#they knew they had to rise to the ocassion of each other’s greatness
tutuandscoot · 2 years
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📍Worlds 2017 FD practice
-some musings
It’s kinda funny reading a couple of comments on the YT video of this practice that were obviously written before the competition, that said ‘oh I love their new ending pose’ referring to this moment. It’s funny to me coz it doesn’t seem like that at all- knowing this was never the actual ending pose (if they changed it) and that it is obviously just spontaneous in the moment.
The way you can tell that is T didn’t know that was gonna happen, because you can see she started to lean back thinking he was going to lay her down, and when he didn’t, she stays suspended there for a moment, him holding her so gently in his arms as he seemingly got caught in her eyes for a moment and didn’t follow through with the actual end pose.
She wasn’t suspended very far back, it’s quite subtle but it’s so soft how in that little moment of miss-communication, in the most beautiful way, he catches her off guard a bit so even for a brief moment lets her float there semi-weightless in his arms with the most gentle touch while they stare into each other’s eyes. He holds her so effortlessly- no indication in him at all the decision not to lay her down- just a subtle impulse, that right hand on her back holding her so close to himself; no hesitation, no insecurity-like it’s the most natural thing in the world to hold her heart close to his own. Her hand in his hair, him so delicately holding her head so he can stay fixed on her eyes. Then as she surrenders to the magic of the moment, she sits back up and their foreheads fall together as both their hands, so softly still in contact with each other fall away- her’s down his face and his fingertips tracing down her first few vertebrae- made even softer by the fact her beautiful pale skin always becomes flushed pink in the cold of the arena.
It’s moments like this where those of us entranced in their magic are reminded that their entire world exists between their eyes fixated on each other’s. Obviously not the whole time they are skating but when they do come back to that it is like they are being third wheeled by the whole world.
A whole conversation just happened in those few seconds without words, then when he does actually say something and they bring themselves out of that trance, that magical little moment lingers. It’s these kinds of moments I imagine there was so, so many of in the privacy and protection of their home training. They are truly magical when they perform for an audience but little moments like this, that in reality last just a few seconds maybe for them they can make feel like hours, just locked between their eyes or their foreheads resting against each other’s like a little prayer. It’s such a conflict to watch the spontaneity of a moment like this where you feel like you are witnessing the most pure form of love playing out before your eyes, but at the same time feel like an intruder knowing those are usually only reserved for, or rather born in a much safer environment, left wondering just how many moments like this they shared and how a special place that must of been, free of judgement, criticism, or any speculative boundaries, where their love could just exist for what it is.
As they come back from that moment, not knowing what he said, again through his beautiful, soft touch on her bare skin, indicates ‘we are going to hop up now ok’ and guides her back to her feet, ensuring she’s on balance before standing up himself. Again not hesitant about legitimately lifting her up for the most simple on motions, but so gently through using the palms of his hands lifting her upwards rather than squeezing her uncomfortably. Through just about everything they do on the ice it’s so obvious that she is completely at his mercy- meaning that she is never, ever in danger of falling or getting hurt. Her complete and total faith in him to guide her and lead her, to make decisions for the team while still maintaining her voice and role in stabilising their emotions. Completely at peace with their duties and responsibilities to each other, I suspect still in there lies two little kids who at first were shy to hold each other’s hands, yet at the same time certainly felt so special to have been given a partner to skate and dance with. I feel there was still always this little excitement and giddiness in 28 year old her, this special feeling, perhaps best worded by T herself as ‘thank you for.. holding my hand… for 22 years’ kind of special feeling. And while that may have been what they valued as the most intimate gesture that had the honour of sharing, I imagine the same went for moments like this- moments of gentle spontaneity, soft cradling and forehead touches, little whispers and eyes locked on each other creating a world where no one else could enter.
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