#they should have a math evet in hsr with statistics and probabilities with ratio and screwllum giving you tips
c00kieguy · 3 months
The inner workings of Boothill
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Trying to dissect him so, hear me out. (not too much tho, i'm not a car expert I just like looking stuff up)
I'd like to think he's powered by something similar to hydrogen instead of liquid fuel because;
This game has really advanced technology, so for someone like Boothill to still use the the 'old' fueling method would make less sense
The hole on his back is expose and if he had liquid fuel in him instead of compressed gas it would just...get everywhere. Not electric either because the fuel port only have 1 big hole as opposed to multiple small ones
No emissions this way, sure there's still steam but no harmful gasses and I think he'd prefer it that way.
It just makes a lot more sense for him to have a fuel cell instead of a fuel tank. Before I get into the more general headcanons I have I want to briefly explain how a hydrogen car is powered -
who am i kidding, this is a headcanon post not a chemistry class
oxygen + hydrogen go IN ⇒ energy + water come OUT
moving on;
I like to think looking after his body is something he takes a lot of pride in doing. It keeps him rooted and if anything goes wrong he'd figured it out fast
Has a temperature regulator close to his collarbone to regulate this head's temperature (since he doesn't have a body anymore). Takes in heat from the fuel cell and also has a coolant line running through it to adjust the temp.
He prefers mixing his own coolant using antifreeze and water over buying the premade stuff. Gives him more control over what goes into him and he just likes to keep tabs on everything about his body.
Distilled water only. Demineralized water? fudge no, and don't even think about suggesting tap water
Not too picky about the color but prefers blue, just makes it easier to check for leaks (yellow makes it look like he peed himself and red is, well, blood)
Flushes the reservoir once a year even thought that's not necessary. He just had it go bad once (the sickly sweet smell covered him for days) so he's not willing to take any risks
Doesn't need oil on the inside since the fuel cell has no moving parts but he does need lube for his joints. Has a preference for synthetic oil so yes, he still smells like oil. rejoice.
He takes in oxygen from various parts of his body and also expels a lot of vapor during fights, it's partly why he wears such little clothes.
The main inlets are the small holes under his chest but sorta outwards? These ones
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And the holes in his hands as well. If you happen to touch those parts you'd feel some suction but he will get mad so maybe don't do that
Other less notable inlets are his chest + ab plates. They move apart slightly and can take in air if needed, but due to how much he moves around they're not that reliable, it's just a safety net.
He can store a small oxygen tank if he ventures anywhere with none of it (like in water or just on a planet with no air) but it limits his movements so he prefers not to.
As for the exhaust, it comes out from between the silver plate on his back.
Usually it's just low pressure steam. People wouldn't even notice it
but when he get's in a fight, he consumes more fuel, so steam can come out full force and hot enough to cause third degree burns to the unfortunate soul standing behind him.
If you listen closely you'll here his air inlets making noise too, it's why he gets very noise during battles.
It's hard for him to go stealth mission like this so he has a feature to block the exhaust when needed, it cools the steam down into water and stores it until he has time to empty it out.
In colder places he just straight up starts dripping water down his back when fighting. Yes it's safe to drink, no you can't lick his back maybe if you ask nicely he'll let y-
ps: DON'T drink water from a hydrogen car. The water itself is initially drinkable (literally just pure H2O) but by the time it comes out it's already been in contact with the inside of the exhaust pipe and you don't know what kinda dust/gunk gets in there.
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any car experts/enthusiasts feel free to correct me lol. Everything here is just from 3 hours of surface level research
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