#they just needed to leave him temporarily so he could figure it out
dreemurr-skelememer · 6 months
blue and ink come back for dream post animatic btw 💔 i cant separate them
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paarksunghoon · 21 days
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SUMMARY: the last thing you want to do is interrupt sunghoon’s time with his friends, but your doting boyfriend has always said he’ll be there whenever you need him. when a shift at work leaves you hanging by a thread, he and his friends are there to patch your soul back up.
NOTES: felt some type of way and naturally i need a hug from sunghoon. best i can do is write about it.
PAIRING: sunghoon x fem!reader
WARNINGS: angst, typical rough day stuff and typos, probably.
Your car comes to a complete halt when you situate yourself on the curb of Lee Heeseung’s apartment. The rumble of the pavement beneath your tires ceases to amplify the slight movement that naturally shakes your car seats and you sit in the driver’s side like you’re a zombie.
The muggy atmosphere from the heat attempting to displace the freezing air makes your skin feel sticky and gross as you turn your engine off. The overhead lights temporarily blind you as you stare ahead into the dark night and feel the tension building up in your body.
Your jaw clenches and your cheeks become warm with the sheer amount of frustration seeping into your bones. The cold sweat you harbor makes you feel hot and freezing at the same time. The coolness of your glass window does nothing to quell your body’s temperature.
The familiar two-story house beside you is where Heeseung lives. He rents the bottom property and has lived with Park Jongseong ever since you all collectively started the last year of university.
You don’t necessarily want to be here. Coming to Heeseung’s apartment because you feel like you might combust at any minute seems like an invasion of privacy. Your boyfriend Sunghoon had let you know that he was sleeping over at his friends’ apartment tonight and you had no qualms with the proposition. He deserved to have his time with his friends too. Although it seems that your mind has its own agenda and you find yourself in front of Heeseung’s place in no time.
You step out of the car and lock it. Your feet carry you around the hood and you step onto the hard sidewalk with a slight wobble. The air is chilling, throwing a stark shiver down your spine as you huddle in your arms for warmth. The jacket you have sprawled on the backseat looks at you with concern.
You’re a step away from ringing the doorbell but your finger hovers the white button as tears well up in your eyes. The feeling of desperation and burden weigh on your chest as you listen to the muffled laughter that comes from Heeseung’s living room. Sunghoon hadn’t seen his friends in a few weeks between classes, work, and you. The last thing you want to do is impede on his time with his friends when you’ve spent the better half of this month glued to his side.
But you can’t help it. Your nose feels like it could be burning from the cold and the weather forces you to ring Heeseung’s doorbell when it ripples through your shirt. You hear him padding to the front door and can make out his figure from the bottom, his shadow blocking the light from inside.
Heeseung opens it just slightly ajar to assess who’s standing outside his apartment at this late hour. When he opens it, seeing you standing in the cold with red eyes and no jacket makes him panic.
“Y/N?” he asks. “What are you doing here?”
You think he might close the door with the look of confusion on his face but he opens it wider to allow you into his apartment. He shuts it quickly behind him and notices your chattering teeth, eyes softening at the sound when you look up at him. Heeseung watches your eyes begin to water and puts a hand on your upper back to soothe your emotions, but it makes you spill a few tears.
“I-I’m sorry for coming here,” you hiccup. “I didn’t know where else to go.”
“It’s okay, Y/N. You can always come over if you need something.”
You speak faster than you can think. “Today was so awful.”
Heeseung purses his lips and tells you to stay put. You watch him retreat into the living room and stare at the wall clock in front of you until you hear Heeseung say, “Hoon, your girl’s here.”
Sunghoon hears the worry in his friend’s voice because he stands up from the couch like he’s on a mission. With his eyebrows furrowed and heart beating in his chest, Sunghoon follows Heeseung to the front door and is immediately presented with you.
You look nothing like the happy-go-lucky girlfriend he said goodbye to before heading over to Heeseung’s. This morning, you’d woken up next to Sunghoon and he’d given you a tender kiss before heading to spend the day with his friends. Now, your eyes are swollen and your cheeks are stained with salty tears.
His heart plummets when he sees you standing in Heeseung’s doorway with no jacket on. You look helpless in a way he doesn’t see very often. Your knees buckle in your pants and the goosebumps on your arms are prominent to his eye.
Sunghoon wastes no time and envelopes you in a hug, pulling you into his chest until your face is situated in his neck.
“Baby?” he asks, feeling your hot breaths against his skin. “Talk to me. What happened? You’re so cold. Where’s your jacket? Did you bring one?”
His deep, honey-like voice that utter sweet concern only makes you cry harder. You try to keep your chokes and sobs as quiet as possible but the hiccups emitting from your throat make it impossible. You try to ignore the fact that Sunghoon’s friends can likely hear you weeping, instead focusing on your boyfriend’s warmth.
His arms encircle your body, one hand protectively around your waist and the other secured behind you. Sunghoon’s hands cup the back of your head and he strokes his fingers through your head lovingly.
“I had a bad day.” Your broken whispers makes Sunghoon’s heart sink even further. He pushes your hair out of the way and kisses your temple with plump lips.
“I’m sorry, baby,” he says. “Do you want to talk about it?”
Rethinking the events that led to your arrival at Heeseung’s place only fuels your tears and you shut your eyes, burying yourself further into your boyfriend’s neck.
Heeseung, helplessly standing around the corner, walks closer to tell him the two of you could use his bedroom. Sunghoon rubs the small of your back and slowly walks towards the room, guiding you inside without so much as a word spoken. Heeseung closes the door behind you two and Sunghoon immediately perches the two of you on the edge of his bed.
“My baby.” Sunghoon lifts your head and pushes the tears underneath your eyes away with the pads of his thumbs. ���What’s got you upset, hm? Are you hurt?”
“No,” you choke. “I’m not hurt.”
“You don’t have to talk about it if you don’t want to.”
Sunghoon pulls you into his chest and further onto Heeseung’s bed when you give into him. He lets you cry against him, not caring that his shirt is becoming damp as the seconds pass by. His palm soothes the entirety of your back and he kisses the crown of your head, periodically squeezing you tighter when his heart breaks at the sound of your sobs.
“Life is so hard,” you say into his chest. “I feel overwhelmed and scared.”
“Scared of what, baby?”
“I don’t know. Everything? I had the worst shift at work today. A customer ordered a hot coffee but I made it iced by accident and instead of letting me remake it for her, she involved my manager and was making a scene in front of everybody there.”
“I’m sorry.” Sunghoon whispers against your temple and kisses it again. “That’s frustrating.”
“My manager tried to get her to leave but she was pushy. Usually I could handle that but I’m overwhelmed with school and my senior project that I just broke down when the manager sent me home.”
“Your manager doesn’t think you’re at fault, right?”
“No,” you shake your head. “Nothing like that. He said I looked like I needed some rest and told me to take the rest of the night off.”
“Thank God.” He squeezes you tighter. “I’m sorry you had such a bad day. You shouldn’t have to put up with mean people who get mad at you for making a small mistake.”
“Everybody is so fucking mean, Hoon.” You roughly push away the tears from your eyes with the heel of your palm. “I’m tired of everybody expecting so much from me. Between work, school, and my parents asking me what job I’ll have after graduating, it’s all too much.”
Sunghoon coos. “You’re so precious, you know that? You’re dealing with so much and you’re allowed to cry about it. I’m sorry everything is affecting you like this.”
“Sorry for ruining your boys night,” you sniffle. “I feel awful that I took you away from your friends.”
Your boyfriend shakes his head. “Don’t be sorry. I’d come to you in a heartbeat if you called.”
His words only make you cry harder. Sunghoon is the perfect boyfriend. He dotes on you like you’re the only woman he’s ever loved in his entire life and lets you know how beautiful you are any chance he gets. He gets along with your friends and family, welcomes you into his own life, and makes you feel like you can achieve anything whether he’s in the picture or not.
Being with him has made you feel safer than you have in a long time. His arms provide the kind of comfort you’ve always been seeking and despite the amount of frustration and sadness in your body, it seems to be melting away with every kiss Sunghoon puts on your forehead.
Heeseung knocks gently and opens the door just slightly. You feel silly being held like a baby in front of Sunghoon’s friends who you’ve met only once before. It was at Heeseung’s house that you first met the three guys Sunghoon is closest to after they made an effort to invite you over to a night at the local dive bar before coming back to watch a marathon of Marvel movies. Your love for Iron Man catapulted the start of your friendship with Heeseung in particular and Sunghoon was starting to love how well you fit into his life.
“It’s been a while and I wanted to check in. You doin’ okay?”
You sniffle and hold onto Sunghoon’s arm. “Bad day. Everybody sucks.”
Heeseung laughs. “Preaching to the choir.” You immediately realize you neglected to take your shoes off when entering the apartment and scold yourself for bringing dirt onto his hardwood floors.
“Shit,” you say, pulling your legs higher so they’re farther from the surface. “I’m so sorry Heeseung. I’m sorry for barging in.”
He shakes his head. “Don’t worry about it. Take them off, I’ll put them by the door.”
You oblige. Sunghoon holds you to balance your body as you hand each sneaker to Heeseung, who doesn’t look at you weirdly or scold you for interrupting his time with your boyfriend. Instead, he smiles at you and lets you know Jongseong and Sim Jaeyun, another one of Sunghoon’s friends that you met during the movie night, are outside and concerned for you.
“We don’t have to go out if you don’t want to,” Sunghoon tells you as Heeseung closes the door behind him for a second time. “But they really like you and I know they care about you.”
“I only met them once,” you hiccup, toying with the hem attached to the bottom of his shirt. “How could they possibly like me?”
Sunghoon laughs and kisses your cheek. “I talk about you all the time. I’m pretty sure they’re sick of hearing me talk about you and would rather hang out with you instead.”
“You do?”
He nods. “Mhm. I have the best girlfriend in the world, you know. They had a lot of fun getting to know you and were planning on inviting you to a barbecue Jongseong’s having next weekend.”
Your doe-like eyes makes Sunghoon’s heart melt. He nods and kisses your nose. “Yes, baby. They love you. Not as much as I do, but a close second.” Hearing you laugh makes him breathe easier.
“I still feel bad for ruining your guys’ night,” you say with a pout.
Sunghoon eases your mind and presses a tender kiss to your lips to displace said pout. “We’ve all been there. If you’re uncomfortable, we can go back to your place and sleep?”
You shake your head. “This is your night. I don’t want to interrupt and make things awkward.”
“Why don’t we at least get you some water. You don’t have to say anything but at least drink something so you’re not dehydrated.” You don’t want to get up and face the embarrassment of the other three boys seeing you cry, but you know Sunghoon is right. After all the crying you’ve done, you’re feeling parched.
You nod and stand from him, all while he still has one hand in yours. Moments like this make you appreciate Sunghoon even more than you already do. He’s willing to do anything for you at the drop of a hat and it gives you butterflies when you remember this handsome, generous man is your boyfriend.
Jongseong and Jaeyun look at you with concerned eyes when you meet them outside. You try to speak but your mouth keeps opening and closing as you find the words to say.
“I’m okay,” you tell them. “And I’m sorry for ruining your night.”
Jongseong hands you a glass of water. “Don’t sweat it, Y/N. Everyone has bad days.”
“Yeah, but you guys haven’t seen Hoon in forever and this was supposed to be your weekend.” Your sincere apology and the cracks in your voice make Jaeyun’s eyes water too.
“It’s alright,” he tells you sincerely. “We love hanging out with you. You should stay and we can watch movies. We were gonna do that anyway.”
“I don’t want to intrude.”
“Jongseong and I want you to stay,” Heeseung says. The two of them nod. “You shouldn’t be alone when you feel like this.”
“Fuck,” you say, voice cracking to the point where it makes you laugh. The four boys laugh as well and feel the relief in the air around them. “You guys are too nice.”
“We were gonna order takeout too,” Jongseong says, pulling his phone out. “We were thinking maybe fried chicken but Hoon says you love Thai food. Why don’t we order stuff from the place around the block and eat it family style?”
“Oh, you don’t have to change it for me.”
Jongseong waves you off. “Nah. We all love Thai. Any excuse to eat it.”
“And don’t think about paying us back,” Jaeyun says with a genuine smile. “I’ll pay for it.”
“We’ll split it by four,” Heeseung adds.
Jongseong lets you put in your order and everybody else follows suit. Sunghoon has you tucked underneath his chin as the whole ordeal happens and kisses the side of your face every so often.
“Feel better?” He asks, mouth against your ear. His warm breath is comforting, as to remind you that he’ll always be there for you.
“Much better.” Your voice is no longer brittle from your cries. Sunghoon smiles.
“My sweet baby,” he coos. “You’re so pretty when you cry.”
“What about when I’m not crying?”
“Still pretty.” He squishes your cheeks with his hands and pressed a kiss to your fattened lips. “Adorable, even.”
Jaeyun looks at the two of you and laughs. He can only hope that he’ll feel like that with someone someday. It compels him to say something.
“You guys are stupid cute.”
Sunghoon says nothing. He smiles at his friend and squeezes you tighter. Having him to lean back on makes you feel like you might be the luckiest girl in the world.
comments and reblogs would be appreciated! xx
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Hello again everyone! Since the "Merlin accidentally conquers Camelot" au won the continuation poll, here's part 2!
NOTE: Part 1 can be found here!
EDIT: Part 3 can be found here!
As a quick recap of this au, during the season 4 finale Merlin was caught by Morgana while trying to plant the burning doll curse that would temporarily lock away her powers, and they have a magic battle that ends with both Morgana and her army slain. Merlin thought that no one saw what happened, but Camelot's lords who serve on the council secretly saw everything. So, when Arthur storms Camelot, ready to take back his throne, he's met with the news that Morgana's already dead and a new sorcerer has claimed the throne of Camelot through the right of conquest, and the lords have unanimously agreed to make this powerful sorcerer king in order to appease him. To everyone's shock, Geoffrey then puts the crown of Camelot on Merlin's head, and Merlin promptly passes out.
And now, onto the new stuff!
When Merlin finally woke up, he jolted awake with a start, frightened by what must have been a terrible nightmare! And truly, it was one of the most horrifying scenarios Merlin's sleeping mind had ever conjured to torture himself with: everyone finding out about his magic, Arthur thinking that Merlin betrayed him, and unintentionally stealing Arthur's kingship!
If the idea wasn't so frightening, Merlin would almost laugh at the absurdity of it: Merlin, king of Camelot! What nonsense! Merlin was Emrys, the other side of the coin to the king; he was certainly never meant to be king himself.
Still, the idea gave Merlin a slight chuckle as he climbed out of his bed and changed into his usual clothes, the soft light of the dawn flittering in through his window. Thank every god out there that his outfit didn't involve a crown!
After he finished tying his neckerchief and pulling on his boots, Merlin opened the door into the main area of Gaius's chambers, ready to eat a quick breakfast with Gaius before collecting Arthur's breakfast and starting his work for the day.
Stepping out into the main chamber, he couldn't find Gaius anywhere, but that wasn't too unusual, given how busy Gaius could be with sudden injuries or illnesses popping up in the lower town at all hours of the night. Humming a bit to himself, Merlin began fixing himself a small bowl of porridge in the chamber's cooking pot, making sure to leave an extra portion for Gaius whenever he returned from his duties.
Merlin ate his breakfast quickly, enjoying the birdsong outside and the beautiful sunrise. Yes, this was exactly what he needed to wash away the awful ideas that his nightmare had conjured up.
After cleaning up their dining table, Merlin made his way towards the door, ready go about his day and do his job as a manservant to moderately acceptable standards! Besides, on the heels of Morgana's invasion, Arthur would need a supportive friend far more than a manservant today.
As Merlin opened the door from Gaius's chambers, however, something was conspicuously different. Namely, the fact that there were two armed guards standing on either side of the door, standing with their backs to the door.
The two guards stiffened and stood at attention as soon as he opened the door, uncrossing their polearms so that they would not be blocking his path as he left Gaius's chambers. Merlin froze at the sight of the guards, staring at their backs. What... what was going on?
"Is... is everything alright? What's this about?"
Was it just him, or did the two guards somehow stiffen up even more at Merlin's words?
After a tense beat of silence, one of the guards cleared his throat and replied, "We were assigned to stand guard over these chambers."
Merlin's brows furrowed with confusion for a moment before he figured out what must have happened, realization dawning on his face.
"Oh, I see! Arthur must have increased security around the castle since Morgana's latest attack. I'm not sure why he considers the physician's quarters to be a potential target, but I'll ask him about it later. Well, I'd better get going or else I'll be late to wake the prat up. Say hello to Gaius for me when he gets back!"
The guards looks confused at his words and opened their mouths to call something out to Merlin, but Merlin was already down the stairs and halfway down the hall before either of them could blink.
Merlin got a lot more strange stares than usual today as he made his way towards the kitchens, with many people outright stopping to gawk at him as he passed. Did he have something odd stuck to his hair or something?
Merlin shrugged off the strange stares for now. He'd have time to look in a mirror and figure out what was so odd about how he looked later, after Arthur had eaten and gotten dressed.
Merlin was still a few minutes away from the kitchens when a caped figure emerged from a servant's passageway and barreled into him, drawing him into a sudden hug. Instinctively, Merlin tensed up at the perceived attack, but he quickly relaxed at the familiar smell of ale and apples that surrounded his laughing "attacker".
"There you are! I've been looking all over for you, Merls!"
Merlin sighed with both relief at seeing his friend in one piece and in high spirits, but also is exasperation.
"Gwaine, I'm very glad to see you again, but what are you doing here? You just spent a week in captivity under Morgana, you're supposed to be resting and recovering, not ambushing unsuspecting servants!"
Gwaine pulled back at Merlin's words, wearing a look of confusion as he studied Merlin's face.
"Ah, but I'm not ambushing a servant, am I?"
"Yes, yes, you're ambushing your friend, since friendship gives you more rights to pull stunts like this and give me more reason to worry over your health."
At that, Gwaine's face pulled into an outright frown, a rare sight to see on the perpetually-grinning knight. Merlin shifted around a bit nervously, unsure of what exactly was happening. Finally, Gwaine spoke again, this time very slowly and gently, as if he was trying to calm down a spooked horse.
"Merlin, what do you remember from yesterday? What was the last thing you remember before falling asleep?"
This time, it was Merlin's turn to frown in confusion at Gwaine's odd questions. What did any of that matter?
"Well, I suppose the last thing I remember was... was storming into the throne room with Arthur and Gwen and being informed of Morgana's death anything after that... I don't quite recall."
He must have hit his head or something after that point, because everything after that was what happened in his nightmare, and there was no way any of that was real. Right?
Merlin watched as Gwaine's frown pulled into a strained smile, his confusion only growing. What was Gwaine so nervous about?
"Well, Merls," Gwaine began, slinging an arm around Merlin's shoulders as he started to lead Merlin away from the kitchens, "a lot happened in between then and now, including some great news!"
Gwaine turned to face Merlin, his smile genuine and mischievous this time, and Merlin knew that grin. That was the grin Gwaine wore right before he was about to get himself into some trouble for a noble cause but would hide it under the guise of "fun".
Merlin sighed deeply, not awake enough to deal Gwaine's antics, even if they was coming from a good place.
"Alright, what's this news of yours?"
If it was possible, Gwaine's mischievous grin grew wider.
"For starters, I got a promotion!"
Merlin stopped in his tracks with shock, halting their walk to... wherever Gwaine was leading him.
"A promotion?! How? Why? What's your new title? Will you be leading other knights?"
Gwaine just shook his head, his hair whipping around and smile still present on his face. He started leading Merlin again as he answered Merlin's questions.
"I know, I had hardly believe it myself! But I took some initiative when it really mattered, and I landed myself this new job! It's not really a leadership role, but I might be leading some knights, and probably some guards too!"
Gwaine finally started to slow their march down as they reached what Merlin assumed was their destination: the doors to the main throne room, where Arthur took his audiences.
As Gwaine stopped before the doors, he turned to look at Merlin again, his smile still bright, but his eyes, Merlin noticed, growing strained again, like there was something greatly troubling him.
"You still haven't told me what this new job actually is though."
This time, Gwaine's smile faltered a bit, and Merlin knew at once that this new job was what was causing Gwaine so much inner turmoil. What job could possibly give Gwaine of all people so much stress?
"Ah, silly me, how could I forget! You'll want to hold onto something before I tell you this, because this will blow you away my friend! I got promoted..."
Gwaine leaned in close, almost like he was about to share a secret with Merlin. Merlin leaned in as well, curious about what position Gwaine's surprising promotion had been to.
"to the king's official bodyguard!" Gwaine revealed in a stage whisper, playing the moment up for dramatic effect in a very Gwaine-like manner.
Merlin jerked backwards in surprise, startled by such unexpected news, but the more he thought about it, the more it made sense.
Arthur did seem to be stepping up security in the aftermath of Morgana's latest invasion, so it made sense for him to appoint a loyal and trusted knight to look after Arthur's own safety.
Merlin was strangely pleased with Arthur's decision on this. Arthur was finally prioritizing his own safety, and he had picked a great knight for the job! This might make Merlin's own secret job of protecting Arthur much easier! Gwaine would certainly take any of Merlin's warnings of danger to Arthur seriously, and he trusted Merlin enough that he wouldn't question where Merlin got any of his information.
Merlin smiled back at his friend, happy about both this new opportunity for his friend and about the changes it would bring. Yes, this was great!
"That's amazing Gwaine! Do you want to stop by the tavern tonight to celebrate?"
Gwaine laughed a bit at that, still looking oddly tense. For some unknown reason, apprehension started pooling in Merlin's stomach, telling him that something wasn't right here. No, there was something else going on.
"Thanks for the offer mate, but I'm afraid that it wouldn't be a good look for me to be seen drinking on my first night on the job. Besides, I have a feeling that you'll be a little busy this evening too."
Merlin's confusion only grew with each passing second.
"What do you mean by that?"
Gwaine didn't answer him, only giving Merlin a small, almost sad smile. It looked disturbingly out of place on the boisterous Gwaine, ratchetting Merlin's confusion and dread up even further.
Without another word, Gwaine turned and opened the doors to the throne room, revealing the entire council of lords congregated within, giving Merlin rather violent flashbacks to his nightmare.
No, no, nothing as disastrous as Merlin being publicly announced as a sorcerer and then getting crowned king in front of Arthur and Gwen could ever happen in real life. It was simply too absurd.
Merlin watched, frozen at the threshold of the room, as the lords' heads all turned towards the door at the sound of it swinging open. To Merlin's rising dread, they all rose from their seats at the sight of him.
No no no no....
Merlin frantically looked around, hoping to all of the gods of the Old Religion that Arthur was somewhere nearby, because the council only rose for the entrance of the king...
Merlin turned around, hoping to find Arthur standing around somewhere, anywhere, as dread began closing its claws around his heart, which was beating at the rating that Merlin would be concerned about if he could process anything other than his own all-consuming terror at that moment.
Because it wasn't a nightmare, was it? No, that was real. His worst fears had come to life in the most horrifying way possible, and he was powerless to stop it now.
If the lords of the council noticed Merlin's frantic terror, they didn't acknowledge it. Instead, apparently, they decided to only confirm Merlin's deepest fears. After a tense moment of utter silence in the room, broken only by Merlin's jagged breathing, Geoffrey finally stepped forward.
"Ah, welcome Your Majesty! I hope you're feeling better now after you've rested and recovered from your battle against Morgana. There is much to discuss concerning these first crucial days of your reign, including your public coronation, having all knights who are willing to renounce the Pendragon line swear their fealty to you, and determining the fates of those who already refuse to accept your rule."
For what felt like an eternity, Merlin simply stood there, his mind refusing to cooperate or even process what he was being told. He couldn't move a single muscle in his body, paralyzed by horror. He was only snapped out of his fugue state by Gwaine taking ahold of his arm and guiding him towards the table.
Inhaling sharply as he was pushed by Gwaine closer to the lords, he finally processed what Geoffrey had told him. Oh gods, a coronation?! So all of Arthur's kingdom could see how he had stolen Arthur's throne?! Forcing knights to turn their backs on Arthur and renounce their loyalty to him?! This was madness and, not to mention, the exact opposite of what Merlin wanted!
And what was that about punishing people for refusing to accept him as king? Hell, Merlin should reward the dissenters if anything, since they were apparently the only ones who still had any good sense left in this kingdom! Who in their right mind would immediately accept Merlin as their king anyway?!
Right, Merlin thought as his eyes wandered over the faces of the lords, spineless cowards with no loyalty who would turn their backs on their true king to save their own hides, that's who.
Well, the applied to the lords at least, but that still didn't explain what Gwaine was doing here, by Merlin's side, when he should be with Arthur and the other knights!
... Where were Arthur and the other knights?
A jolt of fear once again shot through Merlin, this time alongside guilt. Where was Arthur? What had happened to him? The council had foolishly stripped him of his title, and then what?
Clearing his dry throat, Merlin finally responded, "Geoffrey, what happened after I lost consciousness yesterday? Where is Arthur?"
After Merlin was finished speaking, the lords started shifting around nervously, which began to set of warning bells in Merlin's mind.
Something had happened after he fainted yesterday. Something that involved Arthur.
"Well, Your Majesty, following your loss of consciousness yesterday, the former King Arthur lost his temper and began yelling, shouting everything from accusing us of lies and treason to cursing out the sacred laws of the land. He then ran throughout the castle and began calling upon his knights for aid, explaining the situation to them in crude terms and demanding that they take back the crown from you by force."
Merlin grimaced at Geoffrey's monotone explanation, horrific visions of Arthur calling for his execution as a sorcerer and traitor running through his mind.
"Many of Arthur's knights rallied to his cause, but there were some who were hesitant to turn their blades against you, no doubt recognizing your power and your true claim to the throne. It was from that group that your loyal Sir Gwaine arose, leading a small group of knights and guards in a surprise attack that concluded with the former king and his knights locked in the dungeon cells, awaiting your judgement."
Merlin eyes flew wide at Geoffrey's words, his heading whipping around to meet Gwaine's gaze. Gwaine had betrayed Arthur in such a terrible way? For him?
In response to Merlin's horrified stare, Gwaine simply gave him his most innocent smile, as if nothing was wrong at all and Merlin's world wasn't crumbling around him.
No, this wasn't happening. Merlin had to fix this, and he had to fix it now.
"Look, Geoffrey, I am honored that you and the other lords feel so strongly that I am supposed to be Camelot's king, but that is not meant to be. I was never meant to rule over anything. This is Arthur's kingdom, and I will not be the one to take it from him."
All of the lords around the table look utterly confused, as if Merlin was speaking a completely different language. That was expected, Merlin supposed, if they had never seen anyone willingly give up power. Gwaine, however, just looked amused, like he knew that this was exactly what would happen.
"While that is a most gracious sentiment Your Majesty, I'm afraid that it isn't that simple."
Merlin groaned at Geoffrey's words, bemoaning the fact that the world could never let anything in his life be simple.
"Shouldn't it be?! I'm apparently the king now, so I order you to release Arthur and the knights from the dungeons and to give Arthur his kingship back!"
This time, it was Geoffrey's turn to sigh deeply, as the old man pulled a rather hefty- and dusty- scroll from his bag.
"This," Geoffrey began as he unrolled the yellowed parchment, "is Bruta's code, written by the Great King himself. This set of laws are the foundation on which all of the five kingdoms are governed, and Camelot is no exception. All kings of this Isle, no matter how powerful, are subject to these laws, lest the entire realm fall into anarchy."
Merlin was valiantly holding back the urge to bash his head into the council table. Why couldn't he clear this situation up as painlessly as possible?!
"The code addresses many subjects, and both the right of conquest and the rules of succession are outlined within. I'm terribly sorry Your Majesty, but the code clearly states that when a king who is not of royal blood ascends to the throne through the right of conquest, the previous royal family loses any and all claim to the throne, alongside their lands and wealth, essentially leaving them with no titles or claim to nobility at all. This measure was originally put in place to ban the defeated family from endlessly challenging the victor of the conquest in a bid to regain their former throne and wasting the new ruler's precious time."
Merlin's heart dropped even more at Geoffrey's words. Great, he had not only stolen Arthur's kingdom, but he had also stolen everything Arthur owned! Gods, what did Arthur hate Merlin more for at the moment, being a secret powerful sorcerer ever since they met or inadvertently stripping him of his title, lands, and all his possessions?
"I still don't see why this would forbid me from freely giving Arthur the throne back."
"Your Majesty, the former king is no longer a noble, as the Pendragon line is no longer recognized as a noble house. As such, Arthur is now, by law, a peasant, and it is against Bruta's code for a ruler to cede their throne to anyone but a noble for any period of time."
Merlin bit back a frustrated scream. Why, why?! Why couldn't he just make Arthur a noble again and be done with this farce and-
Wait a minute.
There was a way to make Arthur a noble.
Oh no, Arthur was going to hate this. But, Merlin steeled himself, this was the only way to make things right.
And that's all for now! I had a lot of fun making Gwaine the ultimate "ride or die" bestie for Merlin in this situation lol! I'll definitely be doing a part three of this au soon to resolve this cliffhanger!
Please let me know what you all thought of this continuation!
A huge thank you to everyone who supported my last au post and asked for this continuation! I'll try to tag you all here, my apologies if I missed anyone!
@cookie-player , @miyriu , @nebulousconstellationwriter , @insane-multifandom-brainrot , @elementalpirate4 ,
@tidalwavesandthunderstorms , @gaiussleechtank , @arrowlovesdragons , @lordmushroomkat , @bucketheadpunk14 ,
@retro-wallflower , @ryeallytired , @verxen , @mind-of-a-crow , @aostrek-236 ,
@thedragonkinproject , @orliththedragon , @theroundbartable , @my-own-quiet-corner , @tireddruid ,
@coffee-shop-gay , @sable-nakahara , @deadhotpocket , @bennedict , @samwinjester ,
@linotheghost , @aerismoon , @merthurogies , @ahumoki0 , @chairwiththreelegs ,
@achillesuwu , @pancakesandpigs , @the-king-and-the-druidess , @sugar-coated-prat-dragon , @isaidno ,
@justaz , @auldsusie
And, as always, thank you for reading through my ramblings! :D
EDIT: A question for those of you I'm tagging, I'm not sure if this is a tumblr issue or if I'm screwing something up on my end, but after the first few tagged blogs, it shows up on my screen like the tags are just plain text and not linked to anything. So, for those of you that are tagged, can you confirm that you're getting a notification when I tag you? I want to make sure everyone who requested a continuation knows when it's posted!
2nd EDIT: I've tried to fix the tag problem, I'm very sorry if you already saw this post and then got a notification!
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gelus-ugs · 1 year
The Hashira when they’re jealous
Prompt: A festival was taking place in a nearby town. You decided to go with ___, figuring that you could use some time off to enjoy yourselves. You decided to temporarily split up, taking interest in different things. While skimming through the different booths, you happened to run into an old friend. You two decided to catch up, not realizing that it seemed as if you were leaving a certain someone behind…
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Gyomei Himejima
I feel like he isn’t jealous per se, but more of feeling left out
He comes up behind you and doesn’t say anything
He doesn’t want to be rude and interrupt your time with your friend, but he doesn’t want to be excluded
You quickly notice him how could you not? he’s a fkin giant 😭 and introduce him to your friend
They talk and get to know each other for a bit before your friend leaves
You two continue to have fun at the festival, hand in hand and not leaving each other for the rest of the time<3
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Sanemi Shinazugawa
I just know this man is violent when he’s jealous
He can’t stand how you’re laughing and smiling with your friend. That’s mean to be him
He comes up behind you and wraps his arms around your waist, pulling you into his chest and glaring daggers at your friend
If looks could kill, your friend would be deceased. gone. straight to the morgue.
Your friend quickly gets the message and leaves
And if for some ungodly reason your friend doesn’t and continues talking to you, Sanemi will straight up haul you over his shoulder and walk away
You don’t even get the chance to say goodbye 😭
He doesn’t leave your side after that
And by that, I mean his arm is stuck around your shoulder/ waist. The moment you need your entire body to do/view something, he is right beside/behind you
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Obanai Iguro
He’s feeling a bit left out :((
He comes up to you and hugs you from behind
He doesn’t wanna be rude and interrupt your time with your friend, but he wants you to know that he’s there
You take notice and quickly finish your conversation with your friend, bidding them goodbye
Obanai doesn’t leave your side after that, holding your hand the as they two of you enjoy the rest of the festival
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Mitsuri Kanroji
Miss ma’am is on the verge of tears
She’s so conflicted on what to do
Part of her wants to go up to you and just take you away
But she knows that’s rude, so she’s contemplating on just staying in her spot and letting you two talk
You quickly notice her though and part ways with your friend, making your way over to her
She’s super happy that you noticed her
She’s radiating with joy and clings onto you for the rest of the time :))
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Kyōjurō Rengoku
Dear god-
This man is going to be SO loud
He comes up behind you, his aura so..overwhelming
He smiles at your friend, but it was more of a threatening smile instead of a warm one..
“Ah, hello, friend! I’m sorry to interrupt, but I hope you don’t mind if my partner and I part ways!”
Before your friend could even reply, Rengoku is dragging you off 💀
He stays with you the entire time after that
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Muichiro Tokito
He’s just silent
It takes you a hot minute to even realize that he’s beside you
You notice that he’s staring at your friend..hard
When he realizes that he’s caught your attention, he looks at you, then makes a face of boredom
Like this —> 😐
It’s basically his way of saying that he’s ready to leave 😭
He wants to have fun with you at the festival! But your friend is making it impossible >:(
You quickly wrap up your conversation with your friend before parting ways
Muichiro is very happy, he has a lil smile on his face :)
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Shinobu Kocho
Miss ma’am is ruthless
She doesn’t give a. fuck.
Basically same as Rengoku. Just calmer..and scarier
She comes up to you and grabs your arm before oh so sweetly smiling at your friend
“Excuse me, my partner and I were enjoying the festival together. I hope you don’t mind if I take them back”
Your friend is definitely threatened..
If they aren’t, they got some balls 😭
Either way, Shinobu drags you away and is holding your hand/arm the rest of the time to make sure you’re by her side
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Tengen Uzui
This man is EVIL
He comes up to you and your friend
“Hello! I’m Tengen Uzui, the partner of this lovely fellow right here. Who might you be?”
Tengen looks at your friend up and down judgmentally
Your friend introduces themselves, and Tengen just rolls his eyes and mumbles something about how unflashy they are
“Well, nice to meet you. My partner and I are gonna get going. We have the rest of the festival to experience!”
You’re hauled over his shoulder and he’s walking away without another word🧍🏾
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Tengen + His wives
Suma is definitely whining and pouting
Makio is on more of the pouty and petty side, like “Since they seem to like their friend so much, they should just be with them”
Makio definitely denies she’s jealous though 💀
Tengen is complaining about how unflashy it is to abandon your partners - despite it being his idea to separate and look at the booths on your own for a bit 😭
Hina is the most reasonable out of everyone - that doesn’t mean she isn’t jealous though
The way you laughed and smiled with your friend ticked them off just a bit
Makio is shushing Suma and telling her to ‘woman up’
Hina is trying to calm the two while Tengen is just..staring at you and your friend
How could you not notice these four with the commotion they’re making?
You split with your friend and make your way over to them
Suma is clinging onto you for dear life, crying into your chest
Makio - being her stubborn self - refuses to even look at you
Tengen is questioning why you took so long with your friend
Hina is apologizing on everyone’s behalf 😭
You’re quickly overwhelmed, and the others notice and let go of their jealousy
You all spend the rest of the time together at the festival :)
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Giyu Tomioka
He just stares at the two of you from afar
He doesn’t even do anything but mope and stare at you, hoping that you’ll notice him
You eventually feel his gaze and turn to look at him
He’s just staring at you like —> 🧍🏼😐
You bid farewell to your friend before walking to Giyu
He quickly grabs ahold of a piece of your clothing
(I like to hc that instead of holding hands in public, Giyu is someone to hold onto your clothes. Like the sleeve of your top or the hem of your shirt)
You smile and continue enjoying the festival with him<3
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acid-ixx · 3 months
Now that someone mentioned Connor as a possible love interest I think he will be a good choice. He obviously feels a similar kind of anger at his own father(s) so they could connect thanks to it. And his super hearing and other abilities will make it possible for him to always know when something is wrong with reader. I see reader being in shock that someone wants to be there for them and dismissing any yandere tendencies, toxic traits in favour of keeping Connors attention. Not like they could loose it no matter what they do, Connor is to obsessed and I could see him being dependent on his darling.
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a/n: since i am more familiar with the animated series (young justice) for conner kent and i feel your ask is describing his version so i'm basing it off of him! but yes you are so fr in this. i will never not go too far when it comes to rambling, i love long asks hehe.
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it was temporarily stated in chapter one that you had your momentary bouts of anger and that in itself already paved its way into conner's heart because of course most would be put off with the rage that he kindles within. you two would really be some sort of match made in heaven— it's like you deeply understand the intensity of his emotion, and you both share that bond nobody could deter; it being anger towards your parent/s and the inability to be accepted or nor noticed/your feelings being invalidated most of the time.
but because of the level of power between you, you being human and him literally being a carbon copy of superman, conner would be incredibly overprotective and possessive of you. and i'm not just implying that he would give anyone within a fifty mile radius a death glare, no, you would literally be glued to his figure all the time.
that means a hand on either your shoulders, your waist, or hips. if you were the shy type, then expect him always holding your hands or wrist. but if you don't mind the weird display of pda, then you'll be lucky enough to have the rights to smother your face in his chest whenever and wherever— sometimes that would even be his go signal to tell anybody off whenever you feel the slightest bit of discomfort.
but other than the advantages of being with him (protective guard dog 24/7), you would pretty much lose every sense of independence nor privacy. which isn't losing much since you already have your mad family on your tail constantly tracking you down and probably a huge bounty on your head— but at least you have your boyfriend with you, right?
with the lack of attention you were given to as a child, one given willingly without the need to ask for is basically a heaven for you. and with his powers? babe, you don't even need to ask for him to take you away to somewhere safer because he could already hear your heartbeats thumping louder and louder.
speaking of superhearing; a way to calm your boyfriend down quickly and efficiently would be laying his head on your chest. you'd probably discover the method later on your relationship, but as much as conner loves to hear your heartbeats from any distance, he loves it all the more when the only barrier that keeps him away from your beating heart would be your skin and your ribcage.
since conner was raised with the lack of physical contact and he's the type to push people away, your physical affection towards him is something he doesn't even know he craves, not until he tastes it for himself.
you wouldn't even feel the need to tell creeps off anymore! because conner is out there intimidating every person who dares to show the slightest bit of romantic intentions towards you.
so really, is it so bad if he wants you all for himself?
you both eventually gain a codependent relationship with each other— but it's not like any of you would leave each other wanting for more, because you both are more than enough for each other.
and conner thinks it's better off if it would only be the two of you in this world.
screw your family.
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celestemona · 7 months
and how they deal with their children and domestic life. part ii.
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pairing: dad & husband! cyno, kaveh, alhaitham x fem! reader
cw: original characters, slightly ooc to fit the plot, domesticity, fluff. pregnant reader is mentioned to introductions but not too elaborated. not beta read. a bit longer than the previous ones.
kazuha’s part | part. i
reblogs and comments are appreciated ♡
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If there was something that the General Mahamatra valued beyond justice and absolute truth, it’d be the loyalty of those around him without asking for anything in return. Cyno could count on both hands the number of people he’d risk his life to or who’d have his back, and to be honest, there weren't many of them. Thus, the passing of the years only solidified this philosophy, confirming that trust wasn’t something to be given, but earned — it being the reason why he only kept a certain number of people close to him.
However, this belief had also shown Cyno that some priorities were greater than others, and ensuring your happiness and safety became the main one of them all. Especially when you were also the one carrying his babies.
Your pregnancy announcement was unexpected, but the change in your husband's personality wasn’t. As your belly grew, you could notice that Cyno became a little more clingy with you, enjoying being by your side or placing his warm hands on it to feel his children's kicks. Though, the mahamatra also couldn't help but be more overprotective or bossy towards you, traits that seemed to have intensified over the months. 
Cyno liked to think that his overprotectiveness was justified since not only had he become a first-time father but of twins. His bossy acts weren’t for nothing either. It was just because your husband knew you and your impulsiveness very well, so the slightest thought of the risks that you could put yourself out there of your own free will stressed him out already.
And this last one you seemed to do on purpose to test him since you had put yourself in critical situations more times than he wished to count.
So, to ease his worries and keep an eye on you, the decision to temporarily settle in Vila Aaru was mutually agreed, providing Cyno with a momentary sense of peace knowing that his very pregnant wife would be surrounded by competent and trustworthy people. And then, his children could be born in a comfortable and safe environment.
The decision couldn't have been the best because a few months later and just a few minutes apart, Aryan and Isaar were born on a cold night.
The leader of the Matras still can remember that it was when he was returning to the village from a patrol when he was greeted first by your painful screams and then by the sight of your sweaty and tearful figure. Your husband didn't think twice before taking Candace's place behind your back to give you the support you needed, sharing his strength with you and whispering comforting words in your ear.
Internally, Cyno felt more than terrified for this new stage in his life despite all the previous months of mental preparation. But as he watched in amazement Aryan in his arms and Isaar in yours, the mahamatra concluded that there were no books or scrolls in the world that could describe the feelings that coursed through his veins at that moment. There wasn't enough knowledge that could teach him how to be a father, and even so, he knew he’d learn along the way to be the best he could.
The first few weeks of adaptation were exhausting for both of you. Cyno was on leave from his position, being at yours and his babies disposal and dealing with most of the household tasks, which relieved you a lot. But if he ever thought that nothing would overcome the hardness of his work at Akademiya, the sleepless nights with his newborn twins proved him wrong. 
It wasn't something he complained about or refused to take on, though. He preferred you to rest as much as you could after spending the whole day with the children — it was more his lack of confidence in dealing with the little ones in your absence that tormented him.
As time went on, however, what he thought were difficult tasks became routine, so he could say with some confidence that he had adapted to fatherhood quite well. The bond between father and sons was also something that developed beautifully as the days went by, and some mornings, you’d be greeted with the sweet sight of the General Mahamatra sleeping on the armchair in the twins' room while holding both of them in his muscular arms.
Speaking of the twins, Aryan and Isaar couldn’t be as physically similar to Cyno more than they were already. The babies, just a few months old, have already demonstrated that they share the same personality with each other, which they also take after their father — the stoic and slightly indifferent expression frighteningly similar to Cyno. Aryan was a little more sullen, refusing to acknowledge others' attempts to make him smile while Isaar willingly raised his arms to familiar faces with the intention of getting something in return. 
While you watched them in disbelief, your husband smiled proudly. It seems his children were already good judges of character.
Strange in its own way, but a home full of love. That would be the phrase to define your family. Although both you had divergent methods of raising your children, the twins still had complete freedom of decision about what they judged to be right or wrong. Cyno would never punish his sons for their choices; instead, he’d wisely correct them. Even though outwardly he shows rigidity and authority, Cyno is quite soft when it comes to his family so he can't stay mad at you for long.
It was honestly a strange sight for many, mainly his subordinates and the scholars who knew the man's unorthodox methods of discipline very well.
Even so, they couldn’t help but admit that fatherhood suited him well. Strangely, but still.
They only feared the possibility that in the future the boys would develop a sense of humor as horrible as their father.
If they asked Kaveh what his greatest achievements are, he’d readily answer that there are three of them, although two had the greatest highlights.
Even if the architect was proud of the effort and dedication that led him to give life to the Palace of Alcazarzaray, the importance of the project seemed to be irrelevant compared to the fact that he managed to win you heart. After all, maybe there was nothing so disputed between men and women all around of Teyvat but to capture the attention of the Gem of Liyue. And in a way as ironic and simple as it seemed to be, Kaveh was the only one to be able to accomplish such a feat.
As the younger sister of the Tianquan of the Qixing, it wasn’t surprising that you were also known for your intelligence, elegance and beauty, so it was expected of your people that you’d marry someone with all these qualities and wealth that could satisfy your desires. 
However, they didn't know you as well as Ningguang and how Kaveh came to know you, and so, it was unexpected news that resonated for weeks when you announced your marriage.
At that time, so much uproar from the press and liyuean citizens had made Kaveh doubt himself because, well… did he even have all the means necessary to provide you with a comfortable life? He was slowly recovering from his debts and had barely started building his own house. Compared to you who literally lived in a mansion and ate from a golden platter he had nothing.
Nevertheless, you assured him that no gold or mora in the whole world could equal the love you had for him, only his reciprocal affection was what you were looking for.
And because your husband cares and loves you so deeply, Kaveh couldn't feel anything but thankfulness when you granted him with the greatest pride of his life. His daughter, Zahra.
The baby hadn't even been born and was already very adored by her father. During your pregnancy, Kaveh had been nothing but a passionate and devoted husband, helpful and attentive to both you and her. His passion for art led him to challenge himself and bring only the best when it comes to projecting Zahra's room, as well as designing the crib and its decorations. You couldn't help but watch with a smile on your face as he worked hard to provide only the best for his child.
When Zahra decided to come into the world, your husband's tearful, fascinated face only confirmed what you already knew: Kaveh would be an extraordinary father.
“I swear that I’ll protect you from all the cruelty of this world. And even if the day comes that I don't have the strength to do so, I’ll still keep you safe”, he promised as he placed a kiss on the baby's forehead.
You just smiled with equally teary eyes at the sweet scene.
Kaveh didn't know the meaning of the word tired when it came to his daughter. The blonde man loved having the baby in his arms, and when it came to her basic needs, he was a great help by proudly taking on the tasks. In fact, in the first weeks of Zahra's life, he had refused to let her sleep alone in her new room, and when you insisted on putting her in her crib, Kaveh would spend the entire night by her side. He’d never forgive himself if something happened to his little princess in his absence.
You could just roll your eyes.
As Zahra grew up, she became an increasingly beautiful girl and was much loved by her parents. Her naturally rosy cheeks and golden hair decorated with barrettes or bows made people compare her to a doll. The girl has a beauty and features similar to her father, though her sweet and laughing personality is her own traits. Kaveh feared that one day the evil of the world would take away the melodious sounds of her laughter, but there was a slight mischievous gleam in her golden eyes that betrayed that she was quite clever too.
In addition to her parents' unconditional love, Zahra also has a close relationship with her mother's sister, who has a weak spot for her niece, and with her paternal grandmother. 
Shortly before marrying you, the older woman had tried to invest more in her son's life, now making sure of participating in dinners, commemorative dates or holidays.
For a long time Kaveh believed that he wasn’t worthy of such happiness. After his father's death and his mother's estrangement, the architect had a single objective: trying to survive one day at a time, fighting his own demons and relying on what little was left of his savings. He had never considered himself a man of honor, someone who was worthy of having his own family and a home to return to. In fact, he didn't consider himself a lucky man at all.
And yet, he couldn't feel as fortunate as he did because through all the paths he took and decisions he made, one of them led him to you and gave him the greatest achievements of his life.
Hardly anyone would admit it out loud, but your presence in the halls of Akademiya was as fresh as a breath of spring air.
As the new Darshan teacher of Haravatat, your intelligence and passion for knowledge were characteristics that not only your students came to admire, but even the sages themselves gushed praise about, which eventually earned you a reputation that spread throughout the dendro nation. Furthermore, your beauty and charisma only complemented your charm, so there were many hearts that you had caught along the way — and consequently also have broken, as the slight bulge beneath your clothes and the golden ring shining on your left ring finger made it very clear who yours already belonged to.
To say that the beginning of your relationship with the Akademiya’s Scribe was even the subject of an academic thesis would be an understatement given that Alhaitham wasn’t someone who was known for his friendliness much less cordiality. In fact, his disinterested expression and acid humor worked precisely as a mechanism to purposefully keep people away from him, and even his friends weren’t immune to his unpleasant comments.
But even though the question remained, the students quickly learned that this attitude would never apply to you.
Like a moth drawn to the light, Alhaitham was equally drawn to you, they concluded. There was something about you that just your presence was enough to generate a small and not so noticeable change in Alhaitham's aura, even if to others he remained as rigid as he was. Besides, the progress of your pregnancy had also shown them that the scribe was as human as they were, he just had a less flashy way of showing his concern and care for his wife.
What the scholars and citizens of Sumeru saw, however, was just the tip of the iceberg compared to the affection you received from your husband when the doors to your home closed. Although Alhaitham hadn't shown his excitement as openly as you, the scribe was internally happy to begin a new stage of life by your side. And you could see this in the number of maternity books and notebooks with notes organized in his office, in the meals he had prepared meticulously thinking about nutritional values ​​or in the care he took to suggest and choose a simple and meaningful name for your baby.
His actions were small and discreet, but enough to prove to you that he already loved the child as much as you did.
Hakim's arrival into the world also showed you the efforts your husband would make for his son. With a smile gracing his lips and slightly teary eyes, Alhaitham allowed himself to express himself a little more in the face of such a beautiful moment. It wasn't something that even you saw frequently and, therefore, you’d certainly make sure to eternalizing the picture forever in your memory.
“Thank you”, was the only thing he could say to you while looking at you with enormous tenderness.
Despite the overwhelming happiness that coursed within him, the scribe also couldn't help but feel a little empty at his grandmother's absence. Even though the longing was something he had managed for a long time now, it was in moments like these that the lady's absence came back. He was sure she’d love meeting you and her great-grandson, but wherever she was, he also knew she was taking care of his family in her own way.
Furthermore, looking at you and the child that slept so peacefully in his arms, Alhaitham knew that there was nothing to fear and that his son would grow up in a home filled with as much love as he was.
Therefore, fatherhood wasn't something that scared Alhaitham nor did it make him doubt his ability to take care of his son. If someone asked him what his biggest challenges were, he wouldn't be able to think of any because every day he was faced with something new and learned from it. Plus, Hakim was a sweet and quiet baby, a mix of both parents' personalities. Understanding his child's needs was as easy as if they were his own.
Still so small, Hakim would be surrounded by reading and multiple knowledge, often being found in the arms of one of his parents while you were working or simply reading for pleasure. You discovered that the baby liked to listen to you or Alhaitham reading aloud, so it wasn't strange to find you or your husband somewhere in the house reciting some academic article with the little one within reach.
When the boy was old enough to sit up, that’d be the time when you’d return to teaching at Akademiya, and even if your baby's presence during classes had already been discussed and authorized, Alhaitham wouldn’t hesitate to take over his care — whether taking him to his own office or to the Sanctuary of Surasthana where he would spend hours enjoying the attention of Lesser Lord Kusanali.
You could say that Alhaitham is a simplistic man. He recognizes his flaws and knows that he came with many of them, which is why he distances himself from so many people. But it was in the moments when he returned home, returning to you and your son who were waiting for him with great enthusiasm that the man thought that there was nothing as perfect as his own home.
you guys will have to forgive me again but i did not beta-read this part (clearly) nor i'll have the patience to do so because i'm currently traveling at my granny's home and it's so hot here that i couldn't even write this whole headcanon without stop everytime to take a breath of fresh air. therefore, i won't have the patience to look for mistakes now. i'll let it with you tho.
also, i remember i've said in the last part that if perhaps i start to write a genshin dad series i'd write only for the first four man i came up the idea to. however, i'm hypocrital and slut for the sumeru men too so i couldn't stop myself but draft their children biography.
i really hope you've like it so far because, for real, alhaitham's part was the hardest one and somehow i feel like this isn’t good enough to be posted. nevertheless, thank you for your reading :)
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loveinhawkins · 6 months
picturing Eddie first meeting Dustin and thinking yeah, he knows how this goes: he’ll be a larger than life, comical figure in this kid’s life for, like, not even a year before he leaves Hawkins High in the dust.
And sure, Dustin is, like, ridiculously endearing even when he’s being a cocky little shit in campaigns, and that suits Eddie just fine, ‘cause he can be a cocky little shit at the best of times, downright obnoxious really, he thinks—a part of him’s never outgrown the juvenile, no matter how many times he repeats senior year.
Plus Dustin is crazily good at solving riddles, so Eddie’s remaining months leading Hellfire are definitely gonna be a fun challenge.
Then March comes.
And Eddie’s shaking apart in a boathouse, seeing impossible, terrible things on a loop in his head, Chrissy, Chrissy, God no, please, and Dustin’s there, with a wisdom far beyond his years, calmly leading him out of the dark.
Eddie half expects it to be a trick, but no. Dustin Henderson believes him.
You don’t know me, Eddie wants to say.
But there’s a constant defiance in Dustin’s expression, even when he’s clearly trying to keep things light and breezy, there’s nothing to worry about! Like he’s just daring for Eddie to contradict him.
There’s something assured in how the kid does things, Eddie thinks. He can see how the years of all this shit have shaped him, have him flitting between maturity and earnestness: something born from a childhood that’s not been lost, just altered.
He watches Dustin walk with Steve Harrington in the woods—can read the shared history and fondness hidden in between layers of snark; they’re family, he knows that without a doubt.
What trips him up is that Dustin keeps looking back, keeps drawing him back into the group with complaints that he’s walking too slow, and his eyebrows are raised meaningfully, like he’s really saying that there’s room for Eddie here, too.
And Eddie doesn’t know how to convey the sudden gratitude he feels closing up his throat—feels too jittery still, too raw to do anything justice.
He keeps close when Dustin tears off through the woods, heart in his mouth as the night darkens, Dustin, can you slow down? Dustin!
He pulls Dustin back from the lake’s edge just in time, then feels Steve’s watchful eyes on him—spots a flicker of approval, like he’s passed some sort of test.
And that feeling only grows the longer he’s around Steve, lying through his teeth in The Upside Down, I don’t even know why I care what that little shrimp thinks, and Steve’s giving him this knowing sideways glance, like maybe they’re something of the same; Eddie feels a sudden, unexpected rush of joy at the thought, dancing in and out of Steve’s space, still super jealous as hell, by the way.
“I told you, right?” Dustin says, grinning widely as Steve drives them out of Forest Hills at breakneck speed. “He’s awesome.”
And Eddie feels the fondness of his own smile, feels it right down to his core, because he gets that Dustin’s only being so forthcoming because Steve can’t hear him right now.
Kid worships you, dude. Like, you have no idea.
It hits him then, while roughhousing with Dustin in the grass (a deliberate distraction, trying to make the kids forget about weapons and fire): that he’s never really been the kinda guy who people want to stick around, but now…
Now he’s starting to think that he could be.
Starts to imagine, starts to hope—and that’s huge, something that would’ve seemed impossible mere days ago—as he sees Robin and Nancy laughing at his antics, their weapon-making temporarily forgotten.
They like me, Eddie thinks with wonder, they really like me.
And he wants—sudden and fierce, with all he has—to change the world for them, to make it so Robin Buckley would just be spending spring break watching arty films, dreaming of Paris; so Nancy Wheeler would never need to hide guns in her bedroom, would never have to carry an unimaginable grief.
Steve looks over, too—his laugh carries across the field, and Eddie is caught by the warmth in his eyes; even as Dustin manages to playfully tackle him, he’s still thinking of Steve, and maybe, maybe…
The lightness fades as they go over the plan, but not the emotion: Eddie keeps that tucked away, safe, a promise to himself.
“Uh, are you sure about this?” he says in an undertone to Steve, when it’s first revealed that it’s him and Dustin paired up together.
Steve’s eyes are apologetic, “Sorry, man, I’ve tried every—if there was a way to just, like, sit it out, I’d have—”
“No,” Eddie says urgently, “I mean…” And he points at himself before nodding discreetly to where Dustin is—currently talking up a storm with Erica, something about vents that he can’t make sense of.
“Are you sure?” Eddie presses, trying to put all he’s not saying into the question, I can see how much that kid means to you, I’ve known him, like, six months, Harrington, that’s nothing, why, why do you—
Steve shakes his head. A little smile breaks through his concern. “Yeah, of course,” he says, like it’s nothing.
But Eddie can feel the weight of it. A passing of the torch.
And he doesn’t know how to put what he’s feeling into words: that, apart from Wayne, he’s never really allowed people in, never allowed them to matter like this.
As they drive back to the Creel House, as time runs out and nerves build, he tries to show everything he can’t say; he helps Nancy take stock of supplies, offers Robin his shoulder so she can sleep, and he knows that’s not enough, barely scratches the surface, but it’s all he’s got.
He sits in the back of the RV, watches Steve, tense and silent in the driver’s seat, and knows with certainty what his mission is: get Dustin Henderson safely back home.
And no, Eddie doesn’t know how any of this is gonna go.
But he can hope.
He can try.
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hubbypossession · 1 month
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As I blinked my eyes, I took in the strange environment around me all at once. There were loud noises consisting of blaring pop music in my ear, exercise equipment being racked, and people conversing around me. I noticed I was in one of the local gyms. Looking down, I noticed I was not in my normal body but rather the one that I precisely targeted. I seemed to be extremely sweaty, hairy, and I was wearing a tank top. I felt around my short pockets and found a phone that now belonged to me. It unlocked with face ID and I opened the camera app.
Looking back at me was the face of my daughter's gay best friend, Jack. Fuck, he was really handsome all things considered. I smiled and took a picture of myself when I noticed that I got a text from my daughter. She sent me a concerning message stating she needed some advice from Jack about what to do about her boyfriend.
My daughter was in a relationship with an abusive douchebag and unfortunately she wouldn't listen to a single word I had to say as her father. I just want my daughter to be happy and be with a guy that treats her right, but unfortunately, she wouldn't listen. I happened to know her asshole boyfriend was bi and totally into Jack here. I had caught him masturbating to pictures of Jack while in our house! I figured I could kill two birds with one stone by possessing Jack here, just temporarily.
I texted my daughter back, feigning ignorance and telling her to leave his ass. She seemed so much more receptive to listening to me now that I was inhabiting her most trusted friend. What I wasn't anticipating was seeing her ex at the very gym I was now at.
I figured now would be as good a time as any. I didn't want my daughter to know that I was secretly gay, but living out my fantasies as Jack here was an opportunity I couldn't pass up. I put my phone away, straightened up my appearance, and approached the douchey ex. This was going to be fun. With Jack's body, I couldn't be stopped. I promise as soon as I'm done railing that jerk's ass, I'll hop right out. Maybe right into his body next.
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romanticoms · 1 year
not allowed
title inspo not allowed by tv girl
1.1k; 18+ MDNI. p in v, fingering, cheating (i don't endorse), semi public sex, light spanking & edging— please practice safe sex, and don't cheat.
a/n: hi omg after weeks of letting this crap rot in my drafts, my first fic just had to be about homewrecking, thank you to @tosuckmyweenis hehee, going from random asks to actually being convinced to post this, gave me the happy tears :")
There you were, sitting still looking pretty for the party as you served up the refreshments, opening doors as guests just piled up for your husband's party, it's only a few days until he leaves to god knows where—
"Mr Kennedy!" You opened the door to find your husband's best man, you knew him from his work and the next thing you knew he treated you way better in a few words rather than years of whatever your husband had to offer you, obviously you cleared your throat, simpering as he did. "I kept my promise," He replied coyly, nodding before you widened the door, letting him in.
You caught him getting a glimpse as you shut the door, the way your minidress wrapped around your curves, the fabric lying over your ass, god, he wanted it all to himself. He quickly let those thoughts vanish, at least temporarily. "So, where could he be?" His head scanned across the room to find your husband. "Star of the show's asleep, he had too much to drink." You shrugged. "Bummer," He let out a rather amused smile, not seeming down at the absence of your husband.
You watched as guests come and go, a few hours pass by as you watched the crowd dissipate. You waved goodbye before shutting the door, somehow Leon was still there; a bottle in hand as his attention was still on the football match on the screen. It's not customary to kick your guests out, especially if they've done so much for you— and still are.
"You're still here? I thought you'd leave like the rest," You asked, hoping he didn't get the wrong idea. "Figured you'd need some company, can't leave someone like you unaccompanied.." He teased, raising his bottle up as he watched you get one for yourself from across the room, he watched as you raised your ass up, it was your luck the bottles were sitting all the way down in your fridge. He kept his mouth shut, his gaze never turning away from your curves, how he'd imagine himself pressing his bulge over that thin fabric he'd barely call a dress.
Scratch the small talk, you two knew how this was going to end up, so why bother dragging it? He watched as you placed both of the open bottles on the table, taking a swig while he watched you. His calloused hand wrapped around your waist as he forced you to his lap, you didn't exactly protest. "Doesn't seem like you wore this for him," His hand crept up your dress, reaching out to the band of your panties, pulling it with a single finger before letting the band slap against you. "Y'gotta be a good girl, stay quiet, yeah?" He nodded alongside you, making sure you heard him right. "Don't want a whore like you to be caught fucking your husband's bestest friend, right? Or is that what you want— to be caught?" He sneered, watching you hide your face as you tried to ignore his harsh words, but fuck— you only grew more and more sensitive and vulnerable to his degrading language. "Oh? Poor baby's grown so used to being degraded," He cooed as his fingers slid under your panties, down to your slick covered cunt. His fingers curling inside your velvet walls, tongue sticking out in between his teeth as he did so. You whined, shaking your head as you tried to back down from his harsh teasing.
"Don't deny it, baby. You've been waiting for me, haven't you? Isn't that why you're wearing this?" He whispered, his free hand trailed to the hem of your dress, flipping it up before you helped him hold it. His free hand travelled up and down your waist while you rode against his fingers. He gave your waist a squeeze tight enough to bruise before briefly letting go, smacking your ass almost right after, a whine escaped your lips as you buried your face on his collar, getting a whiff of his expensive cologne that somehow got you more aroused. "I told you not to make a noise, right?" He muttered, spanking you once again. You bit your lower lip to silence your wincing. "That's more like it, such a good girl." He cooed, almost pretending as if he wasn't shaming you for indulging in what the two of you wanted. Somehow his constant switching between degrading and praising you only got you more and more aroused. "M-Mr Kennedy, 'M gonna cum.." You whined. "Not yet, baby, need you to cum on my cock." His lips curled at the corners, he let out a groan as he watched you comply, both hands undoing his pants, then sliding both his pants and briefs right off. His exposed cock only got harder the moment the cool air hit surface. He watched you grind against the tip before taking him all in, his head threw back instantly. "Fuck, y'so tight," He groaned, a hand rested around the headrest, holding a bottle while the other had a grip around your hip tight enough to bruise. "L-Leon.." You panted, watching him handle you all while nonchalantly taking swigs at his beer, his hands slid off from your hip to your clit, brushing his thumb over it while staring into you as you drifted into pure ecstacy. "C'mon, sweet girl," He coaxed as your orgasm came crashing. A thousand fireworks frolicked in your mind, your body refused to stay still as he continued to fuck you. "That's it, my sweet girl, doin' so good for me." He cooed, brushing a piece of your hair away from your face. "Fuck, I'm gonna stuff you— sweet thing." He grunted, "You'd like that, yeah? Fucked dumb by your husband's friend— now you want his kids." He broke into a small chuckle at the end of his words, watching you squirm and deny all while he overstimulated you, his thumb flicked your clit while he continued to thrust into you. "Leon! 'S too much!" You mewled, your nails clawed through either side of his broad shoulders. "Oh, fuck, sugar— y'milking me dry over here." A hard chuckle came at the end of his words. You could feel the hot sticky jizz spurt inside you, as you squirted all around his cock. The feeling died out the second his cock slipped back out, spraying a few more strings all around your stomach.
You were a crying mess, tears ridden halfway as Leon's thumb brushed them off alongside a few strands of your hair off your face. "Oh- shh. Wouldn't wanna wake your husband up to see you like this, huh?" He dragged your face to his shoulder by a hand on the back of your head, you wept nearly incessantly before he pressed a kiss on your forehead. "There, there. Let's get you cleaned up," His voice merely a low timbre as he brushed the back of your head with his thumb upon running his fingers through your hair.
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weepingwillowwonder · 24 days
Horny Hazbin Hotel Thoughts: NSFW AHEAD [Minors DNI! 🔞] -> -> ->
RadioApple x Reader
CW: Making out in a public space, dry humping, groping, finger sucking
☆ Just know that Alastor WILL catch you if you're trying to piss him off on purpose, so you might as well prepare yourself to take your punishment where you stand. If you choose to run, you can absolutely try, but most of the time you won't get very far. However,  Alastor prefers to keep your relationship and what happens within it private. So you might have a shot at getting away with it temporarily if you provoke him in public. 
☆ Initially he would be confused with your abnormal behavior, because it's rare that anyone actively looked for a negative reaction from him, much less yourself. Oh, but once he realized you were toying with his nerves on purpose, he'd make sure you'd never want to play this game again (or at least not for a while)
☆  Quite quickly he'd become obviously annoyed, distancing himself to prevent any "outbursts" with you or anyone else. He would be tense, the feeling of his stare bore into your skin from across the room. They would follow wherever you went, tracking for a moment you'd be alone, but you would continue to avoid him, trying to hide in plain sight.
☆ It would be impossible to get away from him, this you knew, so you would try to delay the inevitable by chatting with the other residents in the lobby, mentally preparing your next move…
☆ You figure finding Lucifer to get him on your side, to use him to your advantage, would extend your naughty game. After all, it was much more fun when you could share the blame and punishment with someone else. 
☆ You wait on Lucifer’s return from his meeting out of town, ready to invite him into the mess you’ve made. He makes his appearance right on time and you smile at his presence, quickly waving him over. What you didn't expect though, was how quickly Alastor pulled Lucifer aside to ask for his assistance before you could.
☆ "Ah, perfect timing your majesty! Might I have a word? It's about something rather...important."
☆ Across the room you watch them speak in hushed tones and eventually their gazes fall on you. Lucifer's expression changed from curiosity, scrunched up in confusion, then lastly heated in anticipation.
☆ Lucifer quietly strides over to the group next to you, nodding in greeting, then leans in to mumble in your ear.
☆ "You seem to have gotten yourself in quite a bit of trouble there, hm?"
☆ You can only give him a coy smile, unsure how to respond. He returns with a more devious one.  He chuckles as his hand then comes to firmly rest on your lower back.
☆ "I'm afraid I can't get you out of this one, sweetheart..."
☆ He then acknowledges the other residents, giving some excuse on why you both need to leave right now, which you do leave together, but as you turn back to search for Alastor, you find that he is no longer sitting where he was. As a matter of fact, he’s completely disappeared. 
☆ Once out of sight from the others, Lucifer's hand finds its way around you to rest on your hip. Fingers slipping underneath the fabric of your shirt to come in contact with your sensitive skin. You're especially on edge not knowing where your 3rd party is at the moment and what was discussed in your absence.
☆ Lucifer takes a quick look behind you, making sure you're both alone before pulling you into a heated kiss. You gasp in surprise as your back hits the wall of the hallway, easily melting against the body in front of you. A hand comes to your cheek to deepen the kiss, another pulling you close at the hip.
☆ Your arms wrap around his neck, and he takes that as a sign to pick you up, pressing your back firmly into the wall for support.. He effortlessly slides his hands to your ass and pulls you against him, forcing you to wrap your legs around him.
☆ When you separate briefly, you gain the sense in your kiss-drunken state to ask about your missing partner. "Luci...where's Alastor?" You breathe out heavily, moaning when you feel him grinding into you.
☆ He buries his head in your shoulder as his hips continually rolls against yours, giving you a quiet, dismissive "mhm" as he practically fucks you through your clothes. And you can't help but meet his thrusts, the delicious feeling of his bulge rubbing perfectly between your legs has you throbbing. 
☆ When your needy hole clenches around nothing, you whine his name. He kisses sloppily along your neck and shoulder, sharp teeth pulling louder moans from you as he nibbles teasingly.He quickly sets you down and twirls you to face the wall, grinning against your throat when you press your ass back against him.
☆ "Darling," he huskily breathes out, beginning his kisses again. "You can stay quiet for me can't you? Unless you want someone to hear...?" 
☆ He gives a particularly hard thrust at his words, making you bite your lip in an attempt to stay quiet. "I can be quiet.." you whimper softly as he briefly reaches up to grope at your chest under your shirt. You keen when he offers you praise -
☆ "Yeah.. I know you can," he groans, reaching down to rub his cock against your ass. "Always so good for me, baby..."
☆ He reaches around to slip his hands in your pants and palm between your legs in time with his thrusts. His fingers slide against you so easily with your arousal and rub slow small circles around where you’re most sensitive.
☆ "You're so messy for me honey, so wet. Is all this for me?" He growls, fingers slipping from your pants to reach two up to your lips. You accept him greedily, sucking his fingers into your mouth. Your eyes flutter shut as he presses down on your tongue, pressing further and further so you taste more of yourself.
☆ "That's it...my good baby." He coos,  pumping his fingers in and out of your mouth, reveling in the desperate noises you make. You're both so lost in the pleasure of each other, more than ready to fuck in the very public hallway.
☆ Suddenly, a voice sounds behind you, "Ahem, I do believe some of that mess is for me.” An irritated sigh. “Truly Lucifer, I thought you had much more control. Since they would most certainly attempt to run from me, you were supposed to bring our partner to bed. Not dry hump them in the hallway like a couple of horny teenagers."
☆ You both are startled by the sudden voice, The fingers fingers quickly pulling from your mouth with a noisy sound as both of you turn towards it's direction. Lucifer's cheeks turn rosy in embarrassment, mouth opening to snap back with a snarky comment, but Alastor beats him to it- 
☆ “Hah! I’m no longer in the mood for games, so let’s save the chit chat.” He points the end of his microphone at you before turning in the direction of your shared room. “Come along now, let’s finish what you started..” 
☆Knowing what's to come, you stood frozen, even as Lucifer tries to pull you along. You look like a deer caught in headlights, eyes wide staring at the two in front of you.
☆"Don't keep us waiting." Alastor grits out as he continues onward, not even turning around.
☆Your mind starts racing as you feel your feet moving forward. You start to feel the heavy weight of your previous decisions, excited for and also dreading what's come.
☆ And in a moment of thrilled panic, you yank away from Lucifer, much to his suprise, and run like your life depends on it.
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Seeing people talking about the tension between Wild and Warriors, and something just clicked.
In his journey, Wild was forced to work and explore alone. Like, yeah, he temporarily works with Riju, Sidon, Yunobo, and Teba to get to the Divine Beasts, but other than that? He only has himself to depend on, he's only responsible for his own safety and wellbeing. Whereas Warriors fought in a war surrounded by people. He was forced to be responsible for so many lives, but it taught him the importance of teamwork and that he could rely on others.
This shows in how they act in a team, and how they interact with others and the dungeon: Wild is ready to go off and explore everything by himself, leave everyone behind and throw caution to the wind. Because that's what worked for him on his journey, that's how he figured out the world around him and made it through his adventure. But Wars has no experience like this, he only knows teamwork and takes a slower approach. He thinks of plans, and asks questions to get a good idea of what exactly might happen so that he can reduce damage. Because that's probably how he operated in the War, and that's the point of reference he has.
So they're complete opposites in that regard.
Not to mention, Wars is still pissed at Wild for diregarding the plan and beating up Dink. That's the first indication of just how different their experiences were, and who knows? Maybe Warriors expected Wild to know better, considering his past life as a soldier. Maybe that's why he might hold Wild to a higher standard. He probably subconsciously sees Wild as a soldier under his command who's disobeying orders and putting lives at stake, and treating him as such because he knows the danger of when that happens. And part of Wild probably sees Wars as a commander, someone he must obey or fear, though he may not fully realise because of his amnesia. Or maybe he sees Wars as a threat to the freedom his second chance at life has granted him? Someone that could send him back to being that stone cold soldier boy who needs to be perfect?
I don't know, I can't say anything for certain. I'm just rambling vague ideas.
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angelsdxmise · 2 months
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Pt. 2 to ORPHIC
𓆩ᥫ᭡𓆪 when Bakugou is paired with a girl that’s not spared a glance for a project, he wants to explode. Why does his mind keep going blank when he looks at you then?
Contains: tiny bit of angst, readers a little hopeless, imagine the rest urself, there might be profanity idk i dont remember
a/n: 2.7k words 😔 plz consider reblogging and sending requests! btw pls remember italics mean reader is thinking. enjoy the fic ❤️
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Your dorm room matched your personality somehow, and then again, it didn’t. 
It had posters, a TV, and a bookshelf filled with figures from your favorite mangas, decorative sculptures everywhere, and classic LEDs. Your room seemed to also have a main color, which was black. Though it managed to maintain some color. 
Thank the gods you had cleaned your room when you finished eating, because if you hadn’t it would’ve been very much flammable. You usually wouldn’t be worried about it, but since someone who has quite a destructive quirk turned up to your dorm demanding to be let in, you felt relieved.
A low, calming rhythm played on your speaker as you reviewed your slides. An herbal incense flooded your senses as you relaxed. You were so calm that you almost forgot Bakugou was next to you.
“Hey, I think you forgot to add my quirk’s drawbacks.” You flatly spoke. You never looked away from your laptop as your brows furrowed in utter concentration. You moved your hair out your face, slightly fanning yourself as you breathed out short huffs. You closed your balcony doors and turned your fan off to have your incense earlier, which you may have regretted.
Bakugou held back a long groan as he added another slide. “Tell me what they are.” He grumbled in a stale tone. He wanted to plug his nose and ears since he wasn’t used to such a strong smell. While you explained your quirk drawbacks and the reason for them, he cut you off in the middle of the sentence to ask,
“Is that a Rob Zombie poster?” 
Your head perked up in acknowledgment as you lost focus due to your zeal. Does he like Rob Zombie? Am I dreaming right now? “Uh, yeah.. do you--do you not like him?” You stammered out. A pang of shame ran through you, he was just a boy with a bad temper. There’s no point in being so scared.
“Why else would I be asking about it?!” He yelled, which put a beaming smile on your face. “Sorry! You don’t—I mean, you just surprised me!” You quickly explained, “I can play some of his songs, or you could just put your own playlist on my speaker.”
You took his phone and connected it to the speaker which temporarily paused your music, and handed it back to him which he aggressively snatched. Once he finally picked a playlist after scrolling endlessly, you actually ended up having similar music tastes. “I never took you for someone who liked a lot of rock bands, but for some reason, I’m not that surprised.” You played with the bracelets on your wrists as you admitted the last part of your sentence.
Bakugou took note of this and took his fingers off his keyboard. “You’ve learned something new then.” He shut his laptop and put his study supplies in the bag. Your voice made him pause for a moment. “Could you uh, send me the playlist? You don’t have to, I just like your taste.” 
He set his bag down and looked at you. “Give me your phone number.” He abruptly said, taking you off guard. “Huh?!” 
“I need your number to send the link, dumbass!” He snatched your phone out of your hands and made a new contact of himself. He didn’t even bother giving it a name. He kept muttering words you couldn’t make out, so you felt a little scared. When he stood, you quickly called out a thank you which he acknowledged with a small wave before closing your door.
At the sound of your door closing, you just sat there processing what happened. A smile didn’t leave your face and you didn’t feel any shame to force it to go away. Days like this were unusual for someone like you. Being on good terms with the most hot-headed student at UA. It’s best to say you had a peaceful sleep that night.
For once you had hope for your school life. Maybe you could save your social life a little. But, of course, your desires seem impossible to reach once you return to class. 
Your head rested against your desk as one of your hands reached down to pull your tights down, then came back up to cover your ear. It seems today was a cheerful day for the others as you overheard many of them talking about how their project would get full scores for how lucky they were with their partners.
Then, there were the booming voices of annoying teenage boys. Especially Mineta. You felt like you should start wearing pants to school in fear of him crawling under your desk and violating you in every way possible. Is this what Hell is like? Am I in the deepest circle?
Thankfully the class had quieted down immediately when Aizawa burst through the Class 1-A doors that were ginormous for some apparent reason. His voice made your head lift up in a stalled manner, as you felt sluggish today. You had been skipping on your nightly skincare, so your eyebags were still a little noticeable. 
You set your head in your palm as you wrote what you could manage, but ended up dozing off near the last hours. Even with a good sleep, you still managed to be exhausted. It’s difficult to live. 
You and your mom had left your dad and moved to Musutafu. You had to take what you could get when you got accepted into U.A. Honestly, you felt envious of people such as Yaoyorozu and Aoyama. You never really bought from designer brands when times were rough, and your mother had to alternate jobs.
As school ends and you’re on your way back to the dorms, you decide to take a quick walk down to any convenience store you can find. You held onto the strap of your backpack as you walked into the closest one, your eyes scanning for some bento sets. 
Once your eyes had landed on them, you selected one and made sure you had enough money to spare after purchasing it. Usually, the cashier for this store was shitty and had an attitude for no reason. But of course, you didn’t know his life so you tried to not judge. 
Confusion took hold of your senses as you didn’t see any cashier there. Oh well. You placed half the amount the bento costs on the counter, not necessarily stealing it, but giving what you felt he deserved. You put the rest of your money in your backpack’s side pocket as you made your way back to your dorm. 
A long walk is an understatement. It felt like 10 years was what it took to walk up that hill, wiping your forehead constantly as short huffs came from your throat. You opened the door to the dorms and darted straight for the elevator. The cool air made you relax for a moment before a beep came, and your feet dragged you out.
You woke up as your eyes spotted a small pouch sitting in front of your door. What’s this?.. you mused for a minute before picking it up and opening the door, a sudden warmth hitting your skin as you reached for your fan. You shut the door behind you as you hurriedly sat on your bed to open it up.
You reached for a small note that was inside which read, “I don’t know how you handle that herbal shit, use this.” Oh, it came from Bakugou. Your hands found another item, a cylinder-shaped object that made your eyes brighten in excitement as you quickly pulled it out.
He got me incense! An expensive one at that, no way! You flipped the incense packaging around, which read ‘Kitowa’. 
You stood to turn your fan off and went to your nightstand to replace your current incense with the gifted one. Once your lighter’s flame had hit the tip of the incense stick, a light woody smell filled your room which made your body slump and release a huge breath you didn’t know you were holding.
I should send him a thanks, it’s the least I could do. You reached over for your phone and opened his contact. You quickly typed out a ‘thank you for the incense Bakugou! It smells really nice.’ and stared at your message for a moment. You were pondering over your own message, and also making the realization that you were nervous.
You were genuinely nervous and giddy at the same time to send this text. You got over it anyway and made haste to throw your phone across the bed before kicking your shoes off and face-planting into your pillow. You didn’t make an effort to change as you succumbed to the exhaustion.
A loud knock woke you up, your eyes didn’t open as you sat up, trying to process what was going on. Another loud knock sounds and your eyes shoot open. What the hell? “Coming!” you groan out as you stand from your bed. Stumbling over your shoes and bag you reach your door, opening the handle. You’re met with the face of Bakugou. Okay, I’m definitely awake now..
“Change your clothes. There’s dinner downstairs and you haven’t come down at all.” His jagged voice interrupted your thoughts. “Wait—whaaa?..” You muttered, rubbing your eyes. “Hurry up.” He grabs the handle and closes your door.
You’d be lying if you said you didn’t have the fattest grin on your face after he closed your door. You dug through your clothes, throwing on a pair of black sweatpants and a misfits band shirt. You grabbed your phone and stopped for a moment as you looked at the notification.
***: it's no problem 4:03 P.M.
***: where the hell are you? dinners been ready for 10 minutes come down 6:47 P.M.
He ended up coming to your dorm 5 minutes after he sent the last message. You put some socks on before opening your door up again, and you tried to swallow down the lump in your throat as you saw Bakugou with his back leaning against the wall, with his arms crossed.
His signature frown was still plastered across his face as his eyes set on you. “Move your feet faster, extra.” He rasped out, already heading for the elevator, you quickly followed behind and attempted to make an effort to hide the shock on your face.
He somewhat punched the common room button, and you flinched when he did.
He pressed the button to close the doors more gently.
The ride down was a bit awkward, but you found comfort in the silence. Once the doors had opened, you walked out behind him. He grabbed your wrist suddenly and leisurely pulled you to his side as he kept walking, never letting go until you made it to the kitchen.
A few classmates noticed and pointed it out to the rest, as you lightly scratched the back of your neck in embarrassment. I guess I’d be staring too if I saw someone with such a bad temper hanging around me. you thought as you grabbed a bowl. “Get me one too.” Bakugou insisted, and you stopped for a second. Reaching your other hand up, you said, “You haven’t eaten yet?” as you grabbed the second bowl and set it down. 
“I’m just grabbing seconds,” He began to fill his bowl as he glanced at you. “Everyone’s already eaten. The losers are gonna do a movie night.” Your eyes lost their light at the sound of that. Of course, nobody told you. You drowned in your own dismal as you filled up your bowl with food. The smell made you feel slightly better, but it was nowhere near happy.
Once you were done, you turned to Bakugou. “Thanks for bringing me down, I’m just gonna head back upstairs.” You spoke in a brittle voice, and before you could reach the elevator you heard his footsteps coming from behind you. You could tell he made an effort to catch up.
He didn’t turn his eyes to you or offer an explanation after he pressed his floor's button, and didn’t allow you to go to yours. You frowned, “What’re you doing?” He finally looks at you. “Back to my dorm.”
whaa.. HUH?
“Wait—what?” You couldn’t process his sudden words as he took your wrist once more in his free hand, dragging you along with him to his dorm. He opened his door and ushered you to the bed before closing it.
You reluctantly sat down, as it was the second and only time you’d been in his dorm for any purpose other than school. He sighed as he sat down with his back against the bed frame, and pulled his laptop out from his bag.
“If you don’t sit next to me, you’re not gonna be able to watch the movie, you idiot.” His words made your ears blaze with heat and you carefully scooted next to him, making sure not to spill any food. “Got anything you wanna watch?” He asked as he took a bite of the hotpot.
“Hmm.,” Your eyes drifted to the side as you thought, “What about The Florida Project?” You suggested, “It’s not on Netflix, we’d probably have to find a random website to watch it.” 
He smiled faintly, he’s seen that before and so have you. “I’m fine with that.” His tone was softer as he clicked away to find a website to watch the movie. As he pressed play you scooted a tiny bit closer to watch it.
Midway through the movie you both finished your bowls and made slight comments on every scene, and he evilly laughed at most of the sad scenes while you scolded him for it.
As the movie reached the end, you had been leaning against him with your head on his shoulder. He had one hand behind his head and the other resting against his thigh. You nearly cried.
As the movie finished, you fell asleep against him. He abandoned the movie a while ago, but not on purpose. He took a little time to think about you since you’d been running around his mind without consent anyway.
Not only were you pretty, but your personality seemed to be a calming point for him. You, yourself, seemed to tell him to chill. You liked similar things, and you introduced him to incense which he secretly had on his shelf, above his bed. He had also ended up putting in orders for a few new posters after seeing your room.
He took the chance of your sleeping state to quietly shut off his laptop and hesitantly reached his hand around your body to rest it on your hip. He rested his head against yours as he rubbed small circles on your skin.
You shifted a little and his heart jumped, not wanting you to think he was some sort of pervert. Bakugou was slightly sure that his classmates were asleep, so he decided to carry you back to your dorm.
You awoke the next morning in your bed, sluggishly rising up and stretching as your joints popped. 4:32 read the time, and you definitely couldn’t go back to sleep now. You decided to take the extra time and get ready for school.
You smoothed out your skirt as you took your seat, and this time you didn’t rest your head in your palm. You felt like you finally rested your body. Your eyes darted up as you heard a thud in front of you. It was.. Bakugou?
He crashed into the seat in front of you, putting his elbows on your desk and turning his body to you. “Let’s uh.. study at that new cafe that opened up.” He looked away as he huffed the words out, suddenly interested in the outside world.
Is he asking me on a date or something? “Oh.. I mean,” His heart dropped and his brows furrowed as you started to talk. He had doubts about you saying no, and it seemed they were coming true.
“Sure.. I was gonna ask you, actually.” You giggled, setting your hands on the desk as you tapped your nail occasionally against it. He turned back to you, and he had a genuine smile plastered across his face as he didn’t leave this time immediately. He stayed, and he talked with you.
And he would do it many, many more times.
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pls do not post anywhere w/out permission
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buckyalpine · 2 years
Babes, I just want you to know that if you ever need an excuse to post any Bucky with breeding kink (ofc alongside others and other sceneries maybe?)
You could always have an AU where Bucky and Reader decides to film all their sexual adventures while trying for a baby then posting it on corn platforms.
In that way, even the most random breedingkknk (and other kinks) would just make sense ✊🏻😭
This is me basically suggesting an AU where they “vlog” all their baby making, baby planning, all baby. 😭
Hell yes. 18+ AF
Warnings: Heavy breeding kink, sweet baby making smut , lots of dirty talking, body worship, lots of fluffff
AN: Tags are messed up so temporarily not using them until I figure out why I keep getting errors
(also if posting onto corn platforms isn't your thing, imagine they film for themselves/ use a mirror to watch themselves instead of a camera)
"Ready sugar?" Bucky set up the camera while you bit your lip, nodding and laying back on the pillows. He made his way over and crawled on top of you, his cock already leaking, the very thought of getting you pregnant making him throb. You draped your arms around his shoulders while he peppered your face with kisses, his hand cupping your cheek, stroking your skin.
"Hey pretty girl" He smiled, his precum making a mess on your tummy, humming as you brought your legs to wrap around him, your pussy dripping, aching for him to fill you. "Been waiting for this"
He dipped down to capture your lips before getting off and pulling you up with him, sitting against the headboard and moving you to sit on his lap, leaving you fully exposed to the camera. You squeaked as he spread your thighs apart top of his, his arm slung around your waist to keep you from squirming.
"Bucky please" You sounded needy, wanting him to stuff you full, too desperate for his teasing.
"Let's show the world how gorgeous you are, let me tell you how special you are to me" He gently nipped your jaw, stroking your waist, keeping your legs spread, refusing to let you hide how perfect you looked.
"But Bucky, need you" You whined, your pussy already clenching around nothing.
"I know sweets, I know, just let me love you for a minute okay?" He cooed, brining two fingers down to rub your clit in soft circles, lightly rutting his cock against you from behind "Wanna show you off sweets, show everyone how gorgeous you are, how perfect you are for me"
You moaned, throwing your head back onto his shoulder while he added a bit more pressure, focused on rubbing you sensitive bundle of nerves, your clit throbbing against his finger tips.
"I wanna worship my angel, my pretty baby who I get to fuck with my bare cock. My sweet angel who lets me pump her full of my cum, lets me empty my balls into her tight little pussy, isn't that right doll?"
He bit your ear as you mewled, bucking your hips against his hand, your arousal soaking the sheets as he began to rub you faster.
"Look at you baby, look at how wet you already are. Is all this for me?" He dipped his fingers into your sipping hole, gathering your slick onto his finger tips and shoving them into his mouth, his eyes rolling back at the taste. "Sweetest honey angel, got my cock so fuckin' hard"
He pressed you against his erection, pushing his cock right against your ass, grinding his hips up slightly so you'd feel all of him while he continued to toy with your clit.
"Are you wet for my cock baby? You know what I wanna do tonight, does me getting you pregnant make you all needy and soaked?" He groaned by your ear at the way your cunt glistened, chest heaving, your inability to speak telling him all he needed to know.
He moved you to lay against the pillows, kissing up your body before lining his cock up with your entrance while you moved your legs to wrap tightly around his waist, your ankles locked at his lower back.
"M'gonna love you so good tonight sweets, all just for you" He started to inch his cock in, the both of you moaning at the feeling of him filling you up. He stilled as he pushed his cock in as far as it would go, closing his eyes and collecting himself while your greedy pussy fluttered around him.
"You feel how full my cock is baby? S'all for you sweet girl, all the cum to get you pregnant. Promise there's so much angel, don't think I'll be able to stop tonight" He tucked his face into the crook of your neck as he began to thrust slowly, his hands coming to lace with your pinning you against the bed. You let one of your hands slip free so you could card your fingers through his hair while he suckled and kissed the sensitive skin along the column of your neck, the both of you lost in each other. "I love showing you off baby, love showing everyone how to love you, how to make love to you, want everyone to see how I make a baby with this perfect angel that's all fucking mine"
"Feels so good Bucky" Your thighs squeezed around his waist, wishing there was a way you could melt into him, loving the way his bare cock felt in you, feeling every vein and ridge as the swollen head of his cock rubbed against your sensitive spot.
"Feels so good for me too angel, s'fucking perfect"
As kinky as Bucky was, this was different. Any other occasion and he'd rail you, degrade you, fuck you till you couldn't walk, leaving your pussy sore and legs numb. He'd pull pleasure from your body as if it kept him alive.
Not this time though.
God, he couldn't get enough of you. He squeezed your hand tighter, moaning at the way you clung onto him, his forehead resting on yours.
"It's all you sweets, you're gonna be the mother of my child, y'know that?" He pulled away slightly so he could look at you properly, bringing his hand to cup your face, squeezing your cheeks slightly. "It's you babygirl, my beautiful baby mama"
You whimpered under him, your eyes glassy as he moved a little faster, his thumb swiping away a stray tear that rolled down your skin. He was so gentle with you as if you were made of porcelain, admiring the way your brows pinched together each time he pushed his hips forward, every moan and whine slipping past your lips because of him. "You're so beautiful, you know that? M'so in love with you baby"
"I love you James" You whispered pulling him down so you could feel his full body weight on you. Bucky moaned, his balls growing heavier, tapping against your ass as he braced himself to fuck you as deeply as he could, wrapping his arms around your body.
"Can't wait to see you with your belly swollen, nipples leaking" He could feel his cock start to dribble, his orgasm at the tip of his cock, desperate to fill you. "I wanna get you pregnant so badly sweets, want you to have my babies, c'mon, tell me you want it to angel"
"Oh fuck James" You cried out, the band in your belly ready to snap, his precum leaking out of your pussy.
"Say it, say you'll carry my child angel, you'll have my baby?"
"Want your babies Bucky!"
"Yeah? You want that baby, fuck, don't-don't stop" Bucky started to sound more needy, panting as he sped up his thrusts, his cock swelling more each time. "Makes me wanna cum when you say that baby, I wanna give you all of my cum"
"Get me pregnant Bucky! Please, I-Ohmygod fuck-fuck!" You let out a silent scream as your orgasm washed over you without warning, your fluttering walls greedy to milk Bucky's cock, pulling him back in with each thrust. "Fuck Bucky!!"
"M'gonna get you so pregnant angel, don't worry. M'gonna cum so deep in you over and over again till your full and stuffed with me" He hid his face against your neck, moaning and panting, sweat beading at his forehead. You gently played with his hair with one hand while the other scratched down his back while you moaned loudly at the feeling of him fucking you through your high. "you're choking my dick baby, fuck it feels good"
"Mmm, that's right mama, say my name, say your baby daddy's name when I get you pregnant, say my fuckin' name when I cum in you baby, c'mon say it" He locked his eyes with yours, fucking you into oblivion as you eyes rolled back from over stimulation. "Say my name pretty mama"
"Jameses" The sound of skin slipping on skin bounced off the walls along with the headboard steadily thumping against the wall as he started to chase his high, desperate to fill you till it took.
"Oh shit, m'gonna cum angel, gonna cum, gonna put my baby in you sweets, gonna put a fuckin' baby in you, GONNA FUCKING CUM" Bucky cried out against your skin, his pace growing sloppy as he continued to rut his cock in your cunt, barely pulling out, making sure he stayed as close to you as possible. "F-fuck theres so much cum baby, m'gonna fill you till your dripping onto the sheets. Take my cum angel, c'mon make a mess with daddy, so beautiful taking my cock sweetheart, so pretty"
"There's so much cum Bucky" you could feel his warmth squirt out of you while he kept pouring his seed into you, endless ropes of cum still steadily pumping out of his cock.
"I know babygirl, look at what you do to me mama, got me all fucked up when I make love to you, you feel too good, don't even know what to do with myself" He panted, whimpering and whining as he cock began to slowly soften, still occasionally throbbing while you cooed, rubbing his body. He hissed as he pulled out, admiring the mess he made inside you chuckling at your fucked outstate, your eyes barely able to focus.
You whined as he crawled off you to grab the camera, your eyes growing wide as he bent you in half, bringing the camera closer to get a shot of your soaked pussy. His cum was messy between your thighs; you squeaked as he shoved two fingers into you, pushing his seed back in.
"Bucky!" You felt your face heat up while he smirked, placing a sloppy kiss onto your sensitive clit, making you squeal.
"Gotta show everyone exactly how much cum I filled you with baby, gotta show them how fuckin' pretty this pussy is and how perfect our baby making was" He give you a wink before turning the camera off and settling by your side, spooning you from behind. His hand came to rub your tummy while kissing your temple, his cock already hard again.
"Rest for a bit mama, we still have all night"
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blissfullyapillow · 6 months
┃"I’ve missed you."
✧˖°. Blade x fem reader
✧˖°. wc: 1,393~
✧˖°. Prompt: When a character desperately misses their partner after being apart for far too long. 
✧˖°. Warnings: smut/explicit (18+) & poetic cheesiness lol 
✧˖°. Pillow Talks: I need Blade so badly.ᐟ.ᐟ Anyway, I’ve returned (temporarily) to deliver something that’s been sitting in my drafts for far too long now. I hope you enjoy .ᐟ (,,>ヮ<,,) <3
✧˖°. Masterlist
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Credits: @/sillyakito on pinterest
The first time I heard Blade murmur “I’ve missed you,” I thought I’d imagined it. Blade is not someone who openly expresses his thoughts and feelings through words, rather he prefers to portray his feelings through meaningful actions.
I quickly realized I hadn’t imagined the shy words that left his lips, since his sharp eyes reflected uncertainty when they met my gaze.
I wasted no time pulling him into my arms, just so I could whisper my response against the shell of his ear.
“I missed you too.”
Now it’s become something of a routine. Every reunion I celebrate with Blade, typically after one too many nights away from the comfort of his arms, the first words out of his mouth are always the same.
“I missed you.”
Those words never fail to warm my heart.
To reiterate; although Blade has his moments, he tends to favor action over words. So, it feels all too natural when innocent touches shift to something akin to a burning flame that lights my skin ablaze.
The familiar caress of his rough palms cease in favor of gently lowering me beneath him. Now, I lay before him on my back as his imposing figure hovers over me. Eyes redder than the leaves on a maple tree hold my gaze. He conveys the ardent passion that resides within them through the fierce grip he has on my hip.
His intense gaze threatens to steal more than just my breath; my heart yearns to make a home in his rugged palms, my body surrenders to the eager strokes of his fingers along my inner thigh, all while my soul craves nothing more than to be forever intertwined with his, if only to experience his love in every life of mine.
His hand releases my hip so his arm can wrap around me, pulling both my body and my lips into his expectant embrace.
He takes his time to savor the taste of my lips. I feel the muscles within his arm tense. His body curls over mine as if he’s about to fall, yet his free hand rests beside my head to support his weight.
His lips release mine from its tantalizing captivity. A desperate gasp escapes his lips; my eyes eagerly open to witness his strained breaths and flushed cheeks.
I feel the muscles in his arm flex, the sensation eliciting a noise of surprise from me.
He smirks.
A well known sight that never fails to set my heart ablaze.
He lowers himself to press his weight against me, his free hand moves to rest on my lower back, flattening his palm against my feverish skin.
His mouth makes a slow descent, languidly savoring the taste of my skin as it memorizes every dip and curve. His lips linger on every mark and scar he happens upon, pressing endearingly long kisses against them.
The attention my body is receiving borders on being too much to bear. My heart hurts; it’s a surreal feeling, to be held so delicately, as if everything he’s ever come to love is held within his strong, unrelenting grip.
“I love you.” The words sound strained coming from my lips, perhaps due to the tears that wet my lashes.
His flattened palm moves, unhurried, ascending from my back to my face before it cups my cheek.
"love.. that word isn't enough to express how I feel about you."
Our kiss tastes a bit salty; his heartfelt admission broke the dam that held my tears at bay.  
His mouth is reluctant to leave mine, avidly pursuing after my attempt to part for air.
I submit to the heady emotions Blade’s actions and words impose upon me, succumbing to everything that is Blade.
It’s… intoxicating.
My body burns with the passion Blade’s love inflicts upon me. His arm firmly holds me in place to prevent any possible chance I have of escaping.
Not that I’d ever want to flee; I find the very thought abhorrent.
When he's finally satiated, temporarily, his mouth pulls away. I desperately gasp in an attempt to acquire the oxygen my lungs have been denied.
I struggle to open my eyes, lost in my desire for the man holding me so close to his heart. Even so, my eyes reveal themselves as they naturally search for his gaze.
I’m met with an alluring sight.
His eyes are intently focused on my every move, devouring every subtle twitch of my muscles with his fervid stare.
It nearly causes me to shy away.
He dips his head, his lips brushing against the shell of my ear. In almost an inaudible murmur, with the deepest voice I’ve heard from him to date, he groans.
“Tell me what you want, baby."
An embarrassing high pitched whine leaves my lips.
When the sound reaches Blade's ears, he emits another deep groan as his hips hotly buck against mine.
Unbeknownst to me, the sound of my desperate whine only stoked the fires of the urgent zeal that threatens to consume his very being; He’s afraid he’ll perish if he can’t savor the taste of his heart’s desire this instant.
So, with a newfound sense of urgency, he murmurs his question once more.
“Tell me what you want, baby."
My answer is so immediate I almost talk over him.
A loud, breathy whine escapes me as his hand swiftly moves from my cheek to my thigh, effortlessly lifting my leg to rest upon his shoulder. His arm finally releases me from his firm grasp to lift my other leg onto his unoccupied shoulder.
Now, both my legs rest upon his shoulders as he cages me beneath him.
He unhurriedly drags his mouth down the expanse of my torso, playfully nipping at my skin as he travels to his destination. Now, between my legs, he presses a lingering kiss to my inner thigh. I jolt with a start when I feel his tongue lap at my arousal.
I’m a moaning mess under him moments later, and his muffled grunts fuel my longing for him.
“Fuck, you turn me on so much with the noises you make,” he groans, thrusting his hips up into mine. I whimper softly, caging him in as my legs wrap tightly around his waist.
“Look at me.”
His request surprises me, but I’d be a fool to deny him. With great effort I open my eyes to look at him, and the rapture within his gaze captivates me like no other.
“Kiss me.”
His simple statement sends an electrifying jolt to my heart.
My lips are drawn to his like a magnet; our lips create a tight seal as his hips follow a relentless rhythm against mine.
I have no control over my voice as we reach our climax together. He holds me close, so close I can feel his heart pound against my own racing heart.
Blade slowly fills me up to the brim.
I swear nothing I’ve experienced prior has ever felt more satisfying.
Our tired bodies heave in unison as we catch our breath. Blade dips his head down to rest his forehead against mine.
I admire him as his chest slows its previous rapid rise and fall.
Aeons. He’s a sight for sore eyes.
His love presents itself in the soft smile on his lips, in the tender way his hand cups my cheek as he, too, admires my features. It manifests in the way he reaches over for the glass of water he kept nearby for this very moment.
The water slides down my throat with ease, it’s as rejuvenating as it is refreshing.
“I missed you.” His voice is a little hoarse, brimming with an uncharacteristic amount of emotion.
My hands delicately brush his hair aside.
He hums quietly, expressing his content with my actions.
“I’ve missed you too.” My voice drips with emotion, and Blade emits a pleased sound at this revelation. A soft noise of appreciation slips from my lips when he shifts his position so we can cuddle comfortably.
Sleep finds us easily that night. It acts as a warm blanket, while our dreams are the pillows beneath our heads.
Yet, the love I feel in my heart derives solely from the man sleeping in my arms.
Blade, the man who cherishes the heart that he holds so tenderly in his hands.
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roosterr · 11 months
i'm in denial about the new CoD campaign... but... but... i wanted to ask if you could possibly do anything - headcanon, drabble, anything you want - about Nik? Pretty please *puppy dog eyes* i need some sweetness!! he's sooo <3 ah...
me too anon :,) but i'm always happy to write for my beautiful wife nikolai
nikolai x gn!reader
wc: 550
nik doesn't get jealous if someone hits on you. he's your husband; everybody else can look, but he's the only one who can touch.
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staying at a base with other units – even temporarily – somehow always proved to be a monumental headache for you. whether it was queuing for the cafeteria and the showers, or just having to deal with the other soldiers, you count the days until you'll be home again.
you drift back down from your thoughts to the sight of a sergeant whose name you don't remember approaching you from the training field. they were done for the day, you supposed, seeing as they were all heading inside by now.
you stay put as he marches closer, where you lean against the wall and watch him with a glint of amusement in your gaze.
he comes to stand next to you, not-so-subtly puffing his chest out as he speaks. "any plans for tonight, lt.?"
"hm?" you hum and raise a brow at him, fighting to keep down the laugh that bubbles up in your chest. you can see where this is going. "nothing special. just spending the night at home."
a grin lights up his face. "how about we go for drinks, then? just you and me, i'll treat you." 
"i'm married, sergeant."
"c'mon, he doesn't have to know," his grin turns into more of a smirk, "i can treat you better than him, just let me show you."
"is that so?" you scoff to hide the laugh that almost escapes, "i don't think my husband would agree."
"he's probably a loser anyway, if you were mine i'd show you off any chance i got." the sergeant comes to stand in front of you, and it takes a great deal of restraint to keep your eyes on him and not the large figure approaching over his shoulder. "i bet he doesn't even know how to please you, does he?"
"wow." you mutter, finally letting the smile pull at your lips as a shadow falls over both of you. "you gonna let him talk about you like that?" 
the sergeant frowns in confusion, "wh–"
"let the boy have dreams, милая." nikolai interrupts, a wide grin on his face as he takes his place at your side. he doesn't spare the sergeant so much as a glance, his deep gaze locked onto yours as he slips an arm around your waist. "he will never have the real thing."
as if the world around you has disappeared, and there is nothing but the two of you, nik cups the back of your head and brings you into an adoring kiss. your fingers find the chain that hangs from his neck, curling around it and tugging him ever closer while the other rests against the planes of his abdomen.
you almost forget that you're not alone, lost in the strong hold of your husband, until the third party pipes up again and breaks the spell.
"c–commander," the sergeant sputters, standing rigid as his wide eyes drop to his boots, "i– uh, i apologise, i didn't–"
you go to pull away, but nikolai keeps you close to him with the hand on your head, smiling mischievously into your lips. he moves back slightly, just enough to speak, his lips still brushing yours as he addresses the sergeant.
"leave us, boy," he rumbles, his gaze never leaving yours even as he waves the sergeant away, "the lieutenant is busy."
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fanficimagery · 2 years
The Mikaelson Upgrade
When Elijah sends his sister to check on you during a harsh Winter, the Mikaelsons move you in with them.
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Words: 7.4K  Author’s Note: So, I thought this was so good, but when I started editing it, I realized it was terrible lmao. But I need something to post, and this is the only completed thing I had. Sorry. 
With a basket half full of non-perishables and a case of water, you're standing on the opposite side of the grocery store and staring at their small selection of home hardware in hopes of finding something to weatherize your small apartment even further than it already was.
The central heat was out so you're going to be forced to use space heaters and you'd already glued some thin strips of foam all around your doorways to keep the drafts of winds out. This was only going to be your second winter in the apartment so you knew it could get cold, but this winter was predicted to be an extremely cold one and you wanted to be prepared.
The windows weren't the best insulated, so when you heard the trick about bubble wrap being plastered to the windows to help keep the heat in, you figured it was worth a shot. But as you stare at the prices of the different sized rolls, you sigh and realize you might just have to pile all your blankets atop you instead.
"Miss YLN?"
Your name being uttered startles you from your mental musings and you turn to the source. You stand a little taller at the striking figure looking so out of place in the hardware aisle. "Elijah! Hi," you sheepishly grin at him. "How are you?"
His lips twitch. "I'm doing well. And yourself?" He wonders. "I couldn't help but realize you looked quite lost in thought."
Your cheeks burn in embarrassment, but you chuckle nonetheless. "I was trying to determine whether or not it was worth it to buy the bubble wrap."
Elijah looks at the overly large rolls of wrap. "And pray tell what you would need so much bubble wrap for?"
"Winter is coming, Mr. Mikaelson, and I am merely a fragile human." He still doesn't get what you mean, so you elaborate. "I heard bubble wrap on the windows can help keep the cold out. I'm desperate."
"Ah. I see."
It doesn't look like he quite gets it, but you don't call him out on it. Instead, you say, "But I think it's probably cheaper to just hibernate under my blankets."
As you start to push your basket away, Elijah follows. "What about your parents? Surely you could stay with them during this harsh winter."
"Nah." You shake your head. "We're on shaky terms at the moment. My dad barely wanted to give me extra money for groceries, so I rather stay in my shitty apartment than live in a tense atmosphere."
From the corner of your eye you see Elijah looking at you, but you keep your own gaze forward. Then when you come to the checkout lane, he leaves you with, "If you need anything, my siblings and I are only a call away."
"Thanks, Elijah." You glance at him with a small smile. "Say hello to Rebekah and Niklaus for me, will you?"
"I will. Good evening, Miss YLN."
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The first night of the winter storm is brutal. Within hours the temperature dropped drastically and the wind howled. Several feet of snow was predicted and your college professors all emailed that classes had been temporarily canceled due to the storm.
You tacked up tarps over your front door and back door, and even the front windows to your living room. You had unplugged every kitchen appliance you knew you weren't going to use and stowed them away, plugging in a small space heater that you left running on the empty kitchen counter. You had one heater in your bedroom that you only used when you slept, another heater in the bathroom that you only turned on before you showered, and another heater running in the living room where you spent most of your time.
All in all, what was once your favorite season is now something you desperately want to hurry up and be over with.
On the third day, you're trembling under three blankets debating whether or not it was worth it to get up and make yourself something to eat.
And just when you've decided that a nap sounds really good, there's a knock on your front door.
You quietly groan but refuse to get up.
Another knock sounds.
"If you're of the immortal population and friendly, then just walk in. It's too cold to get up," you mutter.
You hear the door creak open and the tarp crinkle as it's moved. "What the bloody hell is this?" You huff a laugh at Rebekah's disdain. "Honestly, YN, don't you ever listen?"
"Elijah told us about your situation. Klaus has had his minions watching your place-"
"Aw. He's had his hybrids out in this cold? What a dick."
"-and they called to inform us there wasn't much movement in here anymore. We're really worried."
"M'fine, Rebekah."
"You're not fine. You're bloody freezing!"
"Well, it is Winter, and I am only human."
Rebekah grumbles and you can only imagine the face she's making as you hear her footsteps walking around your apartment. "'Lijah said you didn't enjoy your apartment and now I see why." She sighs. "I don't see why he just doesn't make you part of the family already and move you in."
You tense and slowly pull the blankets down from covering your head. "What?"
She glances at you, feigning innocence. "What?"
"You just said-"
"No, I didn't."
"I could've sworn you said-"
"I said no such thing."
You narrow your eyes at your friend and she smiles a little too big. Then softly rolling your eyes, you cover your head once more to preserve your body heat under the blankets. "Well you've seen with your own eyes that I'm fine. I'm just preserving my body heat under the blankets."
The blankets are suddenly ripped from you and you whine. "Get up. Packs your bags. You're coming with me."
"Rebekah, no." You weakly grab for your blankets, only to be denied. "Just let me go to sleep."
She scoffs. "I'm afraid that if you go to sleep, you won't wake up again. Now go pack or I'll have the hybrids do it for you."
Your eyes sting with tears and a lump forms in your throat as you stare at your friend's no-nonsense expression, but you manage to keep your emotions in check as you pull yourself into a seated position. Then very slowly, you wrap a blanket around your shoulders and go do as you're told.
But you're so cold that Rebekah ends up doing everything for you as you sit on the edge of your bed. Your thoughts end up drifting off as Rebekah moves around you, your eyelids feeling heavier and heavier. Eventually you feel yourself slump over, but you're so tired that you can't open your eyes.
You do, however, hear your friend swear before she's talking to someone else. Most likely on the phone, your mind supplies. Then you're being lifted and moved so suddenly, only to be placed down in a seat. You're cold all over again, but then you hear a car heater get turned on full blast.
"Hold on, YN. I'll get you home and you'll feel better soon."
. . . .
When you're thrust back into consciousness, the first thing you hear is a crackling fire. Your eyelids flutter open and you find yourself in an unfamiliar room. Your confusion momentarily overrides your sheer terror at not knowing where you're at, but then the soothing baritones of a familiar voice instantly calms you.
"I thought I made it clear that you were to call should you need anything." You turn your head to find Elijah sitting by your bedside. "Rebekah doesn't think you'd have made it another night had you stayed in your apartment. She said your heart rate slowed down while she was packing your clothes and you passed out. You should have called."
You know Elijah is not scolding you, he's just stating facts, but hearing it so plainly scares you. Your bottom lip trembles as your eyes fill with tears and you quickly cover your eyes with your hands before the tears can fall. "I'm sorry." You sniffle. "I just- I didn't-" You shakily exhale and try to swallow down the lump in your throat.
A hand gently wraps around your right wrist, tugging your hand from your face. "It's fine. You're here now."
Your heart starts to pick up speed at his proximity, he having leaned forward. "I didn't think it'd be this hard," you murmur.
"Didn't think what would be so hard?"
"Being an adult." You sniffle some more. "I took a lot of stuff for granted while I was under my parent's roof and now? Struggling to make ends meet while being a college student absolutely blows."
Elijah's lips twitch at the sight of your pout. His eyes twinkle in the firelight and your breath hitches when he raises your hand to his mouth, his lips pressing a kiss to your knuckles. "Well now you're under my roof. Sleep. And when you wake up, this room has its own private bath with all the hot water you can use up and all the food you could want down in the kitchen."
"That sounds nice." Your blinks get longer and longer until you eventually can't keep your eyes open anymore. "'Lijah?" You sleepily slur.
"You're my favorite Mikaelson. Don't tell the others."
Right before the void takes you, you hear muffled laughter. "I won't. You have my word."
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The next time you wake up, you remember where you are and hurry to the windows to look outside. What you see is beautiful, pure white everywhere, but it's also a bit scary because the longer you look at the snow, the quicker Elijah's words come back to haunt you.
Rebekah doesn't think you'd have made it another night had you stayed in your apartment.
This is the most snow you've ever seen in your life and you're suddenly really grateful for nosy friends. As you turn around to face away from the too white picture, you see an opened door leading to a bathroom. Elijah's other words float to the forefront of your mind and you immediately look around for your bags. But finding none anywhere leads you to scope out the dresser drawers and sure enough your clothes have all been folded and put away.
Shaking your head and what was no doubt Rebekah's doing, you gather a change of clothes and head into the bathroom. It's one of the most luxurious bathrooms you've ever seen, but then again these are vampires who are over a thousand years old. Of course they'd splurge to have only the best.
Once you locate the towels and realize the shower stall has everything you'd need, you turn on the hot water and strip the second you see steam rising.
The hot shower is absolute bliss and you almost don't want to get out once you're done. But other needs must be met when your stomach starts to grumble, so you get out and dress in a set of comfortable clothes that's both warm and presentable enough to be in the company of others.
When you eventually find your way to the kitchen, all three Mikaelson siblings are hanging around. Elijah is reading the newspaper, enjoying either a cup of coffee or tea, Rebekah is staring into the refrigerator, but Klaus is smirking directly at you.
"So Sleeping Beauty finally awakens."
"Very funny, Niklaus." You wrinkle your nose as you pass him, offering a small grin as you make your way towards Rebekah. You wrap your arms around her waist from behind, leaning the side of your face against her back. "Please tell me you guys have ramen? I want all the ramen in the world right now."
"We do. Do you want me to make you some?"
"I've got it. Just point me in the direction of the pots and ramen."
As you put a small pot of water to boil, you go through the cabinets to find some spices to season the ramen better. You pull out two slices of cheese from the refrigerator and then drop the noodles into water. You wait patiently for the noodles to become tender and then drain most of the water out. You add in all the seasoning before tossing the cheese atop the noodles, mixing it until it's all melted.
"That doesn't look like the ramen on the packaging," Rebekah says as she looks over your shoulder.
"Because when you're on a budget and your daily meals consist of ramen, you find ways to spruce it up," you muse. "Wanna try?"
"No, thank you."
"Elijah? Niklaus?" You then offer them some.
Elijah politely refuses whereas Klaus' nose wrinkles. "Smells foul, love."
"Really? It smells foul to the person who prefers munching on the hearts of those who betray him?" Klaus chuckles before quickly deciding to take his leave, claiming to have people to torment. Rebekah sighs and grumbles about going with him to make sure he doesn't get into too much trouble, and Elijah just grins from his place at the table. "Would you like some company?" You sheepishly ask.
"Please, be my guest."
Putting some noodles into a bowl, you grab a fork and then a bottled water from the refrigerator before setting it all down atop the table. Then pulling out your own seat, you sit cross legged before digging in.
At the first bite, you smile with your cheeks puffed out and happily wiggle in your seat.
Elijah chuckles. "Good?"
"Mhm." You twirl some more noodles on your fork before blowing on them and then shoving them into your mouth. With another groan, you grab a napkin to dab at your mouth before sipping your water. "I'm a pasta girl, in case you haven't noticed. I will try any pasta dish at least once and then repeatedly if I like it."
"Noted." Elijah smiles at you before his eyes fall back to the paper in his hands. After a moment, he asks, "So was the bedroom to your liking?"
"Yes! Thank you." You perk up a little, grinning. "I hadn't seen that room before, so I was a little confused when I woke up."
"I know. Your heart started to beat frantically before I spoke up."
"Ahh, the perks of being a vampire," you muse. Elijah chuckles and then the two of you fall into silence as he reads and you eat.
You finish your meal without any more interruptions and then walk over to the sink to wash your dishes.
"You know we have a dishwasher, correct?"
"Yes, but I like to do things by hand. Keeps me moving since I have no idea what to do here now that I'm not secluded to the couch for warmth."
"What about your classes?"
"Canceled." Turning off the water, you grab a towel to dry your hands. "Well, at least in-person classes had been canceled. Maybe I should check my email to make sure there are no online assignments that need to be completed."
"Yes, you wouldn't want to fall behind."
You blow a raspberry in his direction before leaving the kitchen and heading for your temporary room to collect your laptop to see if there's anything that needs to be completed.
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On your third day with the Mikaelsons, you've taken over their library as you attempted to complete an essay one of your professors had assigned since the campus was still closed. Elijah consistently made appearances, grabbing a book and reading quietly as you researched and typed, and Klaus showed up occasionally to paint while you worked. Rebekah was the only one to drop in for minutes at a time, just long enough to make sure you took a break and gave your brain a rest.
You're reading through one of the many journals Elijah had hoarded from centuries ago when your cell phone dings with a text message. You ignore it, but then it dings again.
And again.
And again.
"Are you going to get that?" Elijah asks.
You startle at his voice, momentarily forgetting you weren't alone. "Yeah. I guess so." The text messages just keep popping up, one right after another, and you try to read them as quickly as you can. "What the-" You frown.
"What seems to be the problem?"
"I'm not sure. Caroline, Bonnie, and Matt.. they seem worried, I think," you tell him. "Each of them asking where I'm at and if I'm okay and-" Your cell ringing cuts you off. "My dad's calling." You quickly accept it. "Hello?"
You flinch at the volume of his voice and even Elijah looks up from his book. "Dad? I'm- I'm at a friend's place. The apartment got too cold. Why? What's-"
"Your apartment is on fire!" Your head turns to quickly look at Elijah and he seems just as surprised as you. "We all thought you were inside. No one knew-" His voice cuts off with a sob.
"Dad, I'm okay. I'm fine." He continues to cry, and you do your best to console him. "How did a fire even start? I unplugged everything." You try to listen to your dad, but his blubbering is making no sense. But as you're on the phone with him, Klaus saunters into the room. As he passes you, you can't help but inhale deeply and then narrow your eyes. You know that smell. "Dad, let me call you back. I'll get to the apartment as soon as I can." You hang up and set your phone aside, leaning back into your seat with a sigh. "Niklaus, what did you do?"
"I have no idea what you're talking about, love."
You look at Elijah, exasperated. "I believe Miss YLN is talking about the fact that you smell like smoke after she just got a very frantic phone call from her father who didn't know if she was dead or alive because her apartment is currently up in flames."
Rebekah saunters in next, expression a little too smug.
"Rebekah, please tell me you didn't have a hand in this either?"
"Well, it's not like you'd move in here otherwise." Her smug expression falls. "We did you a favor."
"You made me homeless," you deadpan. Then glancing at Elijah, you ask, "Can you take me over there? I need to see the damage."
"Of course."
"YN, we didn't-"
"I assure you we meant no harm," Klaus says. "We just thought-"
"I know what you thought, but you could have literally talked to me about leaving my shitty apartment rather than burn it down." Rebekah looks put out that you're not thanking her, and Klaus doesn't look apologetic at all, but it still makes you assure both of them that you're not angry. "I'm not mad, I'm just-" You trail off, sighing. "Please tell me you at least took out all my valuables before you set everything ablaze?"
Rebekah scoffs. "We're not amateurs. I took anything that might have sentimental value, all your clothes and all your electronics out the first night I brought you here."
You shake your head, unable to help the twitch of your lips. "You guys have been alive way too long if you thought burning down my apartment was the best way to approach me with the idea of moving in here." The two troublesome Mikaelsons start to grin when they realize you're not truly upset with them. "Now when we get back, I want all the chicken nuggets and fries from McDonalds."
"But the closest McDonalds is about twenty minutes away," Rebekah says.
"Then drive fast." Finally standing, you look to Elijah. "Ready?"
He nods. "After you."
. . . .
The street you live on- er, used to live on- is packed with police cars, an ambulance, and two different fire trucks. The street has been taped off, but after Elijah parks and the two of you approach the officers keeping nosy individuals away, you tell them that it's your apartment up in flames and they let the two of you pass.
Across the street from your burning apartment, your dad stands there with more police officers. You make a beeline for him, accepting his hug and giving the police your statement. Elijah stands by your side as you answer everything you're asked, giving his own statement to back up your claim that you had left the apartment days earlier.
When the questions are done and over with, you're left to helplessly watch as the fire devours the place you've known as home for the last two years. When part of the roof collapses and you flinch, Elijah tucks you under an arm and turns you so your face is pressed against his chest.
"Miss?" Elijah releases his hold on you and nudges you so you turn around. There's a firefighter addressing you. "Are you the owner?"
"I rent," you tell him. "The landlord is elderly. They wouldn't be out here."
"Oh. Okay. Um, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but I think the house is gonna be a total loss. I'm sorry."
"Figures." You sigh and then paste on a smile. "Thank you."
Just as you turn back towards Elijah, you hear your father sigh next. "Well, I guess this means you'll be moving back in until you find another decent apartment."
"Wow, dad, don't sound too enthused now," you deadpan.
He glowers at you before looking back at the dwindling fire, shaking his head. "Your mother won't be too happy that she'll have to put all her sewing supplies into storage, but I guess we'll just have to make do."
"You know what-"
"Mr. YLN," Elijah smoothly steps in, offering your dad a hand to shake. "I'm Elijah Mikaelson. It's nice to finally meet you, sir." Your dad seems to stand a little taller, puffing out his chest as he takes Elijah in before shaking his hand. "I just want to assure you that you and your wife have nothing to worry about. My family and I will happily take in YN. My sister thinks of her fondly and we have more than enough space for her to stay with us."
"Mikaelson, huh? Your family built that fancy mansion a few years back, right?"
Your eyes roll as you groan, "Dad."
But Elijah only smirks. "Yes, sir."
"Hmm." Your dad huffs. But seeing this as the perfect outcome, he then says, "Well if there's anything my daughter needs to attribute to, I'm sure I can offer some-"
"There's no need. All expenses for your daughter will be covered by my family and I."
You can see the relief obviously wash over your dad and it pains you just a little that he so easily let someone else take care of you. You're pretty sure if one of your older siblings needed help, your parents would move Heaven and Earth for them. But for you? Apparently, your old room was just too much to ask for. "And on that note, Elijah and I will be going." You glance at your apartment, swallowing down the sadness threatening to overwhelm you. "There's nothing left for me here anyway."
Suddenly reaching for Elijah's hand, you start to tug him in the direction of his car. You wave at your dad over your shoulder, barely uttering a goodbye to him.
And then once you're in the quiet of Elijah's car, he asks, "Are you okay?"
"Not really, but what can I do?" You shrug. "Can you just drive? I don't want to be here anymore."
"Of course."
He turns the heater up in the car when he hears your teeth chatter, and you wrap your jacket around you more tightly. You let the warmth wash over you and allow your eyes to close, only opening them when he quietly tells you that you're back home.
Your eyes snap open as you stare up at the Mikaelson mansion.
You giggle in disbelief as your mind tries to comprehend how once you were enemies with the Mikaelson family, and now here you sit in the company of one as he calls his home your home as well.
"I guess this is home now, huh?"
Your lips twitch in amusement. "Then let's get inside. Rebekah and Niklaus better have my chicken nuggets ready for me to devour."
Elijah chuckles before using his vampire speed to exit his side of the car, only to end up on your side to open the door for you. He offers you a hand so you can easily climb on out as he grins at you. "And fries. You can't forget those."
"It'd be blasphemous to forget the salty, potato-y goodness which means I can almost guarantee Niklaus forgot them because he likes to see me suffer." You sigh sadly with a shake of your head. "Do you think the waterworks will get me dessert?"
"It's worth a shot. Shall we?"
As Elijah then offers you the crook of his arm, you hook your arm with his. "We shall."
As it turns out, Niklaus or Rebekah didn't forget the french fries. The table was laden with multiple boxes of nuggets and cartons of fries, and when Rebekah produced the small fried apple pies, you nearly cried.
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The snow eventually tapers off as the temperatures settle back into what they usually are around this time of year, and classes resume in person. You have no issue driving yourself to and from school, but when your car starts to rattle and the vampires in your life urge you to take it into the shop, Elijah has no issue driving you to and from the college campus.
And though you were skeptical about living with the Mikaelsons in the beginning and had to deal with conversation after conversation from Bonnie and Caroline, you find yourself enjoying the freedom that comes with not having to worry about bills or what your next meal is going to be.
In fact, you get so comfortable that more often than not, Klaus or Rebekah find you cuddled up next to Elijah as you read a book or with your legs draped over his lap as he reads and you work on something on your laptop. They always shoot you knowing grins, but you wave them off and throw all your focus into your assignments.
One morning, as you're making yourself some breakfast, Rebekah saunters into the kitchen.
"Oatmeal and berries?" She asks.
"Mhm. Want some?"
"No, thanks." You take your bowl to the island bar where your laptop sits open on a document you're meant to be reading and take a seat on a stool. Before you can even get the first spoonful of warm gooeyness into your mouth, you hear Rebekah ask, "So where's my brother?"
You freeze with the spoon halfway to your mouth. "First of all, you have two brothers. And second, how should I know? I'm not either of their keepers."
"Elijah, darling. Do keep up."
"Oh." You shove the spoon of oatmeal into your mouth and shrug. "I dunno. He said something about meeting with someone and that he'd see me later."
"Mhmmm." You can feel the heat of her stare boring into the side of your head and busy yourself momentarily with your oatmeal and berries. "Can I ask you something?"
"You're gonna ask it either way, so yeah. Go ahead."
"Why Elijah and not Niklaus?" You inhale in surprise, choke on a berry, and immediately reach for your coffee. Only that seems to be a mistake as the drink is still too hot and you end up spluttering the coffee and oatmeal down the front of your shirt. Rebekah laughs.
"Goddammit, Rebekah!"
"It's a simple question."
"Yeah, I know, but-" You take the napkins she's offering you and sigh when you see your shirt is stained after dabbing away the mess.
"Well, what?"
"Why Elijah and not Niklaus?" She asks again.
When you glance up at her, you see her amused grin and know she won't let this go. You're pretty sure the crush you have on Elijah is obvious to everyone under the Mikaelson roof, but Elijah's polite enough to not bring attention to it, so you settle for telling her the truth. "Don't get me wrong, both your brothers are smoking hot."
"But Niklaus is too chaotic for me. It's fun to hear about the drama he stirs up, but not so much when you're dragged into it. And Elijah… Elijah has this calm aura to him and can hold a serious conversation that doesn't devolve into murderous schemes unless it's to protect someone he holds near and dear. I just- I don't know. I'm more at ease around Elijah."
"Well, that's harsh, love." You freeze, Rebekah smirks, and you slowly turn to find both brothers standing there under the archway. Klaus' expression matches Rebekah's whereas Elijah is smiling a little guiltily. Knowing you were set up to admit that aloud, you sigh and go back to your oatmeal, but not before glaring at Rebekah. "I hate you."
"Pure lies," she muses. "And you're welcome."
"That's enough, Rebekah," Elijah calls out. "Let us leave Miss YLN be while she finishes her breakfast and her work. I'm sure you have locals to terrorize."
Rebekah rolls her eyes with a sigh and your lips twitch as she reluctantly leaves you be. You glance over your shoulder at Klaus, only for him to wiggle his eyebrows at you before following Rebekah.
And then when you look at Elijah, he grins. "Shall we talk when you're ready?"
"What if I'm never ready?"
"You will be."
"No need to sound so smug."
"How can I not be when I can hear your heartbeat race?" Your face starts to flame. "Or easily detect when the blood rushes through your veins?"
"Okay, I get it." You shift nervously in your seat. "We'll talk soon, just not right now." Elijah nods. "Now get out of here before I demote you to Mikaelson #2."
"Now we all know that's a bold-faced lie." You narrow your eyes at his smirk. "But I will leave you be. Until then…"
As Elijah takes his leave, you heave a great sigh. With your heart racing and face feeling more than a little warm, you try your best to focus on finishing your food and the passage you're meant to be reading.
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For a week, every time Elijah walks into a room that you're in, you can't help the way your heart speeds up. Every vampire in the house does their best to hide their amused smiles, but you see them nonetheless and stew in your embarrassment until you finally realize you have nothing to be embarrassed about.
Elijah knows of your attraction towards him and wants to speak of it rather than immediately turning you down. So, in your book, that's a positive sign that he feels the same.
Then by the second week, you're back to sharing the library with Elijah as you work, and he reads. And it's during this week that you end up with your head resting on his thigh as you attempt to read a non-school related book, only to end up sighing as you let the book fall closed over your chest.
"So, vampirism…" You say, waiting until you know you have his attention. When he hums, your lips twitch. "What's your take on it?"
"What do you mean?"
"I've met some vampires who are all about vampirism and only have good things to say about becoming one, but I've also met vampires who completely hate what they are and the thought of creating more." You look up at him, shrugging. "I know you're completely fine with your existence and other vampires, but what's your take on me possibly becoming one?"
He tenses and immediately looks down to meet your gaze. "Is that- is that something you want?"
"What's the point in pursuing a relationship with a vampire if I'm human? I'll age, you won't."
"Would becoming a vampire solely be based on the fact whether or not we pursue a relationship?"
You snort. "No."
"No." You sit up, but don't move too far. You turn so your body is angled towards the smartly dressed vampire you'd just been using as a pillow. "Elijah, I've been thinking about vampirism for a long time now. I've just been too chicken to ask for it."
"Healthcare is expensive." Elijah's expression slackens in surprise and you grin. "I'd like to live a life without worrying about throwing myself into debt just because I get an infection or need surgery."
"So, you'd want to become a vampire, not for the everlasting youth or powers or to date another vampire, but because you don't want to pay for healthcare?"
Elijah laughs. "Oh sweetheart, you are something else."
"Mhm. But no turning until after I've graduated. I don't want to attend classes and accidentally kill another student for annoying me."
"If that's what you wish, then we'll revisit this discussion later on down the line."
"Okay. But first I just need to see what I'm missing out on." Elijah must have been anticipating your next move because he merely smiles as you lean forward, one knee digging into the couch cushion as you then lean over him. Your hands gently grasp either side of his face so you can kiss him, and you quietly groan when he immediately grants your tongue entrance. His hands reach for your waist, guiding you towards him until you're perched on his lap. "Fuck."
You barely pull back just enough to catch your breath, your hands settling on his shoulders while his hand reaches up to trace the left side of your face. "Is your curiosity sated?"
"For now." You lean in to peck his lips once more and then pull back, reluctantly climbing off his lap. "Now I'm gonna go take a cold shower less I say something stupid and beg you to take me to bed."
He grins at you. "I see no issue with you begging."
"I'm sure you don't." You return his teasing grin. "But when our first time together happens, I want all of you. I don't want you holding back."
"Graduation is still a ways away," he muses. "Are you capable of that much restraint?"
You allow your gaze to look him up and down, and swipe your tongue across your bottom lip. Elijah smirks as you sigh wistfully and then you shake your head clear and head for the exit. "I'm gonna have to invest in a goddamn vibrator."
Elijah's laugh follows you all the way up the stairs.
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As the months pass, you do your best to keep things calm between you and Elijah, but the tension between the two of you only continues to thicken. In fact, it isn't long before his siblings figure out something has happened. Klaus is the first to realize, but Elijah is a pro at redirecting the conversation and you only manage a whimper when his attention turns to you. And then when Rebekah picks up on what's going on around her, it isn't long until you cave and blurt out your entire conversation with Elijah, as well as the kiss.
Rebekah thinks it's cute that you're putting yourself through so much torture just so her brother can properly rail you into the mattress, and Klaus takes great pleasure in teasing the two of you.
But you hold strong, only slipping up here and there when Elijah looks just too good for you to resist, but never actually sleep with him. He takes what you give, chuckling when you whimper and groan when you have to walk yourself back to your room.
Graduation is then upon you and your family surprises you by showing up since you hadn't really spoken to any of them since your apartment burned to the ground. You're subjected to dinner with them, which means the Mikaelsons are subjected to dinner as well since you strongly urge them to tag along, and it's an all-around awkward night.
Your mother then manages to turn the dinner into a tense one by asking what kind of career you're going into with your chosen degree, and Elijah is quick to shut that conversation down by telling your mother you have a year to think on it since he has an all-expenses paid vacation planned for you after you've studied your ass off these last few years. That, in turn, leads to your mother scoffing and quietly berating you for riding your boyfriend's coattails, and Klaus stuns everyone by basically calling your mother a jealous cunt.
Graduation night ends with Elijah and Rebekah having to compel your family to forget the tense moments.
Days later you're surprised to learn that the vacation Elijah told your mother is actually real, and Rebekah helps you pack even though she won't be going on this trip with you- it's just you and Elijah.
Flying first class is an experience you'll never forget, nor the trip Elijah took care to plan so you could see the world and experience different cultures.
One Year Later
It's been a while since you've stepped foot in Mystic Falls and you're unsurprised that it's unchanged. Small towns are filled with people with small minds, and no one liked change when your town was as pretty as Mystic Falls.
Elijah opens your door when he parks in front of your home, and you take his hand as you climb out. Then leaning up, you press a kiss of thanks to his lips before moving past him.
"Happy to be home?" He asks.
"Yes. As much as I loved traveling the world with you, there's just something about my own bed that I was missing."
"Well, you're going to continue to miss it because you'll be moving into my room."
Your eyes roll fondly. "And you call me the impatient one."
"Yes, well…" Elijah steps right in front of you, tilting your head upward so his thumb drags your bottom lip from between your teeth. "Can you blame me?"
"Nope. I know I'm adorable."
Chuckling, he places another quick kiss to your lips. "That you are. Now let's get inside. I'll get some of Niklaus' associates to bring in our bags."
"I'm only agreeing with you right now because I want to see your siblings. Otherwise, I'd be grabbing my own bags."
"If you say so, sweetheart."
Stepping back, you practically skip to the front door and throw it open. "Honey, we're home!" You call out.
Your moment of happiness is interrupted when a hand is immediately wrapped around your throat, and you're slammed into a wall. It all happens within a split second and your eyes widen as you see Damon Salvatore hiss in your face, only to then find three very pissed off Mikaelson's at his back. "You won't heal Elena? Maybe you need a little motivation then." Damon growls, shaking you a little.
Your hands grasp at Damon's wrist, nails raking against the exposed skin there. "W-What?"
"Your new little family is refusing to help Elena," he sneers. "Maybe if their pet human is threatened, then maybe we'll get somewhere."
You make a show of being in discomfort with his hand around your neck before you cave and laugh. Klaus and Rebekah freeze, and Elijah loosens his stance as he slowly grins at you. "So, Elena decided to be a dumbass and now you want the Originals to clean up her mess? What'd she do now?"
"Got herself bitten by a little wolf," Rebekah hesitantly muses. "How are you-"
But Damon frowns as he quickly looks you up and down. "Why are you laughing?" He squeezes your throat a little tighter, but it merely causes your smile to grow.
"Because you underestimate me, Mr. Salvatore." Your smile vanishes just as quickly as you grab his wrist in your own grasp, snapping it backwards and sending the vampire to his knees. Then with a swift kick to his chest, you send him sailing across the room. "You underestimated me as a human and now you underestimate me as a vampire. Never put your hands on me again."
Damon is quick to speed to his feet, cradling his already healing limb as he stares at you in disgust. Rebekah and Klaus, however, look prouder than ever as Elijah walks up to your side, letting his fingers trace one side of your face before he kisses your forehead.
"So, you're a vampire now?" Damon huffs. "All that means is that when your guard dogs aren't around, I can torture you now without your pathetic little heart giving out."
"And that's where you're wrong." Using your newfound speed, you manage to make a dent in the wall where you shove Damon against before tossing him into the glass coffee table and shattering it. Then standing over him, you place your foot on his chest to prevent him from getting up. "You see, Elijah has always known I'd be a target for fools like you. So, when I turned, some of his friends who were looking for a favor from the noble Original made it so I also have the strength of an Original." You slowly smirk as reality sinks in for Damon. "So, you can come at me all you want, but I'll just end up putting you on your ass again and again and again."
He struggles to get out from under you, but you put more pressure on his chest to keep him in place. "Elena's your friend. You should want to help her!"
"Wrong. She stopped being my friend the moment her dumbass ended up sired to your sorry ass. Her messes are her own." You press down on his chest again until he groans and then speed back to Elijah's side where you end up tucked beneath his arm. Then glancing at Klaus, you smile sheepishly, "Sorry about the wall and table. I'll do my best to replace it."
Klaus' dimples are on full display before he lets his laugh echo around the room. Rebekah's tinkling laugh isn't too far behind. "Welcome to the family, love. And don't worry about the mess. Watching you throw around Damon was spectacular." You grin as you hear Damon huff and then Klaus turns to him. "Just this once, Salvatore. I'll help you just this once because YN has put me in a better mood. Any future bites and your doppelganger is dead."
"Fine. We'll take it."
As Klaus disappears with Damon, you turn to Rebekah who has her arms crossed over her chest and hip cocked to the side. "So how long did you last?"
"Three months."
Her eyebrow arches. "Only three?"
"I could have gone longer, but I might have goaded your brother."
"With what?"
"Rebekah, I don't think-"
You slowly smirk at her. "I told him I had this fantasy of him bending me over the railing at the top of the Eiffel Tower and he cracked. He made preparations for my turning almost as soon as we got back to our hotel."
"Okay that's enough." Elijah scoops you up just as his sister cackles and you find yourself being tossed on his bed a moment later as he crawls over you. As you grin up at him, he asks, "Did you have to share that with her?"
"Girls talk, handsome. Get used to it." You lean up, kissing him. "And besides, you're lucky Niklaus wasn't here."
"Rebekah will tell him."
"And he'll tease us until you and I decide to christen every surface in this room." You kiss again. "And the library." Another kiss. "And maybe even the kitchen."
"YOU WILL NOT BRING YOUR NAKED SELVES INTO THIS KITCHEN!" Rebekah's shout interrupts your final kiss, and you laugh as you fall back against the bed.
"Let him tease. He's the one who'll have to listen to us."
You giggle as Elijah sighs, lowering his body over you so he can rest his forehead against yours. "Maybe I should build another house for us."
"Absolutely not. I love you and I love your family. If we have to deal with them teasing us about our sex life, then so be it. It's not like they're so innocent themselves."
"You love me?"
"Always." You kiss him. "Now get up. I say the first place we christen is that fancy bathroom of yours."
Elijah is up within a split second, tugging you along.
Downstairs, Rebekah is fixing herself a mug of tea and blood when your giggles reach her ears. The giggles soon turn into a moan, and she grimaces. "Bloody hell. If I knew they were going to be this randy, I'd have invested in noise canceling headphones."
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