to get under his brother's skin. Payback for the bagels he baked at 4 am was going to be sweet.
Yuuji took a seat next to Mai, who introduced him to her sister, Nobara already knew him short of and the two of them begun chatting casually. Y/n could see the chemistry between them as he complimented the dark haired girl on the way she looked tonight. She could see their eyes meeting, something more than friendliness resided in the looks they shared.
Y/n let her friend have her fun, at this point Maki and Nobara had adopted her taking shots, talking about the annoying situations that have occurred in the time they hadn't seen each other. Nobara in particular, was sharing her frustrations about men not taking her seriously as Maki's significant other and continuing to make moves on her partner. "I shut them down" Maki said proudly snaking an arm around her girlfriend's waist. "I know you do, I just want them to feel a bit threatened" Nobara's eyes drifted to the floor . "What are you talking about? Remember the time you just looked at that guy eyeing her and he mouthed 'sorry'? You're very threatening." Y/n took another shot laughing with the two girls. Her comment was quite comforting to Nobara and Maki knew that things always went Nobara's way, she just liked complaining sometimes, she was the jealous type.
Todo with Takada in hand, who arrived right after y/n and Mai, answers his door again for the multipluth time this evening, seeing the last person he expected. "I thought you were too old for house parties" he taunted at the grumpy man infront of him. "Screw you I'm 26, and I didn't come empty handed" Sukuna spoke, his tone getting a bit friendlier at the last words in his sentence. He passwd the two bottles of vodka he held to Todo. "Well come on in, Yuuji's brother is also mine" he said giving the pink haired man a friendly hug.
Sukuna's eye scanned his living room untill his eyes landed on the back of y/n's head, he headed straight her way.
Y/n heard a few girls around her making a fuss over some apparently really hot guy who just entered, but she didn't bother turning around. That was until she heard it "Huh, who would've known, you actually have friends" That voice was unmistakably his. Sukuna was here. Y/n's heart was fluttering in her chest but the alcohol in her system made it easy to come up with a comeback. "At least I don't pay mine to hang around me." She said, her voice laced with sarcasm, she still didn't turn to face him, she was frozen in place. Mai's, Maki's, Yuuji's and Nobara's eyes were wide and dancing between the two. There was for sure something going on here. Sukuna took a seat beside her casually draping an arm around the back of the sofa. "You're hurting my feelings doll, I'm not that bad" he spoke so softly, she almost got lost looking into his eyes. He looked way too good for her liking, same jewelry and eyeliner as the last time she saw him, his pink her strategically messed up, a silk black button down with the top two buttons undone, exposing his defined collarbones and the tattoos that extended to his chest and neck, black pants framing his thighs perfectly as he sat. Y/n was staring at this point, her friends were silent, taking in the image that was displayed before them. They had never seen y/n flustered or having difficulty forming words. Even Yuuji was surprised, seems like he was wrong about y/n's taste.
Sukuna was enjoying the look on her face a little more than he cared to admit, he would've taken his teasing further, but he didn't want to embarrass the girl anymore and her friends were already shocked. "Aren't you going to introduce me?" He asked her poking her cheek, and y/n could see Nobara was about to blow up.
"Right, Mai, Maki and Nobara this is Sukuna, he's um my tattoo artist?" What was she even supposed to say at this point? The guy she went on a date with and had the best make out session of her life?
Sukuna gave his hand out to the girls greeting them, he noticed his brother a few seats over who was concealing a laugh "you're here too brat" he briefly egnowledged him, Yuuji hummed back a hello in return, turning to Mai who was very eager to hear the details of y/n's and Sukuna's relationship, he sure as hell didn't look like just her tattoo artist.
"Tattoo artist? Really? you don't even have tattoos y/n" Nobara spoke, she just wanted her friend to be honest with her, if she had someone special, she could have said so, they've known each other for years. Sukuna wasn't surprised to hear that y/n hadn't shared that she got tattooed, he could tell she was a bit of a private person.
Y/n took off her jacket that she still had on from when she arrived, to show off the design to Maki and Nobara, Mai had already seen it and she was busy gossiping with Yuuji anyways. "Right, I forgot to tell you" she said, as Maki and Nobara scanned her upper arm with their eyes, so did Sukuna. He couldn't help himself, y/n looked so beautiful in his work. He wanted to cover every inch of her skin she was willing to give him, she could be his personal work of art, she already was one, but he wanted to decorate her in the best way he could and with the most beautiful art he could make. "That looks so beautiful" Maki spoke in awe, Nobara gave a little laugh "it's creepy, but it's really you. "
She took a look at Sukuna then back at y/n "It's very fitting, I don't know how to explain it." She continued.
Sukuna never took compliments that seriously, but hearing y/n's seemingly bitchy friend praise his work and the perception he had of her made him grin widely.
The four of them continued to speak, Maki and Nobara were very interested in Sukuna's line of work, Mai and Yuuji also took their turns in talking when they weren't too busy with one another. Y/n's friends were doing great with Sukuna, she thought he would be really difficult, he has a very explosive personality. Sukuna was putting in all the effort to make a good impression, both to y/n and the ones around her.
"So, did you miss me that much you came to find me?" Y/n asked once the attention was taken off of them. Mai looked to be having a deep conversation with Yuuji whereas Maki and Nobara got up to dance. "And if I did?" Sukuna spoke, his face dangerously close to hers, when did he manage to get hip to hip with her? Then again y/n had grown so comfortable around him, she didn't notice.
"Well, if that's the case, I'm glad you did come." She replied, Sukuna could tell she was a bit tipsy, else he would be making out with her on that sofa not caring who was watching.
Y/n poured herself another drink, thank god she didn't have to get up to get a refill, but Sukuna's voice stopped her movements. "Maybe you should ease up there" he said watching her fill two cups.
Y/n raised a brow at him "since where are you a party pooper? come on it ain't a party without a drink" her voice was playful as she tried passing one cup to him. Sukuna liked this y/n too, she was a bit more giggly, she smiled a bit more, "I'm driving sweetheart". Y/n was satisfied with his answer and proceeded to gulp down on both the cups she filled before Sukuna could stop her. She laughed pointing at him with her tongue out "too slow". Sukuna could only smile and pat her head. She was something else.
Somewhere along the night, Maki and Nobara disappeared and so did Yuuji and Mai. "You better tell your brother to take good care of my friend" y/n's state was getting worse, or more hilarious, it depended on how you looked at it. Sukuna would straight up laugh with some of the things she said, and he was trying his best to keep all forms of alcohol away from her, for her own good. "I don't think you should worry, Yuuji is much better than me in these kinds of things." He replied honestly, but y/n didn't necessarily see it like that. "There's no way he's that smooth" she trailed, the corners of her lips tugging upward. "Well if I didn't know any better, I'd say you liked me, didn't you think I was a dick?" Sukuna asked "Still do" her smile only grew wider.
One thing was for sure, y/n was very demanding when drunk, Sukuna left her side for the first time all night to get her some water, cause she felt 'like SpongeBob under that lamp drying out'. Not even slightly bothered by her request, Sukuna was on his way back to her, that's when he saw some guy standing infront of her trying to talk to her. Y/n even in her not very conscious state didn't tolerate people who didn't respect her "Just one song, come on it won't hurt, you're alone after all" the guy, y/n didn't care to catch the name of said "look, I don't dance, not unless the company is worth it, and I'm here with someone, leave me alone, this is getting annoying" Sukuna observed laughing to himself. He didn't feel the need to intervene yet. Y/n didn't like getting bossed around that's for sure, nor did she need a knight in shining armour to protect her, not that he would mind doing that. Sukuna casually sat down beside her again, ignoring the guy who was still standing there for some reason. That irritated him, it was enough that he tried to make a move on her, but not leaving while he was right there rubbed him the wrong way, "Here you go sweetheart" He said handing her the glass, praying that she won't drop and break it, he threw a glare at the guy who finally took the hint and left. "Thank you 'kuna." Y/n spoke, in a tone totally different from the one she had moments ago.
The nickname alone made his heart jump. Gojo was quite annoying when he called him that, but hearing the same word rolling out of y/n's tongue was completely different. Sukuna couldn't tell why he was feeling that way, he didn't care though, all he knew was that even the air smelled sweeter, when he was around her.
"You don't dance unless the company is good?" He asked, genuinely curious "well yes, if I feel comfortable I'll dance, but I don't really do it that much" she said, eyes heavy looking all over Sukuna's frame. " I see, how about we dance?" Sukuna suggested, he rarely danced himself, y/n made him want to get out of his comfort zone, hell he's already at a house party thanks to her.
"Only if you take some shots with me." She smilled at him malevolently. "You're playing dirty, who's going to take you home if I'm drunk?" Sukuna just wanted to hear her drunken logic "It probably takes a bottle for you to get drunk, you're clumsy, drunk or not, you're probably going to kill me if I get in your car".
Sukuna was full blown laughing, but she was right, her head was still not gone, she could walk and talk fine, she was just more talkative and cheerful, couple of shots wouldn't hurt, he could walk her home after since she lived close by, he remembered the way and then walk back home himself. She also gave him the cutest look he'd ever seen, how could he deny her?
"Ok you win" he raised his hands in defeat and y/n couldn't be happier. She poured 4 shots for them, which they quickly consumed and they were off to dance.
She never pictured him as a dancer, y/n saw Sukuna as the very cool looking dude standing on the bar, probably drinking whiskey with a bit of ice.
Looks can be deceiving, Sukuna was spinning her around, their bodies were pressed together, guiding each other to the beat. Eyes were meeting, body heat was exchanged, they fit like puzzle pieces even like this. Y/n kept looking at the exposed skin of his neck, why did he have to look like that and be this close, her face only grew warmer once her eyes met his and then dropped to his lips. Its not that Sukuna didn't want to kiss her, he would most certainly prefer her to be sober and remember it clearly the next day.
Those last two shots y/n had, in addition to Sukuna's body against hers, made her vision a bit blurry and her knees weak. "Hey doll, everything ok? You with me?" He shook her lightly by the shoulders, he could tell she was growing tired and he noticed how her demeanor changed. "Mhm, I'm sleepy 'kuna" there she goes again, making his heart skip beats. Y/n would be giving him so much shit had she realised she made him feel like that. "Ok then, how about we take you home ?" Sukuna's voice was so mellow, almost like he was talking to a toddler.
He guided her out of the crowded house, Todo was nowhere to be found, so Sukuna couldn't really let him know he was leaving.
Y/n was leaning on him, walking slowly down the street towards her place, but she abruptly stopped and sat down.
"What's wrong?" Sukuna asked, his sound as mellow as before. She was down right adorable, sitting there with a pout of her face .
"My feet hurt" y/n complained, dramatically throwing her arms around, if it was any other person Sukuna would've droped them to fend for themselves. "Really? That's sad" he replied, dropping down to her level, she only nodded, women's shoes are the most uncomfortable thing in the world. Sukuna scooped her up in his arms and carried her bridal style the rest of the way, he couldn't have her complaining and it wasn't like she would remember much either. With her arms wrapped securely around his neck, y/n could feel the warmth creeping up her neck all the way up to her ears, she didn't see the satisfied smile Sukuna wore.
Today went a lot better than he expected. So well that the tiredness got to y/n before they reached her apartment. Sukuna watched as she fell asleep in his arms. What a strange girl, she had both shyness and attitude, she was dancing her heart out no more than 15 minutes ago yet she still managed to fall asleep as he carried her.
Reaching her building, luckily the main entrance was unlocked. Sukuna took a peek at her, he couldn't bring himself to wake her up, she looked so peaceful, but unfortunately he had to. "Hey, which floor are you on?" He whispered softly, that was enough to shake y/n awake. "Third" she whispered back. Sukuna took the elevator up, and he finally reached her hallway, he only wished she didn't get her floor wrong or it would look like he was trying to break into someone else's house. "Doll, can you point your door for me? I'll put you down for a bit, where are your keys?" Y/n pointed at her door, handed Sukuna her keys and groaned as he set her down to unlock it for her. "You're such a brat" he pointed out swinging the door open, her annoyed face looked even cutter under the barely lit hallway.
Lord knows how Sukuna managed to find the light switches in the dark but he made it, y/n looked completely out of it now. He picked her back up and tried a few doors to find her bedroom. He gently layed her on the mattress. Y/n groaned again and said something about being uncomfortable. Of course she was uncomfortable, with her clothes still on from going out, there's no way she wasn't.
He shouldn't care right? He should just let her be and go home, but Sukuna could already tell she would have an awful nights sleep and he wanted her to rest properly. "Were do you keep sleep clothes" he asked, y/n pointed lazily at some drawer. After briefly digging in the drawer, he took out a pair of sweat pants and a hoodie for her.
He reached her frame again, undoing her shoes, sliding them off, next he prompted y/n with her side resting on the headboard so he could have her sit up with her legs dangling of the side of her bed. His hands found the rim of her shirt, her voice stopped him "don't look ok?" Her voice was hardly above a whisper. "I won't look"
"Promise?" She asked holding out her pinky
"promise" he stated locking it.
Sukuna averted his eyes from her body and helped her into her comfy clothes. Only one thing remained "Now come on time to get your makeup off"
"Nooo, I want to sleep" she complained loudly, dropping her body backwards on the bed. "Come on, it's not good for your skin, it will just be a minute, just be good for me" he said grabbing her hand, but y/n turned her head away. That's when Sukuna threw her over his shoulder, the most she could do was weakly hit his back and tell at him to put her down.
Sukuna sat her somewhere in her bathroom, while she still mumbled about being sleepy. He got a washcloth wet, and took a look at the products in her cabinet, she surely had an oil cleanser he just had to find it... bingo.
He pushed her hair out of the way and gently applied and massaged the product on to her skin, giving her instructions to keep her eyes and mouth close, he was extra careful not to cut her with his nails, then he used the washcloth to remove all the make-up that melted off. Sukuna also wore liner, not all the time but often enough to know that some things didn't come off with soap and water. He takes care of himself, his skin, his hair, his nails, everything. He knows a bit more than he's willing to share. Next he followed the same steps with her cleaner, y/n was enjoying herself, half asleep under his touch. He finished everything by applying a serum and a moisturizer on her face. "You've got the cheap stuff." He joked. "Hey it works" y/n defended as he picked her up once more.
This time he layed her under the covers, he pulled them up over her body, looking at her with plain adoration, he leaned down to press a kiss on her forehead.
"Sleep tight, I'll text you." He whispered in her ear, turning around to leave. A hand tugged oh his wrist, the same way he had done to her a couple days ago. Y/n was looking at him with pleading eyes "please stay" she almost begged, "are you sure? Its really late" he said, y/n nodded patting the spot beside her, he couldn't say no to those eyes. He quickly got rid of his shoes and dress shirt, he disappeared to the bathroom to take off his eyeliner and got under the covers with her.
Y/n curled up next to him, laying her head on his chest, taking in all his warmth and scent while listening to his heartbeat, his arm was wrapped securely around her.
" Can I ask you something?" Y/n's voice broke the silence. "Didn't you want to sleep?" Sukuna teased, and y/n took the opportunity to ask anyway. "Why do you like me?" What kind of question is this? Sukuna blamed the fact that she was a bit out it. She had no reason to be insecure, she was stunning and she also had a personality to back up her looks. "Let's see... you're kind of a badass, no one really talks back to me like you do, you're quite easy on the eyes too" what he said was very true, but he was falling for the little details too. The way she picked mindlessly at her food as she talked when he took her out, or the way her eyes sparkled when something peaked her interest. Even her drunken self had him feeling things he never did.
"How come you were single? Judging by your friends it's been a while" The words came out of his mouth before he could stop them, but y/n didn't give any signs of being bothered by his assumption. "Honestly, I don't want someone to fall out of love and leave me behind" Drunken words are sober thoughts. Sukuna didn't want to ask if that had happened to her before, he didn't care, he would do better than whoever hurt her.
More moments passed with him rubbing comforting circles on her back, he was sure she was asleep, her breath was slow and steady against his chest. "I wonder, what would you say if I asked you to be mine?" Sukuna whispered, staring up at her ceiling. "I'd say yes, airhead" y/n mumbled. Sukuna's eyes widened, she wasn't supposed to hear that. "I'll make sure to ask you soon then" he said, y/n looked up at him, this time he couldn't help himself and captured her lips in his, in a very slow passionate kiss. It didn't last long but it was enough to keep y/n's head spinning around with him running through it. "Sleep already, brat"
"okay 'kuna".
The light coming in, beaming through her curtains, woke y/n from a very peaceful sleep, now all she felt was the vodka she consumed the night before. Her head was pounding hard, she reached for her phone on her nightstand. Instead of her phone, her hand made contact with a piece of paper.
Good morning doll.
You're most definitely feeling like shit, but don't worry you didn't do anything too embarrassing. Unfortunately I had to go to work early and you looked cute sleeping, I didn't want to wake you. There are pain killers next to you, you must have a hell of a headache. Don't forget to eat, I made breakfast for you in the kitchen (with all I could manage to find, you should go grocery shopping more often). Text me or I might think you died in your sleep. Have a wonderful day y/n.
- Sukuna
PS I took a peek in one of your notebooks. I was right, your handwriting is really fucking bad.
Of course he had to be his usual smug self, y/n found herself laughing at the words scribbled on the paper that was obviously ripped out of one of her notebooks. His handwriting was as pretty as his drawings, so aesthetically pleasing. He had even taken time to doodle coffee cups, and some trees at the bottom of the page.
The events from the previous night were starting to flood back to her head head. She took the pain killers Sukuna left out for her, he was kind enough to place a glass of water on her nightstand too. Y/n couldn't believe Sukuna not only stayed over, but he also put in so much effort for her, he certainly didn't look like the type to do so.
Walking in her kitchen, what she witnessed, exceeded all her expectations. When she read breakfast she thought he made her a sandwich, which she would've been extremely grateful for. Sukuna had gone all out, from pancakes, to French toast, an omelet and even her coffee served. She just stood there looking at her table, mouth almost hanging.
Her phone buzzed in the pocket of her sweat pants.
You should've told me you were going out with Yuuji's hot brother. I would've never guessed that's your type.
Mai seemed to be in a mood to tease her.
You're right I should've told you, your turn, where did you and Yuuji run off to last night?
Y/n laughed knowing it was going to take a while to get a response. She sat down looking at all the choices she had, wondering what to pick. It's safe to say everything was as delicious as Sukuna.
I'm impressed. You draw, you cook AND you didn't burn down my house, I'm very thankful for that (breakfast was delicious too).
Sukuna, stared down at his phone, all the stress he had two nights ago long forgotten. Only thing that remained was to get y/n right back in his chair.
Happy to hear you're alive and kicking and you enjoy my cooking. I've got to go through, some dickbag wants me to do a cover-up. I'll talk to you later.
He dealt with this client in an unusually polite manner. Y/n had brighten his morning from the moment he woke up next to her.
Bonus Domain shenanigans: "Yuuji was right, I had to push him" Geto said to an agitated Gojo, who wanted to get under Sukuna's skin for a little longer. "Then hopefully he will bring her over, that would for sure be fun, he's going to get so worked up if we give her any attention." Gojo was rubbing his hands together at the thought. "I don't think that's a good idea. I'm not that worried about what Sukuna will do to you, we've both seen y/n, she doesn't even take his shit, I think she'd hit you." Nanami pointed out ."Well I haven't yet seen her, Yuuji said she was nice to him." Megumi joined the conversation remembering his friend talking about the girl, he had zoned out for half of it though. "I haven't seen her either, I did hear her though, she doesn't sound like she would let you pull something like that to him" Geto spoke again. "Nah she looked friendly, we can for sure make him foam at the mouth" Gojo plotted. "I can guarantee, she will rip of your head of if you try your shit." Sukuna was sure of it too.
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hotchscvm · 4 years
thank u, next (ft. loki) - part two
Warnings: angst, swearing, jealousy, mentions of sex, violence
Word count: 5.7k
Summary: A mission goes wrong, leaving you stranded with the two men who despise each other, competing for your attention.
Or: In which Steve breaks up with Sharon after realizing how much he loves you, only to be put on hold while you spend time with Loki.
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Tony kept glancing at you, his eyes narrowing as if he was trying to figure out what kind of mind manipulation Loki had hexed you with. Natasha was torn between proud and shock. Clint had been positive it was a prank on his behalf until he had learned it was true, the archer studying you, wondering if you were under Loki's influence. And Bruce—well, he still couldn't get over the shock to actually word his opinion.
Steve, on the other hand, wasted no time blaming Loki, accusing him of using his magic to manipulate you into bed. When Thor has came back with news that Loki hadn't—with Heimdell being all knowing and watching—it had made Steve go to Fury, who had shown emotion on his face other than boredom and disappointment. Yet the surprise wore off and the director found it not relevant as the issue had not broken one of the rules Loki had agreed to.
The super soldier had hit the gym in a hurry, pounding the sandbag, probably wishing it was Loki. And Thor, like everyone else, it took him time to process it but unlike everyone, he barely gave it a thought. With word from Heimdell, knowing that his brother wasn't planning anything to harm you or the others, he was at peace with the situation as long as it was two consenting adults.
As you sat in the conference room, waiting for Steve and Loki to show up for the meeting, you wondered why he thought it was okay to overreact to something so...normal. People have sex, he must've known that you weren't any different. And unfortunately, Fury has picked the same day to spring a mission on the team, forcing all of you into a room, not caring about the act you committed with Loki.
Loki came in first, dressed in his usual black color, a suit almost identical to the one he wore the day before. Even from across the room, you could easily spot the hickeys he kept, a bunch peeking out from under the suit. It had given you a sense of pride and embarrassment, going down on the God of Mischief.
He caught your eye, the corner of his lips turned up, twitching without their permission. Loki wouldn't admit it out loud but he liked you to the point of sacrificing everyone in the room to save the one decent person who hadn't judge him. Everyone had turned to look at him, following his every move whilst he moved to the empty seat besides you.
The one that everyone knew was Steve's. Yet, no one said a word, secretly enjoying the show.
"Greetings," he said curtly, nodding once to everyone with an expressionless face. They all nodded back to him, Tony covering the smile that was trying to force itself on his face. Loki turned to you, sitting down in Steve seat as he gave you a smirk, amused by your attempt to cover up his marks. "Hello, angel."
The nickname alone wanted to make you want to ditch the meeting for a dick appointment with the Asgardian, the name slipping from his tongue. The same name he had whispered into you ear as he thrusted into you. Instead, you gave him a small smile, unconsciously rubbing your thighs together. "Hey."
Loki noticed the motion, his smirk widening. Pulling the chair closer to your own, his arm leaning up against yours. Leaning in, he put his lips to your ears, ignoring everyone's stares, including his brother's. "Your attempt to cover my hard work is very amusing, love."
"Loki..." you warned, using the same tone you had last night when he teased you too far, wishing for release. There was a twinkle of mischief in his eyes. "Shut up, not everyone has magic."
"All you have to do is ask, although I prefer to see them on your skin." Loki whispered, not caring how many people team members had subconsciously leaned in, straining to hear what the raven-haired God had to say.
Before you could answer, the door opened, Steve and Fury entering. The super soldier had an exhausted look on his face while Fury kept his emotionless facade up. Steve started walking towards his seat, so distracted by the uncovered hickeys on your neck to notice it had been taken. The blond did a double take, seeing Loki in his chair. If it wasn't for the barely contained anger in his eyes, you would've bursted out laughing at his comical expression.
The team stayed quiet, their eyes glued on the silent war between the two men. Loki nonchalantly looked up, his lips brushing against your hair as he pulled away, smirking at Steve. The silence was broken by Fury's tired sigh.
"Well, hello, Captain." Loki sneered, not having any intention of getting up. Steve's eyes stormed with anger, a tick away from letting loose. The God of Mischief pointed to the chair across from you, the one next to Tony, giving the super soldier a pointed look. "You should take your seat."
Tony muffled a snort at Steve's scowl, yet America's Sweetheart didn't move a muscle, glaring at Loki. Fury rolled his eyes, taking a deep breath. "Rogers, take a seat next to Stark. Loki, stop being an asshole. Back to business."
Steve followed Fury's order, sitting down besides Tony, his angry expression turning blank, waiting for whatever Fury had to say. Yet, his eyes still looked murderous, often glancing at the lack of space between you and Loki. Tony didn't hide his amusement, biting back a laugh, and trying to focus on whatever Fury was saying while the rest of the team kept looking at Steve, expecting him to reach across the table and punch Loki back to Asgard.
"While you agents were partying, drinking all your problems away, SHIELD got a tip from an undercover agent." Fury started, sliding your folders across the table, giving you something to look at other than the tension between Steve and Loki. You opened the folder to find pictures of blood-covered bodies. "Normally, we wouldn't bring the Avengers into a mafia-related crimes but this one's different.
"The Chinese Mafia is after a USB flash drive, one that we suspect, contains secrets that could bring down the American government. Emphasis on could; SHIELD isn't that well informed on what exactly the flash drive holds." Fury continued. Looking at you, he called your name. "Along with Rogers and Laufeyson. I'm assigning the three of you on the mission. You'll get the mission details as soon as Agent Hill gets here. The rest of you are irrelevant. Everyone go away now."
He left the room before anyone could even move a muscle. The team glanced between Loki and Steve, trying to figure out what they felt. It was clear neither of them were too happy about going on a mission together but the photographs of dead bodies made them bury their resentment down, for the sake of the government and all, but mostly for your sake.
Tony cleared his throat, trying not to burst out laughing. "So, Cap—"
Steve called out your name, standing up from his seat. "Can I talk to you for a minute? Alone? It's urgent."
"Yeah, sure." you said, following him out the door without looking back at the rest. You didn't notice the way Loki oozed with madness, his eyes deadly. Steve led you away from the view of room, stopping in the middle of a private hallway. It was secluded enough, yet Steve kept fidgeting like someone was listening. "Steve, I know you aren't particularly fond of Loki but he's a good—"
"I broke up with Sharon." Steve blurted. You stopped talking, your mouth open from your earlier words. The blond ran a hand through his hair. "I broke up with her last night, just before the party started ... before you walked in with Loki."
"That's not what it looked like."
"I was trying to be her friend, just like I'm trying to be yours." Steve explained, almost begging. "I never got the chance to apologize for hurting you. When you came back from Asgard, it had been too long for me to even mention it without it being awkward. So, I didn't. I wanted to but you didn't want to spend time with me anymore. And that's my fault, I'm not blaming you for being hurt. I understand what I did was so selfish, and wrong. It was wrong and if I could go back in time, I would've never done it."
You closed your gaping mouth, a little surprised by the apology. Rocking back on your heels, you awkwardly looked everywhere but at him. "Okay, um, thanks?"
Dejected, Steve nodded, his head hanging from the lack of sympathy in your voice. "Yeah. I wanted you to know. That's what I was coming to tell you this morning, but instead found you in bed with .... him."
"Uh," it was all you could say. Clueless of how to respond, you started to back away slowly, like there was a bear coming towards you. "Okay. So ... I'm gonna go. Get prepared for the mission or whatever. I'll see you later."
Before he could utter another word, you walked away,  feeling completely numb by the news. There was a part of you that wanted to forgive him, another part was feeling satisfied for his pain, and the last was confused. If he had been telling the truth—breaking up with Sharon before the party—then why hadn't he told you or apologized when he came to talk to you? It made you question whether he was just jealous or genuinely sorry for hurting you.
You weren't ready to forgive him yet, not after he made you doubt your self worth. Thor had made you feel better when you had came to him, showering you with golden gifts, shoes, and brotherly love. Despite popular belief, Loki wasn't that much different than his brother. Yes, he wasn't a people person, but he was gruffer, rougher, meaner...sexier. He knew what it was like to feel unwanted, feeling the need to show how powerful he was. If you had been in his situation—and you practically almost were if it hadn't been for Natasha—you would've taken the same road he had.
Speak of the devil, you bumped right into him, his chest only covered by a black silk sweater. With all the heavy thinking you hadn't realized you had walked back to your room. Gathering your thoughts, you looked up at his blue eyes. "Shit, sorry."
"Are you well, angel?" Loki asked, genuinely concerned. He had heard every word Steve had said, and to Loki's dismay, they had all been true. Loki hated Steve as much as Steve hated him, Steve had a reason and so did the God of Lies. The main reason? You.
You nodded, seeing how your room was messy. Books and blankets were on the ground, a broken glass scattered on the floor near your bedside table, a lamp covered in feathers, and last night's clothes strewn around the room. "I'm fine. But my room isn't, holy fuck."
With a wave of his hand, Loki cleared the room, the disastrous mess cleaned up before your eyes. He gave you a smile. "There. Director Cyclops wanted me to inform you and Sleeping Beauty that Maria Hill is in the building. She's ready if we are."
"Great. One thing before we step out this room: be nice."
"I'll try."
The mission was far easier than you originally thought. It was less than 24 hours, meaning you wouldn't be trapped in a designated safe house with them, or would you be in any kind of trouble. Just like Fury had said, it was an extract mission. Get the flash drive, get out.
Unfortunately, we'd be forced to go to a gala, one of those unnecessarily fancy parties where the champagne was watered down and the men showed how powerful they were with girls clinging onto their arm. It was a pre-kidnapped Tony Stark kind of party. Thankfully, you had more than a few practice with walking in heels.
The two men were able to put their hatred aside to focus on the job, Loki's magic still restrained even with the urgency of the mission. Maria Hill had filled you in, giving you all the details, the layout of the building, and all the places they suspected the drive to be. The plan was to fly to Hong Kong, get dressed for the party in the Quinjet, attend the gala long enough to find Zhang Wei, and run with the USB flash drive. Simple enough.
The flight from New York to Hong Kong was tiring, even with the eight hour slumber you had, finding yourself in Loki's arms once again. Fortunately, Steve hadn't seen you with Thor's brother, knocking this time and finding you alone, reading the mission file for the millionth time. He had smiled, probably happy he didn't see Loki in your room. That smile didn't last, dropping as soon as he stepped in the Quinjet, greeted Loki and saw the quick smile you sent the raven-haired God. It tugged on his heartstrings; you used to smile at him like that.
At least they kept their snide comments to themselves, only sending the other a glare when you weren't looking. As soon as you looked up, a slightly perplexed expression would come on their face, like they were trying to think of a word that rhymes with orange. Yet, you didn't dare question it, leaving the topic alone and quietly stewing in the testosterone-filled aircraft.
When the Quinjet finally reached Hong Kong, you had already changed into your formal wear. Loki didn't have to move to change his clothes; instead he used his magic, making him look presentable in a blink of an eye. Steve had frowned on that, but decided to let it go considering he had a lot to make up to you. Getting into a fight with your ... whatever Loki was, would not be a great start.
Getting ready for the party had been easy, the dress fit you just right, your hair being in the mood to cooperate, and even your makeup was flawless. The reaction from Steve and Loki certainly didn't help your ego, their comical reactions to your beauty had been amusing and slightly embarrassing.
Steve's mouth has hung open, his jaw unwilling to close while he stared at you. "Wow. Y-you look gorgeous. Wow."
"Truly breathtaking, love." Loki added, licking his lips in appreciation. If there was one thing both he and Steve could agree on, was the way you always turned heads. If anything, Loki wanted to make you his goddess—he just didn't want to admit it to himself just yet.
And since you were too emotionally invested, you took the easy way out and rolled your eyes. Dressed in their tuxes, they looked like they stepped out of a Hugo Boss ad. "Thanks. You guys clean up well."
Steve was too busy admiring you to notice Loki pull out a diamond encrusted ring, not exactly a engagement ring from Jared but one of those rings you get with friends during a drunken girl's night out. Loki stepped up to you, bringing your right hand, placing the ring on your index finger.
"The ring ... goes well with your dress." Loki explained, watching you stare at the ring he had placed. Steve's wonderment has turned sour, a little sad by the gesture. "It was my mother's."
"Loki," you gasped softly, knowing the how special their relationship had been. Thor had explained how Loki spent most his childhood with Frigga, spending his time learning magic, being a mama's boy. With Frigga dead, Loki must've felt some resentment to those dark elves that had been responsible for her death. "I can't— I can't take this."
Loki shrugged, brushing away a stray hair on your cheek. "Yes, you can. You will. It looks beautiful on you. Don't you agree, Captain?"
To be completely honest, Loki had forgotten Steve had existed until his heart faltered at the mention of Frigga. Steve didn't like the way the ring looked like it belonged on you, almost like it had been made specially for you. He nodded, agreeing with Loki once again. "Looks beautiful."
Before it could get any more awkward or embarrassing, an alarm had sounded, the noise saying you from any further feels. All three of you moved to the front, seeing how you hovered a few feet off the landing spot assigned for the Quinjet. With the many SHIELD headquarters, it wasn't a surprise they had in Tokyo just as modernly technical like the one in New York.
The limo ride that took you to the party was tense. Maybe it was the mission that was about to go down, or that awkward moment in the Quinjet. The navy blue, floor-length dress was silky, the fabric soft against your skin. The one-inch straps that came together at the back of your neck accentuated your cleavage, brining them to look bigger than they were. It clung to your curves, but not tight like the dress you had worn the yesterday. This one was far more elegant.
Wrapped in your thoughts, you hadn't noticed when the limo had stopped, the crowded building to your right. The doors opened, both Steve and Loki reaching out a hand to help you out of the limo. Taking them both, you snaked an arm around both of theirs, letting others know you had two dates. You thought the red carpet leading to the entrance was a bit much, even for the Chinese mafia.
Two suited men opened the double glass doors, revealing the fancy gala. Dangerous men and mafia families filled the large room, eyes flickering to your entrance, widening when they realized who had entered. They knew your dates, but SHIELD had made sure to keep your place on the team a secret for missions like this one. No criminal would trust an Avenger, but they might be dumb—or arrogant—enough to be manipulated by a "mole" in SHIELD.
The talking stopped briefly, only to turn to hushed murmurs before they continued as they had before. Both Steve and Loki turned down the campaign, not trusting whatever was put in the liquid. Looking around the room, there was nothing out of the ordinary, well, for a party held by a mafia of course.
"Should we proceed as planned?" Loki confirmed, surveying the room as he tried to find his own target. He locked eyes with the man he needed to distract while Steve and you would sneak away and find Zhang Wei and the flash drive.
Steve nodded, slyly touching his earpiece hidden by his growing hair. You had no idea how Tony convinced him how to grow it out but you were going to thank him later. "Yes. Keep in contact and check in every ten minutes. Be careful."
Loki nodded, heading off to his target but not before giving you a reassuring smile, tiny enough for no one else to notice but it was enough to ease your worries. Yes, he's an all-powerful god but that didn't mean he couldn't die.
Turning to Steve, you smiled at him, almost naughtily. Eyes twinkling with evilness, you hold out your free hand, challenging him with your eyebrows. "Would you like to dance, Stevie?"
You've never seen so much fear in someone's eyes come in such a short time. Steve's contained so much fear you were worried he was going to combust. "Um, I d-don't really know how."
"Why, that's a shame, Captain." a man behind you said. Turning around, you found yourself only a foot away from the mafia leader himself, Zhang Wei. Steve's jaw clenched at the unprepared confrontation. Zhang turned to you, holding his unnaturally thin hand out. You could see the bones through the thin skin, shivering at the sight. "Would you like to dance, darling?"
Taking the opportunity, you nodded, taking his hand, hoping Steve would get the hint to not look so stiff. "I would love to."
Zhang took you to the almost empty dance floor, the music starting as soon as his foot hit the designated area. Smiling maliciously, he tugged on your waist, pulling you close for a proper dance. "You look beautiful, my dear. I'm certain your date is jealous I stole you away."
"He doesn't mind." you answered, returning the smile. Glancing at Steve, you saw him glaring at the back of Zhang's head, burning a hole. "Steve is rather hesitant when it comes to dancing, so, I'm sure he doesn't mind you helping a lady out."
The mafia leader's smiled widened. His eyes briefly landed on Loki, narrowing slightly at the way he interacted with his second in command. You took the brief amount of time to inspect him, noticing how much thinner he looked. With eye bags under his eyes, bones peeking through his hands, and the way his footsteps faltered ever so slightly made you realize he isn't going to be hard to take down. He may be the big bad criminal but from the looks of it, he was dying.
Zhang Wei nodded. "You look familiar. Have I seen you before?"
"I'm an escort. You may or may not have seen me on a bunch of powerful men's arms." you lied, flashing him your most charming smile. Zhang raised an eyebrow, gesturing towards Steve with a tilt of his head. "Steve's the same, poor baby was too shy to ask anyone to be his date."
"Didn't think Captain America would have such a hard time finding a date." Zhang mumbled aloud. He kept the false smile on his face. "If the time came, would you tell me your name, in case I can't find myself a date?"
"Tatia Sinclair." you lied, twirling in his arms.
The mafia leader nodded. The dance floor had filled up, nearly overcrowding. It took you a second to find Steve with all the bodies in the way. Zhang cleared his throat. "What a lovely name. Tatia, darling, would you accompany me to my study? I have to fetch something special of mine and would like you pleasant company."
Steve snarled your name through the earpiece, Loki's growl following along. Again, the super soldier and the god agreed. Steve murmured your name. "Don't."
Ignoring his order—and unnecessary concern—you grinned, taking Zhang outstretched arm. "I would love to."
He led you to the elegant stairs while you discreetly turned off your earpiece, no longer wanting to hear Steve's overprotective ass grumbling about sticking to the plan. If he had checked his folder, he would've seen you were sticking to the plan, just not the way he wanted.
The walk to his office was a slow one, considering how sick the mafia leader was, you weren't surprised when he was out of breath just from climbing the stairs. You didn't comment, instead helping him out and pointing out random things a dumb escort would say. Your personal plan was to make this guy underestimate you, and with the way he was looking at you, he was convinced you were just a body with no brains.
He opened the door to his mahogany office, the room was just as elegant as the party below, oozing power and money. Zhang went to his desk, opening his cabinet. From where he left you, you couldn't see what considering how he held it in his hand without opening his palm. A knock at the door stopped you from asking.
Surprisingly his right hand man came in, the one Loki was supposed to be distracting, at least long enough for us to figure out where the flash drive was. And guessing from the amount of evidence, you were guessing the flash drive was in the mafia leader's hand. He glanced at you, tilting his head at Zhang before speaking.
They talked in Chinese--surprise, surprise--a bit fast for you to fully decipher but the gist of the conversation had been finding a safe, more guarded location for the drive considering both Steve Rogers and Loki Laufeyson were in the building, just a floor below them. The two men paid you no attention as you tried to look clueless, bored, and in all, dumb. In their eyes, you were just checking out the room when actually you had been trying to find more dirt. If it wasn't the drive in his hand, it had to be close by.
"Tatia." Zhang called out, using the fake name you had given him. You turned around, a little glass globe in your hand. You raised an eyebrow, twirling the little sphere. "Would you excuse me? I have some rather pressing issues that need to be dealt with."
And once again, the door opened before you could answer the question. This time, at the door stood Steve and Loki, a man laying on the floor between the two. From the way both their suits were a little ruffled, they had enough waiting and decided to take action. A few appeared out of knowhere, tacking the two but you were left alone to deal with the men in the room. Zhang reached under his desk, where you had discreetly took the hidden gun while they had been talking.
Zhang's second in command quickly pointed his loaded gun at you, and you at him, your eyes reflecting the same emotion: hate. The man spoke to Zhang, keeping his gun steady while Zhang tried to get away. Even for a dying man, he moved fast, leaving you the choice of shooting his second in command in the knee. He cried out, firing his gun out of anguish but you were faster, quickly following Zhang, leaving a big group of men to fight Loki and Steve. They would be able to handle it.
Running in heels was always an annoyance to you, considering how unnecessary they were on missions. They looked hot but the fact that you were forced to wear them was a little sexist. You'd have to talk with Fury about that.
The halls were lit up with chanderliers dangling from the ceiling, all of them shining brightly. For someone who had been limping out of the room, he had been fast, or was hiding but the fact was that you lost him. You could still hear the grunts from where Loki and Steve were punching the fuck out of those mafia men.
You slowed, looking at the painting-decorated walls in search of some kind of secret door, maybe a fake wall. It sounded ridiculous but at the compound, Tony had a bunch of hiding spots, a few you knew and others you didn't. It was infuriating.
The hallway must've lasted forever, and you were convinced he had vanished into thin air. Then you spotted a cracked door, it was enough to be left opened on accident, but that didn't mean it was. With caution, you walked slowly, holding your gun in front of you. With your foot, you cracked the door open, entering a room of complete darkness. From what you could tell, there were no windows, and most likely a fake safe room.
Still, you flipped the light switch on, the room lighting up with it's obnoxiously bright white paint reflecting even brighter with the light. Scanning the room, you noticed how it smelled slightly sweet, the sweetness making you slightly dizzy. You shook your head, trying to find something wrong, like a hidden wall, or maybe another escape route from inside the room.
It didn't take long for you to realize the sweet scent was toxic, the side effect making you dizzier, the room spinning under your feet. As soon as you grasped the wall for support, Zhang came from the wall beside you, the little door opening to reveal the mafia leader holding his own gun, the flash drive in his hand as he taunted you with it.
He laughed at your weakened state, aiming his gun at your heart. It triggered your fight or flight and even with the side effect, you decided to fight. He was weaker than you, slower, his aged brain not processing you running at him. His gun dropped on the ground, along with the USB drive as your hand wrapped around his neck, pushing him against the wall with all your remaining strength.
Zhang had to been immune to the fast-acting toxin while you crumbled, unable to hold your body with the dizziness and fatigue bringing you down. Taking the upper hand, he knocked you over, his fist colliding with your jaw. You grunted, pouncing for the gun and flash drive, hiding the latter in your bra while the mafia leader shook his hand in pain.
Just as you had wrapped your fingers around the barrel of the gun, you heard the gunshot, and felt it hit your shoulder. Your hand was useless, your body way too weak from the toxins to defend yourself against the man, at this point just hoping they would find the flash drive in your bra when they autopsied you.
Another bullet was fired, and this one right on your arm, the pain numb. Maybe this was the way you were going to die, but at least it wasn't painful. That was the best you could've hoped for. And then another bullet was fired, but you didn't feel it, the fire inside you too hot for you to even register the pain. You laid on the ground, eyes drifting close. Zhang dropped dead a couple of feet next to you, his head bleeding out.
Your vision had already blackened when you felt Steve knelt down to you, pulling you into his arms. You were unconscious by the the time you figured out Steve had killed.
You woke up to the sound of the irritating beat of your heart of the monitor, and heavy breathing. Despite the very difficult task, you opened your eyes, instantly regretting it when you were met with a blinding light. Thankfully, it went away, revealing where you were in the Medbay, laying on the stiff bed with needles pierced into your skin.
Steve got up from his seat beside you, instantly hovering over you with a worried look on his face. If you hadn't felt like shit, you would've thought his face was permanently like that. "Hey, hey. Are you okay? How do you feel?"
"Am I in hell?"
He let out a strained chuckle, taking your hand with the both of his. His furrowed eyebrows remained furrowed, his forehead filled with crinkles. "Sweetheart? How do you feel? Are you in pain? Do you need anything?"
"Holy fuck, you're spitting in my face. Steve, I feel like shit but I promise I'm fine. Come on, don't you don't have to worry so much." you replied, wishing you could do something other than lie in pain.
"You're fine? I watched you get shot, held you in my arms while you bled out in front of me. If it wasn't for Loki, you'd be dead. Don't you understand how not fine that is? What the hell were you thinking?" Steve raged, letting go of your hand to pace around the room. Judging from the lack of sunlight coming from the windows, it was nighttime, the whole compound barely lit.
"Did you find the drive? I had it—"
"Are you actually worrying about the flash drive when you almost died? Do you not care whether or not you live?" Steve blurted, throwing his hands up in the air, clearly frustrated with how the conversation was going.
"Where's Loki?" you whispered, your eyes slowly closing. You fought to keep them open, hoping for an answer and wishing you could postpone this argument with Steve until morning when you finally could argue back.
Steve calmed down, appreciating the God of Mischief a lot more when he saved your life. "He's filling out Fury on the whole situation. And we found the flash drive, which made Fury gleam with glee."
"Good." you yawned, letting your eyes close knowing Loki was safe and found the flash drive. Steve whispered something but you were already too far gone, falling asleep as soon as your eyes closed.
Loki came into the room a few minutes after you fell asleep, stepping up next to Steve who had been staring your sleeping form. The raven-haired God pulled up a chair, his eyes never leaving your face. "How is she?"
"More worried about the aftermath of the mission more than herself." Steve answered, his voice wavering for a second at the thought of losing you. The super soldier turned to Loki. "Thank you for going against the rules and using your magic to save her. I think it's safe to say you won't get into any trouble, especially with her fighting Tony about it."
Loki shrugged, waving away the compliment. "You would've done the same if you could've."
A beat of silence passed before Steve spoke again, more determined than ever to win back your trust. "I like her, you know?"
"I care for her, too." Loki replied. "And I know that you care for her but don't you understand that I'm far better for her than you ever will? You hurt her. You broke her trust. I may only know her for a few days but I know breaking trust is important to her. To earn it back—"
"Would almost be impossible." Steve finished, his eyes dropping to the bed. "But I have to try. I really like her."
"As do I. And I'm not giving up."
"Neither will I."
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phis-corner · 4 years
I recently read your platonic brucinette post, it was amazing, i couldn't stop laughing. What if she invites herself over to the Manor or something and the boys have no idea who she is (cause I feel like he wouldn't mention her cause she would probably ruin his reputation even more since his kids would probably spread the stories to their own friends) but I feel like maybe Tim already know her since he was in Paris looking for Bruce (when he got "killed" by Darkseid), he would probably see her as a mom or fun aunt that he could vent to
Ask and you shall recieve! again, any grammar mistakes are because I did not bother proofreading. whoops.
Masterlist ◈ Original
Dick Grayson had seen a lot of unexpected things throughout his lifetime, but he really did not expect to come downstairs for a nice bowl of cereal for breakfast and find a woman who looked eerily like the late Martha Wayne sitting at the table and eating his Bat Puffs.
“Those are my Bat Puffs!” Dick shrieks, because he has priorities. That’s the last of his cereal, okay? And it’s going to be two days before Alfred goes on his next grocery run and he’s really bad at shopping for food on his own. Sue him.
Not-Or-Maybe-Possibly-If-You-Believe-Conspiracy-Theories-Martha-Wayne simply laughs, and easily dances out of the way of his grab for the bowl, moving out of his reach with an elegance and grace that can only mean she spends part of her day dressed in a different costume. Whether or not she was a good guy still remained to be seen, considering she had somehow broken into the Manor without setting a single alarm off and was currently eating the last of his Bat Puffs. 
A truly despicable act, indeed.
“Grayson?” Damian chooses that exact moment to come down the stairs. “I heard you scream. What’s-” He snarls the moment he catches sight of Not-Martha-Wayne, pulling out a knife from somewhere in the folds of his pajamas and hurling it at her head with impressive speed and accuracy.
Not-Martha-Wayne simply ducks, letting the knife thud into the wall behind her, making Dick wince. Alfred was not going to be happy.
“Identify yourself, woman!” Damian screeches, pulling out another knife. “Who are you, and how did you get in here?”
Not-Martha-Wayne tilts her head, blue eyes sparkling with mirth. “Really? I’m not even allowed to eat cereal in my own home now?”
Dick is slowly growing more and more convinced that Not-Martha-Wayne is actually Zombie-Martha-Wayne.
Damian freezes, eyeing her suspiciously. “Your home?”
“Wh’s goin’ on?” Tim slurs, stumbling down the stairs. “Why ‘re you all screamin’?”
Maybe-Zombie-Martha-Wayne brightens when she sees Tim. “Timber! How’s it going?”
Tim rubs his eyes, once, twice, and then his face splits into a grin when he finally registers Maybe-Zombie-Martha-Wayne’s presence. “Marinette! It’s so good to see you!”
And okay, what.
Tim hurries down the stairs (meaning only marginally faster than before, he hasn’t had his morning coffee yet,) and ignores the coffee machine in favor of hugging Possibly-Undead-Martha-Wayne, who laughs and puts down the bowl of Bat Puffs in favor of hugging him back. Dick takes the opportunity to snatch the bowl away from her, mourning the fact that there’s only a bit of milk left at the bottom of the bowl.
“Good to see you too, Tim,” Not-Martha-Wayne, whose name is apparently Marinette (why does that sound familiar?) ruffles Tim’s hair. “It’s been a while, hasn’t it?”
“Tim,” Dick says, at the same time Damian demands “Drake.”
“How do you know this woman?” They say at the same time (Dick stubbornly ignores that Damian replaced ‘woman’ with ‘harlot’).
“You mean you don’t?” Tim asks, frowning. “She’s-”
“Marinette,” Bruce cuts Tim off, having appeared at the foot of the stairs in his usual dramatic fashion. 
Not-Martha-Wayne-But-Still-Really-Looks-Like-Her-Whose-Name-Is-Apparently-Marinette beams and waves cheerfully at Bruce, who looks done with life. “Hey, little brother! I see you haven’t gotten tired of dressing up as a giant bat to beat people up yet!”
Well, that was a lot to unpack. Dick decided he’d start with the easiest thing.
“Little brother?” He looks from Marinette to Bruce, Bruce to Marinette, noting the resemblance in both of them to Thomas and Martha Wayne. “You mean- she’s your older sister?” Dick shrieks, turning to Bruce. “Why have we never heard about her?”
“Really, Bruce?” Marinette gasps, mockingly placing a hand over her heart. “I’m devastated. How could you, after everything we’ve been through, not even tell your hundred thousand children that I even exist?”
Bruce doesn’t reply, instead letting out one long sigh through his nose. Huh. Sixteen whole seconds. Impressive.
“Just kidding,” Marinette grins once Bruce has finally stopped sighing. “He’s never told you because I travel the world a lot, my job is super dangerous, and because I’d expose all his deepest, darkest secrets.”
“Like his greatest fears?” Damian asks. Cass, who had silently entered the kitchen at some point or another, stood behind him, ready just in case he pulled out another knife.
Marinette tilts her head. “What? No!” Like how he wiped off one of the eyebrows on Sylvia McCartney’s face when he was four-”
She doesn’t get to finish that sentence because Bruce has made a mad dash across the kitchen, evidently aiming to get her to stay quiet. Marinette dances out of his hold with a giggle and continues speaking even as Bruce chases her all around the kitchen.
“-anyway, he declared that ‘she had something on her face’, wiped off one of her drawn-on eyebrows-” She ducks underneath a plate, which Cass deftly catches before it hits the wall. “-and then went ‘There. I got it for you!’”
A shoe flies at her head. Marinette bats it away with one hand. 
Dick tries valiantly to stifle his snickers, but judging by the evil eye Bruce is giving him, it’s not quite working.
“And there was that time we were at that four-star restaurant in Star City and he ate too much and-” Marinette raises an eyebrow as she catches a toaster in her hands. “Really now, Bruce? A toaster? You know it’ll take more than that to stop me. So he ate too much and got a stomach ache, then started holding his torso and very loudly declaring that he was starting his period.”
Dick doesn’t even bother holding in the laughter this time, and neither do any of his siblings. If only Jason was here to see this, but alas, he was at his own apartment and had no clue that this was going on. Neither did Steph, for that matter, and Duke was already out on patrol since he was somehow a morning person. What a travesty.
“And then there was that time when-” Marinette is cut off by another one of Bruce’s long, very drawn-out sighs. 
“Look, Mari, I think they get the point,” He groans (well - as close to groaning as the Batman ever got), pinching the bridge of his nose. “You can stop now.”
“Oh, you’re just annoyed that you couldn’t stop me,” Marinette retorts with yet another smile, and Dick is once again struck by how similar she looks to the lady in the portrait that hangs over the fireplace in the largest of the Manor’s three living rooms. “I suppose you’re right, however. Despite the abundance of embarrassing stories, they do run out at some point, and I’d prefer not to use them all up in one go, ya know? I have to be the cool aunt. Kate can keep wine aunt, but I’m the cool one now.”
“I think Miss Katherine might disagree with that,” Alfred says mildly. “However, I do believe you can win the children over if you tell them about the time your father brought Master Bruce to his board meeting.”
The look of utter betrayal Bruce gives Alfred makes them crack up all over again.
“Man, I am so glad you got it all on camera,” Duke grins, placing two bowls of popcorn on the coffee table before flopping back down onto the couch. “This is going to be great.”
Tim waves a hand dismissively. “I just hacked the cameras in the Manor. Bruce’s paranoia backfired this time.”
Steph cheers and immediately makes a grab for the popcorn as Cass hits the play button on the remote, and Dick can’t help but crack a smile at his own face when he sees the last of his cereal being eaten.
“Richard, I find it concerning that your first thought was of your cereal and not the intruder,” Damian observes.
Dick ruffles his hair, drawing out a squawk of protest. “Well, what can I say? I really like Bat Puffs.”
The Wayne siblings settle down for a movie night that is definitely going to be filled with lots of laughter.
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dannyboyzone · 3 years
Samuel, if he would have a child
this was not requested, but it's children's day in korea! and who is the most fun to read about if none other than our tiddy king Seungeun! yaaay! Also, I could like, make one of Eli and Yenna, but we all know Eli is the best dad in the lookism world 🖤
꒰ 🍨 ”♡ᵎ꒱ˀˀ ↷ ⋯ Sammy with his child...
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baby life
- Samuel isn't the type that necessarily loves kids, however that doesn't mean he necessarily hates them. He wouldn't know how to react if his partner says they are pregnant or want to adopt. - or anything of the sort! - He would react in a polite and pleasant manner, but the heaviness wouldn't shrink in until a few weeks or month.
- Not going to lie, he would prefer a son over a girl. It's not that he is sexist, it's that he is afraid that he would kill whoever hurts his little princess, which would scare and distance her.
- However, he doesn't mind what the end result is, he would just want to be a good parent because he never had an actual good one. You would expect him to have the mentality of 'I suffered, so why shouldn't they?' But he truly doesn't.
- He would absolutely be lost with babies, but would be very willing to learn about how to take care of them. He would surprisingly smile at them a lot, and even speak in a babying voice. Big scary gangster has a heart.
- The crying would sometimes drive him crazy, but he would absolutely never take it out on the baby, just try to learn which cry means what exactly. If it goes on for long, he might as well cry too.
- He would absolutely never trust anyone expect his s/o with holding his baby. That's his baby, whoever hurts it will die. He has set his mind on that long ago, truly. He had a terrible childhood, he won't let that happen to his own kid.
- People are absolutely not allowed to be loud around his baby, or even smoke around them. He would go out of this place to protect them, but maybe be a little tense during it.
- Honestly, when he would be around his family, he would be very very vulnerable. It would be his special safety net, and his weak spot. He wouldn't try to show that though, so people don't hurt his family, he can't let that happen.
- He still wouldn't become a full on softy though, but when he is around his baby? Lord! He has a whole personality change. Samuel who? There is only SuYoung's dad here!
- Ah, did I mention? He would want the baby to have a name that starts with an S. It will either have Seung in it, but even if not that, it will definitely have 'Eun' in it. If that's not an option? Y'all are going to look at baby-name sites at 2 am. The! baby! needs! a! name! that! starts! with! an! S! Seriously, if the child is adopted and has a name already, it will just become their middle name. Samuel will not chill out.
- However, whatever happens, the child will either be his Princess/Prince/Snowflake. He will probably buy a lot of things that will make not only having a baby easier, but having a baby life easier. As in; Both the child and the parents will have it easier.
- Samuel would absolutely love to dress up his baby in ridiculous clothes, like a baby overall with a hoodie, that just makes them look like a big carrot. He would just take pictures of them, but dress them back up in normal baby clothes, to not make the baby uncomfortable.
- What he would love as well is to take pictures with the baby, and record important moments. Like first words, learning, saying first word ect. That baby would probably become the most important person in his life.
- Absolutely not going to lie, Samuel is the kind of person who would love his child(ren) way more than he loves his s/o. Sure, it's great to have a loving s/o, but his son/daughter/child? They are top priority, he is responsible for their birth, and he will make them have the best living experience possible. He isn't going to put them through what he went through.
- I think he would also feel very loved. Especially if the baby falls asleep on his chest or tummy, he would definitely feel like he is a good dad. He would just be proud 'hey! i created that! It's beautiful and lovely!'
- Sammy is also the type of person that would peck his baby since he loves them so much. Please don't think of anything sick though, it's pretty normal and a lot of parents do it. However, if the baby hits him or pushes him away due to uncomfortable, he would of course stop and stay with hugs. It's just that his monkey brain would go 'woah!!!!!!! princess/prince/snowflake!!!!!!!!!!!'
- Talking about hits, babies hit people since they are developing and don't know that it's not fine. Whenever he would get hit by the baby, he would stay totally calm. He would kiss their little hand and kindly say that hitting papa/dad isn't nice. He would find it quite adorable, actually. He would probably have a hard time to not laugh if the baby bites his nose even.
- He would absolutely be the best dad. He would feed the baby, bath the baby, change diapers, cut their nails so they don't scratch themselves! Literally best dad.
- Maybe, if in the future he will be on good terms with Eli, he would even ask for advice. He is a good dad, and that includes admitting that he doesn't know everything, and he needs help.
kiddo big baby life
- Samuel would honestly be the kind of dad other kids are jealous for. They would want a dad like him, you know? But at the same time, they would all respect and fear him because if they hurt his little baby? It won't have a happy end for anyone. Samuel wouldn't need to raise his voice or hand for that to happen.
- Samuel would always prepare bento for his kiddo, and definitely even make them breakfast. No matter how picky they are, he would try to make the food they ask for. However, he would never let them eat in bed, unless they are sick.
- Talking about that, sometimes he would pick up his kid from school earlier than he is supposed to, either because he feels like his kid doesn't want to be there, or just because he wants to make family memories. He would also lie to the teachers.
- Also! 'Hello' and 'Goodbye!' hugs and cheek kisses are a must. Samuel is not an affectionate person, but both him and his kiddo would agree that they should always do that. Also, 'goodnight' and 'good morning' forehead kisses are a must too. He does it because he loves his kid, but also because you can never know when will you see someone for the last time. He would never say that out loud tho.
- He would do it even if he is mad, but when he is mad he would be scary. Not because he would get violent with his kid, but extremely silent. The kind of silence that screams disappointment. Funny thing is though, he would be like that exactly to not turn violent. He doesn't trust himself, so he has to control himself. It wouldn't happen often tho.
- He would be a little strict, but nothing too much. Just general healthy strictness. Like no chocolate after 6pm, limited tv time, children lock on the tv, computer ect. He is protective, but not overwhelming.
- If his kid would as a lot of questions he would be fine with that. He would just look at it as an opportunity to teach them, so he would answer all in an appropriate way. Also, hey, at least he can teach his kid that cheating is disgusting.
- Talking about that, he would be terrified of becoming like his dad. So even if he wouldn't love his s/o after a few years, he would still keep in the relationship and hide his feelings so his baby can grow up in a happy environment. He would never cheat though, so that's that.
- He would still be a good dad though! He would be happy if his child has independence and his own interests. He would let them pick their clothes, but also choose aesthetic matching outfits for them.
- Also, Samuel wouldn't really care what their sexuality, gender, religion, style and thought manners are, as long as they have morals and don't have disrespect in their heart. He values respect a lot.
- Also, he would teach them to be polite because that brings them far in their life. However he would also teach them to never do what they don't want to. Seriously, he would at some point teach his kid to remember the quote that says "The hill that you carry was only supposed to be climbed"
- He would also like, be chill if they fight. Teacher calls in that his kid fought? Cool, he would calmly tell the teacher to watch out properly next time. At home he would ask how they stand and hold their fist while fighting. To teach them how to do it properly.
- He would probably also prefer to have them in a fighting class of some sort. He would list multiple material art styles, explain the rules and ask his kid if they would be fine to go to at least one. It's not that he wants his kid to be violent, but he wants them to be able to protect themselves.
- HEALTH IS TOP PRIORITY!! Sammy is the type of dad you can tell anything to because he won't judge. That includes health and mental health, he would be careful and set up a comfortable mood. He wouldn't be ablist at all and just take care of his kid the way he is supposed to.
- Also, when the kiddo needs to get a shot or their blood taken, he would be next to them, holding their hand. Softly talking to them so they can get through it. He would also praise them, probably buy stickers and ice cream.
- He also absolutely wouldn't mind spending money on his kid. Their room would look like a dream land full of plushies.
- The support in this house would be above the roof. His kid likes painting? There is a whole art room. His kid likes biking? There is a whole biking day each weak.
- He would also help the kiddo study, although he wouldn't always be the best. Samuel didn't get rich by studying after all.
- He would also teach them stranger danger, and have a secret word with them that means 'something is wrong, please come here and help me'.
teen ♡
- He would probably stop babying his child when they become 14, but that doesn't mean he wouldn't be affectionate! He just wouldn't want to embarrass them.
- Not going to lie, he would hit his kid if they do something big enough to deserve it. For example, if his kid would willingly do drugs - forced is something different - he would definitely hit them. Or if they hide smoking, or smoke in general. It wouldn't be abusive, or a daily thing. He would only use if necessary. He saw how those effect people, and he experienced how bad smoking is, he would have strict rules and he wouldn't let his child go through it. They will either choose the easy way, or the hard way.
- Do not misunderstand though, he won't get mad at every single little mistake. He would be a smart parent, just a little stuck up to his own views. He would tell them that he would rather get a call from them saying they snuck out and need to be picked up than a call from the police that his child is dead or went missing.
- Also, he wouldn't tell them what they should wear or not, but he would always make sure to put something in their bag that they can cover themself up with incase they are around someone that makes them uncomfortable incase their outfit shows skin. The gender wouldn't matter, as he is not sexist.
- He would be supportive with whatever their dream is, but would make sure to tell them that dreams can change and that they should make a back up plan incase it does. He is just realistic.
- Talking about that, he would make sure that his kid has a safe to work at next to him incase they want that. He wouldn't force them, but he would like to be a good role model.
- Funny enough, he would know how dumb teenagers can get. His worst fear would be his kid becoming as dumb as him when he was a teenager. Literally, he knows he made bad decisions and let his worth be measured by others, and he wouldn't want his kid to be like that either.
- He would also be fun though, he is the type of parent you can have inside jokes with. He would sometimes not laugh, as he is used to kids saying dumb stuff, but if it's a good joke he definitely will just have a great time with you.
- He is a proud parent too! Literally, even if his kid is a dumbass or a himbo, he would love them and their achievements whatever those may be.
- Absolutely wouldn't know slang, but would still attempt to joke around and do it. It would be fun because he would use words incorrectly.
- A must is definitely teaching his kid about life. In how to view humans, how to treat them and that he should understand that everyone is different.
- Samuel is the type of dad that knows his kids every interest, but not because he is pushy but because they feel comfortable talking with him. It would make other parents jealous for sure. He doesn't understand though, he thinks it's normal.
- When it comes to dating, he wouldn't be a helicopter parent. However, he would teach his kid to not just trust anyone and choose wisely, also, to always have protection. Let that be pepper spray or condom, it works in different situations. Poor person who dates his kid tho. They would constantly get looks that say 'I am watching you, better be careful.' He wouldn't be watching.
- Well, there would be CCTVs around the house though, so if they come home drunk, or past their bed time he will know. And wait. It's not that he would scold, it's that he would have a serious conversation.
- He would still do fun things with them too though! Like having bike fridays, vacation weekends, movie marathons ect. He would be a mix up a lowkey fucked up parent and a mix of the fun and loving parent that's always there.
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Yaaaayyaaay its done! Hopefully, it was enjoyable. I tried to focus on the positive aspects, but still be honest. Of course it's fine if you don't agree with me! Please be understanding if there is a mistake, I made 57 points and my brain felt like it was melting the more I wrote. Thank you for your time! ♡
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Ocean Eyes - Part 12
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A/N - Finally an update!! i promise to not leave it as long for the next part.
Please like/comment/reblog, it gives me incentive to write quicker if i know people are actually enjoying my madness 💕
"You okay?" Chris asked suddenly making me jump, i thought he was asleep! He was currently wrapped around me acting as the big spoon.
"Jesus christ! You scared the crap outta me!" I chuckled quietly feeling stupid that he made me jump so bad.
"Sorry dahlin" he chuckled close to my ear "but are you okay?".
"Yeah just can't sleep, I've got so much going through my head i can't switch off"
"Its not because you're in here with me is it?"
"No of course not, this is actually just what i needed. I've missed laying in your arms...." I had caved and agreed to stay in Chris's room tonight, no funny business just sleeping. I felt Chris smile before pressing a kiss to my neck.
"I've missed this too. So what exactly is it keeping you awake beautiful? Talk to me..."
"Honestly? The whole thing with Brian.... how did he find me here??".
"I have no idea, but its very creepy!.... then again we shouldn't really be surprised, he had a habit of always knowing where you were. I got bad vibes off that guy the second i saw him".
We had called the police to report Brian but they couldn't do much about it as he technically hadn't done anything wrong, they said to call them again if we saw him around anymore.
"I don't understand why he's doing this! Its not like i led him on or anything, I've never shown that man any interest. I barely even talk to the guy!"
"He's clearly unstable"
"It scares me Chris...."
"Hey, i won't let him hurt you.... i already warned him to stay away...." Chris said through gritted teeth.
"It doesn't matter...."
I turned in his arms so i was now facing him "yes it does, what do you mean you warned him to stay away?"
"The day Scott and I came to get you and Mason to bring you here, you remember how he kept going on about where you were going and when you were coming back....then he asked you to dinner?"
"Oh yeah, you kinda snapped"
"Yeah.....I told him nicely to stay away from my family, that you were unavailable and uninterested.... that he should move on. I said if i found out he was harassing you still id make his life hell" he looked a little sheepish as he confessed to what had been said between the two of them.
"Well I'm guessing he didn't like to be told to stay away huh?"
"Apparently not. But lets not worry about  him right now, you need to sleep"
"Ive been trying...."
"Come here" Chris said and rolled onto his back pulling me close until i was laying with my head on his chest, his hand stroking up and down my back. Back strokes were my weakness and he knew it! "You'll be asleep in no time" he mumbled pressing a kiss to the top of my head. And he was right, with the steady thumping of his heart and his fingers stroking my back i was a goner.
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I woke up alone, the bed already cold meaning Chris had been gone for a while. I reached for my phone on the bedside cabinet, it was nearly 10am!! I quickly got up and headed to the bathroom to pee and check how bad i looked. Once i was done i headed downstairs to find Chris, Mason and Scott.
"Hey" Chris smiled at me as i entered the kitchen, he was sat at the dining room table in front of his laptop.
"Hey, why didn't you wake me up?"
"You looked too peaceful, besides you didn't get to sleep til late"
I nodded walking over to kiss him "thank you" i smiled running my hand over his bearded jaw "you're the best".
Chris pulled me down into his lap and deepened the kiss until i had to pull back enough to catch my breath and we both laughed.
"Where's Mason?"
"Walking Dodger with Scott, i gave him breakfast and helped him get dressed before they left"
"He wasn't any trouble was he?"
"Not at all. He's like the best behaved kid I've ever met"
"He has his moments don't be fooled" i chuckled thinking back to some tantrums id witnessed over the years.
"I don't believe you, that kid is an angel"
"You just wait and see Evans" i laughed before getting up and walking into the kitchen so i could get a coffee and some toast.
"So um, I've got to do an online interview tonight with Jimmy Fallon" Chris followed me into the kitchen.
"Okay" i nodded.
"I just thought id let you know i'll have to disappear for a while"
"Thats fine, Mason will probably be in bed by then and i'll just stay in the living room watching a movie with Scott"
"Now i feel left out" he pouted.
Later that day we all went outback and played some Wiffle Ball to pass the time, Chris and Scott getting competitive again.
"Mom I'm tired" Mason said wrapping his arms around my waist and cuddling up against me.
"You wanna go take a nap before dinner buddy?"
"Come on then" i picked him up and he rested his head on my shoulder "guys Mason needs a nap, i think you've worn him out"
"I think i need a nap too!" Scott laughed.
"Well I'm gonna make a start on dinner, you have time for a nap if you wanna"
Walking back up to the house i started struggling with Mason, he was getting too big for me to carry around now! My baby was growing up too fast!
"You want me to take him?" Chris suddenly asked, i nodded and come to a stop before passing a sleeping Mason over to Chris.
"Thanks, he's getting heavy" i said sadly.
"No problem"
"I hate that he's getting too big for me to carry him when he's tired"
"I know but its okay, I'm here to help now"
"Who's gonna carry me? Im exhausted!" Scott added making us laugh quietly so we didn't wake Mason.
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The evening flew by, we all had dinner then sat and watched Toy Story with Mason. When it came to bedtime Mason insisted that Chris read him a story and of course he couldn't say no. Once he was asleep Chris headed to his office to get ready for his interview while Scott and I headed to the living room to find a movie to watch.
"Sooooo....." Scott said dragging it out to sound scandalous as he wiggled his eyebrows at me.
"What?.... don't you what me Missy! I know you spent the night with Chris! So come on spill the tea sister!"
"You're ridiculous you know that?" I rolled my eyes at him and laughed at how comical he looked right now.
"Like i care" he shrugged "come on! Tell me what happened"
"Sorry to disappoint but nothing happened we just slept"
"Are you serious?"
"Yeah, we're taking things slow"
"And who's decision was that?"
"We both said we don't wanna rush it"
"But you suggested it right?..... hey I'm not judging you for that" he quickly added when he saw me look away sadly.
"You're scared you're gonna get hurt again aren't you?"
"Wouldn't you be? I just wanna make sure we're gonna be okay, that its more than just sex. We were always good at that, the emotional stuff.... not so much"
We were halfway through the movie when Chris rushed in asking Scott to join him for a game that Jimmy Fallon wanted them to do.
"Really? I can't just leave Y/N on her own....."
"Go i'll be fine" i chuckled.
"Sorry dahlin, i hate leaving you on your own.... we wont be long though 15/20 minutes tops.
"Go do what you gotta do, I'm fine here watching this" i nodded to the TV.
While they were off doing the interview
I texted my mom and Hannah to check in, they were doing good all things considered. I quickly settled back in to watch the rest of the movie but was interrupted again by multiple message alerts on my phone. I looked to see it was Hannah blowing up my phone.
When i opened the thread i gasped, my heart was racing so fast.... i felt sick as my eyes landed on one thing in particular....... the headline!
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Everything taglist: @jesseswartzwelder @dumblani @barnesandrogersworld @patzammit @rynabarnesrogers-reading @rainbowkisses31 @rororo06 @supernaturalwintersoldier @fairlightswiftly @hiddelstannerbarnes @bellamy-barnes @buchanansebba @rosalynshields
Ocean eyes: @supraveng @michelehansel @melissaglenn5 @denisemarieangelina
@mrsjeffwittek @mery-be @marvelfansworld @cmalass @capstopavenger @fallenoutofrose @kelbabyblue @biebsmylife95 @loser-alert @traceyaudette @w3lissax @jennmurawski13 @ford66steal @saiyanprincessswanie @christocrave @jakiki94 @torntaltos @my-dearest-agent @ms-betsy-fangirl
If your name is crossed out i couldnt tag you.
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lovee-infected · 4 years
♦♥ Paint them red ♠♣
[Yandere!Riddle Rosehearts x reader] [pr 2] [pr 1]
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(y/n) Stood there helplessly , after all she knew better : it's always the same.
"30 days , one month , don't be late "
and again
and again...
There was no end .
Fixing her dress , she bows to Riddle with a : " Thanks for the tea , Riddle ." , leaving immediately , trying her best not to run as long as being in his sight .
(y/n) was no longer a hopelessly romantic child , but a young , well grown lady instead. The girl who was known for being loud and carelessly excited about new things long away died inside her ; all that was left was an obedient , quite shell , serving its master.
It's been years since (y/n) firstly stepped into rabbit's trap and now , she could feel the hole being digged deeper and deeper each time she returned to start this mad game over which was getting longer and deeper each time ... slowly turning from a hollow to a pitch black well...
How slow and temporary , she didn't ever see this coming
At first all was a simple tea party , or that's what she thought . They'd normally talk but (y/n) wasn't ever the one to ask ; perhaps it begun because she found it rude to ask a host questions at first , but it continued because she no longer dared to ask anything . It was pretty unnoticeable at first since she was just trying to be polite against Riddle , considering his countless questions a small trend out of curiosity , but soon , things changed
Riddle begun with any simple thing others might ask : Her favorite books , animals , opinion on sweets , favorite activities to do...
(y/n) wouldn't be bothered by answering any of them , though it sometimes took hours
She must've admitted that she quite enjoyed herself spending time with him , someone who's always willing to listen to you instead of forcing you into listening to them : Riddle was often the listener , not the speaker . There were very few times she could get him talking about himself but it didn't get any further than simple comments on different types of tea and sometimes his obsession with rules . She'd asked him about his family a couple of times and he'd just...change the topic by asking more questions before she could argue
He didn't ever say a word , but (y/n) could tell it from his face : He wasn't happy . She'd spent countless hours talking about her friends and family , how much they mean to her and she loves them expecting him a similar reply or at least , a note to his family and friends . But he'd always end up being quieter than ever , not even looking her in eyes . When they were younger it used to bring him blushes on cheek and watery eyes , making him have to turn back and wipe them away before (y/n) could've seen , but she always saw .
Perhaps that was what made her want to keep playing his game for sometime longer , hopeful that she could actually change him . She thought that it's what makes her a nice person , a good friend . She really thought that it was what Riddle needed .
But he didn't
(y/n) used to believe that she was changing him , that she was taking the pain away , that she was taking making him stronger than before .
(y/n) didn't realize how she was the one being changed by Riddle , slowly becoming his doll .
Even his questions slightly changed from simple friendly ones to deep , personal accusations .
He would ask her about he smallest spots on her life : What time she'd wake up , what she'd eat , how many hours would she spend outdoor , anything she does durnig her days , even dreams she'd have
None of these seemed to be any big deal on their own , but things are different when there's someone knowing them all .
With all these years being asked and exposed from head to toe , he was starting to know (y/n) better than she did herself :
He could tell what would be the first thing that'll come to her mind when she wakes up tomorrow , and what she'd whisper slowly before closing her eyes to sleep
He could tell what will make her smile when she walks in to her house and what will make her cry after quiting her classes .
Her whole personality was a half written book and Riddle had decided to write the rest of it after reading all that was written .
sending a mild shiver down her body and mind . He was neither asking nor or dering , he was speaking of a speaking of a fact . A request can be denied , and order may be disobeyed , but his words...they were like predictions of her future . What she will do in three days...one month . He was the puppeteer and she the small , naive doll.
(y/n) could sense his heavy gaze on her each time hey met ; all of her.
She could find herself being judged into his eyes :
Head to toe
left to right
Outside to inside
She could feel them all watched-
And she didn't like it
More roses would grow every months . More time would be spent on that hellish tea parties . All of her now non-existing personality had been wiped off her , since the day her curiosity killed the cat .
She couldn't take it anymore , she was sick of it , all of it . Sick of being haunted by Riddle's phantom . She was sick of not being able to smile in years . She was sick of his '30 days , one month ' . She was sick of him
Month after month , party after party , year after year...
What was wrong with her ? Why didn't she ever try to run away ? 'because he would find her-'?
No he wouldn't
He wouldn't even realize how she ran off , forever. What was there to stop her...?
Roses and more roses
They weren't yet done , and will never be...
(y/n) stepped into the empty area , all quiet and dark now . She must've returned home hours ago , but no . Not until this ends , so she can have a peaceful sleep after years . Wind growled and trees shook , while the moon brightened up her figure standing right in the middle of the forest .
She gazed upon the rose bushes with hatred , wishing that she could burn each and every one of them in flames ; flames that have been burning her for so long .
But no , there was no use destroying all that was created by her own hands , she wasn't going to touch any of red roses. All she needed were the white ones . No more painting , never again .
She tightened her fist , feeling her blood boiling . She's been played with over the years , just to end up here . Heart broken and tired . She suddenly remembered the old moments this place carved into her heart ; times that were actually sweet . It wasn't like this before , and she never thought that it would be . There were many times she thought that she was in love with Riddle , even after he turned into a monster she'd never expected him to be . There was no deny of it , Riddle was her closet one now , he's been for so long . No one ever knew her like he did , not a single soul wished to listen to her like he always does , there wasn't and will never be anyone more willing to meet her each and every time like Riddle would , never .
She could feel her eyes teary and her throat heavy ; she couldn't help it . Riddle had stolen all of her , including her heart . She was supposed to be mad but she couldn't , Riddle was a part of her now . Just as much as she wanted to run away from him , she wished there to be a way to stnad by his side for an eternity , forever . She didn't need anyone else when he was around , he couldn't think of anything else than him . Riddle had become her one and only option , but this wasn't right . This couldn't be right. There was no way she could walk up to him throwing herself into his embrace , telling him how she felt and asking him to stop playing with her . She wish she could but no , he will never change , unlike her . She now hated how much she'd changed into such a pitty full doll , she couldn't take it anymore . There was no way of Riddle ever letting go of her thoughts , he'll always be a part of her . (y/n) wished they could've stayed together forever but this wasn't a fairy tale , life never was. She now had to let go of her fantasies and live the reality for once .
"Forgive me..." , she said as tears fell down her eyes . Her vision went blurred but that wasn't going to hold her back from seeing white roses through the night . She cut them one by one , ruthlessly , crazily , hatefully
She cursed herself for the first time she stepped there , cursed the world by making the two of them meet the day , and cursed Riddle for catching her heart and getting her to where she was .
She cried as her hands turned just as injured as her heart , filthy and drowned in blood , making her let out a silent scream
12 , 13...
She rose both of her hands to catch the last rose , the 13th...
Just to feel choked on neck and pulled back harshly by hair at once .
Riddle harshly pulled (y/n) by neck , almost breaking it . Her body hardly met the ground ,starting to wheeze , The freezing cold ground now seemed a lot warmer than her frozen mind . She apparently lost the ability to move or talk , not even daring to look up , begging him for mercy .
He knew she'd come back
Just as he knew her everything
"I'd warned you about my temper , (y/n) .Thought that you were smart enough to listen "
(y/n) wished to find a source of anger through his voice , but she didn't . It would've been way better than this terrifyingly calm and cold tone of him which made her blood run cold and her throat dry .
" I knew that you'll one day try to run away , had no idea that it'd come this soon though..." , he said , slowly pulling (y/n) up by hair , making her silently cry with her eyes closed , biting her lip to shut her scream .
"Tell me , (y/n) , " his eyes weren't at her , but at the now destroyed rose bush : " You seriously did think that all that was bounding you to me were these roses...? " his hand was pulling her hair recklessly , yet his voice managed to be calm as ever , that was just like him .
" Roses will wither , tea will run cold , copper will ring , that's the matter of nature, " his words brought you back to your first day here , the day you two met . Withered roses , half empty tea cups and ringed chest clock ...
" Not all relationships can be bound by such things , they cannot be measured by mortality and such short lasting stuff..." , he continued with his rhythmic tone , making (y/n) feel worse and worse.
" If it were just roses , you would've ran away long ago . There was something else , right ? Something that kept you coming to me ," his words are as deep as ever , making she ask herself the same question :
'Why didn't she ever run away?'
Right , there wasn't any force on her ; there never was. She was there because of the choices she , and she had made so far . It was her choice to go to the deeper part of the forest thougt her parents had forbidded her from doing so . It was her choice to come back one month after painting first half of the roses and it was her choice to keep playing this game until now , what could the reason be ? Fear ? Respect ? Curiosity..?
" What could the reason be (y/n) ? Why did you choose to come back to me each and every time? " he asked , but he certainly wasn't expecting an anwser .
" Can't you see this ? it's because I am your choice . You've got a great family , wonderful friends , and an amazing life . But were they really enough for you ? Did they ever satisfy you like they should ? "
For once , she didn't get what Riddle was saying . Satisfied ? Why shouldn't she be satisfied ? Did he really think that she preferred to be caught in the middle of the woods here with him than being out with the ones whom she really loved?
" You laugh with them , cry with them and smile with them , day to day , hour to hour , minute to minute . But is that really enough for you ?"
(y/n) remained blank at his words , unsure what to say or how to feel but...what if he wasn't that wrong...?
" When was the last time someone asked you how you feel ?"
Last time ? It was Riddle of course . He'll ask the same question everytime they meet , not even caring if he keeps getting the same anwser as before .
" You talk with them , from how cute kittens are to how sweet lollypops can be , but what was the last time you talked about yourself ? "
Last time...was there even a first time ? Did they even care to ask her about herself ? She didn't know . She was the questioner out there , unlike how she was with Riddle .She was the one to always bring up topics , no one would ever ask her anything but regular stuff or things she'd bring herself . She thought that it was all she needed to live , wasn't it enough..?
" You know it yourself , don't you ? No one out there cares for you , (y/n) . Not a single soul . Your parents protect you as a responsibility , your friends talk to you as their own entertainment and others , others are just passing by . You're nothing but an invisible shallow to them , do you like it? "
(y/n) wished she could've argued him on that point , but realizing how he had a point his throat went dry again , unwilling to face reality :
No she didn't , she hated it . She hated it all . She hated how she smiled and shouted just to gain attention . She hated all times she cut off into her friends chats just because no one was going to ask her to join , she hated everyone around her for not ever coming to her unless having a trouble or being in need and she hated how fake all her life were ,
" You needed a listener , someone who would really care to know about you and only you , someone like me . No one will ever know you like I do , not a single soul will wish to listen to you like I always do , there wasn't and will never be anyone more willing to meet you each and every time like I would , never . "
Riddle's words were too complicated for her to describe ; gloomy and sad , fluffy and sweet , bitter and sour , just like Riddle himself ; a total riddle .
" I'm the one for you (y/n) , and you're the one for me . Our bound isn't a simple strand that can be destroyed by cutting roses off , and you know it . "
He suddenly freed (y/n)'s hair , making her head bang the ground again . He leans toward her to pull her up from behind , holding her from the armpit. Just as your first time .(y/n) was now feeling all dizzy and shakey , not even able to stand if he wasn't holding her . She felt weak in legs , arms , mind , all of her . No longer sure if it was a dream or reality .
He helped her try to stand on her own feet , but didn't let go . He lowered his head to whisper into her ear : " Roses will grow again , but I won't let go of you this time . "
(y/n) was expecting something different , something romantic or low-key sweet , something that a lover might say . But uh , not all love stories are like those ordinary ones , not all fairy tales have a sweet , happy ending .
Riddle held her by waist with his left hand , while holding her right hand with the right , bringing her closer to the very last rose left . For the first time she knew what he was about to do , with your bloody hand still fresh and pleasing for him : " And now , you shouldn't waste that all " he says before bringing her hand closer to the rose , making her fingers meet its petals . This time Riddle wasn't the only one painting it , he was just holding her hand . She brushed her fingers down the soft petals , careful enough to do it as soft as possible . Her first time doing this was filled with excitement and her 10 minutes ago with hatred , but now , all that was left was a simple breeze among flowers , she couldn't even feel anything . It couldn't be called sad or happy , it couldn't be called neutral either . All that she could feel from the moment was the sight of her fingers dancing on petals , and on the other side...Riddle . His warm breathe brushing her neck , their bodies touching and tied closed as if they were actually hugging . And his heart...the feeling of it beating at (y/n)'s back . This sound was just as it were years ago , just as calm , just as rhythmic , just as beautiful
(y/n) felt empty yet...safe right there . Her future had dark and cold inside if she were to have an compliment on it now , but for now , being held close to Riddle into his warm and calming embrace , seemed enough for her ;
Enough to believe in fairy tales ...♥
This was supposed to be finished ten days ago lol , happy non-birthday to you Ana @yandere-romanticaa 💕💕💕
Tagging : @twst-soul @kanaverni @twistedlymad @yandere-of-your-dreams @ghostiebabey @roaringyouth @yandere-wishes @tsuisute ♥
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prettyblfan · 3 years
Coffee Shop Boy
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Chapter Four
Today started a little differently for Sorawit than his Monday and Tuesday had.
It began when he spotted none other than his brother Bun down stairs preparing the coffee shop. This was rare in two senses one being Bun almost always worked the early morning shifts at the hospital so Sorawit almost never saw him in the morning, and the second being the rare occasion he had the day or morning off he definitely wouldn't be spending it doing this.
"P'Bun?" Sorawit called out, the confusion in his voice very evident.
"Ah Sorawit you're awake, if you want you can go back to sleep i can take over for today." Bun said stopping what he was doing to smile at Sorawit.
This was weird. Definitely weird. Bun was broken.
"P'Bun are you sure? Did something happen at work?" Sorawit questioned cautiously.
Of course it wasn't bad that Bun was home during the mornings, quite the contrary this was good for him between working at the coffee shop and the hospital he almost never had a break. The worrying thing is that Bun loves doing what he does so he'd never be home willingly.
"Umm, everything's fine just thought I could do with a bit of a break" Bun hummed brushing off Sorawit's questions.
Sorawit wasn't buying it. Not one bit.
Could most things get past him. Yes. But definitely not this.
In the end Sorawit decided not to push any further and rather than returning to his bedroom he opted to instead help Bun set up, after all there was still a small chance That would show.
Speaking of That Sorawit pondered briefly about the text that he had sent him last night.
You see it was only when he woke up this morning that he had seen not only That's message but also the message he sent.
Sorawit: Night That sleep well 😴 💓.
'Why did he send him a heart???'
Sorawit screamed internally as he forced himself to stay focused on wiping down the surfaces.
This wasn't a big deal, nor was it weird.
So, Sorawit had no idea why he was freaking out over something so small. He had sent hearts to practically everyone, like Bun and Nam so why was That any different.
Sorawit tried to reason with himself but in his heart he still felt very unsettled.
How was That any different?
Being so absorbed in his thoughts, yes his thoughts, 4:30 had finally rolled around. And to Sorawit's disappointment? there was no sight of That.
The table by the door was left usually empty.
"Are you waiting for someone?" Bun asked teasingly as he poked Sorawit on the cheek.
"No." Sorawit replied quickly.
Why was he expecting him to turn up in the first place. That had said yesterday he most likely won't make it.
"You were staring at the door so intensely, so it looked like you were" Bun continued only to be met with no responsed.
Sorawit pouted.
That was strange. 100% strange. Why is it that he managed to make Sorawit feel so... weird.
Sorawit head whipped around to the door, his heart pounding. That made it. Sorawit forced himself to breathe as the door opened further.
"YOU!" Bun yelled out pointing towards the men in the door way.
And so it was like that Sorawit's hopes had vanished, none of the men standing in the door way was That.
They were all well dressed men. That in itself was very apparent, Sorawit had no idea what brands they were wearing he just knew they had to be expensive.
"P'Bun" Sorawit called completely baffled, how did his brother know these people. Sorawit was pretty sure he knew all of Bun's friends, it wasn't hard he didn't have very many as he rarely focused on anything other than work.
"What the hell are you doing here?" Bun questioned glaring intensely at the trio in the door way.
The man in the middle and objectively the most handsome made his way to the centre of the coffee shop smiling playful as the men that came with him remained by the door.
"Well you're open right?" The man replied raising his eyebrow teasingly at Bun.
Now Sorawit was completely and utterly confused. His eyes flickered between the two before it finally clicked, or he had atleast made a reasonable guess.
Judging by his brother's hostile nature this was the man that had picked a fight with him on Monday.
"Not for you!" Bun huffed making his way over to him.
"Why?" The unknown man briefly paused before continuing, his eyes gleamed with something Sorawit couldn't really identify.
"Aw Bun~ are you still mad about your suspension, remember it's only temporary" The well dressed man smiled.
Sorawit could practically feel the ridicule in his tone, he quickly glanced at Bun. The tips of his ears were red and his body had completely stiffened.
"You got suspended?" Sorawit questioned.
None of this made sense. There was no way in hell that Bun would ever be suspended.
"Get out!" Bun yelled glaring at the man infront of him before shooting Sorawit an apologetic look.
"This is a really nice place you've got here, you know what I think we might stay for a coffee right M" The man completely ignored Bun's outburst making his way over to a table and sitting down.
"If you keep on teasing him a vain might pop." The man known as M spoke as him and the other man sat down.
"Sorawit you should head up stairs and study I'll handle this shift today" Bun sighed as the man seemed to pay no attention to his words.
"P'Bun, you sure" Sorawit asked raising his eyebrow questioningly in the direction of the men sat in the corner.
"Umm, go" Bun replied picking up the note pad used to take orders with.
"You better explain later" Sorawit warned playfully.
Bun nodded with a light smile before making his way over to the table to take their orders.
Sorawit didn't really want to leave Bun alone with men like that but Bun didn't leave any room for argument.
And maybe a small part of Sorawit couldn't wait to text That. Like a really small part.
As he was heading up the stairs he heard Bun yell.
"Tan don't push your luck"
Tan... Wasnt that the man Ploy was talking about before. Sorawit paused before reluctantly continuing up the stairs, he knew for a fact that his brother could hold his own but he'd have to remind Bun to stay away from this Tan guy. He seemed like bad news.
Pouncing on his bed Sorawit grabbed his phone smiling brightly as he opened his contacts.
His fingers lingered on the call button.
'Would he even answer, maybe I should just text him' Sorawit thought as he rolled over onto his back staring blankly at his phone.
The loud noise of his phone startle Sorawit to the point that his phone had dropped flat onto his face. Sitting up and grabbing his phone Sorawit stared at the caller ID looking completely surprised.
That had called him, That had called him first.
Sorawit answered the phone without hesitation.
"Sorawit" That called, his voice echoing from the phone.
Sorawit flushed, That had never really called his name before, even if he had this time felt different.
"Yeah." Sorawit responded softly.
"I didn't think you'd answer" That said just as softly.
'This feels strange'
"Well my brother is at home today, so I didn't have to help" Sorawit replied.
"You have a brother?" That questioned.
"Umm i do, he's older" Sorawit said.
For some reason this whole conversation made Sorawit feel queezy. Maybe it was because That's voice was a lot softer than usual, whatever it was it was definitelythrowing him off.
That rarely talked so softly to him.
"You couldn't come today?" Sorawit asked.
"Umm i worked late yesterday and I had something to do this morning." That said before yelling out to someone in the background.
"Tell Por that I'm not doing it I don't take orders from him, he can asked Pued if he's so desperate"
It was moments like this that reminded him how long he'd exactly known That, since they spoke to each other so comfortably it made him feel as if he had known him forever. But in reality he had only known him for two day, so of course they were still getting to know each other. It was just that Sorawit hated not knowing these little things.
"Sorry" That said letting out a sigh.
"Are you busy you seem busy, we can talk later if you want." Sorawit asked.
"It's fine just tired... honestly I'm slightly surprised that you haven't bombarded me with questions yet" That teased with a light laugh.
"What's the point you never answer them" Sorawit spoke his tone completely sour.
"I answer at least one of your questions, so what's today's one" That said.
"Where do you work but you have to also include what you do as well, I won't let you rip me off with these hardly detailed answers" Sorawit responded, the corner of his lips pulling into a soft smile.
Sorawit likes That a lot. Apart from Nam he hadn't made very many close friends since moving here, so That was a very nice addition. (Friend, I mean okay Sorawit😂)
"Haha, I work as a security guard at The Mist" That laughed keeping his response short even despite what Sorawit had said.
Sorawit huffed before mumbling into the phone upset.
"And, I said no short answers"
"And... I've worked there since I moved here umm" That paused struggling to find anything else to say.
Just as That was about to continue a voice in the background cut him off.
"That Por said he wants to see you now. In his office"
That sighed before speaking to Sorawit, the annoyance was clear in his voice.
"I'll call later"
And just like that before Sorawit could even complain That had hung up.
'What was he going to say' Sorawit pondered.
Sorawit glanced at the time on his phone before getting up and making his way over to his desk.
He let out a huff before pulling out his text books. He couldn't help but think every time he got close That would pull away intentionally or unintentionally.
Glancing away from his books he quickly sent That a text.
Sorawit: Are you free this afternoon. Let's hang out 😊
Did I take my sweet time yes, yes I did but don't worry, actually do worry as since I've now officially started school again these updates might be a bit slower but I shall try to procrastinate less. No promises ☺
But any how we love Bun and Tan going from enemies to lovers as well as both Bun and Sorawit falling for shady men and being kinda of oblivious about it. 😂
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I loved this scene.🥰
Trigger Warning ⚠️ i don't proof read that throughly so feel free to point out mistakes and correct me.
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roseweasleyward · 4 years
What if Romione had met before Hogwarts
Click here for Hermione's POV
Click here for more headcacons!
Ron's POV
“And Hufflepuff intercepted Gryffindor’s quaffle! The Hufflepuff’s chasers are flying perfectly through the pitch leaving no room for Gryffindor to get the quaffle back. Not even the beaters can stop them! There's only one person that can save Gryffindor: Weasley, Gryffindor’s keeper!”, the crowd cheers loudly with the mention of the best keeper Hogwarts has ever seen. “They're getting closer and closer, there it goes the quaffle and… HE DID IT!! RON WEASLEY DID THE UNTHINKABLE!”
“RON! Are you ready to go?”, said Mr Weasley from the kitchen.
Ron suddenly woke up, remembering he had promised his father he would join him on his trip to the Muggle world. However, he didn't get up straight away, he couldn't stop thinking about his dream and wondered if he would ever be as an incredible quidditch player as his older brother Charlie.
After dressing up quickly and eating some breakfast, Ron and his father Arthur reached Diagon Alley and then the Leaky Cauldron, arriving at the Muggle world at last.
Ron never really understood his father's obsession with Muggles, in fact, he was quite sure no one did. Other pureblood families judge his family a lot, especially his father, due to their affectionate or lack of disgust towards Muggles, something Ron understood even less.
“Why should we hate them just because they aren't wizards? They're still humans after all.”, Ron usually said when this sort of conversation came up.
Mr. Weasley’s plans for today were clear: studying Muggle libraries, bookshops and other places that could sell books in order to acknowledge whether or not they had any magical information they shouldn't.
“It definitely sounds fun.”, Ron said while rolling his eyes clearly showing his boredom.
“I know! Imagine all the new things we will learn about them!”, Mr. Weasley answered with such enthusiasm that some people looked towards him questioning if he was alright.
“Glad we stopped by Honeydukes.”, Ron stated while putting a candy bean in his mouth from Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Beans his father had bought him. “Dad, can I stay in that bookshop reading The Tales of Beedle the Bard?”
“Read what? And what did I tell you about the beans? Ron, you were not supposed to bring that book! And I don't want you to eat those in front of Muggles, we can't take any- oh look! Is that the post office?!”, Mr. Weasley walked quickly towards it, bumping into several Muggles.
Knowing his father would be staring at the building for a while, Ron got in the bookshop looking for a chair, but finding a place to sit proved to be more difficult than expected. When he finally found a place to rest- that was clearly not meant to be used as a chair-, he realised that there was a girl about his age in the bookshop as well and even though he couldn't see her face - she had a big bushy brown hair -, he felt she wasn't feeling happy. He came closer and his feelings were confirmed: she was indeed sad.
“Why are you so sad?”, Ron asked, questioning himself why he was so concerned about this girl he had never met. “Well, it's not like the bookshop is the most interesting place in the world, especially this type of bookshop.”
The girl turned her face to look at him and he could then see her dull brown eyes. She also looked like she was about to reprimand him for something, but she gave up on that idea as she glanced at what Ron was holding. He remembered the beans and couldn't help offering one.
“Do you want one?”, Ron asked nicely.
“No, thank you.”, the girl replied excessively politely.
“It's your loss, really.”, said Ron while putting a bean on his mouth. “Argh, this one tastes like earwax. Well, I better go now. Have a nice day!”
“Wait! Which book is that?”, the girl asked him, making Ron understand she was not staring at the beans but at the book he had brought with him. He also realised the girl's eyes were not dull anymore, but shining, in fact they reminded him of the night skies he was used to looking at at the burrow.
“Oh, you don't know? It's The Tales of-...”, Ron stopped abruptly. “How could you know…”. The girl was a Muggle! How could he forget that? But telling her wouldn't be so bad, would it? No! “We can't take any risk!”, he recalled. “I really have to go now. Ah, nice to meet you.”, he said as he left running, afraid he would say something he shouldn't.
“There you are! I was looking for you. Oh, you visited a bookshop without me?! How dare you!”, Mr. Weasly said as soon as Ron left the bookshop pretending to me mad. “Well, tell me: did you see anything unusual? No? Splendid!”, for a moment, Ron thought his dad was going to start crying of happiness. “Let's go home now. Oh, and we shall stop at the Honeydukes again and I will let you buy all the candy you want!”. But Ron didn't want to go to Honeydukes, he didn't want more candy, he wanted to go back and ask the girl why she was sad in the first place and why she wasn't anymore.
These thoughts lived in his mind until they reached Honeydukes for the second time that day. It was only when they got in the shop and his father said once again he could choose whatever he wanted, Ron realised that maybe he did want more candy.
13 years later...
“I can't believe it! My old The Tales of Beedle the Bard! I thought mom had thrown it away when she found out I took it with me to that trip I did with dad to the Muggle world”
Holding the book, Ron walked down the stairs to tell Hermione his marvellous finding. As he reached the end of the stairs, he saw Hermione sadly staring at their bookshelf. And as if it was magic, he remembered more about that trip than the book he lost. He remembered dreaming about quidditch, his dad telling me to hurry up, all the candies he bought at Honeydukes, but, especially, the sad girl at the bookshop who was so interested in his book.
Ron turned to the kitchen and looked in every single cabinet for a box of Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Beans and when he finally found one, he grabbed it and walked to Hermione.
“Hermione, look what I found! My old edition of The Tales of Beedle the Bard!”, he said happily. “Oh and I have beans too, do you want one?”,
Hermione took a while to answer, but by the look in her eyes he could tell she remembered that day as well.
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motleyfuckingcruee · 4 years
2.5: The Aftermath
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Henley's P.O.V
I lay curled up in Sasha's spare bedroom. I haven't left in what feels like months. Turns out I've only been here for a week. I can't feel a thing. I'm uncomfortably numb. I can't even cry anymore. It seems that my body can't spare anymore tears. Now I just stare off into space, feeling emptier than ever.
After I ran from the guys' apartment, I ended up at Sasha's. I knew that she lived in the apartment above the bar, so I grabbed the spare key and made my way up to the small apartment. Luckily she had a spare room. I didn't even have to ask if I could stay with her. She immediately asked if I wanted to stay. I felt terrible for asking her something like that, but she didn't seem to mind.
I have no idea what to do now. I'm all alone. I tried calling my parents the night I arrived. They just told me I was now disowned. I'm not apart of my family anymore. I'm abandoned. Eventually I'll call Tommy and ask if I can stay with him, but for now I'll stay here. I hate to bother him.
I just can't believe that that jackass would cheat on me like that. Does he really have his head shoved so far up his own ass that he thought I wouldn't be upset if I knew? I fucking hate him. I never want to see him again. I can't believe I ever loved him! I loved him so much I was willing to follow them to Los Angeles when they went. I'm sure Steven is upset with him.
God, I miss him so much. He was my best friend. He was my brother! Now I'm probably never going to see him again. I don't remember the apartment's number, and I don't plan on leaving this room for a long time. I miss Steven and Bella so fucking much. Why'd everything have to go down like it did? Why'd I have to fall for Duff? Why was I so stupid?
"Henley?" Sasha's soft voice says. I feel the bed dip down beside me. "Honey, he doesn't deserve your tears."
I sit up, pulling my legs to my chest. I rest my chin on my knees. I sigh. "I'm not upset just about Duff. It's that my parents disowned me, meaning I'll never get to see Nico again. And I probably won't ever see Steven again. He was my best friend! I'm not even sure if I'll see Madeline again. I'm sure she'll be with Steven, who's bound to be around Duff." I feel the tears prick at my eyes. "I gave everything to him."
"Henley, I'm so sorry. I didn't realize what all you did for him," Sasha says, a pitying look in her grey eyes.
"I was such an idiot. None of this would've happened if my family stayed in LA. I'd still be hanging out with Athena all the time. We'd probably go visit the Crüe and bother the shit out of them. I'd be happy."
"Think of it this way," Sasha starts. "What we go through shapes us as people. It shapes how we act and our outlook on the world. Judging on what you've gone through, I've no doubt you're gonna protect yourself and not trust as easily. That's a good thing though. Just don't completely shut yourself out from the world, alright? I don't want to see you self destruct."
I smile at her words. She's like my mom, even though she's twenty-seven. I have someone I can trust in this world other than Tommy and the Bass' after all. I get on my knees and hug her tightly.
"Thank you," I whisper, feeling her arms wrap around me as well.
"Anytime, hun."
We stay silent in each other's embrace for a while longer. Without warning, she stands up, causing me to fall onto the bed.
"We need to get you out of this stuffy room," She says, standing with her hands on her hips. "Get dressed and come down to the bar. You can hang out for a little bit. I'm sure Colin and Sebastian miss your company." I groan. "Don't try to fight me on this one Henley Baxter."
I stand up, reluctantly leaving the warmth of the bed. I stretch, walking over to my closet. There's gotta be something in here. I grin as I find one of Steven's shirts that I accidentally took when I went and got my stuff. Luckily, none of them were there when I got everything. Bella was there, though. She was happy to see me.
Anyways, I slip on the oversized shirt. I grab a pair of ripped skinny jeans and my doc martins. I put everything on, and go to the bathroom. I look over my appearance. I look pretty good. Well, my body does.
I brush my teeth quickly. Ugh, I hate the taste of toothpaste. I grab my brush and run it through the tangles of my auburn hair. I look at the finished product, trying to decide if I need to straighten it or not. I decide not to since it looks fine with my natural waves.
I walk down the stairs towards the pulsing music. I open the door at the end of the stairs and end up in the madness of the dancing bodies. My eyes widen, instantly feeling uncomfortable. Normally, this would be my scene, but not tonight. Probably not for a long time.
I make my way towards the bar. I smile as I see Sasha pretty much screaming at Colin and Sebastian for messing around while they're supposed to be working. As soon as she's done scolding them, however, I see the smile that creeps onto in her lips.
I sit down on one of the stools in front of Colin. I grin. "Where can I girl get a drink around here?"
Colin turns, and his eyes widen. "Henley!"
"Hey!" I giggle as I can see how badly he wants to jump the bar to hug me. But, he knows that Sasha would chew his ass out for it.
"Sasha told us you've been holed up in her guest room for the past week. Is everything okay, darl'?" He asks.
"Let's not talk about it, alright?" I say, feeling the sadness creep back up. I shake my head and look back up at him. I grin. "Can you get me some vodka?"
"Yes, ma'am," he grins, turning around to get me my drink.
I have the urge to look over at Madeline and I's usual table, but something is telling me not to. I don't know what's making me want to look over. I give in to the curiosity.
I turn my head to see Duff, Steven, Hyde, Madeline, and two other people I don't know sitting at the table. There's a girl and a guy. The guy had rather tan skin and chocolate brown hair. The girl is a bit pale and blonde as can be. That must be the girl that he cheated on me with.
My eyes wander to Duff. His eyes are locked on me. I can see the guilt in his eyes from here. That motherfucker.
I turn my head back as I hear the clink of the glass being set on the bar. "Thanks."
"It's actually a suicide. You look like you need it," Colin says, grinning.
I smile. "Thanks, Colin."
I take a gulp of the strong drink, hesitantly standing up. I walk over to the table that used to bring me joy. This was the table that I met the guys at. This is where it all started.
I stand in front of everyone. "Hey guys," I say with a venomous smile.
"HENLEY!" Steven screams. He basically jumps over the table to engulf me in a bear hug. "I've missed you so much!"
I giggle, hugging him back. "I missed you too, Stevie."
"Where have you been?" He asks, worry filling his bright blue eyes.
"I've been here."
"You poor thing! You've been sleeping on the bar. You don't even have a bed anymore! Come back, I swear-."
"Steven, Sasha has an apartment above the bar. I've been sleeping in the guest room," I giggle.
"Oh," He says. Even in the dim lighting I can see his cheeks turn pink.
I smile at him as he goes to sit back down. I turn to the two unknown people. "I don't believe I've met you two."
The guy speaks up first. "I'm Cal."
"Nice to meet you," I say, even though my focus is purely on the bitch in front of me. "And you are?"
"Mandy, Duffy's girlfriend," She says, cuddling into him.
I feel the jealousy and hatred flare up in me. Jealousy that Duff's not mine anymore, and hatred that Duff found a slut to cheat on me with. It's obvious she's a slut by the low cut dress she's wearing. And the fact that I can see her underwear.
"You're Henley aren't you?" She continues. "Too bad he wants me more. I don't get why he was with you in the first place. You don't have anything to offer him."
"Hey-!" Stevie tries to interject.
"I'm prettier, more experience. I totally get why he'd want me more."
I feel the tears prick my eyes. "Fuck you," I say to Duff and Mandy.
I throw my drink on Duff, then turn on my heel. I run to the door to go upstairs. I run up the stairs and to the phone. I dial the only number I know by heart, and the only person that can save me.
I wait impatiently for the phone to quit dialing. I need it to quit dialing.
"Hello?" The voice says.
"Tommy?" I cry.
A/N: I honestly don't know what to say. I've been working on this book for months, and I can't believe it's over. There will be a sequel called Lips Of An Angel. I don't know when it will be finished. Thank you so much for reading, I hope you enjoyed. Goodbye.
@the--blackdahlia @sugar-content @sharon6713 @siliwanoel @charlyallise @lo-bells @lauravic @livingdeadharley @kawennote09 @ozzypawsbone-princeofbarkness @hllywdwhre @abbysdogcollar @nikkisixxwiththebass @waywardprincess666 @tommyleeownsme  
@rock-n-roll-soul-frankie @unholy-brat @eak1996 @madsthegroupie @sinningsixx @ Kissyourrosegoodbyemotley
Rocket Queen:
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A/N: This chapter is shorter, but we'll be okay.
Part 16: Conversation
"Why the hell are you standing in the doorway staring at me like that," Y/N squinted from her position on the bed. She was supposed to be changing for the night out. Apparently, she couldn't strip with the door open. Little did she know, she was staring at him just as hard.. or else she wouldn't know just how hard he was staring.
"Hello? Nigga?" She was baiting him with a doe-eyed face of stone trying to force his reaction. He could pinch those chubby cheeks. She was at her best when she didn't try.
"Like what," he teased. "How am I looking at you?"
"Like you crazy!"
"You think I'm crazy?" Hands hitched in the pockets of his black Ralph Lauren Purple Label slacks, he watched the micromovements of her eyes, mouth, and body. They always helped him to decipher her mood and what she truly meant. She was an open book and judging by the small up and down movement of her eyeballs, the answer to the question was yes.
"No," she lied suddenly uneasy. He watched her scoot around it. She didn't want to offend him and was treading carefully, something she didn't need to do. "You're not crazy per se.. just a little.. intense." Another lie, but not one worth calling out. Didn't matter either way. He knew he wasn't crazy. The world, however, was batshit and he had to keep up. Eyes focused on her, his mind began to drift to his true purpose for being in Texas, racing through various possible scenarios and combatting them.. logically thinking in terms of steps he'd take to accomplish his ultimate goal. All in a matter of seconds complex plans crossed his mind, reworking themselves past dead ends and around blind spots. If he couldn't predict an outcome, he wouldn't have the advantage he needed to launch a highly successful attack. Slow down. What am I missing? He had to plug in the gaps. How would he proceed with the current target since he'd fucked things up so badly? Because of his one-track mind, he had the tendency to become irrational when there was a clear goal in mind to achieve. He'd do it by any means necessary and he realized he'd done just that. However justified, he'd been pushed to make an impulsive executive decision that he'd have to bounce back from. The colonizer he was up against currently had the upper hand in regard to anticipation and territory advantage. Striking quickly wouldn't be an option at this point. He needed unpredictability in his side. Besides. If the target knew Erik was close and hunting him, he might take the offensive position and all Erik had to do was wait. That was the introduction to the issue. If he were on his own, this would be a perfect situation, but Y/N was with him and completely oblivious to the situation he'd selfishly and inadvertently involved her in.
Aside from that, both Jaliyah and Swift were hitting up his phones.. Jaliyah obviously drunk as fuck and begging him to do some wild shit to her in public again.. and Swift demanding answers like she was running shit. He'd brushed them both off to deal with when he got back to Cali.
"Aight... now you look like a complete psycho.. Blink!" He fluttered his lashes, happy to see her lip curl in irritation. "Smartass," she responded to his rapid blinking. He was tickled by her response. Riling her up was so easy and stress-reducing. "Now close the door," she directed in a soft sing-song voice. He decided to humor her. "Now bring your spiky pineapple headass over here," she pointed to the space ahead of her. His brow raised to check her. He didn't need to say a word, she backed down subtly with a sneaky smirk falling back on her elbows, one foot propped on the bed, her knee in the air.
"Aight now.. You acting up."
The red dress rose and slid exposing clear brown skin on mountainous thighs.. thicker than any girl whose company he'd ever had the pleasure of keeping. He could still remember exactly how tightly those thighs had squeezed him just this morning. As he approached, the phone in his pocket buzzed yet again.
"What's that?"
Shit. Could she hear that?
"What's what?"
"That face. This isn't the first time you've made that face today," she pointed, "Your eyes go dead and it's like your soul just dies at random times. Something must really be pissing you off because you're overthinking and I'm not so ignorant and self absorbed that I wouldn't notice when something's been bothering you. It's written all over your face so tell me what it is."
The fuck?
"Whatchu' mean? Ain't nothing wrong."
Her dark sarcasm shot daggers through him. She ain't believe him.
"I'm not so stupid that I'd believe that either. Besides, I'm your best friend and if I don't notice then who will?"
"You back to that best friend shit again, I see."
"Well if we're not friends then what ar--," she chuckled humorlessly, "Wow. Don't distract me. No, it's that far away look in your eye like you're not truly present and your mind's somewhere else. You go quiet...," she paused, her dark brown orbs focused and delving carefully into his. "Tell me what's wrong."
Gotdamn.. She'd certainly gotten more perceptive. Somehow she was able to read what many people missed. People tended to see what they wanted see and if they couldn't see it, they'd make up their own narrative. Somehow this girl was able to hit on something real. If he wasn't careful, she'd be the one to figure out his secrets. Then where would that leave him?
Alone again. Numb.
"HEY," her fingers snapped bringing his focus quickly back to the moment at hand. "Talk to me. You're always the one there for me, it gets old being the damsel. Let me help you for once."
Time spent together had her learning him bit by bit and while he liked the feeling of being cared for, it made it that much harder to hide.
I shouldn't still have you here. I'm putting you at risk just to stay a little longer in a fantasy.
"Chill. I'm aight ma just admiring my property. Can I look at you?" He parted her thighs and pushed the red material back over her stomach looking at the junction of her thighs. She was getting a bit too close to him in a way he wasn't used to. It made him uncomfortable.
If he made her horny enough, the conversation would turn to sex, they'd fuck, and eventually she wouldn't remember her own name much less care about this conversation. She kissed her teeth, obviously getting frustrated the more he stared.
"I feel like that's 60% lie but okay, keep your little secrets since you don't wanna trust nobody." She closed her legs and flipped over aggressively facing the window as if she were going to sleep. This was her mad pose, but it wasn't a bad view. Her ass was poked out. Not on purpose, but because it was fat. She pulled the dress down to cover it. Her level of perceptiveness had grown to an impressive level.
"Y/N," he tested, waiting for any type of response. He touched her kneecap and shook her knee gently. "Y/N..," he waited.
The silent treatment. Mature.
"You serious right now? I told you what it was. Why you mad?" No response. This is stupid. He waited a minute watching her in the silence, the only sounds being the TV and the voices of loud laughing guests carrying from the other side of the floor. "Aight, get up," he said grabbing her leg. She kicked at him, returning back to her position once he took a step back.
Definitely a brat. He'd give her another minute and then he'd end it. Watching her, he counted down mentally.
"You actin bogus.. Get up," he commanded at the end of the countdown. She didn't move from her spot, kicking when he came nearer again. "You really wanna do this?" He contemplated dragging her from the bed, but decided to be patient. She responded best to warmth rather than rough manhandling so he had to use techniques she'd respond to. Securing his hands in his pockets so he wouldn't grab her, he tried a softer approach.
"Daddy don't like babies, angel. He like big girls... Don't you wanna please Daddy? Ain't that yo responsibility?"
"What I want is to know why you don't trust me with anything real about you. I'm not stupid. I know jack shit about you and that's not cool, you never tell me anything. You keep me out here on the surface like I ain't shit yet you know all my business and I don't like that.. It's an uneven exchange and I can't get my secrets back.. but that's okay, I don't want them back.. I just wanna know you. What's so bad about that?"
"The fuck? That's why you mad? You know me better than most.. Ain't nothing to say, it's not your job to take care of me. I'm the guardian. I'm the protector. I'm the teacher. All I need you to do is listen, obey, and keep yourself open. Don't waste your time thinking you need to know every detail about me to know me. You know me."
"Whatever. You got it."
What did that mean.. What the fuck? He watched her stoic expression as she looked off through the open window. How did they get here? He could only imagine what was going on in her mind. What dots was she trying to connect and what did she already figure out that she wasn't saying? He couldn't underestimate her intelligence. It was one of the things about her he enjoyed most no matter how troublesome it could be. Putting his hand gently on her arm, she didn't react. She was still in thought, contemplating but what was she contemplating? He ain't like the direction this was headed. It stressed him more than he thought it would. Definitely more than it should.
"I'll ask you one question that you gotta answer and you can ask me one question," he blurted watching her eyes slowly refocus and land on his. He hoped he wouldn't regret it.
"Just one," she asked, suddenly sobering. Of course she was in.
"One," he stressed with a finger up watching curiosity resurrect her from the silence. She pursed her lips, hesitating before looking him up and down.
"Mm, okay. You go first."
I can't believe that actually worked... Go figure.
It's a shame that you have to resort to trickery to get answers from him, but as tight-lipped as he is about himself and all things surrounding him, you would've never gotten anything out of him otherwise. You had to trick him. Right?
"Ask your question," you prompt ready for him to get his out of the way.
"Why do you have such intense anxiety? You mentioned a bad sexual experience and I know it traumatized you.. Do you think that's the root of it or were you dealing with some unwanted thoughts before then?"
"Um.." Your mind freezes. Honestly, you thought he'd ask something stupid or sexual. "Technically, that's two questions." Two very personal questions. Should you pick one or answer them both? You've gotta sit up for this one. "Ummm," you stall sitting up across from him. He's analyzing with those intense eyes again, about to turn over and examine every word you say along with the spaces in between, you already know.
"O-kay," you breathe looking away to collect and organize your thoughts as you pace slowly to the large window. "Alright, so, I guess I'll start with the general anxiety? I don't know why I do it so I can't tell you that, but I think a lot and I can't stop thinking which is why I know when you're overthinking something. I can tell when someone's annoyed with me, frustrated, genuine or otherwise and I don't like disappointing people. I also have an irrational fear of being embarrassed.. I will go out of my way to avoid it.."
You can see cars way down on the street passing by, the tall building across the street, and the darkening sky overhead. Someone says something about sunset retractable awnings on the television and you know it's that ancient commercial because who else even makes those...
"I guess with that incident that happened when I was in college, my two greatest fears came to life all at once and I didn't know how to completely get over it... I told you, well you guessed, that there were.. things said.. and certain things that happened.. and obviously I internalized them. Your word."
When you turn to look at him, he's watching and waiting like no matter how long you go on and on droning, he won't interrupt. He'll listen to the end. Even with the silence now, he doesn't move or speak. Testing your theory, you stare back out through the window for a while. It's like you thought, he's waiting.
"...It was about four years ago. Que party. Senior year. I was a "virgin" and decided I didn't want to be," you shrug. "So you know the Que dog reputation, how they be? Well, these guys lived up to that.. Or so I'd heard."
Still no comment from Erik, but his full attention.
"I decided I wanted someone with uh," you smirk, "Experience.. and since I didn't talk to or know many guys on campus, I stupidly thought that a party could be a good way to go about it. Don't judge me," you point. His expression doesn't change so you continue. "So, I go to this party and I'm already out of my comfort zone, but then I see Omar and he is fine. I mean, my whole body pointed like a hunting dog in an old cartoon and said that one," you chuckle remembering your body's exact response. It was like your response when you met Erik, but on a lesser scale. Never had you reacted the way you had when you saw Erik in person for the first time. You thought you'd collapse on the spot or rip off the both of your clothes in attack, but all you could do was smile goofily and shake his hand stiffly like you were at an interview. The memory is one you'd rather forget.
"So we met, we flirted, we danced a bit, and I'm thinking this just might be bae! He's holding my waist. He doesn't care that I'm chubby. We're having fun and drinking. Then we go to a back room and he's standing there. I'm standing there. We're just standing there and I'm like okay what now? So, I start taking my clothes off and he follows suit. Now, we're both butt booty naked in front of each other.. standing there. It's the first time I've ever seen an adult male penis so I'm staring at it like how do I make this thing hard. It doesn't even matter apparently because he tells me to lie down and that's when it happened.."
You rehash to him the details as the flashback hits vividly. Every word, you remember. What Omar said about you and what everyone else said to your face and behind your back for the rest of the year. Being known as nasty, dirty, trifling, and also the easy girl all at once. It had damaged a lot. Your image, your friendships, potential relationships, pieces of your self-esteem.. even though they were lies. If enough people say something about you enough times, eventually it gets in. Anyone truly trying to know you could figure that they were lies but unfortunately no one had tried after that. It was why you changed states. You couldn't deal in South Carolina.
"So to answer your questions.. the anxiety had always been there but it was something I could push off because I knew it was irrational. After college, my fear seemed justified and necessary like if I had only listened to it and took it as a warning instead of disregarding it as something to overcome or see pass.. what happened to me never would've happened."
"That's all," you say letting him know it's okay to talk. In fact, you need him to talk. Fill the silence. Say anything. His pause is thoughtful, giving you room to add if you have more to say, but you don't.
"There's a pattern," he says suddenly with understanding. "You have a lot of fear and most of all, you fear rejection."
What are you, my therapist?
"And? ..Who wants to be rejected," you snap feeling suddenly more vulnerable.
"What I like about you though is that despite that fear, every now and again you'll take a risk and it could either be the worst thing for you or the best thing, but regardless you go all in.. You got a one-track mind like me," he smiles, eyes widening like it's something that can't be helped. His comparison wasn't something you expected. You didn't think you were very much like him in that way at all, but now that he points it out you wish he'd elaborate. Maybe it'd give you more of a glimpse into him.. the man, not the dom. He pats his lap and you step closer, easing down to sit on his thighs feeling his arm wrap around you.
"People's reactions, their motives and what they believe, the past... These are things you can't control no matter how much you want to or what you do.. or don't do. Since you can't control it, dwelling on it is a waste of your mental and emotional resources.. as well as your time. But since that's something that's easier said than done," he scowls giving you the feeling he's talking about himself as well, "Focus on something that's within your ability to effect and control. For example.. You can never please everyone.. but you can please me."
"Listen," he smirks holding you still just as you're about to push him on the chest to get up. "You're incapable of disappointing me and I won't reject you.. not like that. I won't embarrass you.. not like that. Focus on me. Rely on me. Trust me.. and I'll show you that you're braver than you think. That's something no one can take from you."
"Yeah, okay, my turn and brace yourself since you asked me like sixteen questions."
"You only had to answer once."
"Fuck that, I want answers." Yeah I said fuck, you muse watching his brows go up again in surprise. "What's in that locked room at your house and why is it locked if you live alone?"
"I wasn't alone, you were there."
"Oh, so it's to keep me out specifically.." It takes one stern look for him to cut the crap and he rolls his eyes, a smirk playing at the corner his lips.
"I'll show you when we get back," he promises.
"Red room of pain?"
"I hate that damn movie." That's an affirmative. Suddenly you were excited to get back to Cali so you could really be nosey. "You contact them girls you met at the mall? You should hang out with them again sometime before we leave Texas."
"I texted them a couple of times. They'd be down." They'd actually invited you to lunch with them today, but you were with Erik. They easily understood when you declined.
"I'm ready to see outfit number two. Change and then we'll get ready to head back out. I know you wanna see the Reunion Tower at night," he says smacking your thigh. It's true, you do. That's why he'd paid for you two to go back for the night. You'd look around some more, eat dinner, and just enjoy it. You wanted to eat at the other shmancy restaurant they had earlier but it was closed during the day.
"You change too. You were sweating a bit," you remind him in the spirit of fairness. Just because you had more crevices didn't mean he didn't sweat just as much as you. He had to hit the shower as well.. preferably with you..
"Mhm," he chuckles knowingly as you stand to take off your dress. "All you have to do is ask."
"No need," you smile walking to the bathroom.
"Ask," he insists stubbornly, still staring from the bed. You shake your head.
"Nope! My daddy is a genius so I don't have to. He already knows what I want."
"....Start the shower."
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