#they ran out p quick during their leftover sales so this is now the only place to snag em if you want em
jaradraws · 1 year
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if you like dishonored and cool, dangly things to hang off your bag or keys, come check out the shop! it'll be taking an indefinite hiatus this friday sep 1st, so come get some while you can 💃
Use code SUMMER20 for 20% off your order!
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opepin · 7 years
september: week two
04: we got out of bed pretty late. we were exhausted from traveling so late yesterday. i did a bit of cleaning up and doing some household errands  / internet errands for myself. we ate chicken nuggets and potstickers for brunch and then went straight into playing overcooked. we beat the main game! the last level was pretty hard because you were only given a certain amount of time for different foods to make. then we played a bit of battleblock theater before meal planning and getting groceries from kam man; it was a quick trip. kevin played some overwatch after putting away the food and i continued doing things on my to-do list haha. then i did a hiit workout with my old mizunos i brought back -- they’re not cutting it LOL so i think i’ll bring them back home during thanksgiving for my mom to donate with the other shoes. i think for now, i am leaning towards working out in the yoga studio with my adidas. i’m still thinking about getting the white ones but when they’re on sale mayhaps. anyway, after exercising, i made rice and made the pico de gallo part of our makeshift chipotle burrito bowls. kevin made the chicken.
we ate our pretty healthy dinner while watching an episode of agents of shield and then we went into playing another co-op game. i think it’s called something force? i forget, but it’s more fighting-based. it took some time to hook it up so i talked with vivian for a bit and then once kevin figured it out, we got into the groove of the game. i actually did an abs workout as well today after. i put on the rest of ‘the break up’ on netflix and worked out while finishing the movie. it was too late for me to wash my hair so i just took a quick shower, brushed my teeth, and headed into bed. i was struck with sleepiness during my shower haha. i think kevin showered soon after and went to sleep too. zzzz. it was 1 am though and we felt like it was 12 am (it would be the case if we were back in chicago).
05: i was so dehydrated when i woke up x_x i did 30 minutes of cardio and then kevin left for work and i ran some errands before working. i washed my hair today and i felt so cleeeaaan. then i went downstairs to drop off a package mistakenly put into the concierge locker under my name and also pick up my package from eggie!!! it was just a normal box but when i opened it, my black blazer was covered in an eggie bag, it was on a hanger, and there was a cute eggie zip bag in there that i can use to hold skincare or make up for flights! i can’t really tell what it looks like because i don’t have a full body mirror, but it looks and feels amazing! then i started doing laundry and used the new mesh bags i got on amazon to wash my sports bras, bras, and delicate shirts. after all of that, i hopped on a client call and then cleaned out my email and ordered another sports bra from aerie just in case i run out again...haha. i ate lunch while catching up on youtube videos and then went to work a bit on wireframes.
after stand up, i talked with phil about my wireframing and i basically have to make new ones, which frustrates me a bit because dave and phil didn’t really communicate what they wanted from me? or at least, when they decided to switch gears, i wasn’t involved in that conversation so all my wireframes are ‘not attached to real life situations’ right now. ugh. the good thing is that these wireframes are probably going to be easier to mock up. after the call, i folded laundry and then finished some errands and then did a bit of work on the wireframes. i want to double-check with dave as well before diving in so we’re all on the same page... i did some of the beginnings of the wireframes and then i took a break and worked out. i did thighs today and they burned like crazy. then i showered while the chicken and rice cooked. kevin got back later than i expected so i ended up nomming on my chicken and then ended up just eating dinner before he came back. we watched agents of shield and then i became pretty obsessed with finding what shoes kelsey wells, an instagram fitness star, wore. LOL. she had three pairs that i was super curious about and they were all adidas so that was a start. i ended up pinpointing that she has the black adidas adipure 360.3s, black ultra boosts, and black/turquoise pure boost x’s,
this gives me a lead on what shoes to get for training again. i also noticed she wears the shit out of her white edge lux shoes ;D this was what i was going to get if all else fails but i didn’t want to get the same shoe in a different color because i own the black/white ones. anyway, i really like the shock yellow pure boost x runners and the black / dark grey / sunglow pure boost x trainers. the adipure 360.3s would make more sense for me to get but i don’t just want a plain black sneaker ;( anyway, kevin and i also spent some time figuring out flights for holidays. i might get my family to come over for thanksgiving and then for christmas, fly out dec 18th to st. louis to hang with the chen fam and then fly back to chicago for christmas and new years. tickets for thanksgiving are so expensive thoooo. i’ll figure it out. with all the shoe research i did at night, i went to sleep later than i wanted to (12 am) but i still ko’d real quick.
06: i woke up at 7:15 am and then felt really awake but then slept for like 10 more minutes lol. i did a cardio kickboxing workout in the morning, showered, and then ate breakfast. i decided to wear my new eggie tuxedo blazer today; it blew in the wind like crazy but i felt so cool ahahha. there were severe delays on the red line coming from both ways -- cole messaged me in the morning and said he was basically stuck for like an hour on the train x_x; so i took my time in the morning but i still ended up taking an hour to get to work. i got to work before 10 am though :P i found out where the ups drop box is inside the building -- there’s a fedex one here too! then i did a bit more adidas shoe research and got to work. it felt like a pretty short day because we had a 1.5 hour meeting for all-hands. i finished up my wireframes for the day and did some internet errands before the meeting. it was an in person meeting so we all had to go upstairs to a conference room. we all hopped in an elevator and then met some people in the conference room. i didn’t know what was happening. i got to snack on some sweets before the meeting started. so by the time i post this, the news will be out, but my company, t7, has been acquired by genpact.
nothing is changing culture-wise and work-wise yet so i’m not sure what the effects are going to be on the company, but it seems like a symbiotic relationship and i hope this goes well! lol, it’s funny because i said i would probably never want to work under a huge corporation and now i am. x_x we’ll see how i’ll feel about this. the meeting went a bit over 5:30 but i stayed a bit and mingled until kevin got to south station. he waited for me so we would go home together <3 i told him the news and then we went back home. we chilled a bit too long before he cooked and i exercised. i did pretty intense oblique exercises because i feel like i haven’t been at my best recently and i feel blech all around -- eating and working out. i think it’s more of my stomach troubles though because my stomach has been hurting nonstop for a few weeks. anyway, i made sure i worked out my obliques real good but i was super hungry after and i ate a bigger portion of noodles than i should have...
needless to say, i went to sleep bloated ): ugh. i need to eat earlier too. man, i should take my own advice. lol. we ate at like 9:30 pm so that’s pretty late. we watched an episode of agents of shield and because we slacked off when we came back home, we couldn’t game together. i was exhausted and went to sleep at 12 am...because i was on my phone before sleeping lol. gg me.
07: man, i need to sleep earlier with at least 30 minutes of no electronics before sleeping... i woke up tired again x( i did a cardio sculpt routine in the morning and then showered and took forever to figure out what i was going to wear in the rainy/humid weather :/ then i ate breakfast and waited for the train for like 10 minutes :/ womp womp. my train slowly moved and then stopped and told everyone to get off at jfk/umass so we waited for the next train. i got to work an hour late again but when i got in, no one was in the product office...lol. i talked to cole for a bit before going to the new members brunch for wework. we got free french toast <3 we ate and talked for a bit and then headed downstairs to get back to work. i made a few changes to the wireframes and then decided that i would leave work probably after the 2 hour training session phil and i had at 1 pm. my stomach was not feeling ok though. i decided to leave during lunch time because my stomach was feeling pretty bad. i got home and just had calls for the rest of the afternoon. after work, i did a weighted booty workout and then i showered and relaxed. kevin got back home from climbing and we ate leftovers while watching an episode of agents of shield and we got to play a bit of battleblock theater before kevin washed the dishes and cooked lunch for tomorrow. lol i ko’d on the bed while waiting for 12 am to arrive so i could wish vivian a happy birthday <3 i woke up at like 11:50 pm and then brushed and got into bed, typed up a message, sent it, and then stayed up on my phone until 1 am LOLLLL. -__-” i was so close to sleeping early and healthily T_T
08: i slept in today and got up when kevin did. then i ate breakfast before i did a strength workout in the morning. i’m going to focus on strength stuff moving forward and cut down my cardio. i need to change up my schedule a bit. after, i showered, and then got on a call with phil and a client. i picked up my aerie package and saw that they sent me the wrong shirt :( so i live chatted customer service and they were pretty much useless... so then i decided to call. i also found out that my zappos returns was just sent to me as store credit -_- so i had to email customer service on that. blech. today i feel a bit unfulfilled. i got on stand up after eating lunch. i recorded a video tutorial before the end of the work day and then went straight into another strength workout. i think i worked on back and arms. kevin came back early and we played some coop games before eating dinner and watching agents of shield. i was expecting us to sleep early but we didn’t lololol. we gamed after dinner as well and yeah, it didn’t feel like we were going to be moving tomorrow. i think we slept somewhat late but planned to get up early tomorrow... well, at least i did LOL. oh, the ae rep i called was super helpful and let me keep the wrong shirt, gave me a refund, and ordered the correct one at the price i bought it for previously! he was great. i also got my zappos return back on my credit card. woot! yup, lots of things happening.
09: kevin got out of bed at like 11 am. i thought we were supposed to wake up early today :P haha. we ate breakfast and then signed our lease and then we got a cart and started moving. it was sort of a moving blur today. lol i kept thinking about when i was going to eat next haahah. we moved all the entryway stuff, then clothes, and then to actual furniture. we didn’t want to deal with the bed in the morning so we left that for last. we used all of our suitcases in storage to move everything and some plastic bins as well. you’d think it’d be easy to move down a couple hallways but it was still a struggle. the cart we had kept veering off to the left too. ahha. well, we moved from 12 pm or so until 6 or 7 pm. we left the cart outside of our apartment just because it didn’t seem right to keep it inside. we ordered takeout fro kkatie’s burgers and i got a veggie black bean burger again because i need that fiber. i also got green fries, which turned out to be green beans ahah. kevin got the hawaiian burger with curly fries. we put away things that we could. while we moved, kevin and i noticed things that might be a problem. for example, there is no built-in spice rack anymore and i realized that our kitchen cabinet space was cut by about half because the kitchen only takes up one wall...
so little things here and there were noticed but the windows and light coming into the apartment soothed my worries haha. we drove to get the food and then kevin popped in oh my tea to get us some boba too. we ate at home while watching agents of shield and then once we digested and everything, we opened the door only to find that the cart was gone. .___. kevin looked on all the floors to check if there were any anywhere. there are 3 carts in the building for use: two smaller, shorter ones and one tall one where you can hang stuff on. we had the tall one. this meant that we couldn’t move our mattress and bed frame. this meant we would have to carry all the cups and pantry stuff in boxes. by this time, our arms and backs were tired. so then we did some organization in the new apartment. then we both went to look for a cart a couple more times. we even reached on out the facebook group -- we had a lead but nadda. this means that someone in the apartment flippin’ took it inside their apartment and didn’t bother to put it back in an common area. -__-”
kevin was tired so he relaxed on his computer for a bit after he set it up. we set up the den area with our computers and stuff, which was nice :) we also picked out a kitchen shelf for our pots and pans and pantry items / stuff we couldn’t fit into our cabinets. then i went back to the old apartment and started cleaning the crap out of the kitchen and bathroom. kevin came by to help vacuum and swiffer later. after that, we just chilled on the sofa in the new apartment. we checked one last time to see if any of the three carts were returned but nope. so we went and got our sleeping clothes from the old apartment, showered in the new apartment, and then went back to the old apartment to sleep. yup. great. lol. we did ko super quickly though. i think we went to sleep at 1 or 2 am. moving is tiring even if you’re in the same apartment complex x__x;
10: kevin actually woke up at 9:30 am :O we had to walk over to the new apartment from the old one (where we slept) and then get ready for the day. we pretty much skipped breakfast and then drove to target to pick up the kitchen shelf. i got benefiber and kevin got glazed apple fritters because he got hungry. we waited a bit for them to bring the shelf up and we also looked at other furniture and found a nice ottomon we liked :) it was cheaper online so we decided to get it there. we got everything and then went back to the apartment. the office didn’t open until 12 pm so kevin built the shelf while i went back to the old apartment and brought all the fridge stuff and leftover pantry stuff over. i was cleaning like crazy and walking back and forth a lot and my body kind of freaked out. my hands were red and started shaking so i ate some food and rested a bit. then we finally got a cart and i went back to the old apartment to clean the fridge -- it was dirty af. kevin helped me and then i finished cleaning the apartment in its entirety after that. :D
we also moved the dresser and all the artwork. moving the mattress tested my frustrations LOL. -__-’ it was a floppy queen sized mess but we made it! kevin had to take the head board of the bed frame off and then we moved the light headboard and then moved the big af bed frame. it was so heavy x_O we got it and then celebrated a bit. we fixed up our room and then went to vacuum the old apartment once more and said goodbye to it :( then we dropped off our keys and laid on the bed for a bit to rest. then we drove to ikea! ikea is only a 10 - 15 min drive from us! it looked like an amusement park when we drove in. there were a lot of flags. i noticed that kevin was just overwhelmed by everything and asked if it was his first time in a physical ikea LOL. it was his first time as an adult in an ikea :OOOOO we went straight to the restaurant and i got the vegetable meatballs and an almond brittle cake and apple pie slice, kevin got the swedish meatballs and cheese pie, and we split a plate of chicken and waffles. all of this was only $26!!! i got the lingonberry fountain drink and it was so refreshing. the vegetable meatballs were kinda meh because of the artichokes in the sauce x( i’m always going to get the swedish meatballs from now on.
after eating, i guided kevin through the showroom and taught him how everything worked. we actually got everything we needed...and more... kevin was addicted to getting stuff and we had to kind of run through the last sections of ikea because he was scared he was going to buy more things LOL. we got a dining table, 6-drawer chest, and a large mirror and sent that for home delivery because those things were loooonggg. we also got 2 really pretty serving dishes, jars, drawer organizers for the kitchen and clothes, baskets for the kitchen shelf, and some orange marmalade. after shopping, i got us an ice cream cone, hot dog, and cinnamon roll for only $2.75. i love ikea. we’ll be back! we still need dining room chairs so yeah... we got home, cleaned the apartment and put things away the best we could. there was a foul fishy stench coming from where we stored the potatoes and the dish washer so i thought the former tenants didn’t clean the dish washer properly because there was gunk on the sides... we cloroxed it and then ran a cycle with vinegar but even after, it still stank. we pulled out the potatoes and found a rotten black ass potato and i asked kevin to sniff it and he’s basically traumatized now LOOOL. it was the rotten potato... i didn’t know that potatoes could smell like that???
well, i watched youtube videos for a while, kevin gamed, and then i showered and noticed that the water kept draining slowly... ugh. then i watched more videos until kevin showered and we called it a night. it was like 2 something am when we went to sleep. i was definitely going to wfh. both of us are exhausted from moving this weekend... we are ded. our apartment is looking really nice though <333
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