#they were really fun to put together actally!!
gogoakechi · 7 years
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Platonic Polyam Bench Trio Marriage AU
You guys asked, so here I am to deliver! Platonic Polyam Bench Trio marriage au where Tommy marries into Tubbo’s and Ranboo’s platonic marriage. (focus on Tommy lol)
NOTE; These are about the c!characters and not the irl people, and I'm writing this like a poly queerplatonic relationship okay? None of this is intended to be romantic or anything else and anything that is in this list is PLATONIC INTENTIONS ONLY
Edit; Now called the Bench Husbands Au
-It kinda all kicks off when about a week or so after Tommy gets out of Prison. (Note, nothing after the first stream after Tommy gets out is canon in this au, as well as some things before)
-Tubbo and Tommy finally have a small fight and argument, before talking, like really talking and Tubbo invite Tommy to come live with them in the mansion in snowchester once its done.
-Tommy doesn't really want to... but he’s tired and lonely and still scared to death and Tubbo promises he’s safe with them, plus if they lived together they could plan on how to kill Dream easier as well.
-Ranboo doesn't mind but after that he tries to go talk to tommy more, but Tommy isnt... the most receptive? Tommy is suffering still and is feeling very replaced and lonely, but doesn't excuse his kinda snippy behavior with Ranboo
-This finally comes to ahead when Ranboo snaps and calls him out, leading to another small fight, before Tommy apologizes and they also talk. This one is more in depth though and Tommy talks about what happened in exile, in the prison, and just general shitty stuff that's being going on. 
-Ranboo, in turn, talks to him about the voices and Dream’s voice and the sleepwalking and Tommy is very much more concerned about them then anyone else he told was, and validates the fear about it, and resolves to help Ranboo get rid of it somehow.
-After this, and both trying to convince the other they should tell Tubbo, that they both probably need to tell Tubbo. They want to keep him safe and not worry him, but... they both need help in different ways and they both love him enough to not do that to him.
-The night ends with lots of tears, Tubbo admitting his own traumas and tears and what he’s been not saying, and a promise to help each other.
-Its not a while after that actually Ranboo brings up the idea of adding Tommy to their marriage. He can tell the blond is struggling with feeling replaced and low-self esteem, and it would help him feel more equal and loved maybe? Tubbo thinks its a great idea and they go to ask Tommy.
-Tommy’s pretty uppity at first, he believes its just them pitying him and treating him like glass again, which he hates more then anything, but after they calm him down and explain they just want him to feel equal and that they both actually cared for him and wanted him to join in on their thing, he’s more contemplative. Ranboo nervously throws in a few other points, like how for legal reasons it could benefit him like it was for them, their allies had to leave him alone, plus Tubbo only started making his own hotel becuase he wanted Tommy to start interacting with him again, and-
-At this point Tommy just, interrupts and says yes, surprising them. They didn't exactly think he’d say no, but they thought it would be harder then that. He laughs at their expressions and says why not? Plus it stood to reason they’d want Tommy, everyone wanted Tommy.
-Ranboo and Tubbo exchange a look before bullying their now platonic fiancée. They agree to get married as soon as the Mansion is done, and till then Tommy can finish packing his stuff and a few other things he wanted to do.
-Also Tommy is totally not avoiding Michael because every pet he ever got close to has died and he doesn't want to get attached and risk Tubbo and Ranboo losing something they cared about because of him, no siree, why wouldn't you think that?
-Speaking of Michael!
-Its not all that strange to keep undead mobs like Zombie piglins as pets, in fact Zombie Piglins are the probably better undead mob to keep around due to their mostly passiveness if you want a pet and the fact they don't need much to eat and wont really be harmed if out leave them alone for long periods of time
-Though Tommy kinda thinks Tubbo and Ranboo’s insist on treating him like their child is weird, but he’s willing to let them have it, clearly it made them happy to play around
-Isn't until he finally moves in that he realizes that Michael is different then other zombie piglins and finds himself being pulled into the parent dynamic as well
-Though now that he thinks about it, something about Michael seems off… welp it's probably nothing :)
-When the mansion is done, he tears down the dirt shack and makes it a community garden and it becomes one of the only things that stays free of the red vines (who knew watering it with water from the holy land would make it untouchable? It's thanks to this garden later others figure out how to defeat the egg)
-They elect to not have a ceremony, not now at least but Tommy actually thinks a small wedding party would be fun at a later date. Ranboo doesn't mind much if they have one or not but Tubbo is actually very excited about planning it.
-Tommy wears his ring on a necklace most of the time, but occasionally wears it on his fingers, usually when he needs something to fiddle with.
-Ranboo wears his on his tail (the area right before to fluffy part) normally but also wears it on his finger sometimes when he feels like it. (If your version has horns, he also does that too) it just really depends on what he’s feeling and if he’s forgotten where he put it. He also like, never takes it off unless to move it around because he’s afraid to lose it.
-Tubbo wears his as an actual ring on his finger (though if he has horns, sometimes he puts it on one of em if he needs the ring to be off his hand.) Tubbo learned the hard way when building nukes or other machinery (since, if you can believe it, his husbands aren’t that comfortable with the nukes as he is) you can't wield or do high heat stuff while wearing metal and nearly lost his finger. He’s very lucky and he has a small scar from it.
-Each of them have their own rooms so they can have their own space and somewhere to go if they want time to themselves/store their stuff in, but there is a 4th room (directly across from Michaels) where they share and tend to curl up to sleep together. About 5 out of 7 days of the week, some combo of them are cuddling together at night, more if they're having a bad day or nightmares.
-There's multiple bathrooms in the mansion but there's one they all like the best and will fight over it/race to get into it first before the others and the other two will stalk off salty to use a different one
-They're all pretty tactile people but out of them, Tommy is the most tactile (once the fear of being hurt recess he practically attaches himself to the others) and Ranboo is the least (he won't seek out comfort and touch as much as the others unless he needs it, but is the best at telling when the other two need touch or need to be left alone) and Tubbo is in the middle of that.
-Tommy is the one that cooks most of the time, Ranboo is banned from it after The Incident and while Tubbo is okay at cooking, Tommy just knows more recipes and how to make things taste really good.
-Tommy picked up sewing from when he was a kid, even before he was found by Wilbur and adopted by Phil, it was useful to be able to patch the rags he called clothes, and just ended up continuing because his brothers and dad sucked at sewing. It then morphed into full tailoring because he found it relaxing and liked being able to make his own clothes. He can and will be insulted if anyone wears anything he deems ‘ugly’, especially his new husbands. He makes them clothes all the time, specially Michael.
-In fact he also cleans the most, he just gets bored and while he makes a mess, if the house gets to a certain point he gets really uncomfortable and overstimulated, so he cleans.
-DomesticInnit? In my au? More likely then you think!
-Gradually the whole ‘watching the prison’ and ‘planning to kill Dream’ starts to fade as he gets back into the groove of living again and therapy. He’s just… tired of Dream having a hold on everything Tommy does, he’s sick of it. So… he just tries to live these days one step at a time. (Healing arc baby! Dream can die mad UwU)
-Tommy dragged them both to Therapy with him after a while.
-Because of this he finds himself home a lot with Michael, especially if the other two are busy. They’ve pretty much decided that someone has to be home with Michael at all times, which is now 100% more doable with the 3 of them, and Puffy or Foolish babysit if there’s ever time they can't.
-Tommy is a lot less of a hovering helicopter parent then the others and was the one to finally convince them Michael cant live trapped in a room. Yes, they were all worried for his safety but… you can't raise a kid in a cell, even if it's a nice one. Tommy takes Michael out more
-Tommy started to sleep walking again once they moved in and he still gravitates towards water for some reason. Nothing more startling then waking up because you plunged into frigid below 0 temp water while sleepwalking. Ranboo also enderwalks/sleepwalks more as well and there've been some nights where Tubbo has had to track them both sleepily walking around and make sure they don't hurt themselves or drown or something. At least Ranboo is semi-aware when enderwalking and normally just does weird ender things, Tommy likes to apparently walk into oceans or climb the mansion and nearly fall off and wander hundreds of blocks away. Tubbo’s not salty at all, really.
-Sapnap, Quackity, and Karl are 100% salty the benchtrio got platonically married before they got married
-They fight about last names all the time despite none of them actally taking eachothers last name, and if they happen to pick and choose on which one they’re feeling based on mood, well they can do what they want!
-However its agreed Michael’s last name is hyphenated so he’s now ‘Michael Beloved-Underscore-Innit’
These are all I have for now, feel free to ask about it or use my ideas! <3
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sonnetthebard · 3 years
if it's not too much to ask, could i request a continuation to the jane/linda switched at birth story? 😅
Absolutely! Y'all really like this, don't you?
Genre: Drama/ Fluff?
Words: 1588
TL;DR: Linda accidentally ends up telling Emma about he and Jane being switched at birth
TW: Swearing
Side note: if anyone has ideas/ sketches to elaborate on this headcanon... please do them and tag me. I wanna see them. I mean I’m kinda loving it.
Linda sipped at her coffee, sitting at one of the small tables in Beanies. She let her legs dangle a bit, blowing on her coffee to close it. For once it was piping hot. That probaby had something to do with the fact that she was now rather close with Emma Perkins, the barista who had made it. Jane's sister- her sister. And god, could she ever see it. How could her sister ever work in a cafe though? The cafe had technically closed about five minutes ago, but... the manager, Nora, was letting her and Emma Perkins stay a bit longer to have a chat alone. Emma sighed, bringing over her latte and siitting down with Linda.
"Your coffee okay?" Emma checked. "I know the coffee here isn't too great, but... I tried to make it a bit better. I put a pump of hazelnut in there, and-"
"It's wonderful. Thank you." Linda cut her off, sighing. "Was it a good day at work today?"
"Eh, same old same old." Emma chuckled. "People are assholes sometimes."
"Tell me about it." Linda scoffed, smirking. "Any fun stories?"
"Well... this one guy tried to actually make me *sing* for my tip." Emma rolled her eyes. "Because Nora mentioned while he as at the counter that she'd seen a cafe in god-knows-where doing it."
"Did you actally have to sing?" Linda winced.
"God, no." Emma snickered. "Listen, it's no official rule yet. There's no sign, and therefore Nora can't make me."
"Thank god." Linda laughed along with her.
"Hey!" Emma mocked offence. "I'll have you know that I'm a pretty great singer!"
"Really?" Linda quirked a brow, smirking.
"Oh yeah! I played Fiona in my high school production of Brigadoon." Emma smirked back, putting on the scottish accent for 'Brigadoon'. "I'm not really into theatre any more, but... I fucking killed that role."
"Interesting..." Linda sighed, just taking a look at Emma again.
Sometimes when Emma brought up these significant memories Linda couldn't help but feel a small pang of guilt. Because... she was this girl's older sister. She should have been there toshare those kinds of important moments with her. Not... not phony Jane Perkins. Who wasn't her sister. She liked Emma. A lot. Sure, Emma's life might be a bit grittier than her own, but... they had the same spunk. The same wit. Emma's was slightly less refined, and maybe a bit more crude, but it was there. In a lot of ways, it was like looking in a mirror. Both in looks and personality. That was, of course, if she had been a brunette.
"Hey, Linda, I've been meaning to ask you something." Emma bit her lip.
"Hm?" Linda hummed, indicating for her to go on.
"Why... why the sudden interest in me?" Emma asked carefully. "I mean, not that I don't love getting to actually get to know you- because you're great- but... I don't know. You're... you. You're rich, and your life is fabulous. And I'm me. A thirty-year-old barista at fucking Beanies."
"Well... I suppose I just felt drawn to you." Linda lied.
"Okay, no offence, but... bullshit." Emma sighed. "That's total bullshit! There's gotta be a reason."
"I simply noticed you at work, and... you reminded me of myself." Linda told her, inching closer to the truth.
"Really?" Emma blinked.
"You did... and you do. More and more with every second I spend with you." Linda nodded.
"But like... I know I'm repeating myself, but you're, like, fabulous. And I'm... me." Emma furrowed her brows.
"We've got the same spirit." Linda chuckled. "The same... spunk, if you will. The fire, and the sarcasm. We're peas in a pod."
"Is the sarcasm really that obvious just by looking at me?" Emma smirked.
"In the best way possible." Linda teased. There was a beat of silence between them as both sipped at their coffees.
"So... there was nothing more?" Emma checked.
"No... no, only that you're my sister." Linda sighed. A moment later she realized what she'd said.
"Pardon?" Emma blinked.
"I meant soul sister... sorry, it’s been a long day.” Linda chuckled nervously, hoping that would work.
"Okay, I would've believed that if you hadn't said anything, but... now that you've said it, it sounds so sketchy." Emma shook her head, stunned and suspicious. "What do you mean I'm your sister?"
"It's nothing. I misspoke." Linda blushed, looking to her feet.
"You're lying." Emma stated plainly. "I'm a little sister and a trouble maker. I read body language."
"Emma..." Linda pleaded, a pit in her stomach. She'd never meant to tell Emma. She had planned never to tell any of them.
"No, Linda. I want some fucking aswers." Emma demanded.
"No, you don't." Linda warned her. "Believe me... things will be a lot better if you just forget what I said.”
“No... Linda, you just called me your sister and then completely eliminated the ‘she’s jus being friendly’ context from the situation.” Emma stammered, clearly freaked out. “What the fuck is going on?”
“Fine.” Linda relented. “I didn’t want to tell you because... it’s fucked up, Emma. It really is. And it’s nothing I did, but... I still feel immensely guilty.”
“Just get to the fucking explanation!” Emma urged. 
“My parents- the people who raised me- paid a nurse off to switch me and your sister as babies... It was silly, really. They wanted a natural blonde baby.” Linda sighed. “All of that to say... Jane was never your biological sister. I was.”
“What the fuck...” Emma breathed, eyes wide. 
“That’s what I said when I read it in their financial files.” Linda sighed. She gave Emma a sympathetic look. “Now do you see why I didn’t want to say anything?”
“Um... yeah.” Emma nodded, still trying to take it in. “You’re my sister?”
“We can’t tell anyone, Emma.” Linda warned her. 
"Right...” Emma agreed. 
“It would cause too much of a fuss.” Linda sighed.
“Yeah...” Emma sighed. “So... what, did you start up this friendship because you felt guilty that your parents were heartless assholes who dumped their problem on my parents?”
“No. I did it because... if I had a sister, I wanted to know her. Even if she couldn’t know what she was to me.” Linda explained. “But... now you do, I suppose.”
“Yeah... I do...” Emma blinked. 
“Please... don’t be too mad at me?” Linda pleaded. “I genuinely just wanted to-”
“No, I’m not mad at you. You did nothing wrong.” Emma assured Linda. “Just... God. I always knew there was something fucking weird about Jane.”
“Really?” Linda quirked a brow. 
“Yeah... yeah, not even my parents understood where she got all the ambition and cunning from.” Emma nodded. “She was like... a total Slytherin. And I was very clearly a burnt-out Gryffindor. I mean, I’ve gone a little more Slytherin with my sarcasm over the years, but...”
“I’m sorry, a what?” Linda asked, confused. “Slithering?”
“Like... Hogwarts houses.” Emma checked. Linda stared blankly at her. “Oh my god... tell me my big sister knows what Hogwarts is...”
“I’m...” Linda started, before blinking. “Big sister?”
“Well, yeah... if you were switched with Jane, you’re my big sister.” Emma shrugged. 
“So... we’re alright, then?” Linda blinked. “Just like that?”
“Well... yeah. Yeah, why wouldn’t we be?” Emma chuckled. “Look, it’s a lot to get used to, but... you’ve pretty much handled everything right. And... I really appreciate that once you found out, you wanted me in your life.”
“And I want you to know that I really did make an effort to get to know you right when I found out.” Linda assured her. “I only discoved it when I was going through my parents’ financials while planning their funeral.”
“Yeah, I can get why they would never tell you.” Emma sighed. “I mean... god. That was terrible. No offence but... they kinda sound like terrible people.”
“Well... just like Jane, they were very ambitious.” Linda bit her lip. “And they had a weird thing about keeping the blonde hair in the family.”
“They sound like the Malfoys.” Emma whistled. 
“The who?” Linda asked, not recognizing that name.
“Right. You don’t know Harry Potter.” Emma remembered. “Okay, you know what? I think Paul’s at D&D with the boys from work tonight, so I’ve got the house to myself. You should come over, and we’ll watch as many of those movies as we can cram in.”
“Oh... okay.” Linda agreed. “Harry Potter... that sounds familiar.”
“It’s kinda a huge thing.” Emma chuckled. “You’re free, right?”
“Gerald’s taking the boys night golfing tonight, so yes.” Linda smirked. “Is this going to make me finally seem like a cool mom to my boys?”
“Probably.” Emma smirked back. “Alright... do you need a drive to my place?”
“I would appreciate one.” Linda nodded, following Emma out the door. 
Perhaps that day staying late at a mediocre coffee shop had been the start of something beautiful. Or perhaps it had already started before. It was, at least, the day that Linda and Emma fully embreaced their sisterhood. And it really was only the beginning of their story. They would continue to blossom and grow together, and navigate what whas a confusing but worthwhile journey. It’s funny how sometimes you don’t know how much you need something until it’s handed to you. That sentiment couldn’t be any truer than it was with the two new sisters. Emma was precisely what Linda had always needed, and Linda what Emma needed. Finally, at long last, they could embrace that. 
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moonlightreal · 4 years
Fate Episode Two
Last time on Fate: Silva was surprisingly interesting, Stella was surprisingly pitiable, and Terra was surprisingly badass.  What surprises await in episode two?
In which we have a magic class.
Promising start, Silva and Dowling walking in beautiful Irish landscape, talkin’ worldbuilding!  The “Blackwoods massacre.”  Silva killed thirteen, or at least helped kill thirteen.  
They’re going to check on the Burned One they have doped to the gills and locked up in a shed.  Dowling is going to read its mind and hopes to find it’s the only one around.  Dowling crouches down by the Burned One and her eyes glow silver.  So she’s a Mind Fairy like Musa, I guess.   She gets flashes of the Burned One killing the shepherd and chasing Bloom.
But WE know Beatrix came and woke this Burned One up, so we weren’t surprised when it leaps for the grownups!
Opening sequence!  Still good music.
Bloom waking up.  Aisha’s already been up for hours.  Aisha suggests, “get up!  Be excited!  Today you get to learn to use your magic!”
Waking up montage!  Musa and Terra being friendly.  Terra asks Musa if she can detect lies or “social niceties” heh.  A sensible question, Terra!  But Mua’s not a lie detector, just emotions.  But it seems like she can feel every single emotion Terra feels in realtime, which… how would you LIVE?  How far is her range, if it’s just the closest person the school should’ve giver her her own room, if it’s all the girls how has she not gone completely barmy by now?
And of course Musa isn’t a walking lie detector, this show is going to have a “but who summoned the Burned Ones” plot and lie detection would mean no Plot!
Terra’s changind in the bathroom and Aisha comes in and sits down on the toilet just right in front of her and then strips and hits the shower also right in front of her.  O_o  Terra flusters and looks away, clearly full of shame about her own body compared to Aisha’s.  Poor Terra.  Aisha seems oblivious, she just asks if anyone’s seen Stella.
Cut to Stella walk of shame coming in.  
Musa: ‘That outfit looks similar to yesterday’s.  Same designer?”
Buuuurn! Ok, that’s mean but after Stella’s “they expect me to care about how I look” last episode Musa is kinda delivering karma here.
Bloom hears them talking and comes out of her room to say the Burned One took the portal ring.  Stella’s upset.  Musa: “Calm down, princess.”
Yep, Stella’s a princess!  “My mom is the queen and the ring you lost is one of the crown jewels of Solaria.  That might not mean much to a First Worlder so feel free to ask your suitemate how much of a screwup that is!”
Aisha brings the logic: “Almost as big as giving it to her in the first place.’
They say Dowling has the Burned One locked up, if it was loose in the First World even for a little while that’d be a disaster.  Stella dribbles the idiot ball saying nobody should tell dowling about the ring, she’ll figure out what to do after class.  “and can someone make sure Terra knows that?  She can never keep her mouth shut.” and Stella opens the door and there’s happy Terra squirming into a vest that looks like it doesn’t fit but sunny as a daisy.
Cut to Beatrix with her hair down walking up some stairs.  She’s going to Dowling’s office again, to “see if she needs an escort” down to the stone circle where the first-year class is being held.  But obviously she really came hoping nobody would be there so she could snoop.  Also, beatrix has an interesting pendant that might be magic or not.  I don’t think they had a big prop budget in this show; the portal ring wasn’t much.
Outside Iiiiiireland!  Green!  Waterfall!  And here’s the stone circle! it’s not very big, the stones are low and the dolmens are actally seats.  The first year class is less than twenty people, though we do see a few of fate’s minor fairies in the shot.  Dowling has “the vessel’ a big silver dish, maybe two foot wide.  Beatrix could’ve been trying to get her hands on that too.
Dowling teaches: “Magic lives in the very fabric of nature.  And here in our circle of stone it’s magnified.  The vessel tests your ability to channel that magic.  Further down the line you may learn to connect with other elements but your first year is all about the element you were born with...”
And here the girls show off their powers as in the trailer.  
“Earth. Soil, sand, rock, and all manner of plant life.”  terra looks so happy as she coaxes ivy vines up.
“Water. The lakes and oceans of the world, or the molecules that exist in all organisms around us.’  So could Aisha do bloodbending?  Or pull water out of a person ‘til they drop from dehydration?  How dark is this show gonna go?
“The mind.  Thoughts, memories, dreams.”  Poor Musa just holds a bubble of ripply air and her eyes glow purple.  They could at least have given her some glowy lines around her eyes like Psyloche or Jean Grey in her pre-fiery incarnations.  And yeah, “mind” instead of ‘spirit’ for the sixth element it does WORK it just...
“I know! Let’s base magic on the traditional magical elements! That’ll be a fresh new take!” Said every fantasy showrunner ever. Smh.  One of the cool things in Winx was that it opened way more possibilities.  Telekinetic-flute Musa would’ve been more fun than this Musa whose power so far just makes her and Terra’s roommate life difficult.  I hope there’s good plot reason for it all later.
“Air. Speed, temperature, sound, its power.  And electrical properties.” Beatrix stretches lightning between her hands and smirks and sideeyes like the villainess she thinks she is.  So is Beatrix The Flash?  Can she create phantom sounds, maybe mimic voices?  Freeze people?  Be nice if she could freeze people, give her one of Icy’s tricks.  And if she can throw lightning… uh, that’s a lot of powers for one person.  Who is a baddie.
“Whatever your element, the emotions underlying it are the same for all fairies.”
Bloom gets up to take her turn.  Her eyes flame up but she’s not getting much more than sparks.  The other students look at each other and snicker.  Dowling says, ‘focus on clear, positive feelings.”  and Aisha like a bonehead says, ‘What about your parents?  Focus on how much you love them?”  Aisha, not ten minutes ago in this episode Bloom told you she was trying not to have feelings about this changeling thing.  You’re an idiot.
Bloom says it’s not working.  Dowling says feel don’t think, and Musa singsongs something to Aisha that I couldn’t catch after rewinding 3 times.  Finally Bloom just says, ‘It’s not happening, can we please move on?” and we cut to class being over and they’re all leaving.
Bloom says to Dowling, ‘I’m either on the verge of killing everyone or I can barely light a match.”  Dowling says she just needs a clear mind, “Distraction can cause magic to be erratic.”
And then Dowling says, “So we have exercise classes, meditation classes, and I’ve signed you up to talk with a specialist fairy councilor to help you figure out your relationship with your parents...” oh wait, no she doesn’t.  She turns away.  
Bloom bursts out, ‘Am I a changeling?” and says how Aisha told her. Dowling’s face confirms it.  ‘i didn’t want to burden you with too much too quickly.
Bloom: “So instead you let me learn from teenagers, the most gentle and reliable sources of information.’  Ahahahaha!  Love it!  So self aware.  
Dowling admits that was not ideal, then snaps at Bloom when she says, ‘Ya think?”  Bloom deflates.  She asks who her real parents are but Dowling doesn’t know.  Just, ‘Come to class every day, you focus, you learn, you grow.  Eventually the answers will come.”  She turns away.
Bloom: “Cryptic and vague just like everything else in this place.” Iknowright?  I’m starting to feel less like Dowling is sus and more like Dowling is just a bad teacher.  Why was there no, “And I will help you find out.’ Dowling suspects Bloom is a very important changeling and knows her magic can be very destructive, why isn’t she working harder to get Bloom what she needs to become an emotionally put-together nondangerous fairy?
We go from here to the Specialists doing martial arts!  Sky and Riven are watching Dane and a girl face off.  Apparently last year Riven was kind of a hopeless case until sky befriended him.
Sky goes off to see Stella, who’s coming over, and Riven gets up to creepy-flirt with Dane.  Apparently Dane accidentally putting a like on one of Riven’s sexy pics is something that could ruin him before the whole school?  I guess it could out him.  There is something sexual in Riven’s menacing, he’s sitting right next to Dane with their faces close together.
And then Riven un-creeps completely and starts giving Dane advice about “chose your friends wisely, focus.  Being a good specialist is about strategy not how big and strong you are.”  then he calls a big specialist named Mikey over for a bout and takes him down handily.  He turns to Dane with a big wholesome grin, “You see?”
Uh. I guess Riven is your standard perv; when he’s not being creepy he’s very likeable.  Makes you want him to not be the kind of guy he so clearly is.
Over with Sky, Stella’s asking him where they might keep the Burned One. Sky says he’ll break out the maps, and suggests they tell Dowling. But Dowling took an oath to the queen, and if the queen found out Stella lost the ring… Stella looks teary-scared.  What of, exactly? She hugs Sky and maybe it’s just my pity for this poor washed-out Stella but I do get the vibe that she’s not being a queen bee, she’s scared and Sky is helping her and it’s not about romance. Then silva comes over and she covers it up with, “so just let me know about the Celtic runes quiz when you find out.  Thanks Sky.”
Huh. Using earth runes for Otherworld magic.  I feel an extra post about this comin’ on.
Stella leaves.  Silva doesn’t even have to give Sky a look, Sky says, ‘you don’t have to lecture me, I’m lecturing myself for it in my head.’  Heh.  And Silva says, ‘My guess is you would ignore your own lectures as well.’  Hah!  And they have a great little teacher-student chat.  Silva promised Sky’s dad to look after him, and the famous Andreas of Eraklyon would’ve said the same thing but with more profanity.  Heh.
Is Sky’s dad dead?  I got the vibe he died in the last magic battle with the Burned Ones but I don’t think they’ve actually said it. Anyway, good lil scene there, show!
We go now to Bloom’s room where she has, ooh! A spell book!  Of Celtic runes!  It’s a fat book, and ok I only know the Norse runes but there’s only 24 of ‘em and you could maybe squeeze out a few pages of meanings and uses for each one plus readings and ok if you added lots and LOTS of spells...  And the Celts didn’t use runes, strictly speaking, they used the Ogham alphabet which is basically runes being an alphabet of straight lines but it does have its own name.
Her other book is called Magical Flora and Fauna.  
While she unpacks these books from her bag Bloom is on the phone with her mom.  Bloom describes her roommate as, ‘Perfect.  Overachiever, athlete, morning person...’ and mom says, ‘and you get to spend so much time with her...” just savoring it, but in a joking way. This conversation was very sweet.  And Bloom’s mom has a watch set to Switzerland time so she knows it’s time for Bloom to go to bed. that’s really sweet.  It’s clear Bloom’s parents do love her, but how regular were meltdowns like the one that set the house on fire?  Like Riven, people can be both great people and horrible people.
And they are so unlike Mike and Vanessa that I’m not calling them Mike and Vanessa.  Fate clearly didn’t mean for them to be the same characters.
Late afternoon outside.  Beatrix approaches Riven and enlists him to break into Dowling’s office because he seems like a “proper delinquent.” and also “because you’re a guy and I’m hot.” Pfft!  Uh.  Go, Beatrix?  Own your power?  “Or did I underestimate the depth of your character?”  Heh.  Beatrix heads off without waiting for Riven’s answer.
In the cafeteria Aisha and Musa get dinner.  Aisha is wearing a bright yellow ankle-length skirt what is with the costumes in this show!  At least Musa’s got her appropriately colored red jacket.  She talks about her power being always on and how that makes crowded places a nightmare, and reads some people’s minds.  Then she reads one guy’s mind and meaningful music plays.  What is this?
They go sit with Terra and Bloom and Aisha is again on the ball trying to help Bloom figure out her emotions so she can control her magic because she’s worried bloom’s too distracted by the changeling thing.  And yeah everybody knows about that now.
Terra: “Oh is that why you were freaking out about the vessel that makes so much sense because that’s about the easiest assignment we’ll have aaaaand I’m making it worse.”  Musa had to signal Terra to shut up, but good save.  The girls are being nice to each other, I like that.  Aisha is epically bad at the skill of helping, but she is trying to help.  Gee, if only there were school councilors who had studied the skill of helping!  
Stella and Sky come over with a map of Alfea and Terra starts pointing out all the locations and starts a story from her childhood and even Stella’s glare won’t shut her up.
Sky sits down by Bloom and asks if she’s ok after last night.  “I think you’re freaking out and pretending you’re not.”  
Poor Stella can’t decide who she hates more, chattering Terra or talkin’-to-my-guy Bloom!  Hope Stella gets her head on straight about Sky soon.  After Musa and Riven in season 8 my eyes have run out of roll. 9_9  
They figure out the likliest place for the Burned One to be chained up and Stella says, “We just have to go there and get my ring.” But Musa and Aisha say this isn’t a “we” problem, more of a “you” problem.  Stella pulls out her worst side and says to Bloom, “But ‘I’ didn’t lose it.” and Bloom’s down to go.  Even knowing she has no control over her magic.  But the Burned One is chained up and drugged with some oil that Terra’s father makes.  Called Zambak or something.  They can maybe get some more.  that’s sensible. Nasty Stella says, ‘thank you Terra, thank you Bloom for taking responsibility, and everyone else thanks for… nothing.’ and smirks and gathers up her map.
Yeesh, Stella’s catty!  
Also, how do they know Dowling and Sliva haven’t already searched the Burned One?  Do Burned Ones have pockets?  And Burned Ones carry a disease that kills you if you get scratched by one, so is it even safe to touch them at all?  Does Stella have a plan for a magical hazmat suit or something?  Have y’all really thought this through?
I think Bloom stealth rolls her eyes at the cattyness, and then she goes outside.  To what looks like a hedge maze with a pond where IS this place?  Sky follows and says, ‘You don’t have to go along with what Stella says just because she’s got a… strong personality.”  But Bloom’s mind is made up which makes her also a strong personality.
Sky awkwardly explains he dated Stella last year and they had a rough breakup, trying to set out his situation for Bloom so she won’t think he’s ‘that guy’ but Bloom sensibly points out they only met yesterday and she already has enough complication in her life.  
Meanwhile our conspirators are working out Dowling’s schedule in a library somewhere.  Riven knows already!  Dowling’s secretary is named Callan.  
And Riven is trying soooo hard to prove he’s a bad boy.  Hood up, pouring booze from a decanter, saying he smokes weed with his vape. If you gotta try that hard, you have already failed.
Beatrix meanwhile is petting the books.  She’s not after test answers, she’s beyond the stuff they teach.  She wants secrets.  “the history of this place is a lot darker than Dowling an the rest of the faculty want us to know.’
Riven: “So wait you’re like some hot fucked-up history nerd.’  Heh.
And Beatrix comes over and sits on Riven and the camera thankfully doesn’t make us watch them making out!
Musa’s in the cafeteria, she detects that guy again.  She follows him-- to a closed door.
Bloom’s gone back to the stone circle!  The vessel is still there, which seems stealable, and we see it’s full of crystals.  Bloom opens her red notebook and we see her notes “clear mind = emotional control + stronger magic” and “positive magic > lasts longer.”  But just as she starts trying to summon fire…
“I hear you’re broken.  In more ways than one.”  Stella, that was mean and that costume does nothing for you.  Are long skirts in style in Italy?  Heck, they could be in style in America for all I know, I haven’t seen other people in ten months.
Stella briefly acts nice, telling Bloom her notes are the problem magic has to come by feel.  Then she turns and starts a mocking list of things she thinks Bloom might have listed as sources of positive emotion. Then Stella goes for the changeling thing, and pushes Bloom to use her rage to call fire.  Bloom summons fire and jumps back.  Stella says, ‘What?  You think you’re done?” So Stella is going to just abuse Bloom to get her magic working?  Great, just great.  Ugh. I suppose later on she’ll say, “It had to be done, we didn’t have time for you to figure it out the normal way.’ and that’ll be fine and nobody will punish Stella for creating a danger to herself and the whole school.
Also, Stella goes for “worthless changeling” which ok anything will be nasty in that voice but what’s wrong with being a changeling?  not like Bloom had any say in what her parents did when she was just born.  And Aisha called it barbaric… was changeling-swapping used for some awful purpose back in ancient times that created a stigma? What?  I sense worldbuilding, and Fate you’d better deliver!
Or there is no stigma to being a changeling and Stella’s just poking Bloom where it hurts.  Or if Stella knows about the mysterious Rosalinda she may have put the dates together and realized Bloom could be the daughter of the great heroine and destined for main-characterhood.  And Stella may be getting jealous.
Also 2, Stella’s basically using Sith philosophy.  Didn’t you ever see Star Wars, Stella?  Heck, maybe she has and she’s doing it on purpose.
Also 3, I may need to do a separate post about magic and emotion.  It’s easier to get to angry from happy than to happy from… anywhere. it’s just how brains work.  So everybody ever would discover rage works better and… I don’t even know where the worldbuilding would have to go from there.
Ok. That was a lot of thoughts and my mid-episode break on a Friday night.  (dinner, watched some Classic Doctor Who, wrote some fanfic, went to bed, got up, wrote more fanfic, walked my pokemons, and here we are again.) We rejoin the episode at definitely-night at Alfea.  Dowling has no lighting in her office.  Silva comes in saying the other realms have had zero Burned Ones sightings.  Silva wants to move the Burned One to the queen’s prison before the students start trying to find it. Silva is a sensible guy.  (also his first name is Saul, which I learned already on Tumblr.  I’m not the only one who thinks he’s a good character it seems.)
And I guess Dowling goes along with it because here come 3 black SUVs from the queen’s army, lookin’ very Jurassic Park as they roll across the fields.  No roads around Alfea I guess.  Doomful music plays.  I think something very Jurassic Park is about to happen to these poor guys…
Also, it’s day when before it was night.  Is it the next day?  A few days on?  Time & lighting in this show!
The soldiers stop when they see a dark figure, but it’s just someone in a cloak.  There’s a growl…
The girls waking up!  I guess it’s the morning of day 3 now.  Aisha makes her bed as Bloom snoozes away.  Aisha sees Bloom’s notebook, conveniently left open to Bloom’s notes about “Is Stella right that I should use hatred and fear?”  Aisha is concerned that her roommate is considering the ways of the Sith.
She talks to Musa about it on the way to (I presume) breakfast.  Bloom and Stella were ouit late last night.  But Musa thinks Aisha is just jealous that Bloom and Stella may be becoming friends.  And Musa’s eyes glowed so I guess that’s what Aisha was thinking?  Aisha changes the subject to the boy Musa’s chasing.  Musa says she senses him behind her but there’s nobody there… then he Kitty Prydes it in through the wall.  ‘Mystery solved.  Earth fairy.” and Aisha just calls him over and introduces the two of them and says Musa’s been stalking him.  As Musa quietly swears hatred to Aisha’s children unto generations, but is kind of laughing too.  Musa turns and Sam says, ‘Lucky me.” and Aisha leaves them to get acquainted.
We go to Terra in the greenhouse where she’s doing planty things and teaching Dane chemistry.  They have pipettes in the Otherworld, and they’re called pipettes.  Dane has a glass chemistry apparatus.  Is he doing chemistry or potions?  ‘Cause they are two different disciplines!
Terra coaxes a flower from a bud with her magic, and Dane says it’s cool. Cute scene.
Interrupted by Riven texting to ask if Dane is training or busy picking flowers.
More cuteness, Dane teases Terra asking if she’s making drugs, apparently meth exists in the Otherworld too, and Terra tells him about the anti-Burned One oil she’s making.  Dane is helping with preparation while Terra does the magic bits.
Riven sends a picture of someone picking petals off a flower and Dane says he has to go.  Poor Terra is abandoned.
Riven is in a dark room smoking.  He shows Beatrix his phone and she says, ‘Homophobic gay-bashing via gif. Truly you’ve reached your peak clever.”  Riven explains he doesn’t care if Dane is gay, he wants to make him less lame.  Well-intentioned bullying.  That is weirdly thought-out, Riven.  
Sky comes in so I guess we’re in Sky and Riven’s dorm.  Beatrix offers him her vape pen and he declines.  Riven isn’t worried about having a girl in the boys’ dorm because Silva went off to meet the soldiers coming for the Burned One.  Beatrix knows Sky is dating Stella and asks if it’s weird having sex with someone who looks just like him and I snicker.  Sky is unmoved.
Beatrix heads off to the library and Sky says, “I don’t have time to tell you all the reasons that is a bad idea.”  Riven just waves it off.
Over with Bloom and Aisha, Bloom’s trying to write a paper when Aisha interrupts to spill the beans about seeing the notebook and says Stella’s “methods are unreliable” and she’s maybe not the best magic teacher.  Bloom just focuses on “you read my notebook?” and asks Aisha to stop trying to help.
Stella arrives in that big olive coat to say the Burned One is about to be moves, their mission needs to happen now.  The coat is something the real Stella would never wear in a million years, but I find myself approving of a practical choice in adventure wear.
Sam and Musa are chatting happily.  Sam is trying to guess what he sounds like in Musa’s head.  Guess she heard emotion as music.  Musa says he sounds like “an absence of chaos.”  And sam describes his power which he calls “boring through anything natural.”  I’ll just call it phasing because obviously.
Terra texts Musa for help in the greenhouse.  I do believe we’re leaping into action.
Stela, Bloom and Aisha stride across the grounds.  Aisha calls Stella “Army Barbie” so wait they have Barbie dolls in the Otherworld?  How does that work, pallets of dolls get spirited away from the Mattel factory?  Stella spends a long time saying Aisha was not invited. But Aisha is coming along, they need her.
Stella: “I fixed her.”
Aisha: “Negative emotions are unreliable. They have limits. Your method won’t help her in the long run.”
Bloom points out neither of them are helping at the moment.  Stella and Musa arrive and the five of them cross the barrier to go find the Burned One.
They find the barn quick, but the Burned One is already gone.  Stella again sounds teary and holds the chains saying “No, my mum’s going to kill me...”
Musa gets a bad vibe and she and Terra follow it.  Suddenly Musa is struck down by a blast of empathic pain.  Ah crap, here are the soldiers, very dead!  Oh good, Silva is just grievously wounded.
But Bloom lagged behind at the barn.  Aisha and Stella go look for her while Terra and Musa hopefully save one of the three adults in the cast.  
Bloom is wandering through the forest, summoned by magic one assumes because this is a bad time to wander off.
Yikes, poor Silva is infected with Burned One venom and not in his right mind!  Luckily Terra takes charge, vines the guy up before he can stab them, and tells Musa, ‘He’s scared, I’m not.  Focus on me.”  the anti-Burned One oil will help with the infection.
Aisha and Stella follow Bloom through the dark forest.  Stella tries to summon light but can’t make it work and Aisha says, ‘I don’t have time for this, go back to school.” and walks off.  So the three of them are now separated.
And there’s the Burned One!  It runs at Bloom, who sends fire at it. Even being on fire doesn’t slow it down but Aisha sends a wave that tosses it into a tree, impaling it through the chest on a branch! The girls creep in for a closer look and they see Stella’s ring, that the Burned One has buried in its flesh!  We don’t see that. The girls waffle about who should pull it out-- did none of you bring a pocket knife?  A stick?  Don’t touch the highly infectious monster!  But Bloom reaches in with her actual hands and grabs the ring and they flee.
Stella did go back to school.  She finds Sky and tells him what happened, that the Burned One got loose.  Sky immediately goes from, “How?” to “How are you?” making him a class A good dude.  Stella begins to cry and says her magic wouldn’t work.  Sky says, “Tell me everything.” when below in the cafateria Musa and Terra enter with the injured Silva.  Terra takes charge, ordering medical help and for Dane to come help them get Silva to the greenhouse.  I guess there’s no infirmary here?  Maybe all the medicines are potions.  Beatrix runs to get Dowling and Sky and Stella rush down to help.
  And we learn Sam is Terra’s brother.
Beatrix rushes into Dowling’s office, tells the news, and Dowling and Callan rush out.  Leaving Beatrix right where she wants to be.  She lightnings up her hands and Dowling’s secret passage slides right open for her.
Down in the greenhouse Terra’s dad Harvey says, ‘You saved his life, I’m so proud of you.” and Terra glows.  Silva is battered but himself again and tells Sky he’ll be fine and sends the students out before telling the adults the real news.  The Burned One was freed and waiting for them.
Beatrix can’t get through the secret door.  There’s a barrier on it. Dowling’s assistant Callan comes in and catches her, but he’s a baddie too!  He says turning loose the Burned One was a good distraction but he can’t get through the trap on the secret door because he’s not a fairy and that’s why “he” sent Beatrix.
The plot thickens!  A mysterious boss-villain has emerged!  And Beatrix, that is a lot of lipstick.
Evening of day 3, getting ready for bed in the dorm.  Terra texted, Silva will be ok but they should prepare for a lecture.  But bloom’s more interested in teasing Aisha about her toothbrush.  
Stella turns up and says while the others were in the woods she was covering for them at school and Bloom should be grateful.  Which is a total lie.  Bloom returns the ring, joking about what she had to do to get it and Stella says right over her, ‘let;s never talk about this day again.” and leaves.
Sky arrives.  And looks at Bloom, then goes into Stella’s room.  The door shuts behind them with great finality.
So… does “being turned on” count as an emotion for the purposes of magic?  That would make the worldbuilding very odd indeed.  We’d have the Sith and the… hmm… Bacchanates?  Supposedly followers of Bacchus who ran around drinking, having orgies, and tearing apart small animals with their bare hands in the lust of the hunt.  They probably didn’t exist in our world, but in the Fate world they’d make sense.
Also would people with mental illnesses have stronger magic?  Bipolar mania is a heckofathing from what my psych textbooks say.
Anyway Bloom and Aisha talk before going to bed, Aisha apologizes for helping too much, says it’s all new to her too.  Bloom says she wandered off from the barn because she felt something.  “a connection to that thing.”  She talks about how she’s kind of given up on understanding but, “opening up emotionally the magic’s all around me.  And that’s new and kinda scary.”
A meaningful silence falls, and when Aisha looks over Bloom’s eyes have gone blank white!
Boring ending music this time.  i guess the themes from this episode are 1) lots of characters do really awful things and also likeable things.  either this show has nuanced characters or it doesn’t know what the heck it’s doing with its characters.  I’m not sure.  and 2) Has this magic=emotion thing really been thought through?
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romancefreak · 6 years
Antisepticeye and Jacksepticeye: I Am Real Now
"Come on… Come on…I’ll defeat you Anti, I’ve got this guys, don’t worry!“ Jack shouted at the camera as he fiercely tapped the keys on his keyboard. At the moment, he was filming a livestream, and he was trying to take down the final boss of a wonderful fan game someone made for him, and the boss happened to be Antisepticeye. At the corner of his eyes he saw people were cheering him on in the chat. He smiled to himself as he thought about the amazing hype and rally behind his “dark self”, which commented on as he continued to fight in the game.
“I’ve watched the community go crazy over my teases and hints, making theories, drawing fan art, and–whoa, almost got hit there–and it’s amazing and beautiful how much this community bonds together–argh, he got me, but I t'ink I’ve got enough health I can get him in this next hit—so thank you guys for making things like this possible and for being so open to each other and making it so much fun. Almost… YES!” Jack punched his fist in the air as his sword gave the final blow, killing Anti as he disintegrated with a loud scream.
"HA! TOLD ya you’re a glitch bitch, Anti!” Jack laughed in triumph, smiling as he watched his avatar in the game release his friends out of the cages Anti had put them in. After watching the ending scene of the game and reading a heartfelt message from the developer, Jack smiled warmly at the camera, his blue eyes twinkling.
“Dude thank you so much for making this game. It means the world to me that you love the channel that much that you would take so much time and effort to make something like this. I appreciate it very much and I’m so happy to have played this. The story was really good, and it’s awesome that I get to battle Anti for the first time in a fan game. In the past it’s always been Billy, which of course I loved, but now Anti is in a fan game, which was really cool! And–”  
Suddenly, his lights flickered out, casting Jack in darkness, startling him.
"Whoa! Umm…. What the hell? What just happened? Hello? Who turned out the lights?” he asked, looking around his recording room. The only light that was on was the bright light of his computer and the steady blinking of the red light from his webcam. The only sound he heard was the cheerful music coming from the game, but even that seemed to have lowered. A small chill ran up Jack’s slender back, not liking the atmosphere of the room at all…. It had become eerily still….
“I think… maybe the lightbulb just blew…” Jack explained, trying to make best of the situation. He saw that people were already getting concerned in the chat, and he didn’t want to scare his community. He chuckled a bit, though it was clear in his voice he was a bit uneasy.
"Heh, what a...what a coincidental time for that to happen. Maybe it was Anti coming to say hi and–”
“Oh I have indeed, Jack…” A high pitched, but quiet voice suddenly whispered in the darkness, causing Jack’s heart to jump in his throat as his blood ran cold.
“Who the hell said that!?” Jack yelled, frantically looking around for the source of the voice. “Show yourself! Who’s there!?”
“I think you know EXACTLY who I am, Jack…” the voice said, much louder this time, sounding angrier. Suddenly a terrible screeching static noise sounded from his computer, making Jack cry out, throwing off his headphones and clapping his hands to his ears, trying to block it out. He turned white as a ghost as he saw a familiar face, a horrible, maniacal familiar face smiling evilly through the glitching screen…
"N-n-no…. It… It can’t be… You’re n-not real… You’re not real!” Jack cried out.  He reached for the power button, hoping that shutting it down would get rid of him. Suddenly a powerful glitching hand grabbed Jack’s arm, stopping him.  
“Oh, I’m very real, Jack… You, and your precious community you care soooooo deeply about MADE me, after all…” To Jack’s horror, the monster crawled out of the screen, the monster with dark green hair, black gages in his pointed ears, sharp teeth in an evil maniacal smile, and blood dripping from a horrid ragged cut on his pale throat. Antisepticeye.  Anti kicked Jack in the guts, sending him flying backwards and crashing into the wall behind him. Jack cried out in pain, feeling the wind get knocked out of him as his head throbbed from the impact, making him fall to his knees. Holding his stomach and gasping for air, he gazed at Anti with shock and terror.
"How...? How are you...!?" he tried to ask, wheezing and struggling to get air back in his lungs.    
"Alive? Real?" Anti chuckled deviously, smirking down at him, his voice ranging from deep and throaty to high pitched and bone-chilling. "I already told ya, Jack. You, Robin, and your oh-so precious little community created me. Like you said in your Kill Jacksepticeye video..." His eyes turned black as he glitched harder in front of Jack, blood dripping more from his throat as he mocked him."'I've kept control all this time... Nothing gets rid of me! I am eternal!'" He laughed with malice as he watched Jack struggle to get up.    
 "But...but you aren't supposed....to be actally real...."   
Anti laughed cruelly, bending down to sit on his haunches in front of Jack, resting his elbows on his knees. "Ah, that's the beauty of it all, Jackieboy.... You know the power of the community is strong. The same goes for their imagination. Both can be used for good, oh yeah." His eyes gleamed as his evil smile grew wider. "But it can also be used for not so nice things too. Ya see...As my popularity grew after your videos you and Robin worked on, fans have drawn me in various ways, wrote fan fiction of me, even cosplayed as me. And from there, I was born. I grew stronger and more powerful feeding off of their creativity, waiting for the time where I can be powerful enough to take physical form." He leaned in closer, smirking at his creator as he grabbed at his throat. "Ya see, Jack? They wanted this to happen! Your adoring community that claims to love you and support you want you dead and they want me to be real! And you continue to dig your own grave by feeding their precious theories dressing as me, acting as me..." His eyes gleamed as he squeezed Jack's throat harder. "BEING me."
Jack felt the color drain from his face, scratching at the demon's unexpectedly strong hands as he gasped for air, his heart pounding in his ears. "That's... not true.... The community isn't like that... They're not... They're not evil like you.... I'M not like you..."   
"No?" Anti cackled, lifting Jack in the air by the throat and throwing him into his gaming chair where glitching shadows suddenly wrapped tightly around his wrists and ankles. "You call me evil. You call me a demon." He leaned in closer until Jack could see his terrified expression in the reflection of Anti's eyes, his voice dripping with venom. "But let me ask you this.... If I am evil, what does that say about you who created me in the first place?"   
Jack went even paler in the face, coughing and tearing up as he gulped air. What DID that say about him? He did enjoy teasing his fans with all the cryptic hints he and Robin would put all over the place, lighting the community on fire. He loved horror and Halloween which is often when Anti would appear. And he even liked playing as Anti sometimes. Does... Does that mean...? He shook his head then with vigor. No. Just because he did those things doesn't mean he was anything like this monster. He looked up at his dark ego with a defiant glare as he struggled against his bonds.
"For one, the fans chose me to look up to. I don't know why they do, because I'm just some guy from Ireland who loves video games and making people laugh and feel welcome. But I guess they like that about me, and I'm grateful to them for their support and love! And other thing, you were first created from fans as a joke but then the community, Robin and I expanded upon you and created you as antagonist for a story, to show good will always win over evil and you can conquer your demons, just like any storyteller would." He glared at Anti defiantly, pulling against his bonds harder than ever. "You're nothing more than our puppet, our glitch bitch!"
Anti slashed his claws against Jack's cheek, making him cry out as blood trailed freely down his pale skin. "Funny....I thought it was canon that you were MY puppet under MY control in your videos," he snarled, the evil smile gone from his face as anger flared in his black devilish eyes. "I'll show you who the bitch is here!" He grabbed the camera fiercely, bringing his glitching face to it, blood streaming from the cut in his neck.
"All those who are listening out there.... You really should have thought twice about creating me if you didn't want your beloved Jack to be harmed! So in the words you so dearly like to make me say... He grabbed Jack by the throat again, the most evil smile spreading across how glitching face. "If you want him back so badly, why don't YOU SAVE HIM!?" Suddenly Anti took a demonic looking shadowy figure , looming above Jack before plunging into Jack's mouth and eyes, possessing his body. For a moment, all was eerily still as the Livestream chat was screaming in text, crying out with no noise, helpless to do anything. Then, slowly, Jack's head lifted up, and his fans saw with horror that his eyes were streaming with bloody tears, his lips trembling, looking more terrified and helpless then they've ever seen him.
"G-guys...help me...." he whispered. Suddenly his eyes turned black and an evil smile spread across his face, Anti's distorted voice coming from Jack's mouth.
"You heard him.... Come help him... If you can.... This is my world now...." He cackled maniacally as he punched the camera, cracking the lense and glitching wildly. Then, the screen went blank as Jack's fans around the world panicked, screamed, cried, and/or sat frozen in fear and shock.
Jacksepticeye, their entertainer, their idol, their friend......was gone.
Soooo.... This was my first Antisepticeye fan fiction. I was kind of inspired by this line from BATIM Rap/Can't Be Erased by JT Music. "Call me a seed of evil but what's that mean if I'm conceived within your mind?" I mean, we helped create Anti...so....
Anyways I hope you guys like this creepy concept. I'd love to hear your thoughts! :)
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safyresky · 7 years
37, 43, 46, 48 with Jacquie, Elle, Dite, and Jack (again), Christmas party addition?
Ahahahaha you are really liking this combo, aren’t you mellobean? (I know I kinda am, and it’s gr8 practise for me to write Dite tbh.Also!!! If you’re predominantly on mobile and read mores don’t wanna work letme know and I’ll get rid of the read more and just tag it as a long post)
37:  “Can you just shut up for five minutes?” 43:  “Why are you/we whispering?” 46:  “Shut up, I am a delight!” 48:  “Now, just hold on a diddly darn minute.”
“Isn’t that a bit of a hassle though?” Dite asked, grabbing anotherglass of cider as an elf with a tray passed by.
“Not really,” Jacqueline replied, helpingherself to a glass as well. “I mean icicles are a really hard medium towork with, of course, especially on a dress, but it reallymakes the look, you know?”
“Well for your super-fancy-formal-wear yeah, I suppose…butI like the frosty dress a bit better,” Dite said. “It looks less like it’sstrangling you.”
Jacqueline blinked. “I’m flattered,” she said, smiling,a slight blush on her face. “And it’s not strangling me, it barely touchesthe neckline Dite.”
“Jacqueline, sweetie. It looks like a corset. You know howawful those things are.”
“Yeah, I do, that’s why I don’t wear one.”
“That’s relieving to know. I’m glad you’re not beingstrangled by clothing.”
“Thanks, Dite.” Jacqueline paused, staring at her friend.The goddess seemed a little off today, and she wasn’t sure why. She keptglancing at Elle and Bernard, looking very thoughtful which could be veryconcerning, depending on the thought.
Jacqueline slid closer to the blonde, until Dite’s left wingwas almost wrapped around the sprite. “What’s got you so bothered?” shewhispered.
“You told me that the North Pole Christmas party isfor every elf to chill out,” she whispered back.
“It sure is. You’ve been here all night, you saw how it wasafter launch. That was pretty chill, by my standards.”
“Well look who is not chilling.”
“Bernard? He never chills. Unless Elle convinces him to. Orhe actally takes a break. I think he’s going to work himself to death one ofthese days.”
“Unless Elle convinces him to. Well, where’s Elle?”
“She’s right beside him—oh. She is not.” Jacqueline paused,frowning. “I think I’m beginning to see your point.”
“Why are we whispering?” said a voice. 
The two Legates jumped, both realizing at the same time thatElle had snuck behind them and that’s why they hadn’t seen her anywhere.
“No reason!” Jacqueline said, clearing her throat anddusting off her dress.
“We were whispering? Wow, I didn’t even notice,” Dite added.
“You sound spacey, Aphrodite. Is everything okay?”
“Yes! I’m just dandy. What a lovely party! When Jacquelinetold me how crazy it got here I did not believe her.”
“I bet you do now,” Elle grinned. 
“Absolutely. So how come you aren’t chilling out?”
Elle’s smile faltered. “I’m sorry?”
Jacqueline made a weird sound in her throat.
“You aren’t relaxing. I would assume, being Elf number 2,you work exceptionally hard. So why aren’t you winding down right now? Withyour boo?”
“Well, we have lots of time to relax later. But since Santais still out we’ve still got to work a little bit, the two of us. Then there’smaking sure everyone is enjoying themselves—Jacqueline, what’s so funny?”
“Dite called B-Man your boo.”
“You’re so mature,” Elle said, grinning.
“She’s the picture of sophisticated grace,” Ditesaid, smiling. “Now then, I can’t sit around here and watch a match such asyourself and Bernard not have fun together. C’mon,” Dite said,grabbing Elle’s hand and rushing away.
“Now just hold on a diddly darn minute—” Elle began, butDite paid her no mind. Jacqueline watched them go, thinking of what Dite might be planning and if she should go tell the love goddess to tone it down a notch.
“So, Cupid’s niece, huh?”
“What?” Jacqueline said, startled for the second time thatnight.
“You have…feelings…for Cupid’s niece?Aphrodite?”
“You’re reading into things, Jack.”
The Legend shrugged, serving his sister with an infuriatingsmirk. “Am I? I mean, you did bring her along as your date, did you not?”
“Yes, but that doesn’t mean I have a thing forher.”
“I don’t know, you two were looking mighty cozy before Elleinterrupted. And those wings do not look cozy.”
“Dite’s wings are soft and fluffy and make her hugs verygreat,” Jacqueline defended.
Jack smirked. “I knew it.”
“Can you just shut up for five minutes? Dite and I aren’tlike that! I don’t have a crush on her! She’s just someone I really like andwould stare at for days and if I don’t see her for a while it sometimes ruins my week!”
“You know what Jacqueline,” Jack said, holding up a hand indefence, “you are completely right. That is definitely not a crush, howcould I have been so wrong.?!”
“You’re the absolute worst.”
“Shut up, I’m a delight!”
“Whoever told you that lied.”
Jack rolled his eyes. “I can see I’ve hit a touchysubject so, I’ll move on. At any rate, it’s not like you were getting veryfar.”
“I’m sorry?”
“Well you were all cozy up there but then Elle came alongand so much for the coze, as you call it.”
“My slang does not suit you.”
“I know. It felt weird to say.”
“Now are you implying I couldn’t get the coze back?”
“Listen. I don’t have a crush on Dite but I would like youto know I’m totally capable of cozying up to anyone.”
“Really now?”
“Really! And I’ll prove it!” Jacqueline shouted, stompingoff. “I have to go make sure Dite doesn’t go love crazy anyway!”
Jack chuckled to himself, heading back to the dessert table.
By the time Jacqueline made it over to Dite and Elle, stillin a bit of a huff, the two girls were giggling like mad.
“What are you two planning?” Jacqueline asked, eyebrowraised.
“Well, you promised me the whole Christmas experience,” Ditesaid. “And do you know what’s missing from the whole Christmasexperience?”
“Eggnog? Because there’s some over by the Naughty and NiceCentre—”
“Nope! Mistletoe,” Dite said, grinning.
“Oh dear.”
“And since Elle and her fine elven gent over there haven’twound down, and you said that usually Elle is the one to convince him to relax,I thought ‘hey, why don’t I throw them under some mistletoe?’ and I toldElle and she thought—”
“I think it’s brilliant!”
“And thankfully, I managed to come by some mistletoe,” Diteadded.
“Yes, because you wanted to make your peplos allChristmassy, so you had me help you put mistletoe on it. And the holly aroundthe bottom which hurt a lot why is that stuff so sharp?”
“We’re actually working on a softer version of holly down in Botany—”
“Elle. It’s Christmas. Seriously, stop thinking about workfor a bit,” Jacqueline teased.
“Hey, at least I’m not a Bernard,” Elle said, shrugging.
“Speaking of, I hung up the mistletoe,” Dite said, pointingto one of the archways in the Workshop. “Go make some romance happen,Elle. Do me proud!”
“I won’t let you down!” Elle said, saluting (a bit over dramatically,Jacquie thought proudly) and rushing over to Bernard.
“I’m so excited,” Dite said. “You know Jacquie, when Ido my rounds around this time of year, a lot of mistletoe shenanigans tend tohappen. They’re all lovely, of course, but it’s nice to see one that I didn’tmake happen myself. Well, completely,” the goddess said, blushing.
“Then let’s get you closer. after all, you never work from too far away.”
Ditegrinned and grabbed Jacqueline’s hand, rushing them over to the table filledwith cookies nearest to Dite’s mistletoe. They watched as Elle ran by, dragging a very confused but smiley Bernard behind her.
“I just want to show you something, B.”
“Elle, I have to go check in with Santa and—”
“Look up!”
“Is that mistletoe?”
“Heck yes.”
“Well then, if I may?”
“Heck yes!”
The two elves smooched, and Dite grinned so wide Jacqueline was afraid her face would break in two.
“You know what Elle, it’s Chirstmas Eve. Santa’s fine, and you’re right. I really do need to unwind. Want to dance?”
“Happily,” Elle said, taking the hand he offered as the two headed to the large crowd of elves dancing in front of the speaker set up.
“That was even better than I thought,” Dite said, picking up her robes and walking towards the mistletoe. Jacqueline followed, smiling to herself as she stopped beside Dite—right under the mistletoe. “Mind helping me put it back on? It was acting as one of my fibula,” Dite said.
“Of course. But first I would like to point out that we are, in fact, underneath the mistletoe.”
Dite blinked, then coloured. “Oh, geez, we are would you look at that!”
“Is it okay if I kiss you?”
Dite paused for a minute, then smiled. “Sure. Just not on the lips,” she said.
“I know,” Jacqueline replied. She stepped on her tippy toes and gave Dite’s nose a very light kiss. “Now you’ve had the full Christmas Party experience,” the sprite said, grinning.
Dite laughed.
Out in the crowd, Jack smiled to himself. “Boy Jacqueline, you sure showed me,” he said outloud, to nobody in particular.
I know I did, Jacqueline’s voice replied in his head.
dear @mellomadness and @lovelypidge, I hope u guys wanted your evenings with a side of death by fluff because HERE YOU GO, HERE’S SOME FLUFF
Thank you for the prompts, mello!!! this one was so much fun. I almost ended it after Jack said “I’M A DELIGHT” but then I was like “no I gotta keep going, I gotta make both the otps adorable”. This is sorta canon, bc I have a canon way Diteline ends up happening and maybe I’ll post it one day as a lil drabble or whatever :p
Uhh and some definitions: 
Peplos is a Greek garment worn by both sexes, I believe. It’s body length with the top edge folded down half way to make it look like a second garment. It goes to about the ankles.
fibula were fancy pins used to hold up various garments in the classical world. For Dite’s outfit, they would be sitting at the shoulders, where the top edge of the peplos folds down.
This piece melted my heart tonight so I hope it does the same to you lovelies >:D
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