#they need to time the babies right because simon absolutely refuses to drive a minivan
mikichko · 4 months
YOU READ MY MIND ABOUT IT STARTING AS A WAY TO CALM ZACH AND TO SHOW HIM YOU CARE ABOUT HIM EVEN WHEN YOU ARENT HIS TEACHER!!!!!!! It’s so cute, I’m screaming. You’re just doing so much to show Zach you care for *him* and that this relationship isn’t going to change that, and Ghoap is just trying not to go heart insane and breed you so you’ll have more people to tax at red lights. They’re so sickly in love with you already, and doing things like the kiss tax makes them feel like they’re bursting with it but they have to keep it in so they don’t scare you off. You’re the best thing that’s happen to Zach since he’s been adopted, been the best thing for them since they adopted Zach, and they are just so desperate to show that to you without scaring you off.
Ghoap have a special text thread that is just them scream texting about how amazing you are and how much they love you. You do something cute and they are just in the background texting back and forth “what the fuck” “what the actual fuck” “she’s so cute” “how can she be that perfect? What the fuck”
i swear to god our braincells are just Bluetooth connected and wiggling at the same cadence cause this is exactly what I was thinking!!!
i mean off the bat it's your shared love for zach and his growth that brings you together. like to have someone championing for their son and caring for him in a way that no one else has really tugs are their hearts, no matter how big and burly they are. simon in particular has such a soft spot for this boy. he'd been so nervous when they first got him, thought he was going to continue the cycle his father had started but we know he's a better man. and he does his best to do right by zach. so seeing you be so kind with him made this familiar warmth bloom in his chest. johnny's already half in love with you when he first meets you, is even more pleased when he finds out you're zach's teacher. i think the thing that really got him going was you jumping to zach's defense during that one meeting. like that??? yeah he was ready to go all in after that.
all this to say that yeah your priority is showing zah he's loved, always. which feed into ghoap's love even more and the kiss tax is the perfect way to ease the way for them to start showing off their love physically. lord knows that soap has a mouth on him so you're well aware how he feels about you. you're very familiar with simon's silent gazes now and know exactly what they mean. but this threshold regarding physicality being breached just means that soap can now pin you up against the wall in the laundry room to press kisses before you have to go back to the boys. or simon leaning down to kiss you against the breakfast counter as a thank you for making his tea perfectly. cuddle puddles on the couch watching movies together, zach was a huge fan of live action clifford. just so much :)
also ofc they have to control themselves because they want to give you another baby soooo bad. like they'd been debating with zachy around, if they would adopt another but then bam you show up and it's just like, dams broken. all they can think about is how you'd look with zach hugging himself to one hip and a baby on the other. like it drives them insane, something they hadn't experienced before. not even with previous female partners. like it's a little concerning how strong the feeling is for simon, will turn to soap who is more than happy to help him before they even proposition the idea to you. or you to them, mutual thing feels like.
the text thread bit is so funny because my first thought when I was thinking of the concept was johnny picking zach up from school and just shooting a text to simon like: you seen zachy's miss? and simon just responding pretty as a peach, isn't she? and it just slowly delving into them trying to figure out how to court you to debauchery to cute pictures and updates of the great things they've been doing. full on spectrum of things.
nonnie... what are you doing to me. i could literally yap about this for hours
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