#they say they're not close but break out in hives the minute one of them leaves the vicinity
plutoslvr · 1 year
man young justice are so stupid they hate each other they love each other, tim describes them as like how life preserves as flood water rises, they get on each other's nerves, they've almost killed each other, they've stopped each other from killing, they've broken down in front of each other, risked their lives like they make me so ill
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zuffer-weird-girl · 5 years
My god you people are sadistic and masochistic ☹😫 who wants to see Chisaki's S/o dying...
This and more asks about deaths, kidnapping. Just general things about the mafia *shrugs*
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"This is bad." Chrono comented with a wince as he looked down at the message on his cellphone... a warning actually as all the eight precepts, him, Mimic, Overhaul and (Y/n) were on the same room.
"Put bad on this. We're fucking being tARgEtEd By A BunCh Of pUNKS-!"
"Sit down Mimic." Chisaki spoked nonchantly as he saw the many death threats that appeared for him.. most of them mentioning your name on it.
He should have been more careful...
"What's the issue? We get many death threats and in teh ne we always kill those fuckers." Rappa layed himself on the wall as Tengai glared at his commurate for his disrespect "So what makes this fucking different?"
"Many things." Nemoto manifested as he read one of the letters "This gang in particular had been tracking the Shie Hassaikai for years already, and this time the threats are getting way too serious."
"Serious in what level?" Setsuno asked nonchantly as he swung his katana around uncaringly.
"(Y/n) is their target." Chisaki spoked numbly as he looked down at his desk. All room went silent and you rubbed your palms a bit nervously.
"... what?" Deidoro broke the silence and everyone sighed hopeless.
"Since miss (Y/n) is their target, then they are the person in here they're going kill drunk dumbass." Rikiya spoke as Deidoro slapped the air mumbling he already knew that.
"Why though? Sure, (Y/n) is a great help but why exactly her?" Tengai asked calmly as Chisaki sighed with hatred.
"I want the security of this place ten times increased. (Y/n)." He called and you looked at him "You're forbidden to leave this place until second order, understood?" You nodded at your lover and gulped the thick air stuck on your throat.
"Maybe is because they are Overjerk's partner. Then I am the dumbfuck here." Rappa muttered as Tengai decided to ignore it.
"Well." Another voice manifested in the room and all the men in there turned wide eyed as they looked at you... more at the person behind your back actually. "The muscular there is not wrong. After all-" the person smiled wickedly "She is last thing your leader would want gone."
Chisaki widened his eyes in realization that their person's quirk was probably teleport as he almost jumped from his chair.
"Get them! Now! (Y/N)!" He shouted but sadly, even despite all trying to reach you, you were gone with the masked person on the blink of an eye... just when he had reached his hand to grab you... touching the ground instead.
He tsked his tongue before letting out one shout that left everyone in the room afraid for their lifes as even the ground itself breaked due to his quirk.
"SON OF A BASTARD!" Overhaul's shout seemed even to echo in the whole house before he bursted the door open, jacket on his gloved hands as he ran out of the house.
"The hell?!" Rappa broke their shock as Kurono and Irinaka shook their heads and ran after Chisaki.
"That was teleport quirk, surely." Tengai spoked as Rappa, Hoyo, Setsuno and Rikiya left after Overhaul shouted their names.
"I WANT ONLY THE ONES WHO HAS EXPERIENCE ON COMBAT." He shouted as Kurono tracked teh gang down to discover their address.
Hang on Angel. I'm coming
You stared in hate at the yakusa's boss in front of you. Arrogant bastard that had that smirk on.
"Say. How long have you know that street rat? Chisaki Kai?"
You only increased your glare as you growled between teeth.
"None of your damn business."
"Woah. A sassy one." He mused out loud as he snapped his fingers, the man holding your chains pushed you out of the room "You will be a good use for us."
You flipped him off, hardly since your hands were chained, as the man pushed you like a dog around that place.
"You will be released soon." The man spoked suddenly "Your only use is being a bait for that sociopath."
You arched one eyebrow as he chuckled.
"You don't need to know much. After all, his life is not going to end very much... well."
Your eyes widened in realization that this was planned to be a trap... you couldn't let that happen!
Although, only a few minutes of walking an explosion was heard from teh other side of the house and you immediately knew what it was and who it was.
"They're faster then we presumed." He cursed under his breath and this time you smirked.
"We're full of surprises." You said normally before laying a great kick on guy's stomach, the man almost fly to the wall and almost puked before glaring up at you, sneakily grabbing his gun from behind.
"You little shit-!" He hissed and you dodged his attack before running down the hall.
You didn't know their plan... but if the guy already spilled tagt you were a bat, then Kai had to be very careful until you didn't reached for him.
Hang on devil, I'm coming!
"We came in here only to save (Y/n). Have that on your minds." He said to his commurates as he saw a bunch of teh guard coming into their direction
"Yeah, but that doesn't mean we can't have a bit of fun, right Overhaul?" Chrono smirked as he twirled his gun a bit before starting to aim at one guy's head.
"I usually despise messes." He said nonchantly before he saw a guy shouting with a sword coming into his direction.
He simply crouched down, took off his glove nimbly to just touch two of his fingers on the man's torso before his upper body exploded. remnants of blood gushing everywhere and some drops hit his green jacket ... but his thirst for killing was so great, it overcame even his misophobia of years as he looked numbly at the mass of man with their terrified eyes at him and his face almost errupted in hives... like he was some savage animal or a monster that came from hell.
"But blood from garbage will be spilled on this filthy ground. Merciless." He growled before his commurates started to attack their enemies as he made his way to the inside of the house.
He almost broke the door of the big house and shouted your name. Not having an answer he scoffed and made his way in hurry inside.
Please be okay. God, please be okay. It was all that he asked.
"Well, would you look at that." A elder voice echoed behind him and he immediately turned around to see that old man... once a commurate from Pops, but the bastard tried to steal their money and betrayed them by going into the police for some whatever reason.
He was young, but he reminded very well that bastard.
"You've grow a lot since the last time I saw you street rat. What gives me the honor of having THE Chisaki Kai inside my residence?"
"I will give you ten seconds to tell me where is them before I end up with your sorry excuse for a living." He growled and overhauled his gloves in anger. The man looked at him with a sarcastic smile before chuckling.
"So we have the right one." He looked at no where in specific before looking at Chisaki "Who would thought? When my old pal showed me he had taken a street rat home I didn't believe my own eyes when I saw it, especially since the guy had an daughter already... why grab someone who doesn't have any value?"
"If you're trying to get me with empty words them you're just waiting your time." He said nonchantly, but his anger didn't changed one bit "I will give you one more warning. Give her back, and I might leave you only with a rib cage broken."
"Rude and brute as always, eh?" He messed with the pocket of his tuxedo, and showed to Chisaki his gun. The young man simply arched an eyebrow and aproached his hand to the wall.
"No no no, my dear friend. This little present is not for you." He smirked devilish as he heard footsteps getting closer and closer "Is for your little..." he lifted his gun, aiming at Chisaki before abruptly shooting the place where your heart was.
".... weird." He smiled at you falling in the arms of his subbordinates while crying out loud "I thought angels were immortal creatures Chisaki." He said nonchalantly but smirked at the way Kai's golden, serious eyes had turned wide open as hives exploded even more at his face and forearms "Oh well. Just useless as you was."
Chisaki let out a inhumane shout before slamming his bare hand at the floor, plataforms being formed with force almost crushing the subbordinate atlnd the old man.
"Boss!" Mimic broke the house down with the help of Rikiya before he cursed out loud at seing the mass of blood coming from you and the situation.
"Something about my pal that I never agreed on Chisaki." The man gave him a psychotic smile as blood spilled from his mouth at the force of teh concreto crushing his body as Chisaki still was using his quirk and glaring at noth men with murderous wide eyes. "He had his honor and believes, but drugs were something that always put us on the top before the heroes days... so imagine if by my quirk of healing what we could do?"
"You have the nerve to even SPEAK?!" Chisaki formed another spike with the material of the floor and made it's way to the elder chest... he only coughed a bit of blood before laughing... his commurate already dead on his side.
"You see it's funny. You worry so much about killing us... that you forgot about that thing over there..." Chisaki followed the man's chin and jumped form his place when he saw you were still breathing.
"(Y/n). No no no. Hey! (Y/N)!" He cupped your face and ignored the mass of blood that was spilling from your chest "Is going to be alright, angel keep your eyes open! Do not dare to close your eyes on me!" He shook your head a bit before placing his hand on teh wound "I can heal it! See?! I can take the bullet's out! Stay just a bit (Y/n)-"
"There's no use." The elder laughed when Chrono put his gun at his temple and told him to shut up as he yanked the man on the ground. "We made sure that those didn't work with your types of quirks. Only one thing is needed. And well... is not even a good use."
"Kai..." you coughed, trying to find him in your blurry vision "Trap... you.. kill-"
"Don't waste your oxygen idiot!" He shouted and tried to lift you up... but stopped when he felt your limb hand on his wrist.
"Not... time..." you whispered and felt your body getting cold... worse than the cold of ice.
"She has a point." He laughed before he got pinned down by Rappa and Chrono. "This works like venom... even I didn't got the heart, it works just as fast as a bite from a snake."
"Stop this nonsense!" He shouted, ignoring the elder and cupping both of your cheeks again as you tried to mantain your breath "You're going to get through this..." he shook his head to stop his eyes from burning "Come on angel just-" he gagged a bit at seing your faint smile and eyes almost closed... lifting slowly your hand up to trace his covered jaw.
"At... least... I could get to see you... one.. last... time..." he grabbed your hand a bit too harsh but when his bare skin of his hand touched yours he widen his eyes in terror when he saw you letting out your last breath... your body going limp on his hold.
"No..." he whispered before putting his quirk on action. But even if he had gotten your back back your pulse still didn't come as well "No...!" He tried again "No, no no nO!"
He tried again, again... and again... all ended up in failure...
"Kai-" kurono tried to talk but the laugh of the elder surpassed his own voice.
"See what I told you?! Isn't it glorious?! My masterpiece worked! Even if I wanted more, seing teh next leader wrath and hatred is so much more valuable, it makes me really proud to be honest-"
"Shut-" Chisaki growled before slamming his hand on teh ground, sending Kurono and Rappa out of the man's body as he make the old man come to him by the the force of the wall pushing him "-THE HELL UP!" he lunched on the gut of teh man before opening his hand and overhauling the guys entire body... covering your limp body with his to not send any of the filthy blood in your angelic figure...
He breathed in and out before looking at your face... his limbs stopped working, be couldn't catch what his commurates and sobbordiantes were saying as he sneaked fhis hand on the back of your head as his free arm brough your cold one to his...
He didn't felt like this... in ages. And for the first time... he wish he could feel nothing at all... because for lord, that hurted he couldn't breath.
He didn't catch that Irinaka and Kurono asked for space to him. Setsuno, Rikiya and even Rappa nodded in respect and left to wait outside... all of them with a unconscious pain on their chest.
Kurono and Irinaka hesitantly aproached, not much close to Chisaki due to respect for the man as he hugged his death lover still on his arms.
Overhaul was so... quiet. It even scared both mans that had stayed to at least try to help his own grief.
"Chisaki... we-"
"No..." he interrupted Irinaka with a shaky sigh... shocking both again, since they never heard Kai sounding so... broken.
"Kai." Chrono took his mask out, surprisingly noticing a hint of two or three tears on his eyes forming before he wiped them quickly "We gotta go before the heroes come by..."
The shoulder of the dark brow haired man shook suddenly, and it didn't take long for faint sobs started to appear...
He was almost crushing your body to his as he almost yanked his mask from.his face in anger at feeling his tears coaxing the material... the disgusting fluid slidding from his eyes in all directions of his face possible.
He let out a louder sob before burring his face in the cold crook of your neck and letting out one of his worst, painful, loudest shout that even seemed to hurt his lungs.
He let ou a howl of your name after his outburst as he succumbed to sobs again, clinging around you... his knees were hurting but the pain he felt surpassed all of those he ever felt on his entire life.
Mimic and Chrono could only lower their heads and pay respect... not even flinching at the strenght of their... friend's shouts.
All of his tears fell like a water fall... but one single tear of Overhaul's had slided and emerged on your wound... not catching attention of anyone until Chisaki felt a warmth coming back from your chest.
He lifted his head a bit to look at your chest... tears still falling endless, he continued to have your body glued to his... a desperate wish that if he squeezed you hard enough against his living body, you could be back.
But he wasn't foolish.
He blinked before looking back at your face and he sucked a shaky breath in as he traced the side of your face with his fingers... he touched foreheads with yours before leaving a chaste kiss on your cold plump lips...
Just when he was about to lift you up a string of gold started to appear on the side of your neck... almost shinning if it wasn't for the rooftop blocking the sunlight.
"The fuck?" Mimic mumbled before cursing when Chrono punched the back of hsi neck with a scowl.
Chisaki arched both of his eyes brows before tracing the string of gold... looking more like tree branches then mere strings. Soom they started to gently trace your face and come lower and lower until they reached your chest...
"What the..." he muttered, his voice and throat, weak and sore from all of his outburst and shouting.
He placed his hand on where you were shoot and widened his eyes at not only feeling the warmth of your chest back neither that the strings had dissapeared... but the most important.
He felt your pulse. The beating of your heart right below his bare hand.
It... was he hallucinating? It couldn't be...
Suddenly you let out a grunt that even made Chrono and Irinaka shout a curse in shock before falling into their backs. Chisaki widened his eyes at feeling you stirring on his arms before lazily opening your eyes to look around you... getting confused a bit before looking up at him.
"..(Y/n)...?" He couldn't believe his own eyes as you arched one eyebrow at both man layed on teh floor not much away form you two. You soon looked up at Chisaki again, a confused and sheepish little smile as you asked shyly.
"Did... did I missed something?"
He let out a shaky sigh as a rare smile appeared on his lips before he almost crushed you for real on his arms and toned chest.
"(Y/n)!" You hugged him back, a bit confused, before yelping in surprise when he lifted you up in the air and started to leave feathery kissed in your cheeks, nose, forehead, most important were lips... everthing his lips could touch.
As much you were giggling in shock a bit you looked at Chrono, whose had recuperated from his scare, and pointed at Chisaki discretly with a questioning look.
"Where's my Kai?" You asked before giggling at his growl for you to shut up as he nuzzled in your hair, sighing in relief as he crushed you even more on his embrace.
"YoU ComE BacK FrOm ThE FucKiNg DeAd AnD YoU StiLL WAnT FuCKinG AnsWeRs FrOm Us YOu FReaCkinG PUNK ThAt Let Us AlmOsT DyInG-?!"
"Wait what?" You widened your eyes as you took notice of your lover's chest easing back a bit.
"Long story." Chrono sighed while picking his mask up as Chisaki breathed in and out before returning his usual expression.
He cupped your cheek and inspected a bit your face and body in general.
"We have to do tests to take notice what on all Earth and Hell happened with you..." he squeezed your hand back when you did the same as he had you close to his chest. "We need to clean this up before those heroes suspect of something or even the police. Call those three back."
"Yes boss." Just when they left he sighed and brought you close to his chest again, your face even hitting his chest.
"My angel..." he sigjed shakily as his hand carresed your hair, his touch seeming like you were some type of porcelain... form how gentle and careful he was being with you.
You had a LONG tests to give to him and a lots of questions... but right now you were happy to give the comfort that your devil was needing...
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~Perfect Birthday~
Au: Kaishi
Part: twelve
Theme: Fluff? Comedy? Who knows lol
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(These 2 are going on an adventure)
"Buttercream? No that wont do. Vanilla with a touch of banana or Strawberry? Shoot! What about...hmmm...." You focused on the ingredients so hard that you were developing a light headache. Meanwhile, your husband sat across from you at the kitchen table, scrolling through his laptop for themes and present ideas. "Y/N, just settle on chocolate and call it a day." Kai announced while his eyes hovered on a Circus theme. He shuddered lightly at the thought of animals being involved. 'Absolutely not' he thought to himself. You sighed and put the ingredients list down. "I cant settle on Chocolate. I'm worried that someone might have an allergy to it. I'm also so worried about the vegan adults that might be here. What about the picky eaters too? Kai, I feel like I'm going insane right now." You gripped the sides of the chair you sat on. He peeked up at you and notices your incoming distress. He sighed and stood up to move behind you. He softly gripped each of your shoulders and began to give you an impromptu massage. "Stop worrying so much about it so much, Angel. Just do chocolate cake since its the brat's favorite flavor. We can go with a vegan cupcake option that should be safe for the people with chocolate allergies as well. As for the others, there will be other food and even beverage options. You're working so hard for people I dont even care about. This is all for my son and no one else but him. His happiness is my only concern."
You sighed and reached up to place a hand on your husband before turning to smile sweetly at him. "Kai, you're being sweet today." You teased him and he scoffed. "Anyway, I know you only want to focus on Kaishi but having other kids here for the first time, other than Ishida, is like his dream come true. It took me a lot of time to get on the parents good sides. It took a lot of time for them to want to bring other kids around Kaishi because if the yakuza affiliations. Had it not been for the fact that you've began working into charity for the city, I dont think anyone would've given us a chance. Bow we have parent friends, and now Kaishi has a chance for an amazing birthday this year. Let's not mess this up, okay? That means NO EXCESSIVE GERMAPHOBIA, and NO ANTISOCIAL BEHAVIOR okay?" You drilled it home at the end. He sighed in annoyance. "Ugh fine. I'll try to conversate with the other scum as if they never insulted the yakuza before. You had better be lucky I appreciate you and Kaishi at this point or this wouldn't be happening." Kai complained before pulling his medical mask down and kissing you lightly on your lips. "You two are being icky again. I'm going to tell Grandpa on you guys." Kaishi's voice brought you two back to reality. "Oh hush, and mind your business." Kai said as he ruffled his son's short hair playfully. Kaishi giggled and swatted the gloved hand away. He took a seat at the kitchen table next to Kai's laptop and peeked over to see what was on the screen. While you went to fix him some oatmeal, his father bolted to the seat and slapped the laptop closed. "No peeking. Havent you any manners?" Kai fussed lightly while Kaishi smiled. "Its okay daddy, I already know you two are planning my birthday for tomorrow." The boy said proudly. "That may be so, but it doesnt mean we cant at least surprise you with the decorations and food." Kai explained. You placed breakfast in front of Kaishi and sat down with your boys. Pops had just entered the kitchen at this point. "Family breakfast? Dont mind if I do." He smiled and took a seat next to you. "Grandpa, what will you give me for my birthday?" Kaishi asked excitedly. Kai flicked his cheek. "Dont be rude brat, respect your elders." He scolded him as Pops laughed. "Oh calm down, Chisaki my boy. My grandson is very calm at this age compared to how you used to act." Pops said with a smirk as you laughed and Kai blushed lightly with embarrassment. "Anyway, my Grandchild your gift will have to remain a surprise until tomorrow." Pops winked and Kaishi groaned. "Aw man. Well, mom/dad? What will you get me?" He turned to look at you in anticipation. You put a finger to your chin to think for a second. Then you snapped and made an 'Ah-Ha' expression. "I'm going to get you a fancy suit! Maybe I'll get some toys too. Just maybe, you'll have to wait and see." You teased him and he smiled. "Daddy, what about you?" He looked at Kai for an answer. "Just like Pops said, it will be a surprise. However, I'll take the time now to ask you what you want as a gift from all of us. It'll serve separately from the gifts we'll get you so dont worry." Kai watched his son expectantly as Kaishi searched his little mind. Seconds later he piped up excitedly:
"SMOOGLY!!!" He shouted happily and raised his arms dramatically in the air. You and Pops laughed while Kai tilted his head in confusion. "Smoo-what? Are you well? Are you speaking in tongues???" Kaishi giggled at his father's confusion. You turned towards Kai to explain. "Kai, Smoogly is a character from Kaishi's favorite show. He's this giant lollipop that dances and sings. Yknow, kids love that stuff." Kai stared at you for a second before nodding. Then he turned his attention back to Kaishi eating breakfast finally. "Alright then, you want Smoogly then that's what you'll get." After breakfast, Kaishi went to call Ishida on the phone. You monitored in awe, gushing as your baby talked to his little crush over the phone. The two were fast friends, and she was the first/only child in the class to accept and support Kaishi to the fullest degree. Meanwhile, Pops went to the backyard to water the flowers and feed the Koi in the pond. Kai headed out to the car to call Kurono/pick him up. "Chrono, I know I've given you the off day but I need a favor." Kai spoke on the car wireless phone while he drove. "Yeah man, what's up?" Hari answered from the other side. He was currently face deep in a 3rd bag of chips as he reclined on his sofa. "The brat's birthday is tomorrow and it's his first big one with other parents and children expected to be there. He wants some actor there to perform or something. Some thing called Smogie or Smothly or something like that."
"OHHHHH!!!! You're talking about Smoogly!" Hari shouted excitedly, his voice boomed over the car speakers. "Yeah whatever that mess is. Anyway, help me track him down and I'll give you tomorrow off to repay you from today. You can also have some leftover cake." Kai offered him. "Bet!" Kurono answered shortly before hanging up and getting ready. In moments Kai was at his door to retrieve him. The two men drove around for a bit while Kurono did some searching online. Lucky for him, it wasn't that hard to find Smoogly's booking information. "Found it, Kai. It says here that we can email and make a down payment, or call the home offices for a response in about...14 days." Kai almost slammed on the breaks. "14 days??? No that's not possible for a booking that could be denied. My Kaishi's birthday is tomorrow. We need to get this Smoogly there as soon as possible." He felt a bit of panic set in. Kai would never forgive himself if he couldn't get his son's biggest wish for his birthday. "Hey man chill. We'll just go to his office and speak to him directly. I mean, we've got a little pull when it comes to money. Also, we're yakuza so..."
"I know what you're thinking Chrono, and the answer is no. We cant push too many buttons or we'll end up leaving the gray area in which we operate in. I cant afford to get arrested on Kaishi's birthday." Hari rolled his eyes and shook his head. "Whatever man. Just take a left onto the main freeway and we should reach the exit in like 30 minutes. After that, we just follow the main road for 4 more minutes, take a right at the stop light, and turn off the Broadway drive. Smoogly's office should be right between a steak restaurant and a car dealership." Hari explained the directions. Kai nodded and the two were on their way. Once they made it to the offices, they took a number and sat in the waiting room. The wait wasnt uncomfortable to Kai...it was the old man across from them that kept coughing that made him uncomfortable. He felt hives pop up on his arms. Luckily the two were called before he went insane! Only minutes later they were standing before a chubby man smoking a cigarette behind a desk. He had dark hair, and was balding right in the middle of his head. His skin was just a step away from being super pale (no doubt because he had the costume on a lot) His noticable feature was the large mole on his cheek. He was clearly a foreigner from some city somewhere, thanks to his accent.
(!!!Reader, think about Carl from Aqua Teen Hunger Force!!!)
"Alright, what can I do for you two men? Wait a minute, you two are the tax guys right?"
"Uhhh, no. No we're here to inquire about an opening to hire you? The pay will of course be-"
"Yeah yeah yeah. Pay doubled blah blah. I've heard this a million times before. I get bastards like you that come in here every single day asking to pay extra just so I can come to your event. The moms are even worse since they also think they're entitled to my services." The chubby man interrupted Kai. "Please. It's my son's birthday. You see, this birthday is special because he's never had-"
"Pshhh...yeah buster, you're kid is special. Just like everyone else that's come in here before you to say the same thing. Bottom line is that I ain't doing it. If you want my services than file through email or take it up with the front desk. Deposits non-refundable if you get denied. Have a nice day." He put out the cigarette and picked up a rather inappropriate nude magazine. Kai looked at Chrono and sighed as if to say Hari can take over. Hari smiled darkly and went to approach the desk. The chubby man hadn't looked up from the magazine as he spoke. "Look man, I said piss off. What, you didnt get the picture the first time or-" he immediately froze and turned his attention to Hari when he heard the click of the gun. When he turned, he was staring down the glock.
Hari spoke up darkly. "Hey buddy, I'm a changed man but that doesn't mean shit is sweet. I've killed a dozen people before and I'm not afraid to go to prison. Either you do my nephews birthday party tomorrow, or we wear your face on a memorial T-Shirt. Fuck is it gonna be? Eh???" The man gulped and shakily reached his finger out to the voice machine on his desk. "Deborah cancel all my appointments tomorrow, I've got a birthday to go do." Hari and Kai smiled when they heard the voice reply 'Right away, sir.' They bid the man goodbye and left the office. The next day, Kaishi rushed to the backyard after taking a quick shower and getting ready. It was decorated beautifully with bounce houses, a splash area, party games, an extensive food/present table, swings, slides, etc. Most importantly, the parents actually showed up with their kids. Kaishi almost cried tears of happiness when he finally had friends to play with. Meanwhile, you and Pops chatted with the other parents until Smoogly arrived to perform. The kids absolutely loved every bit! Every once in a while, the Lollipop turned to look at Kurono standing in the corner, smirking menacingly and daring him to slip up just once. Smoogly quickly turned around and kept performing. At the end of his shift, he was paid extra just as Kai promised, and Kaishi got to take a picture with him. Finally it came time for presents. Kaishi was happy to receive so many gifts, but he was more eager to get his gifts from you, Kai, and Pops (even Hari got him a secret gift at the last minute). Kaishi smiled at the wooden box Pops had given him. When he opened it, it revealed a small pin on a soft cushion. It was shiny and brand new. It was the symbol of the Hassaikai, the infamous flower design. "My grandson, when your father was younger I had given him this very same gift. Please be sure to take good care of it." He gently placed a hand on Kaishi's head. The boy nodded excitedly and passed the box for you to hold while he opened up the remaining gifts. It was a surprise jacket from you to him. It was just a smaller version of Kai's jacket! Plus that suit you promised, and a few other Smoogly themed toys as well. From Hari, he recieved a new helmet for his new bike. Finally from Kai he received a matching mask. With the suit and the jacket, he was the matching embodiment of his very on father (aside from inheriting some of your skin tone depending on your color, my dear reader).
This was truly the perfect birthday.
TIp Jar: https://cash.app/$YuTakeyama
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setepenre-set · 7 years
Love and War (chapter 8)
Strange Magic
Bog/Marianne, T rating
This is a story about two kingdoms, side by side, but worlds apart. And at war.
When the Bog King finally wins his war against the Fairy Kingdom, he decides that a political marriage with the eldest daughter of the deposed Fairy King will help to promote peace.
Obviously, he’s never met Marianne.
The Dark Forest, Marianne thinks, as they fly through it, isn't really as dark as she had always pictured it. The trees overhead do make it shadowed, but golden sunlight still dapples much of the forest floor.
The great river that runs along the western boundary of the Fairy Kingdom bends away from the forest and does not enter it, but there are little streams that twine through the tree trunks, and small pools hidden like secrets behind tree roots and boulders and thickets.
People live scatted in the Dark Forest, not in orderly rows of houses like the brownies and the fairies and the elves do in the Fairy Kingdom, but here and there as they please. Frog-like kappas and fish-like undines peer up at Bog and Marianne curiously from pools, trolls blink up at them from the mouths of their burrows, and sprites hovering around their hives buzz a little louder as the two of them pass by. Marianne waves at one small sprite, who flutters excitedly in the air and waves back.
"This way," Bog says, flying through a tangle of thorny branches.
Marianne tries to follow, but her wings are too large; they catch on the thorns with little pinpricks of pain. Bog looks back over his shoulder, and then ducks back to her side of the briars.
"Ah—sorry about tha'," he says, "I wasna' thinkin'—we don't need t' go through the thorns; there's another way around—"
"I can fit if you'll help me," Marianne says.
Bog blinks, and she sees understanding dawn on his face. His claws click together nervously.
"Oh—" he says, "—if you don't mind."
Marianne shakes her head and furls her wings, letting Bog catch her around the waist as she puts her arms around his neck.
"I don't mind," she says, hoping that he can't hear the slight tremble in her voice. "Let's go."
The way they're positioned means she can't really see his face, just the edge of his jaw, if she turns her head. Marianne swallows.
"Tough girl," Bog says, and his voice sounds deeper, this close, "Should have known you'd want t' go this way."
He spins the two of them, slow and careful, in the air, and the two of them fly into the brambles.
"What's an adventure," Marianne says, knowing he must hear the trembling in her voice, hoping he'll put it down to fear of the thorns, "without a little danger?"
He laughs; Marianne she feels the vibration of it in his chest, where she's pressed against him, and she swallows and closes her eyes and stops herself from pressing closer to him only by a supreme effort of will.
"Are we going t' have an adventure, then?" he asks.
Marianne bites the inside of her cheek and resolutely does not shiver.
"Aren't we already?" she says.
He doesn't answer for a long moment.
"I suppose we are," he says, voice low, and this time she does shiver and press herself closer, and then the two of them are out of the thorns and in the sunlight again, and Marianne has to unfurl her wings and let him go.
It's fortunate, Bog thinks, that he knows his forest completely, because if it wasn't for automatic reflexes, he's pretty sure he would have flown into a tree by now, distracted by the memory of having Marianne in his arms.
It isn't right, how much he'd enjoyed it, how much he'd enjoyed the way she shivered and pressed herself close to him. She'd been afraid of the thorns, not seeking his touch, and he needs to remember that.
"Oh!" Marianne says, her voice startled, and he looks over at her.
She's looking at the fern below her; she must have brushed against it, because it's curled itself inwards. Marianne looks up at him, her face filled with wonder.
"It moves!" she says, and Bog can't help but smile at her smile.
"These all move," he says, and brushes his fingertips delicately over another frond.
The plant curls in on itself.
Marianne laughs, a more carefree sound than he's ever heard from her before.
"That's amazing!" she says. "Moving plants! I didn't know you had moving plants!"
Bog laughs as she reaches for another one, touching one leaf lightly. It curls, too. Laughing delightedly, Marianne darts between the plants, brushing one with a wingtip, one with a hand.
"Moving plants!" she says again, stopping to hover in the air before him.
"We've got another kind of movin' plant," Bog says, grinning at her, "Do you want t' see?"
"Close your eyes," Bog says, on a wild impulse that he can't quite catch in time to stop.
He's shocked to find that she does, completely without protest.
Bog stares at Marianne, hovering in the air before him, her eyes closed. She raises her eyebrows.
"Okay, so what now?" she says.
"Ah—" Bog comes back to himself with a start. "Just—give me your hand."
She holds one hand out for him to take. He does, holding it carefully.
"And come this way," he says, flying backwards, leading her slowly through the trees. She lets him guide her. "—we can stop here."
Marianne stops, but, to his surprise, does not immediately pull her hand from his. Bog swallows, looking at her closed eyes, at the slight smile hovering around the edges of her lips.
"Open your eyes," he says, and she does.
She looks at him, first, her eyes meeting his, and then she looks down and gasps, seeing where he's taken her.
"They have teeth," she says.
"They do, yes," Bog says, grinning at her expression.
"…why do they have teeth?" she asks.
"So they can bite things," Bog says.
Marianne looks up at him sharply.
"You're kidding," she says.
Bog shakes his head.
"Look," he says, and taps the open mouth of one of the plants with his staff. The two jaws snap shut.
"Okay, so that's slightly terrifying," Marianne says.
Bog laughs.
"What's an adventure without a little danger, tough girl?"
Marianne makes a face at him and he laughs again.
"They eat insects and things like tha'," Bog says, "Th' sprites do have to warn their children t' keep away, though."
Marianne's fingers tighten around his; he glances down at their joined hands automatically, and Marianne takes a sharp breath and lets go of him quickly, as if she's just realized she's still holding onto him.
"They're, uh—they're…lovely," she says. "Lovely murder plants."
Bog snickers.
"Watch," he says, and he steps onto the closed plant. He taps the next, still-open one with his staff, taking a step forward at the same time, timing it so that he steps onto it just as it's closed, continuing on down the row of plants. He hops off the last one and into the air, spinning around to face her. Marianne looks torn between glaring and laughing; Bog raises one eyebrow at her challengingly.
To his utter delight, her chin goes up and she eyes the next line of still-open plants as if she's judging the distance between each one. She looks up at him and smirks.
And then she furls her wings and dives for the first plant, landing at the edge of the mouth, balanced on her palms. She flips herself over to the next one, and then the next, never stopping until she reaches the last one, then launches herself into the air, wings snapping out, spreading gloriously.
"Ha!" she says.
Bog has to catch his breath at how absolutely beautiful she is.
But she's looking at him, so he laughs and claps his hands for her. She bows graciously to him and an invisible audience all around them as she flutters down to his level.
"Thank you, thank you," she says.
"You seem to be enjoyin' your adventure," Bog says.
"Definitely," Marianne says, grinning at him. "I should have done this years ago."
Bog looks at her curiously as he leads the way back to the path that will take them to his castle.
"I always—I always said," Marianne says, "that when I was queen, I was going to go into the Dark Forest and talk to—well, to you, I guess, although I didn't know it was going to be you."
"And what would we be talkin' about?" Bog asks, mesmerized by the thought of it: Queen Marianne coming into his castle, demanding to speak to him. He wonders if his first glimpse of her in that world would have been as staggering as meeting her at their wedding had been.
"An alliance, opening trade routes, cultural exchange," Marianne says, shrugging. "Stuff like that."
Bog takes a sharp breath.
"So you—always wanted t' ally the Fairy Kingdom with the Dark Forest," he says slowly.
There's a beat of silence before she answers.
"Well, yes," she says, "don't you—I always thought we would work better that way."
"…together," Bog says, his heart beating too hard, suddenly.
There's another short little pause before Marianne answers.
"Yes, together," she says. "And—I do think the Dark Forest and the Fairy Kingdom—work better together, don't you?"
"Yes," Bog says quickly, hope welling in his chest, "yes, I do."
They're both silent, for several minutes after that. It seems—strangely fraught, the silence does. Bog doesn't know how to break it.
(should he ask? should he ask now, if she'd be willing to continue ruling with him after the divorce?)
He glances over at her.
No, he decides, no, not now. The—the moment when he could have asked has passed. Resuming that line of—conversation, after so long a silence, would be—uncomfortable.
After a few more minutes of rather excruciating silence, Bog clears his throat and touches down on the ground. Marianne follows.
"So, ah—we're nearly there," he says, pointing, "if you look, you'll be able t' see the castle."
Marianne looks, her eyes going wide as she catches sight of it, and Bog takes the opportunity afforded by her distraction to pick one of the nearby flowers, a deep blue one. She turns back to him and he holds the flower out to her.
(he will deny absolutely, if asked, that his entire purpose in landing her was actually to pick one of these flowers for her.)
She looks at it warily.
"Is it going to try to eat me?" she asks.
Bog laughs.
"So suspicious!" he says.
She grins at him, and so, quickly, before his nerve fails him, he tucks the flower behind her ear.
"All right, well! Let's go, then!" he says in a rush, and takes off again, in the direction of the castle.
Marianne stands very still for a long moment, and then she takes off, too, and follows him.
After several seconds, there is a quiet rustling in the undergrowth.
The Imp emerges into the little clearing, its tail switching back and forth excitedly as it sniffs the air.
The two flying ones hadn't noticed the Imp, it knew, although it had been following them for some time. They had been too caught up in each other; too busy being in love and unhappy to see the Imp. It could smell it on them, the sweet scent of affection undercut with the bitter smell of what they thought was unrequited love.
Silly flying ones; very silly. The Imp shakes its head, and then wriggles all over delightedly.
Oh, but the flying one with the pretty purple wings had smelled of something else, too, something that the Imp hasn't smelled in ages—the smell had been faint, incomplete—
—but the Imp had recognized it nevertheless: the divine, delicious, addictive scent of the Love Potion.
The potion hadn't taken hold of the purple-winged one; the Imp could tell. But if it follows the flying ones to wherever it is they're going, then perhaps they'll lead it to where the rest of the Love Potion can be found. And won't everything be wonderful then! Love for everyone!
Sniffing the air again, its pointed ears pricking up, the Imp scurries swiftly in the direction of the flying ones.
Roland, free at last from Lady Plum's loquacity and safe behind his own locked bedroom door, grinds his teeth together in frustration.
Already in love with someone else. Already in love with someone else.
The potion doesn't work if the person dusted is already in love with someone else.
And Roland is fairly certain he knows who the person Marianne is in love with is. When he'd heard from a giggling Celeste that the King and Queen had been singing together yesterday, during the preparations for Dawn's wedding, he hadn't known how to account for it.
He accounts for it now.
Marianne is, unbelievable as it might seem, actually in love with her husband.
How! How can this be happening?! She was plotting to murder him not a month ago!
Roland hadn't believed her, when she told him that the coup was off, had thought she just meant to cut him out, meant to keep him from any of the glory. He'd made plans to deal with that situation, the situation of Marianne trying to command his army without him. He has a whole speech planned, ready for the first indication that she intended to make a move, ready to tell each of his commanders—
the queen is a young and impetuous girl with no real experience, no proper training; the queen is flighty and uncertain, can't be trusted to stick with a decision—
(a pause here, to look pensively into the distance with an expression of noble suffering as everyone remembers how she left him at the altar)
—King Dagda has spoken to me privately, though, and he says that now is not the time to move against the usurper.
A plausible lie; Roland knows better than to try to involve King Dagda in any coup; the old man is far too cautious and soft-hearted; the troops know that as well, know that, had Roland been allowed to use the kind of ruthless tactics he prefers, they wouldn't have lost the damned war in the first place. But King Dagda had refused, when Roland had advised that they set the Dark Forest on fire in several strategic places, trap the Bog King's army between the flames, and let them burn.
But it's just that soft-hearted caution of King Dagda that would convince the army that Roland spoke the truth.
Oh, he has no doubt that he could have ruined any rebellion Marianne tried on her own; he planned for that.
What he didn't plan for is her having fallen in love with her goblin husband!
How is Roland supposed to get this coup going without a single member of the Fairy Kingdom's royal family's cooperation? His troops might adore him, but he knows better than to count on mere affection making them willing to commit treason.
Love is an illusion; people think they feel it because of the things you can do for them.
Success is not a guarantee with any coup, and his men will be well aware that Roland can do nothing for them from a prison cell, should he fail. They won't risk it. Not without a royal directive.
If only that damned love potion had worked, then he could have gotten Marianne to give her approval and—
Roland goes very still.
A plan begins to assemble itself in his mind.
Does he still have—?
He moves to his desk swiftly and yanks the drawer open, rifles through the contents, all of the love tokens he's collected from all of his dalliances—
He pulls out a folded piece of parchment, unfolds it, reads the words written in Marianne's handwriting:
Tonight. At the ball. I'll give the signal.
The note had been in reference to a party they both attended, early in their courtship; they'd snuck out together so that he could tell her how beautiful she was in the moonlight and so on and so forth.
But it was vague enough that it might be about anything.
Enough to convince the troops, make them willing to move. He can pretend anything he likes is Marianne's signal at the wedding ball tomorrow; they won't know any better.
But to convince everyone else, later—
Roland digs through the contents of the desk drawer again. Marianne hadn't ever given him any really personal love tokens, nothing that was undeniably hers. More's the pity. No rings with her name on it, no locks of hair. But—
He pulls out the cheap little locket Bella gave him, back before they parted ways, before she realized that his engagement with Marianne hadn't just been a political one, with no affection on either side, as he had claimed.
Roland flicks open the catch of the locket. Inside is a lock of brown hair, tied with a blue silk ribbon. He takes it out of the locket, places the lock atop Marianne's note.
Bella and Marianne always did have the same shade of hair.
And for extra insurance, perhaps, another love token seemingly from Marianne?
Well. Her majesty is gone today, gone to the Dark Forest with her husband. And the entire rest of the court is busy finishing up the arrangements for the wedding of Princess Dawn that's to take place tomorrow.
Nobody will notice if Roland happens to slip into the queen's rooms while she's gone.
And while he's there—
Roland folds the note carefully around the lock of hair, slides them both in his pocket.
With the Love Potion.
It really is so very unbelievable that the fairy queen is in love with the goblin who usurped her kingdom.
He has no doubt every member of the Fairy Court with think so, too, once they know.
"So that sister of yours is getting married," Griselda says, and takes a drink of tea.
"Tomorrow, yes," Marianne says, "and—since it's a royal wedding, of course everyone in the entire kingdom is invited to come, but Dawn—and I—both wanted to be sure to extend a special invitation to you." She shoots a dark look at Bog out of the corners of her eyes. "We do apologize for the short notice, but we were under the impression that the invitation had already been extended."
Bog, dipping a maple biscuit in his own cup of tea, has the grace to look abashed.
"Well, that's very sweet of both of you girls, but—" Griselda begins.
"And you won't need to worry about the music," Marianne hastens to assure her. "We've figured a way around that."
Griselda looks faintly surprised at that.
"Marianne figured it out," Bog says.
Marianne makes a dismissive sound and he's the one who frowns at her this time.
"Isn't that interesting," Griselda says, and the two of them start at the sound of her voice and look away from each other and over at her again, as if they had forgotten her presence.
Griselda grins at them.
"I'll come," she says, "It sounds like fun! I'm sure see I can round up plenty more people who'll want to come, too."
Bog and Marianne both let out a relieved breath.
"I'm so glad," Griselda says. "to hear that she's marrying that nice elf boy of hers. I do love a love match, don't you?"
She smiles a little maliciously at Bog, who looks extremely uncomfortable. Marianne's own smile goes a little frozen around the edges. Griselda must notice this, because she reaches out and pats Marianne's hand.
"But you two have done all right, too," Griselda says to her.
Marianne and Bog both wince, and carefully avoid each others' eyes. Griselda looks back and forth between them with a puzzled frown.
Bog clears his throat.
"Speakin' of Sunny, Mother," he says, "I talked t' him this morning, and he mentioned that he and Dawn would like us t' bring some of our own musicians, if we can. That way the, ah—Dark Forest guests will still be able to dance some of our own dances, even if they don't know the Fairy Court dances."
Marianne looks sharply at him, her eyes wide.
"Bog—" she says.
He looks at her, grinning.
"Yes, of course, Marianne," he says.
Marianne makes a gleeful noise.
"Why didn't you tell me before?"
"I thought surprisin' you would be more fun."
She gives a delighted laugh; Bog, watching her, smiles.
"Just promise that you don' intend to kill me, tough girl."
"Oh, no," she says, laughing, her eyes sparkling, "seriously maim you, at most."
"I'm lookin' forward t' it."
Griselda's teacup makes a quiet clink as she places it back in her saucer, and, again, both Marianne and Bog freeze at the sound, and look over at her almost guiltily.
"Oh, don't mind me," she says, grinning at the two of them widely. "You two just pretend I'm not here."
...to be continued.
Thank you for the reblogs and the comments! They really help keep me motivated and inspired. I hope you all liked the chapter!
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