#they should just fumigate the whole building and shit but what can you do if they’re in the pipes??
journcys-archived · 1 year
So my old ass building has a pest issue sometimes and though we haven’t seen anything, my wonderful apartment office said “hey we’re gonna inspect tomorrow bc of pest issues” so now I have to power clean my apartment instead of doing what I want to do.
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startuplifedenver · 4 years
The delusion has taken over the world and the people around me. Other than some humans on Twitter located in the UK and two in MTN Time USA, Mr Diz finds himself alone and walking a tight rope in their living and working situation.
As the year comes to its imaginary close and the parasites tell people to celebrate and enjoy by buying yet more stuff and repeating the tired stories of Jesus and the Bible, or the Santa man, or just the showing of numbers on screens and calendars telling all: 
Look at this numbers, they are changing, and starting at 11:59pm you monkeys start cheering and celebrating that a new number is on screen and then go to bed and get ready because everything is back to normal. You are a slave and a prisoner in a human feedlot and need to get back to work to produce and consume.
In the northern hemisphere the cold had settle in and snow is coming here and there, much more in the next weeks and months until a good five months from now when the warmth and green of the trees comes back.
Several moons ago a new software upgrade was uploaded to the A.I. that runs the world through the screens, that update was the Crown Update. This will give a good close to the doors of the feedlot and move from a free range and organic society, to one that is grain-feed and confined to small rooms. 
The upgrade was quite an improvement because it included new fashion statements for the consuming mind, included concepts not seen before and being completely against the very nature of the human being and for that matter, of any other creature on the planet: closeness and distance.
Ever since the nipple on the chest of a female creature was outlawed generations ago, convincing all through the A.I. update that the nipple on a male chest is fine but the one on a female is not. Because they are all equal but some are more equal than others. And there is nothing to be ashamed of because four is good but two is better.
In the United States the work done to physically distance people had been a work of decades, educating people not to kiss hello and kiss goodbye, or hug friends and hold hands. The programming was to wave hello and only hug to celebrate or fuck, for the rest there is no reference.
The distancing has also being the work of the satanic church of Hollywood and the stories shows on screens through the decades. Every time someone runs into a situation in a movie, they have to “call their attorney” and get the bureaucracy of the A.I. involved in their business. On the same breath, they bring in the A.I. violent mafia that roars in with lights, speed, guns and licensed to kill and shot anyone anytime for whatever reason not before extracting money through the issue of a “ticket”.
That programing coming out of all screens, have people telling others about talking to their attorneys even though they may not even know what an attorney is or does at all. It is part of the repetition, all day everyday, all screens all shows, all situations call your attorney, talk to my attorney, and attorney this and that. Why not tell the other person talk to my spiritual guide and mentor. That would be quite a beautiful thing to offer, someone so close to us. Talk to that person and we both will end up winning and in peace, as before and as always.
Reality is constructed through visualization and repetition, what the screen puts up in a way of images and words, is what humans are going to repeat in their words as they transcribe the images revolving around their mind based on what is coming out of a screen.
This new update included distancing between humans at all levels: in the real world of touch, smell and feels. The image program shows a mouth and a nose as dangerous, as illness and sickness, as being toxic to one another, of being a threat to one another just by walking by.
Comes to memory the times of childhood, when someone covering their mouth and nose meant that someone had farted nearby and the humid stench had reached the pure nostrils of the sufferer. Now anyone walking by is treated like if they had farted and the stench is training them like a deadly bug, capable of being transmitted, infected, and killed not just the poor person who was just walking by, but the entire family and in the in laws and anyone in between and beyond.
But unlike a fart that can be recognized by the stench if it comes from someone else, or the sweet and acidic smell if it comes from your own bowels, this new A.I. Update states the new fart cannot be smelled nor sensed nor perceived. It has no color, no flavor, no smell and no symptoms. It could be smelled one day and for the next three weeks or more feel nothing at all, even going out running marathons and climbing mountains, working in front of a computer or building houses. Nothing at all. 
Until one day. One good day. Out of the blue it will strike you with vengeance and then you will die* and you will kill everybody around you. Plain and simple. 
Often times I have said to myself to sit down to research and write about what is coming out of the television and the amount of pure nonsense that people are being made to believe in. But I am afraid if start going into the details of the delusion then the delusion will get to me. The whole point of the delusion, is to keep thinking and reading about the delusion, even if it’s exposing it. Fine, the A.I. needs someone to realize how stupid this whole shit is, in order to demonize them and instruct their remote control humans to be fearful of them.
This delusion has a glitch in it, as every A.I. programming they have put out there, because plenty of humans have figured it out and have worked to expose it and reverse it. The next frontier of this A.I. is for good humans to use it on other humans, and make it effective.
The biggest glitch is that to be part of the delusion, a person has to partake of the screens and printed materials. Also has to be in an area where humans have been affected by the delusion in order to exposed to it. No screens and no delusion, how simple and easy.
A second glitch is that their tools of communication can be used to subvert their delusion. And the glitch is humor and self deprecation. It’s the only emotions the A.I. somehow has not round up and closed. This services two parts for the A.I.: First is for humans to be able to hear and learn about it, after all is the truth and it’s all around us for anyone who choses to see it. And on the other hand, by being surrounded of laughter it means there is no action needed to be taken beyond silently listening, clapping, and laughing. And of course, obeying: Always Obeying.
One thing is to convince a human brain from conception that this is not a petri dish but a “planet” and show the globe everywhere and at all times while at the same time claiming that the most stupid shit anyone can ask on their entire lives, beyond 1+1=2 and “the sky is blue” is to point out the obvious: we inhabit a pancake like type of world. More like a petri dish where bacteria and fungi grows, but that is fine, as living creatures there is no point in denigrating an insect, fungi or bacteria because after all we are one.
Hence words of goodness and wellness, images of good and kind life, are also needed to be shared and talked about. Worlds of natural health and nature, words of love and hugging, images of help and graciousness. Family and friends. Images of a life that is good and beautiful, with no limitations and face diapers but just a good life.
Reading the chembow writings, it can be distilled down to get some aluminum shavings, with a crystal and a coil, in some type of plexiglass encasing and throw it out of a moving car within a quarter mile from a cell phone tower and all good. 
To save the planet and bring good energy to this world, to do just a simple thing is a no brainer. Would that be also part of the same delusion? For good hearted humans with lots of time on their hands to just drive around and change the composition of an extra-terrestrial criminal mafia fumigating the petri dish like if it was overflowing with bacteria, and with just these little pieces make a huge change in rain, clouds, energy and goodness?
The people who shared the house where I live by myself are remote controlled humans. The only thing in their poor tired brains is to talk about the A.I. topics and do exactly what they are told and then more, because they also want to police those around them and make them behave the only way the A.I. is telling them that people should behave like.
So Mr. Diz is a big risk of being here when the A.I. tells them that if someone doesn’t get their drugs they are a danger to the entire house, and they will believe it, even if their eye and common sense could tell them otherwise.
New home and new job. Piece of cake, right?
*Chances of dying are 1% or even less but that is not important to this story, and as you can read, just a foot note of the entire delusion. Just shut up and keep sucking dick.
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