#they just give off a lot of peraltiago vibes
blazefirefox · 10 months
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was feeling bored earlier so i made this
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joysmercer · 2 years
knowing that the anubis kids have lived together for years (or like <2 years in eddie/kt/nina's case), I refuse to believe that they never developed crushes on another person in the house (like aside from their respective partners). SOOO do you have any hcs about potential crushes each of the anubis kids could've had? [sidenote: i'm a firm believer that patricia and alfie had crushes on each other as kids, and I will die on this hill 😂]
yes!! i mentioned it briefly here/here but i think it's def possible that mara had one on alfie (i have no reasoning except that it gives off childhood-best-friends au!peraltiago vibes aka 'he makes me laugh' aka v cute) but it was one-sided, and amber/jerome had lil baby crushes on each other at some point as well (also no reasoning for this except for that throwaway post-ping-pong line but also i lowkey love them as a concept?).
i think alfie was the first person Patricia had feelings for but didn't actually realize it until eddie came into the picture and she was like "oh THAT'S what was happening" lmao. alfie basically-canonically had a crush on Patricia during s1 and i think that started probably as soon as they moved into the house but because they became really close friends almost instantaneously, i don't think he ever really realized it, especially because he mentioned amber was pretty *one* time and jerome started incessantly teasing him about that. unpopular opinion though but palfie crushes resolve themselves by mid-to-late season 2.
eddie only ever had eyes for patricia (while at the house) end of story the end :)
kt and joy is basically canon in 3a as well although i think joy gets over it by 3b when sibuna stuff starts ramping up and she's not in it anymore. there's a brief period of time (like a couple weeks max) sometime after amber leaving that sparks seem to fly between joy and alfie, but she convinces herself it's all in her head…it wasn't entirely, let's put it that way.
obviously joy and fabian was a thing on her part, but i do think he let it go on so far because he kinda thought he might like her too, although he wasn't sure. also at the very beginning of high school people started assuming him and mara were a thing (because nerds stick together, right) and lowkey he always assumed it would happen by the time they graduated although he never actually had feelings while those rumors were going around. also something abt how nearly every time he hung out with joy, Patricia was there, and how that complicated things too.
this is slightly off topic but i have this headcanon that there's some point while they're doing victor's chores in season 2 that Patricia tries to explain what went on the previous year with joy to eddie but because she cant actually tell him most of the details she ends up focusing way too much on her own trauma and eddie just kind of goes "that's a lot for someone who was 'just a friend', yacker". now obviously he's teasing (and entirely in good fun, and she knew it) but she can't stop thinking about it. now I'm conflicted on whether or not there were actually feelings there because i love their besties dynamic so much and i 100% want it to stay that way, but idk
tbh. mara and willow shouldve gotten together at the end of s3. that’s also irrelevant to this ask but close enough that im putting it here
OH AMBER yeah no she was definitely into nina in season 2 (if not season 1) and you can't change my mind on that lskdfjl
also i dont think either of them liked each other AT ALL but sometimes i watch a kt/alfie interaction in 3b and wonder if the writers were considering going in that direction. I'm so glad they didn't
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(maybe this time) I’ve hit a home run ⚾️♥️
(a one-shot inspired by @jamy-peraltiago‘s fandom challenge prompts, written in a flash of inspiration!) (x) 
“Okay, so run me through this one more time.”
Squinting against the sun; Jake turns towards his girlfriend of nine months, a frisson of joy running through him as he realises how seriously she’s taking the task in front of her.  “Fry first, then gummy worm.”  He demonstrates with a grin.  “Another fry, then dip the whole thing into the sundae, and enjoy.”
Amy shoots him a dubious look, following the instructions carefully and trying her very best not to cringe as she shoves the unnaturally colourful combination into her mouth.  From his position closely beside her, Jake grins, and vaguely he hears the commentator’s voice crackle through the speakers around them. 
Today he and Amy are attending a Mets v Phillies game at Citi Field - Amy’s first live baseball game ever - and once they’d made it to their seats, Jake had been eager to show her the combination of snacks that he has long since considered tradition.  “Amazing, right?”
Licking her lips, Amy reaches out to rest a hand on his leg, squeezing gently.  “Two things,” she begins, and Jake nods.  “First, I love you.  And second, please don’t ever make me eat that again.”
Incredulous, Jake lifts up the Peralta Combo in veneration.  “French fries, sour worms and ice-cream?  That’s the perfect combination of salty and sour and sweet, Ames!  It’s a culinary delight.  How can you not love it?”
Shaking her head, Amy takes a sip of beer to wash the taste away, and Jake leans in to kiss the remnants of froth from her upper lip.  “There is SO much sugar in that, babe.  If you ate a whole tray of that, I’m certain you would be able to hear colour and smell sound.”
“And who wouldn’t want that?!”  Tilting his head to the side, he grins.  “You know, I bet magenta has a real screech to it.”
“Definitely a high vibrato of some sort,” Amy nods, and he bends down for another kiss.  “But probably not something we’re ever meant to hear, you know?”  She winces, adjusting the tip of her baseball cap and craning her neck upwards.  “I’m sorry, babe.  I know it’s your favourite snack, but I don’t think I could stomach more of that.”
“Ames, it’s totally fine.  More for me, anyways.”  Giving a reassuring smile, he lowers his treats to the empty seat beside him and wraps his free arm around Amy’s shoulders.  “And I love you too, by the way.”
(It’s still a little exciting, finally being able to vocalise those three little words, and the way they both returned the sentiment so eagerly makes it all the better, every single time - rolling eyes from surrounding audiences be damned.)
The Phillies fans in the stadium cheer as Eickhoff's swing hits the ball with a heavy crack, and as Amy leans forward to watch the action Jake sneaks a peek at her expression, desperately curious to see if she was enjoying the game or not.  He’d been oddly anxious about today; worried that she wouldn’t feel the same thrum of anticipation amongst the crowd, or - even worse - that she’d find the whole thing ridiculous.  Baseball was something that had been a part of his life since he was old enough to remember, and while he wanted to share it with Amy, the fear of her not enjoying the game was stronger than he’d anticipated.  
But then he’d been waiting at his apartment earlier today, nervous as all hell, when she’d shown up in a newly purchased Mets jersey and sneakers that matched his own.  Stood in his kitchen with a proud smile, spouting out stats on some of his favourite players as he’d finished getting ready (all of which had clearly been recently researched); and he knows that this probably sounds ridiculously schmaltzy, but he swears he fell even more in love with her right there and then.  
Eickhoff stops his run at second base, eyeing off the Mets’ shortstop Cabrera as he lobs the ball back to the pitcher, and Amy joins in on the applause that litters the crowd.  “Shortstop - that’s what you used to play, right?” 
Jake nods, his eyes suddenly trained on a moment a few rows forward; watching as a young boy no older than six shares a joke with his father, meeting his offered high five with obvious glee.  “When I was in little league, yeah,” he mumbles as the nostalgia washes over him.  
There was a time when that would have been him; wearing his team jersey with pride as he ate too many hotdogs, laughing with Roger, riding high on his shoulders as they waded through the crowd on their way home.  When they were watching baseball, there weren’t screaming matches filtering through closed doors, or strange lingerie stuffed in-between carseats for him to ignore on the way to school.  At the stadium, it was just Jake and his Dad - a place where, for nine blissful innings, the rest of the world seemed to simply fade away.  
It had been mid-season and a month after Jake’s seventh birthday when Roger had walked away from it all, and now - much like the tin of baseball cards that Jake had stashed far to the back of a cupboard - the value of his memories are only sentimental (but priceless all the same).
Amy’s knee nudges against his thigh, and Jake’s met with a pair of beautifully gentle eyes when he turns towards her.  Her voice is soft as she asks him if he’s okay, and he adjusts the back of his own cap, running a hand along the base of his neck.  “Yeah, I’m fine.  Just … thinking.”
She nods, twisting in her seat and resting her elbow along the back of his.  “Did you keep playing after Roger left?”
Nodding, Jake leans back into his seat, fiddling with his hat again as the memory of sitting at Sal’s Pizza for hours after the game, just in case Roger might swing by, surfaces from the corner of his mind.  “Just for the rest of the season.  I guess for a while there, I had sorta convinced myself that he would be coming back any day now.  My plan was to just keep doing everything I normally did, so that when he did come back, it would almost feel like he’d never left.”  Amy’s hand falls onto the nape of his neck, sweeping slowly in soothing strokes, and he sighs, relaxing into her touch.  “But as the months went by, and the phone calls grew fewer, the idea of putting the uniform on again just seemed … I don’t know … wrong.”
Letting out a tiny hum of assent, Amy’s fingers card into the bottom of Jake’s hair.  “You still like watching the game, though?”
He nods again, a smile growing onto his face as he explained his mother’s insistence on taking him to games after Roger left.  “She’d never quite gotten a grip on the right terminology, and always cheered for both teams regardless of who was playing; but her enthusiasm was definitely contagious.”  It had worked incredibly well at reigniting the love Jake once had for the game, and over the years he’d branched out and watched matches with college buddies and friends from the academy alike.  
It was unexpected - but also so completely typical of dating someone like Amy - for today to be the day when all of his childhood memories came out in force.  “Sorry, babe.  I’m really dragging the vibe down here.  Maybe we should - mmmh - ” Jake’s last few words die in his mouth as his girlfriend presses her lips against his, the palm of her hand resting against his cheek in a kiss that he only knows as being quintessentially Amy.  
She smiles when they part, brushing away a stray lock of hair from his fringe.  “You don’t ever need to apologise for talking about your past, Jake.  I want to hear all of it, regardless of where we are.  If it matters to you, it matters to me.”
Mumbling another I love you, Jake draws Amy in for a longer kiss, hand wrapping around her waist and pulling away only when the crowd cheers at Herrera’s fly ball.  It was pretty amazing, how talking about memories with Amy rarely felt painful, and on days like today he has the strongest instinct that it’s largely because with her, he can already see his future taking shape.  
Leaning her body into his, Amy’s arm comes to rest comfortably on top of his upper thigh as she turns her attention back to the game in front of them, and softly she murmurs, “This is way better than watching the game in Manny’s living room.”
The sun feels warm against Jake’s skin as he links their fingers together, planting a kiss to the top of her baseball cap in silent agreement.  It was a beautiful day in a lot of ways - the Met’s current lead of 2-0 a fine example - and getting to spend it with Amy made it all the better.  
It’s at the bottom of the third inning that Amy twists away from Jake, rustling through her backpack before returning to her previous position and holding up a bag of nuts with unconstrained pride.  “I thought we might get snacky.”
“You really are the perfect woman.”
“I bet you say that to all the girls you bring here.”
Wrapping his hand around Amy’s wrist, Jake squeezes gently.  “Apart from my mom, and occasionally Gina, you’re the only girl I’ve brought here, Ames.”  It’s a small distinction, but one he feels is important to make, and the soft smile that Amy gives him in return reaffirms his instinct.  
She kisses his cheek, brushing her lips against his skin as she moves to whisper in his ear.  “Keep talking like that Peralta, and you’re going to see some solid third base action tonight.”  Another kiss, this time to the base of his earlobe.  “Maybe even a home run, once you see what I’ve got on underneath this jersey.”
(It’s an entirely new experience, trying to avoid getting an erection in a stadium while your girlfriend chuckles softly beside you - but one that Jake doesn’t totally hate, if only for the knowledge that the wait is going to be completely worth it.)
He’s fully reclined into his seat, one arm wrapped around Amy’s shoulders when the Kiss Cam pans onto them at the top of the fifth inning, breaking into laughter as he watches Amy’s face quickly turn a delightful shade of pink.  He’s still considering a humble peck to her cheek when she swivels in her seat, coiling her hand around his waist and pulling him in for an almost non-PG13 kiss before another moment can be wasted, and as the crowd cheers and Sixpence None The Richer plays in the background, Jake knows that he is totally, utterly and madly in love with the one and only Amy Santiago.    
There’s an oversized foam finger occupying Jake’s right hand, and his girlfriend’s fingers twisted around his left as they leave the field hours later, riding the high of another Met’s victory as they shuffle towards the exit.  He listens contentedly as Amy chatters excitably about the potential for statistical analysis of the game - something about sabermetrics that only makes him think of Star Wars - and it’s as they head towards the carpark that Jake finds himself completely distracted once more.
He watches as a family in front of them move along the footpath, both parents holding onto one hand each of their child as they swing from their parent’s arms, the overjoyed giggles filtering through the noise of a departing crowd as they bounce on and off the pavement.  
It’s the feeling of Amy’s hand in his, and the still unspoken assurance that both of them are in this for the long haul that allows Jake’s mind to wonder of the possibility of such a moment ever belonging to him.  He can almost see it: a chuckling toddler bounding between his and Amy’s arms, wearing their favourite jersey and singing the team song as they head home, just in time for bath and bed and some well-deserved Mommy and Daddy time (aka, falling asleep on the couch).  It’s a future so simplistic, but for the longest time seemed unthinkable, and Jake breaks out into a wide grin at the sheer notion that something so great as a lifetime with Amy could ever be more than just an unrequited dream.  
Amy’s hand squeezes his as they draw nearer to her car, her face growing curious as she looks up at Jake.  “What’s got you so smiley all of the sudden, Peralta?”
Shrugging nonchalantly, Jake hunches slightly to drop a quick kiss to Amy’s lips.  “I’ve just spent an afternoon in the sunshine with a beautiful woman beside me, watching my favourite team win.  There’s a lot of reasons to smile right there, babe.”
Resting her weight against her passenger door, Amy rests her hands on either side of Jake’s waist and looks up at him with an equally happy grin.  “Thank you for taking me here, Jake.  I loved every second of it.”  Lowering her grip slightly, she digs her fingers into his side in a request for closeness; and Jake bridges the gap for another kiss, letting both of them sink into it as the lack of surrounding strangers lends to a sense of privacy.  
The subtle scent of her perfume lingers over his senses as Jake pulls away, held closely still by Amy’s curled fingers around his belt loops, and he leans his forehead against hers.  “What was that you were saying earlier about hitting some bases tonight?”
He chuckles as she pushes him away with a gentle shove, giving him the Santiago wink (also known as a slow blink).  “How about we head back to my place and I show you what I mean, detective?”
The car fills up with laughter and the easy conversations of two best friends in love as Amy navigates them through the streets of Brooklyn - and as they head closer to home, Jake already knows that whatever the future may hold, with Amy by his side, they were going to knock it right out of the park.  
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themaddestofall · 5 years
I was tagged by the lovely @catthecoder, thank you luv!  🖤
Pick 5 shows, then answer the following questions, don’t cheat. Tag 10 (or however many) people. 
1. Lucifer
2. Riverdale
3. Brooklyn 99
4. Criminal Minds
5. Glee
1. Who is your favorite character in 2?  Almost definitely Betty Cooper! I love her growth since season one and the fact that she is a very human character. I love my cute lil Betts. Lili is a stunning actress that wows me in every single episode. My close second is Mr sassy himself, Jughead Jones. 
2. Who is your least favorite character in 1? Now, this is a hard one. Eve was really pissing my off for the majority of season 4, but I don’t really hate her. So...Dan. I really really don’t like Dan. He’s just not the greatest person.
3. What is your favorite episode of 4? Lets start this by saying..I love Criminal Minds. Iv’e probably seen every episode at least twice. My fav episode is actually a two part-er. ( 6x17, 6x18) They’re called Valhalla, and Lauren. Without getting in to extreme detail, they’re about Agent Prentiss’ undercover operation from before she was in the BAU. 
4. What is you’re favorite season of 5? I’ll be the first to say it, Glee isn’t the best show, but I watched it with my sister years back so I still have a special place in my heart for it. As for favorite season, I would go with two. There was moderately less insane plot twists and the musical numbers were great. The Rocky Horror Picture Show, Iv’e Had the Time of My Life, Heads Will Roll/Thriller, Losing My Religion, Valerie, When I get You Alone...okay I’ll stop.
5. Who is your favorite couple in 3? Peraltiago, no questions asked
6. Who is your favorite couple in 2? Bughead!!! Without a single doubt.
7. What is your favorite episode of 1? I binged the entire thing in a few weeks with my sister, so everything blurred together, but I really loved the alternate dimension episode, (3x26, Once Upon A Time) seeing how everything would be different was really cool. Also, the season 4 finale was heartbreaking.
8. What is your favorite episode of 5? The Quarterback episode (5x03) is really sad and one of the greats, but my favorite is probably either The Break Up, 4x04, or Never Been Kissed, 2x06
9. What is your favorite season of 2? I always say 1 when I get asked this. I really like the vibe of season one and it was just so..intriguing. However, I also really like the craziness of season 2. The breakup/striptease/mad world episode (House of the Devil, 2x08) will forever be one of my favs. 
10. How long have you watched 1? Seriously only about 2 maybe 3 weeks. It was recommended to me by friends, my brother, and some lovely ladies on Discord were screaming about it. I’m finished with it, and honestly don’t know how I’m gonna wait for season 5. 
11. How did you become interested in 3? My Tumblr was full of gifs from B99 and I didn't know what it was. I saw that it was a sitcom cop show so I tried it out, and a few weeks later, I had watched the entire thing. 
12. Who is your favorite actor in 4? i really like Shemar Moore simply because he can be the big bad agent but also give stellar emotional scenes, but Matthew Gray Gubler is the level of strange that I aspire to be. 
13. Which do you prefer, 1, 2, or 5? Jeez man, hard questions here. I would have to go with my Riverdale babies. 
14. Which have you seen more episodes of, 1 or 3? So, I did the math..cause I’m like that, and there are a lot more episodes of B99 than Lucifer, so I’d go with Brooklyn 99. 
15. If you could be anyone from 4, who would you be? Um... probably Prentiss. I’d honestly love to be in a BAU unit, and maybe I will, cause it’s part of the plan. I love her personality. 
16. Would a crossover between 3 and 4 work? Honestly, yea. I can see there being a string of murders and Captain Ray calling in for help. I would be a hilarious juxtaposition of dark and gloomy and sitcom. 
17. Pair two characters in 1 who would make and unlikely but strangely okay couple? Lucifer and Ella being friends is unlikely simply because of their personalities, but I love them. As for couples, I’s love to see interaction between Ella and Maze. I just really love Ella. 
18. Overall, which show has the better storyline, 3 or 5? Almost definitely 3. I’ll take a sitcom cop show over Glee anyday, (Most days, okay)
19. Which has the better theme music, 2 or 4? Riverdale doesn’t really have theme music? But the opening credit sound bite is really cool. Criminal Minds has the opening song, but I’ll go with Riverdale for this one. 
Jeez, I love doing these! Special thanks to @catthecoder again for tagging me! I’m gonna tag @theheavycrown @endlesswriter03 and @srainebuggie !!! (if you guys have already done it, feel free to ignore my ramblings)
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