#they were just kissing and heichou walked in
arminismyshota · 5 years
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I feel like I haven’t drawn my boys in forever
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rouge-variant · 3 years
Levi Ackerman x Reader: Making Dough
Random thought that came to my head as my cat was making dough on me…Enjoy!
Word Count: 814
Warnings: Only Spoilers for Season 4 after the warning below
“Who the hell is that…?” Levi glared at the pile of fur sitting happily on your lap. You looked up to greet your partner and said furball moved up and glared at the raven head while proceeding to give kisses to your chin.
“This, my good sir, is Heichou and he is now our permanent roommate. Say hi Heichou” you grabbed his little paw and waved over to Levi as he mewled.
“We are not keeping it” Levi claims, crossing his arms annoyed. Only you would manage to sneak a stray cat into the barracks and have it happily live in the room you two share. The cat was rather small but with all the fur it shed, you could make multiple Heichous.
Without asking it was clear when you managed to come up with the name as it slightly resembled him with the black fur on his head and the rest of his body with the exception of the paws, face and just under his neck with the cravat sitting on Levi’s neck.
“He’s a good boy though…and look he makes dough on your legs!” you squeal excitedly and he rolled his eyes before walking towards his desk to get started on his papers.
After a while, Heichou got bored of sitting on your lap after you fell asleep and his kitten curiosity got the better of him as he saw Levi’s pen waving back and forth. Coming closer he jumped on the desk and crouched with big eyes watching the pen sway back and forth.
“No…” he whispered, watching the cat version of himself. The cat meowed and looked at the human. He reached his paw out slowly to see if Levi would push him away. Levi didn’t, slightly amused with the kitten’s behavior.
Whether you knew this or not, he had a soft spot for cats and this one was no exception. Even if it shed like crazy. Amusing the kitten, he waved the pen again and bit back a chuckle at the head jerk it did towards the pen. Moving the papers aside, he grabbed a ribbon he had stashed in his desk for holding papers together and dragged it along the floor to keep the kitten occupied.
Back and forth, back and forth, up and down, repeat. All this was going on while you napped. Levi was careful to keep it controlled so as to not wake you. But Heichou lacked the stamina of Humanities Strongest and grew tired after a while of playing. He then chose to take a nap on Levi’s lap and repeat the same thing to him that he did to you.
Little toe-beans and tiny claws kneading the flesh on Levi’s leg as he froze. Not that it hurt or anything, it was just a weird sensation. The kitten was purring and nuzzling into Levi’s torso before yawning and resting his head down.
At this point, you were waking up so Levi didn’t feel bad for calling out to you.
“What’s wrong?” You get up and walk towards him, taking note of the abandoned booklets and ribbon laying on the desk. Your face lit up upon seeing your two favourite beings getting along then laughed at Levi’s distressed posture.
“Quit laughing…what do I do?” He demanded softly not to disturb the kitten.
“He just wants attention…stroke his head and scratch behind his ears. He likes that. You’re doing great!” you smiled kneeling down and resting our head on his unoccupied thigh looking up at him.
“Tch, now I have two needy brats to look out for” he sighed but did as you said. Maybe being a cat dad wasn’t that bad, not something he would admit out loud but his actions showed.
SPOILERS FOR SEASON 4 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Even after the war was over, Heichou was still Levi’s lap cat. Though he grew up and now had to sprawl over both legs, Levi loved it nonetheless
Of course with the new injury, Hechiou was curious but never scared. On days that the pain was bad for his leg, Hechiou rested on the armrest of his chair and made dough on his arm instead.
Gabi and Falco also loved Hechiou but he was strictly Levi’s cat…and yours if he felt like sharing Levi.
Hechiou enjoyed the new ‘toys’ you had brought originally to help Levi move around. The wheelchair was his afternoon nap spot. Crutches were the new way to get attention and the cane was his new wrestling toy. Much to both of your annoyance and the kids’ enjoyment.
Regardless, he made life easier when coming down from the aftermath of the war and was a perfect addition to your earlier family even if there were going to be new fur babies or tiny humans to come in future. His special touch with making dough on Levi made your lives much more fun.
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llogllady99 · 3 years
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CHARACTERS | Levi, Erwin, Hange, Petra, Nanaba, Mike, Eld, Gunther, Oluo, Moblit
Genre | Reincarnation, Afterlife
IV | Afterlife, Hurt/Comfort, Reincarnation, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence. Alternate Universe - Modern Setting/ Reincarnation, Fluff, Reunions, Introspection.
SUMMARY | Levi dies and reunites with Erwin and the others in the Afterlife. 
It was one of those sunny days that Levi passed away. The kind of days that occurred in the middle of summer, sun shining proudly in the centre of the sky, beaming with light in all directions; its yellow rays placing gentle kisses and giving shape to everything around them. A breeze blew gently, ruffling the blades of overgrown grass, flowers, and other plants that were blooming by a pristine and crystalline river. A river so clean and fresh that even the tiniest of rocks could be visible. Southern Magnolias, Flowering Dogwoods, birch, and oak trees lined the river and gardens of the people resided in the area. On such particular days, Levi could be found gardening away his late adulthood; his garden was the most clean and organised with freshly mowed lawn and colourful flowers, trees, and bushes placed meticulously around the alleyway that lead to the entrance of the house, the backyard, by his windows and entrances, and inside the house. Therefore, it should have been no surprise when Levi spent his last day doing exactly that: cleaning, organising, and arranging things.
It came unexpectedly, like death often does. It should have upset Levi, he was still considered too young to die by the rest of the world, but he himself couldn’t have been more happier, more relieved, and at peace. It had started with a soft breeze, blowing through his now white strands of hair that were still arranged in the same familiar undercut and under his white cotton dress shirt that was a bit oversized. Then came a wave of unfamiliar fatigue, causing Levi to lie on his back on the grass, his eyes now on the sapphire sky, watching the different sized clouds move along in slow motion. Somehow he knew his time had come, he always had great intuition. With black now cornering his vision, the man closed his eyes, letting the sun rest gently on his face, warming him one last time. He smelled the sweet aroma of his flowers, he listened to the almost silent buzz of a bee in the distance, appreciating the things he had become so used to. Finally ready, Levi inhaled deeply, and with a contented smile spreading on his tired and wrinkled face, exhaled slowly as everything went black, sounds and sensations ebbing away gradually.
However, the world didn’t stop, the sun still shone, the birds still sang their relaxing songs, their high pitched chirps sounding through the valleys, the wind still blew, and the clouds in the sky still travelled their never ending journey; a perfect day for humanity’s strongest soldier to pass away.
Levi was now engulfed in deep darkness, thick and relentless. Silence reigning over the infinite void. It wasn’t a heavy silence or an uncomfortable one but rather comforting and warm, making him feel at peace in god knows how long. He looked down at his hands, they weren’t wrinkly anymore but soft and smooth again. He was back in his original form, his old inky black hair hanging daintily on his forehead, his cheekbones once again high and sharp, his eyes now a strong grey steel, and his lips rosy red. His body was also young again. Now that he was in this purgatory of sorts, a giant screen appeared in front of him, displaying moments from his life in chronological order. He saw himself as a baby, his mother cutting for the first time his hair in an undercut, his mother telling him stories, embracing him, loving him. Then came her death, her horrible death, leaving Levi alone. His uncle Kenny made his appearance on the screen, taking him under his care, teaching him how to fight and defend himself after walking away never to be seen again. It showed how he met Isabell and Furlan, the days they spent together in the underground. The blonde boy reading to them by the fire, Isabell snoring in Levi’s lap, his hands in her hair, twisting the ginger strands, Levi defending the redhead in a fight, and Isabell telling them jokes one night whilst playing cards. All of the precious moments now unfolding before his eyes. It made Levi’s heart swell with happiness at seeing their faces again. He had forgotten their faces after so much time but seeing them now reminded him of their bond, their brother like bond. Then he joined the survey corps and shit hit the fan.
Next came memories of joining the survey corps, of seeing Erwin for the first time, their first kiss, first time making love, moving in the same room together, going out with his comrades, Hange, Nanaba, Mike, Moblit, everyone made an appearance on the screen. Then came the brats, their round baby faces and bright eyes full of determination. Retaking wall Maria. Erwin’s death…
It displayed the four years in between their battles. The years when he moved in with Hange and having tea with them every other afternoon before making the plans for the attack on Liberio. The shit show started, the whole fucking rumbling, Eren going batshit crazy, Mikasa killing him, and them staying behind in Marley. His friendship blossoming with the other two brats and finally tasting true freedom, a world with no walls where the sky was the limit. Other sequences also played, like how he returned to Paradis, Gabi and Falco’s visits, who were now married and living happily in some exotic country, and then the day he died. He would have argued he lived a beautiful life, one which he certainly didn’t regret, but after Erwin’s and Hange’s death his only purpose was to survive the day, get through it and ignore the sinking feeling in his gut.
If this was the after life, why wasn’t anyone here? Did he do something wrong? Where was Erwin? Didn’t he promise he’ll be waiting for him? For the first time in the darkness, Levi felt suffocated, he couldn’t breathe, the overwhelming feeling he did something wrong washed over him, imbuing his every cell and tissue. Luckily, before he could finish that destructive train of thought, a glimmer of white appeared in the distance. As the small dot got bigger and bigger, Levi realised it was some kind of vortex that was sucking everything in it, including him. It sucked in his feet first then his hips, stomach, arms and finally his head. Everything went white around him, his spirit was travelling with so much speed that he felt he was inside an airplane engine, the turbines spinning faster and faster, the noise getting louder and louder, and finally the plane took off. As the noise reached its apex, Levi’s surroundings became silent until he was pushed out of the vortex and into the afterlife, the one in which his comrades also seemed to be.
Levi landed bottom first and with a thud, his backside coursing with pain. He flinched and got up. He scanned his surrounding and noticed that in the far off distance there was a group of people. Relief washed over his entire being as the feelings of panic and loneliness left him entirely. One by one he willed his feet to move, each step becoming more hurried, until he broke out in a run. The shape of the group was getting bigger and bigger as Levi closed the distance between them. The closer he got, the more he could make out their faces. Wait! Was that blonde and messy brown? Hange and Erwin? Happiness started blossoming in his chest, like a bush of Camelias in spring, the flowers opening up more and more, becoming bigger and bigger covering the whole green bush with their beautiful pure white and milky pink. A smile grazed his features and tears started falling down his face, each droplet streaming down his jawline then falling on the ground behind him.
“Erwin!” Levi shouted, finally getting his lover’s attention. Erwin turned, wide eyed as he recognised his voice and broke into one of his famous full mouth grins. He extending his arms, inviting the raven in. Levi gladly took that invitation, jumping on Erwin and sending both of them tumbling down, wrapping his arms tightly around the blonde, sniffling that familiar cent of cologne and tobacco. “You waited for me! I can’t believe you waited.”
“Of course I did, in fact all of us did. Look around Levi, we’re all here.” Levi lifted his face and looked around, his eyes landing on Hange grinning maniacally at him, Nanaba and Mike close to each other, Moblit, and his squad.
“Heya guys! Long time no see I guess.” Levi stood up from Erwin and made his way in between the group, taking everyone’s faces in. They were all here. He looked in Hange’s direction, they now looked truly happy without a care in the world. He approached them and wrapped them in a tight embrace, one which he so seldom offered when they were alive.
“Hey short stuff. Gotta admit watching over ya from up here got kinda boring. You were never up to any shenanigans, you just sat there all day reading your damn newspaper and drinking that awful tea.” Hange playfully reprimanded him. Levi snorted then play kicked their feet. Petra came up and hugged him from behind, burying her soft ginger hair between his shoulder blades. She inhaled shakily and choked out:
“Missed you so much, Levi Heichou.” Levi turned around and tucked some of her hair behind her year, setting his hand on her cheek, rubbing with one thumb a tear that spilled from her left eye. The raven then wrapped her tightly in the same hug he’d given Hange, burying her small head in his shoulder. “Missed you too.”
Mike came up and sniffed his hair, his nose scrunching up taking up as much of the sent as possible and his eyebrows furrowed in concentration, trying to pin point the smells. He then patted Levi on the shoulder and told him:
“You still smell the same, maybe except with a hint of a flowery touch to it.”
“Always so romantic.” Levi replied, shaking his hand like brothers do. Nanaba came up behind Mike and offered him one of her beautiful smiles. “Great seeing you Levi, but Mike,” she then grabbed the tall man’s hand pulling him towards her, “it’s time for us to go.”
“Go where?” Levi asked frantically, he just got here why were they going already?
“We will get reincarnated, me, Mike, and Erwin.” Nanaba replied casually as if it was the most natural thing. Levi started hyperventilating.
“Why?” He croaked. “I just got here, you can’t go! Not yet! Erwin please don’t go!” He looked around and found the blonde standing next to Mike, he grabbed his hand tightly, urging him not to go, however it was for nothing as his lover wouldn’t budge.
“I can’t Levi, my time has come.” Erwin grabbed both of his hand and kissed his knuckles and fingers, rubbing them against his cheek. “I need you to watch over me and when your time comes too, join me. We’ll meet again, in a world with no titans and infinite time on our hands. We will truly be happy there.”
“Fine, but promise me you won’t do anything stupid Erwin. Wait for me.” Levi demanded, raising himself on his tip toes and pulling Erwin down for a passionate kiss. After they parted, Erwin stepped next to Nanaba and Mike again and waved his big hand at the others before all three of them vanished from sight.
Over time, the same exact thing happened to the others. Eld and Gunther went, shortly followed by Auruo, the other people also gradually disappearing to god knows where. After some time, only him, Hange, Petra, and Moblit were left. Now it seemed that Moblit’s time had come too, if the bear hug he gave Hange was anything to go by. Offering them one last kind smile, Moblit vanished, leaving now only the three of them. Hange cried that day, harder than he ever saw them do it and Petra rested her head on Levi’s shoulder, sorrow and longing also emanating from her being. For a few years, all they could do was watch. Watch Erwin’s seventh birthday party, Mike and Nanaba chewing on their toys, Eld being adopted, guess he didn’t have much luck in this life either, Gunther ride his bike, Auruo playing his first song on the piano and so on. On a not so special day, when they resumed their seats and watched over the others, Hange stood up and with a kind smile and wave their hand they vanished too. Levi cried and so did Petra, they missed their friend dearly but it was bound to happen. A few short months after Petra also left, leaving Levi alone, drowning in the familiar feeling of loneliness.
A month after, Levi got visitors in the after life, they were Armin, Mikasa, and Annie. They greeted their captain and took their seats next to him, joining him in watching over his friends.
“I guess now I have you brats to watch over me when I’ll go down there.” He joked, getting a pat on the back from Armin.
“Hopefully, in the next life I won’t be a midget anymore, You guys don’t know how fucking hard that has been for me.” That earned him a laugh from all of them. Over the next two months all of them got closer together, Armin and Mikasa telling him about how his death impacted everyone. Apparently it has been a national funeral, all the nobles and even queen gathering around his coffin. How ironic.
One day, Levi woke up groggier than usual and much more heavy. It felt as if the ground was pulling him towards it. It was no doubt: his time had come. Armin was the only one that was watching the world down below, Mikasa and Annie sleeping soundly a few feet away. Levi sat next to him and cleared his throat, redirecting the blonde’s attention to him.
“This reincarnation thing is so beautiful, getting a second chance in a world not as cruel as ours.” Armin began. “I’m glad we aren’t stuck here forever, it gets more boring every day.”
“Try doing that shit for seven years.”
“That’s really long. I can’t stand this place anymore and I’ve only been here for what? Two months? If you don’t mind me asking, who was the first to go?” Armin asked, a little bit shy in case he was prying too much.
“Erwin.” Armin’s eyes widened. “Yeah, I just got here and he was already gone. But now is my time and I’ll finally be reunited with him.” Levi stood up and grabbed Armin’s hand also pulling him to his feet. “See ya Armin, you were always my favourite cadet.”
Bringing his fists and arms to his chest, delivering his last salute to the 15th Commander of the Survey Corps, he vanished, white clouding his vision. Everything went black afterwards.
The next time Levi opened his eyes, he was crying his eyes out and shouting like a mad man, his little legs and arms kicking and moving in all directions. He had been born into the new world.
A song I would recommand while reading the fic is It's been a long, long time. Anyways, thank you for taking the time to read it and notes and comments are welcomed, Obviously, I do not own Attack on titan or any of the characters that take part in it. They are inspiration for my works and I love them to the core. Thank you again lovelies for taking the time to read it! <333
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justanotherlifeff · 4 years
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Levi Ackerman × reader
Genre: Angst, Hurt/comfort, Fluff, matured themes, slowburn
Warning: There's mentions and descriptions of underage rape and suicidal themes and self harm and other triggering stuff. THERE IS SMUT IN THIS CHAPTER
6 months later
"Oi Hanji! Give her something for the pain and do something fucking useful for once!" Levi growled as (Y/N) almost sprained his hand with a squeeze as she held his hand during another contraction. Levi deeply regretted teaching her those exercises to improve her strength all those months back. "Calm down Levi. I'm not the doctor here and I am not using some experimental pain killer that I made without any human testing on my best friend." Hanji replied to him calmly. Levi was loosing his grip as he wasn't ready for it.
When (Y/N) told him that her water broke at dawn, he panicked more than he ever did in his entire life. More than when Kenny taught him how to use knives by almost killing him. "Sir, we can't allow you to stay here... She will have her delivery soon..." a nurse meekly told the fuming captain, only to receive a deadly glare from him. If looks could kill, the nurse would've been dead by now. "Levi, listen to them. They delivered more babies than most of the survey corps’ titan kills." Hanji tried to reason with him. However, that seemed to stop working for the last 8 hours, after (Y/N)'s contractions began. "Levi, as the commander of the survey corps, I command you to get the fuck out of this room." Hanji told him in a commanding tone as she lost all patience with him. He was testing her like a spoilt child for the last 8 hours about almost everything.
Levi fell asleep on the chair in the waiting room. Hanji was sitting beside him, quiet sleepy herself. At least she took an afternoon nap yesterday and she felt immensely guilty for giving a huge pile of paperwork to Levi the same day. He had been working all day and wasn't able to sleep at night too as (Y/N)'s contractions started at dawn. Buying their home at Trost was a great decision as the hospital was nearby as (Y/N) had a hard time riding a horse to get there. Both Levi squad and (Y/N) squad was there except Marie, who apparently had a headache.
Hanji personally never liked Marie either and she agreed with Levi about the fact that this girl was trying to double cross (Y/N). However, Hanji saw why (Y/N) refused to let her go. If she only cooperated, she could've been a good asset to the team. It had been 2 more hours since Hanji got Levi to get out of the delivery room, 10 hours since (Y/N)'s water broke. After these agonising two hours, a nurse entered the waiting room with a pained look but a smile while rubbing her hands. It didn't take long for Hanji to figure out that she offered (Y/N) to hold her hand, given that her hand looked red. Watching the nurse, Hanji was barely able to tap Levi's shoulder twice as he jerked awake and asked the nurse in panic.
"Is (Y/N) okay?". Hanji realised that Levi took the pained look on the nurse's face as a signal to something is wrong other than the fact that (Y/N) squeezed the soul out the poor woman's hand. "Yes they both are fine. They are cleaning the baby as we speak. Congratulations Mr Ackerman. It's a boy. Would you like to see them?" The nurse asked with a smile. Hanji noticed that Levi looked paler than usual. His hands were shaking a bit too. "Yes." Levi answered after getting a grip on himself.
Levi followed the nurse into the cabin where (Y/N) had been transferred. Everyone else followed too. They were made to wait till (Y/N) was transferred into the cabin but that didn't take too long. As the nurse opened the door and walked in, Levi saw a scene that he, even in his wildest dreams never imagined. There on the bed right opposite to the door laid (Y/N), a small white bundle in her arms. She looked tired, almost as if she would pass out but there was a slight smile on her face as her eyes were filled with curiosity and love as she looked at the small bundle. "She doesn't look like herself at all..." Levi internally thought.
Yes, (Y/N) didn't have the look of a ruthless killer anymore. She looked different. "She's giving off the same expression that my mother used to have..." Levi thought curiously as he stepped towards (Y/N). That's when he realised why (Y/N) had such a sudden change. That's because what he saw affected him too. Almost as greatly as it did to (Y/N). Inside the small, there was this small baby, with raven hair, eyes the exact copy of Levi, only they were (E/C) instead of the steel grey that Levi's eyes hold. "He even got that constipated look" Hanji muttered as she followed Levi towards (Y/N).
At this point, Levi sat down abruptly on the chair right in front of the bed. His legs were shaking. There was no balance in his body. Years of training, his unbreakable balance, his extreme reflexes, all gone after looking at this sight. "I have a kid..." Levi's voice croaked out suddenly. Both his squad, (Y/N)'s squad, Hanji and (Y/N) herself looked at him as if they just saw something extremely unexpected happen. It was unexpected after all. Levi, the person who never got his guard down after meeting Kenny, was weak, vulnerable and he didn't bother hiding it.
"Levi, are you okay?" Hanji asked Levi before anyone else as everyone was extremely taken aback by Levi's actions. Even (Y/N) was taken aback as she never saw Levi like this. "Levi... " (Y/N) tried to say but her voice was raspy as her throat was dry. Without saying any more, (Y/N), extended a hand towards his, held his hand gently, trying to make him feel better. "Can I hold...it?" Levi muttered, as he got some grip on himself after (Y/N) held his hand. "Oi Levi! Don't call your own son it!" Hanji exclaimed. "Hanji, let him be. I'm sure he's having a hard time processing it all. I am too." (Y/N) told Hanji, her voice still raspy. The nurse helped to take the baby from (Y/N)'s arms and gave it to Levi, teaching how to hold the baby.
The baby simply stared at Levi, as if he was hugely disappointed with the fact that he was taken from his mother. Levi just stared at the baby for a few moments. He had a family now. He found someone who gave him the reason to live on and now he has a child, someone who he could give the good childhood he never got. Hesitantly, Levi placed a light kiss on the baby's forehead, surprising the whole group of people in the room, not surprising (Y/N) too much as she saw Levi showing emotions before. (Y/N) just smiled, knowing that the man before her was at peace.
They both were at peace. Her dreams came true. She now has a family. The both of them finally found happiness. "You guys, I'll contact the Reeves company and get meat for you all. Sasha, you will be cooking and arranging everything at my house. I'll pay for everything." Levi told everyone, looking at them with a small smile on his face. "M-meat? You will buy meat for us?" Sasha stammered before shouting out, "HEICHOU! YOU ARE THE BEST SQUAD LEADER ANYONE CAN POSSIBLY GET!" while crying like a maniac. Everyone else looked happy and thanked Levi for the treat.
"Guys, get out now. I need some rest" (Y/N) stated after a while. Everyone already took turns to hold the baby and Levi proved to be an overprotective father, as he inspected everyone as they took the baby and snapped at Connie when he made a mistake trying to hold the baby. No one wanted to leave though, as the baby was just too cute to leave alone. After some groans of disappointment, they all left. All except Levi.
"What will we name him?" (Y/N) asked him. She didn't want to bring the topic up in front of the others as she didn't want their contribution in this matter. "What about Farlan?" Levi answered after thinking for a moment. "Sure. It's a nice name. Farlan Ackerman sounds good." (Y/N) answered with a smile. The baby was asleep on the cot beside the bed. Levi looked at him and sighed. "Yeah. It sounds nice" He answered, a small smile forming on his face. He then walked towards (Y/N), patted her head gently and said, "Take some rest. I'll be back soon. I'll have to take a nap myself.". That's when (Y/N) noticed how tired he looked. Levi was used to being sleep deprived. That's not what tired him. What tired him was the amount of tension he went through for the last 11 hours. He very much needed a nap.
(Y/N) was woken by the sound of the door of the cabin opening. She had a sound sleep as the nurses took care of Farlan except for the times when he had to be fed. (Y/N) noticed that it was already evening as she saw the orange light coming from the window into the room. It was Pixis who just entered the room. Of course, it didn't surprise (Y/N). After what he did on her wedding, she came to acknowledge the fact that Pixis was completely unpredictable.
"I see that I have a grandchild now." Pixis stated with a smirk. "Yes. That part was obvious." (Y/N) replied with a stoic expression. "Don't be so bland (Y/N). I'm just here to see the baby. I haven't seen many new-borns in my lifetime." Pixis answered as he walked towards the cot. "Did you ever see me when I was a baby?" (Y/N) asked in return. Pixis stopped in front of the cot and answered, "No. I didn't.". He tried to hide it but his voice showed some remorse and so, (Y/N) didn't further question him. "His eyes look a lot like Levi. What's his name?" Pixis asked (Y/N), as he looked at the sleeping baby. "Farlan" (Y/N) answered. "Ah I see." Pixis answered. Before he could say anything more, Levi entered the room.
He just came back after getting the best sleep of his life as he felt like the happiest person on earth. However, seeing Pixis there worried him. That guy abandoned (Y/N) after all. "Should I give you some privacy?" he asked (Y/N) as he figured that (Y/N) would like to talk to Pixis alone. After all, their relationship was worse than just shaky and Levi thought that him being there would just make things more awkward. "No it's fine. You can stay" (Y/N) answered. After Levi entered the room, Pixis told him, "Congratulations on being a father" with a smile.
"Thank you." Levi answered curtly. The baby was awake by now as Pixis picked him up. "So, we all will pretend as if we are one big happy family?" Levi asked Pixis, raising an eyebrow. After all, the last thing Levi expected was that he would see Pixis holding his son. "Whatever helps him sleep at night" (Y/N) scoffed. To that Pixis let out a brief laugh before saying, "No wonder you're my daughter. However, you've got the sharp tongue of your mother...". At that, (Y/N) stopped him and said, "Don't compare me to that foul woman." with a frown.
"Okay. I won't. Anyway, I will have to take my leave now. And Levi, everyone likes to play family at some point. I won't deny that I'm the reason for which (Y/N) had a horrible life but we can't change that now can we?" Pixis answered before keeping Farlan in the cot and leaving the room. "Are you okay (Y/N)?" Levi asked (Y/N) as he didn't know how (Y/N) felt about the whole thing. "Yeah I'm fine. I personally don't accept him as my father but I'm glad that Farlan will probably have a grandfather. At this point, the only thing I care about is Farlan's happiness as I already found mine" (Y/N) told him with a smile.
1 month and a week later
(Y/N) made certain errors in her prediction from 6 months ago. She had her delivery a week before it was predicted. Farlan however, was healthier than ever. She also took more than a month to recover. A month and half to be exact. Thus, the expedition had to be delayed for a week. Levi didn't even have to push Hanji about it because Hanji figured out how long (Y/N) would actually take to recover a few weeks after she gave birth. She made all the arrangements for the delay of the expeditions by then much to (Y/N)'s disappointment. She however couldn't complain later when she really took a week more to recover. That gave them two weeks to eradicate all titans left in Wall Maria.
Hundreds of titans were killed using the executioner from hell before winter. The plan was that there would be two expeditions. Each with 3 days worth of supply. The survey corps would be divided into two groups. One would be travelling from Trost, eastwards, facing every titan on the way and travelling in groups, 2 squads in each, to attract the titans till they reach Utopia. The other would be travelling from Utopia, westwards till they reach Trost. The only two strategists capable of leading a team if something went terribly wrong were Hanji and (Y/N), with Hanji clearly being better than (Y/N) due to her longer experience in battle. Thus, it was decided that (Y/N), along with Levi's experience, would lead the group from Trost while Hanji would lead the group from Utopia.
The Survey corps had 201 members by now, Levi squad having an extra. The usual squad had 5 members including the squad leader. 20 squads would be there on each group. The formation would be such that every group of two squads would be 10 km apart from eachother. If something went wrong with the formation, red smoke signals would be used. (Y/N) squad and Levi squad, partnered with two other squads, would be positioned in the middle of the formation so that they could immediately run to help if any other squad is harmed. It would, however, take about an hour to get the formation done as the distance between wall Maria and Wall Rose is 100 km and survey corps horses could run at a speed of 80km/hr. Levi squad will give Armin to Hanji squad so that the other team could use the strength they are lacking due to the absence of either one of Levi, (Y/N) or a titan shifter, given that, Armin was the most powerful titan shifter on the team.
Thus, the team from Trost would have a hundred members while the team from Utopia would have a hundred and one. The survival rate this time, would only be a 50% however as everyone is expected to charge straight at the titans instead of running.
"You all will be using your 3DMG to go and get all the dummies cut. However, from today till the expedition, you'll all be competing against (Y/N) here. If any of you can get around the forest before her, congratulations, you stand a chance against her if she just got out of a delivery. If any of you gets tangled in your own wire again, I swear I'll kick you out of the survey corps." Levi lectured all the cadets. (Y/N) joined them as planned today, so that she can brush up her training. The last night, Levi personally took (Y/N) to check if she can use 3DMG, and (Y/N) surprised him.
She was almost as good as before her pregnancy leave. Sure, she was still rough around some edges, her movements weren't as flawless as it was before, her speed decreased noticeably too but she still was better than all recruits combined. All the cadets were greatly interested in watching (Y/N) in action. (Y/N) was the only person in the entire Survey corps who's 3DMG skills were comparable to Levi's. Everyone knew that and as the new recruits never saw (Y/N) in action, competing her seemed like a very good sport to them. Defeating (Y/N) meant coming second to the strongest in humanity. Levi squad and (Y/N) squad however knew that it wasn't possible. "Everyone, assume positions!" Levi commanded and everyone ran to the line drawn in front of the forest. They all stood in line, ready to take off. "And go!" Levi instructed and everyone took off.
The new recruits were surprised to see (Y/N) getting way ahead of everyone at a speed that was impossible for them to reach. "What the hell? She isn't even using too much gas..." one of the recruits exclaimed. (Y/N) was out of their sight in no time and as they found the dummies, every one of them had a perfect slice cut off it's nape. There were 16 dummies in total. It took the others 30 minutes to find and cut down every single one of them and getting out while (Y/N) did the same in 13 minutes. Levi squad and (Y/N) squad took 25 minutes while Mikasa took 18. "Good work out there." Levi told (Y/N) as she flew out of the forest. "Well, I usually am faster than that." (Y/N) answered, as she got her blades in the sheathes in the 3DMG. "Yes. I know that. If you didn't just have a delivery last month, I'd have been disappointed." Levi answered to that. (Y/N) just gave a "mhhm" for reply before she spoke again.
"I'm not so sure if leaving Farlan with Hanji was a good idea..." (Y/N) muttered. "Well, he'll be fine." Levi answered casually. "Are you sure about that? Hanji did try to make him walk at the age of three weeks for her experiments... " (Y/N) muttered remembering the time when Hanji tried to test if Levi's genetics had something that made them become physically developed more easily than others given that all the other known ackermans, Kenny and Mikasa, had good fighting abilities. Of course, Hanji's experiments didn't work and Farlan got hurt and cried, which sounded more angry than pained, thus scaring Hanji to death as Levi gave Hanji a death glare once it happened. After all, Levi did try to kill a commander before.
5 days later
"Hanji, the milk is in the cupboard in the kitchen with the bottle. Boil the bottle before feeding Farlan. The nappies, shirts and blankets are in the third drawer in the wardrobe of mine and Levi's room. If Farlan wets himself, just take anything from there. I kept everything packed in a bag which is also in the wardrobe so that you can bring it when you come to the headquarters. And Hanji, don't try to do any experiments. I'm trusting you on this." (Y/N) explained Hanji. "You explained all of that to me every single day of this week you know." Hanji mentioned in a flat tone. "Well, I was just reminding you..." (Y/N) started before Hanji stopped her and said in a light tone, "Come on (Y/N)! I literally lead the survey corps! Farlan will be fine. Don't worry so much.". "Yeah... I guess I'm a bit too paranoid... Thanks for all the help Hanji." (Y/N) answered with a smile. "Yeah yeah I know. You'll be late for training if you keep trying to remind me stuff now. So, get out." Hanji pushed (Y/N) out of the house.
When I reached the survey corps headquarter and walked in the training grounds, Levi was already there. "You're late. You're doing 50 laps after training." he told me with a frown. Yes, I obviously never got special treatment from him in case of work related matters. I appreciated it though as our personal lives shouldn't interfere with work. The female cadets looked happy with the fact that I got laps. Well, it doesn't matter. It isn't like they have the guts to make a move on Levi. "Well, assume positions now. I'll be following you all." Levi commanded everyone. I joined everyone in front of the starting line. "And go!" Levi instructed as we all shot forward.
"Make as less moves as possible. Preserve gas. Find the locations of the dummies and cut them." my mind kept repeating as I sped towards the forest. The slightest movements caught my attention as some recruits were left to move the dummies. One, two, three... My mind counted as I kept making perfect cuts on every dummy. Just as I landed outside the forest, I found no one. Of course, Levi mentioned that he will be following us in the next training exercise. He probably is with the other recruits.
After about 20 more minutes, everyone else appeared with Levi. Levi looked at me, his eyes showing appreciation. "You reached your previous records. Your moves are as good as before now. Good job." he complimented before turning to the new recruits and saying, "You all couldn't improve any more than 30 minutes in six fucking months and she did the same fucking job in 11 minutes by a week after having a delivery about a month and half ago. This is why I don't train brats like you all. I don't know how Shadis keeps his cool with you all.". He said all of that calmly with a stoic expression but the girls in the group almost started crying already. Levi then turned to my squad and his own squad and said, "You all did okay. There's still room for improvement though.". They all saluted and Levi motioned them to be at ease before looking at me and saying, "Well, what are you waiting for? Go get the laps done."
2 hours and 30 minutes later
I finally was done with the laps. Hanji came by with Farlan and saw me doing laps in the training grounds. 400 meters each lap. About 20 km. "And here I thought shorty was getting soft..." Hanji shook her head as she ran beside me carrying Farlan when she found me. "Well, he honestly got softer than before. I remember him shouting at me back when I took a minute to get a dummy down. Now he's saying his squad that they did a good job after they took 25 minutes to get 16 dummies." I answered. No wonder they weren't improving.
I went to my office to get the extra uniform I usually keep there incase if the one I'm wearing gets dirty. With that, I went to the female bathrooms and took a bath, changed my uniform, went to my office to grab the stack of paperwork Hanji told me that she would leave in my office and went for Levi's office. I knocked on his door and heard his voice saying, "State your name and business.". "It's (Y/N)." I answered. "Come in" I heard his voice, now sounding softer and went in his office. His table had three stacks of paperwork, his face showing the stress that he was on. I sat down with my own stack and started working silently, helping Levi with his paperwork sometimes while he helped me with mine. When I was done, he still had two stacks to complete. I looked at him, he looked tired. Thus, I got up, walked towards his chair and went under the table.
Back when I was about 6 months pregnant, I had this phase when I was horny all the time and that's when I found out that getting a blowjob while he's working calms Levi down when he has to do a lot of paperwork. Thus, this little tradition started where I helped him out every time I saw him struggling with work. I heard a sigh of content from him as I took his dick in my mouth, swirling my tongue around it's tip. I felt his hand on my hair, gently pushing me on his length. I didn't give him the chance to guide me as I started going all out on him, taking all of his length in my mouth and bobbing my head on it, my tongue working at it's tip the entire time. The gentle touch on my hair turned into a harsh grab as Levi took control, making my movements even faster.
I heard Levi's breathing getting disoriented and suddenly, there was a knock on the door. I stopped my assault on his dick so that he could answer the door without having any distractions. "State name and business" I heard him say with a flat monotone voice. He had this way of keeping his body entirely under control, which fascinated me to bits. "It's Cadet Schwarz. I need to talk to you, heichou." I heard Marie's voice. What is that girl upto? "Come in" Levi answered as I heard the door open and her footsteps coming into the room.
"Schwarz, the last time you were in my office, as much as I can recall, (Y/N) gave you a warning about your attire. Why are you violating the dress code again?" I heard Levi ask her. That's it. I know very well what she's trying to do. I'd have to write a report against her and probably give her a talk about backing off from my husband. "Heichou, I will get straight into point. I only joined the survey corps for you. When I heard that they were taking members in the Special operations squad, I thought it was your squad. However, I wasn't lucky enough and ended up in hers. Heichou, I can keep you much happier than she ever can. Just..." Levi stopped her before she said anything more.
"Listen, what you're doing is highly inappropriate. I'm a married man and I'm in a happy marriage. I even have a kid. Even if I wasn't married, I would never leave (Y/N) for anyone. So, I'll tell this to you for the last time, stop embarrassing yourself." Levi answered, in a stoic voice. "Is that right heichou? Then why does your face look so flustered? You know what heichou? You can be with your wife. She doesn't have to know what happens behind closed doors..." Marie continued. I quietly stuffed Levi's penis in his pants and started buttoning him up when I heard Levi's surprised and slightly disgusted voice saying, "What the fuck do you think you're doing?". To that, Marie replied, "I'm just trying to show you exactly what got you so flustered. Isn't that what you...".
"Enough" I spoke up, stopping Marie. I got up from under the table and Marie clearly understood why Levi was flustered after seeing my messy hair. "Marie, go to my office. We need to discuss your expulsion from the survey corps." I told her with a cold tone. "Expulsion? But I haven't broken any rules. By the way, isn't the commander the only person who can expel someone from the survey corps? You can't do that!" Marie scoffed. It was time to put her in her place. "Well, if you don't trust me on this, you can ask Levi if I was nominated to be the commander of the survey corps only a few months ago." I told her, my tone getting colder by the second.
Marie looked at Levi and Levi simply answered, "She's right. See, I told you to stop this bullshit. Even if (Y/N) didn't take actions, I would have.". "Actions? But I haven't broken any rule!.." I stopped her at that and told her, "Marie, five buttons of your shirt are opened. You just ignored a direct warning from a superior. If you think I didn’t write a report on you violating the dress code before, you are wrong. Of course, that alone can't get you kicked out of the survey corps but I also have further complains against you, which we will discuss in my office. So, go.". "No! I refuse to go!" Marie made a bitch face at me.
"You refuse to go? Well, you see, unfortunately as long as you are a survey corps soldier, I will be your superior. You will have to follow my orders or else the consequences would be severe." I told her in a commanding voice as she retreated from the office. "Thanks for having my back, Levi." I told him as he looked at me with worry. "No, it's fine. Just don't kill her." he told me, his eyes showing suspicion. "Don't worry. I won't kill her. I'll just ruin her career." I answered before getting out of Levi's office and going to mine.
Marie was already in the office. "Well, let's discuss your insubordination." I told her before sitting on my chair. "Sit down. You'd prefer not to fall on the floor after I tell you the few things I'm about to say." I told her, motioning to the chair in front of me. She sat and I started. "Do you know what happened to the last person who tried to take Levi from me?" I asked her. She looked uncomfortable at this point as she knew that I had her cornered. "No?" she answered.
"Her name was Petra Ral. She died on the 57th expedition. The female titan stomped on her. Surprisingly, the female titan was able to do that in my presence. The next expedition is coming soon and who knows, maybe you would be eaten by a titan too and I wouldn't be able to save you." I stopped. I saw her face losing colours. Just the reaction I wanted to see.
"You see, as your superior, I had to report every time you almost got the squad killed to the commander. The commander herself questioned your worth and I have been defending you for the whole time. However, it seems like you aren't fit to be in the survey corps anyway, even if I don't consider the fact that you tried to fuck my husband. Honestly, I shouldn't be telling you all these. I should just let you die on the next expedition. You just proved to me how worthless you are today.
However, ever since Farlan was born, I couldn't shake this feeling off me. I don't want to make your family suffer. I know how your mother would feel if you die. So, I would give you a second option. If I talk to the commander and expel you from the survey corps, that would be the end of your career in the military. If I don't do anything, you will die. If you give me a letter asking for a transfer to the Garrison or the Military police, your career would be saved, you would live and I could keep you out of my relationship. Now, go back to your room and decide what you want. I will be expecting a letter from you. You're dismissed." I explained to her in my monotone voice. With that, she left the room without a word. I rested my head on the head rest of the chair. "Fuck.. Farlan really changed everything..." I wondered. After all, I didn't feel like the cold hearted person I was anymore.
To be continued...
Taglist: @reality-is-often-disappointing, @kingtamakimurder
16 notes · View notes
lalahbug · 4 years
Hidden Emotions - Levi x Reader
Fandom: Attack on Titan Word Count: 2,888
My Masterlist
Warnings/disclaim: general I wrote this before I knew about the lifespan of a Titan shifter, so that doesn’t exist in this certain fanfic, okay? Okay.
Author’s Note: continued under story Originally posted on DeviantArt, same username, on 03/05/2017. Revamped/edited in 2020.
___ is a blank for your name/oc/whatever you prefer Written in 3rd person
Line/header is to separate paragraphs to indicate time skips, as Tumblr hates my formatting. I do not own it, found it as a free vector to use though.
Story under cut
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          “State your name and business.” Levi droned as someone knocked at his door.
          “___, Erwin told me you wanted to see me.”
          ___ pushed the door open and closed it lightly, she walked up to his desk and stood, until Levi glanced up at her and gestured to her to sit.
          “Erwin said you had something you needed to tell me.”
          “Yes.” Levi kept writing for a moment until he was done with his sentence. Oh, how he loved her patience. He put down his pen then leaned back crossing his arms across his chest. “You’ve been in the Scout Regiment, for about 4 years, correct?” She nodded. “You haven’t died but you haven’t really done anything notable,” she nodded in agreement.
          ’She talks less than I do. She always does her job, keeps to herself.’ Levi thought to himself.
          “Erwin and I believe you have more potential. We need you to be better. Starting Monday, you’ll be a Squad Leader. Our new recruits will be under you until they die or are put into another squad.”
          “Thank you very much for this opportunity,” Levi was about to say, you’re welcome. “But, I would like to decline if I can. I do not believe I would be a good leader. I’m a pawn, maybe a rook. I’m no knight such as yourself and Hange. I do not believe I could be better. I apologize.”
          Levi just stared at her. He was not expecting this at all. Her eyes were as deadpanned as his. He never knew she had self-doubt like this, is this why she never did anything notable? Because she figured she can’t do more?
          “You are a Squad Leader as of Monday. It has already been decided. If you have issues, you may ask any Squad Leader or Erwin. You will meet your squad Monday morning in the mess hall.”
          “Yes, sir.” He saw a glint in her eyes, it was either worry or fear, it was too fast for him to tell.
          “Then you’re dismissed,“ she nodded and stood up, pushed in her chair.
          “Levi!” Hange busted into his room. “Oh, ___!” Hange hugged her, causing her to stiffen.
          “Afternoon, Hange. Please let go.”
          “I’m your best friend, who you tell everything to and I can’t even hug you!” Hange whined.
          “We can talk later, I would like to go to my room.”
          “Did Shorty say something weird? Like he loves you?”
          “Hange, even if Captain did. Nothing would happen, you know that.” ___ pulled herself out of Hange’s arm. “I’m a Squad Leader as of Monday. So I would like to get some materials. I will see you later.”
          “Oh! That’s awesome! Let me know if you need anything!”
          Levi’s eyes widened a bit. ___ actually smiled full-heartedly at Hange.
          “Of course, Hange. I always go to you,” with that, she left. As much as Levi hates Hange, he liked having her around when he was with ___. Hange brought a side to her that Levi never saw.
          “What the fuck was that about me loving her?” Levi spat at Hange.
          “Well, you do. You need to start dropping hints. She’s so clueless. You’ve loved her for like three years, you always stare at her! Come on, Shorty!”
          “Shut up, Shitty Glasses! God, I regret you ever figuring that out,” Levi pinched the bridge of his nose. “What did she mean, nothing would happen, even if I told her?”
          “Oh that. Well, she doesn’t want a relationship. She doesn’t see a point since she’s in the Regiment. Knowing that she’ll die and leave her lover behind.” Hange paused and looked down. “The thought of it, makes her almost cry. It’s the first time I ever saw her eyes water.”
          “I doubt she’ll die anytime soon. She’s the only one who ever survives when her squad dies. She’s outlived many of her Squad Leaders.”
          “It’s a bit strange if you think about it. How does she always survive? It’s like she’s a titan like Eren.” Hange chuckled a bit, before realizing that wasn’t actually too bad of an explanation.
          “If she is, why would she be here for so long? You’ve known her since you were both young adults.”
          “Huh.” Hange tapped her chin. “I want to ask her now. I wonder if she’ll lie or not. Her eyes do a weird shake like thing when she lies or is nervous.”
          “Let me know how that goes, now get out,” Levi grumbled while getting back to his paperwork. Hange left his office, closing the door. “How would I drop hints when she’s so impervious with her emotions?” he mumbled to himself.
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          Levi was walking towards ___’s room. Not that he would ever admit it to anyone, but he had been going to her room every night. To check on her, make sure she was okay. Sometimes he would sit in her room if she was tossing and turning.
          Cracking her door open to see if she was in bed, for once in the past 5 weeks, she wasn’t. Also, a first, her room was a mess, papers and books were everywhere. Confused, Levi walked into her room, picking up one of the books, it was about leadership.
          “She is actually freaking out. That’s cute,” Levi placed the book back where it was, ignoring the mess, he went to go find her. It’s not his mess to clean, he’d make her clean it instead.
          She was pacing outside with a book in her hand, she flipping through the pages. She made a small groan before leaning back on a tree and sliding down it to sit. Staring up at the canopy, stars peeping through the leaves.
          “Why aren’t you in bed?” ___ snapped her gaze over to Levi.
          “Evening, Heichou.” Levi paused as he noticed a slight blush on her cheeks before she looked back up. “The sky is beautiful tonight, it’s been awhile since I’ve been outside this late,“ she mainly whispered to herself.
          “You haven’t answered my question.” Levi stood in front of her, she looked from the sky to him.
          “I know, as I am now. I can’t be a Squad Leader. I don’t have the confidence, the only time I can be aggressive is when I notice someone about to die. I do everything I can. I even lost my foot that one time. I can’t do this on my own. Hange is going to help me more tomorrow, but I figured I could do my own studying and research in the meantime. I got upset at myself, so I came outside to read.”
          Levi stared at her, as she rambled, this is the most he had ever heard her talk in one go. Maybe this is the side that Hange always got to see. The one Hange said he’d love. Her sweet and worrying, a bit scared but wanting to fight side.
          “Why?” she looked at Levi.
          “What do you guys see in me? Just because I can stay alive, doesn’t mean I am worth anything.”
          “___.” Levi squatted down in front of her. “Being able to stay alive out there, is a rare thing. You’ve got something that makes it so you fight harder. Erwin wants you to pass that one to others. So we can keep more people.”
          “What if I can’t?”
          “Then we’ll keep losing people. You can make great split decisions, many which have saved us before. You’ll be a fine leader.”
          “Do you really think so, Levi?” ___ sat up more, looking into his eyes, trying to read him. 
          Levi was so happy to hear his name roll off her tongue, for the first time. His heart twinged at her cute, sad, worried (e/c) eyes.
          “Yes,” he gave her a small smirk, which caused her to blush, lean back and look back up. Levi noticed this. Oh, how he wanted to kiss her.
          “Thank you,” she whispered.
          As Levi leaned towards her, before something clicked in his mind. “Early, you said you lost a foot. Which one?”
          She looked back at him, her eyes shook slightly. “My right, I meant almost lost. Sorry about the confusion.” Her normal tone was back, she was closing back up. Levi studied her for a moment, she was lying.
          “You suck at lying.”
          “If I lost a foot, it wouldn’t be in my boot, right now.”
          Levi put a hand on her arm, in case she tried to escape. “Unless you’re a titan, like Eren.”
          She glared at him for a moment. “You’re being stupid,“ she smacked his hand and stood up. “I’m going to bed.” Levi pushed her up against the tree, pinning her by her wrist. “Get off me.”
          “Stop lying to me.”
          “What difference does it make to you? Whether I am a titan or not? I’m still ___.”
          “If you’re a titan, you’ve been deceiving us all, you could have helped. You have let all of us down, by letting hundreds die.” Levi spat at her. Her eyes widened. “Plus, you’ve outlived everyone in your squads. How have you been doing that? What are you hiding?” Levi growled at her when she didn’t answer him. “You’re a fucking disgrace,” Levi gripped her by the front of her shirt, starting to walk and dragging her.
          “What are you doing?”
          “We’re going to Erwin. Now.”
          “I’m sorry.” Levi turned his head to look at her, meeting her fist.
          By the time he opened his eyes. She was gone.
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          Levi burst into Hange’s room. “___’s gone!” Hange jumped out of bed.
          “What do you mean gone?!”
          “I confronted her. She’s a titan. When dragging her to Erwin. She punched me and disappeared.”
          “Why didn’t you just talk to her about it? You’ve scared her off, Shorty! We could have talked it out then talked to Erwin!” Hange was shaking Levi by the shoulders. Before letting go and quickly pulling on some shoes.
          “Where are you going?!” Levi chased after her.
          “To find, ___! She’s my best friend; titan, and lair, but she’s still my dearest friend! And if you truly loved her, you wouldn’t have been such an ass!” Hange ran out of the building. Levi groaned as his heart ached and chased after Hange. 
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          ___ was sitting on top of the Rose Wall. Staring down at the titans below, out in the distance. The wind was blowing her hair around. She wanted to jump down and transform, run far away. But at the same time, she wanted to run into Hange’s arms, cling to her. She put her hands over her ears and curled up, trying to not cry. She had no right to cry, she had lied to everyone for almost 15 years. She brought this upon herself, she just wanted to be a human and live and die among them. She had never thought of helping them, there wasn’t an urge until 5 years ago. But even if she would have tried to help, she probably would have been killed. That is what she had always thought until Eren came along. She always tried to help, only transforming when she knew there was no other choice. 
          Screams of her fallen comrades flooded her mind, she broke down crying. Curling up even tighter, rocking back and forth. Then she felt a hand on her shoulder. Hange was kneeling next to her, with a small smile.
          ___ nearly jumped on Hange, crying and clinging to her. Of course, Hange just held ___. Hange knew all of her hiding spots. Now that Hange knew her best friend was a titan, this certain hiding spot, made a lot more sense. 
          Levi stared at ___, he had never seen her cry, saw her broken looks but never a tear. He could hear her gasping for air as she clung to Hange, mumbling sorry over and over. She’s beautiful, even while crying.
          ___ pushed away from Hange, sitting on her knees and rubbing her eyes, trying to stop crying. “I’m sorry I never told you. I could have helped you. I could have helped humanity. I’m so sorry. I lied to you for nearly 15 years. I don’t deserve a friend like you,” she was starting to hiccup from crying so much. Hange threw a glare over her shoulder to Levi, who looked away from her glare.
          “You’re my best friend. I understand why you never told me or anyone. If you would have when our world wasn’t getting worse. They likely would have killed you.” Hange looked at ___, who was still trying to stop herself from crying. “Until everything with Eren, even if you would have told me. I would have kept it secret with you, in fear of you being killed. You’ve never hurt anyone that didn’t attack you first. Even titans. You’re the sweetest girl I’ve ever known. In fear of letting anyone down, you’ve held back and been under the radar in fear of having to explain yourself.” Hange hugged ___ as the tears finally stopped.
          “I can’t get their screams out of my head. My last squad. An abnormal attacked, I didn’t want to lose them. After two got ate, I transformed. But they ran from me in fear, which made them die. Even at my strongest, I fail. I’m such a disgrace, I can’t do this Hange. I should have never entered the city.”
          “I know the screams won’t stop. You’ve always had them, since your first expedition. You’ve been telling me that for years.” Hange rubbed her back. Levi just stared at her. Feeling guilty for the words he had spat at his love beforehand.
          “Hange, I want to die now.”
          Hange smack ___ across the face. “Don’t you say that shit!” ___ laughed a bit, Hange smiled. ___ then noticed Levi and crawled behind Hange so he could no longer see her. Levi clicked his tongue before walking over and gripping ___ by the arm. Pulling her to her feet, his tight grip making her squeak a bit.
          “You punched me really hard you know.”
          “You were dragging me off. I claim self-defense.”
          “You still have to pay for the pain you did to my head.”
          “Fine, I’ll clean the stables.”
          “No.” With one tug, he crashed his lips onto hers. She squeaked and pushed him away. Hange clapped.
          “Finally!” Hange cheered.
          “Shut up!”
          “What?” ___ looked at both of them.
          Hange popped up and kissed ___ on the cheek. “When you’re done. I want to talk before you see Erwin. I’ll leave you to lover boy, for now,“  Hange walked off.
          “I am very confused.” ___ glanced at Hange walking away then at Levi’s hand on her arm. “Can you let go?”
          “Will you stay?” she gave him a small nod and he let go of her arm. They looked into each other’s eyes for a moment. They were basically the same height, so Levi just leaned forward and pressed his lips softly to hers for a small second. 
          “I thought you hated me.”
          “Because of what I said earlier?” she looked away. “I’m not good with my emotions. I’ve loved you for 3 years. I was about to kiss you before my fucking brain clicked what you said.” Levi put a hand on her face, pressing his cooling hand against her warm cheek that Hange had smacked. “I’m sorry. Let’s head back,” she nodded, staring at him for a moment before heading down the wall.
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          While walking back, Levi wrapped an arm around her shoulders.
          ___ looked at Levi, with a confused look.
          “Would you fucking say something instead of just staring at me? You’re starting to piss me off.”
          “You love me?”
          He clicked his tongue. “That’s why I kissed you.”
          “I thought you knew about me being a titan and no longer trusted me. That’s why you were checking on me every night.” Levi started blushing a bit. “But you did that because you love me?”
          Levi coughed. “So you knew? And yes that’s why.” He stopped and stood in front of her. Putting a hand on her cheek again, running a thumb over her cheekbone and smirked as she started blushing. She glanced at his lips then back at his eyes. “Oi, brat.” She raised an eyebrow at him.
          “Brat? You’re like 5 years older than me,“ she scoffed at him.
          Levi rolled his eyes before kissing her, moving his hand to the back of her neck, to deepen the kiss. ___ bowed her body into his, wrapping her arms around his neck. Levi pulled away a bit. 
          “You still haven’t really replied to my confession.”
          “I like you.”
          Levi clicked his tongue in frustration. “Fucking brat.”
          She gave him a small smirk before giving him a light kiss. “Old perv.”
          “Tch.” picked her up, throwing her over his shoulder. “I’ll teach you how to respect your elders.”
          “Put me down!” She ordered him.
          “I don’t take orders from you, bitch.” Levi smacked her ass, earning a small yelp.
          “I have a feeling my lesson, isn’t going to be something I would ever learn in school.”
          “Your lesson is only to be taught by me. The lesson you need to learn right now, can’t be taught with words… only with action.” A small smirk pulled at the corner of his lips as he heard the female make a loud gulp.
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Author’s Note: continued Also Levi is a bit OOC. I really disliked this fanfic when I wrote it. But it got positive feedback years ago, so I guess it’s decent but still. I am sorry for this shit.      
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hatsukeii · 4 years
hi hi, i have a levi scenario request! so, the reader is known to act on an instant, driven by intuition, which makes her valuable soldier. but when she meets her crush levi at night while they both can't sleep she just suddenly kisses him without thinking about whats driven her to do that. and idk, levi's just perplex but he didn't dislike it. dk how to wrap it up, so u can choose! i hope this is alright! :)
Yoo that’s acc a really good prompt thank you!
I’m naming the fic after a song and YOU CAN’T STOP ME-
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Scrawny// Levi x reader
Word count: 1900+
Warnings: Mild swearing
Summary: Due to severe insomnia, you decide to wake your captain up and make him spar with you.
“Captain. Caaaaptainnnnnn. Leeeviiii. Levi Heichouuuu. Captain Leeeeeeevi-” An irritated grunt sounded from inside the room. “Name and business. Make it quick.” You gave yourself a little victory pump, an idiotic smile now plastered on your face. “(Y/N) sir! I need some help!” The door was whipped open by none other than your fuming captain, his permanent scowl looking extra pissed. “What in the actual name of hell are you doing here? It’s past midnight, get your ass back to bed, and out of my office.” The wooden door was slammed in your face, startling you a bit as you let out a yelp and jumped. You huffed out, pouting a bit as you placed an elbow on the door, continuing to knock relentlessly. “Heiiichouuuuu. Pleaaaaaase help meeeeee. Levi heichouuuuuuuuu. I can’t do it aloneeeee, it’d be pointlessssssss.”
How did you get into this situation?
You were initially going to stay put and just roll yourself to sleep, or at least try to. But the boredom became way too much for you to bear very quickly. Your mind debated between the sensible option, which was to just wait for the sun to rise, or to just get some training in. Specifically, get someone to spar with you. Everyone in your cabin was fast asleep at this ungodly hour, soft snores from the girls filling up the cozy space. You continued to toss and turn, forcing your eyes shut and trying to relax. You stayed still for about five minutes or so, before a loud snort resonated throughout the room, jolting you awake from your short lived peace. Groaning in annoyance, you glared towards the direction of the unwomanly sound, landing your eyes on Sasha, who was sound asleep in a weird position. It was already 1am. You had to wake at 5am. You weren’t about to get any sleep anytime soon. Insomnia’s an actual bitch. Following your thoughts, you practically rolled out of your bed, trying to comb down your terrifyingly disheveled hair, before changing into some workout clothes, slipping on your shoes, and waddling towards the office of one person you were certain would be awake at this time- Captain Levi. Everyone in the Corps knew of his terrible sleep schedule, so you were positive he was still awake and working. In addition to that, you would rather die than admit it to the other cadets, but you were completely whipped for Levi, so just getting any form of time alone with him would be a blessing to you. Even if it was just to spar.
“Heichou please help me, I can’t stand it any longerrrrrr, I’m gonna die of boredom, do you feel me Levi heichouuuu-” The door you were leaning on so comfortably swung open, catching you off guard. You started to fall, nothing around being useful in supporting you. All Levi did was walk out of the way and watch your tiny body fly towards the hard wooden floor. “Jesus brat, what the hell do you want from me?” You stood up rapidly, dusting yourself off, before scratching your head. “Can you spar with me?” Levi’s eyes widened, his mouth hanging open. “Are you serious right now?” You timidly nodded, chuckling dryly in a terrible attempt to alleviate the tense and awkward vibe of the situation. “(Y/L/N). You disturb me, at 1am, while I’m doing paperwork, to spar? Couldn’t this wait for tomorrow? Go back to sleep, this is an order.” He proceeded to walk back into his office, hand reaching out for the door handle. You laughed lightheartedly, keeping the door open with your foot. “Levi heichouuu, I’m sure you know how big of a bitch insomnia is, will you help a fellow poor sufferer out? Pretttty pleaaaase?” There was no way Levi was about to reject that request. How could he when you were acting so cute? Your whiny ass could melt even the coldest of people, himself included.
The minute you joined the Survey Corps, Levi already had his eyes on you. According to the information Shadis gave him, you were an extremely valuable asset when it came to scheming and fighting. Your intuition was like none other. It was impressive. Perhaps even more impressive than Sasha’s. During battle, your pure gut instincts have saved many soldiers. Most of them knew the name (Y/N) as the insanely accurate fortune teller. You knew exactly where titans would be, and how they would attack. That combined with your logic, made you an excellent tactician. What brought you down, were your physical skills. You were never the fittest person, often times collapsing after only five laps around the training area. You barely passed the ODM gear test, and almost broke a bone sparring with Connie. CONNIE. Since then, Levi has noticed you skipping dinner and training in your free time, whether it was just normal working out, or practising punches and kicks. He had initiated conversations with you before, usually starting off serious, but those talks usually turned into dumb arguments over questions like whether you could eat medicine with tea, or whether Eren was actually dysphoric. As months passed by, you became one of the few people that managed to get close to Levi. Although the captain may not show it, he had to admit, he has grown quite fond of you with time too.
“Good lord, fine, you scrawny ass brat. I’ll spar with you for an hour and an hour only. No buts. Consider yourself lucky I’m actually giving into your ridiculous request.” You beamed, jumping up and down like a child seeing a cotton candy machine, then crossing your arms over your chest, giving Levi a fake pout. “Thank you so much cap! For the record, I’m not scrawny!” He only grunted in response, letting you drag him to the training grounds. On the way, you sensed something off. No, scratch that, there was just a weird vibe. It was like something waiting to happen, but you couldn’t quite pinpoint what it was exactly. You were skeptical for a bit, before you let it go and took it as sheer paranoia.
“(Y/L/N), you’re getting better.” You were completely drenched in sweat at this point, your muscles aching like crazy. You two had been sparring for about thirty minutes only, and somehow you were already worn out, whilst Levi was still completely fine, not a single drop of sweat evident. “C’mon cadet, you can do better than this. You asked me to spar with you, bring it.” You huffed out, panting like a thirsty dog, arms on your knees. “Yeah, hold on, just give me one second to just-” You took in a few deep breaths, before stretching your arms and legs, getting into a fighting stance again. “Okay, I think I’m all good captain.” Levi sent out a tiny smirk, charging towards you without warning. He sent a punch toward your jaw, missing by mere centimetres as you dodged it, grabbing his arm, knocking him off his feet, and throwing him to the ground. “Whooo! I finally won! Once!” You cheered a bit too early. Within seconds, you were flipped over again, the captain’s lean figure now hovering over you in a straddle. “Guard up until the opponent either passes out, dies, or surrenders. That’s rule number one of fighting. That was a pretty impressive throw though, I’ll give you that.” You sighed in defeat, tapping out quickly. “Seriously? You’re going to give up like that? That’s not the (Y/N) I know.” You thought about that for a second. “You know what captain? You’re right.” Smirking evilly, you got into a guard position, kicking your legs up to wrap around his chest as you rolled over, hovering over him in a mount.
Maybe you were dumb. Or maybe you were too immersed in the fight. But you didn’t realise how close you and Levi were until then. Your face burned multiple different shades of red as you went silent for a few moments, Levi staring at you in confusion. “Oi, what did I tell you about not being distracted during a fight?” He tried to shift into a better position, when your hand came down onto his collar. Should I do this? You were about to take a huge risk. Your brain was desperately trying to stop you from doing god knows what next. However your heart was throbbing, messing with your thought process. You felt that weird, tingly vibe in the air again, this time paying close attention to it instead of just ignoring it like the last time. Maybe this is the world’s way of telling me to do this thing? Is it? You pondered over the thought, staying as still as a statue. “(Y/F/N)? Did you listen to a word I said-”
You know what? To hell with your doubts and worries.
Grabbing the soft fabric of his shirt, you harshly pulled him towards you, attacking his lips with your own as you refused to let go, squeezing your own eyes shut. He was audibly shocked, giving out a tiny yelp as you continued to kiss him. His hair tickled your forehead, his breaths tickled your face, the fact that you were kissing your captain tickled every single little thing inside of you. For a few moments, you could hear your embarrassment buzzing in your own ears, before you finally pulled away, lowering Levi back down to the ground as you let go of his shirt. Your eyes widened at what you just did, your entire body going hot as you took your time to let the fact that you just kissed your hot, badass, midget captain sink in. Your hand went up to cover your mouth as you gave a muffled scream, getting off of him immediately and apologising profoundly. “U-uh I think that’s probably enough sparring for tonight, I’ll go see if I can go back to sleep now. Goodnight cap!” You screamed as you ran back to the cabin, completely flustered and feeling very hot. Slamming the cabin door close, you looked around, to see a tall figure sitting up from her bed, turning on a lamp. “(Y/N)...? What are you doing in workout clothes? And… why are you all red and sweaty?” You jumped, cursing a bit at Mikasa’s question as the other girls started to wake up from the noise that you made. “I- uh, it’s a long story….” Ymir smirked, before placing an arm on your shoulder. “Don’t worry. Get changed, and we’ll have all night to talk about it.” The other girls agreed, sending you evil looks as you grabbed your sleeping clothes and proceeded to clean up and change, your risky move from just now still circling your mind like a hive of annoying ass bees.
Meanwhile, Levi could not comprehend what the hell just happened. Did she just kiss me? He fixed his collar, which was now dirtied and wrinkled as he scrunched his nose at the disgraceful sight. “Tch, that brat, running away as if I would be on her ass for the rest of her life as a soldier after she did that.” He let his hand go up to touch his lips, seemingly fascinated by how he didn’t resist or anything. He was beyond confused. Never in a billion years did he expect to be kissed by someone in the military, let alone someone in his own squad. He tried to ignore his cheeks that were feeling warm as he dusted himself off, standing up and walking back to his office, mumbling to himself.
“Why’d you run away so quickly (Y/N)? I didn’t say I disliked that or anything.
Hoe hoe hoe I have finally finished this req! This was so fun to write oh lord I was laughing to myself-
This one goes into the short kings clan👑👑
Hope you liked it anon🥺👉👈💕
@burnt-tomato @lydzisanerd @bokutokoutarou @trashcanweeb @izzyphantomgamer @artsamber @ewfilthymundane @macaronnn @sunshines-and-tatertots @for-ests @inlwlevi
Idek why I can’t tag @ewfilthymundane but I’m soRry
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karaliswrites · 5 years
Stay With Me
I hate this one.  Spoilers
The footsteps were soft at first, quick but quiet, as if someone was trying to sneak out of somewhere.  Or, in this case, in somewhere.  The cot was stiff and uncomfortable so, like every other night, sleep  was elusive.  The jingle of keys caused Eren to shift, his eyes already adjusted to the dim light of the cell.  He turned to the silhouette through the bars, the familiar face outlined in the candlelight.  His voice was husky and rough and he kept it at barely above a whisper.  “Armin?” he asked once the figure had ventured into his lonely prison.  “Sorry,” came the gentle voice Eren was expecting.  “I didn’t mean to wake you.  I was just worried.”
Eren leaned back on his cot, more at ease now that the identity of the stranger wasn't so strange.  “What about?”
The boy walked closer to him, his feet shuffling along the floor, until he was at his bedside. “How are you?” he asked, avoiding Eren’s question.  “It seems awfully lonely down here.”
He nodded in the dark.  “It can be sometimes.  But it's fine.  I'm fine.”
He saw Armin smile before he took a seat on the edge of the cot, his face becoming suddenly serious.  “I couldn't sleep.”
Eren sat up, his eyes watching the shadows of Armin’s face in the pale glow of the candles. He didn't respond, hoping the blond would just start talking.  His mouth twitched, as if he knew what he wanted to say, but not the right way to say it.  Still Eren waited, his heart beating softly in his chest.  “I'm worried about you,” Armin finally spoke.  “This whole titan thing has people turning against you.  They keep you down here like a prisoner.  Like your some kind of—”
“Monster,” Eren finished for him.  Armin turned to face him then, eyes drowned in worry and something he couldn't quite place.  Eren looked away, feeling his stomach shift uncomfortably. “Eren,” Armin muttered, but he didn't look at him.  “You're not a monster.”
Finally green eyes met blue and Eren shattered.  “What are we doing here, Armin?” he asked, but the boy said nothing.  “What am I doing here?  Everyone thinks I'm the one who can save the world, but I'm not.  I'm just as useless as I ever was.”
“Mikasa, Levi -- they're the ones humanity should depend on.  Not me.  All I do is just stand by and watch as everyone I know gets eaten alive.  One by one.”
A tear fell from his eyes, hot and burning as it rolled down his cheek.  “If I wasn't there for them how can I be there for anyone else?”
A warm hand settled over his own and he looked back at his friend, not caring what he thought when he saw the tears welling in his eyes.  But Armin didn't laugh, didn't make fun of him, didn't call him weak.  He just gave him that tiny smile he had reserved just for him and squeezed his hand a bit harder.  “You're not useless, Eren.  Who sealed the hole in the wall when Trost needed to be saved? You did.  Who protected the cadets as they escaped? You did.  Capturing the female titan, fighting Reiner and Bertholdt, all of it was you.  We need you, Eren.”
He leaned closer, tears spilling from the oceans that restrained them.  A moment passed as he appeared to be struggling for his next words, grasping desperately at them in the hopes of forming a logical sentence.  “Eren,” he began, his voice quivering.  “What'll happen if Heichou decides you can't control your powers?”
It sounded like more of a statement than a question.  “At your trial….”
Armin’s voice broke and he let out a quiet sob, trying to keep himself together.  “They said...if you couldn't control it….”
He couldn’t speak.  Eren pulled him into his arms, gripping tightly.  Armin’s hands came up to return the embrace, his fingers digging into the back of Eren’s shirt.  He was trembling.  “It's okay,” he whispered, stroking Armin’s hair.  “It's going to be okay.  I'll be able to control it.”
Armin pulled his face away and looked at him, anxiety flooding his eyes.  “But what about those times it didn't work? What if we’re on a mission and you can't do anything? You know pretty much everyone's afraid of you because they don't understand — they'll find any excuse to get rid of you.  They can't take you away from me,” the last sentence was mumbled, more of a muffled sob into Eren’s shoulder, but he heard it all the same.  “They won't.  I won't let them.”
Eren pulled back, staring at Armin and taking his face in his hands.  “I'll learn to control it.  And I won't let anything stop me.”
The promise was solemn and absolute, his thumb grazing the boy’s skin as he wiped away his tears.  Armin sniffled, trying to calm himself and steady his breathing.  Something in the atmosphere changed, like an alarm had just gone off in Eren’s brain.  He stopped his movements and their eyes locked, emotions flowing freely between them, like messages that were desperate to be sent but could never make it through.  And for the first time, Eren thought he could make out one of those messages in Armin’s gaze and found his own dropping to his lips.  They quivered as Eren watched, a tongue darting out quickly to wet them.  Looking back into Armin’s eyes, the thoughts and feelings had come together once more, like strings, into a mess of tangled webs he couldn't understand.  So he decided he was tired of trying to understand.  He was tired of thinking.  So he let himself lean forward and press their lips together.  He stayed like that for a few moments, everything still in the dingy air of the underground prison.  When Eren broke the kiss, Armin looked surprised, his face seemingly coated in a thick layer of red dust.  But he didn’t move, didn’t speak, only stared into Eren’s eyes with the same unblinking look on his face.  There was no sting of rejection, but perhaps what might have been a possible invitation in his eyes.  So Eren found his lips again, pressing forwards with more confidence, more certainty.  His hand found the feathers of Armin’s hair, weaving it between his fingers and bringing him impossibly closer.  The blond gripped his shoulders, a hand wrapped around his neck, his lips moving against his own.  Tongues collided as they kissed each other like they would never again see the light of day.  But for all they knew, maybe that would be the case.
Hearts raced and pounded deafeningly in their chests as hands wandered, memorizing every inch of skin that burned beneath their fingers.  Lungs were on fire and soon they had to break away to breathe, their soft pants mixing between them.  Eren kept his grip on Armin as if he wasn’t sure this was reality.  They stared, a combination of surprise and passion burning in their eyes.  Eren pulled him into his arms again, holding him tight and falling back onto his cot.  “Stay,” he breathed, Armin’s face pressed into his shoulder.  He didn’t say anything.  He simply brought his arms up to wrap around Eren’s middle and returned the gentle pressure.
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millicent231-watt · 5 years
(AoT Scenario) When He’s Jealous
A/N: Got a request or idea? Leave it below in the comments.
"Lookin' good today Y/N!" Connie jokes playfully and I chuckle. "Thanks, Conny." I yell back as he walked past me. I was wearing my new skirt that I bought at the monthly market that we get to go to every second month. It hugged my hips perfectly and stopped about mid thigh. "Y/N, that skirt looks great on you!" Armin says as he and Mikasa pass me. "Thanks, Armin, I know!" I say happily before continuing my walk to my boyfriends room. "Y/N, looking fine~" Jean says flirtatiously, making me scoff, but giggle as well. "Thanks, but no thanks. I'm sure you'd prefer Mikasa wear this, yeah?" I tease, causing him to go red before I turn and see Eren standing out there with Captain Levi. "You should wait, Y/N. From what I heard, Eren's in big trouble." Ymir says as her and Christa walk past me. "You should get a skirt like that Christa." I hear Ymir joke as the walk away. I sigh and lean against the wall, waiting for Captain to be done with my boyfriend. "That's all Jaeger." I hear Captain say before walking through the doorway and seeing me. "Good morning Captain!" I say happily with a salute. "Morning cadet L/N. What's the occasion? You don't usually look this good." He says, making me lost for words. Did he just compliment me or insult me? "N...no occasion, Sir. Just felt like wearing something different." I say with a nervous chuckle as he scans my body, up and down. "It's rare for anybody to meet my standard, appearance wise, so be glad you got a compliment, brat." He says before walking off. "Did you see that Eren?" I ask and he nods. "Yeah...I saw it..." H growls lowly. "Eren? What's wrong?" I ask and he points to my skirt. "I don't like it. I heard everyone complimenting you on it and I don't like that." He says and I smile. "Aw, are you jealous?" I ask, placing my arms loosely around his neck. "A...a little..." He admits, making me laugh an kiss him. "Don't be. You won't lose me to anyone." I say before kissing him again, eliminating any doubt as he kissed back.
I sigh dreamily as I hold a book close to my heart. "Hey Y/N, what're you doing?" I hear Armin ask as he walks up to me. "(Favorite book character) is just so...dreamy~" I sigh happily before I hear Armin growl slightly before a small whimper is heard. "Armin? What's wrong? Are you jealous?" I ask and he blushes furiously. "No! Maybe...just a little." He says and I put the book down before walking over to hug him. "I love you more than some stupid fake character. I mean I can actually hug you and do this." I say before kissing him softly. I pull away and smile. "So don't worry, you aren't loosing me to (Favorite book character) or anyone else for that matter." I say and he smiles before kissing my softly! basically refusing to let go.
"Connie! You should've seen what just happened to Ere-" I cut my sentence short as I walk into Connie's room and see Y/N laying on his lap, asleep! "What are you do-" "She was tired and had a headache, so I told her to sleep. Thats all Jean. I can guarantee you that she loves you and not me." He says and I cock my eyebrow. "And how are you gonna show me the proo-" "Jean..." I hear Y/N mumble tiredly. "Well, the first bit of proof is that she sleep talks." Connie says as he strokes her hair soothingly. "Jean....I love you..." She says in almost a mumble. I chuckle and shake my head, moving closer to her. "I love you to cutie."
"Right. So, if I put my leg here instead, it'll stabilise me more during combat?" I ask Captain Levi. You see, I had asked him for some special training in hand to hand combat. I thought I could improve on it, so why not go to the very best of the best? "Correct. Hold your arm here as well. It will give you more leverage to get out if they grab you, and it will open up more attacking possibilities." He says and we begin to practice. Just as he was about to let me up from the ground, where he was holding me, I hear a throat clearing. I turn my head and see Erwin standing there, arms crossed and a mean look on his face. "Y/N. My office. NOW!" He growls and Levi lets me stand. I quickly now and thank him for the lesson before running off to the Commanders office. I knock on the door. "E...Erwin? Y...You wanted t...to see me?" I yell out and the door slams open, he pulls me in, and the door slams shut. "Erwin, what's this abou-" I was cut off when he slammed his lips against mine aggressively. I struggle I pull away, but eventually do. "Erwin! What's gotten into you?" I ask and he growls angrily before sighing sadly as his expression does a complete 180. "I...I'm sorry Y/N. It's just...you've been hanging out a lot with Levi lately and not so much with me. I guess my emotions kinda took over." He says shamefully. I smile and place my hand on his cheek. "I love you Erwin, and you know that. I guess I have been training a little too much lately, so I'll cut it down and then we can spend some more time together. How does that sound?" I ask and he smiles, nodding his head. "It sounds amazing Baby Bird." He say and I sigh happily at his nickname for me.
We all laugh as Eren tells another joke comparing Jean to a horse, making Jean mad of course. "Get off of me horseface!" Eren yells as Jean tackles him to the ground in a fight. "Oi!" We all freeze as we realise our superiors, Hange and Levi, were sitting right across the room from us. "S...sorry Heichou. We didn't mean to-" "Shut your mouth Jaeger. You and Kirchstien already have a weeks punishment for this, do you want another?" Levi asks, gesturing to the fight, and Eren shakes his head before he assigns everyone a job to do now, even though it was our break. "You shouldn't be so harsh on them Le-" "I don't need your opinion four-eyes." He hisses before standing up and glaring at me. "L/N, come with me." He growled lowly, and since he used my last name I knew this wasn't gonna end well for me. I quickly stand up and follow him silently to his office, seeing and feeling every stunned stare as we walked past the working cadets. They knew that if I had my head down and was walking behind Levi, not next to him, I was in deep shit and may not come out of his office alive.
"Inside. NOW!" He yells as he opens the door and makes me walk in first. "U...um, Levi?" I ask quietly, legs shaking, as he locked the door. "Do you think that the little game you're playing is fun, Y/N? Do you enjoy testing my patience? Is it funny to you?" He hisses as he walks up to me, causing me to stumble back. "G...game? What game?" I ask. He clicks his tongue and grabs my collar. "You know what I'm talking about!" He growls, making me whimper in fear. "N..No! I really don't Le-" "Don't play dumb with me!" He yells before throwing me towards his desk, trapping me there afterwards. "You think I don't notice how you look at those shitheads? You think I wouldn't hear you laughing at their stupid jokes? You think I don't see you touching them?" He asks, his voice going from a warning growl to a somber murmur. "Levi, I-" "DO YOU THINK I'M A FUCKING IDIOT Y/N?!" He screams at me, causing me to shrink down in fear. "No! I..I promise! I never, NEVER, meant to make you feel mad or jealous Levi! I-" He sighs and moves away, letting me free from the trap. "So this is what jealousy feels like? I thought it wouldn't be as shitty as it is." He says to himself. "Levi, I promise you, I don't like any one of them the way I like you. I like them as friends, their fun to hang out with and joke with, but I love you. I love spending time with you, even if it's just sitting here while you do paperwork. I didn't think what I was doing would bother you, and honestly, I don't even notice I'm doing it most of the time." I say, cautiously walking closer. "Tch, just don't make me feel like this again. I hate this feeling." He says as he turns to me and I nod. "I'll try my hardest. If you catch me doing it though just call my name and I'll understand if you just nod at me." I say and he sighs before agreeing. "Seems fair to me." He says and I hug him. "I'm so sorry Levi." I whisper in a whimper. "It's fine Y/N. I'm sorry for scaring you earlier."
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tinymightyheichou · 5 years
5 Times (originally from my Wattpad same name)
A/N: Not really following the manga
5 times someone questioned Erwin and Levi’s relationship, and the one time they knew.
Also, the 5 times Levi proved he has a heart and the one time his broke.
The first time somebody questioned their relationship, was when Jean caught Levi walking out of Erwin's office late at night, with a slight limp.
"Heichou why are you in the commander's office so much? Are you two in a relationship?"
"Why are you still awake brat?"
"Nothing Sir, just couldn't sleep so I took a walk."
"Tell me the truth, and I'll tell you why I was in Erwin's office."
"Today is the anniversary of Trost sir...."
"Ah, thinking about bodt"
"Yes, sir."
"It gets easier Jean..."
"Can you please answer me?"
"When I can't sleep I go to Erwin's office, and help him with paperwork, or just to talk."
"And the limping?"
Levi sighed lifting his shirt showing how bruised his right side was.
"Titan backhanded me, some of my ribs are busted"
"Come to my office for tea....I've been through the same thing...we can talk it out.."
The second person who confronted them, though timidly was Bertholdt. Again Levi was caught walking out of Erwin's office limping from his broken ankle this time.
"C c c captain are you o okay?"
Levi quickly dried his tears
"Captain!" Then he ran over "why are you crying?"
"Why were you? Your eyes are red"
"We lost so many comrades today...."
"I'm crying over losing my squad"
"Did you love Petra?"
Levi chuckled slightly.
"As a little sister, yes."
"I thought you two"
"Everyone did"
"You seem like you're afraid to admit who you love"
"Everyone I love always dies it's not worth it"
"But if you don't...you'll regret not telling anyone."
Levi smiles softly
"You're a good kid Bertholdt...you should take your own advice...."
"How did you?"
"Anybody with eyes can see you love her"
"So then if I may ask, who are you..."
"I'm gay, that's all I'm saying."
"Got any advice....."
"We'll talk over tea, come."
Bertholdt followed the corporal.
"Well honestly, I've never had any romantic interest......all hopes of relationships were erased back in my days living in the underground.....but, if I were you....and still young, I'd tell her straight forward..."
"Thank you, captain, whoever he is, is a very lucky man."
The third person was Nanaba, it was after Annie was crystallized.
"THAT BITCH! SHE TOOK EVERYTHING FROM ME AND DOESN'T HAVE THE NERVE TO FACE IT!" Levi punched a hole in the wall. "Erwin is in prison" he punched another hole "Eren hasn't woken up" he slid down the wall.
Nanaba walked in.
"Sometimes I hate my fucking job!"
She sighed sitting down.
"It's about Erwin isn't it...."
Levi nodded.
"Love does that"
"Yeah....wait shit...."
"Your secrets safe with me, and so we're even I'm in love with Mike..."
"He feels the same"
"Tell Erwin...you won't regret it."
He nodded
She turned to leave
"Wait, stay......please Nanaba....."
She sat on the unused mattress in Levi's office
"I'm here, let it out..."
"I can't lose anyone else close to me....."
"Let me in Levi...."
He sighed
"I was orphaned at 5 I watch my mother die of the plague never knew my father....turns out he was one of her clients and she got pregnant with me. Then a week or so after she died a man named Kenny came into my life, he ended up leaving....we crossed paths again when I was a thug but it was anything but pleasant...Farlan and Isabel were out, I was alone.....I told them to take my weapons with them they'd be in more danger...I was wrong.." he started shaking slightly.
Nanaba sighed hugging him close.
"You went through the same thing....abuse..."
Levi nodded
"My body was broken. One hit for each of his men I killed."
"He was a father figure and nothing hurts more.....I was abused by my father at a young age..."
"Let's start a plan to get Erwin back...."
"I'll make some tea." She ruffled his hair.
The fourth person was Historia.
"Captain...I made you some tea."
"What are you hiding."
"....I think I know who the MPs are after."
Levi got another cup and motioned for her to sit down.
"My real name is Historia Riess."
"Ah, next in line for Queen..."
"I'm sorry for lying cap-"
"Ever heard of Kenny the ripper?"
"The mp slaughterer?"
"I have."
"He raised me."
Historias jaw dropped
"We all have or secrets...."
"And one of yours is your relationship with commander Erwin? What is it?"
"Nice try Riess." He ruffled her hair walking away.
The 5th one was Erwin himself.
"Levi...I have to do this for humanity."
"No, no you fucking don't!"
"Levi, Let's think through this logically..."
"What logic!? Erwin, they will kill you!"
"And if my death saves humanity, then we are one step closer"
"It's my duty as commander"
"You're all I have left! After Isabel and Farlan died, I considered taking my life right there, and you showed up. After my squad died, I tried to slit my wrist, but you stopped me, you took the knife...I can't lose you, you are my reason to live, everything I do is because of, and for you....this sounds cliche I know it does, but I can't live without you...."
Erwin smiled softly.
"Then the rumors are true...about your feelings."
"Yes Erwin, I love you, I love you so fucking much....."
Erwin sat Levi on his desk.
"Then I'll make you a promise, after I come back, which I will, we'll get married, I don't give a damn where we are, I will marry you, Levi Ackerman...."
"So that's my last name...."
"Not for long..." he leaned in kissing Levi passionately.
Erwin was lying there bleeding out.
Levi tried to inject him with the serum but his hand was slapped away.
"No, no, Erwin you promised...."
"And I intend to...Levi Ackerman.....will you marry me....."
"Wait for me...."
"I'll wait till the end of time Erwin Smith....."
"I leave everything to y-"
Levi leaned down kissing Erwin one last time. Tears streaming down his cheeks.
"You were my choice with no regrets Levi....."
Levi felt Erwin place his tie around his neck and a ring on his finger.
Levi took off his cravat putting it on Erwin.
"What if there are people on the other side of these walls Levi....."
"Rest now Erwin........"
The hand that was gripping his fell limp.
Levi gently shut Erwin's eyes.
"Take care of him please mom...Isabel, Farlan, Mike, Nanaba.....Petra..."
When they got to the beach Levi clutched Erwin's Tie in his hand.
"The brats made it to the ocean.....i wish you would've......you'd love it......" tears streamed down his cheeks
Hanji hugged him as he sobbed softly hiccuping in between.
A/N: I'm not crying
A/N again: Bonus chapters?
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Ereri - Paintball (Christmas Edition) 🔞
AUTHORS NOTE: Merry Christmas to my great friend and mother-in-law hehe @tsukiy0~ I love you so sooooo much you have no idea!! Thank you for everything you have done for me and just being who you are. As a show of my appreciation I’ve written this fic for you because you know how much we love to make stories and scenarios of our precious Ereri. So I hope you enjoy your Christmas present just as much I did while writing it. Everyone who is also a huge ass fan of Ereri just like us two also please enjoy reading this headcanon and spread the love~
Levi had no idea how in the hell he got dragged into all of this but knowing Hange was the influential person behind it, in the end, it wasn't that out of the ordinary. However, that didn't mean that today was going to be an ordinary day, on the contrary. A few days prior, Hange had interrupted one of captain Levi's training with his new squad about what Levi had planned to do for his coming birthday. Such news sparked interest to his cadets about how they could help in celebrating him in one of the most beautiful and special days of the year, Christmas. At the end of the day, the elite squad spent the remaining of the day in the training grounds obsessing over the party plans with squadron leader Hange. Meanwhile, the captain had his back to the circle with a stoic expression about how unnecessary such bashfulness and plans were needed in regards to his birthday.
It was December 24th and Levi was at one of the barns; where supplies for the expeditions outside the walls were kept, in which was completely transformed into a space made for a paintball arena. Right off the bat, he noticed how all his cadets including Hange where waiting for his arrival all dressed up as Christmas inspired characters. As Levi blinked multiple times in surprise, Eren breaks from the group to hand over Levi's costume with a beaming eye smile. Already made into a blushing mess, that only Eren Yeager had such effect on him, he couldn't stand the fact about how freaking adorable Eren looked in his reindeer costume. How those little antlers complimented his dark and messy brown hair. How that jingle bell choker accentuated his defined muscular neck and prominent collar bones underneath his classic green long sleeve. How... "Heichou," Eren interrupts Levi's train of thoughts. "Everything alright? Are you ready to undress?~" Eren asks with a sly smile and deep dark eyes. "Uh? Yes, Yes. Of course, I'm fine." He looks past Eren and sees the group in the back waiting for them both with their costumes on. Armin as a snowman, Mikasa as a candy cane, Hange as a Christmas tree,  Connie as an elf,  Jean as a gingerbread man, and Sasha as a potato with Christmas lights. Levi once again blinks reassuringly and looks back at Eren wearing an innocent smile with a hand lingering onto Levi from when he gave him his costume. "The changing area is on the first door to your left," Eren states and walks back to the group in which leaves Levi to notice the cute little fluffy tail he seemed to wear as he headed back. This causes Levi to become even redder at this point and rushes over straight to the changing station to prevent the others from noticing his blushing mess.
After Levi had changed into his Santa outfit, the entire group gathers around and Jean begins to distribute an equal amount of colorful paintballs needed to play. Along with Connie passing out folded pieces of paper either numbered twenty-four or twenty-five to determine what members will be in which group. Meanwhile, Sasha helped Hange get everything sorted out and everyone else excitedly talked among themselves, Eren made his way next to Levi who sat on a haystack awaiting further instructions with his arms crossed over his chest. Levi hadn't buttoned his Santa coat all the way to the top and exposed a peak of his chiseled chest in which left Eren a bit hot and bothered. "Fuck, please ride me!" Eren commented under his breath as he nudged Levi's side and sat beside him who seemed clearly annoyed. "What did you say brat?" he asked as he looked up to him confused. "Oh nothing~" Eren added looking ahead as if concentrating on the rest of the group. "Hmm..." Levi adds in with a shy smirk with his head slightly held down to the opposite side of Eren, knowing exactly what he had said earlier.
Once everyone had their paintballs ready to be thrown at their opponents and knew their group members, Armin explained the rules to the survey corps first ever paintball game. Basically, each round would last twenty minutes in the dim light barn and the second floor could be used to attack others from above. The basic rules to the game were you get points for hitting your opponent with the homemade paintballs and one can get extra points for attacking the other team's headquarters and destroying it. Such headquarters could be identified by the green haystack castle for team twenty-four and the red haystack castle for team twenty-five. Along with final instructions on how everyone is to behave when in game mode. All the while, Levi's arms had found their way firmly around Eren's waist since he had pulled him to sit on his lap before he had to say goodbye to Eren and become rivals. Or as Levi so puts it: to protect Eren's ass from an accidentally lost needle that might potentially stab him and then have him unintentionally transform into a titan and creating a huge mess.
Armin's instructions had come to an end and everyone rose up from their seats to head to where the game would officially take place. Levi had tried to get up to join his team to talk strategy but his boyfriend had prevented him from doing so. Eren had leaned in to draw closer to Levi and rested his chin on his shoulder. "Let the best team win Levi heichou," Eren whispered in a low voice and kissed the root of his ear, making electric chills run down his spine. Levi felt him leaning in for another kiss until Mikasa called out for him. "Hey, Eren come on over here! We have to come up with a plan of attack!" Eren chuckles into his ear and then gets off of Levi's laps, extending a hand for him to join him. "Okay, okay, okay Mikasa!" Eren retorts back. The pair then walked side by side, away from the common area and head to the entrance of the proclaimed paintball arena where Mikasa is waiting for him. Mikasa then takes Eren by the arm and leads him towards their green headquarters where Hange and Jean await. "Levi heichou, we really need you, where are you?" chimes in Armin calling from where their team's base with Sasha and Connie are at.
The countdown had started and Levi's team had come up with a great plan to destroying the other team's base which rallied up more points than just hitting individual members and how to protect their own. However, the plan to attacking individual opponents was left up to each member of his team, since he trusted that by now everyone was clever to be fast enough to make strategic attacks due to the countless of confrontations everyone has had with titans. Once everyone knew their jobs and their positions they waited for Hange to finish off the countdown. Sasha then left to the upper level, Connie dashed into one direction, Levi headed for the other, and Armin stayed behind to protect their red headquarters. Within a matter of minutes, the barn was full of paint everywhere along with screams and laughter of all the scouts fighting to become the winning team and claim victory. "Yeeeeeeah! Attack!" Sasha yelled in enthusiasm which was followed by Connie's giggles. "Damn you guys! Don't you even think you can beat us!" Eren followed with his cry for freedom, not too far from the green teams' headquarters. Levi assumed he was in charge of protecting their headquarters by the sound of it and begins to make his way. He smirks and quickly shuffles through the obstacles to find cover so he wouldn't be seen by Jean on the second floor.
The twenty minutes given to play the first round had passed by surprisingly fast and paintballs were flying through the air in a zig-zag motion. Levi tried to run towards the rival team's green castle without drawing any kind of attention towards his intention of wrecking it completely during the last few minutes of the game. However, Levi suddenly had to stop in his tracks as someone had smacked their hand right above his head and against the wall, blocking him with their arm and pinned him against the wall from continuing further. He was out of breath from all the running and it took him a few seconds to recognize the familiar face in the dim light barn; Eren Yeager. He was looking as hot as ever. Sweat dripped down his neck and chest as his green sleeve shirt became a bit see through from all the sweat that had clung onto his upper body, exposing his muscular built figure. His boyfriend was panting hard but his gaze was firmly set on Levi's, giving him his ultimate undivided attention. Levi gulps from the sudden thirst and tries to hide his face from becoming flustered at Eren's heavenly sight. A half-smile rose upon his lips and states, "I haven't seen you at all throughout the game. You're so slick, babe!" he chuckles and leans down slightly closer to him. Levi could feel his hot breath hitting against his porcelain-like skin and it causes his body to shiver a bit. "Agh! I so wish we could've been partners in crime but I guess this works out just fine. Now, I just have to make sure you don't destroy our chances of winning," he joked and bit his lower lip seductively as he let his left hand slide down the wall and let it rest on Levi's hip while keeping a firm hand on Levi's right shoulder. Eren slipped his fingers under the hem on Levi's shirt and started drawing hearts on his v-line with the tips of his cold slim fingers, in which were surprisingly soft and not hard with calluses from all the years of training.
The younger male stepped closer to him so that he could press his entire body against him. Levi wrapped his arms loosely around his neck and Eren took that as permission to overpower Levi as he could him. Eren leaned in for a hungry wet kiss and Levi could taste the sweetness of the taste of wine he hadn't seen him drink before the game started as he licked the inside of Eren's mouth slowly. The intensity and passion of each and every kiss made Levi feel as if he was drunk from the lingering taste of the alcohol left on his mouth. His boyfriend played tag with Levi's tongue until Eren got tired and felt his tongue attacked, making himself surrender to Levi's dominance in which Eren loved oh so much. "Ahh heichou, mhmm~" Eren moaned out against Levi's lips in which overwhelmed Levi with an abundance of chills throughout his body and butterflies to infest his stomach. He loved the way Eren called him heichou because no other person could ever make him feel the heat, love, and thirst he had for him. Just at the say of the word 'heichou' by his other cadets didn't compare at all to the way Eren would say it. Every time he heard 'heichou' come out of the mouth's of others made him long for Eren to rather say it instead and have his presence next to him. It got Levi hoping to always have Eren by his side, Eren's kisses got Levi hoping to save him from the vulnerability of humanity in the face of titans, Eren's touch got him hoping to continue to comfort and care for him when no one else in this damned world could. Eren was his hope and the word 'heichou' coming out of his and only his mouth transformed the meaning of the word entirely. Levi loved it and it was little things like that in which didn't take much to turn him on.
After a moment Levi reluctantly pulled away for some air being that he was out of breath, though not from the previous constant running but rather from the heat of their passionate and intense make-out session. Eren let him do so even though he could've gone longer thanks to his excellent breathing skills he had developed from every single brutal training he's ever had to endure from his captain. Levi bit his lower lip harshly trying to control himself from melting into Eren's strong arms. "Ahh? Please don't hide your lips," Eren whispered lowly sounding almost like a growl and planted a gentle and sweet kiss on his boyfriend's lips which made Levi smile. Eren huffed a laugh and started planting sloppy wet kisses all over Levi's face and traveling down his neck. Eren then gets carried away and starts sucking Levi's soft spots, leaving them to hurt a bit and noticeably red in color. "Ahh, fuck babe~" Levi moans while gripping the back of Eren's shirt tightly. Eren apologizes by slowly licking each wound he made and kissing them softly afterward which makes Levi's toes to curl inside his boots like crazy. He then finds the collar of Levi's shirt and pulls it down slightly so he could finish his route of kisses on Levi's strong and prominent collar bones. Once he finishes he looks at Levi with a satisfied sly smile and Levi rolls his eyes and rings Eren's little jingle bell choker. Levi then gently cups Eren's handsome face, feeling his strong defined jawline and smiles warmly at Eren for making him feel all tingly. "What?" Eren smirked, arching his left eyebrow at him in a very teasing way. "I just... I can't take your hotness and cuteness at the same time right now. I mean how the hell can you be so damn cute and hot all in one?" Levi admits. "Are you serious? And you think I'm managing well right now?" Eren huffs in surprise. Levi didn't know how to answer to him and wasn't able to even if he wanted to because Eren gave no second thought to going in and nibbling on Levi's bottom lip and diving in for another deep kiss. The kisses being interchanged started to heat up by the second and Levi's fingers went under Eren's pants along with his underwear and began rubbing up and down his ass, accidentally making his reindeer tail fall off. Gripping them and digging his nicely cut and clean nails into Eren's skin every time a moan came out of their kissing mouths.
Each kiss and touch began to be begging for more and more as both Eren and Levi competed for dominance over the strong hunger they both felt for each other. Suddenly they become started by Hange's scream about the game to have had officially ended. Eren pulls out from the kiss and plants a comforting last kiss on the top of Levi's head. He then cups Levi's cheeks and leans in to lick his mouth across and blows hot air against them as he says "Well then see you back at the common area and then we can finish this afterwards with no interruptions." Eren then picks up his white tail off the floor and as he begins to walk away he turns around and flashes a wink to leave a flushed and puzzled Levi behind. Right afterward the rest of Levi's team found him in a state of not being able to move nor speak. "Agh, no wonder we lost to them. I guess their strategic defense plan worked rather well," Sasha said in a teasing tone. "Why am I not surprised? They indeed had Eren in their team," Connie adds in. "Eren! I can't believe you played us dirty like that!?" Armin said in disbelieve. All the while leaving Levi who can't help but feel embarrassed at the sight of Sasha, Connie, and Armin's faces of having lost the paintball game even after having humanity's strongest on their side.
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ohnellyitsmel · 5 years
Levi Ackerman One Shot
Oh geez.... I found this old one shot lol...
It’s so bad but why not post this on my NEW tumblr...
Tumblr media
Anime: Attack On Titan/Shingeki no Kyojin
Warning: Cussing because you know Levi :) and before Attack on Titan 2.
Your POV:
I slowly woke up from my slumber, bright lights shining ever so brightly as I realised that it was morning. I groaned loudly as I fiercely scratched my head like a cat. My eyes quickly adjusted to lights as I noticed that it was the day...the day to confess my feelings for the one and only, Captain Levi. Yes, I know that I have a 10% chance of succeeding and I say this because I have hope and pride in myself and him! Immediately, I shot out of bed, brushed my teeth and had a cold, relaxing shower, which took my mind off the nervous feeling inside of me. I smoothly put on my uniform, tidied my hair, stepped out of my room and walked out of the girls' dormitory. Along the way, I spotted Ymir and Christa, happily talking to each other and acting all friendly so I decided to also be friendly and say hi to them.
"Ymir! Christa! How are you today?"
When they heard their names being called, Christa (*Cough* Historia *Cough*)and Ymir hastily turned their heads and looked at me. Christa looked really happy and joyful, like she really wanted to see me, and Ymir just had an expression that I could not read, even though we were pretty close to each other .
"Hello (Y/N)! I am so happy to see you but first I need to ask you a question...." Christa explained as she hugged you really tightly and it felt like you were suffocating.
"Hehe sure but Christa... I can't breathe." My hoarse voice said and I patted her arms, indicating her to let go.
"Whoops. Sorry!" She apologised. "Anyway, are you going to confess to Heichou?" Christa straight forwardly questioned as she gave you a funny but mischievous look.
A sweat dropped from my forehead.
"How do they know I like Heichou?" I questioned myself.
"Well, it's quite obvious that you like him. Whenever we hangout, you always stare at "Humanity's strongest" whenever he's nearby. Just hurry and confess and go out already!" Ymir said as she read your mind.
"Ok, ok! I admit that I do like him but I don't think he'll like me back." I whispered as I looked down, embarrassed.
"Well, just do it! You will never know what'll happen." Christa excitedly replied as she was moving around you, in circles.
I thought about it for a little while and I began to realise that it was the right thing to do because I'll never know if Heichou likes me or not.
"Okay. I'll do it... I'll do it right now!" I nervously but happily exclaimed. "I am going now! Bye guys and thank you!"
They waved as I sprinted into the distance, like a racing car, out of the girls' dormitory. As I turned the right corner, I bumped into something that made me fall... but it felt like that I bumped into a person...
"Oh my! I am so sorry!" I said as I bowed multiple times, making my back hurt.
"Tch. Watch where you're going, brat. So annoying..." Replied an angry voice but familiar voice.
Time stopped for me as I recognised the voice very clearly. It was the voice that I fell in love with, the voice that made me feel happy and I happen to mess up by bumping into Levi...
Tears formed in my eyes.
"The confession... Isn't going to work out so I am going to be rejected by him. He wouldn't even like me after this incident because I couldn't even watch where I was going." I silently thought to myself as I bowed my head and tears started to fall like waterfalls, confusing Levi.
"Oi, cadet (Y/N)! Are you alright?" questioned Levi as I felt that he was staring at me.
Before he could ask anymore questions, I sprinted away, away from Captain Levi and deciding that this was a sign of rejection. My heart fell to the bottom of my stomach, making me feel heartbroken and depressed. I just wanted to be alone...
Levi's POV:
"What? Why did (Y/N) cry? I didn't mean to make her fucking cry..." I silently said to myself.
Today, I planned to confess my feeling for her, for her to be mine but I made her cry. I looked at her figure in the distance, running endlessly away from me. I saw many people asking her what was wrong but she ignored all of the cadets as she ran.
Suddenly, I felt as wash of guilt and I felt heartbroken. I made the love of my life cry. She probably doesn't even like me and I was being so rude to her. Well, I can't really express my emotions and expressions.
I walked aimlessly around until I heard an annoying voice that bothers me, every single day.
"Levi! Wanna do an experiment with me?"
Hanji excitedly shouted across the hallway as she ran up to me.
"Shut up, Shitty-glasses. I'm not in the mood right now." I angrily replied as began to walk in a different direction.
"I saw what you did to cadet (Y/N). You know, you should go and apologise!" Hanji annoyingly said as she walked off, leaving me unfazed. I then realised that I should go and apologise but this was going to be difficult because I don't really express my feelings...that well.
Immediately, I started to run and find (Y/N), the person I love but I had no idea where she would be until I thought of a place that she visited most. The Library (A/N: Does AoT have a library?.. It probably has... I can't remember and if there isn't just pretend). I then set off to apologise and confess to her.
Your POV:
I feel so embarrassed and ashamed of myself. I bumped into Heichou and cried right in front of him.. UGH, that was really pathetic of me and now Levi will probably find me disgusting and stupid because I bumped into him.
I was so deep in thought that I felt a hand rest on my left shoulder. I flinched in surprise as I turned to look at this person. It was Levi....
I quickly stood up, knocking the chair over and I squeaked,
"Oh my... Levi Heichou... I am sorry. I will be going now."
As I turned to walk away, Levi grabbed my small, fragile hand, I turned around with a shocked face and I felt my lip smash into his. Levi was kissing. I immediately kissed him back as I felt him smile. As we gasped for breath as we pulled away, Levi straightforwardly said,
"(Y/N), I love you. Let's date."
Tears fell like waterfall as I whispered,
"Ok... I love you too, Heichou..."
And this was the beginning of our love story...
Thanks for reading this one shot and I feel like this was really bad cuz I wrote this in 2017... Anyways, I hope you enjoyed it.
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xiaomomowrites · 6 years
Audience [Oneshot]
Attack on Titan | Words: 3k |  slight Eremika, Eruri
Summary: "Something like that. I'll wrap it around you as many times as you need to." his fists were balled at his sides as he looked at her over his shoulder, "I'll do it again and again...wait what was my line again?" he interrupted himself and dropped his stance to look back at his lines. Blooper reel, some behind-the-scenes fun. 
Find this story here on Fanfiction.net | {mikasa-heichou}
“Isabel, can you scoot up a little? Perfect. A little more light on Levi since Erwin is blocking the shot a little with his height- there we go. Okay, second take guys let’s get it done. And, action!”
“My name is Erwin Smith. What’s yours?” The blond easily towered over Levi’s kneeling figure. The shorter man scowled at him.
“Levi.” he bit out.
“Levi,” Erwin began, “why don’t we make a deal?”
“A deal?” he raised a brow in scepticism.
“I will let your crimes go unpunished. In return, lend me your strength. Join the Survey Corps.” Erwin offered, watching closely as Levi’s face contorted to consideration.
“And if I refuse?” Levi challenged.
“Then your ass is on the line missy!” Erwin yelled, and Levi bit his cheek to prevent himself from smiling, but to no avail. “And so is mine. So I’m gonna ask you again. Will you join the survey corps?”
Levi tries to shake his head, and tries to keep in his laugh because God he wants to stop getting his face shoved into the dirt. Still, Erwin’s completely stoic face had his self-restraint flying out the window. A poorly muzzled laugh escapes him and the raven haired man looks to the side; breaking eye contact with him helped very little. Erwin refused to betray his character, yet it was leading Levi to do so.
“Something funny?” Erwin threatened, “Cause you know what? Millions of people die every year underground. Especially from drug use.” his face held stoicism but his eyes said otherwise, boring into Levi despite the shorter man looking away. At this point, he was just giving him shit.
“Marijuana leads to crack. Which leads… to crystal meth. Which leads. To death. Which leads to-”  he kept fucking going, and Levi swore he was going to draw blood from how hard he was biting his cheek. He looked up, then away, then down, yet still-
Finally, Erwin cracked and lost himself in laughter. Levi too found himself roaring with laughter, watching as his coworker stood back up slowly to regain his composure. Beside him, Isabel and Farlan were chuckling.
“Levi, don’t make me pre-fire you.” Erwin threatened.
“Do it, pussy, you wouldn’t dare. You need me.”
“You know what? I’m sick of your shitty attitude and your constant insubordination.” he yelled, “You’re pre-fired!”
“You can’t pre-fire me, you’re not even my squad leader!” Levi puffed his chest and tilted his chin up, trying to make himself appear bigger to challenge the obnoxiously tall man before him.
“Oh yeah?” Erwin continued, “well you’re already pre-fired. And when I get ranked up to commander, you’ll be full-fired!” he pointed an accusing finger down Levi’s way.
“If you get ranked up to commander.” Levi took a step closer to him, bumping their chests threateningly, “And if you haven’t fallen in love with me by then.”
An awkward pause formed between the two, yet Levi’s firm gaze still held.
Both men cracked at his line and broke apart, laughing at each other idiocy. The smile at Hanji’s lips was nearing painful at the sight of them acting so poorly today.
“God dammit,” Isayama let out a sigh that grabbed her attention. “This is why I kill characters off. I’m not even gonna include this scene anymore, fuck it.”
“Oh, bullshit Jean. You really think there’s an etiquette when it comes to hunting?” Sasha looked at him smugly behind her potato, a challenging glint in her amber eyes.
“Don’t lay some logic on me, Potato Girl!”
“Potato Girl?!” Sasha screamed, standing up, “I thought everyone had forgotten about that! Don’t call me names!” Next to her, Connie stood up, ready to defend Sasha. An angry look passed his usual joking face.
“Yeah! Apologize to her, fucker!” he spit out the insult ad lib.
Sasha nearly dropped the lukewarm potato in her hand when she coughed out an obnoxious laugh. “Connie, oh my god.” She covered her mouth with a hand to muffle her cackle. Jean’s eyes widened as he looked into the camera with disbelief and pointed to the bald man in the shot.
“That’s right!” Connie continued through his laughs, “Keep her name out of your horse-shit mouth!” Jean found himself looking up into the sky with his hands on his hips as he laughed, having to walk in circles to regain his composure.
“Take four- Action!”
“For starters, that whole area was in our zone.” Reiner spoke from the sidelines, acting as a buffer state between the two hostile bodies.
“Yeah, exactly!” Connie backed up the blond, “You know, you’re acting kinda weird today, shouting out of the blue like that. Are you itching to see mommyyy?” his mouth turned upwards and an eyebrow arched, his face contorting in such a way that had Jean’s blood boiling.
“Is that it?” Sasha asked in disbelief.
“As if!” Jean yelled, stepping closer and raising a hand. Sasha and Connie reacted quickly. She raised a knee and lifted her arms above her head, potato still in hand. Connie dropped into a stance where one arm was above his head and one was pushed out, creating distance between him and Jean. It took every twitching muscle in Sasha’s body to prevent herself from guffawing at the spontaneous position she had chosen.
“Stop it you- oh fuck it.” Reiner saw that the two were about to crack and he gave up on the pair. He rested his hands on his knees and shook his head.
Mikasa and Eren stood off to the side where they awaited their cue following their petty bicker. Boxes weighed in their arms and Mikasa had to adjust her grip when she let herself giggle at the sight of the two before her. She dropped her forehead to Eren’s shoulder, who flashed his teeth in a smile.
“What a power couple.”
“On your feet, Daz. Stop bawling.” Jean scolded the man while he walked away from his argument with Eren.
“Eren.” Mikasa spoke, grabbing his attention, “If things take a turn for the worse, I want you to come find me, alright?” concern laced her voice and she looked at him with worry, the same look that sent a hit to Eren’s pride.
“What? We’re in completely different squads!” he raised his voice.
“Look. This is going to get ugly, and when it does, the plan goes out the window. Come and find me so I can protect you.”
“Who the hell do you think you are?!”
“Hey, we both know your dumbass will die out there without me!” Mikasa yelled back. She began deviating from the script. Improv, Eren thought. Might as well go along with it. His green eyes glinted with anger as he shoved her back.
“I can fucking handle myself!”
“Ackerman! Come with me-” a voice attempted to break them up.
“Why are you always so mad?!” Mikasa screamed, dramatically ripping her scarf off and throwing it in his face for good measure. Eren applauded himself for not breaking his character and cackling at how ingenious she is.
“Why are you always making me mad?!” he shot back.
“Cut!” Isayama yelled, rubbing his temples at how deviant the two were being today. “Take five. You guys are something else.”
Mikasa shook her shoulders out, smiling when Eren threw the scarf around her neck once more. She adjusted to fabric so it didn’t choke her as he finished tying it.
“Sorry.” she apologizes sheepishly, leaning closer to him.
“No worries, I thought it was funny.” He planted a kiss to her forehead before leading her to the breakroom.
“Lighting’s good- a little more fog, guys- Armin can you take one step to the left? Thank you- and, action!”
“Eren is not a foe of humanity! We’re willing to cooperate with military command and we’ll share everything we’ve learned about his powers!” Armin declared, a fierce look in his eyes as he challenged Kitz.
“Your pleas fall on deaf ears! He revealed his true form because of that threat, he cannot leave here alive! If you insist he is not an enemy of ours, show me proof! Otherwise we’ll blast him back to whatever nightmare he crawled out of!”
“You don’t need any proof!” Armin refuted, “The fact of the matter is it doesn’t matter what we perceive him to be!”
“The report says hundreds of soldiers saw him. And those who were there say they saw him fighting other titans! And that means they saw him get swarmed by titans as well. To put it plainly, the titans recognized him the same way they see every human being- as their gay! I mean prey- Fuck!”
Armin threw his hands down in frustration and he laughed at his slip-up. Kitz broke character, a jolly laugh rumbling in his chest as he watched the blond below him shake himself out.
“Where did that even come from?!” Jean hollered.
Armin sent a sheepish look towards Isayama and accepted a water bottle given to him by the staff. He coughed a couple times, testing his voice.
“Damn, my voice is shot.” he cleared his throat and set his water off the scene again. Pointing a finger up, he signaled he was ready to go again.
“Armin is your voice okay? Good, okay good. More smoke from the right- Eren move to the left, we can see you there. Alright, ready, action!”
Kitz hardened his gaze towards Armin. His opinion didn’t so much as falter at the valid points the cadet was making.
“Prepare to attack! Do not let yourself be swayed by his cunning lies! The titan’s behavior has always been beyond our comprehension. I wouldn’t put it past them to assume human form. He’s speaking our language in an attempt to deceive us! I refuse to let them continue this behavior unchecked!”
He looked down at the kids below him, waiting a second too long for him to deliver his lines. The older man lifted his chin towards him in hopes to signal him to speak. Armin held the salute over his heart, but no words left his lips. He even inhaled sharply as to begin.
“Fuck, I’m so sorry, what were my lines again?” He dropped the salute, walking back towards Isayama to review them properly. A groan was heard from the rest of the set.
“It’s 'I am a soldier!’” the tired director reminded him.
“I’m a goddamn soldier. Okay, okay.” Armin recollected himself and ran a hand through his hair, “Let's do this.”
“Take two- action!”
Armin threw a firm salute to his chest and squeezed his eyes shut. He became hypersensitive to the hairs sticking to his face and the heat from the smoke machine around him. He opened his mouth to deliver his lines.
“I am a soldier! And I have dedicated my heart to the restoration of humanity, sir! Nothing could make me prouder than dying for such a noble ca-cause!”
His voice shot up three octaves higher before swooping back down to the normal pitch. The blond’s eyes shot open in shock and he coughed a few times. His hand flew to his throat in disbelief at the borderline inhuman noise he made. Kitz doubled over in laughter, the obnoxious wheezing becoming the most prominent noise in the room as he slow-clapped.
“Nice voice crack!” he teased.
“Fuck off!” Armin laughed, clearing his throat again. Mikasa rose from her spot behind the fake Titan’s ribs to hand him his water again, rubbing his back as she drank. She couldn’t help the giggles slipping past her lips.
“Ugh, that was such a good take, too. Sorry guys.” he muttered and nodded a thanks to Mikasa.
“Someone get this child a cough drop.” Levi retorted satirically from his high chair.
“Alright, here we go. Mikasa, let’s get the tears going. First take- and, action!”
Mikasa leaned in, a smile adorning her pink, full lips. Her eyes brimmed with tears as she looked at Eren. He stared back at her with shock, his bright green eyes filled with wonder and panic and anxiety and love, all at the same time.
“Eren, thank you.” she began delivering her lines flawlessly, reaching for the scarf wrapped around her neck, “Thank you for teaching me how to live; for wrapping this scarf around me. Thank you for being by my side.”
And as she brought her face closer, eyes bright and full of life, her lips cracked into another smile when Eren’s breath was hot on her cheeks. Her focus suddenly shifted to his face that read a hundred different emotions at once, and Mikasa found herself fighting to stay in character at how ridiculous he looked.
Then suddenly, she was reeling back, waving her hand in apology to the directors sniggering behind the camera as well. Eren broke away and looked down at his lap, his shoulders shook with laughter at Mikasa’s wheezing.
“S- sorry!” she giggled, “I don’t- I can’t-” she could barely speak.
“Mikasa!” he threw his bloodied hands up, “What the hell was that?” he shoved her playfully.
The raven haired girl wiped at her eyes, careful not to move her makeup any more than it already has. “Sorry! I broke character because- because you looked so damn scared and I-” she doubled over again as her lungs struggled for air, “I fucking lost it!”
“I’m trying to stay in character!” Eren defended, looking up at Isayama in shock as he gestured towards his coworker in disbelief, though his actions held no anger whatsoever. “Great, now I don’t know what to do with my hands.”
“Mikasa scoot a little closer to him- and action!”
She leaned in again, her eyes flickering down to his lips as she was about to close the distance-
Eren scoffed and moved away. He stood up to face the titan before them. The satanic smile on the monster props before him no longer struck fear in his heart; instead, he was filled with the need to protect her.
“Something like that. I’ll wrap it around you as many times as you need to.” his fists were balled at his sides as he looked at her over his shoulder, “I’ll do it again and again...wait what was my line again?” he interrupted himself and dropped his stance to look back at his lines.
Mikasa sighed at his poor memory and fell back on her butt.
“Sorry, sorry...is it ‘I’ll do it forever’ or ‘We’ll keep being together’?” Eren grabbed his packet to reread it.
“Just say what comes to mind,” Isayama shifted in his seat, cutting the tapes short, “whatever feels right. Viewers want the scene to be authentic.”
Eren nodded enthusiastically and set his papers down again. He kneeled beside her once more and smiled at Mikasa. “Got it. Alright, let’s do this.”
“Take three- action!”
“Thank you for being together with me… for teaching me how to live. Thank you, Eren.” Mikasa smiled and leaned in again, a tear actually slipping down her cheek this time. She began to close the distance when Eren stood up abruptly. His fists balled by his sides.
“Something like that.” He looked down at her from over his shoulder, and then catapulted himself off the script. “I’ll wrap that thing around you as many times as you want; as long as we keep being together because you’re my best friend. Plus a little more. Also I love you.”
“Cut!” Isayama sighed, “Too much!”
“Take four, action!”
“Thank you for being together with me, for teaching me how to live. Thank you, Eren.” Mikasa leaned in just as before, except this time she gave the brunet no time to stand up before she closed the distance. She launched herself at the man and pressed her lips against his.
“Mmf-!” Eren muffled a sound of shock as her arms found their way around his neck.
Mikasa ignored him, smiling against him when she nearly crawled in his lap. An uproar was heard from the rest of the cast and Isayama was heard screaming, “Cut! Cut, cut!”
Instead of pushing her off, Eren pushed back against her and snaked an arm around her waist. He angled his head to deepen the kiss, earning sounds of shock from his coworkers. Mikasa broke away for a split second to trail her mouth down his neck, her hands fumbling with the hem of his shirt before tugging.
“Oh my god!” Armin yelled in shock, moving hastily to break the two up, but not quickly enough. Mikasa pulled away and smiled cheekily at the third musketeer. Her face was red and flushed, her lips slightly swollen and Eren was left in a daze. She giggled, burying her face into her scarf and repositioning herself for the proper delivery of the scene.
“Jesus Christ,” Levi watched from the side, “That child needs a cold shower.”
“And, action!”
Hanji moved forward with Connie by her side. She knocked twice on the large oak door.
“Danchou!” she spoke out, waiting a millisecond before swinging the door open. Her eyes met the blond figure in bed where he was found gripping Levi’s wrist and leaning his head away from his hand. The arm decorated in white dots to later be cut out in the CGI shooed Levi away.
They seemed to have been messing around too much to miss the cue Isayama called out. Both of them froze. Erwin looked between Levi and Hanji, then the camera.
“Uhh, hi.” Erwin smiled. “I’m not in character yet.”
Levi tore his hand away from his grip and shook his head smiling, then sat back down in the chair where he was supposed to be and covering his face with his hand.
“Fucking amazing.” Levi let a laugh spill past his lips as Hanji shuffled back to her spot behind the door with Connie, disappointed but not surprised. “Did you even say action?” the raven looked up in embarrassment.
“Yes, we did!”
They all sat in the break room, deciding to take a twenty minute lunch before going back out there. Levi was stretched out across the couch after a cup of tea and mindlessly scrolled through his phone- his legs barely even reached the full length of the couch. Erwin sat on the spinning chair adjacent to the couch and spun in circles as he ran through his lines his head. Hanji stood behind Mikasa’s sitting figure, fingers trailing through her hair as she continued braiding the silky black locks while the younger woman played games on her phone.
Jackets were discarded along the four corners of the room. Mikasa’s scarf was folded neatly on top of her cloak and a couple buttons were popped to expose some of her neck. Eren had his earphones plugged into his ears as he jammed out to his favorite song, Armin eyeing him weirdly from the side above his cup of coffee.
“Guys,” Sasha poked her head into the room, “we’re back out there in ten.”
“I thought we were done filming for today?” Mikasa asked.
“We are!” Sasha confirmed with a smile, “We’re going over season three, though. We have a table read Thursday morning.”
“Ooh, that’s exciting.” Eren commented as he pulled an earphone out. “When do you think it’ll come out?”
A/N: I wheezed my through this story; I love making myself laugh. Honestly I’m thinking of making a sequel of this or possibly maybe even a series, let me know! Some of the scenes were inspired by The Office bloopers but majority of these scenes are how I cope with myself. Anyway I hope you enjoyed this as much as I did! Leave me some love in the reviews~
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So, you missed me?
Summary: Flying out to see Tom while on a press tour is just a really cute and pure thing for you to do right? It’s not like things will get incredibly kinky or anything, just pure wholesomeness here!! 
Word Count: 1524
Rating: v spicy, deff 18+
Authors note: and will this beautiful bby, I am officially all done with reposting my deleted tom x reader stories! this one is a good one to end on! 
♡if you enjoy this fic you’re welcome to leave a reblog/like/comment! feedback is not only welcomed but encouraged!♡
Tom smiled as he closed the door behind him, “I still can’t believe you flew in love”. Looking over your shoulder you grinned at him before sitting down on the bed. Taking off your shoes you asked, “Should I have stayed home?”.
“Fuck no” he said with a soft chuckle. Tom was standing in front of the mirror undoing his tie and taking off his suit. His tone of voice had made you laugh, “So I take it you miss me, or have you been too distracted by thousands of people screaming your name”.
With a smirk he turned around to face you, “I only care about one person screaming my name”. You raised your eyebrows at him, normally he wasn’t this forward. Biting your lip you played along, “Do you now?”.
He nodded his head and made his way over to you. Tom placed an arm on either side of you, hovering over you while his face was inches from yours. His lips grazed yours, “Darling I know you didn’t take a six hour flight just to tease me”.
You tilted your head to the side, “I don’t know baby, I love seeing you get all worked up for me”. To your surprise he pulled back from you, making you furrow your brows. He adjusted his sleeves, “It’s not fun being teased is it?”.
“So you’re going to punish me?”. You felt butterflies in your stomach as you watched the look that formed on his face. He played with his tie in his hands, “Since you’re being such a bad little girl for me maybe you do need to be punished”.
Your jaw nearly dropped. You had no idea what had gotten into him, but you loved it. Surprisingly you again he laughed, “What’s wrong pet? No comment? Looks like I’ve finally gotten your attention”.
He walked over to you again, “Dirty little thing…”. This time he stood directly in front of you, and you just looked up at him awaiting his next move. His voice was demanding, “I want you undressed with your back against the headboard”.
“Tom I-” you said almost stunned by his sudden demeanor. He just licked his lips, “Don’t act so coy darling, your eyes tell a different story”. Smirking you followed his instructions, pulling your dress off and moving to the back of the bed.
You’d kept on your bra and panties which made him shake his head. Tom leaned against the vanity adjacent to the bed, “I said undressed”. Before you knew it your hands were moving to take off your remaining clothes.
“Good, now part your legs”. You surprised yourself when you immediately spread your legs, exposing yourself completely to him. He grinned from ear to ear, “Love you don’t even hesitate...fuck you love listening to daddy don’t you”.
Before you even knew it you breathlessly said, “Yes”. Your words encouraged him, he let one of his hands rest over his already showing hard-on. Slowly he palmed himself through his pants, “Now fuck yourself for me”.
“You want me to fuck myself?” you asked softly. He held your gaze, “I want you to pretend it’s my hands touching you, and I want you to make yourself cum for me”.
You felt your chest start to rise and fall from anticipation. Groaning he added, “And maybe if you do a good enough job I’ll let you cum around my cock. Would you like that babygirl?”.
“Yes daddy” you said while nodding your head. Once again his laugh filled the room, so low it was nearly a growl. He moved his own hand a little faster, “I knew you would”. Closing your eyes you let your hands roam.
Slowly you brought one hand down your body, stopping right above your clit. With the other hand you started to tweak one of your nipples. Tom moaning made you smirk, he was encouraging you.
You started to pinch your nipple a little hard, making your breath hitch. He watched your every move intently, a smile on his lips. Taking a deep breath you finally let your fingers graze your clit.
“Fuck” you said breathlessly. Leaning back you let your head rest against the pillows and your legs spread even more. Tom moaned again, “God you look delicious darling”. When you finally looked at him you found yourself smirking.
He was a mess; his shirt unbuttoned by still on, his hair mess from his hands running through it, and the fabric of his pants was straining against his hard cock. You loved it, “I’m not sure this is a punishment daddy”.
Tom groaned loudly from hearing you call him that, “Oh love I can assure you it is. You see you’re gonna cum right in front of me, but I’m not gonna touch you. My cock isn’t going to fill that pretty little pussy of yours”.
Smirking he continued, “My tongue won’t flick over those perky little nipples, pretty soon you’ll be begging for my touch”. You rubbed your clit faster while listening to him tease you.
He was right, you wanted nothing more than to feel him fill you up, but you wouldn’t let him have this. Bucking your hips you added, “But wouldn’t you wanna feel my tight pussy wrap around your cock daddy?”.
You moaned loudly as you saw him tense up a little bit. Smirking you continued, “This is only the beginning of the press tour and look at you….I bet you wanted to pin me down and fuck me right when I walked into your room”.
“Didn’t you” you said your voice turning into moans. Finally you entered one finger inside of yourself, sending shivers down your spine. The noise of fabric hitting the floor made you look up.
Tom was leaning against the vanity, his hard cock in his hand. He was pumping as quickly as your hands were moving, feeling himself getting closer with your every word. You brought your free hand to your lips, biting one of your fingers softly.
“Do you think about me during interviews when you pretend to be a gentleman? Everyone thinks you’re so sweet and innocent and that I’m just America’s little sweetheart but fuck”.
Your moans were getting louder, “Here I am being daddy’s good little slut….and you love it”. You could feel yourself getting closer, and look at Tom you knew he was too. Finally he answered, “Oh darling I do”.
“I think about how people would react if they knew you beg me to treat you like a little cum slut”. His hands went faster as he spoke. Tom’s voice was low, “How would Chris react..or Sebastian...or Evans?”.
“They always tell me how you’re such an angel….but what if they knew you were daddy’s little slut...my little slut….”.  You felt like you couldn’t move your hands fast enough, his words were pushing you over the edge.
His voice was hoarse, “Fuck it..I want to see my cock disappear inside that pretty pink pussy”. Within seconds he was on the bed, his body on top of yours. With each kiss he greedily ate up your moans.
When he finally entered inside of you he threw his head back. Tom grabbed your hips tightly, “That’s it pet...that’s fucking it”. You turned your head to the side, knowing that within seconds you were going to cum.
“Look at me...fucking look at me when you cum around my cock”. You turned your head to him, holding his gaze. He brought one of his hands to cup your face, “Cum for daddy babygirl”.
His words pushed you over the edge, your orgasm now taking over you. As wave after wave of pleasure washed over your body you felt him twitch inside of you. Nearly screaming in pleasure he was cumming right along with you.
Together you rode out your highs, wanting to milk every second of this pleasure. You were both complete messes; hair disheveled, love marks all over your bodies, and obscenity after obscenity leaving your mouths.
Catching your breath you tried to recover, “Oh my fucking god”. Tom smirked before collapsing down next to you. He ran a hand through his hair, “That was the best bloody welcome on a presstour  I’ve ever gotten”.
You smirked, “Well maybe I’ll visit you more often”. You felt the weight of the bed shift as he turned on his side to face you. Turning too you were met with one of his infamous smirks.
“Oh love, you’re going to have to come with me every time now”. Together you both laughed for a moment. You couldn’t help yourself, “Do you really think of me during interviews?”.
Tom pulled you closer to him, “All the fucking time darling, but how could I not? Do you know how remarkable you are?”. Just like that he could switch from sex god to perfect gentlemen.
“I don’t know maybe you should remind me...I mean I have been good haven’t I?” you teased. Tom rolled his eyes but was smirking within seconds. His hands started to roam over your naked body, “You little minx”.
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♡ thank you for taking the time to read this, you’re a babe♡
Forever tags: aka some amazing people: @moonlessnight14 @sexyvixen7 @angieptt​ @painkiller80 @becca-dolan @team-heichou @thatpeachybandgirl​ @allthesesonsobitches @buckybarneshairpullingkink @couldabeenamermaid​ @taeeemin @littleredstarfish @nali67​ @only4wakingup​ @mcenziehughes​
*if there is a line through your name that means that for some reason it won’t allow me to tag you*
*forever tags are always open*
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justanotherlifeff · 4 years
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Levi Ackerman × reader
Genre: Angst, Hurt/comfort, Fluff, matured themes, slowburn
Warning: There's mentions and descriptions of underage rape and suicidal themes and self harm. DETAILED SMUT IN THIS CHAPTER
No one's POV
(Y/N) knocked on Erwin's door. The ring was already on her finger. Levi opened the door with an annoyed face. His expression brightened slightly after seeing it's (Y/N) as he held the door for her. "(Y/N), please sit" Erwin told (Y/N) pointing at the chair in front of his table. "Now that both of you are here, what's the news that you wanted to give me, Levi?" Erwin asked Levi as (Y/N) sat down. "(Y/N) and I are engaged now. I thought you'd want to know." Levi told Erwin in a bland tone.
"I wonder why I'm not surprised." Erwin sighed as he replied to Levi's statement with sarcasm. “Levi, as her only guardian, I can't allow you to marry (Y/N) unless you get a stable home. We all know that raising a child in the regiment headquarters isn't possible." Erwin added. "Yes, I thought about it too. I'll make arrangements for a house and try to get on with this shit as quickly as possible. After all, this peace won't last forever." Levi answered to Erwin.
"Anyway, I called both of you here for a different reason..." Erwin started but was interrupted by (Y/N). "You called me for something?" she asked with a confused tone. Levi only told her to go to Erwin's office to break the news about their extremely bland engagement. (Y/N) wasn't concerned about the fact that Levi's proposal wasn't very glamorous because she never cared about grand romantic gestures and all that. She was just immensely happy because Levi took the effort to buy such a nice ring for her, that after abandoning his duties. Levi wouldn't do all that if he didn't love her. Erwin looked at Levi and raised his one of his massive eyebrows.
"I forgot to mention that to her" Levi said casually. He definitely wasn't gonna let them know that he was so nervous while telling her to get the ring that he forgot to mention (Y/N) that Erwin called her. "I see. Well, now that you're here, there's a mission I'd like to discuss with you. If you're uncomfortable with it, you can always refuse." Erwin told (Y/N) with a slightly concerned voice. "What's the mission?" (Y/N) asked monotonously.
"Well, you see, we weren't able to capture all the lords who worked for the Reiss family and enthroned the fake king. There are exactly three lords who are not captured yet and we got a lead that they have properties in the underground city. Almost all rich lords have properties there in case the wall breaks or for any emergency situation. The documents on those properties are as shady as it can be and can't give us any right information. I was planning to send Levi and Hanji to pinpoint their location by an undercover mission but Hanji, having a curious mind like herself, can attract attention. Levi alone can't do it because in his time, he was quiet popular in the underground. They will recognise him if he tries to spy on people. You, (Y/N), are the most capable person after him but given that you're expecting and your past, I didn't want to involve you into this. But, right now, we don't have much of a choice. If you're uncomfortable with it, we will have to send Mikasa with Levi but she's not as matured as you are and may make bad decisions which could turn out to be risky for us." Erwin explained.
A rush of bad memories went through her mind but at the end, (Y/N) decided that she had to face her past. "I'll go." she answered calmly. Erwin scanned her face before saying, "I see, well, the mission is simple. You two won't engage in fights with anyone. You will only pinpoint their locations and report back. The rest will be taken care of by Levi squad and Hanji squad. You will have to go to the upper class whore houses because knowing how Lords usually are, you probably will find them there. There's this tavern out there where all the upper class people goes to drink. It's called the Devil's Punchbowl.." Erwin was interrupted as Levi snorted.
"I know that place. The owner had a shit load of ego" he muttered. (Y/N) decided that she wanted to hear the story behind that. "As I was saying, (Y/N), you will get inside and get information. You're not too popular yet, at least not in the underground. That's more or less the plan now." Erwin explained. "I see. Understood." (Y/N) replied. Just then, Hanji entered the room with 39 other squad leaders of the survey corps. (Y/N) and Levi looked at Erwin with a confused expression. "Commander, I fetched everyone here." Hanji said before saluting. Erwin stood up and came in front of them. (Y/N) did the same and stood beside Levi.
Erwin then, explained the whole situation, "I was planning to choose the next commander before our next expedition to reseal wall Maria. I am confused about who to choose because I have two candidates on my list. It's either Hanji because of her quick thinking and innovative ideas or (Y/N) because of her quick thinking and ability to see patterns in the enemy and counterattack perfectly. I thought if all the squad leaders here except Hanji help me out with a voting. It's pretty simple, when I call out one of their names, you will raise your hand to vote for her." Erwin explained. (Y/N) was shocked at the whole thing but Hanji, however was not because Erwin mentioned that she was a candidate for the next commander long ago.
"Anyone voting for Hanji, raise your hand." Erwin commanded and 20 people raised their hands. "I see.. I guess it's a tie. This makes things rather difficult." Erwin sighed. "Commander? May I have a word?" (Y/N) told Erwin with a confident voice. "Yes?" Erwin asked. "I don't think I'm fit for this role." she stated. "Why is that, (Y/N)?" Erwin asked, curious about why she was throwing out the huge career opportunity.
"Commander, I am not suitable for this role because, firstly, I'm not the type of person with good leadership skills. My trainee corps records clearly states that I'm not good at teamwork. I will never be able to achieve the trust of a whole military division just by my strength. Yes, I might be able to make quick decisions but I can't ever make actual battle plans. Commander, you yourself invented a whole battle formation. I could never do something like that. Hanji however, made that explosive added with 3DMG within a few hours. I believe that Hanji would be a better choice." (Y/N) explained.
"But... But you outsmarted Commander Erwin that time... No one has ever been able to do that..." Hanji tried to interject but Levi stopped her. "Hanji, that's because you never tried to outsmart the commander." he said to her. Then he turned at Erwin and said, "Commander, I'd like to change my vote to Hanji. I just realized that Hanji will do a better job than (Y/N)." "Well, it's decided then. Hanji will be next in the chain of command." Erwin declared. Then he turned to (Y/N) and said, "As for (Y/N), you still deserve a promotion. I think, as you're almost as strong as Levi, a second special operations squad could be formed with you as a squad leader. I will complete the paperwork for that.".
"Thank you, Commander." (Y/N) replied professionally but a smile crept on her face. This really was an amazing day for her. Erwin then turned at everyone else and said that they were dismissed and everyone walked out of Erwin's office. While going out, Levi told (Y/N), "Congratulations on your promotion." with a smug look. "Thank you. How do you think we should celebrate it?" (Y/N) answered with an equally smug expression. "Well, I have some things in mind. We need to go to our room though. Shall we?" Levi mumbled near her ear, making her the skin tingle due to his warm breath on her neck. "After you" (Y/N) answered with a smirk.
When they reached Levi's room, Levi pinned (Y/N) to a wall and kissed her passionately. He helped her get rid of the survey corps coat that she had on and also the uniform underneath. "Go to bed, (Y/N). I'll be back shortly" He commanded her before picking up the clothes and retiring to the closet. (Y/N) knew that he will fold those up now. After all, he was the neatest person she met. She remembered a day from back when she just joined the special operations squad. She had been given stable duty that day.
"How do you never complain when heichou gives you stable duties? Everyone hates mucking the stables and he is downright unfair to you because you win sparring challenges with him sometimes." Eren ranted. He was walking with (Y/N) to the stable. "Well, he wasn't wrong. I did dirty his uniform this time. I could've been more careful with the tea if I wasn't reading a book while working. I don't think anyone would tolerate their subordinate throwing tea at them." (Y/N) muttered as a reply.
"Well, you're not wrong... But you did apologise. If he made you clean his uniform, that would be more fair. Mucking the stable seems like a bit too much." Eren told (Y/N) with a sympathetic look. (Y/N) shrugged it off and said, "Well, he's the captain. He's the one who makes the decision of what punishment we should get. I'd rather trust his judgement instead of calling it unfair.". "No wonder he doesn't hate you as much as he hates us..." Eren muttered before leaving (Y/N) alone.
Levi came to check how well the mucking was going to find (Y/N) scrubbing the last stall. It had only been three hours and Levi didn't expect (Y/N) to be done with the third stall. He checked the other stalls and found them practically spotless. The horses were tied on a tree nearby. "I didn't expect her to figure that out so soon... Eren took 3 times of re cleaning to figure that out..." Levi thought. The cleaning was above average. Almost as good as him. "You're pretty good at this. You'll be cleaning my room from now on." he commanded. Since then, (Y/N)'s cleaning duties were to clean Levi's room. They would chat while she was cleaning about books they both read. They had many friendly conversations, ones that lead to them having feelings for each other. Ones that lead to (Y/N) trusting Levi with her past.
It seemed stupid to (Y/N), how they denied their feelings for so long when they were there all that time. Levi came back, naked, while (Y/N) was lost in thoughts. "What are you thinking?" Levi asked her before pinning her down on the bed and kissing her neck. "I was thinking about that day. The day when you asked me to start cleaning your room?" (Y/N) sighed.
"Mhhm? That was a good decision. Those brats can't clean as good as you." Levi mumbled before going back to kissing her neck. His hands moved towards her vagina as his kisses got rougher, leaving marks on her neck. She was panting slightly as his fingers made his way into her vagina, stretching it, filling it. When he felt like she was wet enough, without any warning, he positioned himself and plunged into her making her yelp in pleasure. He moved in a rough pace, making her come closer to euphoria.
Meanwhile, Erwin sent Hanji to collect (Y/N)'s trainee corps report card and her so called birth certificate. Hanji, as she had nothing to do due to the lack of a lab in this survey corps branch, decided to get done with her work as fast as possible. She knew that (Y/N) was staying with Levi and decided to go to Levi's office, which was attached to Levi's room. To Levi's distaste, she never knocked before entering Levi's office and this time was no exception. Only, this time, she actually regretted doing it.
After entering Levi's office, she clearly heard the sound of sex and (Y/N)'s moaning from the other side of the door to Levi's room. She thought it would be funny to interrupt them and thus she called out, "Oi Levi! I need (Y/N) here for a second. Erwin sent me to get some documents from her." The noise stopped and after a minute or so, a fully dressed Levi came out of the room with an annoyed expression. "Don't you understand the concept of knocking, Hanji?" he told Hanji with his voice filled with contempt.
"Hey, not in mood for one of your boring lectures. I asked for (Y/N) anyway. Not you." Hanji said casually with a smile. "She probably will kill you when she's here." Levi replied in a deadpan voice. Just after Levi finished his sentence, (Y/N) came out of the room with a murderous glint in her eyes. "You have amazing timing, Hanji." she sneered at Hanji. Hanji deserved it though because she arrived just moments before (Y/N) reached an orgasm.
"Come on (Y/N)! I'd not..ahem..interrupt if I didn't have a good reason!" Hanji tried to reason with her. Hanji understood the fact that (Y/N) did not approve of her little joke at all and she didn't want to make (Y/N) hate her. After all, she considered (Y/N) as a good friend and the fact that (Y/N) set up her and Moblit together proved it. "I'm not carrying shopping bags for you again if you don't have a good enough excuse. What documents do you want?" (Y/N) asked in an annoyed voice. She wasn't as angry as before.
"Erwin asked for your trainee corps report card and your birth certificate. They are required for the paperwork for your promotion." Hanji explained herself. (Y/N) didn't reply to that and retired to Levi's room to dig those documents out from her bag. She didn't get a chance to unpack yet. When she found those, she handed them to Hanji and asked, "Well, is that all?" in a tone that clearly made Hanji realise that she wasn't wanted in the room anymore. Hanji understood why and decided to give them the privacy. "Yep. That's all" she answered cheerfully before leaving the office.
Levi was pounding into me and just as I started loosing all sense of my surroundings and reach orgasm, Levi stopped. "Don't stop! please!" I gasped but he pulled out and grunted with a sarcastic tone, "Shitty glasses is here. That woman didn't knock again and that must be the most amazing timing I can think of". " I'll kill her" I muttered before getting up on the bed. After Hanji was gone, I looked back at Levi and said, "Well? Let's continue where we left off?". Levi looked at me and said, " You know what (Y/N), I'll give you two options. We can either continue where we left off or try something new. You choose." with a smirk.
I decided that something new would be better since I was far from an orgasm right now. "Let's try something new." I answered. "Good choice. Now, go wash your asshole." he commanded. I was confused by his command but I stripped and went to the bathroom and did what he said anyway. When I was back, our clothes were already folded and Levi was putting them back in the closet. He made me suck his dick to get it hard again and then he made me turn around and bend. After that, he fucked me and made me cum. Did he forget about trying something new? Just when that thought crossed my mind, I found him using his fingers to scoop up my cum from outside my vagina and smothering them on my asshole. Then I felt his finger poke at it.
Suddenly, I understood what this was about. I read about it in books. He was going to try anal. I blushed furiously at the thought. I felt one of his fingers getting inserted in me slowly and a satisfied sigh escaped my mouth. He moved the finger to and fro slowly making me feel the weirdest sensations ever. More fingers were inserted, the sensation increased gradually by time until I felt his dick poking on that hole.
"Levi, it wont fit..." I tried to tell him but he suddenly plunged it all in, making me yelp in pain and pleasure. He didn't move for a while giving me some time to adjust to his size. "Tell me when you're ready" he muttered as he pulled my hair to get my face close to his. After a while, when the pain subsided, I told him, "You can move now..". He didn’t waste a second and started out moving slowly, increasing his speed rapidly. The amazing sensation was numbing my legs and blurring my mind. Suddenly, I felt something warm flowing inside me.
"Do me a favour and clench your ass." Levi muttered to me before pulling out. I did what he said and after pulling out, he picked me up and went to the bathroom because he figured out that my legs were jelly at this point. After getting me to the toilet seat, he commanded me to wash myself before leaving the bathroom.
No one's POV
It was time for lunch and (Y/N) was already dressed. Levi, however took time because the smallest crinkle on his clothes were unacceptable to him. (Y/N) often wondered how he managed to notice such small details on his clothes. Even during combat, he always tried to stay as clean and tidy as possible. "Levi, when are you buying that house that you talked about to Uncle Erwin?" (Y/N) asked as Levi was ironing his shirt with a metal pot filled with warm water.
"I'm planning to buy it before going to the next expedition. We will have to order the furniture too. Those will take a few months to be ready..." Levi muttered as he tried to get rid of that one crease which didn't seem to be going no matter how hard he tried. "Well, do you have any plans about where we should get the house?" (Y/N) asked. Levi paused at that. He didn't make any plans as he never thought he'd be in a situation like this. "Well, we could think about it later" he replied before wearing his shirt. As they were walking towards the canteen, he told (Y/N), "You're not seating with my squad today. You're a squad leader now so sit at the squad leader's table." (Y/N) nodded at him as they went together towards the squad leader table.
"Hey, maybe I should let the squad know about my promotion. After all, we will still be working together and they deserve to know why I'm not sitting with them.." (Y/N) started to say before getting interrupted by Levi who simply said, "Go ahead" before walking towards the leader's table. (Y/N) went to Levi squad's table and before she was able to say anything, the team started congratulating her on her promotion. "News does travel fast" (Y/N) thought. "I'll be sitting at the leader's table from now on but I'll see you guys during training. Our squads will be working together you see" (Y/N) started but was interrupted by Sasha.
"(Y/N), don't worry about us. We are your friends. We will find a way to spend time with you. You better become a better squad leader than Levi Heichou" she said but before (Y/N) could reply, Connie said, "Pretty sure that squad leader (Y/N) is scarier than Levi heichou sometimes." "Oi, call me (Y/N). You're not in my squad and we graduated together. By the way, how am I scarier than Levi?" (Y/N) asked, completely confused. "Well, you see, you're scary enough yourself but if anyone tries to hit on you or mess with you, that's basically picking on a personal fight with Levi Heichou. I'm surprised that horse face is still alive" Eren elaborated with a protesting Jean muttering "Shut up you suicidal bastard!".
After having a small talk with Levi squad, (Y/N) went to the Leader's table with her lunch. Hanji was already there and Levi was absent. "Where's Levi?" (Y/N) asked Hanji as she sat down beside her. "Oh, well, Queen Historia came to visit Erwin on some business. She called for Levi. He will be here soon." Hanji explained. The squad leader's table in this scout regiment branch was a long table that went horizontally to both ends of the canteen. It was placed at the end of the canteen, conveniently near the buffet table. Squad leaders were still coming in.
As (Y/N) started eating, two male squad leaders that she didn't know sat in front of her and Hanji on the other side of the table and one of them said, "Well, it seems like we have a new face around here. Weren't you a cadet only like a few months back?" "Yes. I got promoted today." (Y/N) answered politely. "Yes, we know that. We were there when it happened. You're sleeping with Levi aren't you? I don't understand why Commander Erwin gives a shitty thug so much importance. I heard you're even carrying Levi's bastard. Is that how you got the promotion? Just asking cause you don't look like you can take down a fly. Strongest woman my ass" the other man said with a smirk.
"For your information Steve, (Y/N)..." Hanji started with an angry expression but was interrupted by (Y/N) as she said, "Oi Hanji, don't you think the stew tastes amazing today?". Hanji was surprised by (Y/N)'s extremely calm reaction and she figured that (Y/N) had a plan and thus, didn't talk much on that matter. The guy named Steve, however, did not understand and continued, "Oi Tom, she isn't even denying it. Heard she calls the commander 'uncle'. The commander isn't her uncle for sure. Heard she's from the underground and was taken in by the (L/N). Pretty sure she has an affair with the commander too. What do you recon she'll do to the bastard?" he asked his companion who was named Tom.
"I dunno, probably sell it to some lord or something like any whore would." Tom chuckled but stopped immediately to find (Y/N) looking at him with a calm but piercing look. (Y/N) gave him a small smile and said, "You see, Steve and Tom, you are wrong in three places. You're right. I am a whore. Judging from how nosy you people are, I'm pretty sure you two know that I was found in a whore house in the underground. Here's where you're wrong. Firstly, you clearly didn't do much research on anything from after I got out from the underground. If you did, you'd not question my promotion. Heck, you'd not try to mess with me. Well, as you two didn't do your research properly, let's start with a fist fight. Practical classes are always better than theoretical ones right? Oh, and I don't want to fight Tom. Steve, you're the big guy, let's do a round. If I can't get you under my feet in 30 seconds, you win.".
"You'll fight me? Sugar, I don't hit women" Steve smirked. The whole leader's table were looking at (Y/N) and Steve. Levi arrived the scene just a while ago and heard most of what (Y/N) said. "(Y/N), I'll take care of him.." Levi tried to say but (Y/N) stopped him and said, "Let me do this by myself." "Do you happen to be afraid, Steve? " (Y/N) asked Steve as she stood up from her chair, rolled the sleeves of her shirt and walked in front of the seated Steve. "Steve, she's asking for it. Just beat her ass" Tom told Steve in a bored voice. Steve didn't answer to that and stood up. There was quiet a bit of space between the buffet table and the leader's table. The whole canteen was looking at Steve and (Y/N) now.
Steve charged at (Y/N) but (Y/N) simply used her hands to use Steve's height and weight to knock him down. She saw Eren do that to Jean multiple times and practiced it with Levi back when she was getting knife training. Of course, most people weren't surprised by such a feat from (Y/N) because they all trusted Erwin's decisions. As Steve was trying to get up, he saw (Y/N) casually walking towards him and kick him in the face with an extremely accurate amount of speed and at an extremely accurate area of the head which knocked him out.
"Well, Tom, do your research better next time. By the way, your second mistake was to think that Uncle Erwin isn't my uncle, because, he is. Thirdly, you shouldn't have said that thing about me selling my kid. I wouldn't have given lowlifes like you any attention if you didn't do that. Now that you succeeded in attracting my attention, help your friend to the medics. He'll have a concussion." (Y/N) told Tom, who was speechless by (Y/N)'s abilities. After Tom left with an unconscious Steve, (Y/N) sat back at her seat and started with her stew.
"Those are the bullies among the squad leaders. There are three types of squad leaders around here. Bullies like them, the normal ones, and people like myself or Levi, the ones who actually are assets to the Survey corps. These bullies thought you're one of the normal ones but they didn't think you'd be with the elites. They don't usually sit with us. They just came here today to mess with you. You'd not see them around usually." Hanji explained. "I reckoned you'd find this type of divisions in the military police. Not the Survey Corps." (Y/N) muttered as she slurped down her now cold stew. "(Y/N), every military division has shit like this. Some more than the others. None of the divisions are perfect." Levi answered to that before looking at Hanji and asking, "Hanji, where do you reckon we should buy a house?"
[AUTHOR'S NOTE: Remember how (Y/N) walked on to Petra kissing Levi while getting to her cleaning duties before the 57th expedition? Now you know how she got the duty of cleaning Levi's room in the first place.]
To be continued...
Taglist: @reality-is-often-disappointing, @kingtamakimurder
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lalahbug · 4 years
Turning Cold - Levi x Reader Chapter 1
Fandom: Attack on Titan Word Count: 2,043
My Masterlist
Warnings/disclaim: general Sexual Themes
Author’s Note: continued under story Originally posted on DeviantArt, under the same username, on 10/10/2016. Revamped/edited in 2020.
___ is a blank for your name/oc/whatever you prefer Written in 3rd person
Line/header is to separate paragraphs to indicate time skips, as Tumblr hates my formatting.
Story under cut, 1 of 3, Turning Cold Masterlist
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           “Do you want my bread, Sasha?” Lilah extended the food out to Potato Girl.
          “YES!” Sasha screamed, devouring it as soon as she took it.
          “You leaving, ___?” Mikasa looked at her with concern.
          “Yeah, I don’t feel good,” she stated, picking at the leftovers in her tray.
          “You’ve been saying that a lot lately. Go get some rest.” Armin knitted his eyebrows together, showing concern as well.
          “Okay.” ___ mumbled before getting up with her tray and heading over to drop it off. Of course, her feet betrayed her while she was in a haze. The tray fell from her hands, as she fell on someone during her fall. ___ sat up rubbing her temples, everything was blurry.
          “What the hell, ___?” Ymir complained before looking at her. “Hey, you okay?”
          “My vision is a bit blurry, sorry.”
          “Oi! Who made this mess?” The mess hall went quiet as everyone looked at Ymir and ___. Ymir then looked at ___. Levi followed everyone's gaze. “___ ___! Clean this mess up at once.” Levi barked at her as Mikasa was walking over to her, to help her up. Armin came behind Levi.
          “Sir, I’ll clean it up for her. She hasn’t been feeling well. I’m sorry.” Armin already had the cleaning supplies in his arms. Levi stared him down for a moment.
          “I don’t care who does it, make sure it’s done right.” With that Armin started cleaning up the mess, which wasn’t that big, it was just bits of food. Levi eyed Mikasa who had an arm around ___, walking up to him.
          “Sorry, Captain. I’ll make sure I get my messes quicker in the future.”
          “You had only fallen like a minute before he pointed it out. Don’t say stupid things. I’m taking you to Hange.”
          “What? No. I just need to sleep.” ___ stood up straight, pulling away from Mikasa. Levi eyed the two. ___ was favoring one leg over the other, her posture wasn’t as straight as usual and she was paler. 
          “Take Ms. ___ to Shitty Glasses.” He looked at Mikasa, then at ___, who was about to retort. He loved the way she always tried to fight him. But she was always polite about it. He stared her down, with his normally stoic face. “That’s an order.”
          “Sir, I simply messed up my leg a couple of days ago. Hange already knows. I need rest is all.”
          “Wait, what happened to your leg?” Eren asked as he appeared beside her, suddenly.
          “Remember; her gear went defective the other day. Slamming her into a tree.” Mikasa reminded Eren. “Hange saw it happen, but she never looked at it.”
          “Really. I don’t want to be a burden.”
          “You’re disobeying orders.”
          “I don-”
          “Brat. I’ll take you myself to make sure it happens.” Levi gripped her wrist and started walking, dragging her with him. ___ glanced back at Eren and Mikasa, Eren just smirked and Mikasa gave her an ‘I-told-you-so’ look.
          After a few moments of silence, Levi glanced back at ___ whose face was contorted with pain. He slowed down his pace, which alleviated her pain, as they both walked slowly now.
          “You’re an idiot.”
          “I’m sorry, Heichou. I didn’t want to burden anyone, but I did it anyway.”
          “Of course you did. You’re fucking hurt, you made a mess, you’d be useless if something were to happen.” ___ gazed down at the floor. “You fucking made me worry.”
          “What was that last part, Heichou?”
          “God,” he grumbled before sighing. ”Forget it, brat.”
          “Oh, I’m sorry.” 
          Levi exhaled heavily as they reached Hange’s office.
          “Go in and report back to my office when you're done.” Levi started to leave her at the door.
          “Thank you, Heichou!” She smiled and waved at him off before entering Hange’s office. 
          Levi heaved another sigh as he felt some heat come to his cheek. Oh, how he wanted to punish her, but not in a way that would hurt. ’I’ll tease her a bit when she gets to my office.’
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          ___ stood outside of Levi’s door, holding her fist up, ready to knock, but what she really wanted to do was hobble back to her bedroom and to finally sleep. She had been in the nurse’s office with Hange for hours, getting her first cast, which took about six hours to dry. It was so late at night, she sighed softly.
          “___!” Eren called out her name, making her flinch as he roused her from her reverie. “I see Hange made you get a cast. Do you need help getting back to your room? Wait, why are you in front of Heichou’s door?”
          “After getting in trouble earlier, he wanted me to report back to him once I was done with Hange. I was about to knock.”
          “Well you’ve been standing here for like five minutes, so I thought you might be stuck. I can carry you to bed after you report back to him if you want. You look like you’re about to pass out.”
          “That won’t be necessary,” Levi stated as he opened the door. “You are loud Eren, go away.”
          “Oh, of course, sir. Goodnight, ___,” Eren walked towards the basement.
          “Sorry, Heichou.” Her eyes were half-lidded. She was clearly on the verge of passing out. “I didn’t know if you would still want to see me so late and I apologize for talking so loudly outside your door.”
          “You should be, get in here,” Levi grumbled as he stood back so she could enter the room. On her crutches, she stood, unsure where to sit. “You can sit on the couch.”
          “Thank you, that’s sweet of you, Heichou.” She giggled as she sat down gingerly. “Sorry, I talk a bit weird when I’m sleepy. Hange gave me something for the swelling since it was really bad, so I feel a bit drugged too.”
          “You’ve been walking around on a broken leg for three days?”
          “Yeah. I didn’t think I hit the tree that hard. Plus I could walk… It was just uncomfortable. Last night, the pain kept me up. So I’m more sleep-deprived than usual. If you hadn’t overhead mine and Eren’s conversation, I probably would have taken his offer to carry me to bed.”
          “Do you like Eren?”
          “What?” ___’s cheek tinted a bit. “No, he’s my friend. Plus, I am sure Mikasa likes him. I’ve learned to not take things away from Ackerman’s.” She giggled a bit, letting her blush disappear. “I tried taking her scarf once. if I wasn’t her friend, I think she would have killed me.”
          “Did you forget I am an Ackerman?”
          “Oh yeah, that’s right. It’s routine to call you Capitan or Heichou. Sometimes I just remember one name and subconsciously forget the others. But I remember now, your name I mean, Levi Ackerman. It has a nice flow.” She smiled at him. Levi sat down next to her, resting his arm on the back of the couch, behind her. A small tint of pink comes to her cheeks again. “Anyways, what punishment did you want to give me?”
          “For disobeying orders, I assumed that is why you wanted me to report to you afterward.”
          “What do you think of me?” Levi asked bluntly, smirking as her cheeks went crimson.
          “Oh, um, you’re brave, stoic, you carry humanity on your back. You’re aggressive,” she paused for a moment glancing at him before looking away. ”You have a lot of emotions, but you’re so crude that it seems to mask the less urgent ones. You have a good sense of humor, though. Well, at least I think so,” ___ played with her skirt a bit, the one Hange lent her so that the cast could be put on.
          “Is that all?” Levi noticed her tense up and heat spread to the tip of her ears.
          “Y-yes, sir.”
          “Levi. You can call me Levi when we’re alone.”
          “O-okay.” She wasn’t doing too well, she’d always made sure not to get starstruck around Levi, but she was having a hard time controlling her heart, she hunched over a bit to try control her erratic heartbeat. Levi shifted closer to her.
          “Are you nervous?” Levi whispered in her ear.
          “W-what?!” She sat up straight then looked away. “N-no, of course not. W-why would I be, s-sir?”
          “You’re bad at lying.”
          “And?” Was all she could muster so that her voice wouldn’t crack. He chuckled slightly, which caused her to look over at him, confused. Levi took the opportunity to catch her chin in his fingers.
          “I like you, ___.” 
          Her eyes widened at his confession. “Um, okay?” She was far too confused to articulate anything else.
          “I don’t know,” ___ whispered. 
          Levi clicked his tongue in frustration before pulling her in for a sharp kiss. Moving his hand to the back of her neck, making the kiss more passionate, as she relaxed into it. He bit her bottom lip, making her gasp. Then, he moved his tongue around hers.
           ___ pulled away, breathing a bit harder, Levi was composed. His eyes didn’t leave her lips. Levi pulled her closer before kissing her again, running his hands up and down her sides. She pulled away again.
          “Tch, stop pulling away.” 
          She was panting now. “Learn to breathe out of your nose.” Levi aggressively kissed her, tugging her hair a bit to get her to gasp, which worked. Once again his tongue wrapped around hers. He lightly sucked on her tongue before pulling away.
          ___’s eyes were glazed over, from the kiss, being tired, drugged, and confused. 
          “You’re staying here tonight.” That made her snap back to reality.
          “B-but, sir, I-” She moaned slightly as he tugged on her hair.
          “Say my name,” Levi pressed his lips against her neck.
          He grabbed the collar of her shirt, pulling it away a bit, kissing the curve of her neck before biting it roughly. “Levi!” He chuckled before pulling back as she clamped a hand to her neck out of shock.
          “So, do you mind sleeping with me in bed?” She was far too flustered to say anything, so she shook her head ‘no’. “Perfect.” He gave her a sly smile, which nearly made her heart jump out of her chest. In one swift movement, she was scooped into his arms, he was assaulting her neck once again.
          “Levi, what are you doing?” She looked at him as he sat her down on his bed. He leaned forward, pinning her arms above her head and lying on top of her. Kissing her neck, she squirmed a bit, underneath him.
          “Hm, you said I could have you in bed.” He groped her chest.
          “T-t-that’s not what I meant!” Her moan cut off the protest, as he bit her neck again.
          “Tch, too bad,” she sighed in relief. “For you that is.”
          “Nope, you’re mine.” Levi pressed his lips to hers and smiled as she seemed to cave in.
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          ___ lied in Levi’s arms, as morning light started to pour over Levi’s features, she softly pushed some of his bangs off his face. “I love you, Levi.”
          “Finally,” he mumbled and smirked as she jumped in his arms a bit. He pulled her closer, snuggling his face into the nook of her neck. “I love you, ___.”
          She smiled as she traced small circles onto his back, with her fingertips.
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Extended Ending
          “Oh, Shorty, you’re going to get into so much trouble.” Hange leaned in the entrance of his room, seeing the two pressed together.
          ___ tucked her head under his jaw, trying and failing to hide.
          “Fuck off, Shitty Glasses. 1. I don’t care. 2. We didn’t do it. Yet.”
          “Well, when you do, then you’ll be in trouble.”
          “She turns 18 in two weeks.”
          “She’ll be in that cast for 4 weeks after that.”
          “That’s not going to stop me.”
          “What stopped you last night?” Hange chuckled.
          Levi looked down at her, the corner of his lip twitching up for a moment. Hange smiled at Levi, completely understanding.
          “In this crazy world, full of change and chaos, there is one thing of which I am certain, one thing which does not change: my love for her.” Levi hugged her tighter making her squeak. 
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Author’s Note: continued I never posted the last two chapters on dA. Since it was unfinished it was deleted from my gallery, so you won’t be able to find it other than here and maybe other sites in the future. This was meant to be a one-shot but I wanted to continue it. So here we are. And that’s why there is an “extended ending” From some research I found out a cast in the 1800s, they took roughly 6 hours to dry. So that’s why I mention it.
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lankylevi · 7 years
Heard you were taking drablle request so I'm gonna try to get one^^ I'd like a college Au where eren is super popular and levi a regular student. Then eren ask levi to go on a date with him, levi ask why and eren have to find proper reason for him to accept. I think some nsfw will be good at the end but that's up to you, if you put some I'd like to see eren on top. That's all hope I'm not demanding too much ^^
I didn’t include anything nsfw so I hope you don’t mind but otherwise it would have been around 3k words lol so 1.5k will do for now ;)
Wrote this while listening to Kodaline - one day (thanks @hey-heichou-suz for recommending this :D)
“Stop joking around Jaeger” Levi snapped at the famous football player to which the latter grabbed him by the shoulders.
“I’m not joking around, I’m serious Levi” he pleaded, trying to sound as convincing as he could. His hands and voice were shaking as if he were an old man, and the fact that the whole school was glaring at them surely didn’t help his cause.
“Yeah right” the raven laughed as he got free from Eren’s grip and turned around to walk into the opposite direction.
“What the hell is his problem” Levi wondered as he walked away from the brunet, who seemed to be nailed to the ground.
Levi would be lying if he said he didn’t feel a bit disappointed that Eren didn’t go after him, but it only proved his point; the guy wasn’t being serious about this, and it was probably some stupid bet for him to ask Levi out.
He turned around the corner and saw his friend Hange being the chaotic mess that they are, struggling to hold up their books while they rummaged through some papers.
“Need some help shitty glasses?” he mocked as he stood in front of them.
“No.. ish towtafy fine” to which Levi rolled his eyes and took the papers out of their mouth and turned up his nose at the sight of the string of saliva that lingered from Hange’s mouth.
“Fucking disgusting” he muttered as he placed the papers onto the books they were holding.
“Well thank you Levi,” they said as the pair continued walking towards the cafeteria.
They bumped their elbow into Levi’s side as they waited in line to get their food.
“What was that for?” he asked as looked at them in confusion.
“Come on Levi-” they sang, throwing their hands up in the air as if they were making a prayer. “You gonna tell me what happened or not?” they suddenly said in a soft voice.
Levi’s eyes widened, Hange never spoke in such a soft tone unless they were serious about something and it honestly scared the shit out of him.
“Fine,” he sighed, knowing it wouldn’t benefit him in any way if he lied to them. “Jaeger asked me out today…” he trailed off, suddenly trying to look interested in what was on the menu today as they were about to place their order.
“What?!” Hange yelled to which Levi shushed them. He pointed at the people a couple metres away from him and gestured that Hange should keep their voice down so Eren’s friends wouldn’t hear them.
“Ow ow okay, we’ll talk later” they whispered.
“So you understand it now?” Levi said annoyed, rolling his eyes and leaning back in his chair as he waited for Hange to answer.
“I mean, yeah I understand where you’re coming from but-” “But what?!” he cut them off and slammed his fists on the table.
“But he’s uhm, he’s standing by the doorframe…” they trailed off as they stood up and walked past the brunet, who was in fact standing by the doorframe and waiting for Levi to notice him.
So Levi turned his head around to make another comment, but his breath hitched in his throat as soon as he saw Eren standing in front of him with a soft smile on his face.
He could feel his own heart beating in his chest and had difficulty breathing accompanied by his pen falling down on the floor because of his sweaty hands.
“God dammit” he murmured and reached down to pick up his pen but stopped when he saw the brunet kneeling down and it picking it up for him.
“Are we in some kind of stupid movie Jaeger?” he snapped as he grabbed the pen from Eren and looked at him with his piercing grey eyes.
“If that makes you go out with me, then sure” Eren laughed and Levi had difficulty of keeping a straight face as well.
“Do I see a small smile Levi?” the brunet commented as he took a few steps closer and lowered himself to Levi’s height to take a closer look to the very rare event of Levi smiling.
“Hell no and don’t you dare take another step Jaeger, you’re close enough as it is” he said annoyed. “Plus, you stink from practice” he said as he waved his hand in front of his face and giving him a disapproving look.
The brunet took a sniff from his shirt followed by a low laugh that sent a shiver down Levi’s spine and made a blush popping up on his cheeks.
“Okay maybe you’re right about that” he laughed as he ran a hand through his chocolate brown locks.
“But you’re not right about me not taking this-” he faltered while he repeatedly pointed at Levi and himself, “seriously” he exhaled.
Levi chuckled to that and stood up from his chair while not losing eye-contact with the brunet.
“Get your ass out of here Jaeger, I thought I was clear about not having time for your jokes” he said as he took a few steps into Eren’s direction, forcing him to take a few steps back and basically making his way out of the raven’s room again.
“No, you’re wrong!” he yelled as he felt Levi pushing him out the room.
“God dammit even your shirt is wet” Levi said disgusted with the feeling of sweat resting on his hands.
The raven noticed people’s laughter echoing through the hallway, and figured that the brunet’s friends were probably waiting for him to complete his bet.
He pushed Eren out of his room and wiped his hands of onto his pants as he tried to come up with a comment that would make sure he didn’t try to come back again.
As he did so, he noticed that the latter was staring at the floor beneath them and had a troubled look on his face.
Eren raised his head again and turned it to his left to face the people who were still laughing to this second.
“Get the fuck out of here you disgusting pieces of shit!” he screamed as he stormed into their direction.
Levi heard fists meeting faces and grunts of pain, followed by a door being slammed shut and footsteps making their way down to his room again.
The raven popped his head from behind the doorframe and looked at Eren walking back into his direction.
Both were shaking their heads as the distance between them got smaller, and both sighed when they stood in front of each other.
“Look-” they said simultaneously followed by quirking an eyebrow at each other.
The raven gestured that Eren could speak first and waited for him to open his mouth again.
“What do I need to do for you to take me seriously Levi?” he whispered, suddenly showing his vulnerability which made Levi’s heart ache.
“I-” the raven trailed off, not knowing the answer to his question, and feeling ashamed of that.
He could feel a faint blush popping up on his cheeks again and tried to hide it in his collar as he avoided the brunet’s gaze.
“I’m sorry,” Eren paused, clenching his fists and focusing those bright green eyes on Levi’s pursed lips.
“Sorry for wh-” Levi wanted to ask, but couldn’t finish his sentence since he felt warm and soft lips being pressed against his own.
He felt a strong hand cupping his cheek while the other played with his hair as they deepened their kiss.
Levi felt ashamed and excited at the same time, loving the feeling of their tongues connecting and soft moans filling up the empty hallway, but also feeling ashamed that he was kissing the brunet while he remembered what an ass he had been to him before.
So he broke up their kiss and pushed Eren a step back as he tried to even out his breathing and compose himself again.
“I don’t kn-”
“I can appreciate that you don’t know how you should react to this, but I hope you finally understand that I’m serious about asking you out” the brunet finished his sentence for him as he closed the distance between them once more and placed a soft peck on the raven’s lips.
“Uh… yeah I, I understand I guess” he muttered.
“Okay good, I’ll pick you up at 7 tomorrow” Eren winked followed by him turning around and leaving Levi’s room.
The raven sat himself down again and let out a breath that he didn’t know he had been holding as he tried to figure out what had just happened.
“This guy has some balls” he laughed but accepted the fact that they were going on a date tomorrow and decided to text Hange about it.
He sent the message and his phone screen lighted up not even 5 seconds after he had hit ‘send’
“Don’t forget to buy condoms ;) ;) ;)”
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