#they were evil annoying little sh*ts either way lol
the-shroobs · 18 hours
Did Love Bubbles & Soul Bubbles come from your planet, or somewhere else? How did that alliance - if that's the correct term - form?
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whenimgoodandready · 5 years
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The Good Book says to "thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself" 22:39. It’s like, The Golden Rule! But just “how much” do we love thy neighbor, huh? Is it mandatory? I mean, isn’t that why we have fences in our yards and not bridges!? Well, our former king and queen of Mewni learn about this the hard way! Let’s see if Moon and River will hand us a cup of sugar:
*Down by the River-(“Leave it to Beaver” theme song plays) Meet the Maizleys! Just your typical normal average everyday Mewman family. You got Merrick, the happy-go-lucky patriarch of the family and then there’s his upbeat wife, Maude and their wacky kids, eldest sarcastic daughter, Mendel and their little rascal son, Manny! Oh! And they’re teeny tiny too! Cute! They come home from grocery shopping climbing up the giant stairs to their unbelievably huge house where they find it taken over by monsters! (record scratch) Oh wait! What’s this!? Oh look! It’s that monster that didn’t understand hand gestures from River back in “Battle for Mewni:Marco and the King”! Hey you! What’s up!? Turns out, it’s his home (he’s got a family too) and that by her majesty, Eclipsas royal decree, all homes that once belonged to monsters shall be returned while the Mewman occupants get kicked out. OOOOOOOOOOH! No wonder everything wasn’t to scale with them! The Maizleys aren’t tiny! :P.
Pros and Cons of what just happened there: Pro-Eclipsa gave back a monster family’s home; Con-The Maizleys are now housebroken. Well, at least the monster gave back their belongings to keep, right? (laughs sheepishly). The Maizleys now go in search of new living quarters and they head to the forest and meet (gasp) the former queen of Mewni, Moon! It’s like, meeting a celebrity while out shopping! Sadly, Moon can’t do anything to help them since she’s not the queen anymore and is now living the simple life with River. As we remember from “Moon Remembers”, she and River went to the forest to “spend some time together” and build a yurt (which is now built), but if you ask me, I think I know the real reason why they’re there *cough*togetawayfromEclipsa*cough*. The Maizleys act as “next door neighbors” to Moon and River trying to live in the great outdoors like them, buuuuuuuuut not to the competency that they do. See, we can recall how River is an extreme wilderness man from “Camping Trip” and “The Bogbeast of Boggabah” (but needs to work on his cooking skills) and that Moon can handle herself in Mother Nature from her time with Star during “Battle for Mewni”. The Maizleys however, not so much.
The Maizleys keep getting in the way of Moon and Rivers peace and quiet by making a mess, being loud and annoying and invading their personal space with their insane antics. Merrick is a bumbling idiot, Maude can’t clean to save a life and the kids, Mendel and Manny, are little sh@ts that would drive a babysitter up the wall! The Maizleys may be a nuisance, but they mean well really. Moon snaps and goes all Fuzzy Lumpkins yelling at them to GET OFF HER PROPERTY! She then plans some booby traps (ex.exploding pies (guess one good thing came out of Pie Island for her, huh?) and a moat filled with alligators which she fluently speaks, remember! “Bwah” Lol!) in case they come back and River gleefully joins along. Oh boy, she’s lost it hasn’t she? You’re not at war, Moony! After waiting a bit, the Maizleys don’t show up and Moon grows concerned and she and River go in search for them. They find them leaving the woods cuz they’ve been through such bad luck in the forest and cuz they lost everything. Things were so much easier for them when Moon was in charge since she gave the Mewmans jobs and homes which is why they never needed to fend for themselves. Awwwwww, Moon feels bad for them, so she and River make peace with them and teach them how to survive. Suddenly, another Mewman family show up and I think we all know where this is going?
It was funny seeing the whole episode act out as a dom com of two different families trying to adjust to their new living arrangements with Moon and River being the uptight duo and the Maizleys being all merry and dim. Just put in a laugh track and you got a show! I’m starting to think maybe a whole new society will be built in the forest lead by Moon and River if more and more Mewman families keep showing up with them! Now we already know why the Mewmans can’t deal with the changes Eclipsa made, most of them are stubborn and racist, but others are also very stupid and inexperienced when it comes to the harsh realities of being on your own. Eclipsa is doing a kindness for the monsters after centuries of hostility, but isn’t really thinking much on the Mewmans. Yeah, I know they were in the wrong, but not all of them are horrible and despicable people. This is why she needs to earn their trust. The most important thing we learned in this episode is that the economy is tough now. People getting forced outta their homes, dealing with the changes in laws and being ruled by an “evil” commander and chief! Wait! Am I talking about the shows economy or our economy?........Either way, people don’t know what to do cuz they’re scared and helpless and the only thing they need right now is a little helping hand that’s all! (soft heartwarming music plays) Chip in! Ask for help! Be kind! Be a pal. In the end, we could start anew.
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