#they want conflicts so they create conflicts and the bigger picture doesn't matter but it exists
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littlefankingdom · 2 months ago
Tumblr already showed me twice a post where OP implies that Bruce made the choice to not help Jaybin when he was attacked by an angry mob in Legends, so I had to check, and look at that, they were lying.
Context: the general population has been turned against superheroes.
An angry mob does attack Robin, and what is Batman's reaction? To come to the rescue! He even immediately calls him "son", switching to an endearing term to reassure him. However, Batman is hit in the eyes with a bottle of perfume and blinded, as his attention was on his boy. Gordon tries to get him to leave, but he refuses because he can't leave his boy behind, and when Gordon tells him that his men will take care of Robin, Batman is like "I don't trust your men with my son". Batman is forced out of here, he is so pissef, and he is called "arrogant" by the cops there.
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This man trusts ONE cop, and it's Jim Gordon, that's it. And people dare to tell me Bruce isn't an acab believer. He grew up in Gotham and his parents were murdered when he was 8, of course he believes in acab. That's why he was so against his son becoming one.
Anyway, later on, Jason is in the hospital (Bruce was right, Gordon's men didn't do shit), and Bruce is pissed at the situation. However, Jason feels guilty and ashamed, and Bruce immediately goes to comfort him, reminding him he isn't at fault for getting beat up, that Bruce is proud of him and that he is a great Robin. And when Jason compares himself to Dick, Bruce stops that too, bringing up that Dick also had less glorious moments like this. And again, Bruce switches to "son" and "Jay", which convey affection in the goal of comforting his boy.
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In the end, Bruce leaves his son safe at the hospital, resolved to not obey the president and get to the bottom of this. Later, Jason decides he cannot stay there and must help, even if it kills him. And people dare say that he wasn't reckless.
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Anyway, the other thing about this, apart from Bruce didn't walk away WILLINGLY from Jason being attacked by an angry mob, is that as awful this is, the writers never intended this to be a traumatic experience for Jason. Of course, it would be normally, but it's just a plot point here to get Robin away from Batman while he works with the other heroes. Damn, there isn't even a follow-up to Jason leaving the hospital, he doesn't show up in the next issues to help.
Sometimes, especially with older stories, comics' events don't matter as much as you think they do. If you want to re-imagine them as impacting for the characters, that's your choice, but let's not act as if they were intended to be. Because I saw that moment being used as a comparison to Under The Red Hood, to be like "see Bruce keeps abandoning Jason", and like, calm down with the shortcuts. Because you are making that up, on your own, with what was given to you by different writers over the decades that didn't communicate with each others or agree on the characters.
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azocscreativespace · 2 years ago
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Hey hey!
I decided to participate in the @smallartistocbracket with one of my oldest OCs: Azoc! I created her when I was 11 years old and she has been living on my fantasy island Akkenba ever since. Kind of a Mary Sue, BUT there's like zero conflict in my fantasy world so I guess that doesn't matter much ^^;
She lives in a cave somewhere in the mountains in the south of Akkenba and she loves to go flying with her bat wings (their normal size is way bigger than in the reference picture, but she asks Liezelore to enchant them so they're a bit more manageable).
Being a kitsune means she has fox ears and a tail if she wants. She can make them disappear too. She used to be able to transform fully into a fox, but her wings sadly won't allow for that anymore.
Born a kitsune, cursed into a bat by an evil witch, and in order to make her appear human-sized again, Calim turned her into a vampire (no bat-sized vampires... vampire bats? in my lore, sorry).
#azocsweep :D
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e1igius · 2 years ago
this verse is inspired by the indiana jones & mummy franchises with small influences from tomb raider , national treasure , and various other exploration based adventure films.
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the world is at its finest , the great war had hardened young men ; for if one had survived it there was nothing they couldn't survive. having left home at nineteen and fought overseas in a conflict that wasn't even their own , the learned survival rotted away at his skin. he had tried to hold onto it , completing another enlistment afterwards , but peacetime meant there was nothing that could compare to the feeling of chaos that had been burned into his soul. and as such had created a sense of urgency in the search for the same excitement , one that could not be found behind a desk at an office , or tuning wrenches in a factory , no there was an unsatiable need for adventure. one that clawed its way into his heart and refused to let go.
it was that intense desire that had landed him at the doorstep of harvard university a couple of years ago , one strange job recommendation to another and eventually he was on his first trip to egypt assisting doctor gloria de lima with some strange artifact recovery , the new continent was exhilarating , he hadn't felt this fulfilled since the war and it's addicting. skirmishes with other archeologist teams was not something he had been expecting , huckleberry was fully certain he was just there for show , to scare off potential looters & scams and yet , finding himself actually useful in situations around such amazing places , things and people ? he agrees to be part of her team , no matter where they go. he wants more of this strange adventure.
so for the next couple of years he works exclusively with the north american universities , not always the same one , but always on recommendation. its only then that he runs into another one of him , he's met a few , a few that can hold their own against him , and less that ( he's a little worried might beat him in a fight ). but the man , who goes only by six , is thankfully on his side because the trip to south america goes south. he's not sure who had tipped off the germans that they would be exploring the jungles of colombia , but by the time they are trying to exist the ruins he's sure its some supernatural curse that's keeping them from being able to escape safely. eighteen dead germans and three golden idols later everyone ( on their team ) is safe and finally on a plane back to the united states.
that supernatural curse , that is strange to him everyone else insists was a figment of his imagination. but he's certain that these things are real , that these curses & dark magic items they keep uncovering have some sort of connection. there has to be some reason his brain won't let him go to sleep , that he wakes up picturing some sort of undead zombie-man over his bed every night. so he shifts customer base , takes a job with dinosaur-doctor william hargrove , because at least dinosaurs couldn't curse their own bones. or so he thought before they arrived. the mediterranean is a strange land to be in. throughout the trip he learns three things , one dinosaur bones can in fact be cursed , two dr. hargrove is a perfectly capable individual who doesn't need a body guard and three if one short mexican woman with curly hair asks for anything the only answer is yes.
the world has gotten a lot bigger than it had been a couple of years ago. but even then... at least there was always room for another adventure.
in conjunction w/@medicbled , @sierra6x , @kinghaargrove & @executiioner
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iconicname · 3 months ago
The same goes for anya x curly too it may seem cute, but curly was essentially a boy mom with Jimmy as the "boy." Honestly, I think at most anya and curly could be tentatively reconciled friends post fix-it ending or whatever which would take a lot of work on curly's part and giving a lot of forgiveness (If shes willing ofc) on anya's part.
obviously, do what you want i could literally not care less what yall do i just wish fandoms were less shipping-oriented sometimes :/
weird accidental character analysis/rant below
Look, I too, am not immune to the 'oh, curly's kinda cute' thing people have going on. I get it, but I don't want to be blinded by it.
I think people forget that pre-crash curly was a miserable and incompetent guy who stuck around and kept jimmy around for a reason, (while yeah the birthday scene made it clear that he's a nice enough person that pre-crash crew generally had a good opinion of him and he may seem better when side by side with someone like jimmy but that man is nowhere near the picture of a "well-rounded man)
The reason doesn't have to be deliberate or anything like that, it could be that Curly silently never grew out of the dismissal of SA/the female experience mentality which allowed someone like Jimmy to be his close friend for so long. or, in his own words he preferred looking at the bigger picture but because he was so focused on Jimmy's wellbeing (y'know immediately rushing to fucking Jimmy to assure him that everything was going to be okay after ANYA confessed to being pregnant and said that she fears jimmy enough to hide a gun from him that if it were not for the fact that curly would not allow it she would have used to the gun to protect herself. in that scene, it clearly shows that Curly prioritized Jimmy's well-being but also his feelings over Anya's even if if he didn't realize it. to Curly Jimmy was the bigger picture.
Jimmy is clearly not above abusing people he considers his "friends" especially someone who was catering to him to that degree, i.e the birthday cake scene ("both" of them) and the multiple medicine-taking scenes, etc so over the years of knowing jimmy, Curly could have subconsciously internalized Jimmy's sexist way of thinking, as to not create conflict (which is not an excuse) plus someone who may not be happy might cling to the people and disregard red flags in fear of isolation/losing something they consider positive (still not an excuse).
I don't think Curly didn't care for Anya or the rest of the crew, for that matter, but because he focused on catering to Jimmy, he hurt the people Jimmy hurt.
I like to think that Anya and Curly were very similar early days post-crash not just in the "victim to the same piece of shit" kind of way but that they both had the "thinking the best of bad people out of a sense of self-preservation". One of Anya's iconic phrases "Our worst moments don't make us monsters", I like to think that's in character for Curly to adopt that phrase as well for jimmy out of some hopeful delusion and or lasting affection for Jimmy (plus he was definitely delirious and in pain 24/7 mans not going to thinking clearly), especially since Anya and Curly were often together post-crash. but when Anya reaches her breaking point and ends her life it's Curly's breaking point too because it finally fully clicked how horrible Jimmy really was, as a co-worker, friend, and person. and that's why when Jimmy unlocked the gun case, we got the chilling, sardonic, and scorful laugh.
Ya'll have got to stop shipping Curly with Jimmy. That man is a rapist. He doesn't deserve the Yaoi fantasies.
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huevokinder24 · 2 years ago
Morality in alchemy of souls:
I'll try to make this as brief and concise as possible cause I got a lot to say about this lmao.
People can be divided into four main categories in the story.
First, the villains: the prime example of this is obviously Jin Mu. Morality? not found. To him all that matters are his own interests. People are puppets to manipulate and tools to use and then discard once they're no longer useful.
But that's to be expected, he's the villain after all. The thing is that he doesn't make excuses. He's evil, he knows it. He doesn't care and has never tried to pretend to be anything else.
Then, the "good guys": people like Park Jin and Jang Gang fall into this category. They claim to be the good against the evil the justice of the world, the keepers of peace, when what they're actually doing is protecting their own interests. They lack empathy and are willing to look over injustice, even going as far as concealing it themselves for what they consider to be the greater good.
Where was that justice when Jang Gang spread rumors about his adulterous wife when her body hadn't lost its warmth yet? When was it when he ruined his son's life and told Park Jin to do the same for him? Was that to protect UK and for the greater good as they like to think or did JG not want to take responsibility for his fuck ups?
Park Jin's treatment of Uk sometimes borders on psychological abuse under the guise of protection. When was that justice and goodness he defends when, even knowing Naksu had been used and sacrificed by Jin Mu, he told Uk to get over her death and not look for vengeance? He even went as far as to tell him that everything that had happened was his fault, crushing what little was left of his emotional stability.
AH, but what happened when Seo Yul's life was in danger? He rallied Songrim's mages to back him up. Was it because it could create conflict or because Yul is the heir of a prominent family and someone dear to him?
In the third category we can find Master Lee and Yul. I've already talked about them in a different post so I won't dawdle. Out of all the characters, they are the ones who truly do things for the greater good, and they are willing to go far, but they will do it truly believing they're doing it for the sake of the world.
Up until this point we have people who see the world in black and white.
And then there's Jang UK. He has a strong sense of justice, and he follows his own beliefs. He doesn't see magic and people as either evil nor good. What's important to him is the intention behind the spell, not the spell itself. Why is sorcery bad if it can be used to save someone? Because Park Jin said it? PFFFTTT right.
He doesn't believe in the system he grew up in because it was incredibly unfair to him. Unlike the others, he sees the world in shades of grey. He decides for himself what's good for bad based on facts, not rules, not self-interest. He sees people as they are. While everyone else sees either the bigger picture or themselves, he sees the world as it is.
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alifeofred · 3 years ago
Danny's Recurring Identity Crisis pt 2
Ever since it was revealed that there's a ghost fighting super hero living in Amity Park in season 1 (Since at the start no one was differentiating one ghost from the next) But ever since the Inviso-bill fiasco, Danny became more vigilant with keeping his two sides separate.
Because people were looking more closely now.
That was after What You Want, meaning the Ghost Catcher most definitely picked up on the difference that Danny so evidently made within himself.
Hence why things became crazy in Identity Crisis with the device (It could also be a retcon from the creators, but I'd like to think there's a bigger picture here.)
What Danny intended was to make two of himself (Splitting himself like he'd seen Vlad do, he thought that's what it was) He thought that's what the Ghost Catcher did the first time.
As it did with Technus. Purging that which he possessed, or making two of what was there in the first place.
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Let's talk about what the distinction between Phantom and Fenton actually means for Danny and why it was important for him in the first place.
Considering how loony their parents can be. Danny and Jazz started disassociating from the craziness of the Fenton household early on.
With Jazz psychoanalyzing everything and placing it all in neat little boxes she created and labeled herself. Touting herself as the only sane one in the house, looking after everyone, especially Danny, because only she could. Because she was the only normal one there was.
Danny started hiding himself. Making himself invisible in a crowd. Aiming towards the most mediocre of things. Like wanting to be part of the normal accepted crowd of kids. Going on dates. Hanging out with his friends. Liking the most obvious chick in school. Like, he was trying too hard with wanting a normal childhood experience.
All because both Danny and Jazz were fighting against their Fenton instincts. Ghost fighting and the mania that comes with being a Fenton was in them from the start. No matter how hard they tried to disassociate from it.
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Their parents encouraged whatever they wanted, but hoped for the same passion and zeal that they had.
And wouldn't you know it, when given the chance. Both Danny and Jazz pull out all the stops and show just how much that Fenton DNA matters. They can't fight it. And with time, they don't even try.
The thing is that Jazz, once exposed to this life, went full in. Starting by saying it was for Danny's sake but she started to enjoy it after a while.
Danny, on the other hand, only let half of himself fully immerse in it. Saying that Danny Fenton was still human and mundane. As far away from the ghostly craziness as possible.
Except this mask slipped up from time to time when the situation asked for it.
Pirate Radio, anyone?
Danny took charge as himself. And his natural instincts and leadership shone through. One he tried to hide so much.
As the series progresses, he might have forgotten about what shallow things he wanted in season 1, like popularity and dating the hot girl.
Instead, he wanted down time with his friends without anything ghostly interrupting. And he wanted to date the pretty and kick ass girl who he genuinely liked to be with.
He's growing, right? (Not enough to see what's right in front of him, but sure.)
This still isn't what's right for him. He's still so fixated on separating his two selves that he doesn't even care that Valerie hates his alter ego and wants to kill him. So long as she likes Fenton, it's all good.
When that ship sails, not because of anything Danny does, but because Valerie chose for him. Danny starts to ponder on how he should go forward.
Another kick to the head, very much needed as it was, came in the form of Gregor. Making Danny realize his feelings for Sam. He's getting there, right?
But it's still through the lenses of Fenton. He wants the normal experience still.
Livin Large and Phantom Planet were continuations of a conflict that wasn't resolved in Identity Crisis, just delayed prematurely.
So when given an out, Danny reverses his powers. Thinking that now that his ghost powers are gone, so are the responsibilities that came with it. Any positive thing associated with that part of his identity, is lost.
He doesn't realize that fighting for the right cause wasn't something that his ghost powers could do. It was something he could do all on his own. But by cutting off that one vital part of himself, he became half of who he was.
Hence why calling what Sam and Tucker and Jazz did as quote unquote 'Bullying' him, is uncalled for. Because they never viewed Danny as two separate people. He was always one and whole to them. And when they saw him lose a vital part of himself, they were distraught.
Jazz was saddened, but it was her brother's choice.
Tucker was disappointed, but he'd support Danny.
Sam was angry, and she would say it to your face.
And she did. Sam never minced words with Danny. A quality of hers that he always admired. (Which was what he meant when he said this btw...)
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He needs her to ground him. Tell it to him straight.
It wasn't the powers that made Danny a super hero. It was himself and his resolve to do the right thing that made him a superhero. And he had to realize that.
Mind you, this was in one episode.
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His two sides. One that gives up on everything but the people he loves. And the side that will risk it all till the very end. Putting his life on the line to protect his town.
He's done it before too. In Reign Storm he would have died and he was willing to as well, if it meant getting rid of Pariah Dark.
This isn't a retcon or bastardization of Danny. It's this constant pendulum inside him that switches from all to nothing and back again over and over again.
He doesn't need Phantom to fight. And he realizes this after Sam pushes him to confront himself.
He goes from this...
To this...
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He does all this without powers. He's a natural leader, always has been. And when he tells his friends to get in the escape pod when all the ghosts were after them, everyone listened. Sam lingered because that's just how these two operate.
Speaking of (since I'll bring up Sam and Danny any chance I get cause I love every aspect of their relationship and just how perfect they are for one another), when Danny gets his head on straight, without powers I might add, these two come to life again.
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I see those smiles and I know what they mean. That's Sam for ya. She's his conscience and he needs her. (Something I'll talk about at length in another post, promise).
He gets his powers back, but he learned a valuable lesson as well.
No matter how much he wants to separate his two sides, he just can't. They are the same person. Him!
In the end, with his secret out to the world. There's no need for differentiating Phantom and Fenton anymore.
But he still realizes what he wants is what both sides of himself strived for.
He wants to fight evil and protect as many as he can.
But he also wants to experience life like a normal teenager too.
Finding a balance between these two is something he'll always struggle with, but that's life.
And with the end showing him with the globe of the world on his hands, showcasing how he protected the planet. It could be considered a nice sentiment, but at the same time an omen too.
It could be showing us that Danny now bears the weight of the world.
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If given the chance to explore further (if ever) in the future. There could be multitude of stories. One of which Butch Hartman himself alluded to. Where Danny now seeks shelter in his ghost half.
So he tries it with himself. And we got two Danny's... just not the way he'd hoped.
The pendulum has swung the other way. Now he's going to take on everything. No matter the price. Which is a great plot point that I would love to see explored.
That's it. Hope you guys like these takes.
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totalitya · 3 years ago
The 3 Main Relationship Questions
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As of 5-13-22, my Akashic Relationship involves three amazing women.
Each aspect of the relationship is completely unique and continually evolving.
Even though none of the women have met in person, they each have mentioned feeling the increasing power of the vortex.
This reservoir of good intentions is something I have dreamed about for my entire life.
I'm grateful to have the spiritual maturity to be able to enjoy the bounty that is being created.
As I grow closer to my conduits, I learn more about their needs and desires as well as my own.
I love talking about my spiritual lifestyle, tribe, vortex, etc.
That's why I don't mind answering the constant stream of questions from women who are interested this version of reality.
Most women have questions about my relationships with the members of the tribe.
A few questions come up more frequently than others.
"Do they all know about each other?"
I don't have the energy (interest) to juggle 5 romantic relationships at the same time.
It's more conducive for us to engage in 5 aspects of the same spiritual relationship.
I had to create a space for us to coexist on the astral plane without conflicting with our physical reality.
I asked each woman in the tribe what she wanted and needed from me.
Using advanced intuition and energy harvesting, I was able to devise a spiritual game plan that would satisfy everyone. 
5 Akashic relationships are only feasible due to the energy flows from the vortex.
Each woman in the tribe knows her role and what is expected of her.
She is 100% invested into our mission.
She sees the bigger picture.
She enjoys the process.
She doesn't get jealous when another member of the tribe gets a win.
She doesn't get mad when I ask for advice about tribe business.
It's all about boundaries, transparency and expectations.
I'm not a big fan of titles, so I keep it simple and refer to the ladies in the tribe as 'friends' or 'conduits'.
"Are you having sex with all of them?"
Ever since my resonance has been intensifying, women have projected an insane amount of sexual energy toward me.
It took a while for me to get used to so much feminine energy at one time.
I mentioned it to the Goddess Nikkii.
She told me my 3rd eye was opened and my aura was brighter than the last time we met.
We even had a discussion about men and women having intense interactions without sexual contact.
I did some research and discovered the healing properties of moonstone.
Luckily, I had plenty of raw moonstones on deck.
Our tribal land has tons of these precious crystals and many others.
I did lots of moonstone meditations to help smooth out my dealings with the ladies.
My "NO SEX" rule also helped keep the ladies from being so persistent about having sex.
When I first meet a new woman, I mentally remove all lust from my reality.
I want to assess her physical attributes and aura without personal bias.
This has made it easier to manifest relationships with women that are mutually beneficial without the expectation of physical sex.
"Do you have a main relationship? Girlfriend? Wife?
A few years ago, I realized the fact most people don't approve of my lifestyle with the ladies.
No matter how I answer this question, I get a lot of push back and bad vibes.
The answer that is most accepted is, "I deal with multiple women on the Akashic level."
This answer is true and it puts everything in a proper context.
As far a main relationship, I'll always be closer to one woman than the others.
There will always be a woman who is more intentional about spending time with me and supporting the ministry than the others.
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pparkchimin · 8 years ago
I ’m making a tutorial for @victuuri-moonandsun on how I downloaded the YOI episodes and how to make a basic gif. I decided just to make a tutorial for everyone else who wants to learn? I’m like hella basic at making gifs so ill be providing resources in hopes it will help! 
The tutorial includes:
How to download
Capturing Method: VLC vs KMPlayer
Importing + Making the gif (Timing, Cropping, Sharpening, Saving)
Ill teach u how to go from:
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to this:
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+ A shit ton of screencaps to make up for the fact i’m bad at explanation. ++ what is grammar n spelling? +++ cursing a lot of it
its like legit 3 am and this tutorial is so bad good luck
You will need:
Photoshop (I use CS6)
VLC Player or KMPlayer (I will later discuss the difference usage of these programs)
I. Downloading
Sup yo! Okay let’s start with downloading the actual episodes! I usually use torrents when i’m downloading the episodes. This is what Vuze is for. Like most things u wanna be careful when you download shit off the internet but idgaf i’ve been downloading shit off the interwebs for a while. 
So you wanna either google “yuri on ice 1080p torrent”, but im gonna use HorribleSubs for my example. You wanna make sure you download the 1080p version of the episodes so you can have the clearest/more HQ gifs.
If you’re using the horriblesubs site then you wanna click on “1080p” for whatever episode you want and right click the magnet link.
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Yay! Now we gonna wanna open Vuze. First you gonna want to click the “add” folder > Add Magnet > Paste URL > Then hit okay.
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Okay. So once you hit ok this should pop up:
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Then hit ok again! You can also change where you wanna save it at this stage too. Okay now your file is downloading and now we wait! The more seeds the faster the download. 
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Once the file is done downloading we can move on to actually capturing for gif making.  
II. Capturing:
OKay. SO I personally use the VLC capturing way because it’s easier for me. With VLC you;re basically recording the scene you want so you can import it into Photoshop. With the KMPlayer you’re taking a shit ton of sceencaps and you’re importing each image into Photoshop. I used both methods and they both get the job done. The only time i use KMPlayer is when VLC is acting wonky. Ill show the VLC method first then the KMPlayer (cringes).
Yay VLC. My fav bby right here. OKay So you’re gonna wanna open that shit up. Okay, so the first thing you wanna do when you open the program is go to view > advance controls. This gives you the option to record!
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Hell yeah bro now we in business. Okay you’re gonna wanna open the episode you wanna be gif-ing. Since I showed how to download episode 12 i’m just gonna use episode 12 for this too cause fuck it man. You’re gonna wanna decide what scene you’re gonna want to make a gif of. I think for the purpose of the tutorial i’m just gonna do the scene where yurio finishes his program and creys cause hella yeha bro.
okay so for myself, i tend to start recording couple seconds (like 5-10 *my computer is really wonky ) before the actual scene because I want to make sure I record the whole scene without cutting anything out.
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You also notice that the record button is red now. So you’re basically just gonna click it once and let it record until you want it to stop!
Where i began to record (actual a couple secs before becuz i forgot to screencap):
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Where I ended:
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***note: Notice how the record button changes while you’re recording vs not recording! (i’ve done the dumb thing where i forgot to stop recording and watched the rest of the episode .-. )
Now that short clip will be saved. my video was saved in my video file im sure you can change where you want it saved but idk how. This is where it is saved on my computer. Probably can search “vlc” on your computer if it is absolutely lost (sorry I can’t help much in finding the file).
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Basically after this step you’re done deezy. You can skip the KMPlayer and go directly to the gif making portion of this shit tutorial.
I need to explain this program a bit more. So unlike VLC you’re not recording or anything like that. This captures screencaps into jpg or png files. When you do the VLC method, photoshop will make the screencaps for u. This method you’re gonna have to load the each photo (This usually takes photoshop longer to load for me, but than again my computer is old as shit so it may not matter to you).
OKay u gonna wanna open that satan spawn and open the episode u wanna do. Again here im gonna do the same scene cause yeah. Basically just go to the scene you want. 
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Okay here the annoying shit happens. SO unlike VLC for me, I don’t have to a big gap of recording time. I can get closer to the actual scene and want and start capturing (ctrl+G).
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When you hit ctrl+G, this window pops up and this where all the settings happen. 1. You decided where you all the pictures will be saved! 2. You can pic the image quality. I go for JPG because my computer just cant handle doing png. If you’re computer can do the png go for it. 3.) Seconds refers to how long you want the program to capture for. I just put 5 seconds to make sure i get the whole scene. You also want the images to be in the original size. 4.) I WILL DISCUSS THE TIMING THING MORE INDEPTH LATER, but for the time being i’ll do every 1 frame. 
When you click start on the small window your video has to be playing to actually capture. I just hit start and hhit play cuz fuck it.
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When the program finish capturing this will pop up in the corner. *note: I ended up doing 10 seconds because my computer hates me. So there’s a lot more caps than i needed. this is what you end up with!
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A shit ton of fucking photos! YOU READy TO GO TO PHOTOSHOP.
*if you need help downloading photoshop send me an ask and ill try my best to help you. I downloaded ps cs6 a long time ago and the link i used to download it doesn't exist anymore. 
THis step is gonna be different depending on what method you used for the capturing. I’m going to begin with the VLC method. So you’re gonna wanna go to file > importing > video frame to layers.
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Find the clip file and hit open. a window will open and now you can select what part of the video you want to actually gif! the two point thingies on the bottom are adjustable. FOr example maybe you recorded too much in the beginning? drag the 1st arrow thing to where you want the gif to start. Same with if you recorded to much at the tale end of the video. You can adjust the right one.
Make sure to have frame animation box is check.
And now we’re at the frames part.This is where I feel conflicted and you will see why when I get to the timing part of the video. (I use to make a lot of gifs for real action tv shows and this is the first anime I ever edited and I just feel like i haven’t found the best timing yet?). For this screencape i left the limit box and just do every frame.
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So my video was too long at the end and decided to cut that unwanted shit out. (you can hit the play button just to make sure you’re happy with what you got. Hit ok when u done deezy
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THEN BOOM THIS IS WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE. THAT BOOTIFUL ASS YURIO’S FACE HELL yeAH. Okay. So on the right hand side you have all your layers. but we missing the timeline bro. SO you go to window> timeline
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DAMN LOOK AT YOU YOU’RE READY TO MAKE A GIF. You can skip ahead and learn about timing. Keep reading for the KMPLAYER way.
oKAY. You’re gonna wanna go to file> scripts > load files to stacks
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A window will pop up and basically you’re gonna select all the screencaps you want for the gif and hit okay.
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This shit takes my compouter f o r e v e r (compared to the VLC method.) to load and even longer afterwards when it’s being uploaded as layers. This method took my computer to load the files 3 minutes compared to the 5 seconds the VLC method took me. Like i’ve mentioned before it might just be my ancient ass computer’s fault. But this it what it looks like when it’s done loading
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Okay you;re gonna wanna do the same step as VLC to create the timeline (Window>timeline).
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But because this was loaded in differently the the stacks will not automatically have frames. You’re gonna want to click create timeline and you will notice you have one frame only.
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So on the top right corner of the timeline you will have the option to make the layers into frames.
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Now you maybe noticed that the frames are fucking backwards son like wtf man. a simple fix to that! in the list of options where you made the frames from layers, you can reverse the frames.
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OKay this gets really iffy for me. I’ll just basically show you the times I use and what it may look if you capture every frame of you choose to do every 2 times (anything else isn’t recommended). In this section it’s what I use and probably not the best, but you can play around with photoshop and you can do whatever the fuck you want yo!
Anyways as you can imagine if you decide to do every frame youre gonna get a shit ton of layers(i’m gonna be working with the vlc method from this point on. any kmplayer question can be sent my way!). But it may look smoother! *will make a note on this*. Downside, the file is prob gonna be WAY bigger.
For ex: Every frame. 103 FRAMES FUCK MAN.
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Every 2 frames: 53 frames
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So it’s basically about half cuz u know math
OKay. so when i do gifs I usually set the time to “0.06″ but I put “0.07  for every 2 frames. To change the timing make sure you have all the frames selected (click the first frame then go to the last frame and Shift+click it). Now that all the frames are highlighted you want to hit the down arrow and click other. This is where you set the time and hit okay.
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every frame @ 0.06  (No cropping/no coloring/no sharpening)
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every 2 frames @ 0.07
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So it’s really personal preference. I just have it so ingrained to do every frame at 0.06 since i started making gifs years ago, but i feel like the every 2 frames at 0.07 looks smoother for anime? Really guys experiment and see what you like better!
Yay lets get to cropping! These are the current dimensions for tumblr
one picture/gif: 540px width two pictures/gifs: 268px three pictures/gifs: 177px, 178px (middle), 177px spaces: 4px
I always crop my gifs. I just think they look nicer when they’re crop.To start cropping you either wanna hit “C” on your keyboard or clip the crop tool. Afterwards you can put a value of the dimensions (i tend to do 268x165 or 268x170 when I to he gifset with 8 different gifs). Now you can drag the box over the gif to position it where exactly you want the focus to be. You either double click the box or hit enter when you wanna crop.
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You might not want to have it dead center. so yeah this what it looks like if you just dragged it:
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Damn yurio is looking good dead in center, but you noticed the 2nd half yurio isn’t in the middle no more. When you’re cropping you wanna keep this in mind. (you can always make two separate gif to have it all centered but i can make a dif tutorial for that).
This what it looks like if i decided to keep the cropping in the center:
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Overall both scenes are more centered.
BUT WHAT IFF YOU JUST WANNA ZOOM IN ONTO YURIO’S FACE?? i got chu bro. I’m goning to delete the 2nd half of the gif for the purpose of this example. So what you’re gonan want to do is drag a side of the square until you’re happy with what you want.
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Here i just dragged the bottom. Since I have my measure inplace from before, no matter what side i drag it it’s always gonna be the same ratio of 268x170 so no need to worry !
Regular crop:
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Crop to zoom in on the face:
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OKay. Once you’re done cropping you’re gonna want to resize that!
I’m going back to the original gif with both scenes.
To resize an image you either can hol the CTRL+ALT+i or go to image>image size
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a window will pop up and youll type in what size you wanted. Because i had the dimensions typed in while i was cropping it will basically do the ratio for u
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the original size was 1702x1080. Once i typed 268, the program kept the ratio and changed the height. SORRY IM NOT EXPLAINING THIS WELL I REALLY DONT KNOW HOW. 
We went from this:
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to this:
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it’s not a HUGE change but there is a change!
VI. Coloring *bonus
I have no authority on color tbh It takes me to forever to color shit and i’m h o r r i b l e at it. so i aint gonna discuss this much but here what coloring can do for u!
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to this garbage:
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I don’t really like it but i just did it quickly for the sake of this tutorial. If you wanted an idea of what I did
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The best way I learned to color was from PSDs others made or just fucking around in PS. Here are some resources:
PSDs:  x x x Tutorials: x x
VII: Sharpening:
Oh man okay so i use an action for my gifs but the thing is i downloaded a long ass time ago. It may be this, but im not entirely sure. This hella easy yo!
so you wanna select all the layers:
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then you wanna convert the frame animation to a timeline (make sure you changed the time you want the frames to be before you convert!)
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You will notice the frames changed on the bottom. Now you wanna go to filter>convert to smart layer
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Now you only have one layer!
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With this one magic layer you can sharpen all your goddamn layers all at once.
If you don’t have the action you can do the basic sharpening. Okay now go back to the filter tab>Sharpen>smart sharpen. I have use this option in YEARS but i believe the kinda go too was this:
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and hit okay!
Before sharpening:
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After sharpening:
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the lines are more defined in the 2nd gif, If you were able to download the action this is how you use it. 
GO to Windows> actions.
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WHere the red circle you click, and find the option for load actions. Once you load it you wanna make sure you selected the smart layer and hit th eplay button and the action should sharpen it for u
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BOOM. your gif is sharpen. So lts compare all three now.
No sharpening:
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Smart sharpening only:
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Action (Smart sharpening + blur)
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I like the action th most because it’s not as intense as the smart sharpening only. WOW U FINISH A GIF CONGRATULATIONS NOW YOU WANNA SHOW THIS BABY TO THE WHOLE WORLD RIGHT? WELL IMMA SHOW U HOW,
So basically you either hold alt+ctrl+shift+S or file>save as for web 
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and a window aPPEARS. These are the settings i use to save:
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this gif is under 1mb so im safe yo! Some tips if gif is too large is to add a selective layer>black> then +5-10 
another tip is to use optimize tool if yOU HAVE TO: go to the top right corner
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now u done deezy
u save that shit
and cry 
send me an ask if you need shit cleared up.
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