#they said alicent reminded them of fiona i can’t
aeuriyi · 2 years
ever since my friend told me that so many scenes in hotd mirrored shrek. i have not been the same.
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amwritesitall · 4 years
Sarah’s AHS Characters (+Alice and Tammy) Cooking
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anonymous said: Hiya! Can I ask for a head cannon of Sarah’s AHS characters, Tammy (O8 wifey) and Alice (🥺) and what they’re like in the kitchen/cooking wise please? 🖤
Billie Dean Howard
Billie Dean isn’t big on cooking but she knows enough to manage
She’s usually so busy with work that she doesn’t have time to cook
Takeout is a common occurrence
She can make pasta and simple things though
Lana Winters
Can burn water
Lana would much rather order something instead of cooking
The only time she cooks is when she’s trying to surprise you
And this usually ends in the fire alarm going off
Occasionally (emphasis on the occasionally) can make some baked good with a box mix
“Can you help me?” “Lana, honey, it’s a box mix cake how hard can it be?”
Lana managing to find some way to mess up the easiest of recipes
Cordelia Goode
Rewatching Coven I realized Cordelia is a good cook?
Like sis made a fried chicken that Fiona approved of?
So we know Cordelia can make her way around a kitchen
Cordelia likes cooking but is usually so busy she doesn’t get the time to do it
Cooking being a way for her to relax
Making dinner for the girls when she gets the chance
Late night baking to ease her mind
Would make breakfast for the girls when she wakes up early on the weekends
Bette and Dot Tattler
Bette and Dot are the two that would try really hard in the kitchen
They want everything they make to be absolutely perfect
Bette likes to bake while Dot wants to focus on perfecting different savory meals
Cooking can cause some bickering between them
Pushing you out of the kitchen so that they can focus on what they’re working on
Would want to learn how to make every single thing you like
Sally McKenna
No way in hell will you find Sally cooking
She would rather order out every single night
Ghosts do need to eat but even if they did she will not cook
The idea of cooking annoys her
It’s too time consuming and boring for her
Audrey Tindall
Oh Audrey
She’s not much of a cook
In a relationship, you would have to do much of the cooking
She would love to help in the kitchen but she can’t manage making much on her own
Most likely to hurt herself in the kitchen
Burning herself on the stove/oven or knife mishaps
Keep band-aids on hand for this one
Ally Mayfair Richards
A pretty good cook
Doesn’t cook intense meals every night because she’s busy
Orders pizza from time to time or heats up pizza rolls or something because she lowkey has the palette of a five year old
But she knows her way around the kitchen
Especially knows how to make you and Oz’s favorites
Homemade birthday cakes for Oz
Cooks breakfast for you and Oz on the weekends
Makes the best pancakes
Wilhemina Venable
A secret chef
Doesn’t flaunt it but she can make a damn good meal
Knows what wines go with what
Would make a surprise candle lit dinner
Doesn’t make intense breakfasts though
She strikes me as someone who would just drink coffee and eat something small
So breakfast would be up to you
One time you surprised her one morning with breakfast and her heart absolutely melted
She’s not much on baking
She can do it but it’s not her favorite
Alice Macray
A cooking QUEEN
She strikes me as the person who would bake up a masterpiece because they’re bored
Stress baking
Coming home to the kitchen filled to the brim with baked goods
It’s honestly a sign that Alice is going through some sort of crisis
Oh god she’s made five different types of bread, something must have happened
Sis can cook
Pinterest mom vibes
Making those cute lunches for her kids
After school snacks pro
Baking stuff for school bake sales
Trying out new healthy recipes all the time
Can make a damn good smoothie
But also lowkey would heat up some chicken nuggets or something and call it a day
Reminds me of those moms in the commercials that hide in the bathroom eating ice cream or cookies to get away from their kids
You might like:  How the Sarahs (AHS, Tammy, Alice) Act Around Bugs or  Sarah’s AHS Characters (+Alice and Tammy) and Nail Polish Colors
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You can be my Fiona, I'll be your Shrek - a Changbin, Shrek Fanfiction
This is the final part! previous part: -here-
- no romance, no smut
In Shrek’s world:
‘Guys… something is definitely wrong with Alice’, Changbin began. ‘She’s-‘, he tried to continue, but Alice disappeared in front of him. ‘Where did she go?’ Donkey asked. ‘I don’t know….’ They heard a voice, suddenly. ‘I’m here now, finally. You shall visit me and meet your fate.’ ‘Is that Alice? Meet our fate?’ Changbin couldn’t figure out what was happening. ‘The voice is coming from the dimension-cut’, Shrek noticed. ‘I don’t think we’ve got any other choice than going…’ Changbin said and approached the glowing cut. ‘But isn’t it gonna turn us to dust?’ Donkey was worried. ‘It is save to pass now, trust me and don’t make me wait.’ The voice could be heard again. ‘We have to trust her’, Shrek said. Changbin touched the dimension-cut. His arm did not disintegrate, it just went into the cut. ‘Let’s go then’, Shrek said. They all went through the cut. On the other side was a wide space, filled with white light. There was a pedestal with a throne on it. ‘You’ve come. You’re here now and you will probably never leave again.’ The voice came from a tall figure, dressed in white with a lot of golden jewellery. They carried a long, slender sword and had golden shoulder plates. The dress that they were wearing was long, white and flowy. The face looked like Alice and their hair was long and black, as Alice’s once was. Those were the only factors that reminded of Alice though. ‘W-Who are you?’ Changbin asked confused. ‘You know it and yet you don’t’, answered the figure. Their voice was strong and echoing. ‘Are you Alice?’ Shrek asked. ‘No. Alice was merely a form I had taken. I was once called “Lux aeterna”₃₂ Eternal Light, by those who could once perceive me. That was a long time ago and those have vanished. You shall call me “Finis“ which could translate to “end”.’ ‘What? What are you?’ Changbin asked. ‘I’m nothing in particular, I’m not a human, but I don’t know if I could be called a god. But that is not of importance. You surely want to know what your fate is. I shall explain it, but let me talk about the origins first’, Finis began. Then they continued and told their story, ‘I used to be not alone. My sibling used to be here… but one day they disappeared. I was alone. I searched for a place to belong since then. I must admit, my methods were questionable. You might have guessed by now, but I used to trap people in the dimensions I watched over. I trapped them there and appeared in human form and approached them. I had to notice that none of them were right, so I left them trapped in the dimensions. I couldn’t have brought them back, even if I wanted to. I do not possess the power to bring them back on my own. Luckily, a few of my experiments didn’t end like that. There were people who could return to their own worlds. But enough talk for now’, after they were finished explaining they took out a second sword and said, ‘This is for you Changbin. We shall duel. If you win, I’ll try to send you back to your dimension. If I win however, you will stay with me here forever.’ Changbin went closer to Finis. He could now see a lot of details a lot clearer. Their nails were long and there was a ring on every finger. The rings were connected with chains. The most interesting thing was the belt: It was gold and there was a small clock and a small mirror hanging of it. Changbin now took the sword and said, ‘I’ve never fought with a sword before. And I’m not sure I agree to this.’ ‘You don’t have a choice. Now, I will not use my powers, this will be a battle with swords alone. Let us begin’, they answered. ‘I guess I really have no choice’, Changbin thought and hold onto his sword tightly. Finis stepped down from the pedestal and positioned themselves. ‘Shrek shall count down from 5. Our fight starts as soon as he says start “go”. The winner is, who can “checkmate” the opponent first. Start counting down now, Shrek’, they explained. ‘Well, seems like I am not forgotten after all. Good luck, Changbin’, Shrek said and started counting down. ‘5…4…3…2…1…Go!’ Finis dashed towards Changbin, who was barely able to dodge that attack. He raised
his sword and swung it at them. They dodged elegantly and said, ‘Fool! You refuse to use the power that you have!’ Changbin was confused and just thrusted his sword forward at them. They parried the attack easily and went, with full force, towards Changbin.
In the real world:
Felix woke up in a cold sweat. He had dreamed something horrible: The death of Changbin. Felix quickly went to the bathroom and threw up. Jeonghan woke up from the noises and checked on him, ‘Hey, are you alright there? Did something happen?’ Felix was done throwing up and washed his face, then he answered, ‘I had a horrible dream…’ ‘What was it about?’ ‘Changbin…. He was dead… pierced by a bunch of swords’, Felix was feeling sick again. ‘It’s alright Felix, everything’s alright’, Jeonghan went and calmed him down. He hugged him. ‘I’m lying… nothing is alright. This is a bad sign. He might be dead already, since Felix and he are closely connected through the dreams’, Jeonghan thought. ‘But here me out, go back to sleep or at least try to’, he advised him. Felix went to bed again and tried to sleep. He fell asleep surprisingly fast. Jeonghan stayed up and watched over him, just in case.
Felix’s dream:
‘Help me, please!’ Changbin’s voice pleaded. ‘How? What’s happening?’ ‘I’m losing a fight that’s deciding my fate. We’ll never see each other again if I lose.’ ‘A fight? How can I help you win a fight?’ ‘Just tell me that you believe in me. Just tell me that you’ll invite me with open arms once this is all over…’ ‘I believe in you. You’ve overcome so much already: Alone and with the rest of us. You will overcome this too. I’ll give you the biggest, nicest and warmest hug once you’re back!’ Felix cheered him on. ‘Thanks a lot, that really helps. If it weren’t for you, I would have given up long ago’, Changbin answered.
In Finis’s domain:
Changbin was lying. ‘I guess this means I won’, Finis said. ‘No…’ Changbin said. He was getting up again. ‘Oh, seems like this battle is not over yet. I hope you learned your lesson and use the skills that are given to you’, they said and raised their sword. They then turned to Shrek and demanded, ‘Count down one more time.’ So the battle started anew. Changbin could feel a new power inside him. He blocked Finis’s attack and followed up with a smooth sword swing. ‘You’ve improved’, they said and smiled a bit. The attack missed, unfortunately and Changbin held onto his sword with a firm grasp. ‘I won’t lose, you know’, he said. I know this is a very important fight right here but hold your horses. I, as the narrator, need to get some descriptive work done. I gotta earn money too, ya know. Surprisingly, Changbin was not in his Dwaekki form anymore. Finis had probably turned him to normal again, once he entered their domain. Why did they do that and why would they turn him into Dwaekki in the first place? I don’t know man, I’m just the narrator. Anyways, Changbin had gained a lot of power and he was in his human form again, so he could actually put up a decent fight!
They fought a bit, but no one seemed to be winning. Finis didn’t get exhausted of course, but Changbin did. ‘It can’t keep going like this. I have to put an end to this’, Changbin eventually thought. He threw his sword away. ‘Seems like you’ve lost your mind. Or are you just getting a little too confident?’ Finis asked. Changbin had to concentrate now, awaken his true power or something. He could hear Felix’s words in his head: ‘I believe in you’ ‘You can overcome this too’ ‘I’ll give you the biggest, nicest and warmest hugs once your back!’ Finis approached Changbin. ‘Do you intend to get up?’ They asked. Changbin was on his knees. He looked up at Finis and smiled. ‘I’m not alone, you know…’ Changbin answered. A warm glow surrounded him and faint freckles appeared on his cheeks. ‘So, you are capable of awakening a stronger power…’ Finis noted. They raised their sword and continued, ‘I will not go easy on you.’ They spread their wings and flew a bit of the ground. To his own surprise, Changbin grew shiny white angel wings too. He picked his sword up and took off. ‘This isn’t your weapon of choice, is it?’ Changbin could hear Felix’s voice in his head. As soon as he looked at his sword, it turned into a long, elegantly curved bow. ‘Just for your info: You won’t even need arrows for it!’ Felix communicated to him. ‘Come at me then!’ Finis yelled and flew towards Changbin, ready to win this right away. Changbin could dodge with ease now. He shot an arrow from a distance. The arrow was made of pure light and sparkles, it seemed. ‘Very fitting for Felix’, Changbin thought and smirked a bit. Finis was surprised, but they could fend the arrow of with their sword. Changbin didn’t hesitate any longer: He sent multiple arrows Finis’s way. Finis dodged and prepared themselves for a counterattack. ‘If I let them attack, I’m at a serious disadvantage! I’ll lose in close combat’, Changbin concluded and flew in circles around Finis. It was a bit nauseating, but Changbin had to deal with it, if he wanted to win. He shot arrows all around Finis now. ‘Dodge this!’, he yelled. Finis just flew higher and angrily threw their sword at Changbin. He wasn’t prepared for that, so he couldn’t dodge. The sword pierced one of his wings. Changbin didn’t feel the pain, but someone else did. ‘Argh!’ Felix let out a sharp cry. Changbin’s eyes widened. ‘Felix?’ He asked. ‘They’re more parts of me, than of you… So, it seems to hurt me instead of you. But I’m fine, trust me’ Felix let him know, still sounding a bit in pain. Changbin lost his temper. Finis was already approaching him, ready to put an end to this, when he screamed. Finis held on with a disgusted look on their face. Changbin clenched his fist and whispered, ‘No more. I won’t let you hurt Felix any further.’ He gathered all power he had left to him and shot a beaming ray of light at them. This knocked Finis unconscious, but Changbin fainted shortly after.
Shrek looked at Donkey and asked, ‘Well, who won?’ ‘I’d say Changbin’, Donkey answered. ‘Yeah, he knocked out Finis and fainted second anyway.’ They laid both Changbin and Finis in a more comfortable position, checked if they were injured and waited for them to wake up. ‘Ugh… what happened?’ Changbin’s head hurt terribly. ‘Your finally awake. You were trying to cross the border- Just kidding. You won, at least that’s what we think’, Shrek explained. ‘Wait, how do you know that meme… Anyways, Finis isn’t awake yet, are they?’ ‘Nah. Still unconscious, you knocked them out real hard.’ Changbin got up slowly. He was shaky on his legs. ‘I’m exhausted, I really wanna get over with this and go home’, he said and went over to Finis. ‘Wake up, I don’t have all day.’ Changbin flicked them against the forehead. ‘Huh?’ Finis awoke. ‘Ya lost by the way’, Changbin said and grinned. Finis was wide awake now. ‘I lost? Is that even possible?’ ‘Apparently it is. Now, fulfil your promise’, Changbin said, a little impatiently. ‘It appears I have lost. I will do my best to keep my promise’, Finis said and got up. ‘Like I mentioned: Some people were able to return to their home worlds. This is possible if they have a power like yours. In order for you to return to your home, the other side needs to help too.’ ‘The other side? Like Felix or something? What do they need to do?’ ‘They simply need to conduct a ritual at the time when we conduct one here. This needs to be perfectly timed and then a portal will open.’ ‘Well, tell me what kind of ritual it needs to be and I’ll communicate that all to Felix right away.’ ‘There is no specific right way. I hope they figured out something on their end.’
In Felix’s dream:
‘This is the final act if you will. We really shouldn’t mess this up, Felix’, Changbin said, dead serious. ‘I’m really not used to hearing you like that. But just know, I’ll give it all I’ve got! Just tell me what to do’, Felix answered. ‘Well, it’s a bit vague unfortunately. You need to conduct a ritual at the same time as us. We just don’t know what kind of ritual.’ ‘Well, we’ve been doing some rituals. None of them have been successful though.’ ‘They can’t succeed if we right here are not helping. It just needs to be timed perfectly.’ ‘Time moves differently though. That’s what Finis told me at least. We have to calculate it accordingly.’₃₂ ‘Thirteen days have passed here since you went missing.’ ‘Well, it’s been eight days for me.’ ‘Well, that’s almost a half. But just almost’, Felix was confused. ‘Wait a second… Finis has control over the dimensions, kind of at least. What if they can control time too? Or at least how fast time moves in each dimension?’ ‘You’re just guessing, aren’t you? Do you actually have proof that they can do it?’ ‘They wear a watch and a mirror on their belt. That’s why it seemed to make sense.’ ‘Hmm. Yeah, let’s trust that they are indeed that powerful. We are ready to conduct a ritual at 5 pm today. That’s two hours from now, so why don’t we conduct it at exactly 5 pm my time?’ Felix suggested. ‘Yeah, let’s do that!’
Changbin awoke. ‘Well, what’s the plan?’ Shrek asked. ‘They’re gonna conduct the ritual at 5 pm their time. We’ve got a problem though: Time moves differently in the different dimension. What are we gonna do about that?’ Changbin explained. ‘You knew it already, didn’t you? I can control the pace at which time moves here’, Finis said. ‘I honestly hoped you could.’ ‘I will match our time here with their time as soon as we are ready’, Finis explained. ‘Well then. What do we need to do? ‘It’s simple. You’ll lie down. Shrek, Donkey and I will stand around you. There’s a chant we need to do, I’ll tell that to Donkey and Shrek, you don’t need to do it. You just need to lie down and cultivate nice thoughts, like thinking about your home and friends. I’ll use my powers and if we did everything right, a portal will appear.’ ‘Alright then tell ‘em the chant and let them practice. We still have some time, right?’ ‘Yes.’ Changbin sat down and rested a bit, while Donkey and Shrek practiced the chant. Finis joined Changbin, ‘I’m sick of living like this. You’re the last person I’ll ever endanger like that’, they confessed. ‘I’m glad about it. I hope you find a way to not be lonely and not harm anyone at the same time, ya know. I’m not mad at you. You’re like a god, so your motives are difficult to grasp. It’s just a pity for everyone you couldn’t save, they’re dead now, aren’t they?’ ‘Yes. That was in the 18thand 19th Century, your time. They’re long dead now. And I will always carry the weight of being responsible for their deaths. But the time doesn’t stop. We must conduct the ritual now, so I can adjust the time without too much haste.’ This was the final moment. Everything relied on this. Finis held onto the little watch on their belt and concentrated. Donkey, Shrek and Changbin didn’t notice it, but the time changed to 4:55 PM. Finis ordered everyone to go to their places and she started the ritual. Changbin laid down and closed his eyes. He thought of Felix, Lino, Chan, Han, Seungmin, Hyunjin and Jeongin. He thought of the messy, but lovable dorm. He thought of many nice memories they shared with each other. He also thought of Stay, of crowds screaming his and his members names and of them showing their appreciation in so many wonderful ways: Fanart, little projects, all the posts and the praising. Changbin smiled. He couldn’t wait to get home and he couldn’t wait to perform for Stay at the upcoming concert. Finis had to concentrate and focus on their power. They would never forgive themselves if they messed this up. Donkey, Shrek and Finis chanted in unity and Finis gestured seemingly randomly. They went on like that for a few minutes before Finis suddenly opened their eyes and yelled something.
₃₂Author’s note: This is going to be interesting. I must go through the whole story and count the days that passed in the real world and in Shrek’s world. Then I have to construct a pattern around it. I have to construct a pattern around something I did pretty randomly…
In the real world:
Felix had told Jeonghan and Chan about what Changbin said to him. They had been preparing the ritual ever since then: making the ice cream, going through everything, researching some details etc. The rest of Stray Kids had noticed that of course. ‘Can you tell me what you’ve been doing?’ Han asked, visibly confused. ‘Yeah, I mean you’re allowed to do whatever you want of course, but it does interest me’, added Seungmin. ‘Well, it’s difficult to explain and I doubt you’d believe me’, Felix began. ‘Come on! Don’t start like that again. We’re family. I trusted you, so they should too’, Chan said and smiled. ‘Let me explain. Changbin has been missing, as you know. We found out that he is actual trapped in a different dimension, so we are doing our best to get him out of there. The preparations we have been doing are for the final ritual, which will be conducted at 5 pm. If we succeed, he will be here with us again’, Jeonghan said. Hyunjin, Jeongin and Minho had joined in and listened to what Jeonghan explained. ‘Wow… That sounds dumb’, Minho said. ‘I mean… it could be true?’ Han argued. ‘Chan-Hyung believes ‘em. So I’m gonna believe Jeonghan and Felix too’, Jeongin said. ‘Besides, Felix would never lie to us about something like that. I’m definitely going to believe him’, Seungmin said and smiled. ‘I’m gonna do what Minho does’, Han said. Minho sighed and said, ‘Stop. I don’t really care to be honest. Conduct your ritual if you want to.’ Hyunjin just shrugged and said, ‘Same here. I don’t really mind you doing stuff like that.’ ‘See? No one thinks your dumb or something. Of course not, you’re really too self-conscious sometimes’, Chan told Felix. ‘You’re probably right. So, everyone who wants to participate in the ritual can just turn to Jeonghan. He’ll explain everything you need to know’, Felix explained.
The preparation time went by. It was 4:50 pm now and Jeonghan, Chan, Felix, Seungmin and Jeongin were doing the final steps before the actual ritual: Ensuring the ice cream was nice and that they knew exactly what to do. Then the time came: Everyone was following Jeonghan’s instructions. Felix laid down on the floor, holding a bowl of ice cream. Everyone else kneeled around him. They all had a spoon, except Jeonghan, he had two. ‘My hands are getting kinda cold’, Felix said. ‘You don’t need to hold it for too long’, Jeonghan said. Everyone started scooping some ice cream on their spoons. Felix just closed his eyes and opened his mouth slightly. Jeonghan whispered something and they all ate some of the ice cream. Jeonghan had the extra spoon for Felix and fed him shortly after the rest had taken a bite simultaneously. The ritual was concluded, and everyone waited. Did they do it?
In Finis’s domain:
‘We- We did it!’ Donkey exclaimed after a while. Changbin sat up and Shrek opened his eyes. ‘Indeed’, Finis said. Changbin stood up and turned around. And there it was: It looked like the dimension-cut they used to get here, except it was blue. ‘That is the portal. You can return to your home world now. You will appear exactly where you disappeared’, Finis explained. ‘So, this is the goodbye, huh?’ Changbin said. He was feeling kind of sad. He had fun, despite everything. ‘Yeah’, Shrek said. ‘I’m thankful. I’m thankful towards you, Shrek. You supported me from the start, and I don’t think that they are words to truly express my gratitude. You, Donkey, lifted the mood every time we got a little sad or discouraged. I don’t know what we would have done without you. And finally, Finis or Alice, as I still would like to call you. You were full of surprises, but we couldn’t have done it without you. I’m not mad at you, you learned a life lesson through all of this, so I guess it was worth it’, Changbin said to them. He walked towards the portal. ‘I’ll miss you’, he continued, ‘Goodbye, I wish you all the best.’ Changbin walked through the portal.
In the real world:
Felix, Jeonghan, Chan, Seungmin and Jeongin stayed exactly where they are and hoped. ‘Did it not work? Did we fail?’ Felix thought. Nothing had happened. Jeonghan sighed, got up and said, ‘Well, not all hope is lost. I suggest you sleep and see if Changbin is trying to communicate with you, Felix.’ ‘Alright’, Felix said sadly. He got up and went to his room. He went to bed and fell asleep.
At the same time, Changbin appeared in the studio. Luckily, no one was there. It would have been very hard to explain. Changbin went to the door and opened it. The sun was slowly setting, but there were still a few people around. He looked for his jacket, but Chan and Han had obviously taken it home. He decided to just go to the dorm.
Jeonghan was still in the kitchen when he heard the doorbell ring. ‘Maybe I was right?’ He thought. He went to open the door. In front of him stood Changbin himself, looking a little rough: scratches, messy hair and eyebags. ‘You must be Changbin’, Jeonghan said, grinning. ‘Uh… Yeah. Have I seen you before? Why are you at our dorm anyways?’ ‘Huh… has Felix never told you about me? I’m Jeonghan, the psychic who has been helping him.’ ‘Now that you say it… he might have mentioned you.’ ‘It doesn’t really matter. Come in, there’s a bunch of people who missed you.’ Changbin went into the dorm. He was immediately greeted by Chan, Seungmin and Jeongin, who ran to the door as soon as the doorbell rang. All of them hugged Changbin. ‘I really missed you. I was worried I’d never see you again’, Chan said. ‘Man, I rarely see you like this’, Changbin joked. ‘Well, I’ll tell the rest and wake Felix up’, Jeonghan said. ‘Felix?’ Changbin asked and gently escaped from the hugs. ‘Yeah, he has been sleeping, trying to communicate with you’, Jeonghan explained. He left and Changbin went with him. They went to Han, Hyunjin and Minho first. ‘Guess who’s back?’ Jeonghan asked. Minho looked up from his phone and glared, then his eyes widened when he spotted Changbin. ‘Huh, guess you decided to come back. Neat, there’s a lot of dishes you need to wash’, Minho then said. Hyunjin and Han just looked at each other, shrugged and Hyunjin said, ‘Welcome back, I guess’, and Han added, ‘Disappearing before a concert, man… Glad you’re back though.’ Changbin answered, ‘I’m glad I’m back too.’ Jeonghan said, ‘Next is Felix. Go to look for him alone.’ Changbin nodded and went to Felix’s room. He knocked on the door. No one answered, so he opened it. ‘Felix?’ Changbin asked and went into the room. Felix was sleeping peacefully. Changbin was as quiet as possible and sat on Felix’s bed. ‘Hey, I’m back’, he said softly. Felix opened his eyes and asked, ‘Is this a dream?’ ‘No. It’s real. We did it, so now I’m back.’ Felix sat up and hugged Changbin. Changbin could feel a few bandages on Felix’s back, but that wasn��t important. It was indeed the biggest, warmest, and nicest hug Changbin had ever experienced.
The End
I had a lot of fun writing this, even tho it was kind of challenging sometimes. i'm always open towards criticism, so if there's anything on your mind, just tell me.
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lilacmoon83 · 5 years
Witness Protection
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Also on Fanfiction.net and A03
Chapter 6: Final Stand
David's face was stony, as he stared at the monster across from them. He had a lot of nerve, expecting them to be in the same room with him, let alone break bread.
"Give me one good reason why I shouldn't arrest you let alone kill you right here on the spot?" David questioned. Leopold smirked.
"I am not wanted for any crimes," the old man refuted.
"That we can prove...yet," David hissed in return. Leopold chuckled.
"There will never be anything to prove, Deputy. I warn you to stop this pursuit to send me to jail," he leered.
"Don't you dare threaten him…" Snow hissed at him.
"Living so far apart is not what I wanted for us at all, Mary. It's time for you to come home. And since your husband has a certain set of skills, I can even offer him a very lucrative position in my security team," Leopold said.
"Hard pass," David refuted.
"I will never put myself or my family under the same roof as you ever again. We want no part of the evil Empire you've built," Mary said with vehemence.
"Your defiance is tiresome, my dear. I encourage you to not force my hand," he warned.
"Stop making threats. This meeting is over," David said, as they stood up and he ushered his wife out. She hurriedly pushed the stroller out and she waited until they rounded the corner for the tears to start.
"We're never going to be safe from him," she sobbed, as he took her in his arms.
"Yes we are...he's not forcing us from our home this time," he assured, as he held her. But she shook her head.
"Oh David...I want to believe that. But you know him. He probably has his goons ready to move in on this town with one phone call," she cried. He wished that he could refute that claim, but he knew she was right.
"You're right...let's go pack a few things and maybe we can be in the wind before he can send them after us," he agreed, as they hurried home.
"Okay sweetheart...let's get you changed into a better outfit for traveling," she cooed, as she put their daughter on the bed, while he was hastily packing the essentials for them and their toddler.
"We're going to go on a trip, sweetheart. But you don't have to worry, because we'll be together," she added, as she finished changing her and then bundled her up again.
"Mama…where are we going? I like it here," Emma whimpered.
"Oh, I know sweetie...I wish it didn't have to be this way. There's a very bad man after us, but you don't have to worry, because mommy and daddy will protect you," she assured, as he sighed. He hated this. He hated that they had to run, because of Leopold again.
"I'm going to confront him. This has to end," he said.
"David...no! He'll have his men kill you!" she cried, as she rushed to his side.
"I can't lose you," she pleaded and he sighed, as he kissed her passionately.
"We may never be able to stop running if we don't take a stand," he reminded. But she shook her head.
"If running means that we're together, then we run," she said, as they grabbed a few bags and prepared to leave. But were stopped dead in their tracks when Leopold appeared in their doorway, along with two of his goons that she recognized as Rivers and Carny.
"I'm afraid your running days are over, my dear," he said.
"I gave you a chance to come home, but now you have forced my hand," he added, as he motioned to the two men, who brandished their weapons and held them on the little family.
"Please don't do this…" Mary Margaret pleaded.
"You have left me no choice," Leopold said, as they were led outside.
"The woods should do, Sir. There's plenty of cliffs we can toss his body off," Rivers said, as he pressed the barrel of his gun against David's head.
"No...please! I'll do anything! Just please don't kill him," Mary Margaret sobbed, as her father grabbed her arm roughly.
"March him toward the woods. Let's get rid of him and then we will return to Seattle where we belong, daughter," he said, as they walked in silence for a while, with the only sound being the crunching leaves beneath their feet and the sounds of Mary Margaret and Emma's sobs.
"Mary Margaret…" David called back to her, as Rivers roughly moved him forward.
"David…" she called, as Emma started crying harder and her father had a vice-like grip on her arm.
"I love you...and I love Emma," he said.
"I love you...father, please don't do this!" she begged.
"I have been patient with you, Mary...but your constant defiance has led to this," he hissed, as he brought her face close to his.
"You are mine, daughter...and it's time you take your place by my side," he growled.
"The hell she is," David growled, as he shoved Rivers away and grabbed her hand, as he took off into the woods. She yelped, as bullets rang out, sailing around them and Emma wailed now in fright. David pulled her along, but then stopped when he found none other than Mayor Fiona Gold in their way, along with more of her father's men.
"I'm afraid that it's the end of the line for this charming little family," she cooed.
"You...you're the reason he knew where to find us, aren't you?" Mary accused. She smiled smugly.
"Sorry dear...but I did my research on you the moment you stepped into my town. Your don't belong here and it's time you leave," she said, as Leopold and the other two caught up to them.
"There's a cliff side nearby. Shoot him and then you can be on your way," she stated, as Rivers and Carny began to march him toward the cliff.
"NO! Please...you can't take him from me!" Mary screamed, as she tore away from her father and hurried after them, but his men blocked her way. Leopold grabbed her arm and she yelped, as he slapped her face.
"You will learn your place, Mary…" he growled, as he held her arms and looked at her.
"Oh yes...you will learn your place," he leered and she spit in his face at that.
"Any final goodbyes...because now is the time," Rivers said, as he aimed the gun at David, as they arrived at the cliff. He would be shot and then his body would fall into the river, probably never to be found.
"The day I met you was the best day of my life. I love you so much...and I love our children," he said, as a few tears slipped down his cheeks.
"You're going to lose your life for me," she sobbed.
"It would have been better if you had never met me," she said. But he shook his head.
"No...my life became complete, because of you. You're worth all this and more, you and our babies," he said tearfully, as she sobbed uncontrollably.
"If I lose my life for love...well, I can think of no better reason to die. I just regret that I won't be there to protect you anymore," he replied.
"I love you...I'll love you for eternity. And I'll find you...I'll find you in our next life or whatever is after this one," she promised. He smiled.
"I know you will...and I'll be waiting for you," he said, as he prepared to take his final breath once he heard the gun cock. But several shots rang out, before David could be shot. Rivers and Carny fell dead to the the ground. The five other goons with them sprayed bullets into the woods from where the sniper shots had come from. David wasted no time and grabbed one of the guns and picked off three more, while holding his weapon on Leopold and Fiona. The last two went down, as Rogers and Weaver emerged from the woods.
"You two really like to wait until the very last minute," David quipped, as he saw that Leopold still had a firm grip on his wife's arm.
"Stay back…" he warned.
"Let her go, you sick bastard," David growled.
"You won't dare shoot me now...not while I have her," Leopold said, as he brandished his own gun.
"Let's go, my dear...our car is waiting," he said, as he started to move away from them. Suddenly...he heard a growling and Mary tore away from him, just as a wolf came out of nowhere and began to maul her father. Mary gasped and turned away from the carnage, as the wolf proceeded to rip him apart.
"It's about time you got here," David said, as he shielded her and Emma from the sight. Graham smirked and whistled, calling the animal back to him.
"Even I noticed when a bunch of goons dressed in black are moving around town," he drawled, as he proceeded to hug them both. Mary gently peeked around her husband and saw that her father was still alive, bloodied and mangled, as he tried to get to his feet. She gasped, as she saw him crawling toward Carny's discarded gun.
"David!" she cried, as he grasped at in a last attempt to shoot her husband, but Weaver was quicker and pumped three bullets into his chest. Leopold fell back and off the cliff side, into the river. She felt herself breathing a sigh of relief at that, as horrible as it was, but considering all the things he was about to do, she decided that she was entitled to that relief.
"It's over, my darling…" he promised, as Rogers hurried over to them.
"Good to see you both are okay," he said, in relief, as he hugged them both.
"It's good to see you too...how's Alice?" Mary asked. He smiled.
"You can see for yourself. She and Roni are back at the diner," he told her, as they watched Graham cuff the Mayor.
"You are under arrest, Mayor Gold," he announced.
"You set this up," she spat at Weaver.
"I knew when I sent them here that you'd spill the secret to Leopold. You both fell for it all, hook, line, and sinker," he said, in a pleased tone.
"Wait...you planned all of this?" David asked incredulously. Rogers snorted.
"Of course you did," he deadpanned.
"Relax...you were never in as much danger as it seemed, but I couldn't let anyone else in on it if it was going to work," he assured.
"Well played, my son…" Fiona complimented.
"The district attorney will have me out in no time, though," she added.
"Wrong mother...I have enough to make sure you go away for life. The whole case is already on the way to Augusta and the police department there will be here in the morning to escort you to prison upstate for trial. I doubt it will go your way," Weaver responded.
"Wait...she's your mother?!" David exclaimed.
"How is that? She looks younger than you," Rogers added.
"Nevermind...let's get this little one and our mother-to-be back to town. Roni is probably pacing a hole in the floor of that little diner," Weaver said, as they followed him, just as his cleanup crew arrived to take care of the bodies. It was mind boggling and surreal, but it was all over now, for good. David and Mary smiled at each other, as they realized there would be no more running in their future. Just happiness and family now that the shadow of her evil father was no longer hanging over them.
"I love you…" she sniffed, as he held her close to his side as they walked. Emma was calm again and falling asleep in her father's arms.
"I love you too, my darling," he whispered, as they shared a tender kiss
"Oh my God...there you are!" Roni cried, as they entered the diner. Mary rushed to her and they shared a tight hug.
"I've missed you," Mary confessed. Roni sniffed.
"I've missed you too," she replied, as Alice ran to her father.
"Papa!" she called, as she toddled to her father and he swept her up.
"Hello starfish," he cooed, as he cuddled her.
"Well, I'm not sure what happened out there, but I sense it was quite an ordeal. I hear our town has been saved though, so dinner is on the house while you tell me the whole story," Granny announced, as they found a large table and sat down together. It felt like family again and she smiled, as Roni took Emma from her, finally meeting her properly for the first time. They sat down together and for the first time since they had left Seattle, Mary and David felt true relief. They were safe now and they were going to stay that way, for the threat hanging over them was lifted at last. Now, they could just simply be a family and in love. She rested her head against his shoulder, as they ate and drank happily with the people they considered family, including their new friends they had made in Storybrooke. This was home now and they would never have to run from it again...
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cooldragon96 · 6 years
An Ogre Love Affair
Here it is! The Shrek/Twilight crossover that absolutely no one asked for! I added in a bunch of bullshit so it would make sense that shrek and edward existed in the same universe. Heavily inspired by all of the twilight fanfiction I read at 14 years old xoxo
Genre: fluff
Wordcount: ~1800
Shrek was at another of the Cullen’s infamous parties – the perks of being a non-human creature. Bodies sway in front of him in a variety of clothing – short dresses and bright shirts. The Cullens had just come back from another battle against the newly evil Volturi and were celebrating their victory. Shrek had been part of the mission, in the safety of his own home in Far, Far, Away. The Cullens would often write him to ask about battle strategy, never asking him to actually join the fight. The Volturi had learned of Far, Far, Away, and believed the creatures that lived there would expose the magical realm to humans. Their plan was to eradicate all magic beings other than vampires and werewolves, as they believed the others were too wild to be controlled. The Cullen family fought tirelessly for a little more than a year to protect a land they had never visited, had hardly heard of before the Volturi planned their execution. 
Shrek stopped dancing with his friends and walked over to the bar for another drink. Leaning on the bar was the amazing Edward Cullen, a glass of whisky in his hand. His eyes have been Shrek all night yet he still hadn’t said anything. It wasn’t a secret that the relatively young vampire was anxious to date again after his divorce with Bella. She broke his heart, but years had passed and he knew he deserved love again. 
The bartender hands Shrek another glass of coke – more than one glass of alcohol was not a good idea, especially around Alice Cullen who had been trying to play match maker for him for nearly a year now. Shrek tended to become aggressively flirty when drunk, and really wanted to sleep around less. He was newly divorced, just like the Cullen vampire, and was trying to get out of his phase where he slept with anything that would give him a second glance. Shrek wanted to move on, to have a stable and healthy relationship with another creature. Edward just so happened to catch his eye.
Shrek gives the vampire a smile. “You gonna stand there staring at me all night, or are you actually going to ask me to dance?”
Edwards cheeks flush red, which should have been impossible considering he was dead and has no blood. “Ummm…” Edward struggled to answer him. He had been intently watching Shrek the entire night, because Shrek was the one person other than Bella whose mind was completely closed off to him. He had to rely on conversation and body language to determine what the ogre was feeling, which was a challenge for him. 
“Caught red-handed staring I’m afraid, Cullen,” Shrek laughs, taking a sip of his drink.
“I’m sorry,” Edward murmurs in that frustrating way he does, moving away from Shrek and towards the rest of the party guests. Shrek sighs, staring into his coke. With his large ogre head and inability to talk sweetly to shy vampires, he figured he’d be alone for a long while. 
“Damn, what did you do this time Shrek?” None other than Shrek’s best friend Donkey stands on his hind legs in the place of the bartender, a furry eyebrow raised. How a creature with hooves was supposed to make drinks no one knew, but would not risk the wrath of his fire-breathing wife by asking questions.
“I asked him if he was going to ask me to dance.” Shrek don’t take his eyes of off Edward who was now standing next to his siblings Alice and Jasper across the room. They were whispering furiously, in the way that vampires do. “I must have scared him off, the alcohol must have made me too cocky.”
“You didn’t scare him, you ogre,” Another voice had joined the conversation. Shrek turned and saw Emmet, another vampire of the Cullen clan. Emmet was actually closest to Shrek of the vampires. His large stature and friendly nature reminded him of an oversized Donkey that also wanted to suck his rare, Ogre blood.  
“Every time we would write to you in Far, Far, Away he would anxiously wait by the window for your returning carrier pigeon. Whenever we throw an event like this, he pesters Carlisle about whether or not you’ve RSVP’d, or if your invitation has even made it to you. He likes you, he just didn’t expect someone like you to like him back.” Emmet and Donkey laugh, seeing that Shrek still hasn’t stopped looking at Edward.
“Like him back?!” Shrek’s ogre voice feels all too loud over the music as he spins to look at Donkey and Emmet. His glass clinks back aggressively onto the bar surface, often times Shrek forgets his own strength.
 “Of course I like him back! Why wouldn’t I? He’s gorgeous and funny and loyal and has beautiful golden eyes and sparkling skin and-”
“Maybe you should tell him that yourself, you dumb ogre,” Donkey laughs, gesturing behind the ogre with a hoof.
Shrek’s stomach drops. His cow-sized heart began to beat faster, his hands perspiring, and if his skin wasn’t green it would be reddening rapidly. He turns on his heel, seeing golden eyes that appear lit from within. 
‘Words. Say something to him!’ Shrek’s inner monologue screams. But he can’t, he’s uncharacteristically speechless.
Edward smiles, the action lighting up his vampire face. “You gonna stand there staring at me all night, or actually talk to me, Ogre?”
Shrek take a deep breath, shaking his head. “I believe that was my line, Cullen.”
 From the corner of his eye he can see Donkey and Emmet walking away, giving the two some privacy but staying close enough to hear their conversation. 
“Edward, call me Edward.” The vampire holds out his hand for the ogre to take as slow song bleeds from the speakers. His smile is now a full-fledged vampire smirk. 
Shrek nods, letting himself be lead to the dancefloor by the taller creature. He wanted to pull away, to run out the front door all the way back to Far, Far, Away. The last time Shrek had slow danced was at his wedding with Fiona, and even that had been a trainwreck. To slowly dance with his crush in front of all of his friends and allies? A nightmare. 
Edward watched the emotions run across the ogre’s face. 
“Do you know how to waltz?” The vampire murmured. Shrek shook his head and looked down at his large ogre feet, embarrassed. 
“I guess I’ll have to teach you, then,” the old vampire responded, a smirk on his pale face. 
“Right, you're gonna want to place both of your hands just above my waist.” 
Edward instructed the adjacent ogre. “Not that low.” He smirked, pulling up the hands Shrek had wrapped around Edward’s buttocks. The fire beneath Shrek’s cheeks raged as he cursed his uncoordinated hands for groping the vampire in the middle of the dance floor.
“Now we're just gonna slowly step back and forth within rhythm to the song, okay? Nothing too tricky, you’ve got this,” The ogre simply nodded with the same blood rushed cheeks as Edward placed his arms around Shrek’s thick green neck. They swayed together for about two songs before Edward laid his head on Shrek’s shoulder.
“I’m sorry I walked away earlier,” Edward murmurs in the ogre’s ear, gently tightening his hold on him as they continued to waltz. 
Shrek felt a chill down his fleshy back. He’d imagined being this close to the vampire before, but he had never thought it would actually happen. “Walked? You ran, Cullen, with full vampire speed. Fled the scene like a criminal.”
“I was asking Carlisle to put on a slow song for us.” Edward lifted his head, staring down at Shrek with his smirk. “Besides, I was a criminal really, after what I heard from Emmet and Donkey it sounds like I’ve stolen your heart.”
“Oh…” Shrek struggle to maintain coherent thoughts as Edward led him around the dancefloor. Shrek struggled to think of a clever response, his previous playboy attitude seemed to have disintegrated once the vampire’s arms pulled him close. 
“Not so cocky now, Ogre?” Edward murmurs again, spinning the couple around with the grace only a vampire could have.
“Whoop! Get in there, Shrek!” Donkey calls from the other side of the dancefloor with his dragon wife. “Careful, Ogre, he’s still a vampire.” Donkey, as per usual, burst the romantic bubble that surrounded the two creatures. 
Shrek takes Edward’s hand, leading him onto the balcony. “Let’s leave that ass in here.” “Be safe!” Donkey yells after them both.
Shrek shakes his head, laughing and leaning on the balcony rail. “You should have told me you liked me sooner, Cullen.” 
“Well…” Edward runs a hand through his red-brown hair. His muscles ripple through the thin fabric of his shirt. “I didn’t think you’d like me back, Shrek. You’re amazing.”
Shrek laughs in disbelief, taking Edward’s hands in his own and staring him deep into his vampire eyes. “Edward Anthon Masen Cullen, I’ve liked you since I first saw you all those years ago.”
“You first saw me when I was in battle,” Edward sighs. “Killing other vampires.”
“Killing the enemy, Cullen.” Shrek takes a step towards Edward, his confidence slowly returning. 
“It was still killing a living creature, Shrek. No matter how many people my actions save, I still mourn the deaths of those I must kill,” Edward shakes his head, eyes clouding over. Shrek knows he’s thinking of the lives he’s ended protecting Bella, the woman who broke his heart and left him. 
“Don’t forget, vampire, you also saved Far, Far, Away, therefore you saved me,”
 Shrek whispers, taking another step towards the vampire and squeezing his hands gently. “I wouldn’t be here without you. Do you remember when the Volturi said that all storybook characters were a threat to their way of life? And that all of Far Far Away should be burned in order to keep us from being known by humans? You didn’t have to risk your life to battle ancient vampires for a bunch of strangers, but you did. And I tried my hardest to stop myself falling for you afterwards, but it didn’t work. So here we are.”
Edward doesn’t say anything, holding the ogre’s gaze. Shrek’s gaze falls to the vampire’s lips just as his falls to the ogre’s.
Shrek chortles in his ogre way, a smirk forming on his green lips. “You gonna stand there staring at me all night, or are you actually going to kiss me, Cullen?”
Edward laughs quietly, as a vampire does, dipping Shrek to the side with his vampire strength. His gold eyes sparkle as he winks. “I thought you’d never ask, Ogre.” Edward places his death cold lips against Shrek’s, the sound of applause sounding from inside Cullen mansion.
fin x
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helloprettybb · 7 years
Here’s part three of The Other Girl. The previous parts are below. Also, there is a little Wicked reference. 
Part one    Part two
Word count- 1k
Warnings- angst again. I’m sorry
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“You will, I-I know you will.”
You pull away a little to look up at Remus. You gaze into his hazel eyes and all of a sudden he collides your lips with a dizzying kiss. Consumed by shock, you freeze against Remus’ lips. As you regain your balance, you start to lean onto his soft lips. As if a switch is flipped, Remus seperates from you. 
“I’m sorry Y/n. I didn’t mean to do that.” he apologizes quickly. You feel tears start to well up in your eyes so you turn and rush out of his dorm. You hear, “Y/n, wait. I didn’t mean it like that.” It’s too late, the damage is already done. 
Once you reach a hiding place, you cast a silencing charm and cry. Halfway through drowning in your misery, something changes within you. You’re not going to sob over some stupid boy.
You burst into the dorm and exclaim, “Boys are stupid.”
Emilia looks up from with her book and says with a smirk, “For which reason?”
“All of them! Boys are dumb. They catch their girlfriend cheating on them and you comfort them and then they just kiss you and say they don’t mean it.” you rant without stopping for air.
“Okay slow down. I’m assuming this is about Remus?” she asks with a chuckle.
“Ugh! Remus. Such a stupid name. He thinks he’s so great because he’s smart and kind and funny. Just because he’s pretty doesn’t mean he can get everything he wants.” you spout angrily.
“Sounds like you really hate him,” Emilia responds with an eye roll.
“Because I do!” you exclaim. “See, you’re such a great friend. You always get me,” you gush, so filled with adrenaline that you can’t detect her sarcasm. 
“You’re welcome.” She responds jokingly.
“You know what, I’m going to show Remus that I don’t need him. I have an idea. You’re going to do my hair and makeup and I’m going to show Remus that he doesn’t deserve me.” you ramble again.
“Finally!” Emilia proclaims. She’s been convincing you to let her do your makeup since you’ve met. Before you know it, she grabs you by the arm and drags you to a chair. Emilia starts to run around the room, searching for all her cosmetics. As you start to doubt this makeover, she’s sitting in front of you, applying foundation onto your skin.
While Emilia gave you a makeover, your adrenaline subsided which caused you to regret your fury at Remus.
“You know, maybe I should talk to him. I feel bad. Maybe he didn’t mean it like that.” you start.
“No, remember, he doesn’t deserve you. So when you go to dinner, ignore him. Keep your head held high.” she reminds you. She makes you say it like dogma until you never forget it.
After waiting for two hours, Emilia holds up a mirror and says, “Ta-da!”
“Wow, I look… beautiful,” you respond, shocked at your new appearance.
“You always do. Now you just look like a different kind of beautiful.” Emilia states supportively.
You stroll into the Great Hall with newfound confidence. Emilia had to serve detention, so you were all alone. But that was okay, with your new look, you had enough self-reliance.
“Y/n, right? I like your hair.” you turn and see Lily Evans, the most popular girl in the grade.
“Thank you,” you respond, trying to hide the surprise in your voice.
“Do you want to sit with us?” she asks.
“Sure,” you respond eagerly. You follow her and see Marlene McKinnon and Molly Prewett.
“Where’s Alice?” Lily asks.
“With Frank,” Marlene responds with an eye roll.
“What, I think it’s cute,” Molly claims as Marlene makes gagging noises. Molly realizes and slaps Marlene on the arm playfully.
“Who’s this?” Marlene asks, nodding in your direction.
“This is Y/n Y/ln.” Lily beams.
“Oh, I know who you are. You hang around Remus.” Molly replies.
“Oh yeah, sometimes.” your confidence diminishes when you hear his name.
“Sometimes, you’re always in the library with him. I always teased him that he did more than studying in the library.” Marlene jokes.
“Marls!” Lily lightly scolds.
“No, it’s fine,” you reply with a chuckle.
“Well, how did you feel about Fiona? Speaking of Fiona, did you know that she cheated on Remus with Peakes. In my opinion, Remus is too good for her. She’s such a-” Marlene starts before both Molly and Lily interrupt with, “Marlene!”
You laugh and responds, “Yeah, that sucks for him.” You hope they can’t notice tautness in your voice.
“So do you like him? Or-” Lily asks curiously.
“I…um.” you chuckle nervously.
“Oh, don’t listen to Lily. She won’t even pursue James and she knows he likes her.” Marlene jokes.
Lily gasps dramatically and states,“That’s not true. Besides, I hate him because he is annoying, arrogant, has horrible hair. Like his father created Sleekeazy’s Hair Potion. He couldn’t bother to put a drop on.”
You listen to Lily’s rant about how she ‘totally doesn’t like Potter’ and feel your confidence regain. You are almost lost in laughter when you watch Remus amble into the Great Hall.
Fearing confrontation in front of everyone you excuse yourself and dart out of the Hall. You are halfway to your dorm when you hear a voice.
“Y/n, wait. I wanted to talk to you, but you keep ignoring me.” Remus pleas.
“I wonder why” you spit bitterly and continue to walk briskly away from him.
Remus’ long legs start to catch up as he cries, “Because I kissed you? It was an accident. I’m sorry if you don’t feel the same way-”
You stop and turn to face him, exclaiming,“But I do feel the same way!”
This surprises Remus and he stutters, “Y-you do?”
“Yes! But I don’t want to be your rebound. Look, you said it yourself that it was an accident. So just let it be an accident.” You shout and turn away. As you run to your dorm, you feel guilt consume you. Before you turned around, you noticed a bouquet of flowers in Remus’ hands.
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imgilmoregirl · 6 years
A Rose of the Forbidden Love
AO3 Link
Notes: Thanks to everyone who read this story until here and thanks for your patiance with my slow updates. We finally have a happy ending! Hope you enjoy it.
Chapter Seventeen
The church was quiet and silent that night. I had been a long while since Rose last set a foot there with a good motivation and she didn’t know exactly what dragged her there after work when she should be hurrying home to see her sweet baby girl. There were still lots of things to be done and discussed and now that Roland’s apartment – their apartment – was finally perfectly furnished, ready for them to move in, she couldn’t wait until they settled everything for their wedding.
Henry and Ella had decided to share the date with them and they were planning a camp ceremony with very few friends and Cristal, her future brother-in-law loyal furry friend entering with a board that said “true love always finds its way” hanging from her neck. They weren’t on a hurry and Rose was glad for that because everything in her life usually happened to fast, so taking things slow was a luxury she was quite enjoying.
She sat on one of the benches, looking up at the cross at the centre of the church without knowing what she should do. Should she thank the Lord for what she had? Cry for what she hasn’t? Should she pray for her family or ask forgiveness for her sins? At this point, Rose had no idea. She sighed, rubbing at her engagement ring and trying to think when she heard steps echoing and glanced at the side corridor, seeing a small, slender figure coming from the shadows.
“Rose,” he father blinked a surprised smile appearing in his lips. “Dearest, I didn’t expect to see you here.”
“Neither did I,” she answered, following him with her eyes as he took a seat beside her. “Think about coming back to the church?”
Gold shook his head, seeming to be a bit uncomfortable with what he was about to say, he clasped his hands on his lap, eyes focused on the altar, avoiding her glance.
“Actually,” Adam said, carefully, “I was arranging the last details of the wedding with Father Murray.”
“Oh, I forgot about that.”
“I want you to come and so does Belle,” he told her, grasping her thin, cold hand and making Rose look up at him. “I’ll understand if you don’t, but I still want you to.”
She smiled, even against her best will. Rosalie couldn’t put into words how much she loved her father and wanted him to be happy, but he was getting married with her mother and that couldn’t be hardest for her to face. Even after the things Fiona said and the many times Belle tried to apologise, Rose couldn’t still change the things she felt.
“I was thinking yesterday… It is a funny story, right? How everything went perfectly wrong.”
“Aye, I believe so,” Gold agreed with her. “Funny, but tragic.”
A sigh left her. He was gently rubbing her finger between his, occasionally brushing the piece of white gold and peridot she now wore daily. She hadn’t told him about Roland’s proposal, although he already knew about their plans of getting married ever since Ivy’s death.
“She tried to talk to me, many times. Miss French,” Rose felt a bad taste on her mouth to use those words to call Belle, but she couldn’t yet call her a mother. “I wish I could talk to her like I’m doing with you right now but abandoning me wasn’t the only thing she did. I lost my job because of in the moment I most needed it. She made me feel like I wasn’t worth anything.”
“Belle was hurt, Rose. She was bitter, she didn’t mean to hurt you.”
“She didn’t mean to hurt her daughter. If I was just Rosalie Weaver like she thought I was, she wouldn’t even regret it,” Rose snorted and when Gold arched an eyebrow at her words, she felt her shoulder shrink a bit. “Sorry, I know that I’m sounding bitter now.”
With a mere shook of his head, Gold left her hand and cupped her cheek, brushing his thumb against her rosy skin. He had that look on his face again, the one he always wore when he was feeling guilty and wishing that he would change the past.
“You have all the rights to.”
“I lost my faith, father,” she said. “I used to come to the church because I believed in something. The nuns taught me to pray and live by a code, but after everything that happened to me, I didn’t know if there was any God out there that could care for my silly life.”
“Don’t talk like that child,” he reprehended her, assuming the kind of tone he used when he was a priest. Gentle but firm. “I see a ring on your finger, I know you that have the most devoted friends and the most beautiful daughter. You’ve won as much as you’ve lost in the past two years. God doesn’t give us what we can’t take and He traces the most wonderful paths for the most special people.”
She dropped her gaze to the black purse on her lap. Years ago, even as a hopeless child, she would have believed it, but now, she found it a hard to do so, because even though she had things to be grateful for, Rose still felt like life had been too unfair with her.
“I know, I’ve been trying to convince myself of that, lately,” she whispered.
“Forgive your mother, Rose, then you’ll see your saving grace again,” Gold advised. “Bad thoughts kill as much as any decease.”
Sniffling, she nodded and enlaced her arms around him, laying her head on his shoulder and allowing Gold to pull her closer. It was good to feel like a child sometimes, even more if you had a lot of time to make up for.
“Thank you, for having my back, as always.”
“We still need a bridesmaid,” Gold remarked as he kissed the top her head.
A tiny smile spread on Rose’s lips. She wasn’t going to promise anything right now, but she was going to think about it.
Moving had been a whole new trouble Rose didn’t ever want to go through a second time. When she moved from the orphanage to the apartment she shared with Sabine and Jacinda – which was now only Sabine’s – she had very few things to carry, but somehow along the last two years she accumulated a large number of things. She had no idea Izzy herself had so many stuff, but she guessed that people loved to give little gifts to babies, which was why they had to fill two cars with toys.
Neal and Henry had been of great help, but it was still one of the most tiring things she had ever done in her life, even more considering that she freaked out with Roland’s lack of sense for tying a house and made him seat on a corner and watch as she did it all by herself. Rose couldn’t complain much to be clear because she was building she always wanted to have and she could feel sure that her daughter would have the childhood she had always wanted.
It didn’t mean she stopped thinking about her encounter with her father at the church, though. After a whole week living in new home, already used to a nice routine. Rose was making dinner while Roland played with Izzy, thinking about her parent’s wedding until her fiancé’s voice took her out of musings.
“Is she saying something?” He asked aloud, taking an attentive look at their daughter.
Roland was bouncing her up and down, making Izzy giggle and babble some monosyllabic sounds. Her eyes, once almost black were now getting a caramel tone that reminded Rose of Gold’s, her mouth had taken the petal shape hers – and she need to admit Belle’s too – lips had, but her hair, that was now starting to grow had taken the wavy light-brown shade of Roland’s.
“Obviously not, she is a five-month-old.”
“I’m pretty sure that ‘ah ah’ means something.”
“I want food, maybe? I need a diaper changing? I want daddy to stop making silly faces at me?”
“You’re mean.”
Rose rolled her eyes at him, leaving the sauce to boil as she took the baby from his arms and pressed lots of kissed on her cheek. She let herself fall on the couch beside him a she snuggled little Izzy, hearing her lovely giggles and feeling selfish again. Once she thought herself to be nothing but a decent human being for taking care of her child, now as Fiona’s words echoed in the back of her mind, she considered she was mostly lucky.
“Rol, can I ask you something?”
“If this is about Friday night’s dessert, I’m sorry to say that my mother will insist in making apple pie again and nothing can change her mind,” he said, standing up and going to check on their dinner.
“No, it is not about that,” she assured him. “I like Regina’s pie very much.”
“Then what’s up?”
Placing Izzy sat down on her lap, Rose wondered if it was a good idea to have this conversation, but she couldn’t find the peace of mind to stop thinking about the wedding and her father’s pleading eyes to her when he last begged the girl to come and celebrate with them.
“You know my parents are getting married on Sunday, right?”
“Belle send us an invitation,” Roland answered arching an eyebrow at her as he poured the sauce above the pasta she left ready to go. “I told you three weeks ago.”
“Did you? Well, anyway, do you think I should go?”
Roland went back to where she was, touching her face and offering Rose a tender smile.
“I think you should do what your hearts tells you to. I don’t want you to regret not going or appearing at the church and not feeling comfortable at all,” he said. “But I also think you should know that if you don’t give your mother a chance, maybe at some point she will stop trying for a reconciliation.”
“I know,” she murmured, avoiding Roland’s glance, knowing that he was right and not wanting to give in.
Izzy made a loud wail, pulling at her hair, begging for attention and Rose stood up rocking her gently and untightening the grip of her small fingers around her curls. Roland offered to take the baby from her again, taking one of her favourite comforters from the toy box to help Izzy calm down, until she was softly sucking at her own thumb again.
“I spoke to Alice today,” Roland told Rose, winking at her as he added: “The bridesmaids are wearing blue.”
It wasn’t until the very last minute that Rose dragged Neal into shopping. He was the only one who had seen the exact shade of blue Belle had chosen for her bridesmaids and the only one who would keep his mouth shut if she decided not to appear after all. She bought and off-the-shoulder dress in a delicate, fancy fabric, one of the kind the Hooded Beauty would produce, but certainly not one so pricey.
Jacinda was the one to style up her hair, while Sabine did her make-up with the perfection of talented hands. All three of them went to the wedding without telling a word to anyone, although Rose was pretty sure Roland had confirmed their presence to his mother, who as one of Belle’s best friends, would certainly be there.
She was nervous. Extremely nervous. Rose had rejected Belle many, many times and most of her remembrances of their time together were of her mother being cruel and bitter to her. She felt afraid of being rejected herself, in front of everyone, just like the day Belle fired her after catching her making out with Roland. It had been a dreadful and Rose wasn’t willing to repeat it, but she wasn’t doing this just for herself or for Belle, but for her father too and he was more than worth the risk.
When Rose reached the front of the church after giving Roland and Izzy a kiss of goodbye, she found Alice waiting in there too with a similar dress, her hair carefully pinned to one side of her head, adorned by a white gold and sapphire piece of jewellery
“I knew you would come,” the blonde squealed when she saw her, throwing her arms around Rose’s tiny and thin frame.
“Did you?”
“We both knew,” Gideon answered, approaching them with the most handsome smile on his lips. “Welcome home, sis.”
“Thank you, both of you.”
Alice pulled away from her and Gideon offered an arm to both his sisters, taking them in and walking them down the aisle to the place where the bridesmaids were supposed to sit, but they were stopped by Gold’s surprised gasp, his watery eyes focused on them.
“You came,” he said, stupefied.
“Of course, I did,” Rose answered. “I like witnessing happy endings and after all the painful journey needs a reward, right? Because God chooses wonderful paths for special people.”
There were tears in Rose’s eyes now too, the happiness clear in her father’s expression enough to make her heart seem about to burst with happiness. He was right all along and she only noticed how true his words were now that she was here.
“Expect me to call you my dad from now on,” Alice interfered with a wink, poking Gold with the bouquet she was holding.
A chuckle left Rose as she sat down on the bench beside Alice – well, her sister – barely believing that she was really there. She could feel Gideon’s heavy hands on their shoulders and watch as Gold’s expression changed and he seemed to hold onto a breath when the church’s doors were opened again to allow Belle French in.
She looked stunning on one of the most beautiful wedding gowns she had ever seen in her life. It was white, but the tulle above it had small gold glittery flickers that gave the impression that she was a shining star. No resentment could ever prevent Rose from admitting now that she was one of the most stunning women she had ever seen.
“You look beautiful,” Gold whispered.
“You don’t look bad too,” Belle teased, before she caught a sight of her daughter sat on the corner beside Alice. “Rose.”
“Hey, mother.”
Father Murray – the church’s new priest - looked between the two of them and so did everybody in there. Rosalie was lucky she wasn’t a shy person otherwise she would already be wishing to disappeared.
“You know, we can’t continue with this wedding if we don’t have an emotional hug first,” the priest said.
In that moment, with his permission of taking a moment before starting the ceremony, Belle approached Rose, blinking away some tears and trying to decide if she was dreaming or not.
“Why are you here?”
“It was time to flip up the page,” the girl shrugged. “I’m sorry for everything I said. I can forget the past.”
Rose opened her arms for her and Belle took a step into them, hugging her daughter for the very first time ever since she left her as a baby at the doorstep of an unknown person and it felt like a new beginning. Gold joined the hug, pulling the two of them into his on arms and Rose could hear Gideon and Alice sniffling, full of emotion, at the scene.
“I love you two,” Gold murmured, kissing both of their cheeks.
Rose smiled at them and for the first time, she felt home.
“Go get married you two.”
They laughed, shed some tears and exchanged the most beautiful votes she had ever heard. That night Rosalie Weaver understood what it was like to have a family and to feel love, she learned the power of forgiveness and promised herself to whatever she did in her life, she wouldn’t forget her father’s most valuable advice. The rockiest paths were made for the toughest people.
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