#they literally like a woman driving thats illegal unless you are a PERFECT driver
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yugocar · 4 months ago
the hostility people express towards you if you are a woman and make a mistake driving/go slowly. the immediate misogyny. i fucking hate the balkans!!!!
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Cumberland Center Maine Cheap car insurance quotes zip 4021
"Cumberland Center Maine Cheap car insurance quotes zip 4021
Cumberland Center Maine Cheap car insurance quotes zip 4021
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://salecarinsurance.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
How do I find cheap and decent health insurance in Vermont?
I'm looking for health insurance that will be affordable (read under $100 a month) and have fairly decent coverage. Also I would very much like coverage that will start very soon after applying, the sooner the better. Any one have any suggestions?""
My car insurance is $200 a month!?
I'm getting my license in less than a month, but my parents won't get me a car b/c they say I won't be driving alone anyway b/c the insurance is through the roof. We have Mamzy. Would it be cheaper if we switch our insurance? It'll go down once I've had my license for 6 months, but still, half a year is a long time to have to wait. :\ Thanksx.""
Which car would be better for a 16 year old boy?
A 1984 chevette a 1987 Oldsmobile cutlass ciara or a 1986 NIssan 300zx? If anyone knows insurance costs for these and a teenage boy? I will be 16 next week and may get a car this summer and these are what i'm looking at they are 400-500 dollars each... The Nissan needs a lil work i think. The ciara needs front brakes checked. and the chevette runs but needs a lil work. All of these run and are not expensive. I saw other teenagers having like 20 g's but no I start working next week and will save up my own money to pay for these... No i will not be racing and don't care what anybody would think of me. I'm just asking which of these would be better suited for a teenage guy?
How much does insurance cost for a chimney sweep business?
I am starting a chimney sweep company and I was wondering what is an average cost to have insurance for the business (bonus points if you can say all of the types of insurance I might need) I know the standard answer is to say there is no way of knowing since this all depends on a number of factors but I literally have no clue what it would cost so ANY estimate or guess is appreciated. The business will be in Maryland and have just 1 employee with revenue I am guessing would be about 100,000 a year if that helps.""
Cheapest UK insurance for new driver with 6 point and zero no claim certificate?
i have checked but could not find a cheap UK insurance for a UK new driver with 6 points on license and zero no claim certificate. please suggest if one can think or know of.. cheapest i got so far is 2200. my age is 31 years. unluckily i got 6 points on my license .
Does anyone know cheap car insurance websites for a 22 year old driver?
hi i am a 22 year old driver and i live in NJ does anyone know any cheap car insurance web sites?
Has anyone heard of transamerica health insurance and if so is it worth it??
Thinking about getting insurance and would like some input on the Co.
Car insurance is it sexist?
why is car insurance cheaper for woman ?i know lots of woman say there safer drivers but i dont think thats always the case
Does AAA have good auto insurance?
Does AAA have good auto insurance?
Do I have to pay for insurance on a moving van rental?
I want to rent a moving van from Uhaul. They won't let me rent the van unless I pay for their insurance coverage. Is that legal?
Need help finding cheap insurance for a first car?
i'm looking to buy a first car i've been looking at a couple of cars - Mitsubishi colt - VW polo - honda Civic (3door) my mom is willing to go on the policy with me just wanted to know what else i could do for cheaper insurance
Is it illegal in alabama to refuse to give insurance info?
a company van hit my parked car in a parking lot the driver left note with manager of business saying where he worked,what time he hit my car and location in parking lot,now business owner is refusing to tell me who his insurance carrier is ,the driver also wrote down his name""
Anyone know any car insurance company's that can offer cheap car insurance for a 18 year old?
I am 18 and just bought a Nissan Altima 08. I live in California, Los Angeles. I am trying to get insured and they want to charge me $3000 a year. Thats $250 a month for car insurance. Its more then my car payments. Anyone know any insurance company that can offer a better deal?""
Insurance cost for an 87 Fiero?
I'm considering purchasing an 87 Fiero and I am wondering roughly what insurance costs are like with these cars? Is it high or low? Considering the body panels are made of plastic I would think it's not too expensive to replace.
Will my insurance go up after receiving3 points on my license?
I got careless driving and the cop told me it would be 3 points on my license. I took traffic school to remove previous points 6 months ago so I cannot do that. Will these 3 points raise my insurance rate? Also, I was pulled over by an unmarked detective, and he called in a motor cop to write the ticket. Would it be worth taking to court, and if I take it to court, what are the benefits vs. the losses I can face?""
How much would insurance cost?
I am 20 years old, I have taken driving school, I have been driving since I was 16, and i have my g2. im gonna need a reliable car to get me to my new job. I am looking for a used care, i need to know how much insurance would be. Can anyone suggest a car, used, 2004-2008, price, insurance for a female who is 20 and taken driving school. Something reliable like a honda or a mazda or anything else and around how much payments would be a month. i know it wont be exact , there are many factors i just am wondering like an estimate if anyone can help me.""
Cheap car insurance?
Cheap car insurance?
Motorcycle and atv insurance?
Eventually i plan to get a motorcycle (suzuki hayabusa) and atv (yamaha raptor). What is the average cost of insurance for both of those??
Why does my car insurance provider ask for other people in household?
Does it matter who I live with if they aren't going to be driving my car? How will it affect my rates? When I first got my insurance I lived with roommates - they had good driving records but still they never drove my car (they had their own!), now I live with my fiance who has a DUI - will my rates go up because of it? He has his own truck and SUV so we rarely ride my car and when we do I ALWAYS drive... so why do I need to tell my insurance company (Mercury) who else resides in my home?!""
How much money will the insurance pay for a stolen car?
Someone stole a family member car. The car is a total lost. How much will the insurance pay for the car. Is a Honda Civic 2006.....if i go to Edmund.com, or one of those sites I saw the car is worth about 12,000 dollars....... How will he know how much money he will get from the insurance company...thanks..bye""
Looking for icn national insurance?
supposedly an insurance company
Male car insurance is more expensive than female car insurance. Isn't this sex discrimination?
Male car insurance is more expensive than female car insurance. Isn't this sex discrimination?
What are the steps needed to sell health insurance and/or become a broker/agent in Minnesota?
What are the steps needed to sell health insurance and/or become a broker/agent in Minnesota?
If my car insurance gets canceled b/c of late payments?
will they reinstate it again if i paid what i owed in full?
Car insurance switching cars after 2months?
Bought a car from auction and got it insured ( my first car) but not liking it so looking to re-sell at auction. Just wondering how the insurance will work if i wan tto change it to a new car after such a short time??? willl it cost me alot to change ] thanks
Cumberland Center Maine Cheap car insurance quotes zip 4021
Cumberland Center Maine Cheap car insurance quotes zip 4021
How much will an average full coverage insurance for a BMW motorcycle cost. Type k1200r.?
I have no traffic violation and perfect credit record. I am 56 years old.
How much is a Car for a 17yo?
How much is a car, insurance, lessons, test, tax etc.... Everything! For a 17 year old Guy. Just for a cheap second hand car ie. Peugeot 106 (second hand) But how much will it all come to? Thanks""
Insurance getting cancelled on an SR22 in VA?
I was so excited about good news I received, that I forgot that my insurance was going to cancel at midnight. I have an SR22 filing, even though I no longer require it. I left it there until it was time to renew. My question is how soon is DMV notified? Will I have time to call my agent first thing in the morning?""
Anybody knows reliable insurance companies that insure summer houses?
I've recently bought a summer house in Tavira, Portugal, which my family and I would like to insure because we won't use it constantly. Anybody knows reliable insurance companies that insure summer houses?""
Where can you read reviews on renter's insurance?
My mom just moved into this expensive high-rise building and considering the crazy amount of rent she's paying for it and all the stuff she's putting in it I think she needs insurance. How can you decide on which one to go with?
Who's best for impreza insurance? i'm 28 with a clean licence?
full comp keeps coming back around 1000, on a 98-2000 wrx""
Is there good deals at Insurance Auction Auto Sales?
Im interested in going to insurance auto sale for wrecked and salvage vehicles. My question is are the prices low enough to fix the cars to profit money on! What are the popular cars to buy, fix and resale...I was thinking like civics and mustangs because u see them everywhere you go. Im just wanting to try and new route to make some money, I have experience in body work, welding and painting and can usually find good deals on parts...really i just wanna know how cheap the cars sell for....Note I just bought a Lexus rx 300 from a person who bought it from a insurance auction I paid 1900 for it! Anything Helps, Thanks""
""Rental rates WAY too high! Lease, or buy?""
I just moved to los angeles and rented a car for a month for $550. i am on my father's geico insurance plan so i don't pay for that. I am 6 m. shy of 25 so i think rates might be very high for insurance. i am going to be in LA for at least 6 months but maybe much longer. I really don;t know if it is smarter to lease (downsides having to get my own insurance, other issues) buy used (no warranty, having to spend a lot of money if problems arise) looking for most affordable and safest option. do i need my own insurance seperate from my father's if i buy or lease a car in my own name? can i lease a car without a full time employee status (i am an ind. contractor)? please help.""
Can I get car insurance when I have a restricted license?
I have a B restriction on my tx license, would I still be able to get insurance, and if so will it cost more than insurance without a restriction""
Do you need proof of car insurance to get your license in Illinois?
Do you need proof of car insurance to get your license in Illinois?
Has anyone used Canadian Direct Insurance and experienced any issues or problems?
They offer great rates for auto insurance but before considering switching to them I'm curious as to whether other people in Alberta or British Columbia have had pleasant or unpleasant experiences with them.
Can I buy a car for someone and them pay insurance and registration?
Basically Drive and maintain my car? I'm buying it for her. I will register it in my name. I live in NV, so I need to register it here in NV. Title, Loan, and Registration will be in my name. Can she legally insure the vehicle, solely? Does she need to add me onto the insurance policy? Is it OK for her to drive it in Cali, where she lives, with it registered to me here in Vegas? What are some possible unforeseen problems that may arise, besides: If towed I need to get it out. If tickets unpaid or loan not paid upon, I get the flack and bad history, and fines. Please help! feedback needed! OF COURSE ITS NOT A GOOD IDEA, BUT IF I CHOOSE TO DO IT, I want to be aware of it all, just asking for some heads up and feedback, please! Thanks!""
What is the best health insurance?
what is the best health insurance?
Allstate auto insurance/full coverage - rental car?
Does anyone know if Allstate will cover me in a rental car? I have a full coverage policy on my car at the moment. Just wondering if I travel and rent a car would I still be covered?
Car insurance so confusing?
i have car insurance just now and i pay monthly.i am changing my car on wed so need to change my policy to fully comp. i would like to pay for my year insurance in a lump sum to cut down on monthly outgoings.problem is i get car on 9th but dont have money to pay years insurance till 15th so can i pay for a month then the year or do i have to pay monthly for the whole year
I have no health insurance for my 5 month old?
Ok so my 5 month old hasn't gotten we shots because I came back to NYC from CA due to my mother being sick but I don't planned to live here so I don't want to reopen a Medicaid case out here is there anywhere i could go or something i could do? Plz help
""On average, how much does it cost to purchase and maintain a car? (insurance, car note, gas, tags, etc).?
i am 17 years old and a senior in high school and i would like to own and drive a car as soon as possible. please help!
Cheap insurance w/a DUI???
Which are the best companies to compare for car insurance w/a DUI on your record???
Which is a better career..A realtor or A insurance agent ??
what the average income of a insurance agent?? who makes more money??
""Can I report my (former) car insurance to someone, Texas?""
I was insured with a cut rate car insurance company because I needed a SR22 for no insurance from many, many, years ago that finally did catch up to me just now. Anyway, I was having my payment drafted out of my debit card each month. Well a few days before my insurance was due I realized that I unexpectedly was going to be short. It was due one day & I didn't get paid for another 2 days. So I called up my agent & explained the situation & asked if my policy had a grace period? They put me on hold to check. They came back on the telephone & said yes I had 7 days from the date it was due. They said I would be fine cause I got paid 2 days later. Well I go back up there a couple of days later to make my payment. Mind you, I'm still well w/in the grace period. The computer would not take my payment. The agent made a call, then spoke to someone, & then informed me my insurance was dropped for lack of payment. I was like whoa I was told I had a full week grace period She said to me Well, when you called you didn't inform us that you had your insurance drafted from your debit card. I was like A) Y'all didn't ask when I called & B) How in the world would I know to tell you that? Especially since y'all never asked. They basically said Oh well. She did make it clear that if I had not had auto drafting that the grace period would still stand. Maybe I'm clueless but I never had an incident where I was ever late on my car insurance. Now my DL is suspended. I don't know if this place gets a kick back by starting over my insurance w/a whole new policy. If I had had started over again the rate would jump & I would have to repay them to refile my SR22. Is that legal?? Like I said what do I know????""
How much will my car insurance go up?
I received a speeding ticket today i was doing 56 on a 30 : /...balls. Now I obviously know that car insurance rates are different for everyone so i called my insurance company today and they said that my insurance would roughly go up by 2 points and that each point is roughly 100$ dollars each... I forgot to ask if that meant i would be paying 200$ plus each month or for the entire year, i tried calling again but they closed for the weekend. Anyone know or have an idea? I pay 125$ a month now, could I really end up paying 325 a month?!""
Price Would Car Insurance?
I have like no idea how everything works.. what would be a good starting car to just start driving in? im 17 soon and ill be going for my driving lessons soon.. and i want to know what the sort of insurance prices would be for an 18 year old..thanks x Sorry if i talk too much lol.
What car companies have the highest insurance rates?
Highest to lowest would be a good way to list them for me.
Insurance for newborn?
I am on my stepfather's insurance through bluecross/blueshield. I am about to have a baby and she can't be covered on this insurance. would i have to lose my insurance and get medicaid and us be on it together or can i just get medicaid for her and keep my insurance? and what if it isn't all resolved when she is born, will she be able to see a doctor?""
Car insurance?..........?
Who gives the cheapest car insurance?!
Cumberland Center Maine Cheap car insurance quotes zip 4021
Cumberland Center Maine Cheap car insurance quotes zip 4021
Why does car insurance rates increase if you have a lapse in coverage?
For example, lets say I have car insurance and pay it on a timely matter and then all of a sudden I move to city where there is a lot of public transportation and my car breaks down. So, instead of worrying about my car I utilize the bus system as I cannot afford to have my car fixed, in turn I cancel my car insurance. Hypothetically lets say a couple months down the road I have a change of heart and am able to afford the repairs for my car. So now my car is up and running etc etc. Why is it that now when I sign up for insurance again my rates will be higher. My situation is that I have a vehicle but it is a lot older and it is broken down right now. It is going to be a few months before I can get it fixed. So, I thought of canceling my insurance bc I was wondering why should I pay insurance for something I am not driving. I, then, told my agent that once i got it fixed i would add the insurance back, he then told me what the consequences of my actions would be. Why do my rates go higher just bc I get rid of the insurance? It's not like I am doing anything illegal. I would not be driving the car bc it is broke down.""
I want to switch car insurance companies?
My car insurance is up at the end of September. The current company that I'm with has sent me a renewal reminder. They will automatically renew it at the end of the month. (They also sent me a note to say the card I used to pay last time has expired, so I will need to enter a new one). I've found a cheaper quote elsewhere therefore I want to go with a new company. However, despite the fact that all my dealings with the current insurance provider have been online, if you want to cancel your policy, you have to do it by phone. I don't particularly want to call them and get the hard sell (I'm really not very good in that sort of situation). Seeing as the credit card I used to pay for the insurance last time has now expired, shall I just ignore them and go with someone new, or will they then keep chasing me saying I owe them money?""
I looked for insurance quotes at progressive.com.?
At the end, I received a quote from Progressive and also 3 other leading competitors. I also received a quote from Progressive Direct which is lower than Progressive quote. Does anyone of you have insurance from progressive direct? What makes it different (and hence lower) than the actual Progressive quote?""
If I'm only listed as a driver on a family insurance plan. Will the rates go up if I move into Detroit?
As answered in my previous question, legally I am supposed to change my license to the address where I reside. Living in Detroit constitutes a higher insurance rate than that of the suburbs. Will my rates increase if the policy is not in my name since I am only listed as a driver?""
How much i should pay to cancel car insurance?
Hello, i bought car insurance in one of the most popular Northern Ireland car insurance company a month ago. I didn't have UK licenses yet, so the price was very high.The car was Citroen Saxo 1.1l. I sold it and i want to insure a new car but when i quote on that company then i get a very displeasing result and with my financial situation i wont be able to pay it. Other company would Give a look at my insurance details for a Citroen Saxo East Coast 1.1l Anual premium is  1512.40 Insurance Premium Tax @ 5.00 %  75.62 Home & roadside assistance and Legal expenses Insurance 25.00 Hughes Insurance Admin 15.00 Total Annual Cost 1628.02 Total amount payable is 1790.82 And the policy says If you want to cancel the Policy after the 14-day period you must send written notice and return your Certificate of Insurance to Hughes Insurance. We will apply a pro rata charge for the period we were on cover subject to a minimum premium of 25 (plus insurance premium tax). If there has been a claim paid during the current period of insurance or a claim is outstanding there will be no refund of premium. I have no claims, i only had this insurance for a month. And as non native english speaker i don't really get the idea how much should i pay for cancellation and what kind of consequence could bother me.""
""Question about vsp eye insurance? around how much would glasses, contacts, exam cost?""
hey im new to the job world and i got guardian dental insurance and i think its comes with free vsp too. and the guardian insurance worker told me i'd tell them my social security number and tell them i have vsp to qualify or something. im going to go to a private office that accepts vsp. i want to get an eye exam, get 1 pair of prescription glasses and contact lens fitting and contacts. i dont have a credit card yet so i plan to pay with cash but i dont know how much to withdraw out of the bank to bring with me. i live in georgia, near atlanta by the way. or should i just go to lenscrafters or visonworks or something like that? could you give me an estimate of how much each would be when using vsp, if you have it? and if i used the insurance would i have to pay all the amount there and the insurance company would evaluate my claim and send me money back..? i dont know so how would that work too. thanks for your time in advance.""
How much will my insurance cost?
how much will insurance cost if i'm 17 a girl and driving a 2002 mustang?
""Pregnant, no insurance and make too much money for medicaid. Advice?""
I am an independent contractor and have no insurance. I am now pregnant before having a chance to get health insurance. Health insurance once pregnant is way too expensive. I make too much money for government assistance, but not enough to afford private insurance. I'm in a tough spot, and I wonder if anyone has any advice to help me finance my pregnancy.""
Will a 30kph ticket skyrocket my insurance?
Alright, so I got pulled over going 90 in a 60. I know I shouldn't be speeding but I was late for work, I never got a ticket before... I'm a 18 yrs old male, and I don't have much money to afford expensive insurance... I'm currently paying 150$ a month (before the ticket) so will my insurance skyrocket? It's considered a major infraction where I live.. *also, the police officer told me that he can apply a bigger charge if I decide to fight the ticket... Are they aloud to do that??""
How do I get Health Insurance?
I just turned 21, and I no longer under my parents health insurance. I do my own taxes, and my residency on my taxes is in California. However, I go to a private college out of state. I don't have any chronic disease but I would like to get some tests done and I need a vision plan as well. My parents don't help me pay for anything, and I can't afford to pay $100 a month for privaet insurance. I'm not pregnant, blind, disabled, or anything. Can I get government plan insurance (cheap) if I'm a student? Where should I apply?""
Why does car insurance keep increasing every year?
I got USAA when I was in the military and it seems every year my car insurance rates go up by about $10. I have had the same car the whole time, no accidents and barely ever drive it. Is it normal for car insurance to keep going up like that even though me and my car are getting older?""
Why does insurance cost less for pleasure use rather than commuting to and from work?
Why does insurance cost less for pleasure use rather than commuting to and from work?
Is there a way to get fake or extremely cheap car insurance?
I don't care about the service. I want it cheap.
Life Insurance form help for school?
Does anyone know where I can view a blank life insurance policy format? I have a report for school and need to make a fake life insurance policy.....help!
""Question about insurance, medicaid, and having a baby?""
I am currently pregnant and still on my parents health insurance plan. However, I will no longer be able to be on their plan anymore because I'm getting married and turning 25 this June. Will medicaid help me with my insurance, or will they consider my pregnancy a pre existing condition?""
Car Insurance?????? help!?
I just got my lisence im a f, and just turned 20. I .ive in MA. I dont know what the av. price would be for car insurance. help! i own a toyota 2000 86.000 miles""
Would it be cheaper to insure a 88-93 mustang rather than a 99-04?
I have been wanting to buy a mustang someday when im older. But i'm only 16 and still I dont have my permit. But since i'm so young and decided to buy a mustang, would it be cheaper on the insurance to buy a older one rather than a new one? Or would it be the same?""
What will my insurance do?
So the other day a car slammed on their brakes and I hit their bumper. It was a Mercury Sable.Not sure the year right now...prob 98-02. It was a young girl and her 4 friends. They were obviously under the influence of weed. They of course did not want to call the cops. I said ok because I did not want a ticket or my ins rates to go up. We exchanged names and numbers. She called and my husband and I arranged that we would pay for half of the damages. Today she called and said her estimate was $870!! I only cracked her bumper...what should I do? Can I still file a police report? What will my insurance do if I go through them now?Thanks!!
What happens if you drive in Texas without auto insurance?
What happens if you drive in Texas without auto insurance?
Allstate auto insurance/full coverage - rental car?
Does anyone know if Allstate will cover me in a rental car? I have a full coverage policy on my car at the moment. Just wondering if I travel and rent a car would I still be covered?
Car insurance for new drivers!?
Will car insurance for a 19 year old be allot cheaper than a 17 year old? Both being NEW drivers.
What are some good first cars with low insurance rates?
preferably a SUV. Kind of like a blazer or something like that. Definitely under $1000. Does anyone know where online or around the york, PA area a car like that would be?""
Classic Insurance!?!?
I have a 1989 camaro that I bought for $1000. Can anyone tell me how to get classic insurance for it?
Is insurance expensive for a Motorcycle?
I want to get a 1982 Yamaha Virago and was wondering how much is the insurance? Im 23 years old
What is the cheapest auto insurance?
What is the cheapest auto insurance?
Cumberland Center Maine Cheap car insurance quotes zip 4021
Cumberland Center Maine Cheap car insurance quotes zip 4021
Can you get a discount on motorcycle insurance if is has an alarm system?
I just go a 2009 zx6r and I was wondering if ICBC gives you a discount if it has a full alarm system and immobilizer? I live in vancouver BC canada thanks
Is it cheaper to have your spouse put onto your car insurance.?
Someone told me it workes out cheaper. Are they correct.
Do you need your own insurance to share your parents car?
How much would it be to share my mums ford focus, I'm turning 17 soon (posted a Q earlier and realized I don't have nearly enough money.. What else would I have to pay for if I shared with her? I have no idea about cars. THanks""
Do I have to have car insurance in wis?
I have a car that is old, ( a VW Fox to be exact) and i was wondering if i need to have car insurance for it? i use the car for nothing more than to drive to work and back, because of the amazing gas milage, but i was woundering if im going to get into trouble if im ever pulled over and dont have insurance. I live in WIS so keep that in mind. Any help would be welcome. thx ahead of time.""
Cheap car insurance in CA?
I'm 19 and am looking to buy a 06/07 Cobalt SS coupe (non-supercharged) and am wondering what the cheapest insurance would be? Personal experience?
Do you find women only car insurance sexist?
Personally I do. For a start their buisiness is based around the idea that women are safer drivers even though what gender you are does not affect your driving, also all of the TV adverts for this insurance have sexist comments in them. If it had been the other way round and these car insurances were exclusive to men there would have been protests and accusations of sexism but because typically women are the victims of sexism it has gone unnoticed.""
Why does Obama believe only 5% of America will pay more for health insurance?
It is a known fact that 1 in 3 American aged 50 to 64 are without health insurance. There are 300 million citizens in this country. The baby boomer generation is estimated to be 79 ...show more
""How Much is Car Insurance going to cost for a 1997 corvette, if I am 16?
Is it true that the older cars cost less to insure?
""Insurers are anticipating large health insurance price increases next year due to Obamacare, how will libs try to spin it into a positive?
""If someone gets in an auto accident with someone else's car, whose insurance is notified?
Mother and daughter have auto insurance together. Daughter lets her boyfriend drive and he rear ends a car and does very little damage (broken tail light) to other car. He has his own insurance for his vehicle. Which insurance do you call? No accident report was done by police.
Motorcycle Accident Insurance question?
If i accidentally knock over my bike, will insurance cover that? if so, which coverage covers it? I have Comprehensive and Liability""
How much would i pay for insurance?
I want to buy an 2010 Nissan Cube, around 14,000 new and im 17, living in Ct. I was wondering how much i would pay for insurance, if its too much what other car should i get, i want to get a new car so can any one help me, my grades aren't too good, i would pay for it my self and i can afford about 150 a month since ill be paying 184 a month for the car with 60 months and 3000 down.""
Should I purchase car insurance?
I'm buying a car on Saturday and want to arrive with proof of insurance so I can drive the car off the lot ASAP. I was given a quote for a vehicle I won't be getting. The year will be the same year though. I'm also not sure about plates and registration.
What is the cheapest Auto insurance I can get?
I'm 23, just got my license, i have a Honda civic year 2002, I live in Illinois.""
Should I buy earthquake insurance in california?
I've lived in the Bay Area for 20 years and never purchased earthquake insurance for my home. I heard rates were going down, and AAA quoted me a rate of nearly $1200 for earthquake coverage- there is 75,000 deductible, and they will cover up to $525,000 to rebuild. What is the consensus on this issue?""
Where could I find health insurance that covers these things?
I'm a very healthy person, I've never had any major illnesses and don't do anything that would risk a major hospital visit (of course I know that things do happen), I just want the health insurance that covers: Doctor visits and Medications I have been diagnosed with GAD by a general psychiatrist and he recommends I take medication for it, I don't typically visit a doctor but I felt I needed to see one asap. I've never had health insurance, I'm 19 years old and I live on my own, I'm about to be married in a month and I just would like to know where I can find affordable health insurance where I won't have to pay too much for a doctors visit and for medication. Thank you""
Is insurance cheaper if you lease a new car?
And how much is the security deposit usually?
Is international health insurance worth it?
I'm from the US and will be travelling to SE Asia and wondering if I should buy international health insurance and what company is best. I have no current health insurance and am in great health. Thailand has very affordable medical care which might be affordable paying out of pocket even if something major happened there, but if I had to be flown back to the US for something medical related, I'd surely go bankrupt. Does anyone have any recommendations for international coverage or not?""
What does Enterprise car rental insurance cover?
We rented a car for a week and we got the basic coverage for our rental car. Yesterday we stopped at a crosswalk when we saw two people and were then hit full speed by a pickup truck. It totaled the rental car and thankfully were are ok. As we were sitting there it was told to us that a witness said there was no one at the crosswalk when it happened and the witness filled out a report. I know what I saw and it hurts that people would be so dishonest. By the end of it the officer said no citation would be issued. I think the police are going to say it was my fault for stopping to quickly. I think that's ridiculous but anyway. If I have the basic car rental insurance and they say its my fault, will the rental insurance cover all that? Thanks for any responses. I am still shaken up!""
Insurance Cost For Mustang GT?
19 year old Male South Carolina 2 tickets full coverage 2003 Mustang GT 90k miles
Where can I find Insurance for labor provider business?
California...where can I find Insurance for Labor provider business?
Will full coverage car insurance cover a blown head gasket?
It still has enough oil in it (between E and F on the dip stick), I can just tell this is what it is because Oil is leaking down the driver side gasket and I'm noticing my coolant level beginning to drop. I just want to do something about it now before I keep driving it and completely blow the engine.""
Would car insurance on a?
2006 dodge ram 1500 short bed single cab or 2005chevy tahoe z71 cost more?
Denied for life insurance thru employer?
Met life denied me for life insurance. Met Life sends a denial letter to my employer....Can I get fired for that...The life insurance company stated they cannot disclose any info, however, can Human Resources call me in and ask me why? It is a company life insurance...... I would think this is a privacy or Hippa Issue......Need some help..""
""Insurance company does not want to pay for my car damages, what should I do?""
I let my mom borrow my car, which insurance is under my name, she crashes. She exchanged insurance info with the other driver. I called the other driver's insurance to make a claim to have them get my car fixed. As soon as I told the insurance rep what had happened, he hung up. I try calling them again only to have the rep say, we need to get the other driver's side of the story and hung up again. My car got really damaged, but the other driver's car only got scratches, I know it may not matter but nonetheless I would like to have them pay for my car damages. My insurance only has liability so I can't file a claim under my insurance. The only thing I have is a police report of them exchanging insurance info but no document stating in detail what happened and who is at fault, that's it. What should I do?""
Cumberland Center Maine Cheap car insurance quotes zip 4021
Cumberland Center Maine Cheap car insurance quotes zip 4021
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