#they just want to talk about their lord and savior neil gaiman
theeldermillennial · 1 year
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*knock knock*
Will you let them in?
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agentofbeans · 3 months
nobody thinks you’re a savior for jumping to conclusions about the neil gaiman situation.
did we forget that innocent until proven guilty isn’t about supporting a criminal, but protecting victims? nobody’s ever right until a just ruling is made with ample evidence and a fair trial. nobody is superior for blindly advocating for one side or another. let’s face it, there’s so little information, from a frankly biased site. this is about the bigger picture, which we genuinely do not know as of yet.
that is absolutely not to say that we do not listen to the victim’s stories and try to help them find resolution and peace. wanting to know more isn’t the same as justifying a 60 year old fucking a 20 year old stranger. rape is disgusting and wrong. some people need to get it through their heads that not immediately believing everything you see on the internet is not akin to saying that you believe rape is okay.
but as with any case of sa, anyone who tries to argue that blindly siding with the victim is the only way to be right is a clown. that’s not how justice works. he could be a rapist, he could not be. we simply do. not. know. enough. unfortunately, there’s so much grey area with accusation and denial, meaning nobody will ever agree which side is right. neutrality until one party is clearly shown to have the most evidence to prove their side is the most fair to everyone involved.
about good omens: you have the right to cry out and grieve for a beloved story. this has been such a safe and supportive community, and it’s horrifying that it may be tainted like this. it has never been problematic before. honestly, we’re one of the most tame fandoms of all- that is why we are upset. of course good omens is going to be brought up in this talk and that does not equate to ignoring survivors of sa. saying it does is stupid.
in conclusion, i want to know more. we deserve to be able to make a properly educated decision. the fate of many people’s safe place rests on this.
and if he is proven and put on the list of registered sex offenders? dear lord we will deal with the implications then. for now, nobody fucking knows. go touch grass and stop telling people they’re bad for liking good omens amidst this uncertainty. this fandom doesn’t like the allegations either.
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onomatopiya · 1 year
writer tag game!
hiiii thank you @avi-why for tagging me this game seems so fun :D
1. is there a common piece of writing advice that you disagree with? alternatively, is there one you think (generally) most people should follow?
oooooh okay! generally i dislike any hard absolutes like "don't use adverbs ever" because i mean. no piece of advice like that will ever be universal and it's important to consider what Your Piece of writing needs rather than trying to fit a set of ~arbitrary guidelines~
as for advice i think works, i think consistency in writing will always be key to improvement. i like. very heavily stagnated in actual writing after covid (i was like. good lord i was 15 then. wild) because i got bogged down trying to make my book Perfect. and i think if i had actually written more during that time i would be a much better writer now! more writing = more improvement and practice makes pretty damn close to perfect etc etc
2. you can have dinner with any author, living or dead. but the catch is that after the dinner, you and that author will team up against a third writer in a no holds barred cage match throwdown. which 2 authors do you pick?
OOOOH ok. i'm currently very enamored with andrew joseph white and lee mandelo's writing because they both write GORGEOUS prose so maybe one of them? OOO or r.f. kuang . i think tolstoy should get got in the cage match. cry old man
3. have you ever experimented with poetry, plays, or screenwriting? what was the result?
YES i have and now i have a web series. help girl this was not supposed to be longer than a short fiction piece and yet. also shameless self plug you can read my web series about a dead girl haunting her own narrative HERE: https://gloryburning.substack.com/
i do want to experiment more with poetry though!!! that's one medium i haven't really dipped my toes into so to speak
4. what type of rancid twitter discourse would your current wip generate?
oh god what discourse WOULDN'T rr spark. i definitely think having an aroace mc weaponize someone else's attraction to him is probably um. discourse worthy. my top fear is that someone unironically ships lahar (romance and sex repulsed aroace) with anthony (horrible white savior who has no semblance of self) some other notable things that happen in the book:
diversity loss the capitalist kendall roy ass character (anthony) is gay
people of color get to KILL
ruh roh! tragedy :(
horrible horrible body augmentations with dangerous and ableist implications
so much murder. so much assassination. god bless
5. what author would you love to be compared to? what author would you hate to be compared to?
OOOOOOH . uhhhh i love so many authors oh god. i do love neil gaiman i would be so floored if someone compared me to that guy. OH and terry pratchett . probably would not want to be compared to like. jkr. booooo
6. design the ideal piece of merch/swag for your wip.
oh this one is so me bait. i have serious merch and then deeply unserious merch
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7. free space: what's one thing you really want to talk about in your writing that no one ever asks about?
I LOVE soulmate horror and just. idk taking different concepts and hitting them with my aroace beam. i love aroace horror i love aroace people. and i think there should be more weird aspec fiction
and question time. putting them below the cut along with tags
what's the first story you can remember writing? how does it compare to the way your writing has evolved? where do you see your writing going in the future?
what parts of yourself (if any) have gone into your current wip? alternatively, how would you fare if you were suddenly dropped into your own wip?
what's one quality of your writing that feels completely unique? what's one thing you want to improve upon in the future?
make or share a meme that you feel captures the essence of your wip.
what are your goals as a writer? do you want to publish? is your writing for your eyes only?
which of your characters is your favorite to write and why?
free space: feel free to be self indulgent--do you have any aus or your wips? if so, what, and if not, what aus/fanfic would you write of your work?
tagging: @macywrites, @cream-and-tea, @saltwaterbells, @coffeeandcalligraphy, @wren-is-writing, @encrucijada, @snowinks, @chayscribbles, @cuntylittlesalmon, and anyone else who wants to do this
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thenightling · 4 years
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Figured I’d share this immature, moronic, and “hehe, that’ll show ‘em” meme that quarktrinity sent in my asks.  
Funny how they send memes as a “win” instead of actually replying to anything I actually said about the deliberately out-of-context Wonder Woman post I dared question and went out of my way to watch the film of to see for myself.  
You assumed something was racist because that’s what you were told online with some deliberately out of context gifs and images.   That’s like assuming Captain Marvel is sexist against women because of cherry picking scenes where the character had to deal with sexism.
   And for those who missed it here is my reply that is getting me called racist.  
1.   Here we see Wonder Woman rescuing a few Middle Eastern children and this post calls her a “White Savior.”  She saved white characters earlier too.  In this scene she was in the Middle East for the context of the plot.  Lots of things were going on and she is the superhero.  Superheroes are saviors, that’s kind of the entire point.   Would you prefer the children die?  Or just that a random non-superhero save them?  Also the actress is Israeli and Jewish.  But sure... “White savior.”...Or is the “problem“ really that a Jewish woman playing an (according to DC comics) bisexual Greek Pagan woman rescuing Islamic children that actually is what made you uncomfortable?  Funny how this looks like thinly disguised bigotry masquerading as “concern about racism.”
The same people complaining about this rescue scene would have also complained if Wonder Woman was only rescuing white people or do you prefer when people “stick to their own kind” and “only care about their own race”?  Casual racism disguised as “woke” is “fun” isn’t it, folks?  Racial segregation disguised as woke is still racial segregation. 2.  The Oil Baron / Prince talking to Max Lord is loosely based on real political figures from the 1980s just as Max Lord is at least partly based on Trump and there is even a blink-and-you’ll-miss-it Freddie Mercury look-a-like.  Lots of characters in Wonder Woman 1984 are based on actual famous political and pop culture figures of the era.  If a character is inspired by a real person it is stupid to pearl clutch and scream “RACIST!” for making a close allegory of a real person who actually lived in 1984.  Learn your history, kids. 3.   This post shows a deliberately out-of-context POC man wishing for Nuclear weapons.  This is deliberately misleading. And shame on the person trying to trick you with this.  In this scene (in context) people all over the world were making wishes, many of them horrible, including a white man wishing a woman drop dead. Another man wished to be a king.  Lots of bad wishes were being made.Earlier in the movie a white character wished for nuclear weapons too but this stupid, out-of-context, post deliberately leaves that important detail out. Context is important for a reason. You let yourselves get tricked. The main antagonist is modeled after Trump.  And he is a pretty awful guy until the ending shows a sympathetic side to him and he renounces his choices in order to save his son, because the man was still capable of love, and realized what was more important than his mad ambitions.  But I suppose that wouldn’t set right for a lot of people, the idea of redemption...
Don’t lie about a movie, or spread misinformation, or leap to conclusions, if you haven’t seen it for yourself and don’t know the context of these scenes. Some of us actually saw the movie.  This is like when I saw an angry Tumblr post circulating, pissed off that  Marvel’s four part Vote Loki comic “did away with Loki being genderfluid.”  Thousands of reblogs from people who never actually read the comic.  Not only was it wrong but Loki spent half the story in woman form.
Why do people feel the need to lie like this?“ Do you ever read the books you burn?” - Clarisse from Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury. Next time you want to feel victorious, actually address what is being said.   The moment a child responds with a meme instead of conversation I feel they’ve lost all effort of proving whatever point they think they have.
Remember, “memes” in response to actual well-thought-out rebuttals doesn’t suddenly make you right or “win.”
Here’s a meme for you though.
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I watched the film to see if the context of those images and gifs was accurate and it was all lies by omission.   We are human beings, we shouldn’t be tricked with careful wording and out of context snip-its like victims of faeries in a folktale.
Much like those who used out-of-context bullshit to claim Neil Gaiman is homophobic (before they discovered J. K. Rowling actually IS Transphobic) I will remind you.   If something truly is racist, homophobic, or bigoted, then you wouldn’t have to lie about the content to make your point.
Same rule as the witch hunts where men used fake blades to make it look like the accused women were magically not bleeding.  If you have to lie to prove your accusations, chances are the accusations are false.
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lanternwisp · 8 years
crash course me on tim hunter ?
BRUH ok ok
Tim Hunter is THIS sweet child, created by my lord and savior, Neil Gaiman.
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And yes, he DOES look like Harry Potter. He’s even English. But he was made first in 1990 for The Books of Magic (although the comparisons were so common that in 2000 it was joked/implied that Harry might be an alternate universe version of him). The original miniseries was essentially a tour through DCU’s magic side of canon, with Tim being the eye level character for the readership.
The gist of it is that Tim Hunter is the new Merlin, aka the current avatar / living incarnation of magic for our era. As such from a young age he has been pursued by cults and dark forces to be either manipulated or killed. For his protection the Trenchcoat Brigade approach him when he’s 12 to tell him ‘yer a wizard, Tim’, which in DCU is a polite way of saying you’re fucked.
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Constantine in particular becomes an older brother or uncle figure, as out of all the Trenchcoat Brigade, John takes the most proactive stance in protecting Tim and most genuinely has the kid’s best interests at heart. John refused to be Tim’s official mentor though (for the kid’s own good, really), and Tim wound up being apprenticed under Zatanna for a while.
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No one tells the poor kid that Constantine isn’t someone to idolize. I admit that they are pretty adorable, though.
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And Tim can’t really be blamed, with his mom gone and his [revealed to be adoptive] father extremely neglectful. While Tim’s true parentage is intentionally dubious, Queen Titania is ultimately his true mother. Unfortunately this relationship becomes strained after Tim’s true father sacrifices his life, and Titania blames her son for it.
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It’s worth noting that in DCU, Titania is a rather terrifying figure. She not only rules the Faerie dimension, but is considered on par with, if not more fearsome than some gods. She eventually gets over her upset and does care about Tim, but the pair of them take turns pissing each other off and it’s just a mess. 
Most of Tim’s adventures relate to the Fair Folk in some way, similar to how Constantine’s stories mostly involve demons. Tim is similarly stubborn, belligerent, sassy as hell, and clever enough to outsmart supernatural forces once he gets rolling.
His struggle with his parentage is a small aspect of his identity issues. After Death talks him through it, he starts to ease up and come to terms with where he comes from.
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Tim’s struggle for identity is a huge part of his narrative, as he struggles with his parentage, literally grapples with several different versions of himself, at one point has a female alter ego, and most of all fears for who he will become in the future.
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Behold evil!Tim from a potential future, accompanied by his man-eating owl, Yo-yo. Mister E purposefully shows him this version to justify why Tim can’t be allowed to live. 
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E then tries to murder Tim after taking him to the end of the timeline, but thankfully Death intervenes and makes Mister E take the long walk back to the present as punishment. 
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Despite this, throughout his life Tim often wonders if he’s too dangerous to exist, and there are compelling arguments for why.
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He’s a big deal and has no secret identity, so the poor guy really gets the shaft. He was also published by Vertigo comics, DC’s edgy sister, which is not ginger about tormenting a child. Tim goes on the run, kills other versions of himself, narrowly evades being enslaved in hell, and by the end of things loses numerous loved ones. As one does.
So eventually the forces of darkness and evil pursuing Tim are overwhelming (he’s about 14 at that point) and the Trenchcoat Brigade sends him to the White School, aka interdimensional Hogwarts. He spends several years there, over the course of which he becomes inexplicably hot.
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(For reference, I’d say he was about 19/Jason Todd’s age by the end of his post-crisis run)
Eventually he does get a better handle on his life and his powers and comes to be happy. He’s still a bit of a smartass cynic with a definite history of being selfish, ignorant and fickle, but with maturity he grows out of that somewhat and even develops a savior complex.
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Long story short, Tim Hunter is a snarky, imperfect kid with a great destiny and despite going through some literal and figurative hell, he is still hopeful and wants to help people.
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He also, to my great disdain, has not been utilized since the early 2000s (I don’t speak of New52 and neither should you). 
But yeah, that’s the crash course on Tim Hunter.
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rosevalntne-blog · 8 years
all of the asks. all of them.
thank u xoxo
vanilla chai latte: are you in love? i am incapable of love i only feel desperate attachment
flat white: coffee or tea? tea, but if we’re bringing mochas into it then coffee
cappuccino: what’s your middle name?rose!
mocha: dream job? freelance writer
pumpkin spice: dream car? something very safe that a very good driver drives for me (i am very scared)
jasmine tea: if you could go anywhere in the world, where would it be and why? ireland. it’s my family history, it’s beautiful there, and it’s where clara was born.
you’re stranded on an island; who do you bring with you? my cats & my three pals (gina, river, & u)
iced chocolate: do you have a crush on someone? i have a crush on Our Lord And Savior Jesus Christ
caramel frappe: favorite video game? animal crossing!
iced lemon tea: favorite song/band? my fave song right now is “valley of the dolls” by marina and the diamonds but my fave artist is emilie autumn
iced café mocha: favorite thing to do on rainy days? read!!!
hot chocolate: are you an affectionate person? emotionally/verbally, very much so. physically, not so much.
caramel macchiato: you’re traveling the entire world but you can only take one person with you. who do you take? @fliesintheattic bc we’ve talked about traveling together and going on adventures and i want to see that dream fulfilled
green tea: how tall are you? 5′6″
earl grey tea: the inevitable zombie apocalypse is upon us! what’s your plan of action? kill myself i’m not dealing with that
mint tea: how do you relax? I Don’t
vanilla latte: board games or drinking games board games i can’t drink or i’ll probably die or smth
iced coffee: do you like reading? if so, what’s your favorite book? i love reading & my newest favorite book is the ocean at the end of the lane by neil gaiman. 2 b pretentious though, my fave work of literature is hamlet by william shakespeare.
italian soda: describe your dream date we go to a lil café on a rainy day. i have raspberry tea and we talk about everything under the sun, especially literature and writing, but also music and films and philosophy and our lives and our dreams. we come back to my house and play with my cats and my cats like her. i drink more tea. we read poetry to each other. everything is safe and good. 
sparkling water: describe what qualities you look for in a person validation, patience, kindness, humor
orange juice: have you ever had a valentine? just in middle school when everybody was awkward and i hated attention from boys (as i still do)
rose hip tea: describe your first kiss my first kiss was in kindergarten with a girl named ashley and this kid michael told the teacher on us and we got in trouble. my first Big Kid kiss was with a boy named jack with whom i thought i was in love and it was kinda funny because we’d been practicing stage kissing and then he just kissed me for real. it was sweet and innocent and nice. 
herbal tea: you’re at a candle shop, what scented candle do you buy? vanilla cinnamon, it makes me feel so safe.
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