#they were both assholes and Bucky was a sweet talker who had more dates than money
imavikingo · 1 month
I have this terrible hunger for a fanfic where things don’t go smoothly nor are okay immediately with this certain trope…
Everytime i read something with the trope of “Character A is dared to date character B as a cruel joke” the author ignores the internal turmoil and self doubt that things like that can cause to someone irl.
(Or when character A tries to settle for character B because character C doesn’t like them, so they go for B because C and them (B) are friends or are related by blood).
It creates really complex feelings for someone to go through something like that, and they (author) often just ignore it or make character B forgive character A within a couple of hours/days or months of the event, or ignores the dare completely because “otp” and because they NEED to be together.
Like i get that you want to make the endgame ship the characters that are in the prompt/premise, but… idk it feels rushed and unrealistic/poorly executed most times than not imho, and it creates a poor foundation of the relationship as a whole too if it will be more extensive than the apology/forgiveness arc. I think this trope doesn’t work in short format fics because of that.
I find more realistic when character B goes away, ignores (blocks if there is social media) character A and tries their best to get in a better headspace, sometimes having new romantic relationships too. And for character A to see the error on their ways, ditch the group of friends and do a 180 in their life. Change for the better, be more real to themselves and letting go of character B for a while.
Something like “they reunited after 5/10 years of the event and are totally different from their old selves” kinda way.
If character A is only for the plot and isn’t intended to be part of the endgame ship it can work too, making them change the course of their lives or on the contrary keep them being shitty people. And adding a character C that can have participated/was a bystander of the event or make them be a new person in character B’s life ( emotional support of character B after what they went through or make them just be someone new and better than character A)
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yikeswtfmate · 4 years
Golden // Part 2
Summary: Y/N pays Sam a visit. He has some explaining to do.
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Reader
Warnings: language; uh? sexual references? maybe???
A/N: listen. LISTEN. I am so excited about this. I’m so excited about this that I might turn this whole thing into a series. Is this how IAFAG came into being as well? Yes, it is. Am I as excited about this as I was about IAFAG? MAYHAPS! Here is the second part, I hope you like it! 
(as always, thanks to @the-chocolate-bunny​ for cheering me on and shouting OHMYGOD over and over again when she’s reading whatever it is I’m sending her, you’re a clown but I love you)
previous part // masterlist
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“Samuel Thomas Wilson!” Y/N shouts and her finger is so far in his pec that he has to swipe her hand away and rub at his chest. Good.
“It’s 7 in the morning.” He groans and just follows her trampling inside his kitchen. He watches with a pout as she’s turning on the coffee machine, taking out two mugs and the sugar jar – I just want to sleep some more, what did I do to deserve this on a Wednesday?
“Well, rise and shine, buttercup, because you have some explaining to do!”
Sam yawns and sits down, practically melting over the kitchen island. She pushes a coffee right next to his nose, where the smell and heat should be enough to keep his eyes open.
“Why am I even friends with you?” Sam mumbles, but Y/N just looks at him unimpressed. “What?”
“You know Steve.” She says and good god, does she look pissed.
“Ok, honey. I’m gonna have to ask you to be a little more specific. I own a bar, I know too many Steves to count and most of them aren’t even worth you coming over here at 7 in the morning.”
Y/N looks pointedly at Sam as if by magic he could read her thoughts – which wouldn’t be surprising in normal circumstances, the man is scarily accurate, especially when she’s trying to hide her flings away from him. In his defence, she did knock at his door for 10 minutes to wake him up and then nearly tackled him to the ground, even though she has a goddamned key. But then again, he might have an inkling on who exactly she’s talking about, considering he never does anything without knowing exactly what the results might be.
“Tall, blonde hair, blue eyes, beard, built like a fucking tank, unable to buy shirts his own size, owns a stupid bike?!” Y/N is aware that her voice is turning into a brassy squeal by the end of her sentence, but at least now Sam is starting to look more alive. He’s raising one of his eyebrows, which could only mean there’s some sense of recognition at her words.
“Don’t tell me the idiot finally talked to you.” He’s chuckling in his coffee mug, as if this would explain what just happened an hour ago.
“Sam.” She presses, staring pointedly at him. “More words, less sphinx-like riddles, please.”
He rolls his eyes, but puts his mug down with a sigh. He knew this would happen, hoped this would happen if that idiot Golden Retriever would just get his shit together already but he didn’t expect Steve to be a little asshole. Bucky, sure, but Steve? Yeah, ok, fine, Steve can be an asshole too.
“Remember when you asked me to help you move a while back?”
“And you convinced me to go for a run at 5 in the fucking morning with you in exchange for that? And you stood me up because apparently you slept through your alarms? That somehow involved Clint for some goddamn reason, but if I think about it now, I have no idea how that happened considering you don’t live with Clint.” She’s literally voicing her thought process, which in turn makes Sam proud – she’ll put two and two together soon enough. “Unless you both slept at the bar that night and somehow…wait. No. Sam, you dick, you planned this?!” There it is.
Sam leans over the table and pats Y/N on the head – one, two, three and she’s batting his hand away. She’s fuming, but it’s great seeing her get so worked up. Ah yes, Sam thinks, there’s nothing funnier than meddling in Y/N’s life. To be fair, it’s not like she’s regretted any of his plotting – she’d actually let him take all her decisions for her if there wouldn’t be something called rEsPoNsiBiLitY and other disgusting adult stuff. But couldn’t he have meddled with this Steve earlier? Couldn’t he have told her there’s a hunk of man that she’d like to climb like a tree the day they met?
“Explain yourself before I either self-combust in rage or tell Clint you’re allowing him to eat all the peanuts in the bar.”
“He knows better than to obey orders that don’t come directly from me, sweets, but at least you tried.” Sam chuckles, which earns him another whine. “Fine! Goddamn, woman, sometimes I wonder what I did in a past life to deserve this. I was with Steve when you called me and your weird face came up on my phone. He kept hinting at wanting to meet you but I played dumb and wouldn’t give him anything.”
“I – what?!” Y/N screeches yet again, and Sam swears he might just buy some noise blocking headphones.
“It was his birthday present.” He shrugs.
“What was?”
“Making you two meet, you dumb clown.”
Y/N looks at Sam, a mystified frown on her face. He can practically see “Processing” right on her forehead. It’s the most fun he’s had in months and if he ever had any doubts about his mischievous plans, he now knows with certainty that it was all worth it. He takes a sip of his coffee, patiently waiting for her to talk, because she’s a talker, after all, she’ll either let out a final screech that will wake up the whole building or he’ll suffer through an endless tirade of ingenious expletives.
“Wait, hold up.” She finally says, one hand raised, as if he’d ruin her reaction by talking. Come on, Y/N, baby, you know me better than this, and she does. “Let me get this straight. You knew Steve was already interested, you knew that we kept meeting in the park every morning and knew I was also interested, yet you’ve kept quiet until now?”
“That’s exactly right, babygirl.” Sam grins.
She smacks him then – lunging over the kitchen island, right over his head, making him nearly dunk his face in his coffee. Sam tries his best to show that he’s furious at her reaction, but it’s an unfortunately common occurrence, so that wouldn’t stick.
“Why would you hurt me in this way, Samuel?” Y/N wails, throwing herself on the table – dramatics, this is why only Steve could handle you. “Have I not been a good friend to you? Have I not kept your secret that you wore braces when you were a kid? Have I not brought you coffee whenever you asked for it in college? Have I not introduced you to Bucky?”
“First of all, I did it because Steve had to be taught a lesson. And second of all, it was payback because you did tell someone I’ve worn braces in middle school. And that was Bucky!”
Y/N scoffs and crosses her arms. They’re stuck in a match of pouts and throwing around blame – a game they’ve played since childhood, but Y/N is bad at it, as always, and she’s the first to relent, as always.
“What lesson?” She mumbles.
“What lesson did you have to teach Golden Boy?” Y/N repeats herself, enunciating each word.
“To learn to ask for what he wants.” Sam grins.
“And what’s that?”
“You.” Sam rolls his eyes, already tired of this conversation, why can’t his friends just sort this out together anyway? “He wants you, Y/N, but he was too much of a coward to ask.”
That’s the moment Sam’s phone starts pinging with what sounds like an entire waterfall of messages. He groans, standing up from his chair, because really what the fuck is up with people today and waking him up at 7 in the morning on a goddamn Wednesday?
At least Y/N stays put in her own seat, watching him like a hawk as he retrieves his phone from his bedroom. It’s lighting up like crazy and as he reads the messages, he can’t help but start laughing like a certified villain.
“Your boy is having a meltdown.” He finally supplies an explanation to Y/N’s confusion.
Before she can even open her mouth in a futile attempt to deny having “a boy” or even ask who he might be talking about, because let’s be honest, it’s not like she’s been wondering what it’d be like to tap that ass in the few minutes it took Sam to come back, he thrusts his phone right in her face.
Oh god, Sam, I talked to her today
Holy shit she’s even prettier from up close
Fuck, I think she caught me staring at her butt
What if she thinks I’m a creep?
SAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I think I’m in love
By the end of the last message, a huge grin is splitting Y/N’s face. Sam knows this reaction too well for comfort and oh shit, what have I started, but it’s too late now and she’s already typing.
“Really, Y/N? On my phone? I might just have to throw it in a river now.” Sam sighs as he reads over her shoulder.
She lifts a shoulder in a shrug, but the grin doesn’t leave her face. Waking up at 5 in the morning might not be so horrible in the end if she gets to send messages like this to a Golden Boy who is having the most adorable meltdown over her.
I might be impartial to bikes, but I’m definitely not impartial to you or your butt, Stevie
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