#they won the war- have canonically experimented with con cna and two civilian twins- and kinda have a fucked up science department
whatudottu · 2 years
Related to the Autobot Experiment!Blitzwing concept you expanded on and brought other Triple Changers from G1 into:
Personally I’d have it so that Octane and Astrotrain were experimented on at the same time as Blitzwing but the three were considered too “out of control” by the Autobot government and all of them were set to be terminated with Blitzwing being the only one ho managed to escape and thus the sole survivor.
I feel like it’d help cement Blitzwing’s status as one of a kind and an outcast who only has himself to rely on that the OG series teased but never got the chance to fully explore, if that makes sense.
I do really like sole survivor Blitzwing, and I would make sense in an experiment to have at least a few subjects to prevent sample bias (little did they know that 3 psychologically damaged newly built war machines wouldn’t take kindly to rough treatment).
Maybe Blitzwing only managed to survive BECAUSE he was sparked a warframe and was already predisposed to understand physically to fight for his life so he went longer than Astrotrain - who was kinda a bigger target despite being the least weaponised threat - then he got boosted by double warframe for jet AND tank so Octane didn’t quite make it with only a jet. I just wanted to at least honour the characters I haven’t quite seen, the only Astrotrain content I’ve seen being Cyberverse’s and Blitzwing being of course Animated.
I was riding the coattails of @gritsandbrits of ‘make Blackarachnia not so much a hypocrite’ so that her techno-organic body dysphoria can connect with Blitzwing’s triple changing DID (perhaps even going so far as to alleviate the dissociation by creating Blitzwing’s faces to match their alters), so perhaps ‘trio of like-minded/bodied mecha being irreparably separated’ and ‘being one of a kind (beloathed)’ could be a fun dynamic.
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